THE MORNINfc POST; SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13 IQ02 Atlanta,-Mr. J. B. Cheatham, of At I AniECBB ""'CW-ASirs months enpr L A u I C o ,n v-z: FREE RALEI G H lanta. and Mr. E. J. Cheatham, of . sfe and iiret Box mr.r 1 Serl StAmpforiwrtioniars. ' . i . Frankllnton. Her surviving sisters are Miss Sue" Cheatham, of Franklin ton, Mrs. A. Austin, of Louisburg, and Mrs. G. L. Whltford, of LoJlsburg. The remains were taken to Frank llnton at noon today for interment. Many beautiful floral offerings were sent by those who had known and lov ed her. The following pall-bearers accom panied the remains: Messrs. C. F. Lumsden. J. F. Jordan, W. W. Parish, Marvin Harris, J. C. Tucker and Thos A. Green. Rev. G. T. Adams, of the Central Methodist church, accompanied the stricken family. CROVTX CIIEMICAL CO.. Bx 1 J. BiLtVAlkEK, W14 Q AGENCY FOR. More of this brand sold toan anr other, because at iti UDaformitj in puritj and quality. iUYlER J3rW55 a W. H. King Drug-Co.) 201 Fayetteville Street, RALEIGH, N. C. B AR BEE Q. CO., RALEIGH. DURHAM. Absolutely Pure Roval Baking Powder is equally valu able for the preparation of the finest, most delicate cookery and for substantial, evervdav food. Roval Baking Powder has been used hv three generations and is employed in hakinr bv the best families everywhere. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK PICKED UP ON A BATTLEFIELD Baston Attorney Seeking the Owner of Handsume Pin Engraved ,4W. H. Ballard, N. C." .,... r. !v.,r.-vjr ..f V. II. Ra'J.irJ. a t.-u-raxr A iu t of th civil v :r tr ,f 1 . ., ,!. .f any near r?latlv? ,. ;r i m tfc-; cTu- of the Scre i ,ry of t !. At !-nm Mr. nrirrv ha . ,n. 1 '-..-, in attrnry in Ponton a jtT iikii5 for th information fo id fraternity pin 1 . ,..I..M.l.t I lip VI H t il II .nr iwiireii'-m . ,r ... ,,.-. at la?t f the IJal-1-1 fairly. Th" letter explains the j . r?r thor'ichlv nnl l publ!hM In . - hv. I:. my .ith the attention ff ;" o-i .U r-t-l" frt . of MiT-e &Kny. I'oui Uor? at, !.ton. M i.. Iec. ?. T" tv sr rrt:ry of state, K.ilelRh. X. i-.: t. r .c;r i of th!fiell rf tv.' ar a I'nion oM.r hoe it!r i a f: ! :l of our f imlly pick- ! pin h;. h pr.-S b!y repr!'rit i-r fxl.! ! ordT in your Hate. Th- pn l. I-, th- haj.' of a hleM l a ro th- tp i a jwnl of the ' st- 7 ttp- .iiih a frrol! twHtel ab.""t :t a- ! o j th. roll Is th Inscription: " M"-.-v 'I'hi l"!y arrows ..tril i a ;uitl pen t-I this l! ) Iv l.r. 1 ii th bar 1 th : "No.-" At the I. , h fh.. .Lit. -1"5." n ihe i:'.t,i'"I "W. II. lUlianl. P fv :'irtif riln (nn make : !r;?i'i; t.f it hlcli will Rive ji i U t. r i-'-1. This hn Jm ii in t - t'v of tui.i.-r (now tlccoa'l .r ?..- . ,i, ly he lllt!" one I I the owner hut hi witiow - r.t V.: - v hat effort. I'mhahly 1' .-if I thi- y to write to your de-!-.-..- ti pin i tuit prt'tty. of -"I '.!. I ' ..a! I Ju.lRe. with blue m ". m? .. . "tirdo iiji intrinsic value t rt rf,p,r.. tvlth it possible ,.....,rn) r Th widow think t,-! f.r-i.r . ;Tort nhouM be made to 1 " I U rr and ha entrusted th - . ' i- ... xry uk.iy your r.. ... tVA who thJs nftn wJ 1 ; ,n ' opy of this letter ,- ::- 'ftvln-s of anhlvett of what " I !: (H?h..n i. ord at Wash ' . ! r -I I - thoy uill put t. rV . it ., j ,-K jt UJ, ajHO Very r w.!t tt. ,,r u:i ki:t, on that ell. .,;; , probably b t;r.tit, hv M, faml'y If there are -j E-.'S. probable the reprt of the Jurors be accepted with the exception of the rec ommendations, Jf provided the petition ers will give A $4'M) bond to the county t secure them against all