THE MORNING POST: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER I H r I Have your cake, muffins, and tea biscuit' home- nude They wi3 be fresher, cleaner, more tasty and wholesome. Royal Baking Powder helps the housewife to produce at home, quickly and economi cally, fine and tasty cake, the raised hot . biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and muffins, with which the ready made food found at the bake-shop or grocery does not compare. Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps. .1 i i 1 om m The 1 902 State Pair Passes Was a Great Success Both Socially and Financially. A Large Crowd Closing Day Testen!a" was the last day of t?e iv Mat fir. an an unuually biff d.- it There ere nearly twice a mnf rnv In attendance a la uaual for th- -!oin(r Jay. The fair of 19C2 ha now passed Into the thtnes that have been and Iinrerf a a p.eawnt memory. Repreaenta tlxe men and momen of the state, re-rr-?ntat!re of all walk, station and rmfMjJor.i. come by the thousands and mka at the fair and were pleated with it. There mas the professional man. lawyer doctor preacher.' teafhfr. There was the buineis man. merchan?. manufacturer, banker, broker. Thr,e was the sturdy, farmer, cattle raiser, fruit crower. poultry fancier. There wss the carpenter, blacksmith, and men representing every trade and calling, all mlngllrut together, looking at the products of the state, their hearts smelUnc with pride, lovlns North Caro lina. And the fair womanhood of t! state was represented, too. In the great throngs, the stately and mature dames, mlth whit hair, those with silver threads among the gold, the young wo man, the vivacious maiden. There was the highly cultured, polished, refined and accomplished representative of the trore wealthy classes, the girl from the city, the glri from the village and the robust lithesome country lass, all attending the fair and smiling lovely srr.ics. Verily. It was good to be there. President John A. Long. Secretary Jos. 11 rogue and Treasurer Capt. C. B. Densorj have cause to be proud of A. & M. DEFEATS GUILFORD COLLEGE , ' Football at the Fair Grounds Yesterday In a splendidly fought contest the A. ft M. foot ball team defeated Gull ford College at the fair ground ysterdy afternoon by a score of 29 to $. The game was witnessed by at Wn two thousand people. The only touchdown scored by Guilford wa made by Fitzgerald after a succession cf sh-rt gains and a hard fight inside the Ove-yard line. The quakers play el a h..-i p!ucky game but were out classed by the A. & M. team. Fltxger sll and Ur.ds.iy for the visitor did some rretty work. In fact the whole team worked well, but wa too weak to withstand the hard rushes of the locals. For the A. & M. College the stars ere Welch. Devlin. Robertson Tuck er ar.d Shannonhouse. while all the others played their positions welL The sensation of the. game came when Welch scooted around right end and dahd one l.un!red yards down the f.eld for a touchdown, which, however, a ruled out on the claim that he ran outside the line. -Another sensational run wss made by Tucker who broke through and made a 75 yard dash for a touchdown, but this, was also ruled out jLa fouL The first Half The game was played in two twenty minute halve. A. AM. kicked off to fifteen yard line and Guilford advanced five yards. An attempt to gain failed and Gull ford made a long kick to Roberson who advanced ten - yards. Khannonhouse carried the ball ten more and Tucker made a brilliant dash of twenty-flve yards. A nre yard gain wss made and Devlin ent through line three and .a feaif yards for a touchdown. Devlin tailed to kick goaL ScoTe $ to 0. . O oil ford kicked off to Roberson who to- mrm vtm. . f J Into His.tory the VXft fair. The exhibit were full and complete, the weather waa all that could be desired and the attendance smashed all former record. The Mid way was large and minus the rank In decencies that characterised It last year. Ttle races were good and the other outdoor attractions - were pleas ing and entertaining. Everybody was happy and the throng went home with expressions of praise for the fair. AH outgoing trains last night were loaded with visitor returning Borne. A select coterie remained to attend the crowning event of the week, the mar shal ball, at the Capital Club last nlrht. The exhibits are being removed and packed up for ahlpment. The Midway tent are being furled, the -man with the -come-back baIr-otnt ha pack ed his grip. he EIX Country Store has "Closed .for the "season."