I I THE MORNING POST: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13 Arouses the Baptists Editor Biileyltads the At tack Dcs. Hufhim and Blackwill Enter the r Business After the Storm Fray- Mrham. N. C Dac 12. Special. r meetinc of the Baptist Stale Coa .M!ji a gemilna love feast tart i.ikM. but today It resolved Itself Into .- ry nn meeting and fever.il of t!i prominent membera of the conven ts ere drawn tr.to fight th.it va .t t-ijiectfl up to a faw minute bc ...! it was i reclp:te i. rii- main f.t'il a between Dr. Calvin S. nUvkwell of Wilmington. Dr. J. l Hufh-im f Hn ler.-ion. and Mr. I. V. lUJley. e-i!t"i" of the Biblical Kero.-tIr, The report r.f the commu te on gcr.eral education, which w;s -ented by Air. J. W. ILilley. reeom r.tn WJ. tiron; other thirds, that th egllature b petitioned to io tn rcae ? fcr appropriation for public schools iat nil achool may b run four fjji.ith In each echoed district. Mr. nl!ey made talk fart and mid thnt the ttat?. both political and rtligloua, wer p'edged to primar education of the mas-', and the -noIidatlon of the ftooi district mean ir.at me sec ond iry denominational trorde and finnlly 1 Durham , Rev, , J. C, Troy ' responded Jtmd thanked the Uaytists for their rplrit.of brotherly .love, and affection. J It was decided that a; rnldsummer ; meeting of the Baptists will be held ' for th purpose of discussing education iand othvr features of their. vork. This ('meeting win be a ' religious meeting r - . - , 1 -. . . ; merit, he was glad to say. German and , British warships and sailors were act- Ins side by side in enforcing:" Just de , munds. . , j . i.on of church and state, "and here w- , appointed with Sir. J. . iiaie .i-i-- ; curred between the are" be ald. "furnishing the Roman , man. to select the time and place or Catholics with amunition to hurl at i holding Uie meeting, : It will be In ses sion aoout xen nays.. It ainaa'a Sretlag The second day session. of the Wo man's Missionary Society was held in Trinity Methodist church this morn ing', many new workers ana delegates us xhn th-y begin their aggressive campaign in the near future for a di vision of the school fund." lie was In favor of washing th hands of th- denomination of state aid absolutely. Mr. Bailey engaged in a coll-xFly with Dr. Blackwell and called on him i navlnp reached here since the session to desist from his tilk. The aped mm- i yesterday. leler Mid he would not. Finally Mr. j The main features of the session were Bai!y brought the matter to a head j iByAa Dy rr. k, j. Willlrrgham. Dr. F. by Intn-Hluctng a resolution reafflrmlr.sr M McConnell and Rev. Livingston th purpose of the convention to i' i Johnson. They made talks under , the couragr? state aiu ior t.ii'?i - hw-. , heaj cr "Messager from the t icia. and extrersed rerret for the necessity D WiUlnsrham. who in secretary of of su'h action. The resolution was I adopted. the foreigtv mission board, toldof th; mission work that is being done and of Rev. Dr. Thomas Hume of the uni- , thc necds of the foreign field. The wo- vcrs'.ty. was retoar.ixed ar.d expresses ; men are piaynK no little part in send- approval or in iwu.on wmr.i ine the pospel to the heathem ianas. (and the North Carolina Mission Socie- Hufh.im. !1 thlnfrs is christian men in our , a auJiarv of the Baptist State said what we nd above schools. He believed In the correlation J convention, has done much to assist of the school as proposed in the re- j m tnls Kreat v.-ork. He encouraged the port of the committee. ine r,,Por' wnmon in their work and told them or the great-needs of the incoming year. XVtarnee Mediation itlaat Come Paris. Dec. 12. A foreign office offi cial made the following statement to day: "No exchange of views hAs oc- Kuropean powers concerning the Venezuelan situation, and no such exchange is Intended, 'as it is definitely held that the affair is one In which the United States should be left free, to take the initiative in mediation." This statement was called out by the suggestion of the Temps that ..it was time for Europe to speak in the interest of universal peace. The official said: -""It s fully recog nized here and at the other capitals that the United States is the -only pow er in a position to act as an intermedi ary. Hence there is no intention on the part of European powers to take ; concerted or Individual action." The release of the French steamer. Ossum seized by the Germans at La Guayra, has not yet . been reported to the foreign office, but the officials accept the unofficial reports of her re lease, thus relieving the incident of its gravity. 