V THE MORNING POST: SATURDAY DECEMBER 13 I9l 1 In Society j j E. Tounc! mother of Hon. K Young, insurance commls rTtumed to hr home at Hen-jr.ifrJ-V. h-vlns bn here to of her ranl- Mr. ttrmt er. Mii Charlotte younr. Wed- VT. A. Hunt return J to llen--MtT;y h-vln been her to the Thorp-Young weUdln. Mr. drn atten 1 Mr? F M- Simmon Wt ytrJr for a'u-U to Washington and Daltl ior. Mr. an 1 Mr. W. V. Whltakenj Dr. Norool a. drrotl n-l ifc Dr. Delia DUon Carroll, of thl city. nd Mr. n.! Mr. I- A. Carr. of Durham, re- umr.1 yt-rliy morr.irir from At ari: her. thy attend the nrroll MorrL rj.lin WrOmlty n,"f M.i fM!n Carrol rt m:ilne,l In Ur . i I- th Krft of Miss Kidie livrrii f. r e er.il la- Anvn tht la JiA went from this cliy to Durham -et-rdr to attend th Paplt t-ite invention were Mr. J I MarrK Mm h.ls. K. John An. Mr. A. J. Kill. Mr. Ilrown hep herJ. Mr?. Jr.o. I!r1s anJ M-.fS Klean tr V-js. Mlrs D-i!- Morln returned yester day from j tv.o wetrks visit to her sis ter. :ir-. J. A. Carter. In New York. ?.lr. D. P. 1'pchurch and Mr. J. J. I'l- hurch arc hre from Jacksonville to attend the Follard-Unchurch wed- Fettle Tarker. of Iulsburir. Is In th city riwt Jt 'h hme of Mr. A. R Haw Mr.. Mr. Ada Biykln nonr h guest of Mr. F. II. Hue. She has been with Mr. F. M. Simmons for the past two v o-eks. Mr. 5am Innman airSved In the city jeterday from a trip to New York s.,l Is the gu-st of her parents. Mr. an I Mrs, A. M. McFheeter where she wl!I b- for some timrtefore returning to h'r home in Atlanta. Miss May Comack.'of Miibunnte. Is In P.a.'elgh the guest of Misses Mamie arl Mircle Allen on Feace street. Mr. and Mrs. c" C Raker and chil tr :i hare gor to Norfotk to spend th holidays t!th relatives. They left j estrdav. Mr. Frnet Martin went to Frnnk llr.rn ysterJsy rmmlrx to attend the f u- ral of Mr. 11 I Jones. Mrs. Jsmes McNeill, of Wilkesboro. i the cje of her r-arents Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Johnson. Mrs. J. t n.:inKton went to Louis t. ri ys:erlay to ntteni th funeral of M-. 11 I Jones. VI'. Aututi ToUott. who was a , s..r r,f th Thrr-T'our.ir wedding ,,rty. i.-ft for hrr home hi Richmond j;rd y. Mt flein Frus;hton. of Garner. I sperdlPK ti few days with Miss i:"anch rroikcr. M' Haiti OjrltAj her has Rone to Keyrl'le. Va..t" nurs the nn of apt. W. i. Follock. who Is s-riju.ly 111 with x ;-h l fever. Lmot Thojp". who cam to at- ti 1 the Thrr -Yunit marrl:i?-. left , f..r fcr home l.i t:oky Mount yester U.iy rooming. Mis Ftixa I.in h,' who has been the e-Jt of the Miss Hinsdale, returned to l-.r home In Wll'.lamrton yesterday. Mr. and Mn. Vann Fleminir. who j.,ve bn lr several days the jtueMs of Mr. I. S. All-n. lft for thvir home In AtKnta yrstrrday. Miss Melissa Payn. of Norfolk, who s here to attend th Thorpe-Tounjr weJ.Ue. left for I.ex!nKton yesterday t spend sevrnil days with friends be fore rrtumlnii home. Mr. C. M. P-m."rd ft last night for V".hlnon. hro h" ptvs to attend th -eremonls :tendant tipon the tr rri.nt- of Congressman Silencer HI . irkhurn ,nnd Ml Louis L-Vann PirkT. The wMKjrnc will lx on next V.'t-inesdav. It Is said that th wetl Imc pres-nt from the bride" father Is a theck for ino.Ooo. 1 aZ- Tboroujthrjr eradicates the excess of Uric and Lactic Acids from the system, staru the kidneys into healthy action, cures constipation antT indigestion! THIS OONC. TOO ARE WCLl Or RHEUMATISM.. AND ANT OTHER DISEASE CAUSED ST IMPURE SLOOD. D sot be dix-ourseed if other remedies have failed. RHEUMACIDE has made its reputation by curing alleged incurable cases. Does not injure the organs of digestion. GoLrsaoao, X. C Ang. 15, 190S. Gentlemen Scram six years ago I bera to bare c.atlcm. and aUo a ckrocla eas of ulr rheum.n.m. At time. I coul not wk atTl w imslSS ttot wora, Siy suirerln. vat Intro... Phrtlci.n. tre.te-1 me. wttbovt MraSrat relief. bower. Tried a number of adrert:.l remedlr. within brS.S. U-vtU r.n.l!r I tried - KBrciDa.