! the merry-go-round organ ha been hashed, an5 all the rare and wojtderful anake-eat-er have hut cp their resile den and departed. - The gentlema' driving race was won. yesterday by Mr. J. K. Marshal. Mr. Manly Pennington second, Mr. J. i Wynne third and Mr. A. B. Stron ach fourth. The trotting race was won by Ttlch ard II. in three straight heats, time 2:261-2. 2:29. 2:271-2. - The running race was won by Post master Bailey In two straight heats. Lockwood second. Royal Roover third. Secretary Pogue announced yester day that the fair had certainly been a success from a financial standpoint. In terest will again be pald'on the bond. The society ha only $24,000 ri bonds and these are nearipg maturity. They are secured by mortgage on the grounds and In th elait few year they have risen to fifty cent on the lollar. A short time since they could be had for almost the asking. The society 1 now In the best shape in it history. advanced ten yards.' Then "Welch made his sensational . run. . The ball was brought back and Tucker hit the line for four yards and Roberson made a gain of five yards. Then Tucker ran seventy-five yards, but the . ball was carried back to the thirty-yard line be cause of a fouL It was then Gull- ford's balL or. yard was gained and eight lost. Rober On received Guilford s kick and advanced ten yards. Two or three short gains and Welch got away and sprinted thirty yards for a touch down. Roberson makes goaL score 11 to 0. ' Guilford kicked to Devlin on the ten- yard line who advanced twenty-flve. Roberson received the ball and skirted right end for twenty-flve more. There were short gains by Tucker, Roberson. Welch and Devlin. Darden made a pretty run for fifteen and Roberson pushed the ball over for a touchdown and kicked goaL Score 17 to 0. Guilford kicked to Darden on the twenty-yard line who advanced fifteen. Then Guilford seemed to' gain strength and offered stout resistance. ; One yard was gained." two lost, then -six and It was Guilford's balL Guilford played hard and in a succession ; of plays slowly advanced toward the goal. Two downs Inside the five yard line witn out gain made it interesting.. On the third down Fitzgerald succeeded In go ing three yards for a touchdown. Lind say failed to kick goaL 'Score IT to . A. & M. kicked off to Snipes who ad vances ten yards. ' Four yards were lost, and time was called, end of first half. .-' Tb Half, Guilford kicked to A: & M. on the twenty-flve yard line and Gulley ad vanced ten yard. Welch goes thirty and Roberson. Shannonhouse, Oulley and Devlin make gains In succession and the ball went -over on a fumble. Guilford tried in vain to advance and kicked when A. & Ml advanced two yards. Welch made another great run for 27 yards, and. Shannonhouse went four more for a touchdown. Rober son kicked goaL Score ,23 to S. Guilford kicked ofT to Roberson on the fiT-yard lin who advatjeed ten yards. Welch and Carpenter made tea and fif teen yard respectively and Tucker and Beebe went two and sir. Devlin . - , i . . . f piangea uirouga uue line tor eigui vard. C reenter. Robe r son. Gulley and Devlin gained three, eight, five and twelve yard respectively, and Welch skirted light end for .twenty yards, be ing tackled near the edge of the field by Snipes and Dixon, when the three rolled between the front wheel of a caniaxe - and the horses' heel. The fhorses jumped and rolled the heavy wheels over the men, but no one was hurt. Guilford secured the ball on a fumble., Beliur unable to gain by bucking the line Guilford kicked twenty-live yards to Welch who advanced twenty. Sh&nnonhouse made twelve. RAhnron 1 and Devlin broke throurh the line and ran twenty yards for the fifth touchdown.. Roberson kicked goal and the score was 29 to 5. Guilford kicked to Devlin who ad vanced thirty yards. After a succes sion of rains elrht. four, ten and three yards, Oulley gained eighteen and Gull- ford made another stout stand and se cured the ball. Falling to gain kicking wa resorted to. Roberson was tackled In his tracks when he caught the ban. Roberson and Devlin made gains and time was called, with the ball on Gull ford's twenty-yard line. The Guilford boys crowded together and gave a rousing yell for the A. & M. and then for Guilford. The yell was responded to by the A. & M. team grouped a few yards away who yelled for the quaker lads. I'p ef Beth Teaata The line up of the visitors was as fol lows: Lindsay, center: Pritchett, right tackle; Stockard, right guard; Short, right end; HcNalry. left tackle: Fitz gerald, left guard; Hinton, left end; Dixon, quarter back: Snipes,. right half back; Leak, left half baci; Patterson, full back. Sub Welborn, Davis and Fisher. The A. & M. line up .was as follows: Iladley. center; Carpenter, left guard; Beebe, right guard; Devlin, left tackle; NeaL right tackle; Darden. quarter hack: Roberson. full back; Shannon h use, left half back; Welch, right half back; Gulley. right,. end; Tucker, left end. Subs Carraway, Selfert, Abernathy, Asbury, and Miller. SUPERIOR COURT TAKES A RECESS ' There will be no further session of the October term of the Wake Superior court until next Wednesday, a recess witll that date having been taken yes terday morning. Jurors drawn for the third week of the court will take notice that they need not attend until Wed nesday morning November 5. The only business disposed of yesterday before the recess was the granting of a di vorce of a colored couole. STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS CHANGE - Hon. R. A. Doughton of Alleghany county has resigned as a member of the state board of elections and the governor has appointed Mr. J. R. Lew ellyn of Dobson in hi stead. Argument Heard The case of Farmers' Manufacturing Company of Norfolk, Va., vs. Frukes Manufacturing Company . Jn equity, charging infringement on patent for a ventilated barrel made of veneer for the shipment of fruits, was argued be fore Judge Purnell yesterday, the ar gument continuing from 10 until 6 p. m. The argument was by Fenwlck of Washington, D. C, and Brogaw of Washington, N. C, and others for the complainant, and Rodman of Washing ton, N. C. and Lenton of Philadelphia for the defendants. RAILROADS GIVE VERY LOW RATES One Fare for Round Trip and Fifty Cents Added for Fa i r 6 r o u n d Ad mj s s i o n ; Tbe Southern Railway, Seaboard Air Line, Afiantlc Coast Line and Norfolk & Western hare nad a nu;e of on fare and fifty cent coupon admission to Fair grounds for the Great State Fair- Tickets to be sold October 25th to yoti inclusive, final limit November 3rd. - . . , Rates from some of 'tie principal points, with Fair Coupon aoueo Portsmouth - 5.03 5.45 3.00 2.95 1.95 1.40 1.70 1.TJ5 -1.85 2.83 '3.C5 5.45 5.3) 3.05 2.33 1.20 Suffolk. . .." . Woldon . Littleton.. .. IIendTson. . Frankllnton. . Lonisburg. . . Wake Forest San ford. .. Aberdeen. . . Hamlet.. . Monroe. . . . Richmond . . LaCrosse. . . KldOTwny.. i . YoungsriUe. . Ashevllle .. -30 Stateerdlle ' Salisbury -,; Charlotte High Point.. .. .. ..' Greensboro.. . EIoti College.. .. .. Rurlington Iinisboro.. Chapel Hill- - Durham Cary t Clayton.. .. -ju Felma.. - GoldsboTO. " . " ' Wilmington. ... .... Wilson.. ... . Rocky Mount. . . Fayetteville .. .. .. GxteariUc. .V .. 3.13 2.00 2.45 1.80 1.A5 1.S5 75 1.00 1.40 2.03 4.85 2.29 3.73 3,00 4.43 STATISTICS OF N. C. GRADED SCHOOLS Thirtv-three Schools. Expend Nearly $200, 000-Public School Expenses in State Over $1,400,000 The work of compiling statistics from report of suoerint!jdents of city and town graded schools for the year ending July 1st Is now being com pleted in the office of the otit Super intendent of Public Tnstrac:'.on. ThL is the first year reoorts have been gotten from these schools, of whLrh there ar 33 in the State. th5 superin tendents having heretofore in many instances declined to report. However, Supt. Joyner appealed to them on trie ground that without such reports it would be impossible for anything, like an accurate or creditable snowing to be made in his report of the money really expended In the State for edu cation in the public schools. The compilation of the reoorts all of which are In hand show about J200.000 raised and expenld in the matntalnance of these S3 graded schools. This will give a ;.Tand totsl of upwards of 11,400. 0C0 raised and ex pended in the State for the public .hvtla oltv And rural. VWAiwaw - - . Yesterday blanks were snt out to all county superintendents of schools on which are exoectea to mase i once to State Superintendent Joyner reports of the situation in their respec tive counties as to consolidation school districts, local taxation, the number of school houses built during the past year and the Per cent of pri vate contributions toward ni3 ereciwn of school houses. These reportJ are to be in by the time the "5ta:e converi- it r rnnntv suDerintendecits of pub lic schools meets here Nov. 12. 13 aiid 14.. Supt. Joyner thinks ..t least ten times as much money from p-lva: sources has been given lor puruc Bchool houses the past year than durnt any previous year in the hlujry of public schools Jn the State. Democratic State Ticket - Superintendent of Public Instruction: JAMES Y. JOYNER. Guilford County. Member of the North Carolina Corpo ration Commission: EUGENE C. BEDDINGFIELD, Wake County. Ch'ef Justice of the Supreme Court: WALTER CLARK, " Wake County. Associate Justices of the Supreme v - Court: HENRY G. CONNOR, Wilson County. PLATT D. WALKER, Mecklenburg County Judge o: the Superior Court of the Second JudiciaJ District: f ROBERT 3. 