III ;THE MORNING TOSTt SATURDAY OCTOBER 35 IQ03 " ' t - - I ' - ,-.--. ... I. ..... . ... ' .- ' A Profitable Week for the Teachers of Wayne Thomas nd Butlir Go Up Azainst the Carnival and Have Few to Hear Tham Speak OMter N. C. Oct. 21 Special. r Wayn County Teachers Institute ; ti Iras been In w!on in this c?ty - M-:i iy adjourned this ufter- u The Institute has been wt!l at- J hy I. rWH school tead'ers - ti- countr. h" have w-dvc 1 ln 'i.n r. fclch "will prove Invaluable :n In the discharge of their du . .!::r!n; the ror.lns term of their . .n i. Annj the lectures dell fcjed In a spirit of Justice he bid them God speed. He sketched the rise of the farmers' clubs, the Alliance, and then the dissatisfaction whereby In 194 50.000 Democrats were deluded Into disaffection by Butler, Skinner and Thompson, and the scandal and cor ruptions in the state government un der Fusion and Republicanism from 197 to 1S99. He showed that In thlrty five years North Carolina had expend- f ed hundreds of thousands of dollars in ly tequested to apply to the secretary for membership. Hen. C. TL Thomas and Hon. Geo. H Butler met here yesterday Ir. Joint debate In the court house, jthe education of the nero, only to be There a very small number out to hear (confronted by the conviction that it thfm. The businessmen are too busy j had failed to fit him for citizenship: to attend pr.'.ltlcal spsaklnjrs In the and at the remarkable educational ik y and besides the carnival Is ROlng 'meeting in Salem northern men. In on here this week and Is the principal public address had admitted this to attraction. The speakers were each be the truth. Rivn one tour ar.d fifteen minutes j The c!o?e of his fine speech was an with Z minutes for rejoinder. Mr. ' earnest, patriotic, eloouent plea to 1C iff Is tnAba t"k,Y illiMiaaAiY tba SPEAKING AT WELDON Independents Keep Up Their Courage Under Unfavor able Conditions Weldon, N. C, Oct. 24. Special. The independent candidates on the Halifax county ticket bad a speaking, here at Emery's Hall last night. The audi-! ' ence was large and was composed of I ! the most Influential citizens of the town and surrounding country, nearly all of whom will vote the regular j straight Democratic ticket. In fact, It was enough to discourage and dis- hearten less zealous men than the In- tne those who. d!sit:red for some cause, ' . . - . . . tariff, education and stat. Issues, Mr. ! were tuning the.r faces toward Re- I .tL" -to Thomas consumed his time In rp;yin;r ' ptsbllcanlsm. Our QuicK Method of converting your real estate end bus iness, no matter where located, into cash, SENT FREE on request. Send full particulars and price. Established 1G years. Large List of Buyers. Write at oaee. ROBERT W1BD R. E. CO., Garfield "Building, Brooklyn, New York City. There was not a word of ! , . , , , . to t.t,ller.i-nta made by his opponent, abuse: it was an appeal from friend, "t nnrt h enn vi n ln r r t e,,n f f.:., ! in August, and the paying of Dr. Green rx, ... t, i ,v. " ,i .,tlL ! I,' , . "three cents each for his splendid ser Dempcrits In the main lth only aj The Huske Hardware Company and ... , ,. fnv o:.'. tZf.e Republicans. They both 'the Armtteld Wholesale Grocery Com- 1 1, . " ntrJ' . - nnt to Fremont today which appoint- pany will erect brick and Iron ware- i ver- j rnert closes their Jclnt debate in this bnuses on urrer Hoy street, in what ' i -.rir-.z the week th.-t of Mls Kal- I co jnty. i was known ai the Psker lot :Crby ycjterday afternoon was one ; Th rt to the State Fair at Ral- Prnnklin street the Hardware company n-y !?t. Miss Klrby holds a po?l-,e:sh next week will be or.e first clas;wni build another warehouse, to be n the faculty rf the KIr.ston flr f-r the muni trip plus fifty cents beared to Mr. A. S. Hus'ie. . I . -wi and fhe ha1 been er- for admission to the fair. The sched- j M l iiited to deliver the lectniv, j vie Is convenient for tr.cre wr.o wisn ' ris on the betterment of the! to m und return the ratne day. Th-? Henrv Blount at Reidsville t . ffTditlcn and stirmurdlnss cf ( r..r.'