nrsTSOTKr rosrj juesxtv.t October, HIS HAVE KIDNEY" ' : TROUBLE fll DOflT KNOW IT ' ' I! ''. n .Mr! i'4lj'' "frl ;.T!!- " oui what -was left of them; they were rained wtta the weather of 'long tnar cieR; they were pi end id la the rgs ibo flatter of gl-ocioTis- victories. There waa mX.miicJv of pomp or state about that solemn march. But ttve mn in the street that day--many of whom I have the honor of seeing before me afforded their own country, ami the rest of the. world, a leeson wMoh shall nev er be forgotten, though its tremendous import wets not hamedJutelj' "perceived. In fact tp-stny inferences were drawn at the. moment which tie lapse of a few months found altogether false. One trained observer of events In the Old World said: "These splendid fellow will give you trouble; it is too fine a force to be disbanded easily." die ;rea soned from the precedents of the part, vn-awcre that we were making new pre .UtJis. i'Plnce then .wbrld has learned tive lesson of that hoar. The normal condition of the - Republic is peace, but not the nerveless peace of belpaessn. Wo do. not need the over sown armuronts of Europe. Our ad mirable regwlmr force, with its perfect drill and discipline, though by far the sni-allest in ithe wotM In proportion to Imputation, Ib irafOciont for our ordinary warns; but whea 'the occasion calls. when the vital Interests or the hour of the country are threatened, when ithe rsJtionai conscience aroused, an army will sirrinr from the soil, so vast, so docile. o Intelligent, so formidable, that it need not fear to -try conclusions wi:h, anv army on the face of the earth But that was only half the lesson; the other haJf is equally important tout when that citizen 'Army has done fts work. It makes no claim, it exacts no condlttOL of diebandmenr, but melts away lato the vaster body of the nation, as the foaOT-erested sunlit wave melts back into the profound depts of the r i 1 M kJ," rT T. n V w. m ' a i , A A r a r lO hTOVC nat JWamp-KUUl. mc uitut uiuucj to eilst a.s an armed force; but In ev- r-l.. Will rr fnr Vnn ' Fvprv Ppnrlpr nf I he enr town and iiamlet of tiie lansl It WeaK And unhealthy Kidneys are responsible for more tichneii and sufferlnf; than any other disease therefore, when through neglect or other causes Kid ney trouble is permitted to continue iata& results are sure to follow. " ' other organs may need attention, tout your Kidneys most, because they do most and need atten- if rnti are aicK or "feel badly." berfin taking Dr. Kllmne's Awmmn-K.oot the streat Kidney, liver and hlkdder remedy, because as soon as. your Kidneys are ill Helr all the other oraans to health. A trial will convince anyone. - The" 'rail! sn! !mniiite effect of Pr. KiJm-r's Ssnw? Ko-t. th trreit klJaey id bUlder reaiiy. I o- 3 realirl. It :r.!4 the fcl4fh. nl f r its won-!erfnl csr ' tli ;uot i.lrrlus ras. Swan-.p Ven wi:I set y ur whole n.tstem rlht, an 1 t'-f lst pr.f of ilu i a tr! 14 Wct 117th w Y-rk 'tty. U:r. 15th, 1J1. Teir Sir: "I had been sifTcrtnz severely from kldr.y tcrril. All syuiptrs were on .icJ: my fvr:nr strt-n-a an I puwor fcsl Left me: I roul l har-'.!.v dra; mjself alonjr. Uvea my ir.oatal oapat-tty ' xzz cut. an 1 off n 1 w;:,o.l t u;-. niir test its virtues for such disotJ'-rs as kMrey. bladder and uric acid dle.ises. pir digestion. whn obllecd to pass jo'.r wa:rr freQiieutly night and day, uiar;in? or irritation In passing, brlrk- d:?t r scdmcnt in the nrine.Tieadache. I'juknche. lame hack, dizziness, sleep- !e,m. nerv.iusnesi?. boart disturbance'to bad klticev trouble. kin fipr tin from bid btooJ, ntMrralgia, rbeu- rn.itim. dlabpte. l: vitin?. IrntabUlty. wrtra-ii: feeling. Lick of ambition. Iocs nf tth. sallow cimplexion. or Ilrvrht's le. If your water. wha allowed to jemnln und;truv'ed in a iclas or bottle for it was then 1 saw an advrtemT.t t twenty-four hours, forms a sediment or .,ar In New Ycrk but would i sftrliist or hn a cloud v appearance, it is lot have pall any attention to ha I 1: tsot rr"m!el a sworn cu.irantee with -rrry b--rt!e of your medicine. aer:ins tia: yoar Mranip l:oot w purjr vepe- tb. an I tlars n t contain any iisnnful rtirs- 1 am seventy yvars ai fur rvr.