i THE MORNING POST; WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 13 192 "Waffles"; - simple mnocence really is absurd ; Thinks tnis cannon craccx . - Fun to cook fun to eat gingerbread made from the magical A (Better than flour) " 7: -11" ZTyT -jip Fun ( P66 The H-O no" Company -RFSTO Gingerbread from the oven literally bursting with good pRESTO "1! soft and not a pain in a panful. r ness. Lignt. so. r 'i cut ginfierbread-Dre - ion' I BOUGHT DY GOULD Control of Richmond Electric 1 . Lines Secured ) New Terk. D-c. 3). Control of the .VirirtnUi Pasenrr and Power Com Vny has bven h.)-!it by Frank Jay Gould. The company operates all the tret railways In the cliies of Rlch Yr.ond. M.irrchester ar i Pttcr5burg. V.r. iell as a 22-ndl- l trie line which "connects the two I.it nnmeI cit !!. the syntem at present including 122 mi:c3 of mad. Th? con.puy was organized last year under a . racial perpetual charter, comMnlrs th six local com rnt In and around Richmond. It fcs I.CCC.V preferred sto-k outtand i.r r l f1"r"o.) o-vrrr-orj. h ," QO-VKO - pr rer.t. mortgage bonds and J7.W.t';o ur..rii: J Th Merchant?' Trust Company. It bas been t?n I'ttoM In Wall street, was Irterr?tc! In th" underwriting of fh, Vi.-.TinU P.itr:ger and Tower r rr-my, and It was sai l today reso nated the sale of th" ?curitle to Air. Gould. It Is to be th fiscal agent an 1 4J.0 the depository of all funds of the Virginia company. prepared to leave at a moment's warn In. The Inflammatory articles ap pearing In the foreign newspapers in China are considered to be ill advised. Bombardment Threatened London. Iee. 31. A dispatch to the Dally Mall from Wl'.Iemstad. Curacao, says that the postmaster at Maracalbo, Venezuela, having detained correspond ence belonging to German merchants, the German cruiser Falke threatens to bombard the town- THE CLOSING YEAR. 1 PANAMA CANAL Annual Meeting of the French Company Paris. Dec. 30. There was a smal'er attendance than usual at the annual meeting of the Panama Canal Com pany tod i. The procevdlnss were or derly compared with those of recent years. A long report was submitted outlining the negotiations for the pur chase of the canal by the United States ! and the proceedings of the American Congress in the matier. The report concluded by statins that the date of he meeting had- been postponed until he end of the year because the direc tors had hoped to announce the con- r !ludon of the negotiations with the nal fnr tht Wpk;inBr To- United States of Colombia, Fending UCai TOr ini Uei55inbCl 1U lhv comJ:islon of these negotiations hnrm Pnmninv f!nmnIptP "they could make no recommendations. D3CC0 bompany uompieie They fouU onlj. ask that the meetinR. ; New York. Dc. C At the offices of approve the accounts and re-elect the th- Continental Tobacco Company to- fojr retiring directors, which was done, day It was stated that the company some of the shareholders reiterated h i acquired all of the stock of the thdr customary protest against the Velsslnser Tobacco Company of Louis- disposal of the canal property. They tlle. Ky.. from its various holders, and asked what would happen If the com th.t at a rrectlng of the directors of p iny and the United Slates did n; the Welssinccr Company. Colonel Har- conclude n bargain by March 4th. Ti ? l-y IVelMlnger. president of the com chairman answered that the sharehol -pany. and two other directors. John ers would bo summoned and consult- Mlddleton and P. I. Thinips. had b-cn in' the future, as they would le sum continued as directors. The remaining ir.oned to ratify the sale in the evtt:'. SOLO TO CONTINENTAL : ! Is members of the Ixiird resigned. All six are connected with the Continental Tobacco Company, either as cfllccrs or directors. It Is understood that the Continental Tobacco Company will be come the selling agent of the Wetsslng r products. Regarding a report that the YVels!rtger Company will be liqui dated, the representative of the Con tinental Company said that nothing of the sort had been decided upon as yet. of the deal being consummated. DONE WITH HERNANDEZ Willemstad, Curocao, Dec. 30. Pre. idrnt Cas'tro of Venezuela has Impris oned General Lutowsky. former Min ister Fachana'o and about forty other men. There has been a split "amonir the followers of General Hernandez, the former revolutionary leader, wh ha now cast hl3 lot with Castro. Al: his supporters who were In arms are etlll loyal to the revolutionary leaders. General Vldal. an independent Iler ijandift. who Is chief of staff to' Gen eral: Uplando. has visited Willemstad. where he had a conference