THE AlOK.UNii fUal'; ollliUAx. UiiCEMBlik 7 1903 POSTSCRIPTS M. S. Calvert, It. H. BATTLE, President. ALEXANDER WEBB. VleePresident. CHARLES ROOT, Sec. and Treaa. DO YOUR C1MSTMAS BUY S32nprnl UU U U! Wnrld" Famonj Kanam icsic Especially ofaJ ia Nerroua Tiv Ui!ir1i, Conniption. Overwork. :stim. La C.r.ppc. Uciieral Debility. AU Prnits. Hefne SuLstltute. 113 per thousand, copy In letter a I home: either ex: send two ftr.n-.r-for particular. Wackney & Co.. b. HalsteaJ. Chicago. ytr. P. R- Albright ha returned from a bulr. trip. Mr. John SUUike of Charlotte la a JUleUrh victor. ; Mr. It. K. C. Ilryant of Charlottt la t the Ysrborouch. Mr. J. C. Pratt, cf Chapel Hill, la a -ut at the Yarbo rough. Mr. Henry A. GUl!am of Tarboro, rnt yetrday In rulelh. Mr. W. K. Harvey t Littleton vr m rut at the Yarboroufh yester- cr- . Mr. J. Crawford Blr of Durham hr yeetenday on professional h'Jlne. Pr. T. P. Jerrran Is here from Itldie r. r Pndln aome time with M ton. Mcssr. C S. ani T. P. Jer- Mr. neraid KendrlcK u ner irom w York on account of the eriou r.t-s; of his mother. Mr. W. IX Ken-cr!-c A?oclte lattice Ch. A. Cooke of the Supreme Court went to Warrenton ,etervlar to spend Sunday with his family. license was issued yesterday for the mrrtr of Mr. Charles M. Little of Wake Forest to Miss Pattle Pearce of Wakefield, Amor.c the rearrtase licence Issued rfnterday wa one to Mr. Charles 11. franks of TtalelRh and !! Mamie F. Trocker of Garner. The Rev. Dr. Mttintrer t;as fully re-rrr-1 from Ms recent disability and !! fndate In the usual services at the church of the Good Shepherd to ils y. The Graham Tribune says: Mr. P. A. Mitchell has moved his family to ( n-A ,- r-nrw lli-i.l- III 10"? - - " I . j?cuth TYVt street. His younscn son. wNTEDUustIer to seel our new Forest Mitchell has" accepted a Il-1,," j-jre Exiirulshcr. ' Sells at lion us clerk In the store of D. T. John- j..-. -atls fact ion. One sales. Oft RALEIGH. N. C. Cur? ' epfr;nt Joe SBtwher ts North CiM.dl I'iIcm a spallcst.'ca. ; Tuesday Night, Dec. 9th stum n Mb LADIES. 3:00 Reward for a case 01 ob stinate suppression, any cause, in pa- , tholojry. my monthly rcuUtor falls to relieve; Fofc. harnUt-ss. .Mall hov . Ion su!-ress.1. lr. Jackson i 1 Dearborn street. Chicago. SEND for Tre Rook. Facts and Fig ures, expla-'nlnr option trading. maridns l.C Ru.. two cents. Osborn Grain Co.. 51S Thoenlx building-. Min neapolis. Mini.. Members Chamber Commerv. (The Season's Most Notable Event! Enjragrement of the Distinguished Actre33. Mrs. LeMoyne WANTED Mea who sre weak or disenaed to write for free booklet edlteJ by the iea!iiis and mot successful spe cials In the V z.i'd State. AdJres J. Newtoa llnl'. av. ir. M. D.. i3 iDmit BuHJia. Ailai M. Ga. Tne North Carolina Home Insurance Company OF RALEIGH. N. C. , STyVIiL,ISH 1803. ; The Leading North Carolina Company. Over81.000.00b.00 Losses Paid in North Carolina Insure your property axainst ti s-c and lightning In this "old and reliable company. It is a home in-titutiou. seeking home patronage; it has been success ful ia business fur more than thirty yesrs; it is safe, solid, reliable and worthy of confidence. In patronizing it ycu help to. build up North Carolina. Agents n-anted In unoccupied territory. H 1x In GlerC EXPIIItlKNi'ED. capable editor and all-round iu -.vj a: r man. competent to mar..r;; pnrr. desires situation. Addrrrs "R." .:ro News Editor Morn- Inr Post. Raleigh. N. C ron A Iter. Son. I A. D. McClure. the able pastor man has alreany niaae 5.vw j You can lo aa well. Write today to A. 100, Rox 272. Ralelfh. N. C. tf. LADIE3 Use our harmless remedy for delaved or suppressed menstrua tion. Jt cannot fa.iL Trial free. Chemical Co.. Milwaukee, Wis. Paris ef the St. Andrew's Pesbyterian churcJi. Wilmlrston. arrlred In the city resterCay