THE MORNING POST: SATURDAY. DECEMBER 13 1003 THE MORNING POST , ft ALKICII. ". C art it fAWQLn rtautHnoco 'MOW.HT.'I.I'IKniS mlfr. tuKirTio rBKEi One Tur M0Tti... Three Moatht Oil lABfh -.......' .JTVOO , 2J50 . 13 been proven of irreat utility for the common rood of mankind for seinsn and unjust ends. Statutes, however, can only come when the necessity for them arises and as such necessity arfes. The Post Is in thorough accord -with the Commercial in its suggestion that And It has been faithful to Its com munity and Its every.' interest every day since It first saw the light. May it go on growing as the years roll by. always enlarging its Usefulness along with its pages. One thing that appears very funny to a man up a tree is Quay's leader- .r.ri ami therefore . .. . . .,, lilA , ship of the Democratic side of the lacking In force or merit. But HKe tne ....... JM I difficulties In the coal fields, the dis covery of facts the truth In respect of the great combinations wm ply. The price of good horses has in- creased very greatly, and imported stallions are said to be worth nearly ten times what they were ten years ago. The South African war took a great number of horses out of the counr try, including many worthless ones, but the business of horse breeding has revived so much that we shall soon have again a reasonably full supply. Enterprising farmers nowadays breed good horses. It pays .and breeding Senate in the fight on the statehood ! poor horses doesn't pay. We import norses irom Europe lor oreeuing pur- Ta rwLuLu hteft to the separation of the goats from the abjectf of renerml I1":.. Anony- sheep, the protection of the latter and i' ?." T"?",JJ! Tbe" noticed. M1BlrtinMt or .-annihilation" of mourn c-jmzrsnaici u - I . returned. I r Rejected iEnai-ript wU not oe r former. Laws aiming to do this fa St It w lit unronus, au a, ...... v. - ; 001 ue oi 11 I mm -. j-j. ainric i uw- bill. REnARKABLI O RE OP CROUP A Little Ror'i Life T I have a few words to say regarding Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It saved my little boy's life and feel that I cannot praise it enouch. I bought a ectioa ! SlwlT rertootl controversies De r'er.ed lU n scribing limits beyond which corporate greed may not go. will do all that hu . Address all bas!re letters TUE man javvf anj orderly government can MORXIXfi POST. - do. 3fORM.NO POST la 1"te,in, ro wnplete. and t traotM b "j, tr newspaper so!h of New 1 otk. . rrlc Is farcIheJ us uoaer arrsBrmnt with ef the New York Sun. and I tto." , It strikes ua our cotemporary the Greensboro Telegram is treading upon very dangerous ground in the following: The swing of the urban vote' is a to mean some- of the United big Democratic country districts. Tha . I t l.. m rwmnri-illi mnA ih fact la lUfSVill rSl'anio?rUt re- a credit to ocracy. People In the ports. I cities read and think, and this is said without disparagement or tnose wno WAlincTO?l BI BMH I live in the country. The urban popu- n.iMsB'. 10in.t I lation have a better opportunity to stkk orricr. i rwrsrr.ns orricr jtudy prices and to note that there is win. S. D.. and when I got home witn it the poor baby could hardly breathe. I tire the medicine as directed every ten minutes until he "threew up" and then I thought sure he was going to choke to death. We had to pull the phlegm out of his mouth in great long strings. I am positive that if I had not got that bottle of cought medicine my boy would not be on earth today. Joel Demont. Inwood, Iiowa.- For sale by Crowell. McLarty & Co., Bobbltt Wynne. North Side Drug Store. W. G. Thomas. poses, and from Canada for use, - but of late we have exported far more than we have imported, and are likely to keep on doing so The annual Horse Show In New York, which seems on its surface to be a frivilous spectacle, really holds a highly important rela tion to one of the great industries of the country. It is the parent of ; all the American horse shows, and with them contsantly measures, stimulates and directs the country's progress in the breeding of fine horses. There are about 13,000,000 horses in our land, of an estimated value of 604,000,000. The improvement of that much stock is a pretty important matter, especially in these days, when Europe is horse poor, too, and ready to take from us any surplus' of good horses that we may come to have. I Give her a lasting gift. A Car for LnmbaffO W. C. . Williams, of Amhurst, i'va says: "For more than a year I suffer ed from lumbago..! finally tried Cham- . I Bill.", r. tw ft Vf- U'J A American litrature, out of the Journal of Indianapolis, comes this inspiration to the despairing chooser of Christmas presents: f "If you do not know what to -give no increase of wages to correspond to your young housekeeper friend, buy ( From the New York Sun.) Out of the very hearth and home of , beriaJn.8 Paln Balm and lt ffave me entire relief, which all other remedies had failed to do." Sold by Crowell, Brtter ! THE rT mr re- Iktlrttstr ! rriiina mimlHlii mfm lgl All pa ver will 4leU win up expires the increase of the cost of living. In the cities the Republicans get their