r F' tpti n i Bgm TTTPT 3 VoL X RALEIG-H, N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1902. No. 104 The Coal Barons Will fleet the President Today :;svlt Has No Plan to Suzgest, but Will Try "to Bring About an Understanding IK O. t. 2. -It is expected 3-- iae raea wfcom invitations ,t, - :.; je:crJay . wil be preent at . :.. t 'DK'rrow. Mr. U&tr and "r v.-.' h i! have accepted." . . the ualjr tjtement that conlJ . . .i :.tj at xh White ll.ue t.nlay ,;.l:-.: i.w conference which will be ; i;-rrow d the coal situation. .-r t yuay of IVnnsylrania was In ,v'.,Tfe with the preident for a a .- .jr. ami it Is nnderst.-od that he ixe r at the Teinet of the prei r: t th$ strike situation. The -'-: aud the senator were not in ;.':. and two cabinet ofners who i l r.ot ute the president while '. --em-c wa In pr.rrt.i. Senator frer he left the president, would trie sit;t4ton Or express an :i fo the probable effect of the ; .'niercne. I ?! ay Seerrtary Hoot. Attorney :. r.- '' Kn-'i an.l Stre;ary Shaw were . ,v--n -e with the president. Sec- WiNcn ws No at the White - a chstrt !'' Tk Ath.ru II . AUV v. . . v with the pre:dnt for nca-ly :Z : It i un-lert.to.-kd that the p.:!i'r; .! i''n1 the srbject of the :! tomorrow, the cabinet officers r.:V;-r a number of snsirewtion as to v'tr, :Se rreddent should say to tho.e participate ia it. Th ;.rrMent i devoting much of the ? t .i tudy f the strike situation, s-ii Si c.irrfn!:y rnne ovtr Commlv . . r Cnro'd D. Wright's official le- this conntry free of duty In competition j with like materials produced oy us, tnen we Insist upon the removal of the du ties or some pifrt of them now levied on certain pood manufactured in New Enzland which we bur of your manu facturers and merchants; and the fur- j SIAMESE -ROYALTY ther we cet into the question the niorw Un r: Y .;'.,.. D: we are impressed with the saying of ; "C OUIIIIIIg UWII riHIUl Lrkawnnna fc Western Railroad was that distinguished statesman wnqj saia i. "Washington, Oct." 2. Upon th,e arrival fourth level on the south, side of the j IawsKm ndiniea between 11 and 1 o'clock damp occurred. " All oxf appoel to f Program of Entertainmentfor fSS.r.T aJ" S . ,- A. .- I .t . A. ill. " . Jersey City., and a special train, which -I roted for the removal of the duty Phanryp in Fnnf Rail Hamn had been rharfere.1 to take th mrtr on hides in the last session to Washington, bad to wait at Jersey and 1 do not believe that I ana i ever "J i1171 - i-ierce, CJuapel nill, N. C, 0st. 2. Special. Clfy for hi.n. . ' rote against any measure calculated to third asaistartsecretary of state, umd S a&i ttattead The party . onMsted of Thomas P. Fow- benefit 3Iassachusetts and New England. D. D. Sickles (New, York, formerly 1ie P1 Jl " lX0 m ler. .resident of the New York. Ontario Bat there is one thing that must not coneu! genCT.aJ aBangkok, presenting lCInt ti & Western W II. Tme.d.le. re.i.nt te lost s rht of. and that is. we are but ip, nJi- t,. l"th ttbe o ball trm will try con- f the Delaware. Lackawanna & West-; one state in the union of forty-fire, and XjjffL v,.JT :1 " J clneixma wkn Gecrjrpttrwn Undveraity at em: K. H. Thomas, chairman of the;that forty-four of these are more Inter- " . board of directors of the Erie Railroad: .ested in themselves than they are in us. accori- representatives will leave New York for Wbteihington r te department, secretary . - ... prelaent s commission. Tnt . David Wilcox, rice-president of the Del-'nd we cannot always accomplish what eight tie price and his suite, aware & Hudson Canal Coainanv: and i we would like." panied by the president's repress John Markle. of O. II. Markle & Co.. rejrerntinjr" the 4ndependent operatdrs. I a&SSiW.sSSIINDFPENDENT TICKET BURIED WHISKEY Postal Employes and Their Politicat Rights i j i jt N- I Regulations Headquarters-The Tick et and Pla New York ocrats form of Dem- i BrTHOlIlS jr. PENCE "Washington, Oct. 2. Specials-Post- master General Payne issued an . order f ' .