costs und expenses in the matter. The rlerk of the court was paid $130 for making two copies of the perma nent registration. County Attorney R M. Catling wis instructed to look into und report to the botird on the advisability of ex lending the road district throughout the county and the issuing of bonds to work the roads. The petition for a new road in White Oak. beginning M th Green Level and tHirham road and running through the lands of V. O. Hilllard. M. E. Batche lor and others. Intersecting the Chapel Hill ruad was. on motion, laid over until proper notice has been given. The petition for a new- road In the same township from Klbert Lasslter. on the f;reen Level and Durham road, and running through the lands of Elbert Lassiter. Atlas nigffsbee and others to the Chatham line, was granted at the expense of the petitioners, on the un derstanding there was no objection. A petition from rltlzens of Mark's Oeek. Little I'.lver. St. Mathews's townships: asking for a change of road, beginning where said road crosses the west prong of Mark's Creek, thence r.early parallel with said rond about one trlie. where it nters the Tarboro road again near P. II. Knight's avenue. Thi was deferred until advertisement is tr.aJe. !':! 'wily yours. ;ki. w. Mont RECEIVED BONDS OF COUNTY OFFICIALS K'ake Commissioners Con s:dered Several Matters of Interest Yesterday ; ! in es.ifll SVer ' -r.!.y . th llievtlllg ll"' purise of recHvinn ii--n lHnds for vurHt " i.i'.. Iluwever. sevt-ral V r. .,f buiness were trans M -j'ti-i .rt--i.t were Chalr- i. l i 'oinu.l.slonf r Scur ' .mtj Kllinicton. '' "t rcicittr of deeds. J. J. ' . Atnt-rlcan Surety Com ' National Surety oi.i- ji u-re also the '' Mi- follow iiiK onstables t' 1. '.Ill m.f .A&1.. t lll lull I (V . .J . I. i ... ,.r Nw ushl: N. var. 're-k: J. II. Seats, of I! .r-t-,, K.IVt. IM!)( for ' ! irurr and will ent-r " J . i. nary ' T-i-'- ,( ih. committee to lay r, t. .l k .... irom rst Aiain street 'O . .. I . . 9 . - m iK-iurv in" iwnru it waB ordered that in t U.e fa.-i that a lawsuit seems I: . SAD DEATH OF MRS. E. L. JONES A Good Woman Takes Her Own Life While Suffer ing Agonizing Pain Many friends were startied and grie ed yesterday morning to learn of the death of Mrs. Kate Cheatham Jones. wif of Mr. E. L. Jones, collector for the Seaboard Air Line freight depart ment Mrs. -cnes having taken her own life while in a demented con dition brought about by the Intense suffering she has undergone of late from a complicated affliction for which she underwent an operation at Johns Hopkins Hosplta I. The suicide, for such It was, occurred at 1U o'clock yesterday morning Mrs. Jones had been In a precarious condition since th previous afternoon. V.'nen Mr. left the residence, which I on East Jones street, Thurs day ii ornlnsr his wife seemed In good spirits and he told her if he did not get bHck to dinner at 1 o'clock not to ex pect him until tea. However, his work developed so that he returned home about 2 o'clock and found the bouse locked up. He thought nothing of ti e fnattfr piesumlng that Mrs. Jones had gone out not expecting him until evening. However, at 6 o'clock when he returned home the house was still locked. He forced open a window, went in and found his wife In their room, unconscious. 1: litimct'iMely called some of the neighbors and sent for a physician. At the sjitic time he sent a telegram to Mr. E. J. Cheatham and Miss Sue he.