with Gen eral Mttos. rior to leaving he issued a rnalfesto severing all relations with PREPARING FOR WAR A Russian Combine Will Com pete with Standard Oil Odessa. Dec. 39. A newspaper 'states that a powerful combination of Daku rfmlrum concerns, under the leader- hlp and In the name of the Gnkassoft t General Hernandez, firm, is about to establish repositories In a number of Critish centres for the J purpose of f ompetlr.g with l:e Stand- I rd Oil Company. It Is similar to an enterprise that was recently. projected.! t but which did not materialize, owing I to the lack of government sanction. A : Caracas. Dec. CO. President Castro feature of the new scheme is that it returr.ed to th capital from La Vic will open the campaign by sacrificing lor,a at" noon today. An hour later he receivea air. jJowen. the American minister, .wht remainetl closeted with Mm for an hour and a half. The ob ject of Mr. Ttowen's visit was to trans mit to the president the demands for mulated by Great Britain and Germans' in connection with the arbitration of their dispute with Venezuela. Presi dent Castro postponed his answer, ac cepting or refusing the demands, until m j tomorrow. CASTRO TAKES TIME prices In wttcrn Uurcpe and main taining higher prices at home, as is done In the Russian sugar export trade. George Dennison Prentice, American journalist, humorist and poet, was born at Preston. Conn., December 18. 1802, an d died at Louisville, Ky., January 22, 1S70. His humorous writings were pub lished under the title of "Prenticeana" in 1K9. "Tis midnight's holy hour and silence now Is brooding, like a gentle sp irit. o'er The Etlll and pulseless worl d. Hark! on the winds The bell's deep tones are sw elllng; 'tis the knell Of the departed year. No funeral train Is a sweeping past; yet. on the stream and wood, Melancholy light, the moo nbeams rest, Like a pale, spotless shroud; the air is stirr'd. As by a mourner's sigh; and on yon cloud. That floats so still and pla cidly through heaven. The spirits of the season seem to stand. Young Spring, bright Sum mer, Autumn's solemn form, And Winter, with his aged locks, breathe In mournful cadences, that come abroad Like the far windharp's wil d and touching wall, A melancholy dirge o'er the dead rear. Gone from the earth forever. 'Tis a time For memory and for tears. Within the deeD. Still chambers of the heart, a spector dim. Whose tunes are like the wl zard voice of Time Heard from the tomb of age e, points its cold And solemn finger to the bea utiful And holy visions that have passed away, And left no shadow- of their loveliness On the dead waste of life. That specter lifts The coffln-Hd of hope, and joy, and love, And, bending mournfully ab ove the Dale Sweet forms that slumber t here, scatters dead Cowers O'er what has passed to noth ingness. The year Has gone, and, w 1th it, man y a glorious throng Of happy dreams. Its mark is on each brow, Its shadow in each heart. In its swift course It waved Its scepter o'er the beautiful, And they are not. It laid i ts pallid hand Upon the strong man, and the haughty form Is fallen, and the flashing e ye is dim. It trod the hall of revelry, where throns'd ;, The bright and joyous, and the tearful wail Of stricken ones is heard, w here erst the song And reckless shout resound ed. It passed o'er The battle plain, where swo rd and spear and shield Flash'd in the light of mid-day and the strength .. Of serried hosts Is shiver'd, and the grass. Green from the soil of carna ge, waves above , t The crush'd and moldering skeleton. It. came And faded like a wreath of mist at eve: Yet, ere it melted in the vie wless air. V It heralded its millions to their home . In the dim land of dreams. Remorseless Time. Fierce spirit of the glass an d scythe what power Can stay him in his silent course, or melt ;'. His iron heart to pity? On, still on He presses, and forever. The rroud bird, ')' The condor of the Andes, that can soar Through heaven's unfathom able depths, or brave ' The fury of the northern hu rricane, j And bathe his plumage in the thunder's home, ! - Furls his broad wings at nightfall, and sinks down To rest upon his mountain c rag but Time Knows not the weight of sleep or weariness. And night's deep darkness h as no claim to bind His rushlon pinions. Revol lutions sweep O'er the earth, like trouble d visions o'er ,the breast Of dreaming sorrow; cities ri se and sink Like bubbles on the water ; fiery isles Spring, blazing, from the oc ean, and go back , To their mysterious caverns; mountains rear To heaven their bald and bl ackened cliffs, and