-' Ii dM the wo?J.Tn4 1 haaTid III eUot belta tor thi years. I c.a cbeerf ully sar that ail rhmViirM o - EarcMACiDB," for It U by far the beet remedy. Uc nowld TLA. IX) MAX. Price i.oo prepaid expre, or from your Druggist. . Bobbltt Chemical Co.. - - - Baltimore, rid., U. 5. A. Cvmpllaasatarr CarniaM The merman clren Thursday night In Olivia Itiney Music Hall compliment ary to visiting youn Udies who were members of the Young-Thorpe bridal party vva a most dUhtful affair. It was under the leadership of Mr. John H. Andrews. Those participating were: M!s Talcott. of FJchmond. and Mr. J. II. Andrews; Miss Payne of Norfolk and Mr. S. J. Hinsdale. Miss Thorpe of Rovky Mount and Mr. W. W. Ro biKs. Mis Cannady of Oxford and Mr. J. V. Thompson. Jr.. Miss Blanche Rlake and Mr. Jno. L. Arrlngton. Ml Mabel Youna and Mr. W. M. Allen, Miss F.Mza Lamb of Wllllamston and Mr. T. Pouglaa Martin. Misa Nell Hinsdale and Mr. V. H. Brtggs.. Jr.. Miss Primrose and Mr. Mcpherson. Miss Metts.of Wilmington and Mr. James Arrlngton.' Miss Eleanor West . i Mi.. Tattve Pace Sand Dr. Fere bee. M1sa May Johnson of New York and Mr. W .A. uranam. iis UIHe Oray and Mr. C. I Flah, Miss JJophle Rusbee and Mr. W. W. Vass. Miss Sue Johnson of New York and Mr. W. H. King. Mlsa Fannie Hoke and Mr. C. B. Crowell, Miss Mildred Dortch of Goldsboro and Mr. Edwin McKee. Mis Annie Hinsdale and Mr. Rufus McAden. Miss Myra Pearce of Louls vJll. Ky.. and Mr. F. M. Stronach. Miss Eta Haywooii ajd Mr. Stedman Thompson. Miss Janet Hawkins of Ridfceway and Dr. J. D. Yhltake and Mrs. Walter Williamson of Wilming ton and Mr. Pcrrln Busbee. Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Wilson. Stags: Mr. Addicks. Mr. Cannady. Dr. C. P. Rogers and Mr. J. W. Hins Ial", Jr. Brltbl Jwli Kattrlaln Quite an enjoyable program was ren dered Thursday evening by the Bright Jewels at Kdenton Street Sunday school room. The son;s by the chil dren were very sweet, as were the tolo and duet rendered by Misses An nl Jone. Nina fireen. Julia Hutch ing and Cella Maxwell. The recita tion and reading by Misses Mary Evans and Mary Sherrlll were highly appreciated. The readings and recita tions by the following were very much enjoyed: Susie McGee. Maud Hurley, Leonard Hurley. Owen Maxwell. Edna Taylor. Flosrle Johnson. Hattle Lassl ter. Hrlen Brown. Annie Wilson. Maud rhillips. Vivian Belts. Jennie Warren. Aran Jordan and Bessie King. One of the sweetest selections was "Weigh ing the Baby." by Maud Scpark. A good voluntary offering for ml3?Ions was received. Am Apprachtag Marrlag Friends have received the" following invitations: Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Greene re quest the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter. Lil lian, to Mr. Thomas Wayland Watson, on Wednesday, December the twenty fourth, nineteen hundred and two. at half after nine o'clock. Baptist church, Lcuisburg. North O.rollna. SOUTHERN PINES Special Sermon to Masons on St. John's Day Correspondence of the Morning Post. Southern Pines. N. C. Dec. 12. Th Seaboard Air Line Railway Is the direct and popular route between New York and Southern Pines, as well as all other southern points. They run an Independent tourist train through th-i seaon. Iullman equipment, cafe cars, and every requisite for the fastideous traveller. Southern Pine Lodge No. 10S K. of P. gave a popular whist party at th? opra house List Friday evening. Danc ing lastd Into the small hour, and a spl-yidld time Is reported. W. O. Par ker and wife received the first priz anil Mrs. i. Stringer the booby. On Sunday the 21t Inst.. leing the third Sunday and St. John's day. Rev. it. R. Ment. pastor of the Congre gational church will by riuest deliver n special sermon to the Masonic fra ternity, commemorating the holy Sts. John at Jerusalem. On Wednesday last arrivals at the Southern