MifdieH Hopes for the Ending of theStrike fc.nsrs Will Modify Demands if Any Disposition is Shewn to Make Concessions . at Ark fit and in a vrv brief lime the whole amount had been subscribed for. which shows the general confidence -of our peo ple in the future or Goldsboro nail the prospects of the new bank. which in Its operations will in no wise antagonize or conflict with citlur of the two old I.. ink, which are commercial in their 'operations, while the new bank will be "-rr?. Vi., Oct. 2. PreVdrat i-.l t-? tl'.ree l:srrii3: it" f; t..i n,'tr:oi fur Washlng- .1 . .-. 1 r-T-:i thTe tcrxTVOw nxxra a .cir rrr..f .i-TA-e ia the aHLty of I'rtI r: i:.T. .: 10 run. iw cum I: -A t dent Mitchell will not cause President liaer end his associates to cessions, and especially reeogn nvln rTK.- thtnlr tfia ttrllr .,.'- i..i,iir nrr th.it meet in a few days A.. AA 'M V'l A .... . ... ...1 . , a.W' n . f . i.; , ;n , fioi.i oncers and arrange for opt nine the Tanwjua, Ia.. Oct. 2. Owing to the make con- ' purely a savin? institution.: Mr. George rnition fori A. Norwood. Jr., elected president trlkera will of the new bank. The stockholders will and elect other tact thfit tb attlker believe that to morrow" meeting will result In a set tlement of the strike there was a cessa bank for business. The JewTf-Si New Year Was- celebrated here today by a general suspension of 'business on the part of our Hebrew tka of Lotilltle among the turbulent . pTf jpice .toYon. Kippnr in element In the Panther Creek vahey to-i(he Hehrcw. holidays, and is observed iay. At Mahanoy City, however, the 1j Ion cfnorjillr. r.e that eve:ltT cans of coal were to "Hon. ,R. B. Glenn will s-peak in the ?e rcorti fpm the North Mahanoy 001-,lesenjter Upera iionse nere tomorrow 11-- th n r.r itii mob rath- nlsht. nnd It ?oes witnout sayinjr ini "ertaff tieur the scene of operations this nT " 1 wlr'UT tfi str.ke iit:- ui t.i j i - ------- - , -llie eatn or .mis -nine i The inson oc- nraA iiC4- nyi ftt-the. home sister, Mrs. A. J. fcfijrhtower. She tvas just sixteen yeaTS old and had many friends In the community. The remains were taken to LaGrange this afternoon, whence they will be taken to Seven Springs for interment in the old family burying: grounds . - - 'The remains of Malcom EveTett,, son of the late Hon. George B, Everett, were brought .here this morning and taken f rom here to the homestead bnry-nf-'Rvft4tsTille for inter ment. The young man died in Kinston Tuesday night at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Miller, where he was risitmg. He had recently come from the West, where he was engaged in the railroad service. He was a bright and promis ing young man. and is the last of his late father's children by his first mar riage, a sister having been brought here and buried at the old homestead about eighteen months ago. , His parents are both burled elsewhere .his father in the far West, where be had emigrated after the death of his first wife, and married as-ain: his second wife and several chil dren surviving Jiim. We have just rec plete and up-to-date line a com- of - ITT. t rf;are that 1b trik- .aid. The eeond city troop wa dispatch- Kitchin and Fuller ;v,. Mtwi TTii ie a vie- . v ." ...... v.. - . torr fv tinu A : wr.a-t Cie ralnttunnt d.-n.t.l it Mitchell :t the d.,,Tf t prr-Mrts will ry. After jst cr:i: r-nn.t-e H made if fir Ktt ration is f 'po1- 1 to laM TfiT-' a cvnvrroii f lha strikers i. ''M.tw.-.r Citr r 2 o'clock and rode . . 