-ts 0: !. and with a x cnsol-nre I can nvoc!sn.n J Snm; lloot to all suITerrs from kidney tronbU7. . Xour ir,nibr of my family have V:r rslns Swamp Ilo-t rr four different kMney with the same jrood re.n!:j " many thanks t you. I rcaiaij. Very truly yonr. r ItOBCRT BERXKli Tea may hare a r.mple bottJ of this famous kidney Tem!y. Swamp Hoot, l-nt free by mall, postpaid, l.y which yoo etHmce t h . t your kidneys and bladder ce1 1 Imn.Mlnte attention. Swarrn Ko.t is the rreat discovery of Dr. Kilmer. " tne eminent kidney and bladder specialist. Hospitals rs it with wonderful success in both slight and sever cases. Doctors recommend it to their patients and ne it in their own families. becauBO they recoralze in SwaroD Root the irrcatest and mot sue cesfid remedv, Styamp Hoot Is pleasant to take and Is r-r saie xne woria over ai arupjrists in lottIes of two sizes and two prices -fifty cents and one dollar, iccmemher the rsme. swamp Koot. Dr. Kilmers Swamp Root, and the address. B;ng haruton, N. V., on every bottle. EDITORIAL NOTICIl. If yon have the slightest symptoms of kidney or Master troui. or tr tsre is a trace of it in your family history, send at onre ! Dr. K;".ru r & .. lUjhamton. N. Y., who will gladly send son by mall. unre.:;a:e:y. witawt to yo-i. a jitniple lctie or Nwamp i;rot and a bok .-ntsinint many of th thousands uion thousands of testimonial letters re colved from and women cured. In writinr. be rure to sav that vou read mideHS everywhere of courage, patriot fesni, and self-sacrtfic. This was a new product the Republic rohgh't profoundly show to the world, saying. "These be the peaceable lie roes I breed from great wars." There were many brilliant deeds done in tie war that rosnltcd in omiurlng fame to fortiniate individual soldiers; but The disbanlment of .that army, flush ed with, victory and idolized by tne country, reflected honor upon all our race, a glory in which individual claims a re ost, like a ioms of cloud to tne crhn son splendor of a stormy sunset. IVr four years you showed yourselves good soldiers equal to the best the world bad seen. For thirty-seven years you hare been rood citizens; and who fthall say in which capacity you have wrought be?t for the Ropnollc? Each year yon cme together witn trunnea rank but undlmlaWwnl spirit to feed anew the undying flame upon the altar of pa'sriotisin. I hoild not have said your ranks are thinned, for the place of each fa Hen comrade isj filled with a lov ing memory. And who can ever forget the faces which, never bad a cliance to grow old the brave young warriors who fell in baJtlevegalned the prire of Im mortal youth? For them there is no shadow of struggle or poverty; no trou ble of gray harrs or failing strength; no care of the present ror fenr of the fu ture. The -nnfatiing Iig"at of mornng is forever rn their eyes; ithe blessing of a jrrateful nation billows their names. We salute them w?th loving tencs, fwm which the bitterness is gone. We hear their young voices in the clear notes of the bugle and the murmur of the flut tering flags. Our answering hearts cry, "J ail and farewell, young comrades, till we meet ag-ain!" Our fathers ordained that in this re public there ehackl be no drstrnctoons; but human nature is stronger tfi&n iarws, and nothing can- prevent this people from showing honor to all who have deserved well of We country.. Every amaa who has borne anna. wit2h, credit- Jas earned ami is sure to receive a special measure of regard. And ft is our peculiar privi lege to remember that our armies and always been wcrthv of esteem. In dis tant generations, under different flags in conflicts treat and small, by land and by eea, they have always -borne their part nobly. The men who foughit at Xouisbuxg" beneath the meteor flag of England; the men who stood with Wahlnlxm t Yorktown ; with Din coin in the Black Hawk war; with Crocket at the Alamo; with Taylor at Buema Vista: wltfh Grant at Vkrksburg; anff with Lee at Appomattox were of the atuff of which not only soldiers, but crti ens, tre made. A.nd in our own time the young meat who stormed the hill of San Juan, and have borne out flag wifh such honor to the for Widen, city of Pekln and the jungles of Luzon, have rshown that their progenitors bred true. The men of to-dny axe a good Ameri cans ns the men of yesterday, and the men of tomorrow, with God's blessing, will be the same. The dominant char acteristic of every American army thirt ha 3 ever stepped to the tap of a drum has been vaaor ncd humanity. They have in the Hong run carried nothing but good to any land they' have occu pied. As our comrade Mdvinley of blessed memory saddr "The flag has never floated over any region bait in benedictionw" '" u3y order of the president of the United States, these historic' ground, the property of the nation, are during this encimpnient dedicated to your use. They will receive from, your, presence an added sflcrexlness and value. In the history of the twentieth century, whidh Is opening with euch brilliant promise, not the least luminous page will treat of tfbis meeting of the Grand Army of the "Republic soldiers and citizens whom the republic delights to honon received a com- We have just plete and up-to-date line of Ladies Shoes and Ineldents att the Cam) Fire Washington, Oct. 6. A camp fire at tended by about 5.000 veterans was !held Bt convention 2iaH tonight. General "Jake" Smith whose campaign in Samar attracted so much attention and result ed in 1a' s retirement by the president made an address to the veterans. Gen eral Smith's introduction by General EH Torrance, commander in cSiief of l:he C. A. R., ' was the signal for a wild burst of appkiuse and when Genenail Smith in the course of liis address told the veteran that the campaign in Sa mar was but child's play to the work of the Union forces in th civil war, kfoe erithusiecmi of the audience was given free rein.. General Smith, although he ppoke at pom length regarding the mil itary conditions in the Ihilippines and spoke of the camaign .in- Saroar the forces und'er tvi command which re sulted in J.h; pacification of that prov ince, did -not lefer to the "kill and burn" order nor to the part personally panned by him in fe Philippine cam paign, and the subsequent events culmi nating, in his retirement by the pregir denu. There was 'an. other interesting fea ture at the close of Secretary Moody's address Governor Bliss of Micmgan. who was on th stand was introduced .... n ,.1 J ' ." 1 as the man wno neipea 10 vmu in former Secretnry of War RusseTi A. Al ger, instamiy a curst or spoiruineous applause broke from the gathering and every reference to the ex-secretary, par ticular! v iht with rgard to hns ap roifttment no the UnTted States Senate T . . k ' -AJI was received witn . iiKe enrausiasm Governor Bliss snid that Secretary Al ger had expected to be present on the stand but was unfortunately detamea. Slippers Eveniiig i - 4.. ' - i We Always Quranteed Satisfaction. Perry & Rosenthal, No 230 Fayetteville Street, Trust Building. tills ren-rous eler la the Ra'ga Da Post. Grand Srmv Yeterans Capture Washington City Many Thousands An on the Cherry Tree Case Is on the Docket at Greensboro It Wasn't Green McAdoo Af- Scene and Crowds Are Still Pouring In A Few of the Prom inent Men ter All Greensboro Post Office Climbing upto First Class Notch At the openirg of the encampment the ecresiry of state, John Hay, delivered the address of welcome, speaking as fol lows: Secretary Hay VTlem the Veterans In the nnnfe of the President aud in church yesterday. Kev. W. G. jhu tead. I bid yo;i welcome to Wash-1 Ma lone, financial agent of Rutherford, I l:sg:Qn. I need Hot ay that on every Weaversville and the Brevard Indus- Greensboro, N. C, Oct. C. Special. Eighteen new members were added to die list of West Market Street Metho- 1 W.i.!s.