-ti-: to the coal .situation since the strike besran. ilr. Wilcox went uytted of Mr. Oly- phan: of the Delaware & Hndjwn Ca nal Company. bec.ne Sir. Olyplwnit, tliMijrh inTited, waa tco busy to gt. The specia! Uain consisted of a Bal timore & Oh!o rrariw an-d a dining: car. It left the Jersey Central s'tatJcwi at 4:10 p. m. WhTe there swrmei be n fmpres on a special tram and arrive here on C-t . , There will be, a dinner by Sscretary 'A DlOCKaClr S oCCTet KeV6aK today defining the status with reference oiay iaturiay oignt to toe princes nfj p flfR r ! Poutlcal activity of ciassined , ana " .honor, and Sunday he will be dined by! - 60 10 liCVCnUe UlTIGerS unclassified employes of the .post office Irtdell MiarCS Nominated for he Siamese minister at the Arlington' Elizabeth Citv, N. C, Oct. 2. Rpe- department. The order, which is ad , . -hotel, where the prince and his suite cial.-Revenm Officer, Starkiey Hare dressed to the officers and employes, tht State Senate be altered during their stay at anKj hfe depuules swooped dUwn TriRiax: ! TVflmlnirton N C Oct 2 Soeeial e Slkf t , k a Tlicker's distillery wear thfe city fcwt ! Attention is directed ..to sections 216, A m. meeting ofd&n. ot Bruns- ' JlJf' ?pU"'"1 tenU lldt- 217. 218. 210. 220 and 221 of th.Jo.taJ wick county at Lockwoods Folly today. he will rd1Ve the, crown prce Moii- lfekey. It was ..one. of tfoe mod: pe- la, a,ni reguiattaiw Undtod ; .--States composed of Republican. Populists and tctober anu proride some sort cnl;al. finA,. Tucker ted bitrfled" fifteen Civil Service Commission which are Independents, nominated the following of an entertainment for him, probably -barejg jii-st beneath the sTiTface of the here promulgated for the' information ticket In opposition to the Democratic a dinner, that evening. October 14 the . Ovp. .thFi- ImiTta ih ihuwl and sruidance of all officers. -clerks and n'ion iolay that he cvU presklent will ticket: Iredell Meares of New Hanover crown prince .will be taken to Mount --d aTi tent lMMise'witlh a 'movable ' "employ in and under the jurisdiction rot recMe from ir mnjjt ZxinTntor :ne .requrax oi i rrr.eire iwat uruc , c Taj-lor for regter of ci i-aera ww wuiuiz w wmmn. uaTid Ward for treasurer: Charles 'M. - - - " MTreis iy moans oi pipes.. in wi and those in the nnclassltied ; s self i any jtotetrert as to wbetfort- or; Leonard for clerk of the conrt: S. T. nJte tneod of the Siamese royal family.. weTe fun an employe gaxe the Postmasters or others holding nnclassi-; vryl n plan of action had been flgreev?;King for surveyor; John II. Smith for The prince will leare Washington, Octo-. of fieerra a rfne. Tucker .lhas fled the fied positions are merely prohibited from rm It was reported, twever, that they i coroner. . ber 15, for Wilmington Del., where he un using their offices to; control political rn Iredell Meares, when asked tonight will be the guest for that day of Gen. movements,, from neglecting" their duties, HU n Jfinu. aknir !( nnTnln.l.i -fr., f Via .).a cot.. -r -rr t,-.,-' , . j V J ames .. v nson, united dtui.es a.rniy, ' ! j TVatleaat League am . f . . . r .Wff. eriK)n on yaacllt and tnat aoorfn?. For - month the surplus of posi omce aepaTimn . sheriff; a.. .m iA with Tfi. t it ... . a v As to political activity, a. sharp line ueeua, rIiiinihJn TTmVrcitv m tntu . . m. m .n Is "rawn Derween tnose ra idp ciassinea. STVlcei r ffonKaashig public acandal by politi cal actrrity. . - , "A person'in the classied serTfceha a entire right to rote as he pleases and to eipVess privately his pinions on all'poIHical subjects, but he should take notactlve part in political management or political campaigns." , Judge James W. Griggs, chainaan. bf the congressional committee, is mnch pleased with tho situation in New Ywk State, a-nd before leaving for the metrop dlifl today ha said: "Both the ticket and , the platform of . , the New YorkiDemocrats are good. The . Vtiiljet will be elected' itr. v. xernes, - oommissiwapr oi internal re vemie, today made an inter esting 'decision regarding the;spfjcial tax , i,on peddilrs of d'rtJlleki -. ep5ritsv. . Mr.