1 is no'nt near where the North JMahan th?f? r..r.rJ with the prei.it iad. As they eld so th 1 t. vK?n,. v.w iBM..:rew of to enrlne on another sidin . ..u.." -.... f n t .if t'. ! Pt orr t. ir.ove j-erenteen cars ir.l- 1 f ram the colliery. ntrick Aral and Iran Company delivered six ttir.dred tons of coal from the Silver Creek colliery to the dock at Po-.tsville, where it was dealt out in tingle tons for private consumption. Shenand3i, Ta.. Oct. 2. The strong ga hoped into to e e e of IHrry one of the brakemen re Lindsav Patterson Down for a Speech Next Week-Narrow Escape from a Fatal Accident Durham, N. C, Oct. 2. Special.-Con-rressman W. W. ilvtcbin spoke to a iKjit, 11. iau - i.ahjh. nreis , i i-i .... ,v n v, r h counles. . nf SAnrlV I mill. FI!.rU. -V ITU U Ul lull! ui men r' 19 infill. x J c iuus w mc: if rc-tu - tr Vo.Ttt " and n.--nn fillM with non- Pple mthercd. The engines were ran Congressman Mr. Jones Fuller, Demo- ! i WvV 4--n cm lbe Ii'lat'-lrhi i ! Into the siJia.tr and brought out the cars cratic nominee for the legislature, was J,.., iA'imr "nrH3 tiw- rcn-v-an.e I to the m3ia ,,Ise without any interfer- Jntrolnced by Mr.- J. Crawford Biggs, i'aa Wtir a'ei mob at MmowTKle ' chairman of the executive committee, tronh iv'rw of mini 'of the! thon rode to Norta Main and made a short talk. ! nr"nA- wt. nut n all team and sue- street and a crowd that hnld gathered In his talk Mr. ivitchln arraigned the ".'.; .v,, i. ,u " the railroad there yelled names at trusts and gave' them a rasping, lie said - a w - - - - - - - - nnd Republican " nominee for congress ? from this district, will' speak here on ! Tuesday of next" week." die "?rill speak in the court house' at 7:30 o'clock. j Mrs. C. P. dlowerton is confined to hpr room with an'atta?!c of appendicitis. It was thought "today .that ehe was some heer and that an operation would ( i not be, necessary. ' ' ' j, .During the month of , Septemher there were twenty-four marriages in this conn-j these - eighteen were white i Shoe3 and Evening Slippers We Always Quranteed Satisfaction. Rerry Rosenthal, .No. 230 Fayetteville Street, Trust Building A. few days ago a .mule disappeared from the Banner warehouse and since then Chief Wood all has been , trying to locate the animal.- The mule has been recovered, being found fed j to a tree j in Koxboro. ae muie belonged to a Mr. Sears of IMorrlsville. Yes " ' ' ' ' . - 0- l.irrlllv n.-l r t'le IieTror. was burned uvn'1 "4 " J 1 -." " riiiunm aaiui mrr uiwu(jK)ii. ; me acciu L V. ,- t.iiu lm'T is "n r.roml- ! 1 ln a 1ime- Vlle Mn,es and Referring to his opponent Mr. Kitchln hospital -f' wVr. There win to t, si to epithets were hurled at them, said: "My opponent, nominted by seven physician. U-t.ion) tt-.r-t-'rv nlwit 1h. fire. h ,,!od of the troopers was rlied. an-i elf-elected delegates, with the advice of and is now ;u.w 'f ,nr-jr w the-r n:i fv- 11 Kkevl at one time as if tb.y wouM the Republican party, "has not accepted Mr. Olelv . ,v, harelr escaping ri J e crawd down. rire.Cly they dia mT challenge for a joint campaign." I manager of ts rstr l rfw T.10T are now accept-! fopc tbc,r through the crowd oa He held the entire attention of his hear- Durham .w. rhatr of thflr nelrhWr. a Tua aKd several romen ana children ers daring the time that he was talking, nation is to "i;-t-M Pa Oct Jbn Mnllin. an M'kV KiiocKfd down by the liorsos. Hon. Lindsay Patterson, independent cessor has !fart mln- f.