-itham. brother and sister of Mrs. Jones, at Frunklinton. summoning them to Halelgh on acount of the criti cal llhies of their sister. Itoth came on the first train, reaching here about 4 o'clock a. m. The physician said that Mrs. Jones had suffered a stroke of apoplexy and called again at mld- When Miss ChfMham and Mr. Cheat ham arrived they relieved Mr. Jon- and th neighbors, who had been there all night. Mr. Jones went Into an ad Joining room and lay within easy call whl Mls Cheatham remained with hrr sister. Soon after this, about five nViork. while Miss Cheatham had gone to an adjoining room for a few mo ments Mrs. Jones drew the pistol from leneath her husband's pillow- and and fired the ball through her temple. leuth was almost Instanteous. Mrs. Jones, a mosi esumaoie wo man, was the daughter of the late Cpt. t'lialham. of Frankllnton. She has ben married six years. Besides her husband she leaves thre broth ers. Oapt. n. J. Cheatham, who Is a Seaboard Air Line freight agent in NONE BETTER THAN THE N. C. TROOPS Tribute from a Union Soldier. He Orders Regimental Histories Among the orders recently received by State Librarian M. O. Sherrili for sets of Xorth Carolina Regimental His tories from people north of Mason and Dixon's line, is one of unusual Inter est from Mr. Ezra H. Ripple of Scran ton, Pa., in which after directing at tention to the enclosure of a check for the price of a set of the books and ex press charges, he says: "I was a Union soldier, but am In terested in anything that records brav ery and heroism of American soldiers on either side. There were no better soldiers in the war of lSSl-a than the Xorth Carolina troops." It is a regretable fact that the sales of these Regimental Histories have not been as large of late as they should be and it Is notable thatfa large per cent, of the orders received ore from elsewhere than North Carolina and in fact than the southern states. It Is : set of books that should be in every Xcrth Carolina home and the fact that the state sel's them for the actual cost of printing and binding leaves little or no excuse for any citizen of even very moderate means not having a set In his home. They cost only for the six large leather bound volume? with a very small additional cost for postage or express charges. Th? sale of the histories Is In the hands of Mr. M. O. Sherrell. state librarian. REWARD OFFERED FOR ARTHUR BISHOP Gov, Aycock Offers $400 for Slayer of T. J. Wilson at Charlotte ' Gov. Aycock on yesterday issued a proclomation offering $4' 0 reward for the arrest of Arthur L. Bishop of Pe tersburg, who is wanted in Charlotte for the killing of T. J. Wilson In the latter's home. The reword was request ed by the mayor of Charlotte and the Mecklenburg county commissioners, who. It is understood, will offer addi tional rewards. There seems to be still no tangible clue to the whereabouts of Bishop. In this connection the following speciti! sent out from Petersburg, Vn.,- the home of Bishop's family, will be roai with interest: "It is reported tonight that Bishop came Into Petersburg this morning: and after having a talk with relatives and friends left for parts unknown. The saddest part of the unfortunate affair is the great suffering the young man's act has occasioned his family. His wife has been ill ever since hear ing of her husband's act, and is said to be unconscious." ATTORNEY GENERAL GILMER'S REPORT day- Filed with Governor Yester- Will Show Interest ing Criminal Sta tistics Attorney General Itobt. D. Oilmor filed yesterday evening with Gov. Ay cock his biennial report to be trans mitted to the general assembly. It contains the following interesting criminal, statistics: Totul number of criminal actions dis posed of from July 1. li0. to July 1. 