-ro! Oct. 6. The in fa who frrt fw the union ta tue great coa f ci tUxt ra?el from 1SH t. 1 n '" are Titers or rhe cip'.t-l of th- cation. "" "T wa r:.'t-.,;.? ror.g to partt ii tie thirty-s'xth caimpsiAr.f. oT t-i Grat Array of Ci Rp5)hc. ta VI--!: i crr3xi!s of whioii tA iIace t!r 4rj.l (.-, gretej ;,r.t iC:ts ' bra-Urr.Sy dcort ctTy ard top:t pe S. TLe fttreets were early the of ffii actlTlry ":! stSes bm the pr-.cot chxt th e-.'st3-7n-t.: v as to be a sucres. Tie .:.r sV V x co bv the tuns htrrrlr iri r.rjd t-as are rrtvins .ta h,r load f bunian t t Ad.i.i . tie throng. JL f-t-"ire U the presence of I 7 J ' nc Cmavj i-.-v,ef Torrance spt ,th diy o:er rtienl efi'-s of tke oeier ' h-i d j jan-r at the T'UVi L.;s n-THf the de'etres aud Ut turi.! r...n.'ers of the order. Acsc; tv- wlx collet were of3cUtl T?----rn t:r- c; th depurtments of Hassan rer.r.T;van:a, Mor.taaa, Atl jBarc. CoV-.!. Ohto, Ihlirsn, Mln r.ess, t 1 tIifovols. IroaJnent In O-'o tzttva wae General Henry 11. Car-r.rs3 at Oh'o, now yearst old, to. be tb on'y rrviTicj regular s.r-'.y n! Mte-be'lum dsye. ' Bnrnr Gears1 Jscob II. fnvth, V. F. A, w&.j wv recently retired by the VTfsiieat cn ccttot of obict?cQM rdi.-s. i.M by Xa the 5axasr canv ta:rn. w a vttor sit the war Jprt tiyx.X. t'.ij. 11 came frora bU botne e: rorVTrth, O, te attend the G. A. 5L esor-cxetst. of American woil. wherever that ettrry lanner waves, you ae at home, and need r.o formal words of welcome. Itut especially In ?hls capital odty of the llfVtib'.ic yvj fgrizht to pnsaorvs, you are the children of the boue; the doors re rlways open to you. Wherever you tvm. yia ar jr-veded "f the ldstory of which yoa are ft part. "From th windo-s of that White Houe th eyes of many comrades have looked npou t.rli field wliose names be?ong to the ores Lincoln. Grant. Hayes. GarHekl, Mclviniey, and Ito-Jtserelt. In tho ba"0 t.f:U w'isr ether comrade' s lute yon f.-mi t?i brs berrs trA pou meats whr:x yotir Core wnl JoyaUy have (Kacod thscn. Across tle wiad3n? rlrer, tee he:gte of Arlington show the white tnt of KaWi eternal rrrptnf jrtounc!, ;eiv yor.r friends and brothrsi re!ie. Anl. casting Its prn atnoor-'&rt-xJrar.f.c rfsdow over thU bivouac of yours, the uncou'aleu obeiiek of Wash ington towers to. the clouds the loftiest srructore ever rented by man ia mem ory f the Joftiee cbaracter Is human b'tojy. A peculiar Interest attend thl gath ering. Never again ehoJl tui of ns meet In a emxr.p '.k this. Not" often shall the yomigei and etroogest of us come tocether o renew our memortm of the 4asr. and onr vows of eternal devotion t the ca'ise ra which thoe distant day we sore allegiance.- Thtrty-ser-en yesre have ptNsed since snie xf us, wearing erspe on our nn and tnowm irjj in onr hearts for Abraham Itncolo. aw the gret Army whVch he iored pam beftwe the White tl Iouo to the ?rand 'Review, ilany of yon mirChed In those d'tety eo'miKis, keeping tep to he rhythrn of drmr.a acd trumpets which had sounded the oneet in a bnn drd battles. The banners blew gaily trial school, rave an interesting ac count of the work being done by these excellent institutions last night, and a lilicrsl coliectron was Uiken. Next Sun day Rev. Plato Durham win occupy the pulpit. United States coon? for the trial of criminal case opened 'here this morn ing, the attendance being very email. Judge Hoyd gave a very comprelhen sive, cSiarge to the grand Jury, dwelling part'.cularly upon the offense of cormiv Icg with distillers by officers to defraud the got-ermnen't. and declared i.h'.it of the ttr the officer deBerved the greater pucishment. Today being Randolpia. AI amsuTC and Davidson day. and there being Tery few violations of the revenue l.w o those coTjntiee. there will be lit tle trr the court to do. Tomorrow will b Forsyth and Stokes day. wlien the crowd will thicken; and Wednesday be ing Wilkea and Yadkin day, the town will bo In a work with witnesses, de fendhntH, Hwyers, etc. The cas on the docket. Solicitor