Pine hotel were: J. N. Ja cob. Wilmington. N. C: W. H. Moore. Newark. N. J.: J. R. Taylor. New York city: F. J. Atkinson. Detroit. Mich ; Joe Kalin. Atlanta. (!a. Mls Eva Miller, reader and imper sonator, appeared at the opera house last Wednesday evening, and dancing after 10 o'clock concluded the enter tainment. Mr. C. S. Smith of Kent. Conn., who has been a guest at the Southern Pines hotel during the past week, left for Florida last Wednesday evening. Mr. Smith expects to return later In th? season. Mrs. F. Wright, of Oelwein, Iowa, is another one of the million women who have been restored to health by Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. A Tannpr New York Lady Tells 6 of a Wonderful Cure : Mr trouble was witli the OTarieaj I am tall, and the doctor said I grew too fast for my strength.. I suffered dreadfully from inflammation and doctored continually, but got no help. I suffered from terrible dragging sen sation! with the most awful pains low down in the side and pains in the back, and the most agonizing' headaches. No one knows what I endured. Often I was sick to the stomach. &nd every little while I would be too sick to go to work, for threo or four days ; I work in a large store, and I suppose stand ing on my feet all day made me worse. "At the suggestion of a friend of ;ny mothers I began to take Lydia E. l'inicnanrs voifetaoio com pound, and it is simply wonderful. I felt better after the first two or thre? doses ; it seemed as though a weight was taken off my shoulders ; I con tinned its use until now I can truth fully say I am entirely cured. Young girla who are always paying doctor's bills without getting any help as I did, ought to take your medicine. It xtsts so much less, and it is sure to ear them. Yours troly, Adelaide PilAHT., 174 St. Ann's 'Ave., New York CitV." $S000 ferfttt If orlglnm mf oftocw lt ttt wroclag efiaiea caot 6 produced. WORK OF THE LEGIS LATIVE COMMITTEE Report to Be Issued Today. Ricords in Auditor's Of fice and Treasury Complimented The legislative committee for the ex amination of the books and vouchers In the State treasury and the State auditor's office completed their work yesterday afternoon and will file with the governor today a formal report of the result of their examination, which has r?en in progress since last Monday. The following; significant and very complimentary endorsement in the bookr in th State auditor's office shows the condition of affairs in that office re flecting the highest credit on Mr. II. T. Hudson, the capable anil uenial chief clerk and upon his associate clerk: "We the undersigned committee ap pointed by the general assembly of lJfI have carefully examined tht en tries in this book from I?ec. 1, 1901. to Nov. 3. 1902. inclusive and find them to be correct. We have compared the entries of said months In this book under the head of receipts with the receipts of the treasurer's office and find them to be correspondingly cor rect. "We have also compared all vouchers with the entries in this book and find the entries correct. The books of this department lire both neatly and cor rectly kept. (Signed.) "K. Y. "WE BR, (Chrm. -ALLEN K. SMITH. . -K. O. MASTEN, "11. W. STUDBS." The books and acounts in the treas urer's office were declared by Chair man Webb and others of the committee to be in perfect condition. They speak in th most complimenting terms of Chief Clerk W. F. Moody and his cleri cal work as exemplified on his admir ably kept set of books and of Institu tional Clerk Jno. P. Arrington and Tel ler J. T. Fleming. The committee's formal report, to gether with a statement of the State's finances, will as stated above, be made public today. HIDDENITE GRANITE COMPANY CHARTERED The Secretary of State on yesterday issued a charter to the Iliddenlte Gran ite Company of Salisbury, t has 100, 000 capital authorized and is organized for