- , Terkes said.. in part: .'. "The internal revenue laws do not", contemnlate the meddling of alcoitorio lllquors, . nor permit the issannce of any ., special xax stamps xo cover sucu tcu- . . dling. Any person found traveling from '. place . to place selling and delivering alcohrilic liquors should 'tie reported for prosecution for celling liquor at some partfcalar point on his rente' at which here -is eridenoe of his having sold . without payment of the special tax at that place and not as ajipeddler." C U. Williams and- ur. ueope cs. -Frapps of the experiment station sre here to .attend the -convention , of : the National Association of Agrietvltural kChernits. They are at the Ebbitt. Exenator' Butler is at the New WU lard. " ' : ' '' ' - .. v awl Ua or '"rr8 TO ; -Li y independent movement in J.:.. uruusnii'K CBunir, sum ue uau auvisn I-, a '!. -n r tb- .ead of the etil- nr :nr r-'i i inruea in iae reiczrams '-; r, te.-?ay. rreuient Caatt of the . ;.!rjni. stc-tn ln alo bf eo in :u . irri:ei t th conference. The -.!- a: h tht grvitent rrspect ffr !-. l' ;-s t' wei:-kr'wn hn.dness abili- .1' I in t .... ant. and is aniou h h.!.M ci.e the conference the -.. f.: of h'x o .nin. No reply hnd 2 r- -eiv'.l frtn h:r.i lat nlir lit. th -ii?h : r : .l.,vl tbat li attend. Ir-lerf Hur of the Ilea !irr rond n -.:pt in ace:t:ni; tl.e invltatioft.' tl hi rv;Iy to t'le iTf':l'n: . rcs- n w3 particularly g.-a'ifyia; to Mr. : vt'f. rreiJt-it K '-wTelt. i: W5. stated tfc!J frernffcin trith r:irh ri:.v. w:!l present trci-f!f I ti ' ovn tt th cou rrtc tn o-.r h tne-n ;- cal ore- sii-l Pre-:-!:it Mitch.U of th e ..r.;rr- .x .-ni -a. in- nrci- r-- no: ia'eu 1 to r-"c h;melf . t; i i f ar!:trat-r. The ob- by .tie pcUey . hat they bare watmaM against it, but as he had not been noti- . T "otofter Z1 fe W1" At a n n a -, o , n a i at -all hawurdr 1 ified of the action of the convention he be In Philadelphia afc the personal guest Boston Op 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 10 0, preferred to say nothing on the subject, or wiuiam .rotter, jormeny mmisier xo js. i...(iu.i.iuiuuuuuuuuu-.i n ii JOE COLE TO HANG a . Death Penalty for One Priso ner and Long Terms for -Two Others Henderson, N. C, Oct. 2. Special. Joe Cole, colored, was found ffiullty of rtt .'r.1 ii t cr tf? i t s-k thi sir-rs a. l tr. wr.'rt t rrvi.'q rire E f-:rr!'hln; the public with . The r a: poareren" at 11 orlok v,rV lt ri! K irfcrf.-r?tl with by inf"are. ,Vl. t'- "You' cm hardly export me to wrweTP rlat ciicstm now," he repEed. "I have jj-o klea what President Roo-reilt Amis to propov. We are m t be ist rn fact regarding the confereixe. A a nxirter of . conrtcKyv we conH no nothing le than accept pTes'dent Uoowelt's invi tatija and a good citizens we Will lUtcn rep-ctfitlly to antfiiDg he eays mxl wf3 give it due c?rr. er -a ron Ailed if in atbit'rition is rro- lr-cd the operators wxnij a tree to lhaj. h snl.l: .s faT as I ava cimeerned I "wonM Kty no. J'nt I Co lfot knvcw xxt tne nmrder in the first degree this after 4iJiers may do. It must be remembered j jicxm and wiw en enced to be hanged that the previf-ertrs of the companies ; December IDA. Joe Cole, Jr., ated .ToS-a are rot the conp;riies. They are- tteijoa, were convicted of murder in th pa'd conservatoc? of the inreTe of jeecud degree sad were sontencerto tl.oixm.lA nf strckbx!iers. We ttreitihrtv -retirm m rhe frtiate nrisoo. trnt. - "l"!ie rfrvtace "f cool 1 -ie ruxt seri ous pnlero . wth wh-icGt we are con frntMl at present 1' U natural that pcp!e t4rill l aaxiavValiat lie np piy nrd we are bjund to oJve thin prob lem." . Iti there any twreae la today's ont prt of ecu"!?" wtcs skerJL , "There is norr; there could not be irin there is to be thi conference with Pre 'dent T!ocevelt tomorrow. T3k news of fit has tpre?d ail over th nine Italy, who is a great friend of the King Battei-it?: Pittinjjer and Moran; Tay- of Siam. During this time the Prince lor and 'Bowermaai. will not be attended by the president's At Pittburg: . R. H. E. October 22 he will go (to New York to (Xnciiinia'a .1 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 0 6 15 3'Waminff rOSteCI On 1(16 Jail i i - . i fr .rwyt l -11 . . - -t i-t 1 O remain unin ucwwr xuien ne wtu itatteTi'vs: JJeevsr ana sm.tn; 'nunips spend three days In Bostton where ard Bsrgcn. -Iresident Eliott of Harvard will give At Pinilaieilphia: ? R..H. E. a dinner In his honor. The itinerary of I'fhiiadelpMa ..00002002 x 4 . 