bow Their tall heads to the plain; new empires rise, Gathering the strength of h oary centuries, And rush down like the Alpine avalanche. Startling the nations; and the very stars. Yon bright and burning bla zonary of God, ' . Glitter awhile in their eternal depths, " And, like the Pleiades, lovel lest of their train. Shoot from their glorious sp heres, and pass away To darkle in the trackless void yet Time Time, the tomb-builder, hold s his fierce career, Dark, stern, all-pitiless, an d causes not Amid the mighty wrecks th at strew his path Tp sit and muse, like other c onquerors. Upon the fearful ruin he ha s wrought. an open switch and the engine and several cars were thrown down an em bankment.. Albert S. Barker, engineer; Joseph Keglin, fireman, and Hiram B. Barry, brankeman, all of LaFayette, met instant cieaxn in the wrecK. Their bodies were recovered by a wrecking train crew. A New World to Conquer Berlin, Dec. 30. Early in January the Anglo-American Tobacco Trust will inaugurate its long planned assault on the German tobacco trade. It will in troduce the coupon premium system, which ha3 hitherto been unknown here. The premiums offered are of the varied kinds, ranging from corkscrews to automobiles. The German tobac conists are' alarmed and do not yet see any possibility of resistance. ITha tYur Fare Worth? Sometimes a fortune, but never, If you have a sallow complexion, a jaun diced look, moth .patches and blotches on the skin, all signs of Liver Trouble. But Dr. King's New Life Pills give Clear Skin, Rosy Cheeks, Rich Com plexion. Only 25 cents at all drug stores. Dead Baby in the Cellar Rutherfordton, N. C, Dec. 30. Spe cial. The finding of the body of an infant in the cellar of a vacant houee near Casar, Cleveland county, has been the cause of some excitement in the community. It had evidently been strangled by a piece of cloth tied around its neck. The child had been dead six or eight months. There has been no arrest, but a woman who was the last occupant of the. house is sus pected of complicity in the crime. ICH NEGRO MURDERED St. Louis, Dec. 20. The body of Or rin Worthen, coachman for Mrs. Delia Webb, was found in the back yard of his employer's residence in Wash ington boulevard this morning. His throat had been cut and tb-- w 25 wounds in his body, evidently in flicted with a stale iao. tnueut!3 ox a struggle were visible, but none of his fellow employes or neighbors heard any disturbance during the night. Worthen had been in the employ of Mrs. Webb for a number of years and had $10,C00 on deposit in a bank beside owning several pieces of real estate. While ostensibly a coachman, die was a gambler by profession and ran sev eral xrap rooms through agents. He was known to carry $3C0 or $4C0 in cash. Robbery Is believed to have been thn motive for the' crime. Three suspects have been arrstd all ngroes, as was the murdered man; but thus far noth ing positive has been found against them. an Inquiry into an alleged merger of the Louisville & Nashville an 1 oth,p roads is to be made In the con:p!alr.t before the inter-state commit. r. which will sit In New York binn;?;; January 15. Governor Beckham . :r, ployed Bennett & Young of Lolur,i ns assistant counsel. Colonel Vo:; -and Mr. Pratt and the commissi, ,r will make the Investigation a!ovK - line of, the Northern Pacific Inven t :, tion. Rushing Land Grants During the month of Decmfio: " 100 hundred applications for :ul grants have been filed in the ofiw of the secretary of state. Thest cimr mostly from the mountain counlieo ol the state. ' Thousands Starving Sydney, Dec. 30. A prolonged drought in New Guinea has caused a famine and thousands of inhabitants are starving. Some are subsisting on roots; grubs and vermin, while others have resorted to cannibalism, eating the bodies of those who have died :rnm starvation. Two European prospectors have been murdered. Planins: Mill Projected Durham, N. C. Dec. 30. Special. Messrs. Denmark and Gist of Pennvsl- vania have purchased four acres of land near East Durham and will erect at once a large planing mill on it. Some of the lumber s being placed and the machinery is coming. It is said that the mill be the largest in this section. The location for Durham was secured by the Durham Chamber of Commerce. INDIAN GETS A WHITE SQUAW Richmond. Va, Dec 30. L. II. Wall, a f ull-blooud Utah Indian from Eu falla. Indian Territory, secured ns a Christmas present ti.e. hand of a beau- FAREWELL TO LORENZ New York Gives the Doctor a Good Send-off Object to Double-headers Austin.. Tex.. Dec. 30. It was said tiful Virginia girl. M-. Lucy Ramsey, here today on high authority that a ' rtttoday fat daughter of Mrs. Su,an Ramsey, a strike of the conductors and brake- : V 1! Jnfc!?!.P!?S! New York, Dec. 30. Dr.. Adolf Lor enz, who will sail for England to- i morrow, was semi-officially the guest hrnfce- i . . . - . . rromlncnt la ml mvr,, . , , 7" Kdinennj oi neaas oi aepan- Franklin county. The acauaance rp V. on U, city officials and aldermen. begun through an advertising bu-.eral Matos. Prior to leaving he issued u T," prMented ? m inthe reau. The Indian a reared unnn th nmrwh i f t,, ...1.7 JCT.