heaviest reverses. In the cities lies the country's hope of having Demo cratic rule restored." Our friend does not Intend it. we are sure, but the atove smacK or a con flict between town and country folk, and. in its wind up. indicates that the hope of the country lies In the success of Democracy by and thorough which her a cookbook." Why this restriction to your young housekeeper friend? Your young or old boarding friend, your apartment hotel friend, your hotel friend. Is equally worthy of the boon In question It Is a mistake to suppose that only the person with youth and a kitchen of her own has a passion for cook- ! books. Who has mote information to impart about the proper care of chil dren than the childless? Who has a more beautiful amateur Interest In McLarty & Co., Bobbitt-Wynne Drug Co. North Side Drug Store, W. G. Thomas. imimiMHiMH Coller. 3 have to or en n't cook? Theirs Is a dispassionate devotion to the art set forth In these learned treatises on the essential art and scelnce. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 13. 1902. the rrices of the necessaries of living I cooking than the women who don't I. e.. farm Products will be reduced. If Democracy means a lowering of the price of farm products it cannot offer very alluring Inducements to the farm er: and as the rarmer is very largely in the majority we can all see how the contest will turn out. We deny that such Is the purpose of Democracy o that such result must or need follow Preempt and Practice ( From the New York Sun, ep.) Beyond the rVach of adverse criti cism by any candid person are those passages in Mr. Roosevelt's Constitu tional exhibit of the state of the Union Tvhlr-h rionrrlh th niinlitv nf manhood "ItO ftHOOTIJC Its triumph. Certainly so tar as isonn actuay exi8tinE in the American citi- Under the above title the New Tork I Carolina Is concerned the higher the I 2en or plainly desirable in his case. The price of farm products the more pros perous are all the people, in the towns as well as on the farms. Presidents discussion of the proper elements of human character 1n reia tion to the problems of government is novel, inasmuch as none of his prede cesors has ever attempted anytning The Post that is. the editor has a hjke jt jn a message. . . . Turning fairly good appetite; which, being the now to those parts of the message T,tMr, wmiid r,lease it better which really convey specific recom Commercial is pleased to s.y: If this 'trust' annihilation or tnif-reKul.itlon matter could only be divested of the wealth oi generaiur that characterizes the discussion of it. what an easy thing Congress would hive to dispose of! -Here, ror insvnncr. .,.... . mendations such suKirestlons as invite -anun.i contemporary. ini man xo oe prescm ai iur umun w th tr(, intplleotual 1 nunri j"un, th4k riVPn todav at the onenint or a .i.,Mnra rvn.cmon-rfirH 9 I - - - - - ' iav.'uivov.i:iiv.. ifi v .--'n v. p . I"" 'm. l nn Hiir - I M Urnr.r-.MAr. nnri Vrlral rnfirom with u,, of tne Co-nmercial: engagements prevent acceptance oi me - ... r'rl issue ' lilt .u..iiinruiai. I lha ra n nna nf nhnr'anrl run tnl - Ana we rep-ai n - una inuiauon-irwm wlc .nan.8rB1nu. fl . r.ady said on more than one occasion In ths n8tance The Post's loss Is the th,nB.- not ohviouslv consistent with hotel proprietor's gain, which Is a re-I the foregoing principles. flection offered for the consolation of In connection with the 'trust' recom mendatlons of the President that they will not. In our oplnlryi. be of a char acter to alarm anybody engaged In an honest business enterprise anywhere In the country." -We must confess, says the Post In reply, to r.o uneasiness whatever that any recommendation the President U1 inak to Con.cress concerning the trusts' vlll 'alarm or injure any 'hon f st business enterprise. What we do fear Is it Tl!l neither alarm nor de stroy those nt so honest. It Is the Utter only that the people want dia located and decapitated. "Well, who are they? Where are they? What are they? There must, presumably, be some fire where there Is so much smoke. Obviously, there Is a belief current to some extent among the peopl- thnt there are some corporations or 'trusts' or 'consolida tions that are lnherntly and thor- Onr Vaalibln: lrmti ' (The Country Gentleman.) . Another crying need of the South by no means peculiar to the South, but specially, even appallingly, apparent on the lines followed by the Farmers' Congress visitors is attention to for estry. The present vandalism is per fectly horrible. You see from car win dows, hour after hour, hundreds and hundreds of pine trees "boxed" for turpentine in a fashion very unneces sarily destructive to the trees, but a little quicker and easier than the move rational method. You stand in any one of scores of large saw mills and watch the great tree trunks coming in on a belt carrier in rapid and endless succession, tumbling right and left al ternately to whirling saws, which re duce them to boards in a twinkling, and the rapid , disappearance of the forests grows in the mind into a proph ecy of coming evil that should frighten the