-r train whlrh leaves here at 7:20 Corre?pondcrce of The Morning Post. ,-.u-try school bouses. Miss Klrby jtvery nrorr.lr win be held In Raleigh j Reidsville. X. C. Oct. 24. Mr. Hem ; :i,;r,t of the state association rc- crr.i?d for the prori-.otlon of jr.tl eworthr wo-k. and s h pr - l to the teachers of our coun .:fUr I" such beautiful thought I r.t nix. wlt!i soih earnestness ,.it.r a -id with such scojy of op - :: for r.dvancr.g the rU. .s . c.:ntd out. that whn she Xfwl i her talk on association for vr.-'"rj th work In this county wa oraan!xed. and every teachtr r ss wU ns a number of others t . hl tor-. to hear, enrvllel their r a 1 c .'Seers for th nsul ig nere elected as follows: Mrs. W. H. Hollowell. .r.-Unts Mlsse BtUe llo-v-e nr.. t'h-ity Atklnsor re Miry rr.J Treasurer Miss Js!e J. - Vtr.s. ,rr-.tr?h:p of this association N ret cor.nr.el to tochers; but rny r , , tr.,rr,.s3 n protnotlng the work -r- t ' stMe and ill '.'rh are camt- of smallpox. W. C. Whitaker, a brother of Inde- Trriilent Hhalrman WhHnlrer. ntin in lot, and On' Kiindav irhnnl irnrVw Hut a ' poor politician, said his wife had a letter from somebody's wife, in which she begged him to get out of politics, as they would send him to the d 1: that her husband was a politician,' and she had long since given ftlm up to the evil one. The independents refused to divide i Fle-.mt delighted a large audience here j time with Senator E. L. Travis, who j U i Dursunv nirni in nis iir.DErsonaiiuiia wn nr to reniv: ann ni nrinn as t?iv o Itln Van Winkle and Solon Shingle, - had used up their last sneaker they and I . . . . m I 1 Henry on tne return tr.p r.niu w ociock in the nfterncon on October 2Sth. ?9th rrd C0?h. which will be Tuesday. Wetln'-sday and ThurUay. The Merch-ints Fall Festival Pythian Carrslvr" of Wilmlnrton ijl lv-in on the Srd of Noven;ter and con-ll-iue un;ll and Inclut'.In? the Sth. Tbe Atlantic Ooast Lln will sell round trip tkkets to Wilmington during that lime :.t f. vry low rate. The low rate tick ets will only ho on ?a!e Xoverr.n-T ."th. Cth and Tth. jrood t.- return until No vember 9th. The oorle of Wilming ton promise rcyal entertainment for visitors. The report circulated here this mom Ins that the netrro who attempted to outrnc Sirs. J-hnon near Princeton Tufsday had been caught near Kenly proved untrve. It Is thought now that I the rTO cme on toward Pikevllle j r.nd after eettlnr on the railroad jump- , el a freight tr.in and has made his . i resentation of Democracy's principles. Victor Sehrwald, MASSEUR, Late of Hot Springs, N. C General. Special and Facial Massage, at your private residence. Best of city and general references. Cor. Office: CAPITOL INN, Fayetteville and Morgan Sts. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SpecialTrainService ACCOUNT Q ) R.aleigH, N. C, Oct. 27tH to Nov. 1st. The SouthernrRailway will rui for the accommoda tion of its patrohsTthe:followmg extra" trainson Wed nesday and Thursday, October 29th and 30tli:. Trains Aniye: m...... 10:30 a. m. 10:30 a. in. 11:10 a. in. 10:30 a. m. ED'S PLACE, our men on tne stage and his future grows brighter every year. Mr. Blount acted the part of each character well but as So!cn and K!p he was espe cially good. KITCHIN AT NEWTON Catawba Will Give Four Hun dred Democratic Majority Correspondence of The Morning ost. Newton., X. C. Oct. 24. Hon. W. W. Kltchin rpoke here today to a good Jised audience. He made a forecful escape. As j-.n actor, a mimic, an orator and ' all rushed from the hall, thinking, per haps, that "He that fights and runs away May live to fight another day." Mr. Walter Gray of Scotland Neck, the champion of the Independent cause J In the county, came near shedding tears in his speech over the Halifax barbecue and tbe loss of so much lard ar.d trimmings. Senator Travis answered fully every argument they advanced, and showed conclusively that they were 'dwindling away, and that the last straw that broke the camel's back was when they Issued a little sheet called "Facts," which was. In reality, nothing but errors. The regular ticket will carry the county by 2,000 majority. The inde pendents can console themselves by taking in the Fair. ae 5ooo R Tremendous Success Was the Greensboro Pair Orte-sNrro. N. C. Oct. 24, Special. Jtbcm. to the exclusion of everything ' ' ,,,, inr ,vv nl1i e'.se until these crying local and im- 7Cro.Ina Central Tilt tor Ive nwK ro ,onr predlcted and r -rva t- numbered enionj the t.