-enian. who had Ien Michael iabo, aged JO years, was chased - ; ha f.r bring our de3 soadieTs liome ' sh t-hp. latter for debauchery, sterday afternoon II D. Cates of Je Mde Bn-appeal to Dem- lge county had a close call with tn thpir Darty. and s. A not a contest with poor men and rich death. He was riding horseback when 3 te present Supreme Court irected nien but of good men against bad men. the horse -became frightened and backed. 1 Boon be wiped out of existence, t ie ; - SULLIVAN AND HEARST . . . . . .. . 1 . 1 .. .. . . A. . A. n;T- a,l r. 1 d and disnioimted "his men ond they wealth, or rich men or corporations; it is Orange county had .-... t , ,w.!!i T)im I w ordered to load their riiies. x t-.. -o-i.;.,.r.,.n vi: charge on the crowd ws then di H'n serin! e-.'li Icr. . eavnaryraen. T he 1nop then marcnea own all natural monopolies and that was knocked to. the ground and was M. v. nci'x- t Tu. itoCeutre and Calais.an streeu, where there should be stringent laws, and these unconscious for some time. Soon after- JU -- 1 .. . 1 "Jill J : t .l ! .1. .J il I Jf . i. Tt'.. 1-. - .eui nas larrciu iu lue n jus where he was attended by a Today he was much better able to leave the hospital. i..e Jeffries has resigned as the ice department of the Traction Company. His resig- wnrklng for th" Kr!e company at May- e:i. was either r m.:y niur.iercu ny strikers or net with a terrible accident hre lat nirht. Mullin. ia ocmpany with ar.o'her non-cnion man. was on his way to his home In this city and had lWn ifriniinr In a aloon at SmUhville. snSarb. An hoar r twi afterwards Mn'.l;ii'. Iwiy was mn over by a street ra'.lwav car an 1 badly mutilated. All in.Ii.-t:n p-'rt t- a f.nl murder and th flscinc ef JIali'n's tK.'.y a the track t- h; a crime. Tho motfrm.in says hf aw W.xkI on the man unturned fjen as soon as the hea.I'iht disolo-cd n h-ily on the track, an! the remains nrrm cM when pl-kcl up by the crew. Any tn f Tilenre had been de-sfnTe-t iy the mmgl:ng of the body by the enr. Wilkesharre. Ta. Oct. 2. Further gains were male by several of the coal mnrii today, and the production was i3.TescJ by bttcr work on th part of t men nd the Inrrmp of fh f.irce. The departure of President Mit hU anil the ditri-t presidents for AVahinrti"Ti d.J n"r afTe.t th workers, althmtch It is exnectrd that the pac prepcct mizht caase iany t remain away from work. STral traln-!-'a of coil were sent r at frm te S" ran tun dirTirt during the rich. The estimated output to-lay w .0" tors. Mt. anr.e!. 0.-t. 2. Con operators h-re tlir stil th. cenference between tj press 1'tit. th- o-era tors and Presl- not. been named. nnd captured, charged with calling iiame-s. . They arrive! in eianp at 3 o'clock with their prisoner. Wiike.-b-.irre, Oct. 2. The ncPe,s ai linnce tocftiy inaugurated a new n6ve 1n thrfr ecrtrt to eird .'1: sitrike. They pm.iose t atuick-tho charters of the oal cvmpanies on the ground that by refusing to scil coal to consumers the 1.,.;, . upi-nnisouc-.r Wilmington, X. C. Oct. 2.-Special.-clartei's. Attorney McCarthy of Harle- . . J , urn ro.kiv called at the Ihigh Valley !II,m- Lt?e S- Overman of . Salisbury t al tVmpatiyV oftice in that town and Wffls enthusiastically reeeired by two miM he had lee!ded to buy ome cu.il. hundred and fifty Democrats In the He w.i-i tM lie crtild nut hare anycon house tonight. Ills speech was Ihere was n-uujio fell. The proper wit-, . . ... . . . Overman Makes a Strong Address in Wilniingfpn res nceonipanied him. A rfmilar Two New Men for Congress from New York City NTew York.. Oct. 2. Timothy. D. Sul- take