3 t was then adopted. The Day Freiag The convention opened this morning S v.ith devotional exercises. There was .u . I tome miscellaneous business transact- n" nru' 1 U on th re- , the flRht over the report I that is b fore., of the , (ht e(Jucational t oinmittec Came on.", Rv. L. The -orrellatlon of the secondary schools of the denomination as told In this correspondence several days . , ... 'ago. c.ime about nen tne report oi schools will re- . . . , ,,, , the c-onimlttee was adopted this morn- Threaten tm Bombard Williamstad, Dec. 12. The foreign residents of Puerto Cabello. Venezuela. . Dr. McConnell of Atlanta, who is j takln rpfue(, on ard th 0-,r. at the head of the Sunday school board, j man war shjp Vinf.tgL and the British war ship Ariadne which threaten t- bombard the town. munlsni In education driving out de I Ing. The general Idea r.orr.lnatSonallsm In secondary schoois, .. ' schiol will remain in Is that each Its own fleli Is declared. !! referred to the flRht ef tbf brethren In Gr.it Britain calnst contributing to the Eplsenp.nl schools and commanded thm for such arMon. He :!vel th church was rslied upon tr-lnr. as never before, to .!-:-at. and h epressv1 the jop? th(i t: Baptists would jva troniio their own a-hool. tf ail gTades. "f.r we .ire to day facing a crisis In this matter." Dr. Ilufham also ma-le, a very earn est talk and regretted to see Mr. Bai ley tposel to t ike a gloomy view of the situation. lie said he did not be l.ee there existed any tIms. In stead he woulJ call It a great oppor tunity. North Carolina, he said, his t broad a spirit of Catholicity to al low the darvrs Mr. Bailey feared to befall us. "lie who laid the foundation of Wake Foret CoUejre." he said, "wa graduate of the State I'nUersity. which great l ititutkn has a facnltv wih fix of the members Baptists. J.m Hsll ar.d others who helve,! to and not encroach on another and that i ith students will be educated with an ( brought to the women a message from his field of labor and told of the work being done. Johnson, corresponding sec retary of the North Carolina board. told many of the facts contained in his annual report, read In the. conven tion hall yesterday. . This morning the. second, day's -session, was opened with devotional .pjt erclses. The stmject mis '"Christian Needs and Bible .Answer" Then there was a moment with earh society, re- ; Female University. President Marsh announced the bp 'pointment of the new educational com ;rr.ittee with Mr. J. W. Bailey as chairman. At this point Dr. Marsh announced that the report of the committee on ' home missions was the special order of the hour. Rev. VT. D. Hubard read ; the report. j The report indicated great prosper ity throughout the field and recom- mended, an ajr?reslve movement, as opportunities were many and great throughout the south. Mr. Hubbard nmde an earnest talk on the subject ' nrAntath'Aa frAm tTiA V .1 r i Oil KOlA i ties making talks Hrtd teHing' of the work being done in their own ay. After th" talks of the "three field re presentatives the rebmmendations of the central committee for the ensuing year were made. Then th"re was open congress, the subjects being "How?" Why?" "What?" Female I'atTersItr Iff port At the night session of th conven tion the only subject 'considered was the Baptist Female University. It was the special order. After a long discus sion, which lasted until nearly ten o'clock, a resolution was passed ex tending the time for raising 'the re- and expressed the hope that the high -J mainder of the lifty thousand dollars tide reached last night regarding for- j pledged at Winston to. May 1. With elgn missions would again be reached j the raising of this amount he.Baptlst in naming th- amount for. home mis- -University debt and the ilchlum'Chow siona this year. Dr. F. J. McConnelly - an Institute will be wiped not. Should of Atlanta, secretary of the mission all of the pk-dges not be po'd gy that board, was introduced ajid made an time the' churches w"lll raM there lay th foundation of our B iptUt em- it.crnen pa fr the cause. IBs ad- mainder. The debt must 1 paid is the p:r wre eduvatrj at the University, 'dresa was eloquent and forcible. At -Verdict of this convention.' b The rptMt of Cathoficism Is In or.r sti- the conclusion of the. address the J The report of - President' VWnn wag - 1. no one will try to tl.rott: the ,,,,,.