Hoi. ton informed me, are trivial, taie omy matter of great pnblic interest being the famous Amos Owens cherry tree caes. Owing to reported slcknesa of eome of the defendants these cases will not be taken up nm il Wednesday. Mr. J. C. RaUentiae.twbo le indicted in the Federal court for unlawful use of the mails In connection , with the Amos' Owens cherry tree case, arrived from Itfs hwme ia-Georgia last night. Mr. llallentine is not expecting Int ment s;ainst him to be pushed. From what he etate be Is to be commiser ated along witb many others. He am ply purchased, be ay a block of toc in :8-.e cherry tree corporation, expect- lngiret larg, lftft. dividend, and he has not only railed to get a cent, but is already out of pocket flOOfc the way of traveling,, court and law yers' expenses, to keep himself out of he penitentiary. He has also lost near ly three months solid sleep studying about it. There ia great interest An the outcome of the refunding arrangement, and Receiver Oowle is expected to have a big iimount on fcanid to be di-siiinibuted among those who were buncoed. It is sufid tfaalt defendanita are going -to put np ft stiff plea of "inalbility to raise the amount they secured from cherry three buyers, bui: If they depend on former kx4".ency, a lawyer who is interested in the case said today, they bad just an well make np their minds to "shell out" or go to the penitentiary. CMef Police Scott, arrived last nighla from Pocahontas, Va., where he went Friday to bring back the wife murderer Green McAdoo. He didn't bnlng him. The man arrested and held, though re markably like -McAdoo n Biza compl1 ion and general appearance, was nto't he Out of the 35 people liere who were shown the photograph 'taken of the sus pect and sent to Chief Scott 'before he left. 33 declared as soon e they saw it, "That's Green." One negro, (how ever, said, "Them's not Green's legs. Green was ehorely bowlegged." And so ft proved. Capt. D. E. Ravage, chuef inspector of 1 -he Southern Railway with head quartew hew, died yesterday afternoon at Johns llopkfins Hospital, Baltimore, where to had gone several days ego tor an operation. His remains were carried to Rocky Mount Tast-night and he wfll be buried w?th Knights of Pyth ia.s honors, he being an ardent and influ ential member of That Order. . Capt Sav age was higMy esteemed here. v p Saturday nflfilht John Brown, colored, stole a pair of pants from the stare. 01 R. Rtadem. Mr. ' Stladem saw hdm; take them, tod when demand was m'ade "fer der mnnisi" the negro bolted. Mr.1 StatTem gave liim the race of ihls life oveniaking Wm after a chase of tihreo blocks. "Bop der t'ef. stop der tief," a refrain that Mr. Stadem Bang as he winged his -flight. It was auoh a pretty race no 'on iTiterrrM aWw.-' by Vhe desperate look In Mr. Sbadem's eye and tjhe agile action of his legs that hhe thief was Ms mutton. '.- - ' Th receipts at the r OreeneiboToV poa't' office for the tix months endiair ' Sep tember 30, 1002. aggregated $18,297.68 as againstt $16,10S.6S for the same pe riod la.- year. This is a gain of $1,- RflfMfi oven the six month of last year B-nd at rMB rate of increase in tne , re .rvo "ha rrffiM will be made a nrst el'ass Dost office next year. The post office department requires thalc the (an nual receipts of an office to De nrsi, class Bhall be $40,000. This is grra'tify ing news and ia only another evidence of the fact thnt the city js. growung wonderfully fast. Cant. J. W. Fry, Uhe president, eays tfliiaJt the aatmial meeting of ,t!he Indus trial and Immigration Association will be 81 eld the latter part of this month at which time officers will be elected, new commlittees appttnted and the work of another year mapped out. Irdhrtect J. H. Hopkins of this city has prepared plans for , a three story brick store building for McCrary-RedV ding Hardware Company of Asheboro. The frori.1 will be of handsome design In two sWades c preed back, grandte trimmings and galva-iiaed iron cornices. The building is . designed for a general baidware business and carnage repos itory, and will be a modern, up-to-date structure. ' J . : Mines Resume Work ; , Clarksburg, Oct. 6.