THE MORNING POST: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6 1903 In Society 1X13 Rosa. Bttl returned to the. city resterd&y afternoon from vUIt to friends In Wilmington and other points in eaitern Carolina. Mlues Margaret and Klnsey Boy lan returned yesterday from an extended Tisit to Norfolk, where they xrere the ruesta ot Miss RoysteT. While away they also visited Richmond. Philadel phia, and TVashlBKtsn. They went to Philadelphia, to see the tray and nary football cme. Mrs. D. A. Cobte of StateaTlHe. who has been a rnest la tho borne T Hr. C- B. Edwards for the past month, left yesterfiay for her home. Judre T. B. Woxnack wUl deliver an Address before the youn ladles of the Rmrlst Female U 7:50 o'clock. Friends of the university are Invited. YT 4 ling Card Are Rutherfordton. JC. C. Dec. 5. Spe cial. Beautiful cards are out announc ing the marriage at Columbus. N. C.. on December Zith of Hon. James P. Morris to Miss Mamie McFarland and Mr. J. Houghlon Hill, to Mls Brydc McFarland. sister to Miss Marnie. There will be a double wedding: n(J will be solemnized In the First Pres byterian church at 10 a. ri. by Rev. L. Oathey. pastor of the Presbyte rian church nt this plnce. Mr. Morris is the Democratic Ren-reser.tatlve-elect of Polk county and Is one of the best known and moit popu lar attorneys in that county, while Mr. Hill In one of Rutherford ton's popular young gentlemen. He is manager or Dr. T. B. Twitty's dnc establishment at this place. j PinVfiarn'c aHvifft flnH medicine. I 'Fibroid Tumors Cured Note the result of Mrs. The Misses McFarland are the mo popular and beautiful yourur ladi?s of j Polk county with numerous friends j throughout this section f the state, j They are daughters of Mrs. Angle M. j McFarland of Columbus. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mm. Morris will leave for points I " Some time ago I wrote to you de scribing my symptoms and asked your advice." You replied, and I followed all your directions carefully, and to dar I am a well woman. " The use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound entirely ex iled the tumor and strengthened Mr. and Mrs. Fred McDonald who pent seTtral days of their honeymoon ruesta at the Tarbbroagh. left yester day for their future home in Golds fcoro. While here they were entertaln 1 at a luncheon at the governor's mansion. Mr. McDonald is one of GoMsboro."s most popular young men and a capable druggist. a"hd his fair bride waa Miss Daisy Rhlnehardt of LJncolr.ton. They were married last Tuesday. Mrs. A. J. Cooke of Goldsboro is a guest at the Tarborough. Mr. ar.d Mrs. James A. Brlggs. Jr.. returned yesterday afternoon from their bridal trip .and are at home at No. 3:2 Halifax street. was elected last month. Mr. and Mrs. Hill will spend their honeymoon in this part of the state with friends. Both couples will be at home. Columbus after January 15th. rtMioa me tumor ' f ?L . i in Virginia where they will remain un- holj system. I can walk milea mversiij ""l" UI the opening of the North Catoiina . noTV. legislature. They will then return to "Lydia E. Pinkliam s ege Raleigh where Mr. Morris will take I table Compound is worth five dol hls seat in the legislature to .-hich he j lars a drop. 1 advise all women who are afflicted with tumors or female trouble of any kind to give it a faithful trial." (Signed) Mbs. E. F. IIatzs, 233 Dudley St., (Roxbury) Boston. Mass. 96000 forfait If orhlnal of above latter proving gtnirineiets cannot bj produced. fountains of grold could not purchase such testimony or tako the place of the health and happiness which Lydia K. Pinkham's Vcgretable Compound brought to Mrs. Hayes. Such testimony should be accepted by all women as convincing- evidence that Lydla E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound stands without a peer as a remedy for all the distress ing1 ills of women ; all orarian troubles ; tumors ; inflammations ; ulceration, falling and displacement of the womb ; backache ; irregnlar, suppressed or painful menstruation. Surely the Tolume