people of Georgia and Florida into taking some effective action before it is, too late, especially as forest growth is, for many reasons, of Inestimable value, -agriculturally as well as com mercially. In these States. Talk about killing the goose that laid the golden eggs! These lumbermen and turpen- tiners are straining every nerve to an nihilate the very breed. Don't spend your Christmas money foolishly! Get something for it. Get something that's "a thing of beauty and a Joy for ever." Get a PIANO! But, don't select it in a hur ry. Take your musical friend with you. Examine all care fully until you are satisfied with tone, action, construc tion, casing and price. Then DECIDE! The artistic Stieff Piano has no precise equal! It leads the world in nobility, purity of tone and staunchness pos sessing a refined power that appeals to ears truly musical. On Easy Terms ! Investigate ! Our . Handbook Ssat Free On ri THE ieiit ; anttsfS! DRINK A IHIOMflP Rpp ' J I lll UUU UUu iSTIEFF, J. J. Foster, Manager, GO GRANBY ST., NORFOLK, VA. While it is so warm and dusty. CALL FOR Barley Park It is the only Union made Beer in Raleigh. W.C. Hudgins Agent, G-. B. S- Brewing Co., of Baltimore, Md. Raleigh Office on Har gett Street. Wh any wno may he disappointed ty us absence from the feast. Ever aggressive and progressive, the North Carolina Baptists. In their state convention, have laid plans broad and dep. which will advance the interests Thonnnd tent Into Fxlle Every year a large number of poor sufferers whose lungs are sore and racked with coughs are urged to go to another climate. But this is costly and not always sure. Don't be an exile when Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption will cure you at home. It's the most infallible medicine for t'ouffhs. Colds and all Throat and Lung of the denomination during the com ing years and promote the welfare of diseases on earth. The first dose brings all the people of the state. There are relief. Astounding cures result from no people anywhere more active and enthusiastic to undertake and perform than these Tar Heel Baptists. ' I persistent use. Trial bottles 10c. at all druggists. Price 50c. and J1.00. Ev ery bottle guaranteed. Turn People's Casta Account (Bradstreets.) : Money in circulation showed an in crease of over $102,450,000 for the twelve months ending with November, nearly The fondness of the negro for organ. !lng lodges and things has resulted in something r.ew under the sun in Texas, where an association has been ouirhly dishonest, and ousht to b dls- I formed to protect the upper crust of $16.600,000, of the increase being credited located or 'decapitated' by Vngrss. I , . ... ... ... . toiie latter month. There was a slight Isut does the Tost know of any? Can ' ' decrease in gold coin, but Increases in it point out on to the President or j10 nring discredit to the race by their all the other Items, with the exception the Attorney Onerul. and Iht-n furnish I outrages." But it is surmised that the I of Treasury notes of 1890. The largest elifihles for memWshin xvin rw - ,tem of Increase was one of over $63, scarce as timber for the Order of the the proof of the dishonesty? -Congress ought to locate the heart lefor It wastes any shots in the air." The point of our cotemporary the Commercial ! well taken. There Is a "belief current" that the country is be . set with combinations, both of the trust anl corporate variety. Ahlch were born In tin' brought' forth In in Iiulty and altorether unlovely. The President says, by implication at least, there are such; th Cullom bill In the Senate and the IJttlefleld bill In the llouae are responsive to the "general belief" however Insincere or Ineffective one may believe these to be. There have been some prosecutions and con victions under the Sherman law which establishes the fact that such Illegal concerns at least have existed. We do not expect, nor does anj sane man export, nor will any honest roan assert that trusts or combinations of capital or the co-operation opcorporate Interests engaged In the same line of business can. will or ought to be stop ped. This statement needs no elabora tion. But,- statutes prohibiting such organisations from doing unjust, un ihteu thlnn in the conduct of their business can be useful, and when need ed ran be appli-d. The colossal growth f the country has produced condi tions never before experienced, an! nly rurKstod by Al.iddin-llke fairy l-s. With thi growth have come he sharper and the shyster, to say nothing ef the thief ad the robber ho haxe used uhat can be and has 600.000 In gold certificates. The total amount of money in circulation on De- Cinclnnatl among the white folks. cember 1 was $2,352,710,158. This, on the basis of a copulation estimated at 79. ine tact mat a territory, upon be- 86.0C0 on that date, represents a per Ing admitted to statehood would be I capita circulation amounting to $29.52. "hopelessly Democratic." seems to be n an '"crease of 79 cents as compared I with thp rnrroanAnllnr H ifn et lorf 1 - . . 