rve ftw ,1 . w Lg i rrl POSTCSRIPTS Senator Cmrnona wBl apeak at Hen Orioo Mnnflmy nifht. Dr. Kmp P. Battle, Jr, haa a hi suest Major VT. B. OaGcJc Co. J. a I Harrta has ratarned from a boataeM trip to "WaaMarton. " CoL JTa 2& Omnlngaana returned to W hams tn Person county yesterday juoroma. 3jl jcim Bagwell reruroej to Tfin sioa rwterdar after attandlr-r the Fair and vtstriEC frlenda. Etaia Trtaxarar B. B. Lacy left yea tardar tor Alamanoa catmty to aa Btt two aampalxn speech e. fw, Parry AUMn, ar vnimlnston. cpant Thars-Jay and yesterday tn th city. XI U a member of tne Una of Vonsern Co, merchant tailor. Can. Julian 8. Carr spent . several Wi to tha ctty yesterday. He ex- rea reiret that ha-could not on account of Tsnslaesa nanient at taad th Fair artier. i Sharlff J. X. Haaee. of Halifax comi ty, was here yesterday to commit a whit man to to Stata prison for a tarra of flra years. The convict's crime mM that of IrKlrnr hla wtfa xr. Joohv Klasey. of TSiisoa. spen -trd.v in Baialxft. He waa mir vrs erorztsent ha TTiaiar Turlt ( EfffCtlr October 15th, tht Socthern, Railway announces mU of winter tour ist rates co all the principal .winter r ort in Florida, New Mexico Texs and Coba. Tickets bear a tran . Halt of fifteen daya la ec' dlrecti -1th final limit May 31. lQOti. : 1 For full particiiUrs, descripilrc- ".ok-; let, ate, call on your nearest Sor.:".:rn j Railway tfeot or tcrtte. i T. C. STURGIS, C. T. FayeUetiWe street. Raleigh. N. C j r aW A"" Cur tMouwxtuy Welles Ufa members of the North Carolina A rri ml tirrl Societv are reauested to call at the secretary's office, northwest corner Pollen building for their llfo , tnambanhlp ticket. . f J CLTEL J0R3 .TP FAYKTTEVILLE STREET RALEIG-H,' N. C. Fifty Newly Furnished Rooms, ell ' Modern Conven- . lances. European and JLmeri-' eta riw. ' ' Two block from poet office Thro , blocks from Oner Eonea. YOU ARE - ; If Yoti Visit tHe Gf eat 5tate Fair ' s IVottce f i4lUirila Ttavl nI?.1 ii mfYlll tVa tor of the ottaU af Jno. B. Maynardv decora- Up-tO-date Cafe forliadlSi J. late or nan uocarr. ia ta norifT all Dertona htTlne claim apiXctt th aald estate, to preaant the asme to e nndersixaed at bia office ra Baleiira. N. C- on or before tha 15th day cf October, 1908. r tie notice will j bo plead la bar of their recorery, aad; all person tsaebtrd to the said estate will pleaa make Immediate payment and Gentlemen, rim ATK dim.m; koomj FOH PAUTIEa W. W. .XEW1IAN. Manare. W. I IOIU17TT. Preprtetea. for educational circles and la now conr.?ei with the , to the ircaerslrned. .a4nM ttlar with the I ill IU-UIU WIMtUV.n I Kew Tork life eompanyw ANNOUNCEMENTS Oh DEMOCRATIC SPEAKINGS The farrwintf reatletnaa wO apeak at tie ffflM aad place otated: HOX. CTRUS B. WATSON. Xhirhaxm Oct. Sna CUht). Roxhoro. Oct- 5th. YancarrUX Oct. list. Keldaetlle, Not. let (nfht). BOX. B. B. GLENN. XTalnat Cot. Oct. tb, Sladlaoa. Oet. STtn (nlfht). SioseTlIle. Oct. 10 tn. Thoaaarde. OcC 51st (nicht). iiockaTiUe. Xor. IsL Raral TTaH. Nov. Sd.' ait. Airy, Not. Jd (nlht). HOK. JAMES B. TOUNG. Xabcey. Oct. Jlrt. BobbUta. Oct. Xlat (nlxht). Cexideraon. Not. 1st. v Hen. F. M. SIMMONS. CtttesrUIe, Oct. Suth. Lexincton. Not. lit. Ashrrllkw