and character of the testimo nial letters we are daily printing- it the newspapers can leave no room f 01 doubt in the minds of fair people. I iniCO B, ETaiCEXAKD'S maniy Pnf p safe and sure: Box FREE. Send BtjnD for carttciilam. cbows chemical co.. &x as. suiurux, wu USHES FULL LINE Hair Brushes, Nail Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Complexion Brushes, Flesh Brushes and Whisk Brushes At . E. Gwaltnev's, Opposite Tarborough House. All Phones. Holiday- AiEWfflceiHeflt w ADMIRABLE RURAL LIBRARY SCHEME County Schools Miss Kllia Busbe. who left here to attend the marriage of Miss Shepherd and Dr. Graham, in Washington, X. t.. Is now visiting la Edenton. Superintendent of Public Chas. II Madry of Orange county, has written State Superinten dent J. Y. Joyner of an admirable scheme he has hit upon to secure ad ditional rural school libraries. Orange has already gotten the full quota of tlx libraries air for which is allowed by the state. Now he proposes to pri vate citizens that anyone who will do- witli 1 nate the money for the neucleus or additional library win have the named for tnem or for any one the dono rmay designate. Two libraries, one with $35 worth of booka and one with $35 worth of books have already been donated and others are sure to follow soon. The state superintendent is much gratified at this movement and hopes that many other county superintendents may fol low suit. Miss Mary Warren Cameron left for her home near Wilmington yesterday irm vv it tv v on her return from 1 an the marriage of Miss Sh-pherd and Mr. j honor of having the library Graham at Washington. a a Miss Annie McCracken of Hillsboro Ift for Sanford yesterday after visit ing Mrs. Cox on South McDowell street. Many friends will be delighted to ki.o-A that Mrs. John II. Winder Is In c!:y th n ;t of her mother, Mrs. i:. s. Tuck-. Mr. P. C. llardie has returned from a lr: to relatixes in Richmond. a a ."r. F. R Dancy of Atlanta Is in tha - iiy th iuest of Mr?. William Grimes. - - Mis Mary Porter Ashe and Miss Wll'i Ashe have gone to Albany, Ga t- Mr.'. Geo. Flir.t. 1 Penrl Graffers of Pennsylvania i in the city the guest of her brother llr. Cwrgi Graffers on llargett street. The young professors of the A. & M. ru!'!r were delightfully entertained Thursday r.l;ht by the Spinsters' Club r.f West nale'.gh. the members of ,w htr!i H0TEIf D0RSiTr. FATETTEVILLE STREET RALEIGH, N. C. Fifty Newly Furnished Eooms, all Modern Conven iences, European and Ameri can Plan. Two blocks from post offlea Three blocks from Opera House. Up-to-date Cafe for Ladie and Gentlemen. F1U ATE U1.MNU KOOM3 FOR PARTIES. W. W. NEWMAN. Manager. W. I- DORSETT. Prop-Utos. WE ARE NOW SHOWING OUR IMMENSE STGCIC ' P of A Dp Slyatery It is a mystery why women endure Backache, Headache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells when thousands have proved that Electric Bitters will quickly cure such troubles. "I suffer ed for years with kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Fhebe Cherley, of Peter son. Ia.. "and a lame back pained me so I could not dress myself, but Elec tric Bitters wholly cured me. and al though 71 years old. I now am able to do all my housework." It over comes Constipation, Improves Appe tite, gives perfect health. Only 50c at all druggists. Metropolitan Production "Among Those Present." the new comedy drama played by Mrs. Le Moyne. will be presented at the Acad emy of Music on Tuesday, Dec. 9. Just re: Miss Nannie Beivin. president; as It was produced some weeks ago at GAPT. RAND'S COM PLAINT AGAINST S. A.L Asks $40,000 Damages for Loss of Arm State ment of the Cass Phelps, vice president; Misses Elale Phelps. Mabel Massey, Nelly Massy, Winnie Massey. Bessla Massey. Elsie Rlddick. Bella Hunting ton. L.UI& Brewer. Pauline Hill. Misa VMara and Miss KenualL The club met with Miss Elsie Rid.lirk at the residence of Prof. W. C. Riddick. The game for the evening was progresslv-j Jack straws and a most charming tim was spent by the participants in the contest. The first prize, an A. and