afternoon and will conduct ' the srric at the First Ircsbyterlan church at II a. m. and 7:30 p. m. today. Dr. Norwoo-1 G. Carroll and Dr. Delia Dtton-Carroll will be out. of town this week until Thursday evening: at-t-ndlnc the Carroll -Morris weddlnr at Atlanta. They will resume their prac tice and usual ofTlc hours Friday morolrt". The Somerset Dally News of Pomer t. Ky.. announces that the follow ir.ff enfiners of the S. A. L. and liv ing at Raleigh, have accepted posi tion on the Chattanooga division of the Queen and Crescent: J. A. With- erspoon. C. J. Hardy. W. II. Crone. J FOR PALE Prosperous Saloon busi W. R. Moore. J. R. Dyer. J. II. GaJvlninesa. centrally located on Main street. aad Conductor E. C. Kelrphart. jln the progressive city of Klnston. . Mr. Samuel Kealer. who hxa been an!C. Want to sell on account of poor ORGANIZERS WANTED In every town and villnpe in North Carolina, where at present no Tribe exist, to reprcer.; the Improved Order of Red Men. the oldest Fraternity In the Uni ted State of purely American origin. Uteral inducements to proper parries. For farther iafrrmation address with references. ' W. Ben. Goodwin, Box 223, Elizabeth City. N. C. MacDonough's Comedy, Successful i THOSE PRESENF Direct from Its run at the Garden Theatre, New York City. Man agement of George H. Rrannan. Prices Orchestra and parquet, $1.50; parquet circle, $1; balcony, 75c; gallery, ZCc. More of this brand sold than any other, been use of its uniformity ia purity and quality. THLS FIRM is rushed with fall business, but they have the time to show yon a fall line of Tail ors' Samples. ' They guarantee satisfaction in .fit, workmanship and price. See their SHOES. :Box Calf Shoes $2.50. The best on the market. . BOYS' SHOES, $1, &L25 and $1.50. New style FALL HATS ready. efficient stenographer In the Southern IZaKway division freight office for the Ust year, has been transferred to the fr.- of the assistant freight manager nt Louisville. Ky. Ilia many friends r glad to learn of his promotion and vh him much success in his new nM. OI4 9laUr'a EistrUat M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran of Winchester. InL. writes: -My wife was sick a long time in spite of good doctor's treatment, but was wholly cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills, which worked wonder for her health. They alwevs do. Try them. Only 25c at all druggists. Janitor You can't occupy this flat." .Would-be-Tenant "Why not? We have only nine dogs." -Oh. all right. I thought you had children." Ufa. BUSINESS ITEMS US per thousand, copying letters at home; either sex. send two stamps for particulars. Oxark Co., 914 Opera lIoue block. Chicago. health. Correspond with Lock Box 154. Kinston. N. C. VAUGHN'S PATENT BILLING SYS TEM Best and safest: saves work of almost one man In shipping depart ment; saves journalizing; makes errors in transferring impossible. It will pay you to write about It. Jobbers and manufacturers. Its for you. CAPITAL PRINTING CO.. Raleigh. N. C. S15 per thousand, copying letters at home: either sex; send two stamps for partlcularr-. Elackney & Co., 5057 Halstead. Chicago. PRINTE DSTATIONERT FOR 1903. WE PAT FREIGHT and give you nice stuff. New line of samples just ready. Write us before placing your order for next year's supply. CAPITAL PRINTING CO.. Raltlch. N. C. CHICAGO TYPEWRITER FOR 8ALE cheap. Nearly new. Perfect order. Address Lock Cox No. 5, Kenansville, N. C. WANTED.Salesman for specialty line; i:CO per month and expenses for right man: commission for side line. Per manent position. Address IL S., this paper. ii POTATOES, Merchants should have them, our celebrated North Carolina Crop Potatoes. You can place your orders now for prompt or later ship ment. You'll like them. Reds or Whites. Flour barrels. Wm. Bra jaw & Co., Washington. N. C. LADIES or Gents for our addressing department: good pay; nothing to buy; full or spare time; send for copy and Instructions. United Pen Co, 87 Nassau street, N. T. IEN and women, copy letters at home: highest prices paid; money advanced weekly; send addressed envelope for copy and Instructions. Standard Pen Co.. 2lt Fulton street. New Tork. 1VANTCD. For coming year, expe rienced traveling salesman for North Carolina. Wa want a salesman no novice need apply. Box 511, Chicago. WE PA Y FREIGHT Special sam ples; price Include freight paid to your station. Write at once. CAPITAL PRINTING CO.. Raleigh. N. C. HIGHEST CASH prices paid for scrap brass and cast Iron. Raleigh Iron Works Co. Cottajre for Sale. My cottage on North Itloodworth Street for sale. Only requires cash; balance can be car ried at C per cent Interest. GUT V. BARNES. WHISKEY! : .STRAUZ GCWSr SCO. , I " v.- ,: ; Sea the largest barrel erer In Raleigh, now on tap in A. O. Wadford'a aalooa, Uargett street. Raleigh. N. O. 3 Ik ifn2ffBErsrt PoJtrmfy Ourmd atywtf Norn. Hmlf a4 8ip pmlnraly cared enlj wjth rov du.c treaiaacsrv prcillr pre Fra4 for each ewe. Full inKrmnan ith tok Ur. Ckit M wiiW. IOH H H. WOOOSLHV n. I.,KW.-,.NmVm. W A NT E D A machinist, also two strong yojng men to learn the mould ing trade. J. II. Hill. Raleigh. N. C. STENOGRAPHERS WANTED To investigate the Underwood Type vrlicr and take the agency In every town in North Carolina not already slaced. R. L. Llndsey. State Agent. Durham J. W. Smith. Agent. Raleigh. N. C. LOOK CAPUDINE, CURES INDIGESTION, PAINS, HEADACHE, LACR1PPE, COLDS. Sold by all druggists. ft! 10 1 181 for th Red Light IS KXCIIaMCB PL. A CK. And yoa will get the Coldest Beer la town and th best brands of Pure Rye, Corn, Gin, Brandy, Wine and Cigars I also carry a full stock of the Bc3t Imported Cordials. Come and try my Cocktailes and you will come again. R. W. Young'. RIGHT BACK YOUR. MONEY GOES If we fall to secure you a position-afte r completing our bookkeeping and shorthand courses. Attend the school t hat can and will help you. What we can't do. for you cjgi't be done elsewhere. You know about us. Don't remain WaIt im nnd rnme to us. Get o ur nroposition. We can help you. Ad dress. KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, ' ' ' Raleigh, N. C. Mechanics ax&d Investors Union Has made loansHo aid in building 200 dwellings; $100,000 Has advanced to owners of our own Certificates 15,000 Has paid for Cancelled and Matured Stock 22,00C We sell Monthly Payment Certsficates from $100 to 1,000 and Full Paid 10-Year 6 per cent Coupon Certificates $ 100 100 monthly payments of $8 will mature a $1,000 Certificate Address GEORGE ALLEN, Secretary, Raleigh, N. C St. Harv's School. Raleiarh, N. C? ferni-.bej ING THIS WEEK, Selectioos are Larger and More Varied tne Work will be Easier for Both . Yourself and tne Salespeople ' A.B Stroeach Co Sterling Silver and Ebony Novelties, 25 and 50c each Tea Bells, Blotters, Shoe Horns, Nail Files, Match Safes, Combs, Brushes, Salve Jars, Hat Brushes, Velvet Brush es, cuticle KJilves, .Ebony jjarners. Embroidery Scissors, Glove Buttonfirs, Shoe Hooks, Pen Knives, Tooth Brush es, Curling Irons, Tooth Pick Holders, Hat Pins. Dress Pin Sets, Cuff Buttons, Sash Pins Shirt Waist Sets, Silver and Cameo Stick Pins. Baby Toilet Sets, ri.W; Cor b Brush Sets, $3.25 to KvO. Silver Purses, $1.00 to $2.50. ar.4 Ecru Rennaissance Collars 83c. to JJ.oo. rrnv.1 tv a . . Scarfs to iuatch, 50?. to $2.00. Knit Zephyr Shawls and Evening Capes, $1.00 to $2.23. 1 Fascinators, ! Scarfs and Hooda, 3Cc. to 75c. i Eiderdown Dressing Sacques ana Kim- monas, $1.00 to $1.33, The Ty--ftrst annual ?srni3 J St. Mtri's School cession begins September ISMu The Easter January 28th. 