Oct. 2Sth. iiox. e. w. rou. Sutesrie, Oct. SOth. HON. D. H. MXEAN. South port. Not. 1st. HON. B. R. LACT. Cra-ver & Zimmerman Btore. Oct. Zi. Lexinrton. Oct. JSth (r.irht). Cumnock. Oct. th nl-bt). Alaxnanca Cft. Oct. list, law PJyer. Not. lat (nlaht). HON. LEE 13. OVEBMAX Wa Jesboro, Oct. 2Jj. norklnrhrvm. Oct. SOth. Lumbertcn. Oct. 31st. FayetteTiUe, N t. 1st. Dr. B. F. DIXON. V.T:IteTli:e. Oct. Slat. Iloa. R. D. GILMER. Calton. Oct. ZTlh (night). CapeHa. Oct. 81st. Pilot Mount. Oct. 81st (a'fM). Mt. Airy. Not. 1st. TayIorsU:e, Not. 34. B. II. KIRKPATBICK. Rock SprJrc. Oct. ft ta ill a. m.) Iron Duff. Oct. th (night). Pine Grove. OcC SOth (11 a. tn.). White Oak. Oct. SOth (night). Shady GroTe. Oct. Slat CI a, in.). Iry mil. Oct. Slat (night). Crueso. Not. 1st (U a. in.). HON. T. VF.- Maaon. "Henderson. Nor. lat. HON. P. S. SFRUILI Concord. Not. Srd. Hen. G. B. PATTERSON. fc FayettCTiile, Oct. 30th. HON. FRANKLIN MNETLL Soothport. Not. lat. Hon. JOHN D. BELLAMT. Carrer Creek. Oct. SSthu WhiteTllle, Oct. Slat. HON. TV. 1L BOWER. Cabarrus county, Oct. ZSth. Cabarrns county. Oct. 29th. Stanly county. Oct. SOth. HON. C C DANIELS. Legxeetts, Eigecomba county, Oct. Wirbanka, WUson county. Oct. Slat. Jazceartne. Martin county. Not. lat. GOV. CXI AS. B. ATOOCK. FayeneTia, .Oct. C9xb, Rockinxhatn. Oct. 30 Lh. Arbemari, Nor. 1st. Freemont. Not. Srd 1 p. ra. aoidaboro. Nov. Srd. 8 p. ra. GEN. iL W. RANSOM. Charlotte. Oct. Syst. nox LOCKE CRAIO. Waahlngton. Oct. 2Sth (night). Warrant on. Oct. SOth. Morgantoa. Not. 1st. HON. KOPh; ELIAS. nayeerUIe. Norrmber 1st. HON. JAMES H. POU. Charlotte. "Oct. 81st. Concord. Not. Srd. Hen. A. IL WTTITE. Fort Btrnw:i. Oct. 27th. Hon. GEO. W. WARD. Colombia, Oct. Bth. F. 5L SIMMONS, Chairman State Decn. Ex. Cos. AT.EX. J. FE1LD. Sec a MARCOM. AaalnUtrator. PEELS & MATNAUD, Atty. Oct. XOtk, 102. BUSINESS ITEMS FOUND A largo bin book contain Inar a number of receipts of J. T. Cul lum. Halifax. N. C. Owner can get same br annlrlnr to this office and paying for this ad. "vr orrcm, ArtJra traTeliar man to ell factory lino of Dry Goods to the retail trace. Spring eeseon. &oau Philadelphia Woolen Co, Box 1311, Philadelphia. Pa. RALEIGH Circulating Library You pay only Sl-M tor on year and read all the latest book and author free of other chare e. Stock unlimited. Thl offer holds until December. South era Book Exchange. WANTED TO BUT A gootl second hand Dental Cabinet and Chair. Imme diately. Address Dentist, Cara Morn ing: Post. - ok containing S.' A. 1 Ry. anneal cast of 4th and 5th dlTlalons. Finder rewarded to return same W. D. F ". rrr ' tZS Barnard, St Savannah. Oa WANTED Ererybody to know that (he Richmond News man la in town. stopping at the Tarborough House. WANTED. Ererybody to subscribe to the Richmond Dally New, the beat one-cent paper In the south. HAVE you teen that 100 year old. San Domingo mahogany bureau now on exhibition for a few day only. It a beauty, at Tho. W. Blake' Jewelry Store. A registered -pharmacist can buy, on satisfactory terms, an interest in one of the beat drur store in western North. Carolina. "DRUGGIST. Care Morning; Post. A fin 170-acre farm for sale. In two xciles of Mocksrille, N. C . For