7 1 the prince's western trip has already Brook lyn . 0 0000 00 000 2 3 been announced, but is subject to p,at:teite: WThi'te -and DkMin; Donovan sIgox in Danger of ; Possible Mob Violence change. iand Hitter. '-' 'rr wi:! n-t r ner tha t -.'i"f hoi.e m!e some of ra e-ctrel in the conference shonld ;' 'b-it tltey w-.n!,l lil; to hiire i re will prfect to the gtheringJ region sat tae people axe raraamg io- imitJcn I oa.v a- if they bad woa a vjcrory nn.t talking as if the cabs woirVl be dnven ort of rhe country. ' - Frt there wa iwo monrlis of c?n- r.roa a f the serni : t-r frnr the on n try r y reon of continuation of the coal strike. A Bnar !ay fmr ttim 0riiar ;W York. Oct. 2. Probably the rcp r :itiv of the eosl-cnrrrlng cm "'. whV were a-ked by Ireldent I: ---fI: t. nect Mm and Mitchell of ti- .1 Mine Worker in Washing ton r r-vw. never had a bnier mom-:-r at. I aftem'v.n thin thfy hid to.lsy. Tb-T trivM rr,irn from th'collierie th- T -t of the new of President I: T'. action on the miner, and J? !n t"nrh with each other op to the Pre-dent Trnesdale of the Delaware. The -tlviee men were parties ito a fight In a Seaboard Air Iikie paengar train al0Kit :nvo rr-T,rhs ago, w'hon an at tack was marie on the conductor and whsti ItrKte'-ter Stevers. who - inter fered to paotect the condud or, wis sS-Jo and instantly kiEeL - threToutIfive An Engineer Who Was Quick on the Trigger Wflliamsport, Pa., Oct. 2. Filve mask ed men this m.cvnrng lateTed in the door of Moiintroinvsviilie (pa,) Electric fe-.ence with Mr. II atria: then a fort rip.1it nftrr. Mr. Piatt, ami than Gov- Company's powtr house with the sup-rr-r rone; a-?pcls for aa-bltratjon ; po.ed intervtlon. of overpoweiing the fr m ell the organs rrf the strikcm and . engineer and ltrng a safe in the of frmn 'Cie cIctcv. Finally there ls this J fire. Egrneer Alem Bly. h-earmg , tlie action of PreMent Kxwt?ve!t. It is im- no' maite by the robbers .breaking porsiKe to make any predictions nntfl d-rwn the door, Secured a revolver and tU i over or to forecast The Tenk." I opened fire, killing onv? rfbber and Mr. Witcox snid -he dd not see twr t wounding two others. thee canld be imv arbntratilon. Presi-'Rly waw Aot cwice .lor Ttner nf tbe Reading road ioinedi He will recover. Bly rae parry ai i-nnnueipnm. SUICIDE AT SANFORD J. B.- Makepeace Takes His Life with a Rifle Sanford, N. C, .Oct. 2. Special. Mr. HISSES IN CHOaCH in the Dead of Night-The Crsey's Disappoint ed at the' Decision of the Court Elizabeth City, N. C, Oct. 2-Special. "Get Wilcox cut of this jail , by Satur- Strange Proceedings in Vy.,xy,f want trouble. C. T. U, Convention j These words .were scratched npon a. ! piece of paper land nailed npon the outer r&ichmo-nd, Yn Oct. 2. Whea the' walls of the county jail Bomje time dur- J. It. Mjiteneace. one. of .tftie. m-ost tinflu- ; master cf the election of officers came tne tbe dead nours of last nights fcomo etTtTal biKtiness nienof JSanford, in a ,'. up .in'-fhe sl.atf coentiicin of the Wo- one saw- it eao-ly this morning and moment of menttal abenrtition coniml Itexl . uiajn'si i Chji-?tiaji Tperance Union to- fore long hundreds had flocked thither eulcide t;oday at . noon by boohins h:m- c!ay tihere was. groat dtTsxmler. '-' TSie'ef-'wards, read and questioned its import. j fc'lr aemunpd snch pr-Liporbjoais that . patetor trXd the Iconveutioin- that it w tiie ould Etlf with a Wochester rifle. Joscehoro. X. C, Oct. 2 . Siecial Mr. J. B. Makepeace, manager of the have i.b be orcm-ly' or 'he would be com .Sanford aai and blind factory and pelled -to ak