effect at once, lllis sue- ilivan, the newstoy wQio before 'he was ol yeai old "had been stx mass a meiu- ler of tCi'e assembly anu once a-se-. Iter, who has been a senia'fcor since 1804 fpd has long been knowia as '"The only Tamm'any leader Oroker i afraid, of," ws Eiominal.ed for cxwisresa tonight in the eightd dista-lct. Pc-rry Belmamt tod expected to get the nomfination. T5m atiiroun'eed. tihat he wa gcing 'tiotake the nominaliom htmself and he gat it, no One d3senting. William R. Hears't of the Journal was nominated in tllna elev er rdistrict. - '.f .. jU.u- -r. '. the hands of Republicans and his side track at the -Greensboro convention. Continuing,-he .said ' Democrats be lieved schools,, pensions and charitable- institutions. They have nominated great men like Judge Connor 'riind- (Piatt, Walker for associate justices, . and - T" I. 1 t J - . J j ,t ' 1 X moye Is to be made d.mlng the next u was consiaerea one or the unest cttorts "i"1" raT y , i Lincoln, Neb.. $25,00C,00O Japanese Consolidated bonds heating five p?r cent interest. .They 'will probably be issued at par. , ' AfiriTiPiinniis. i Minn'j; Oct. 2. Judge , Brooks today sentenced Superintendent of Police Fred; W. Ames to six years and a half .in the penitentiary .f for ac cepting a bribe. A tay of fifty days in. Avhich to mpye. fof a rlew: trial was granted. ', ; 1 1 ' Wasihfnston, Oct. 2. Mr. J. A. HM. er-has been appo:ited 'snpertiKfai,..,, llhe OhaJi'ieston diTicvon of th. So;rt'u: Itaiilway and nfeo suporinten Ui't nf f Augusta division of the Kotu'ifrn wtly, with tofhees at Chniirst iM, s. fl He takes the pJace of Mr. 1 K. II !r Av!ao 'has resign 0x1. CAREERS OF THE SINGERS j j IN THE BRILLIANT BOBDON-SHAY GRAND TELEGRAPH TERSITIES ivjple of day in ench of the cavA conn- along the line of argument that was ever t'es, ar.d thtm action will he started in delivered here. Frequent bursts of ap the court ia th'wlty, Pot-t-srille and ntin .,aio,i ,im r.n n. Scran no. After n pencefnl week and on the eve during the hour and twenty minutes he ty-four. He then asked Oct. 2. Chancellor E. ews will Tcmain at. tne and nominate an dndapendemt. He then head of the University of Nebraska1 at .showed the record-f the. Democrats the his original salary of $5,CKM) a year. twenty-two years in po wer, out of thir-i Rome. Oct. 2. The departure of Arch- r0e, Mich. There !Mi!s3 1 if. RepubUcUrS 'bihorp Guidi, the new apostolic delegate. , (hi adr,' - -n-vV -Le-ra. fa to the Philippines for Manila has been ncun Pn iae aunu . j ifi rn t iii 1 iiini riMC 1 fir 1 'i r 1 1 n 11 :i ih-p . c? of what is Mrnr eplited.aa a peace P and when he concluded congratu- 1 Z-l VZ a-7 ,.t definitely fixed foT th? middle of, this lege of Mu&i & X r lit lllilIir,ir(IllLC Li "iill l anu 1 l I WW- 111 .Til- -T T I . . . - irinnin 1 1 n w 1 1 1 i-i-v tvh 11 11 1 iu 1 nun With the nossrhlA exrcentibn of the MetronollTan Opera Company if T York, the artists who 0 to make up the organization which J. "Saunders Cr.i;: has formed under the-title of the Gortfcu-bhay- Grand Opera Company, cd rivialed on the contemporaneous Lyric stage. In forming the orgnni.Tt;o:i Mr, Gordon jiot only considered the 'advisability of secuiMng artists of rcj;.i ba ne a.iso d-ecixnea. A,o . Jpa.Te m. -Jii company any arpj$t, no ra itier now great in.: renown if they were 'not in good roice. . The result as admitted Is tbat thai are no depleted or threadbare artists in the organiza ttoil. For these aid other pertinent reasons brief reference to the careers of :ii singers who will present "Faust" next Tuesday evening may not be umime'j. The prima donna of! the company, Miss Rose Cwilla Shay, c:thoti?a a -vrr . . 