1. , I 1 . .... I " . . ... V.1 I union. year. If we extend the comparisons a little farther back, we get some strik Ing figures of Increase. For example. According to Wnite House standards th egain since 1892 has amounted to It Is not considered good form for over $737,000,000, while the Increase since Democratic congressmen to nttno n 1S,9 the 'ear of specie payment re iKIImntiAn tin henn 1 AM nU1 ... . . , . ... I ' WWII fl,lilV,UUV,VW. tion. Oreat Britain and Germany may find that in attempting to coerce Venezue la they have bitten off more than they to much but horse poor because we The Country' florae Famine (Harper's Weekly.) We are horse poor not as some peo pie are land poor, because they have can masticate conveniently. Brother .Whltchard on Wednesday celebrated the Mh birthday of his ex cellent paper, the Greenville P.eflector. era i utrs pi FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid liver dcrangts the wbolc sicui, ua produces SICK HEADACHE,. Dyspepsia, Costivencss, Rheu matism, Sallow Skin and Piles. There Is to better remedy for these common diseases than DR. TUTT'S LIVER PILLS, as a trial wU prove. Take No Substitute. haven t enough horses. Our neighbor, the Scentlfic American, has been com plaining nbtmt It. After the Civil War we found ourselves short of horses of the bigger types, and began importing them for breeding purposes. We im ported them to good purpose and in very large numbers, and greatly im proved the quality of our stock. When electricity began to haul street cars, the mrake- tfor the commoner kinds of horses fell off. and farmers didn't breed so many. When the outomobiles began to appear and were heralded as machines that must supersede the use of carriage horses, the breeders of the better class of horses took fright. For years, after '93. too, thousands of peo ple who wanted horses could not af ford them. But with the return of prosperity the demand for good horses began to grow again, and breeders bred more of them. But It takes about five years to raise a horse, that is lit for the market, and the breeders got be hind. The demand has outrun the sup- Knrseons Who Succeed From the New York Tribune. The victories of present day sur gery include a considerable number of stalwart walkabouts whose disloca tions of spinal vertebrae would have been counted as tfatal cases of broken necks not long ago. The wonders that ; the foremost experts in reparation now accomplish comprise the stitching to- j gether of the outer frame-work of the heart itself. That almost Incred- j Ible triumph of the operating table ' has been accomplished recently, and the result, while not wholly successful, ! was at least encouraging. I The man or woman who loses a part of the brain in a railroad kecident need not despair. American surgeons and there are no better or abler now on this planet have so braveJydeIved into the recesses of all the contents of the skull that they do not hesitate to take aAvay a formidable pf rentage of what the cranial cavity contains" if they are convinced that so radical an operation affords the only reasonable chance of saving life. Modern sur gery is not only daring beyond every possible boundary of tradition. ', but it is also so beneficial that the limits of ancient precedent becomes matters of little account. ten Favs Best TO BUY THE Mathushek Piano, That has been before the public for more than thirty-five years and his always had the reputation of an honest, high-grade instruments? Or A piano that .still has a reputation to make. It's a fair question; plea?-! consider it well and while doing so drop in and examine our fine line of pi anos. Darnell & Thomas, J RALEIGH. N. C. ; I MM SHIT and easiest selected present is a BOOK. We have them in un limicy quantity. All the hew stoj ries of any merit, Gift Books in beautiful bindings, Standard Set. Write for prices. We are the agents for these cel ebrated photograph goods. Send for catalog. Nothing so fascinat ing as photography. You always get your magazine or paper when you subscribe through us. ra r i if 1 i till iffi Mi Ma ' : I i d Popsrs WM id Oi Ilnnnrirm i A hid toils. Can easily be selected from our stock- with little trouble, for we have the fullest line of Book, Games, Card Cse3, Wrist B.-'f Hand Mirrors, Frame?, Box i'a pers, Archirena Boards (50 game?) Ornamental Ink Stands, Calendars, Cards, &c. Will be glad to have you call and inspect our stock. Our personal attention given to mail orders. Alfred Williams & Co SUITABLE CHRISTMA j&&j&Pj&Pj&'&j&&j&Pj&&j&& j& V? jZ? j? j? 3T A great deal of money is spent these days for Xmas Presents that are of no special value. Thev are really re membrances for the holiday season only. They are not practical gifts. When you make a present Xmas why not think of this? Buy a pretty ROCKER. MORRIS CHAIR- TABLE. JARDINERE STAND- a PICTURE. COUCH. MUSIC 3. 3rf !6t: RACK-COMBINATION CASE fS Desk or some piece of FURNITURE that will be a lasting remembrance. We can please , vour taste and ac commodate your purse. v : N. B. Goods bought now will be stored free of charge and delivered when desired. Royall & Borden Furniture Co., COR WILMINGTON AND HARGETT STS. RALEGH.