terms epd description call on or write to an "derslgnea. A valuable- home. P. 8. EARLY. Mocksrille. V. C UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER. Th latest and best. Merits cheerfully d monat rated . to proopoctlTe purctrjaer and catalogues furnished by R. L. Ianlsey, state arret. Durham, and J. W. Smith, room 5, Capital dub, Ral eigh. Agents wanted in all towns. Capudine rrRK COLDS. LAGRIPPE ASP ALL HEADACHES Neuraleia, Indigestion, Pains, Etc Your Money Back if It Fails. 15c, 25c, and 50c at drug stores WHAT'S THE : USE. Of Killing Tim by sending "down town" for your DrugsT We carry the same line as l kept la the down town stores, and we are con venient. We bar all the phones, and deliver prompt ly. "Others ar taking ad vantage of It. why not yoa? W. G. THOMAS, Nortr9tdc Pharmacy S DFD - CURES HEADACHE by quieting the nerves and oor . . V. recune tne cause, .it . does no depress the heart, bat stimulates and relieves that tired feeling. t .A, - For sale by all druggists. a step farther and Inspect the cxten sire displAy of befluUfvl holiday Ideas in Pictureii, Moulding. Frikmes, etc.. o n 'exhibition at our beautiful Art Store o. 12 Weat Harge; street, rear Natl ohai Banki Our store is at yqur.dls ial for a breathing place between yo urpleasure hours. The Iatchstrihg is rar weicom. r " " - V Utley, 0 State Fair Special. 12 West Haaett Street, - ' -KALEioH;:2sr.:o; THIS FIRM is rushed with fall Dtisiness. but tney have the time to show you a full line of Tail ors. Samples. They guarantee satisfaction ' in; fit." workmanship and price. See their SHOES. Box Calf Shoes $2.60. The best on the market. BOYS' SHOES, $1, 5L25 and $1.50. , . New style PAIili HATS ready. : Mora et this brand sold than any other, beeaus of it uniformity ia punty and Qoanty. . ' WHISKEY? Se tho largest barrel Ter m ' Raleigh. now on tap in A. O. Wad ford's saloon, uargett street. Ralelgk. N. CJ. VklCw B awt all tftaliw af tjia fmmi tot aac cam. . Vvf infvmua. M ra. Ckil r writ. OH N M. WXD.nr Y Ov L. W. W. Na News and Opinions National Importanos titt ALONE 1 f COITTAIKS BOTH. J. 17. KITfG, Froaldant . . . P. J. HOLDBIt, Vie President '.; '. (IAI-tICI, M. c ; . Jo you want to "get. there?" You will "get there" -if you learn Bpok keepinp. Shorthand, Typewritings ; Penmanship and English at King's College. Graduation means a position "and a' position mean's success. If other schools are able to lead their students to success, why don't they do it? We hare a reward that means something. Dont take chances play safe. DaJ1 and nlgbt sessjons.. , For full Information address. KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, - - " Raleigh. N. C MATTURITY NOTICE 2 THE .MECHANICS AND INVESTORS UNIok has matured their First &Tia of sTtoek, and has paid in cash $100 per share for certificates tin force), -ten beted 1 to 35. amounting to $8,500.0a CertlficAtes .wiU.be piid rery month hereafter as they mature. The owners of these certincates hate been depositing about ten cents per day and are receiving in cash- an average Of Five Hundred Dollars for matured.' certificates. . In no other way can a man or womah so easily build up a few-hundred dollars capital as by daily saving Sir investment in a financial Barings institution. We hope to issue One Hun red Certificated during the next few weeks. What amount can you save-foi Inrestment? Fire cents per day will mature $200. or ten cents per day wil mature $400 in one hundred months. GEORGE ALLEN, Scrttary, , September. 