1 . . , , . . . . . -1 young woman, n as aereaay tUaa ner largesse ox fame. ne was horn m :in:ivr. j se,t, Ohio, and received her earlier education at St. Mary's Academy at N-y J . A-"- ". I . 1 1 - " t, ...J onay s voice ariractea aimosc lmmeaiaie axieni: ' j, a is of her teacher, sha entered the famous Cii;oin:ia;l Col- w u in c m. 1 1 L. j 1 m. a. i;iiiri rin idLiuu x 1 u iu ir iir.Tiiiaiiic 1111-11 1 1 1 11 r i: ; .v. k a t j . l. ts .trtVT. ,t Tirmnnth . i",'"'eU. i"ftl1 .... .J. . " . the Pope the most V .. . U ' , ; : communiiy were pronise. money irom poor cniltlren. and that is tions in reeard to vs i-, aUi VvZu-r t" ! (Martin S. Willard, former representa- ww"" illiteracy an .win Americans. .Norta American Coal dompmy s wnh- 4 Carolina today. They hare never bu.A. Washington. Oct. 2 cry. a new worKine. ann u cns.;.ie:tilie ",c 1U l"v irsuunue i.vm oiv uau- a scnoI. felt in vetr-rdav's conciliating instruc ts dealings with the dnmace a hey lmd don,e at the Ster- over, Introduced Mr. OrerniiJai m op l:ng wahery close by the morning be- proprlate speech, refeiTing briefly to his fo-re. j political career. The speaker opened by Much interest is bidding at the navy lie denounced Renublimm m consist- .department for the battlesMp. Louisiana, ence and drew a sharp comoarison In l J? Teas?n tha 3 n.nui a:i j-a.. j .v. ,. i' "now jusr now tne receni cieai com- uuamiai iviiuuiwa auu LUlIltlJ lue lix u L ui v. -- :-i j ;n rr - 11.. a. exnTessInir on 4ho, RmtrhlSenn rwv1 nmnmt uiue ul 'Pouuaers mi aneei insw No Relief for the Over , Strained Tobacco Market gratitude for the kind remarks in turned over-to them $.100,000. We came of government work. introduction and said he honed that in with thirty-seven thousand. In lStiS lDm,.? aS ine,ewi?Th Ys. h dMPrrp.l the-m tl cn;.i ha hn.i fhir frt,,nri tu oot i,, r0r, wnicu is tiear oursiae or r olwavs had a lonsrin" d'iro to TLit PnivA . x. , , , ganizarion, succeeaea in neavu ui.iy naa a lonsrin, asire to Tisit cape tentlary in debt one hundred and cutting the syndicate member I-ear eection. Tliere i.Qways have been;five thousand. Convicts had no bread,-, bidding. synaicate memoei. two parties in the state and sometimes meat, clothes. shoes. etc. Demo- Colon. Oct Admiral Cne It appeared from tom- the or ganization, succeeded in heavily under- s m the S'lC. Tocla-Vigna, the fam'OHS . teacher of that iu'stltutlon, after teaching hrr ell that was possible, advised her to finish her eduoation In Milan, Ifaly. This M: Shay did, tund after a long and arduous course of study -with the worlii rwi Xeoni ehe made her debut-at La Seala, the greatest of -all operatic hoar'ls. Tl' result Is well known to .the whole musical world. Her success, was undivi M ani brilliant. She has a full, r!ch mezzo-soprano of excellent vmgc nrfi" ful carrying power, .-she will be sure to please her hearers. Th,e "Faust" of neext Tuesday evening will be Joseph Fredericks, who hu had a marked success for a young ten or. He is a hondsome youth. nnl i: every way gohaees thelpairtl The baritone who will dSjiv. Valentine i.weJ know tlTA r..! :n . J TO . , -1 1- AT . . ""V" "' "AWi v. vaauca a u. o . - a third party, but it i always of few crafs had to feed and cloth the starring flahip the' tottleshki wltconsin ar- ttie pppolitan . Opera . Company, the Mapleson Imperial Opera Cttnpanv. ta A Savings Bank Set on Foot In Goldsboro Hebrew Citizens Celebrate the New Year Cdstcro. X. 0., Oct. 2. Special. On '"ocnt of the crowded condition of the t .f arro prirLouses and steramerles in til city and at Kinston, Greenville, :.