-. t w.ia nsert for home missions i rn. n.t hii nuwrl'iin Inrv kuhlect. ill ten thousand dollars instead of six The report showed an enrojlnient ' of thousand as last year. 237 students. 9 less tkan year ago. The a ftcriuxn session of the con ven- The teaching force ls coifiposed of lion was devoted largely to the re- j twenty-five, of these there Is .a' lady I-ort of the committee to nominate the principal, matron and trailed nurse, different boards for the year. This Last year the debt was SJ-OrtO. and it continue to rio'jrilt uml nccomp!lh a committee reported on missions. Sun- is now 13,CO0. During - the.jarear three crest aad good jdiy schofl. and education boards ar.d legacies left by will amounleto $70.- N Interior Forces Berlin, Dec. 12. There Is reason to believe that neither Great Britain nor Germany proposes to despatch an ex peditionary forete into the interior of Venezuela, both powers intending to confine 'their operations to rne coast. .It Is understood, .however, that a joint force .will occupy the cable, station at IiGuayra enabling direct oomrtiuriica tion with iujope by' way of Wiliem stad., It is stated in official quarters that Germany believes the only feasible method of punishing President Castro and his coadjutors is to deprive them of their monetary supplies, which can be effected- by seizing the" custom house. The - reports of the sinking of the Venezuelan war ships are doubted here pending confirmation. fHiSSi ELEANOR GRAY, President of tHe Woman's Art Association of ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA. 43 King Street S r. Augustine, Fla., Feb. 5, 1902. , I have not en joyed good health for the past five years, and were it not for Wine of Cardui I would still be a sufferer today. I .was troubled with profuse menstruation, was vp-v irregular and "often menstruated every three weeks instead of a' th'.. proper periods. Each time I would have sevpre cramps al 1. an tiy down pains with backache unfitting ine for office work, and rompelhni? nie to lie down for several hours each day and sometimes the entire day. I used several remedies and tpent hundreds of dollars trying t , get relief, but ail of no avail. Fortunately, one of your Ladies' Um iImI i. Almanacs came into my hands and I become much interested, naturally hon ing that it would cure me as it had cured others. I took my S7?t dose th;i night and kept up the treatment religiously. My vitality, which had boon well nigh spent by the heavy loss of blood, was gradually restored. I noticed a marked absence of pain at the next period, also a more natural flow. I kept up the treatment for four months and found to my joy that I wa entirely well, and the functions' of nature were performed naturally ami easily. Wine of Cardui is certainly a grand medicine and gladly lo 1 give it; entire credit for my wonderful restoration to health. J yptrlt of education, inch us we de sire t t see fostered." He b-dleve I that V.ake forest. t?ie llaplist Female Uni versity, the excellent schools at Ox f rd. Mur(resboro. Mars Hid. Hale's Creek. Ilethcl HiH and others would At the ronck;i!.xi of lr. H of ham's ! ' be report was adopted. The commit tV Mr. Urt;y v.-a on his foe: In a ! 'ee on woman's work also reported and rcorr.T.J. The tfjrbi was en ar.d state J endorsed and recommended the work M to the n:i!Tersity w really- t- bing ilone. It showed that during lr:e of t'nt.u.i. H" extressed ej: - Ith Past -VMr ,n" women of the denom i H .rn oinr nr Hn'iiin. : ' Snation ra'.sed over eleen thousand Jt hli pica for state education. P ilufham expressed the opinion that there u t fi-dd for all. he ld. bj: i he. for Aft, isrel It understood that i v e art not If depend on state ir.l- ; l-u;o-ss for the sources c? t!on ar.d power. I At thla rlr.t Dr. n:aekn-;i came lto rated tho aid of certain schools, re gtr!4 aa .esrmlnat:ri3i. were recalr Ir.f fron the state. !! 