them, tv leave-the th.ii-ch. principal owner of the stock cf tfhe Mrs. , Iloge fas re-e'Jectcd president Joncst-oiro satsh. arad blind manufaatiiring ' and Mrs. AV. I). . Sheppard of Norfolk company, cocimitted "suicide this after- was nfade secretary, The anmounce nOon v't Sanford by rshootiing Mmjself ment of the se-etlectioti of Mrs. Hoge n ifhn W'inchesf.flr a'ifle Cause, tksttous wuvs lecelred vAirti hirses and when one prostration. l.of the Norfolk delegates, Mrs. Fiayveli, .Tonerboro. N. O., Oct 2. Bpccinl. arose to speak was lh'i?eid by the Tr. John B." Makepeace, whose d-ea't'li followers of M:-5. Hnge. The dis'sent.'ing was reported ' m an earlier telegram, element wre.. ccaipletely. routed. ; h.L1 Ivp-tti imi Mirer of tihe SanfQrd pasJi r This' createa no little (efcitement and many thought it was a warning from someorgaaikizlng mob. OtiheTs, together with the autho4ttes, believe it some plot of Tom Wilcox, to leave.' the Impression upon -.the' outside world that ' Jim was being Abounded." Certainly 'ithe legend could have-no. import. . . , Nothing less than, , the jneck , of Jlni Wilcox will satisfy the Oro'pseysii aitate-f' inenitsvmade jby- vatrious members of the murdeKed Neil s family are to be accept-, ed a evidence. When Interviewed ;t,hla ; mornlngiMrs. Cropsey said: "Next time if some one spits on the floor Ylleox will '' get a new trii ." - ' -'.Mr.; Cropsey, when asked about the legend on- the jail wails, usaid;-5 "It ia the work of the Wilcox .gang.' Other members of the family express no fcesl- ' tancy in censuring the action of thi Su- preme court. . ' " : l' - aycock -atmorganton; Th8 Governor Makes a Strong ; and Telling Speech - cia Lou la, Oct. 2. Tiere were as- 4?g revelation today In the tiijl bert M. SnrOtT, the promoter "1 with bxhliing in cocnen i. wf.Ji antral Tractioa bilL -rick Utboff, a former coancil .was the first witness to testify te ettv He I old in dttatl bow d. S'nydxr bribed 1hn wi:h . prom f .:0inoo. UrbofT alo wore tiat tl-i bim he bail rald to ex-'-.naa Charles E. CaxraH $l.".OO0 tie then prendent of the rtty conn - I. W. Meier. V.0OO. the li er f-;"-g riven to Fred Meier r bar! f vher. OonAianlng wltnfM 4oll s-.-ing tie k-vl with Snyder ia t Her p.id fcten $2JkH rJ cid wa thea a reaUlent of New Bribes to St. Louis Offi cials on a Grand Scale Astounding Revelations at the Trial of Snyder the Pro moterFancy Fig ures for Votes re-: t. c ., '.mi ta. 1"- lv.' 4 1 r tn rthoff toJd cf a confemve A-' Oarden. North ft. Ixnl-v at "" rreert six other -:mc-;r-f hime!f. At tl.l met Ting r - l Tract ica KT war. ytcnntl - fi je.1 np. He tcM-fi-d tlmt vf "rl tx rtnrMnhnen tiI leei i jry of T,.io a year by Cnlntl r-i-Ttv.e railrottrf In. ' rr than .e tVntr.il Trar1."i v ln or.Wrto prct-ct thee pvop t? ' nTsey heirr banded to 4ihn ". .v Kl. 'f'ltrfler. every irjth --r hira di4 r txited among the of the crwrncU comhir-S. n:-r ttil'd tLat Jcftn Sorf- h m tifKlo.ioerohico .incers of Pennsylvania say to Tractioa bI2 in cvrion I jou lmit upon raw material oomi to the Oratral Traction bill b: that he subseqnentJy returned the nwney ' to Scnllin tCnough Ed. Bntler. It wr Li.it? in lib afternkan when IFthoffmd conclnded his te-t'.nictiy and iae Ten u.k i.ie wj u-ess in mi en deavor to fhake h:s te"Smany but failed to cane the wltnese to make any ma ttrlnl ctuinge tn tis srateirnent. Lonis Dieckrrwn wxm the nexlr wit ness called. He toi ' about rarraJiging a meeting between fcnyder nd Utboff at the latter home: and of accompany, ing the promoter. there. . George J. KotaMvb, president of the St. Ixnis Car Camr.vny folSowed and among ter things testiGed that Sny der tcid tt'm that -he b.oJ paid ITthoff f'.V).0OO ftT IiTjs vote. At the evening Mron Klnch was again on the stain d. Conrt 5d not adjnm UJKil after ten o'clock. The deferwe ban thus far been ovev-nrled ia every ao empt to delay the case. FREE RMvluATEeiALS Tariff Revision Difficulties Suggested by a Massa chusetts Congressman Boston. Oct. 2.