's School offers Instruction in the following departments: The Preparatory School. The Uollese, me Art Jscnooi, ane aiusjc jscjiooj. The Business School. Thre are-Vo hundred and forty-eight students representing nine Dioceses. - Faculty of twenty-fiTe. Much of tha equipment is new; eight new pianos lioneht this year. St. Mrr's''Kin'lercarten I located In the center of the city under 21 1st Louise -TV lichee's rh.irjre. For cntalozne address - ,v. REV. T. D. -BRATTON;' D. D. QlovesLadies9, Men's, Ladies White Kid Gloves, Lengths, 8 buttons, $1.00; 12 buttons, $1.25; 16 buttons, $1.50; 20 buttons, $2.00. Children The best Made in Bi-ck Kid the Reliable Jouvin, $1.50. Old Ladies' Knit Wool Gloves In Red an4 White, 35c. to 60c. Men'sLIned Driving Gloves, 50q Men's Fleece Lined Buck Gloves, 23c, Men's Heavy Iuck Gloves, 23 Carolina Trust Gompany, CAPITAL STOCK, 100,000.00. TKUSTS. LOANS, BANKING, SAFE DEPOSITS. Transacts a GENERAL BANKING and SAVINGS BANKING BUSI NESS; also acts as Financial Agent for the floating of Stocks and Bonus-of MUNICIPAL, RAILROAD,' COTTON MILLS and other corporations. Acts as EXECUTOR, ADMINISTRATOR. GUARDIAN, TRUSTEE, AS SIGNEE, RECEIVER. BROKL-t. AGENT. Interest paid on Deposits in Sarin ps Department. "HOME SAVINGS ' boxes, strong and convenient, furnished without cost to you. ' , OFFI CERS: W. W. Mills. President;' Leo. D. Heartt, Vice-President and General Man arer; Robert C. Strong, Trust Officer and General Counsel; William Hayes, Cashier. DIRECTORS: James Webb, J. D. Rlggan, Charles B. Hart, Alexander Webb, Jnlims Lewis, Leo. D. Heartt. F. T. Ward. W. W. Mills. Alien J. Ruffln. W. C. Petty. P. R. Albright and Robert C. Strong. . Offices in Carolina Trnst Building. Raleieh. N. C. And a Saving of lO to 20 per cent on Your Coat Suit or . Wrap. r-. fl. C. 811 RALFIGH, N. C. Institute for 1 Young Women borough, lnstrnc tion in all depart ments of Education. Female J 1 Conservatory of Music . . . Isinp; the Leschctizlry System. Send for cata logue. Jas. Dinwiddic.M.A., Principal, RALEIGH, N. 0 1 inicci Knn Dcuinn roroTr.orotmt rutaaiojy Zrotm ur abnormal aappmalon In f1 tA r ! Mail. HtrnW. ix-mt.T. Bow I en 1 'ioTtrrwi. tlOO mrxrt tor other roaadr i.lTerimi tbat vl'l rUT on laMi BE. JAftMI, U. I .. .t:r. IlL (CnrmMM) TM mp Cli ,M J.R.Ferrall&Co. f. 222T Fayetteville Street v JUST RECEIVED Georgia Cane Syrups, Old Fashion Monn . tain Buckwheat, Prepared Buckwheat, Pan Cake Flour, New Cured Va, Hams, few Old Va. Hams. ALL PHONES 88. C o 00 Again carries off the medals on hh J & M. Shoes Theae are a 11 nev a. id beauties. Prices A rreat Tine tl: Tip, low. ir.Itwy Hair Bruhta. Comb and Bruh Seta, rtety oC rtyl? and prtt. Manicure Set. Hand Mlrpm and Leather Novelties. CoTiM,! as soon as you can and as oftevi as you can. CR0WELL, McLARTY & Druggists, aio FAYETTJ2VILLE STREET CO., It's Really a Question of Money! YourMoney! Whether you desire to deliberately waste, throw away, part yourself , from fifty to one hundred dollars per annum, or save, keep and retain approximately that sum. STEIN BLOCH CLOT - OR A HIGH PRICED TO-MEASURE TAI&OR. There's No Alternative. Jf you are wearing the good clothes of the latter and wish to dress for considerably less money, your sole recourse is to Sl'&IN BLOCH CLOTHES, which you will find suitable for all occasions, fit. and rady to put on at once at our establishment. We ex. tend to you the privilege of trying on every style of Suit or Overcoat in our house, and tctU point out to you "with pleasure" their unequalled pointer of value. mere ts not a fashionable hafterwhose block we haven't got this HE S Also on Ladies' Shoes. This shows where to find the finest and best shoes made at 5. G. POOL'S, RALEIGH, N. C. T I season. SOS. II. :pnggs A 50115 i RALEIGH, N. C. u COAL STOVES, & BROUGHTON. COOKSTOVES AND RANGfcS