M. fag. was won by Dr. Georp:-; Fraps. The booby, a cat, was awarded to Prof. Kindall. ' Mrs. D. II. Hill an 1 Mrs. Rlddick assisted in making the evening a success. the Garden Theatre, New York city, the home of fashionable drama and so ciety comedy. Both actors, scene set, costumes and properties are those em ployed In New York, while Mrs. Le Moyne's role is that which won the warm admiration of press and public there. It is said that rarely has so massive and realistic a stage portray al of fashionable society come out of New York. As a comedy of manners an.l a mine of witty sayings and In fectious humor "Among Thoe Pres ent" is in a class by Itself, while on it ethical side it appeals to the -best in stincts and -enforces a sound without sermonizing. t . Yffae Gsest at ODES-Oiisillf pipio f a:I oV-T ?JlH!i?:.9Sr?'?7'J' T to make a ralloa. but a IIAYNZR QUART is a Ed? a" ? ? ?! eutces. four to tte culioa. Now. Ton pay rour lcltr at LViTl iT. .V rto:" lor kXu'- too K-uue ms you ra for one evcrr irallon of probably poorer lijKisir goes uirect ritm WwO. ICl Why YOU fOUlil tT It. Vm r ntun KU- W -n... ,,;.,i - - J m J W i UW MUcUWi mm Olrcci from our dssiiKery to YOBJ Sai3 Di2!tr$' Profit s ! Pmiats Adnltaratlcn ! GMiii m e PURE. GEVEr.1-YFIAR-n!n RYP EFMLL $0 EXPRESS H5AHTS r) PREPillD We m b4 too POUR FUIJ QUART BOTTLES of HAYNER'S SEVEN- TtAHOLU are tcr M SO. and awlU par tie exprea rhunrr. Try it and If yoa doo t Cod It aU rlctat aad a rood aa yoa erer used or can bay from aoT-xa e!e at aa pnee. tbeo send it bck at our expiaae asd your t3.) be returned to you by next mail. Jut Uilak that Gcr oyer. IIo could It be filrer? If yxra are Dot perfectly Mtinfled. you are no. oat a eeat. Better iMiMi-iklTMkUiU order. U yoa don't want four quarts yourself, ret a f nl to jo La yoo. .Ve ship ia a plala aealed ease, tto maxka to show wbat'a Orcert for Ar!a, Cat. OoL. Idaho. Moot.. Ner-. N. Key . Ore,. Uteh. TTash. Or Wya. ot'nt be on the baaiv of -4 Owrt for A4.00 by JEJtpreas XTraiA cr quarts for aiCOO by Jr'relgkt lrc?aid. TVrita our eearest oSico and do It NOW. THE HAYfiER DISTILLIHQ COMPANY TU.TTA, 6K DAYTOHt OHIO ST. LOUTS, a ST. PAUL, MINK. 120 Zxarraxa-ty. TaoT. O. Ba-raausHXD isct. Messrs. Armlstead Jones & Son and Col. T. M. Argo, as counsel) filed the cbmplaint yesterday in the suit of Capt. V. K. Itapd. against the Sea board Air Line for injury sustained in an accident at Cheraw last March. The following extract from the com plaint presents their case: "That the plaintiff, W. K. Hand, was employed by the defendant as conduc tor upon one of its freight trains, and while so employed and about March 21, 1902, In the town of Cheraw, shifting from th-j :ialn line to a side track and distributlv.jr the cars so shifted, as it was his duty to do, he was, negligently and carele?sly thrown from a car by the defendant and bj the negligence of the defendant was run over by the cars of the defendant and his arm so crushed that it was necessary to amputate it at the shoulder joint, un der following circumstances: It was the plaintiff's duty to" aid in rhiftiiig and distributing cars and while this wan being done to follow the trains while the shifting was being done. That the cars to be shifted were to be uncoupled by the plaintiff, as was ihl3 duty, from the other cars, and that "the plaintiff endeavored to mount the hindmost car in order to handle the (brakes, which wer? on thr.t car, and to perform V.ln duties as conductor as j aforesaid. anJ as there were no grab j Irons or stirrup Irons on the side of ithe car, which was a flat car. nialn- les3on,;fj wont hot ween the carp, both flat oars and sirr.'. f; i?ri.n the said hind most car, an; j:.t as he wsis balancing Iilmelf in his rr.