1602. . -" - . Pullen Building. X 3 SJ-SX SV flary'sg School, Ralsih, N. C The sixty-first annttnl session begins September ISth. The Easter Term becins January" 28th. St. Mary's -School "-offers- Ins traction 18 the following departments: The Preparatory School, The College, The Art School, The Music School, The Business School. . . Th're are two hundred and forty-eight students representing ulno Dioceses. Faculty of twenty-five. Much of the equipment is new; eight new pianos bought thisear. St. Mary's Kindergarten l. located - In the center of the city nude? Miss Louise" T. Rhee' chnfffe. Fr 5tn1?n sfl1lrip! '. . REY. -t. D. BRATTON. D. V"4V -"j "P t B ed and Table Line Let us do your Bed and'Table Lin en "for you. We can do it In a day's notice, and have-it nice and. fresh. We charge for this kind of work On Cent a piece, provided you, put in the small pieces. All lots less than twenty five pieces will be charged 25 cents." T his is very cheap as well as being con venient. , . . . ." i .. .... " OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY J. K. MARSHALL. Prop. itrta87 mil 1331 Hl-Iti T Dally, by ttaH. ,.yc a year. iauy and Hnnday bynaU. Tear The Sunday. Sun I th greatest tSuuday y'ic la th World, rice Be a copy. .P tali..t'- year. Address THH RUN New York. Carolina Trust Company. CAPITA! STOCK, 1 00,000.00. TKDSTS, LOANS.' BANKING. SAFE DEPOSITS. Tran-acts a GENERAL BANKIN O and SAVINGS BANKING BDS1 NESS; also acts as Financial Agent fo t the floating of Stocks and Bonds o MUNICIPAL, RAILROAD. COTTON MILLS and other corporations. Ac s as EXECUTOR. ADMINISTRATOR. GUARDIAN. TRUSTEE. AS i SIGNEE. RECEIVER, BROKL.t, AGENT. - . iniP'resx poia on ieposiis in aiu--'pirnneni. "HOME SAVINGS boxes, srrong and convenient, furnished without cos to you. - - ' i : OFFincpSi W. W. Mills. President: Leo. D. Heaht, Vice-President and General Mas ager: Robert C. Strong, Trust Officer andV;General Counsel: Wiliiam Hayei Cashier. " DIRECTORS: James Webb. D. Rlcian. Charles ''B. ' Hart. Alexander Webb .Tniiir i-wjs, ueo. u. rieartt, t 1.. .vara. y. v. diuis, Allen J. Fettv. P. R. Aibrieht and Robert G.'ii trot OflJres in Ca Heartt. Librieht and Robert C. ' .s tronir. .rrolina Trnf Bnildinz., R sleigh. Ruffin. W. C N. C. It's pally a Question Money ! y-K Your IVlon !( ; ; Whether you desire to deliberately waste, throw !.a?aV port yourself , from fifty to one nunarea dollars per annum, or save, keep and retain approximately that sum. PLENDID COUOH nEDICINETEli BLOCH lOTHES vj o.wo wjui iqt en iae marrei. we cave eeea it of tht xnaehly TaanUd remedies, and we' a afraid to pat side outclass numbers have heard of tcavrcelj no cases vhere itflid not prove entirely satisfactory. It is TAR, TOLU AND WILD CHERRY. The price ia 25c If you buyaUitie end are disappointed, come bade and teu us, and tre will return your money. "We want no man's rooaey who dosa't