-Seventeen West Virginia mines which have been idle sinoft the inauguration of the strike started up this morning and 4,000 miners returned to work. An agreement was reached at a convention of the United Mine Workers of sub-district fo. 1 of Division 17. The proposition accepted provides for nine hours a day, pay every two weeks, . and gives the miners the right to organize, but docs not say that the organization will be recognized. No other mines aTe affected by the action of ihe convention. Molineux" Must Wait New York. Oct. C The second trial of Roland B. Molineux. charged with the murder by poisoning of Mrs. Katha- rine Adams in uecemner, xovo, nas again been postponed. The re-trial of the famous case was st: for today, but Justice Barrett, who was assigned to preside, is ill and court was adjourned until next Monday. B AR BEE RALEIGH. c o.r DURHAM -2- STOCKS. - J.' COTTON GRAIN and PROVISIONS, Direct Private Wire to Now YorKanaChicao. Instantaneons quotations. All transactions bona fide. . Information concerning the market and surrounding towns. I . Interstate and Bell Phones cheerfully furnished the public of Ea!c! .No. 07. As-eets : Waiited. A limited number .of good agents are, wanted to solicit for tha itnais Gombikation AGcicleiit and General fiealtK Policy This is the most desirable Policy of the kind written, covering near:? ALL DISDASES and AjLL accidents and surgical operations. Good men can make money. Fot particulars write to , WM. B. MERRIMON, Gen'l Agent Accident and Liability Department, Greensboro, N. C. Victor Sehrwald, MASSEUR, Late of Hot Springs, N. 0. General. Special and Facial Massage, at your private residence. Best of city and general references. Cor. Office: CAPITOL INN, Fayetteville and MoTga.n Sts. Quality, INot Price Is the chief consideration with da la buying our drugs. The best mone! 'an buy is used in compounding prescriptions at this store. You may bi ' ure of always getting what the doctoT prescribea if yon buy of us. Talni uuui.b, buu ju 11 sec uow imporxani mis. is. BOBBITT-WYNNE DRUG CO., , Z38 Fayetteville Street i- KALRGIf, 5. fl. When the MATURITY NOTICE 1 THli AND INVESTORS UNION has matured their Firt series or fetocK, ana Has paid in cash $100 ner share for cert Ificatci force), numbered 1 to . 3o, amounting to $8,500.00. - Certificates will be pili every month hereafter as they mature.! The owners of these certificates lift'-' been depositing about ten cents per day and are receiving in cash an a vera; of Five Hundred Dollars for matured certificates. In no other way can n men or woman so easily build up a few hundred dollars canital as by dallv snvir.u ror investment m a nnancial savings institution. We hone to issue One Irw area L,ertincates during the next few weeks. What amount can you save for investment? - Five cents per day will nihture $200 or ten cents ncr dar mature $400 in one hundred months. 1 GEORGE ALLEN, Boorttary. September. 1902. Puilen Iluil llug. 4- eaves To Turn A Begin And- the cool breezes blow from the north, the soai wh pares to dress ifeffl; begins to tMnt osr a NEW SCTr. Ais m ockot iu UUAUB.1US awut c , xr, uivu.ifu wtrvng, me worw is apt to j odge a tnaa by bis clothes. (Dress well, 'but dress economical! y every man In (town. G et the moat for your money. We. aim t Sll.Tvnilv s-lsitUd-ntr wa.!!'! C'i f i J I'll V 9 ' , & T y (i'f'i ' - - ... -i-fe : : u-t 8. k . I 1 1 tl .1 i t ? X Jf 3f r . T. i-X Wx - all. Out NEW MLL AjvD WI2 ' camse them he Cutaway and Prtece AJbert Suit ia Jt is better for TOU.',r!ch nwn, nd better for us becanse we .rv, f ' Suits at $7.50, $10.00, $ 1 2.O0, $ 1 5. 00, $2. .00 ITS 1are Shmkib &leBreated Sack toxin. Every ktt cutn4 freak of ras 4on isfber. -7" Tlii:; jjclLl S. ipon MYeiy ;v OR iDOT WAKTOUR MXXN DT ' & O. ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS 'A