-lr.ps . .t,ii-h iv.t CtUxy nU ahine tMof ofelcUonno wator about u. rot ;rt r- -ercr.c. or - ,VM sewer water.-except an opn one r W:?S9U! reference to th excellency cf the exhibits again, the number of frp'.e attending each day and night Lis teeu phenomenal. On the opening t'.y th gte receipts indicated an at U:: lance of 4.000. WednsJay it -ent t:p to i.0CO. and yeitenlay the biggest crowd of people ever seen west of Ila :gh at one time at a fee foradmis :on gathering waa In the fair grounds. At 2 o'clock In the afternoon a con servative estimate would be 19.000. The grounds were full, the Immense grand f dwelling on the Philippines, tari.T. i trusts and state issues. It was one of thv bst speeches .eard here this cam pa i-jn. The canvass of the county candidates has been going on for the last week. Very good crowds have been in at tendance and the candidates are In fine spirits over the prospects. "We will carry the county by at least four hun dred." said Mr. Self, the legislative as pirant. So far only two negroes have registered In the county. The Athenian Literary Society will tv itm thlnl annual entertainment November tth. - every speaker. Mr. H. L. Godwin Catawba county Superior court will j candidate for the. State Senate made convene here next week. About the an able and instructive speech o-i only case of Importance Is the trial of State politics and county affairs amid In fron. of his reld;nce. Selah. WATSON SPEAKS IN FAYETTEVILLE OUTLOOK IN HARNETT The County Will Go Demo cratic by a Thousand Correspondence of The Morning Post. Spout Springs. N. C, Oct. 22, 1902. The Democrtic candidates In Harnett county spoke in this township today. There was a large and enthusiastic crowd of Democrats present and heard J. T. Mahaffey for attempted rape. Ma haffey is a prominent farmer of this county. Preparing for Vandcrlip Wilmington. N. C. Oct. 24. Special. .Wilmington Chamber of Commerce has ; completed arrangements for the big ! banquet to be given tonight week In Correspondence cf The Morning Tot. honor of Hon. F. A. Vandorllp of New Fayetteville. N. C. Oct. 2 4. At S My Prices Guaranteed to Snit. 312 S. WILMINGTON ST.. Second door south of Commercial and Farmers Bank. Free Lunch From 11 to 1 o'clock each day, sure! H. E. JOTNER. i y Trains Leave: Greensboro 7:00 a. m. Raleigh Oxfor'd 7:20a.m. Raleigh. Houston, Va 7:00. a. m. Raleigh Morehead City 4:23a.m. Raleigh Oct. 29 only. These trains will stop at all stations for passengers. Trains, Leave Returning. For Morehead. City (Oct. 29) 6:00 p. ,m. For Greensboro 5:30 pm. For Oxford 5:30 p j,-.. For Houston, Va 5:00 p. m. In addition to the above special service the Southern Railway has three daily passenger trains each way between Goldsboro and Greens boro. ' Train No. 36 will be held hOT until 5:00 p. m. on Oct 28, 29 and 30 for the accommodation of people from the east." . A rate of one first-class fare from all stations for the round trip, plus 60c, which includes one admission to the grounds. T. C. STURGIS, C. T. A.; Raleigh, N. C INTERESTING INFORMATION ON MAY 1, 3 902, THE OLD CONSERVATIVE MUTUAL LIFE INS the enthusiastic i-heers of the people who hung upon the words as they te.l from his lips. AIi Goodwin is an able speaker and he Arraigned the fasio pang for their false charges against th3 white people of the State and their Incompetent administration of the af fairs under their administration from 1S93 to 1S98. Mr. T. W. Harrington, our House nominee, made a sound and logical ! Co., of Philadelphia WILL ADJUST ITS RATES AND VALUES TO A THREE PER GENT. RESERVE BASIS. th.rebr rurnlsMng In Its new contracts tbe largest GUARANTEED CASH SD REEFER, LOAN (3 PER 0BNT1 PAID-UP A.D AUTOMATIC EXTENSION .VALUES. u . t, With even greater dividends than