--In accepting a -re-nomination in the Twelfth district today. Congressman l owers said, in part: "1 would be pleased to see the pfople of Massac hnetts bare i.he tariff so re vied as to give to our manufacturers fr.-e hides, frt e coal, free wool and free iron, and at the .inie time maintain its present protertive dntles upon mann-j fartnrad goods. But jot the moment wei attempt to reach out for these blessings the cattle Talser and tbe wool grower of the west and thn coil and iron pro- ns 'If aotning Hxto tlie whis-tle and soanded an alarm. Wlule doing so the roblers dragged Their dead compaflilon, outvi'Je, 6trtpped his body 'of all papers and valuables and escaped. : and blind factvyry for abdurj 18 years. He came to Sanford from Randolph county. It hnd been noticed for a coa sildeiiable while that at times he would lxK'Ome defToaident, but today hs- peem- .- 1 - . i i im -t.hrt.vcr. ami ln- ! ierday he transferred all his interests r managed to reach jn'rhe sa-.-A and blfind factory to other Mc-rg.i r.roa, . N. C, Od;. 2. Speck"!!. ' nA4.au on nnrMlVl -COITU C niJI 1 Tvi T n' I :rO' m , ,r c-T-I-v t. i . i-fn A.ti-j I Jk1 lergain. He held a conitrolling iatereKt hc.nse t'.-.day mxl lmrlt one of Ixis hap in the sash and blind factory ah . tWs ' picct . aci.1 most reiring talks. Ills cam place and it was expected that ilie would pardons oi Die'mocratic and Republican remove hie family here and de-oite SiSs r-i. la Nirtli Caroiiwa was caJeu'lated attcntfion to hfs in'terestsere. to else th8 mouth of captious. radiieals The Tobacco :Combineds,; Expla i hedj by ; Tlios. : 0 Ry a n CAUGHT NAPPING A Bunch of Men Arrested for Rocking a Train Scranton. Oct. 2. Nine Slavs and AboiKt 12 o clock be left '.he ofhee TQ The vu'tereiit of Uhe audence, eoniposedj wais mutual m it 'charac-. janroaJ uatx irm-rcacHj 10 iius uvuoe. ; or laarps una .geaniomei repiesenwng He remarked to his wife ijhat he would j bch pairti-ep, never for a moment flag go up stairs and take a nap. '. He went Jged. Meai of all parties . promounieed it u-p stairs, puilled" a mato-ese from the orne cf the grearst stpeeohes ever made bed In one of the rooms and spread it , h-e. the h'ighetst compliment coming Japon the floor, took a short No. 32 Rem-i from dozens of reopile tibial:! he was -the ington nne, lay oown upon me mux- g-roatesit. orator the state na-a' proaticeai tress, plated the mnzrie of the rifle at Lis heart. and pulled the tmigger. The save the liable Vance. The voter's seemed New York, Oct. 2. An anthorfzed statement Tieg'arHii.'ng tiher aexeeiments -between the American and British tobac co companies was made this evening by Mr.- Thomas F. Ryan who returned Tuesday frm London. Mr. Ryam .said that the (statements made an severail of iG-e papers on'tlie morning afifcer;his at; rival, pnrp-orting to nuotCvBiEs interpre- tqtJiionvof the agreement to Iondion, were inaccurate and in .-some aspects mis leading. In rcsponsa to a question; as to -the wadlttiotus U'twler wtficih the new agreemier.i.'. war? formed, lbs iiaii: ? "The a greenient, made between the representatives' of the Imperi'ai Ttoibacco l,ompany of Lon-don on th,e one jhnnd '; ;and the OonoJldiatea Totaeea upmpaaiy tcr amd eniHrtfiy saliisfladJory to both fides. It was accomplished, by fr-lemd-4y " confea-ence after full cotnisidera'tion of the interei?'tis of all parties affected. The agreement bears an imteraaiMiomal r.'hnai.ar -ath-ich 3ia not : belonged, I Mnk. to amv previous trade arrange- impreis-tsed with Italians were turned over to the civil j h!vn passed through his body and lodged . spesidbt'hjat Burke county had got authorities here iate tonlzht -bv Colonel ; Derosa m nuiw -u vu vue wjiw9m Watres, of the Thirteenth Teginaent, the I No one heard the report, bat his wife. men having been concerned at 6 o clock 1 upon calling him to dinner, found him tonight In the stoning of a soldiers' spe-dead. I ; MECKLENBURG'S LOSS Dariwrse? for the year' 1 901.