3;Ured wltn erpr-hss'.i that it was unwM, un-Bap-ttstl-. an fraught with gTav" compll eatler.s. The poslf.on ci Baptists has known for tYneratlwss, he derlar- ' dollars for mWions. During the sum- irner months twenty-four young ladles i the ! went oat and taught school in the rr.our.Talr.ic an i rural districts free of Chart, this lejng ur.d-.r th direction i ...... n - . a . t y i . f r Slmin i 11 1 rrA t a.,1 reAli th Raht with Tying color. He prt- ,,1 " n. , " T . Hon or coti'lo.ence .iml svmn.nl v f.i- ----- - j - ! Mtf. Norman and the Metho-llts of Durham and the fste uio:i the re cent doatli of lirtv. W.' i Norman. Fel!ng talks were n-.ad by P.ev. Mr. Skinner. Dr. W. C. Tyrce and others. The resolution was passed. On behalf of the Methodists of the state. acd of eo. hut this fund is not yet available and will never be for the.ipurpose ' of pa ing off the fVbt. In connection with the rc-pot or, the University the report of the century fund movement was made and both were considered at the same time of ?33.r.!9 ploda-ed at Winston last year. Little more .than ,$31,000 h'ns been collected and turned over. De ducting all that has been collected on the fifty thousand dollar pledge there Is yet some fifteen thousand dollars to be paid. The report of Wake Forest was to hare been considered tonrght but was postponed until tomorrow. VENEZUELA IS PRE PARING FOR DEFENSE " Continued from 1st page.) Oiacie Sae?2- says Sf; a69 plht fr?FL tZZS lnC!rrocao dUtUIUoa. after ta mbUc-r le- k, IV J!. ybou-1"!-3 aerca years H remains there. frm tre III till 1 J?!)" til-1 TCU Urc Sam u eontantlT on the watch. We i!r AW ba be oea txf o. ib5 rh''r.r roes -J'-ect o you. wi: h ail it orizickl utrr ntc rlrh- Sraffs? .heSt4:r;j '-.r- ajonroe ijoetrinc !) not that Vrnezi j b.rt iha ; i'lei I avert th punlsl Direct from our disf iilery to YOU ?mt Dtslin'ProfiUI PmenU AduWaniloni ference of the Washington government is not the gracious act 'of condescen sion on the part of the United, .States that it has been represented as being. M The real reason for not applying the Monroe Doctrine, the paper adds, is zueia ha? misbehaved, Ktstes is powerless :o hment. i ft, The 8taten:cnt that the United States will only interfere in such dispute to prevent the !os3 of territory is an-idle boast a:id will remain so as long as 'the United Staterj does not possess a navy equal to he combined, navies of the great powers of Europe. The Im perialist Outlook says t!ie is no ben efit l:i this affair of having Germany on the "Dritish side. The English arc In a false position sentimentally, 'how ever, they may be justified by inter national law. . ' War ships Salt Tomerrorr ' London, Dec. 13. No official news concerning President Castro's arbitra tion proposal can yet be obtained. The attitude of the press towards the sub ject is divergent. The Conservative Standard and the' Liberal Chronicle agree that matters have already reach ed the stage at which arbitration is appropriate. The Chronicle maintains that If tlie United States identified it self with. th,e arbitration proposal and guarapteed the execution, of .the. award Great Uritain . would , be glad to have her chestnuts thus of the fire, but . the paper points out that no such situation exists. ' The war ship Pamora is being com missioned for service . in Venezuelan waters. She is expected to sail tomor row. . ISS GRAY took Wine of Car- md stuck to it.- That is what she means when, she savs she ."kept up the treatment religiously". Phe is rid of her ter rible suffering because she took this mild and simple remedy, because she did not put off the treatment. , She lid not take it a dajr or a week and then stop. She took Wine of Cardui and gave its curative qualities, tune to build up her weak parts, regulate her functions and cure the terrible pains in her back. And Wine of Cardui so used will never fail to benefit any case of female trouble however serious it may be, Wine.of Cardui cannot restore dead organs, but it does cure menstrual trotihW, which fap the body of its strength and result in back-breaking, bearing-down pains. Wine of Car flu i is a simple vegetable reuiedy that ba cured hundreds of thousands of wo men suffering from leucorrhoerv. bearing-down pains and all the com mon menstrual disorders when thoy have taken it according to the direc tions on the bottle. If you will secure a bottle of Wine of Cardui from your druggist and take a few doses of it every day you will have the ani