the purpose of buying and devel oping certain granite quarries and mineral lands in Alexander county. .The following are the incorporators: I N. B. McCanless, D. R. Julian, P. II. ! Thompson, A. II. Boyden. H. T.Thrant- ; ham, R. Eames, Jr., J. S. McCubbins, j J. C. McCanless. M. L. Bean, D. L. Avery. C L. Welsh C. B. Jordan, A. L. Smoot. Kerr Craige, T. C. Linn, W. G. : Watson. Carries Snug Sum Washington. Dc. 12. The bill mak ing appropriations for the . legislative, executive and Judicial service for the year ending Jun 30, 1904 was reiorted to the house. today by General Bins ham of Pennsylvania. It carries a to tal of $26.930,4 rjZ. the appropriations for the current years aggregated 52C. 430,151. Dr. Charles D. Mclves, president of the North Carolina -State Normal and Industrial College, is here on business connected with the State dpnartmpnt. He arrived last night and Is at the Tarboroush. EASTERN HOSPITAL Will Ask $72,000 for Main tenance, Repairs and Improvements . Goldsboro, N. C, Dec. 12. Special. The board tf directors of the State Hospital at Goldsboro composed of Dr. Elisha Porter of Rocky Point, Dr. W. W. Bullock of Wilmington, Dr. Jos. E. Grlmsley of Snow Hill and Messrs,. V. F. Rountree of New Bern. W. L. Hill of Warsaw. D. E. McKinnie of Prince ton and James "W. Thompson of this county; all met at that Institution for receiving reports and election of offi cers. The report of tne superintendent. Dr. J. F. Miller, was read and its sev eral recommendations approved. This report showed tht there were 481 pa tients on the ro'.l and that the per centage of cures was a" fraction over 41 while the percentage of deaths was ja little over 5. The board unanimous ly recommended to the next legisla ture an annual appropriation of $60, 000 for maintenance and repairs, and $12,000 as a special appropriation for Improvements that are needed. The ! board expressed themselves as gratl i fled at the result of the work accom jplished at the institution in a profes i sional way and also at the business j management of tne able and efficient superintendent. Not only Is the busi i ness and profepsional features of the institution efficiently administered, but the improvement of the physical sur roundings is looked after in detail. Dr, W. W. Falson was re-elected first as sistant physician and Dr. Clara E. Jones was re-elected second assistant physician for the next two years, while Capt. Daniel Reid as steward and Mrs. E. J. A. Smith as matron were re elected for another year. Mr. "W. James Jordan, editor of the Greene County Standard, was in the city today and said that his county had been the scene of an epidemic of typhoid fever and that several promi nent people had fallen a victim to the disease. Mr. Jordan also said that the recent decline in the price of tobacco to about one-half what had been paid for It would have a tendency to de crease the acreage, next year unless there was considerable rise in the price before planting time. SHRINERS AT CHARLOTTE Rain Prevents thje Grand Street Parade Charlotte, N. C. Dec. 12. Special. The annual meeting of the Mystic Shrine was convened this afternoon at Oasis Temple. The large and spacious hall was filled with the nobles from the two states. On every train this morning, th members arrived in large numbers. This afternoon there was to have been a grand street parade but on ac count of inclement weather this part of the program had to be abandoned. At 2:30 o'clock the braves met in a business meeting at Masonic Hall in the Piedmont building. At 6 o'clock this evening the annual banquet was given. Covers for 200 were laid. Up to 9 o'clock the following offi cers had bren elected: Representation to the Imperial Council, W. S. Liddell. J. T. Barron, andJ. F. Robertson; po tentate, J. R. Johnson. What's got Mickv, Mrs. O'Flaher Iv? Deed snl tried lo te too stvlish. th-? cratur. Il-.e h v sai thim tandem t irri'juts in C e ntral l'.