- Wlhen- inlaid-1 ttl.a mf th. iTireotors ihad visited dltkvn it waa con'sidG-i'eii that many thou- j Tj-ited Stat Jes arjd while here had eon ands of dioliwrs 'hiatel been expended there j fexrerl with Mr. Dnke.j preidcit of the for labor in Jhe annex to tihe rsospiral ? Consolidated Tobacco Company, and respective inter- -r n ! t "!! ft -lour rvpirifttle had no sTOitnd Wf coniiDlai'.nt mwidf nPitrnTrlnff the ; I W0 rrOinilieni UlllZenS r aSS-Uf The governor -naiHed f ailefhJood j J., -f the ompanies i we wpretiented ciai train ai inorp, several mues xrom Ulyhpant. Colonel Watres was in formed today that there was last nitrht interference with the workmen at the Fanhurst washery at Thorp. To pre vent a repetition of that. Colonel Watres this evening sent Captain Foot with a company to Thorp in a special train. As . the train drew near tbat town it was saluted with a shower of stones. The cab windows were broken and the fireman was struck and nainfullr in jured. 1 he troops disembarked and man- Mecklenburg county are chmniicled to-.f the efteciffive tyrivileve. al.lhoueh he : tfuMrvrv connideratton. aged to capture nine of the men who d-v; Hanson Pdnkney Helner. one. of I nAM. irwae hi vote bv" fWiiamr dv nar ?em nWt.nv becomes a were am taten to regimental headquar- widest -and mnwt bihiv re- ! m. 1i coniM bV faiWmr . t.- i .a l he T5nl5ah ciomryany wiiih t ppji anil iai&iT cnt to tnia cicF to be . x'-"- . . - - r uviun . - - given a hearing" for rioting? spected citiaens, died suddenly, just af - ! rep;5tT. Hie loaid declaratjota thfat no . three trepresantativos em its boar.!' of The strikers at Thorp tonight 'not only ter miidnigfiit at Ibis home in Davidson. a-Me-bodSiad -wtllte man who wonld - not .directors, one of whom is Sir. Duke, stoned the train containing Company D, Deeealsed leaves a large family connec- i pay such a paliy sum to .the suppoao j The O-rdTliclated company v;3l pursue but tried to wreck it. placing heavy-tion.- Mr. Helper had lived at .David-' nr'-th eih'rtols a-nd tbe. ooor ouirht b tt Hnwwes in the AmerJoam field to ld Away Yesterday Charlotte, N. C, Oct. 2. Speotall. of Two deaths of prominent' citizens day. 'ten tlolih in bar portion' of the school fumch? and soTdSare.' persi'OEe, four thou sand dollars more than had been pardi lnitb tih'e state treai-niry as taxes for all ments. It means tne juraon or yne resentativs of an arapoi-taat bustoess in forest Britain and America for the purpoete 'of seeking trade. My Virii't to Ixmdon grew out of an invitlal 'ion ex tended to me in July last by the rec-.thn- of Britle-h comwaay afte'scv- rne rto the cminter wheu he remindted' tihe . The agreement mia4e to tranisfcr to the audience that (he said (here two yeais ( impea-kil Tobacco Oonrpany the biidiness Brgo tihet. obo, native white man not tfWs- j'f the ConT-rol'dated Tobacco Company Qtahfied flor crt'me would be deprived -fa Engla'nd .was maSe after full aa! xce -.ajikt-large: share stones on the track. The fact that nine College 54 years, inov&ng there when T- a k 11 1 ,? Gue a T pv cuite a young man, Lrjr i it u PUiUitri 9 xuiuur uau filled .Mr. I D. Hargrave. a prominent dt- The I'en of Crlotte died ait nine o'clock own this morning at Ms !home in the city. oeen sent to Thorp 'that a car with non-union men was! coming. blinds of the car were' nulled down and not- a soldier was In sight. Wlien Decead had figured exbPiwriveJy ini the the train stopped the men that did the local world of business. Mr. Hargrave EtoniDg did not move and were astonnded fonty-five yoars of age. when the soldiers bnrst out of the cars ; Tlie jiecklenburg county fair Will ri.n Tfoll.n- errent nn WSMl.m dOPie ttmJTrOW. rmonrjn. an American. The be allowed to vote evoked hearty ap plause. - . .- : Endless Chain Contributions I , i t,. TT-J C.o Vint CllUOlIl'g ITJi WfU.Y t'iK? v. xm-cu. (?nba, Porto Rico, the Hawaliian Wlawli and the FhSlrppines, wi 'hout competi tnctn flmm the Br:h company. The Impernal eo-mpahy will not encotimteT the I Cleveland, O., Oct. 2.