heretofore, this will enable the Penn to furnish ft Insurer with previous PRO TTTTTflV T VOMIXAL COST IN CASE OF LAPSE, and to him who fortunate carries the policy to motor If Iue most profitSle Investment.' considering the absolute safety. ALL KINDS OF DESIRABLE CONTRACTS ISSUED, ti rtrAinarv TAte Limited Payment Life and Endowments on various plans, CON iuc intlns. In M.li..;n to the neual Ordinary lAif, uimnvu tttm ftrvr OOTjTI Hf'D1 nv;nw . i-v-t-ri-v tYTii'rii'"i' pot iriTi'S with income for life: FIVE FHiK sUt?i. tnjjua, paying to t,,. Lactar? Tf'tL then th. principal; cheap CONVERTIBLE TKK ; policies, and many others. ' 1 Cii?r nrnfr7lStInrTIC4.LLT INCONTESTABLE FROM DATE: absolutely so after one year. ALL POLICIES PARTICIPATE IN PROFITS OP COMPANY. WITH ANNUAL. DEFERRED, OR QUA ANTEHD DIVIDENDS. Apply to Local Agents, . cr writa to foYlo:k lat evening Hon. C. R. Wat- ron addressed a rery Cne audience In nana crowaea. every r-nre i ulC court noin. including a large uum- full, midway show and all some ci'.i- . Cf wom?n prominent In Fayette it.1. etc And there were plenty of;v;ije mjjt-. i opening the moetln;j PopI outside the gates and in the-ir. jf. rook graccfuily welcomed ciiy iraoirg. etc. The weather has had a great d?al to do with the crowds, of course, but the really excellent fair, and" Greensboro's central location and reputation for tak- York. vice-president of the National ; speech, presenting the issues in a plnin City Bank, and assistant secretary of . " torcciui siyie. e m ce einvu . the treasury under President McKin- i n Harnett by a majority of over one f DESIRAL.-.E CONTRACTS TO D ESIRABLE AGENTS. R. B. RANEY. General Agent for North Carolina, RALEIGH, N. C , ley. Mr. Vanderilp will speak on com mercial matters. He will be given a royal time while in Wilmington. The Campaign in Iredell trg goo4 care of people by having excellent hotel facilities, all combined n rraai. int lairi aVinK me tuur ua 9 1 . , :r.v . .w v,i- .kou I-eas-re lo me p.-.iMc oi TO ." r.' .V' " . Norlh Carolina. rr.ost successful local xair ever neia in the di.t'.nrulshed visitor, who was in trodaceJ by MaJ. F. J. Hale in an elo . . 1 j, . . cjr.cat tribute to his career as a Con- ,vorrrspor.aence 01 ine corning rosz. federate soldier, 'his illustrious services Statesvllle, N. C, Oct. 23. The last to liemoc-acy. notable in the guttrna- ; weeks of the campaign In Iredell are lori ti campaign or is;'t, ana to nis sen atorial candidacy, his success in which ?t including J a r Deeds Hal- j A lers will run A A thousand as will all the rest of the i ticket, the county ticket Sheriff Salmon, Register of loway and many of the otli ahead of the ticket. There is an independent or Republi can ticket here in Harnett. They came over here last Monday and 1:0 man at tended their meeting. They remained here a short while and then departed rac.imB rm. congressman iviunz 5 and from reUable- information they has been in the county this week. He i hnVA h,d no on. nt to h:ir th-m re f Tl- t m-n f o""anf the South. Steps will soon be ta o . . cortlIalItr of hlm mv.lnx. KtooV himself at once to the discussion of the great questions of the hour. He rr.ov the State Fair from Raleigh to j Greensboro, and with the editorial leverage of the Charlotte Observer and the splendid wedge-like and prising force of the Greensboro Telegram. r.ecord. Patriot. Christian Advocate! a pushed, and also not to be forgotten a Alnr peace, that we mlsht be free a few soft phrases j 10 UfVOie our energies to inuu?ir.i at- contrasted North Carolina's present oirdltlon of re-tfulncsi and recurlty with that of a few years back, and nd other influential publications, thlsi" lhat b' reat victory at the serculean feat can easily be ,ccom. , 1 next month, we conform that Into Is the promise of a. few soft phi from this correspondent. Seriously, though, what Greensboro vancemcnt. He showed the course of the national Republican party on the reeds now that this six solid months ! ana fusts, as uemg ko ucpena- ef revelry la capturing, launching, en-trtl-.Irg and feeling good over great rJb!Ic