1901, 8,3i9 males, 7.33S; females, 571. Of these 4.2JC were white, 4.010 colored, 13 Indians. Of the 8.309 criminal actions there were 3,601 convictions; 1,053 ac quittals. 1.365 nol prossed, and SS oth er wire disuosed of. From July 1. 1901, to July 1, 1902, th'. total number of criminal actions dis posed of was 9,301 whites. 4,931: col ored. 4.339: Indians. 11. Convictions. fi.418: acquittals. L1S3; nol prossed 1, 394; otherswlse disposed of, 106. . Capitol felonies tried from July 1, 19C0. to July 1. 1901; arson, 6: burg lary, first degree. 22; murder, first de gree, 67; rape, IS; total. 113. Capitol felonies tried from July 1, 1901. to July 1. 1902; arson. 7; burglary, first degree, 13; murder, first degree. 40; rape. 19: total. 89. Doa't Lt Them iiiir.r Olten children are tortured with itch ing and burning eczema and other skin diseases but Bucklen's Arnica Salve heals the raw sores, expels inflamma tion, leaves the skin without a scar, clean, fragrant, cheap, there's no salve on earth as good. Try It. Cure guar- anteea. only 25s. at all druggists. Mr. A. D. Gaskins is a Ralelgh visU tor. rlIJRES'P.Si xv'- saoieToa J Af See the largest barrel ever In Raleigh, now ou tap ia A. O. Wadford's saloon, Uargett street. Haleizh. N. C. BRUSHES A FULL LINE Hair Brushes, Nail Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Complexion Brushes, Flesh Brushes and Whisk Brushes At Wm. E. Gwaltnej's, Opposite Yarborough House. All Phones. Sturgis & Martin Sale now going on of Trimmed & Untrimmed 1. at Half Price. 121 Fayette ville Street. STURGIS & MARTIN, Over Blake's Jewelry Store. O A RALEIGH COOPER BROS. Proprietors. Raleigh. N C. MONUMENTS A -TI MARBLE WORKS "3 i y --! 2. Write for catnlocne. .Wo pay th frelsat. STOCKS, COTTON. GRAIN and PROVISIONS. Direct Vrlvate Wire to New YorK and Chicago. Instantaneous quotations. All transactions bona fide. Information concerning the market cheerfully furnished the public of Raleigh and surrounding towns. Interstate and Bell Phones, No. G7. eady for Christmas 6 In addition to our large and .varied stock of pictures, frames etc., we are showing the most select line of Fine China, Bric-a-brac, Statuary, Brass and Silver Novelties for the holiday trade evei brought to Raleigh. Our Fancy Goods Department, too, will interest you. New Pil low Tops, Cords and Tassels, Down Pillows, Bath Robe Girdles, Stamped Linens "Utopia," Germantown, Saxony, Shetland Floss, Ice Wool and Zephyrs, all colors, Slipper Sales, Embroidery Silks, Cambric Patterns, etc. You are cordially invited to call and inspect this stock. .. Store will be open at night until Christmas. J. C. ELLINGTON, JR., H2 Fayetteville Street, RALEIGH, N. C. puying n nsimas 'resents Early. Much better to shop now at your leisure and buy your presents than to be jostled in flip nrowd later on. You can thus choose from better assortments. More exclusive and individual things may be had right now. Buy now and we will deliver what you buy on any designated day. Every stock is teeming with beautiful Christmas gifts. Everywhere things of richness and bright ness that will on Christmas day cheer the hearts of both young and old. Come and see. DOBBIN & FERRALL 11 H" ' ' IX II El H iWlW o We show You Nothing but the Latest in CL OTHINO 9 AND HEN'S FURNISHINGS. All we ak is a GLANCE AT OUR STOCK. CROSS & LINtHAIN UP-TO-DATE CLOTHIERS AND FUPN'5HEiS. J

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