-n and Rocky Mount, the tobacco t.-t:.rs I.i ach town tried to get an j;-i-ta:?r.t to cWe the warehouses for ...f:-n ,!..rs la ord r to allow the buyers t car-'a nr xrith their work and make .twMy f-.r t je balsnt-e of the crop. ' To 1 M as settk l upon as the time to .-.o d.,r. but at tne lat moment one ,r ': '""d to slca the agreement. . ro.ie irp the nn icrstandinr. The ,: "r "rn markets cannot afToTd to u,i r doors and leave the field pa J ;jvi town, and as a consequence I i. ' , v'r "wareb-ns will continue to tat:.. the crop of this section with- uays and full of trouble. There Is a utml Buffering prisoners, : wave of third party or indenendcintism ! w-oro in oHf -h0o. .r,r,aA v,v. this city to study the situation. The every decade. ou can mar it nine sand and benind half a million. Where government today received by the steam ont interruption. The buyers are rent-, times out of ten It wUMmd in the Re-'did eighteen thousand go? Into the eT..from Antwerp a consignment of mu- ir'l 'th-? wm'i 51 hTi th'.?an iFfe ViiMlmn party. The amendment has set- 'pocket it thM ntSieialm 'SSSS 7ndW4fr?.D4,rt and they will buy all the weed which twi n,n j -v- .i. .tt m.- -d.., s .i. cannon and 4U cases of ammunition. come and continue to i-ay the very til" "lrr 13 LAa1""'' f . Mexico. , Mo., Oct. 2.-ongressman rna, tbat which ga Mf H .n'ir e "l io ijm.i. . i am v r . i . . . tratlng. TTrwiaTrT;j;lglir5!p V the DmSwat." crop has lKen sold. The meetinr of ib the negro qnestion tobacco TMcnutftt n-cn'.- ..h.a.i k Hind US. farmers M rnh thoir crop on the mar-: declared he wa a Democrat, al- The last part of the speech was taken ki rincti earlier than usual. It was ways had been, uiways would be. Never np wi.Ci national issues. He said tho fcarctl that price would co down as Ym hf.n n Tf a.i as in? -merican ana Imperial peo- tnn frT fr.,. him . t?t.i; t.A.- a. .,a. Th frm nr rot .l V " . " . a,,,, a.-lll uie KreH'l prosperity OVBT TU1 - . wuuii J 1 - - K , I . . . -1 " Eepuhlieans rived at Panama Tuesday, today visited jSeBaJchi-! Opera Conypany, .the) Roral Italian Opera Company 3 mi with Mi Nevada. His voice is one of remarkable, ouritT. and the number il t!:n when he has aroused Ms audience to the highest pitch are .lnnnmerabl . John Dunsmore. the celebrated ha&so. vrfio -will jMephisto, m& formerly idatlSed tvith the 'Bostoniaiw : the la Scal'a Grar. Opera Company, ; anij, the .Roj-al Opera Company of Melbourne Austmiii. lti work as Qlepbiato has been generally conceded to ba a creation. ive so much trouble "was a damnable disgrace on the state. ' Champ Clark of tJaJa 'district was T todav .not going to discuss ! Is. f! rra ignment of the Republican party -ft" Wh iam Clark n; hope that Is .be- JlLjLL o go to Montana and make ten speeches prosperity He declared it due to a kind lie g-t toire.Mier. .1 1 rj itl thth tiriO rfmn nw,A -.0 - 1 ..x. ... ...., iaa llir.1 ......... w.TKing flay an.t night to get their ?: .1 T "VLV "1 a airc" i provwence. lie said free eilver was he effects of the gas sh crop on the market. , j he ronrt it nt'tm of on r coiun-trv Renub- 150 an sue. there is mojre the time of her husband' A savings bank is now a certainty for lv:?? LU.y' "!P"b . .... : the shock of her loss. She Goldsboro. Several of our business men k iTrJJ V ' iTi":nJiD"lK" .Zi S "utw.i L V. ning to her house In i"M a mcetinji lat ni:ht in the mayor's ,1 IV ;'7"c ,,"4 "V. T UJ,uiu"Ll wx years ago. 111s ,ei!es. once to (lisi-iiss tht mnttA-r i'--. m-iiuum-da parry orougni nin.