'PEEBLES. . j Northampton County. Judge of the Superior Court of the Fourth Judicial District. CHARLES M. COOKE, Franklin County. Judge of the Superior Court of the Sixth Judicial District: WILLIAM R. ALLEN, Wayne County. Judge of the Superior Court of the Eighth Judicial District: WALTER H. NEAL. Scotland County. Judge of the Superior Court of the Tenth Judicial District: BENJAMIN F. LONG, Iredell County. Judge of the Superior Court of Eleventh Judicial District: EUASTUS B. JONES, . Forsyth County. Judge of the Superior Court, of Thirteenth Judicial District: WILLIAM B. COUNCIL, Catawba County. Judge of the Superior Court of Fourteenth Judicial District: MICHAEL H. JUSTICE, Rutherford County. Judge of the Superior Court of the the the the Fifteenth JuJiciai District: FREDERICK MOORE, ; Buncombe County. Judge of the Superior Court of the Six teenth Judicial District: GARLAND S. FERGUSON. Haywood County. -This Is the Democratic State Ticket to be voted on November 4th, 19C2. Familiarize yourself with each name and look out for bogus tickets. There is reason to fear that bogus tickets will be circulated on Election aay. There is no Democratic State ticket without each of the above names on it. " F. M. SIMMONS, Chairman State Dem. Exec. Com. ALEX J. FEILD, Secretary. v ACftOEMjrOL MUSIC FSi2Y OCTOBER 31 GIVE A LOOK ! Tti Brer Favorite Germn Dialect Comedian PETE K ER IN A GRAND SCENIC REVIVAL OF A COUEDJ THAT YOU KNOW IS GREAT. CHRIS AND LENA Supported by a Big Company, including the IKISIt JlLPEKniX JOHN KERNELL, and the handsomest ulnginff artist, Miss BESSIE MILLER - - SEATS NOW SELLING AT r:.-iiz Bobbitt-Wynee Drug: Co. ; - Frlce, :5v, 50c Tffcc., B DRINK A i While; it is so warm arid dusty, i CALL POB It is the only Union made Beer in Raleigh. W.C. Hudgiiis Agent, Gr. B. S- Brewing Co., . vof Baltimore, M&. Raleigh Office on Har- gett Street, t ED'S PLACE u Mr Prices Guaranteed to Suit. QIO WTTAf TVflTON ST.. Second door south of Commercial and Farmers Bank. Free Lunch From 11 to 1 o'clock each day, eurei H. E. JOYNER. Our Quick Method of converting your real estate and bus- Iness, no matter w-nere iocaiu, ensn, i' utati. on wquesu bu tnU ' particulars and price. Etablished 16 years. Large .List of Buyers. Write at once4' - ' i ' -A' ROBrKT V1BD R. . CO., Garfield Bnilding, Brooklyn, NeTt York City. "A,;; Victor Sehrwald, MASSEUR . Late of Hot Springs. X. C General. Special and Facial Massage, at your private residence. Best -of city, and general references. Office: CAPITOL INN, Cor." Fayetteville 4 and Morgan Sts. RALEIGH COOPER BROS. . A proprietors. . A palelghN C. MONUMENTS Write for catalojrns. SVe pay tb freight t t . -t. . - Bariey Park -Aul l A m M 8 E II WM I TS W UK IT dlM ' We toid yoti heartily welcome, whether you desire to bny now or merely wish to learn the latest fashions. Make our store your headquarters. Any in formation .or assistance will he cheerfully given. , The Smart Fall Men's,; Youth's, : 1 The Correct Fall and Winter Styles' are ready for Inspection, All wild appreciate Good Clothing at moderate prices wiirsurely be inter ested in otirElaborate Style Range. . . iv ' Sill And the correct and up-to-date line in Mens Furnishings. " - ' " A 7 - A - --" ; 7 Sputliefland Sisters; Famo-as the World Over for their-.. Wonderful Hair wilUconductxaidemonstration at w ' . a: a; for one wek,beginning should see them, uonsnitaxion iree. Full line of their preparations on sale. Vv';Vr.H;riiNG'DRfUG;CO.. Three Stores, B AR B EE (SL CtO., . RALEIGH. DURHAM. Direct Private Wire to Instantaneous quotations. All tran Information concerning tne mai "llu., - and surrounding towns. Interstate and BU Phonoi.No. 67. " - ; 3 Rugs, Rugs, Rugs, Rugs; TODAY We are making a Special Sale of Rugs. A delayed shipment of Rugs, offered at bargain prices for quick selling. Dobbin & Ferrall. ARE .FIN & 1MB E UP-TO-DATE CLOTHIERS -AND FURNISHERS. J October. 27th. Everybody Raleich, N. C. The of Awards Jury at the Tan-Amerlcaa Expoeitte'a appoint, ed to paas upon 4he merits of the articles exhibited hare pronounced: yhe Jnderwood XSftm Fastest, . TShQ Strongest. Z5q Simplest, u6a most Conpleto and the Most Practical TypoMf rlto Mad TRIT 1H SIGHT , For Catalogue ; writ' to "i : V "' ' ) , State 'Agent. . ; STOCKS, COTTON, GRAIN and PROVISIONS. New YorK and CHicago. sactions 1ona fide. . . 'Dobbin AND Ferrall At TticKer's Store READY IN GLOTHiNQ HAN CO 'i : 1