think thai we have given him his money's worth. CR0WELL, McLARTY & CO., OR A HIGH PRICED 9 TT TO-MEASURE TAtt OR. Alternative. Visitors the. Stat e' Fair Are . Invited to See our Store- Exhibit of fw&r Specials Meal :For Ladies and Misses. Coat, Norfolk Jacket and Blouse Suits $9.00 to $50.00. In black, brown, mode, green and grey. . Black Silk Monte Carlo Coats, $15.00. Monte Carlo Melton Coats, in black, castor and tan. Lady Kitcheriehahd Princess Melton C P Lkdies and Misses Box' Coats, $5.00 to $2.50. Misses and 'Children's Reefers and Jackets $1.00 to $5, Ladies and Misses': Ready-to-wear Hats; 50c to $2.50. s Ladies' Silk: Waists and Silk Petticoats, $5.00 to $7.50. Ladies McGeedjusMble Yoke Skirts, $2.00 to $4.50. Dress Length Skirts and Walking Skirts, $1.50 to $10. Zephyr1 Cajies, Shawls arid Fascinators, 25c to $2.63. All Wool, Half Wool and Cotton Ribbed Petticoats, 50c, Black itid Black and' White Silk Boas and Capes, 75c to $50;:. - . ' Ladie's.Fovelty Neckwear. Fur Scarfs, 'and Stoles and Muffs to match. Novelty Belts, Chatelaine Bags arid Purses. Extra Kid Gloves Values at 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. STRONAGH CO., RALEIGH, N. C. STYLISH TURNOUTS ' ' FOK STYLISH PEOPLE. Landaus, Bajgies. Picnic Wains nnd all the different kinds of traps, with th best driTtet- horses, both for speed and family use, always ready. Fine saddle horses for ladies and senis. We make a specialty of murria?M. recaptions and funerals, siting these tUe personal attention of a member or firm. Contracts for heavy haulias ml mc vaf'ng solicited. We guarantee perfect satisfactfon la all branches of our business. UPCHURGH & HOLDER Salisbury St., 'Phono PI. Morgan St.. 37i A 0LAR STORE. v Because You Find What You Wait at tHe Right Price. Here are a few things you will need to be ready, for. ?air Weeic-:-; " , - ' A New Skir$ or Dress. A New Part; Shoes. GlQves Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, &c. You will find all of them here. If Ybu liave to Fix for Company yP -:::.We Can Sell You oe SB BTarikets fi'6m?$1.00 to $5.00 a pair. . Be"d Comfbtts (ood ones), $1 .00, $1.50 and $2.00. White Counterpanes, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Sheets, 50c.J 62c. and 70c. each-Bolster- ana-lMHow Cases. . , Lace -Curtains; -50c. to $3.00 a pair. Rags, $1.06i-to $3.G8 each. Sllkolifc&. aijij Cretonnes for Draperies. Swiss andnScrim for Curtains. Soaps, -Combs and vBrushes, Talcum Po'i If you arc wearing the good clothes of the latter and wish to dress for considerably less mon-y, your sole recourse is to. STEIN BLOCH CLO TEES, which you will find suttabU f or all occasions, fit and r ady to put on at once at our establishment. We ex zer-at V flu privilege of trying on every- style of Suit or Overcoat in our house, and I Will TiOitLt Mlt frt Tm 41. .." it . m . 'V. ' . ' I TJArrta ""ikuou79 er- unrquaiiea pointer oj value. x MATS There is not a fashionable hatter whose block we havent got this season. Our Shoe v stock is in great favor this season. have sizes, styje 'and prices that are right and would lik-3 tx have a share of your business. ' Druggists. 210 PAYETTE VI LLE STRE ET & BROUGHTON. 14 East Martin Street