-s cm in irnelts was stronc-Oinn (he Kan Francisco. w o The conmer kins ij's for Mr. Clark to make his own rms. Clark is speaking dajly in Mis-'.".u-i. Paris. Oct. 2. M. Zola, in . his will, equeaths his entire fortune to his uidow. Madame Zola is still weak from e inhaled at s death and returned this Rue De Brux- CMme. Ilelene Noldlj, 'another soprano of the company, 1 made her Vepnti f!"3 with the fecaiChi Grand Opera Company, and was afterwards iie:;fi!i"l the Qletropoiltan Orera Company. She hteis a voice of rare swe'etntss n:-1 bea ty, and is an a.trst of great grace and personal magnetism. - Miss Pai'line Johnson, still another 4?oprano of the company, has for th P"" several sea's'-ns up t this year been identified with the American ir Opera Oompamy, etnd also with th.e National Opera Company. She i ceedingly clever ar.ist ' .'and has justly won her fame. ;'' Elois -Bishop, the principle contralto of the company was form erlr j American Openi, Company and the Boston Ideals. She is a known ar .'lK a an tv Or !eci,:o . that a savings bank is what "I'Pwion .ana aespotism on nls 'pco- severely cntlicised the aklmlinistnation. ' tMty Of Sydney, which has arrived from ! ... "7 .' : l'?eaiauon 01 me , ' "" remem- , ..airin quesuon was touched on ana j vorts, orings news or a dis- a voice of exceedlntr irreat hreadtb Wnm. iiiiu pian or operation was ihtpii mat Kepi mm irom tne tCfublican tne extravagance of the last eonfrefas asuuus eannquaKe at Apaclxgia. near , . , - ----- . Bjuiyuj. made by several of the gentlemen pres-. ranks. ' ' , . fdemorwA tt , 7 ' a soe boundary of Mexico, Par- Impressarsa Gordon is blessed with one of the most capable cond ent. all of whom dwelt noon the bejien-t Th TtTtnnltMn t' iflfmorAatiiated.- - He also denounced forci- ' ticnlars of .the - ptpu - whinh ' a,,.j r:t ii , V. 1 . . pAO" 7 . .... . ...t 1-. AAA. , u(- 1-uiiiiiniiiu v. n was ne sam. line 6f stated that savings banks engender and other prosperity. foter frugality ainonr wair-cnrnPrj tlm M .,0.1. , mir. art- iu pnrrons or sucn iiifiuuuons. 11 was decided to I f Tl TWTW n n T t-cmykMA.. I is Jeter C. Pritchirrt lA We coionijsation and poSmfed' to the hor-j September 24, are not available. ity. PrJtchard's statement, . e Editions eristrog in-the Philip- ..London. Oct. 2. The.report that a .iyuerjuan. is to De floated is con firmed. The Baring Brothers, the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, and the Yoko- nam Uiaa. fJl . l m ' aaaaa 01ciio uaas win issue next week responsible for pros-; P brought on by tihei United States. such ptrity is full of impudence. .He referred I ITe said this country's oniy exports to place j to the passing of the negro as a tool in j these felauda are coffins and. beer. The; ac-a.- vi vjtuiseppi xrossa. This famous leader is frrm renown KrullsjTheatre In Berlin, and has been from tlfno to tim with the Oatstle Square and DOily Carte Opera companies. - lie V Walter Damrosch and .the fate Anton Seidl. . In variety this is a cast well calculated to please the most critic '.' r In 'if. wri't 1.;, "i ll: . - V 'V-J NiW hlH-OJJJ Compaq Ught biscuits: Light Calces; :? Light pastry ? ' a1a5 .r" t .-. Hearts,- QMick'jasla Winkll Light . 1 t 6 tbel