-Col. Myron T. ' compet'ftf nn of , the Amenean cMnproy (Herrick, treasurer of the XatioouA Mc- m the .bnssnwa of the ;ITi Insdtom ' Kinlev leorial Association ' Ireceiv- : ad Iwlard, including Scot.anl . ana against the rioters was positive, and all went fb jail. $ Bill D. and David B. Kinlev inrr mionr ;!-! ranI ver?- rt lvftr rfi 11? rvin- ' W alS The -horse races tore .-.nAtr,tr n vntH.ht.n . me-i "Of the - B;-rrih-American company proof largely attended and entire fair mortal fired. Some time since unknown Vrtliito hold one-third of the ttock New York. Oct. 2. BK1 Derery says he will etnnrp tJie state for Ooler, but as for David B. Hill he sttSd: "If I ever got a fair chance at him I'rr make hflls proven a great success. Friday started a ten cent endless chain a-nd the Am-en.ca.a --ttvo-thrfd I he will be eduoationa! day and hunrdre-lri hnne , connection with the monu- Hoard of 'director constat wf 'x repro of children are expected to turn out - TrOT. five cent and j-Ken a two ' stataHves of the Brtisli eompany ami int endless chain 'lftter was started, twfive of th American, ' wGth. Mr. Duke ? it'ti tn. ftatc fnliv "Afiftii ftf thu. Uttrx H 'nrpe'dCTit. wiho reaianw iabroad to .have bc,en receivel by Judge !Day, presi- ptf fec-t ..he organization. This British- dent of the asssoci-ation at Canton aud 'American company wiU taKe over t.ne for the exeTflses. Explosion Kills Fourteen Seattle. Wash.. Oct. 2. A spectiaH to fova:rded to the treasrrrer'a office in this t-ntire bueinos of the Imperial company tbe Times from Black Diamond, Wffsh- city. The letters not only come from .ll and cf the Consolidated company 5n a.TI irfm w-Wh h'd been hmbxi hi i t . tnrton. saya: . : ' i narts of the United States but many are tr, ?iso covrntrjes ana coionicw or hang np In luideo to dry ' ' 4'Furten men were working in the .from European countries. - I Jsi-itaCin, in-dndrmg Incila, CoaM and. AostraQIfcu The, agreemenit ma-die im sat faotory to 'both sides and eQoS-able to" i ali iniberests repaesetorted." , .) -" . ' Phoney in Circulation iWi3Khtngton, ' Oct. .. 2. The general stock of" money in the- Urnited States October 1 was estimated by the treasury departme'ent at $2,597,004,935, of -which $2,273,686,031 was in circulation, "being art incneiae of the latter amounting to $10,7537C6 lor the month of September ' and of .48,408,100 for the twelve months ended October 1. 'Based on an estl .mated population of 70,438,000 the per oaipita circulation is thmetoro $2814, against $28.55 September 1. "-'. . ' v . $ - -' ONE-SIDED ELECTION Porto Rico Republicans Git ' Things Fixed Their Way , San Juan, Porto 'ivlco, Oct.' 2. The x ecutive council today issued an ' orbS tmry election ' order which concededly rendfvs a federal victory or federal; leg-. ' is lative representation impossible.. The" -order provides that the registration uftid elepticm judges ; shall coni.t of oni federal . and two, republicans. It was " formerly announced that the. judges would .consist of one federal, one repub llctam and n independent American.'' There are six members of th council. Four of ithem favored the order threa, of the number being RepubMcaTus aBdl; the fourth, being IMr. Lrtadsay, commls-: slower of education, who held thrdecid-' " ing vote.. The federal . party through-:, out the island are inoeased by the t Ac tion of the counclk and a tremendotts de monstration to protest against :t Is com- templated. Appeals will be made to Washington to eecnre'a reveral of thai order and a guarantee for impartial elec tions. EDITOR AS TEACHER - : ' ', ' Unexplained Move by Rev, A. J. MaKelway 'Charlotte, N. C, Oct. 2. Spetla. ' ' Rev. Dr. A. J. SIc'KeJway; edjrtorof the Presbyterian Standard, tihe lead:ng church organ of tine- denismiaat1o"a in tho i f tat, and onie of; "the .mwt promtnwii , minSsters- tn h ' Preabytertan. oh arch, - heiis applfei for and been elected, to the . prinTPolh!p or a snborban school in. ' ce of .the abJarlotte cottonttntiir settle- meats The flfljary Js saSd Wo ' be fifty dt1 Haffs per nmnth. Dr.Sl'cK'efway bis made no ttatexnent Qablicly i-a rU i j g .tbfia new'Mli'trf work. ' - . !