relief Miss Gray enjoys. Never lot anyone sell you a substitute for Wine of Cardui. WINE of C A RDUI .in.uwuru ! - -- - ad enough I r?ritam has nothing to do pulled "out f man'- tac'tics. "!It would nevt is allowing herself to be towed in the wake of a- German ironclad. ;- - ' The Daily Mail contends that Great with Ger- vfer -occur to a practical - Englishman to sink thj Venezuelan ships. The British must I go their own way in collecting -debts. They .will - not involve themselves" in any great expeditions. If the Germans choose to send a force to Caracas that is their concern. - Little RtmtraJ from Piracy London. Dec. 12. The considerable popular irritation caused by the iden tification, of. Great Britain with Ger- i nf f, rt il o oirn vA0C invi in iri kdiMla 'iiii t 11 llll'Jf? A 7 1 X. ..'IWM III rtl lV7t.3 VjUai ters. The Daily News declares: "We are. no longer masters of our own household. An itinerant, energetic em peror' has stolen our independence in the intervals of partridge shooting -at Sandrigham. We are 'accordingly in volved ill operations little removed from .piracy.". The paper asks what is the bargain under which Great Britain .ndaclty Jfliiat Bo Fun! abed Berlin, Dec. 12. The Nemeste Nach fichten, writing before the arbitration proposal was known refers to an un official suggestion that the United States might mediate. It says that if the United States had earlier under taken to guarantee satisfaction of the Anglo-German demands extreme ac tion might have been averted. Now the matter has reached such a point that the unbounded audacity of the Venezuelans must be punished and re paration for gross insults exulted. Anxiety for Archbishop London, Dec. 12. The weakness if the Archbishop of Canterbury, who has been 'increasing' since Ids eolln !. in the House of Lords on December 4, while he : was speaking on the educa tion bill, has become extreme. I jr. Sir Thomas Barlow was summoned thin evening to consult with the physicians in-attendance upon the archbishop. After the consultation a bulletin w ;,s issued- to the effect that Dr. Tonii'i.; had lost strength during the day, ;i.i! that his condition was causing anxiety. Special prayers for his recovery will be offered in all the Englsh dio.esd Sunday. Revive Whipping Post Richmond, Va Dec. 12. A bill " revive the whipping post in Virgin-. will be, introduced by Delegate ,s .M. Newhouse of Culpepper and will nu bably become a law. MI mm wm PURE SEVEN-YEAR-OLD RYE FULL $f)0 EXPRESS Look at Our hj1 dJOAE&TS t2) PREPAID J 7?r Zt"7Pix rrrj. aaxnz vcrm.rs, or ha ytter-s seven'. R J.JaSPa'JS fr ? 5 2 UI Ps charges. Try It tad li If fou don t ftjiJ tt a.: .-Kt.t ae-1 as rood aa toj ever aaed or can hot fnm f ) 1JJ?2 ".BQlSre,HT y aw aotoataeet. meV let U . . . r - ,rirr. f rou ton't want fotirquarta yourselt et n , 'frilir V 1 Cat-Oo:.. 1-'4ft. Kt. N.Mex, ei;t-i fSce xnd Co It NOW. . THE H'JTNEB DISTILLINO COMPANY U 'K '' St. WWS. Ma v ST. PAUU MINN. Just - ... THe newest styles, shapes and toes in Window ! e-r rn:lind'i ral(u IteTlawed London. D jc. 12. Lord . Lansdowne. secretary of state for foreign affairs. was a guest of the United Ser vice Club at the Hotel Cecil this even- ! in. lie in.iflrf n . - 1 ..a. tv j. .Bjjrrrvii. in which he reviewed. . England's po sition. He said he did not believe that In any part "of the world the English were open to the charge of having in veterate antipathy against any one. They certainly need not have inveter ate antipathy oven against Veneruela. If that Republic would desist from committing outrages against their sub jects and British property. If It would j '. us jusi atuts to its creditors, if would reply to diplomatic repr. . i . a An l..U. . t - " rr,uttu,' maae in perfectly courteous language, If it did that. England need have no quarrel whatever with Vene zuela. . . . , , He.might also add that if she would put herself upon a moderate allowance in the matter of revolutions. In less than seventy years sU. had Indulged ; In the luxury of one hundred and. four revolutions. In Venezuelan waters at thia mo- I Gnus i fc'r ',W'iV'4M'r:i W 1 - .- - - ' ;si. t a t Rememherwe carry nothing' but thp nobby styles for tHe foot. A Guarantee With Each Pair. PERRY & ROSENTH A LL THe Up-to-date Shoe H ouse. Trust Building v5

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