-if. by putting his foot on the fr-r.t car to push himself for ward in his sent, the coupie being de fective, gave way, the cars pushed .".part and h. plaintiff, was precipi tated forward on the track and run over by the wheels of the back car and Injured r.s aforesaid. "The injury of the plaintiff was oc casioned by the r.eslifrence of defend ant in operating the car with a broken j or defective couple, which occasioned j the cars to pull aprrt and thereby i threw the plaintiff forward upon the j track, where he was run over by the j ueienu.nis trem. upon ihich piaintifC was working as n foresaid. "That by rearon of the negligence cf the defendant the plair.iff suffered and si ill suffers grrsnt bodily and meat:l pain and anguish, by the loss of his arm and the preat mental and bodily pain following, land by the almost to tal loss of capacity to laior and to earn money and a living. The plaintiff has been damaged in the sum of J40.C00." i Bric-a-brac, Toys, Dolls, Brass Goods, Purses, Bags, Steam oundry The only UD-; dtethed:jsterl?nS:Silver JeweIry,China us your work Pictures, vou can satis- 235X Lamps, come back to you STRICT LY first class and the time you ordered it back. J. W. MARSHALL, Prop. Raleigh Phone 87 Bell Phone 1331 Interstate Phone 87 AND OTHER SUBSTANTIAL We have in stock and bought to ar rive Over One Hundred Carloads of the Best Bituminous Coal in America. Orders solicited to any depot. We have on hand a large stock of the best quality of Seasoned Pine Wood, Seasoned and Green Oak Wood. Foundry and Domestic Coke also. Corn, Oats, Chops, Bran, &c. JONES & POWELL, Raleigh, N. C. All Phones 41 .nd 71. Toilet Sets, Mirrors, Vases, Clocks. 1 IS and Most arees Extensive STOCK OF I Shown will be in the Citj, pleased to have and we you call and examine same. "Gift Giving is a Pleasure ThoJ Selecting is Perplexing." You will Not Have Any Trouble Here. Walter Woollcott. Quality, JNot Rrice Is the chief consideration with as In buying our drugs. The best money ean buy is used in compounding prescriptions at this store. You may b ure of always getting what the doctor prescribes if you buy of us. Think minute, and you'll see how important this is. BOB 3 ITT-WYNNE DRUG CO., ZS3 rayrttcTill Street t s s UALEIGH, ft. 0. I N T 4 ERESTI NQ INFO RM ATI ON ON MAY 1, 3 902, THE OLD CONSERVATIVE n A i'nrt for Lumbi;t tEJZU V. C. Williams, of Amhurst. Va.. fnys: "For, more than a yenr I suffer ed from lumbnjro. I finally tried Cham berlain's Pain Ealm and it grave mo entire reiief. hich all other remedies hr.d failed to do." SoH by Crowe!!, McLnrty & Co.. Bobbitt-Wynne Drusr Co.. North Side Drug- Store, T,r. a. Thomas. No Hops for Capt. Fleming Many friends will be frrieved to learn that there Is no hopo for the recovery of Capt. T. X. Fleming of Louisbur, who is now in Johns itopkins hospital. Baltimore. A telegram was received by State Treasurer Lacy yesterday from Capt. Fleming's son, Mr. T. B. Fleming, teller In the treasury, saying: "Doctors pay there Is no hope for father. He H expected to die any time," MUTUAL LIFE INS Co., of Philadelphia WILL ADJUST ITS RATES AND VALUES TO A THREE PER CENT. RESERVE BASIS, thereby furnishing In It new contract the largest GUARANTEED CASH SO RREER, LOAN (3 FEB -CENT) I'AlU-ur A.NU AUTUMAX1U BATBXSIOX VALUES With TECTIOX ity or death. ALL KINDS OF DESIRABLE CONTRACTS ISSUED, tncluillnjr. In-addit:.n to the rjsual Ordinary Life, Limited Payment Life and Endowments on varlons plans, CON TINUOUS INSTALMENT TOLICIES, with income for life; FIVE PER CENT GOLD BONDS, paying to th beneficiary 5 per cent annually on the principal for 20 years and then th principal-, cheap CONVERTIBLE TERM policies, and many others. ALL POLICIES PRACTICALLY INCONTESTABLE FROM DATE: absolutely so after one year. ALL POLICIES PARTICIPATE IN PROFITS OF COMPANY. WITH ANNUAL. DEFERRED. OR G'tfAf ANTEED DIVIDENDS. even greater dividends than heretofore, this will enable tK Penn to furnish ie Insnrer with nrerlous AT A NOMINAL COST IN CASE OF LAPSE, and to him who- fortunaU'y carries the policy to mat THE MOST PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. CONSIDERING THE ABSOLUTE SAFETY. PRO or Apply to Local Agents, or write to DESIRABLE CONTRACTS TO DESIRABLE AGENTS. R. B. RANEY, General Agents for North Carolina. ! RALE I Q H, N. a

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