-' anS he thried t (?hv- nis i iat ajui his doz tan dun -'.Va:Ti: r.ton Tin1, s. Old Ladj- So we are to hav a new minister, eh? What's his name? Daughter Stone, 1 believe. Old Lady Well, now, that's good. They do say there are sermons in stones. Chicago Daily News. FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. An Old and Well-Tried Remedy. MRS. Wl NS LOW'S SOOTH I NG SYRUP hBbe'in tred Jorovor SIXTY YKABS byMJLLIOlJS of MOTHlS for their CHJMB EN WrirLE TEETH. ISO. WITH PERFECT BTJOOESS . It SOOTHES jhe CfflLp. gr.VTg.NS the GUMrt, ALLAYS nil PAIN; UKES TfD iCOLIO, and Is the best remedy for DlAKRHCtA Bold hy Druggrlfts in every part of bo world. Be nr and aitlc for MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP, AND TASK NO OTHER KIND. , 'rirni'-KIre Oat A Bottle. The ASSETS OVER FIFTY MILLIONS. SURPLUS OVER SIX MILLIONS . Commenced Doing Business in 1847; in North Carolina in 1874. THE BEST COMPANY FOR THE INSURED,, THEREFORE, THE BEST FOR THE AGENT- Several Special Agents Wanted. MOST LIBERAL CONTRACTS TO DESERVING MEN- Agents can do more business for THE PENN than for any other company. Ask its 4,000 policy-holders in North Carolina, carrying over seven mil lions of insurance. Gold Bonds, Endowments, Life, Term and all other approved policies a? low rates with large guarantees, and annual or deferred dividends. Quality, IN Is tbo chlf eoasldera'Jcn wlttt O In buying our drags. The best monf, can bay-is used in compounding prescriptions at this store. Ypu may ti are or alvray cetrlnjt v.hat th doctor prescribes if you buy ol us. Tbjik minute, am! yoa'll ee how import aat this Is. EOBBITT-WYNNE DRUG CO.. SANTA CLAU5 KNOWS ! USEFUL, XMAS PRESENTS Can Be Found in Our StocK. IFYCUU5E I A tic AUUE, , loaded with Black The REFEREE. w with Semi-Smokeless The IDEAL and NEW ' VICTOR, with Smoke, less Powders. Paters Metallic Cartridges revoiutiomzea mtrksman. ship in Rifle, PistoJ, and Revolver. Have held the World's Records for five years. HARTWARD &e itna Life IS MAKING A "TNA 5 PER CENT GOLD BONDS' THEIR VALUES ARE LARGER AND THEIR RAES LOWER THAU ANY OTHERS. ' The 20 Year Endowment 5 per Cent. Gold Bonds of the Etna Life OFFER GREATER ADVANTAGES THAN ANY INVESTMENT, CARRY ING AT THE SAME TIME ABSOLUTE PROTECTION. FOR INFORMATION ADDRESS J. D. BO US HALL, Hanager. Tucker Building, R. A L E I G H, N. C STYLISH TURNOUTS FOR STYLiISH HEOPLE. -KLr UPCHURCH & 1, ot Price HALKir.11,1. -. jury of Awards at the Pan-Ameriear. Exposition appMat. el topass upon the merits of the article exhibited have pronounced: rpHe JJiiderwood Z&e Fastest, X?Aa Strongest, E6r Simplest, Z6g most Complete rkd the Most Practical Typewrite Mads W HITES IN Sibil f l'or Cataloffuo writ to R. L. LINDSEY. Stale Affent, DURHAM. X. C MSGL1! B.tKltEL' n.'IT'V C IIAItl.1IKKIiKSi: v V PISTOLS, Dollar WatcH. The two million people who buy Ingersoll Watches every, year buy them because they bear the strongest guarantee for accurate time made by any watchmakers, and because eight million peopl who have bought and carried them are loud in their praises. LARGE STOCK Pocket Knives, Carver3, Razors, Everything for Everybody. HARDWARE CO., RALEIGH, C. Insurance Co SPECIALTY OF Lnndaus, Buggies. Picnic Wagons ana all the diffu'i-ent kinds of traps, with tht best driviug horses, both for speed aiiJ family use, always ready. Fine saddle horses for ladies and gen'i We make a . specialty of marrinies, receptions and funerals, giving these t!i personal attention of a member of tin firm. Contracts for heavy hauling and exea Tating solicited. We guarantee perfect satisfaction i nil branches of our business. HOLDER Y MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMPANY Of Philadelphia. B. RANEY, General Agents for North Carolina. RALEIGH, N. C

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