ar.d we!! deserved reputation for d"tr.g such things In a royal manner for the stranger within her gates. Is to hut her gates In that respect tight for about one solid year, and look close ly into the r.eds. the health and com pign contributions of over-weenlng monopolies that It was both ur.abl-? has made two sneeches in Statesvllle ? -nc last night in the cotton mill sec tion and or.e today In the court hou-,e. Mr. Kluttz Is deservedly popular here and Is always listened to with pleas ure. His arguments yesterday on na tional Issues were simply unanswera ble, and It Is no wonder that Spencer Blackburn is afraid to meet him. Tllcckburn is in Iredeil this week but he did not make his appointments until ! Kluttz's were announced and then j took pains to go to the opposite end ! of the county. Blackburn Is known everywhere to be as vain as a dude. ! He Is showing this by distributing right and left buttons with his picture on them. But tor cap the climax he hs had hundreds of 15x?0 chromo pic- j this week. Our people will not be fool ed by such fellows. The county will go Democratic by 1.0C0. Pou in Chatham and unwilling to legislate fairly for lures of himself in a supposedly strik- the Interests of all classes of the peo- Jng attitude printed and they are being pie. He portrayed the conl strike, the circulated everywhere, meat trust and the Standard Oil Com- Kluttir will carry Iredell by the big- pany, rich enough to buy threa pest majority given any man in the like this. with enough left county for years. Hon. Jas. H. Pou frt ar.d conditions of those who are states or.e of her bor.e and flesh of her flesh .over to to run Its "business, the residents and tax-payers of her nnd reviewed She Democratic rr.uctcipallty. Her streets, sewers. " doctrine of tariff for revenue. He de water supply, tax budget, city council ; tiled that either he or the Democratic sadly r.eed to have every eye and every r-artv was waning against corpora- energy anl every cent focus sed upon Hons or capital. When they were man- snd Congressman Pou will speak here. 1 will speak in StatesviU? Snturday night and Hon. R. D. Glenn at Harmony in the county Saturday. v Xext Wednesday Senator Simmons Pittsboro, X. C, Oct. 23, 1S02. Hon. E. W. Pou, one of the State's most gifted orators, has been making some tellins rpeeches for Democracy through Chatham for the last f2w days. There was quite a crowd out to hear him last : night at Bynum, five miles from here, and all pronounce hi3 speech the ablc- lest they have heard. Politics is at a high pitch in our county now.' Both sides are claiming it by safe majori , ties. So far as I can learn there have j only eighteen negroes registered in the J county. ! Mr. S. A. Perry, brother to Rev. Bas j com Perry of the North Carolina con , ference, died at his home near here .yes terday of typhoid fever. He was a ' good citizen and will be greatly mis . sed in this community. y7 YoLiComingtotheStateFair? SPECIAL TRAINS VIA ABOARD A IR INE OAILWAY Ka-iTilet arid L,cmi3biirg, October 29 til, azid SOtti, TRAIN LEAVES HAMLET AT 6:30 A. M. LOinSBURG- 8:00 A. M. W'ELDON AT 7:00 A. M. Id Weldon on October 29th, 30tH and 31st. RALEIGH 10:00 A. M. RALEIGrH 9:30 A..M. -RALEIGH 10:30 A; M. Well, my son, what' did you learn at school today? Not to sass Tommy McNutt! Chi cago Daily Nws. Be suro and come on Special Train so you can spend the -whole day ir, Raleigh. SEE LARGE POSTERS FOR COMPLETE SCHEDULES. Remember that on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY the Weldon Specie! will not stor south ot Franklinton for passengers. Parties between Franklir--ton and Raleigh will be handled on Louisburg Special. - Trains will be operated every SO minutes between Union Depot and Fair Grounds on Oct. 26, 29, 30 and 31st. FARE TEN CENTtS EACH WAY. H, 5. LEARD, D. P. A., Raleigh. N. C. C. B. RAY AN. O. A., Portsmouth, Va. ! i r r ! The H-O JS?j Company i Light Biscuit Light Pastry lighl Ceket Light Work Lijj Cost SURE and-. Ouick-as-3-wmk1 - jr f .1 jr-u Kitchen put up m expeoence V,

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