-.! " l cIty hal1- a morocco leather, silver scene ChrlMrr.as day. giving the girl belled' 1,. their derna'nds. prsen ted I to "lou"ted a??um "talninfc in engross- eurjTisr. vncn sne round Wall nil the railroads west of the Missis was an Indian she de?irei to harV nut ctnni v.. ,,v , - . , . - - v 1 1 1 i.'v j iv. mill me pf the bargain, but he is a fine look- oneratlon of i)nnhi i. . . roads be nbolished. The exact demand ' i mat not io exceed th rtv mrs lie Ing fellow, and he p jhe,i his suit with boldness and adroitness that won. He owns a steam laundry in his town. They left tMay for Euf.tha. UNFOUNDED RUMORS loured with two engines, which is I equivalent to abolishing the practice. Jafe that number of cars it easily hauled with a sinele engine. Head-on Collision Sharon. Pa.. Dee. 30. In a head-on collision on the Pennsylvania rall- rekln. Dec 21. The stories that are rurrent to the effect that the dowager impress is implicated in the alleged re oi.ion. saui to be headed by tun xu us:ar.g rnd Princ Tu not believed here. Neither credit place ! In the reports of the mis sionaries upon wh'ch Mr. Frascr. th Itritlsh consul at Hankow, warned all . ""urfn n Knasj ' rr train Vn "1R mr . mna .vr.mi. wt of Slan-Fu to leave vrt i V," J , ,,riul iram i . av mic wviiiuiisnea I ed form, the resolutions of eulogy j adopted by the aldermen two weeks , ago. Before the presentation the dis tinguished surgeon was entertained at luncheon at the Hardware club by ' Alderman Wakely of the committee appointed to draw up the resolutions. The resolutions passed by the alder men welcomed Dr. Lorenz to the city and praised his work and the humani tarian motives which had inspired him to operate gratuitously upon poor chil dren. After the presentation the aldermen and other city officials were presented retailing liquor, the county commis sioners having done so. A suit was brought by liquor dealers holding coun ty license to compel the town authori ties to issue them. This was stren uously resisted, and the judge refused to order it. Yesterday argument was again heard before Judge Shaw on pe tition of the liquor dealers to compel the town commissioners to issue li cense. Judge Shaw took the case under advisement and has not yet announced his decision. Voting: Begins Nov; The canes to be voted to the most popular candidate for Senitor and the ( most member of the legislature and the Royal felt mattresss to be voted to the most popular married lady of the city will be placed in the windows of Messrs. Sherwood Higgs & Co's store where the votes can be left. The time is now at hand for voting to be gin. Who is your favorite? . " Collector Will Call All osrsons wh" have suhji r.T. ,i funds for the Red Men's Or:h r v Bazaar Will oir-i.se have . jt i Mi Thursday, -anuary 1st, as ths collect -.r,, Mr. Will Bobbins, will call. A. DUCITI, . Chfurrn.-'M, Ex'radilion with Brazil Rio Janeiro, Dec. 30. The protoi of the extradition treaty between i'.iv ill and the United States has un.i.; mously passed both houses. L. and N. Investigation Frankfort, Ky., Dec. 30. A confer ence w-as held today in the governor's office between Governor Beckham, Attorney General Pratt and Chairman Mt"Chord and p-r--r;-." and Wood of the Kentucky Railroad Commission, in- v...Cii' c.. Casey ?i CasHdy Is engaged tn i,. r-frried. Oi always thought h was .1 trifler. . j iarrell Well, he thought fn him self till he thrifled wiT a. wM."-. Puck. Employer I" have you arrt' 1 i'-.r larceny If you keep on stealing irv time. . Clerk And I'll get you a term in Jul for arson if you fire me. Now r.i Evening World. . ' J --- e 222 Fayettevill9 Straet. f JUST RECEIVED Georgia Cane Syriips, Old Fashion Moun; tain Buckwheat, Prepared Buckwheat Pail Cake Flour New Cured Va, Hams, few Old Va. Hams. ALL PHONES 88. I it m. rtr urn mm v . L2x-:iA.fr?. I - waav. mbv V 11UII llll lf III (nfr1i t . . . . , ""mio ur. iorenz, ana ne shook hands general Middlesex tonight, the engineer of th i.v. -. i . - in. aVe mu,nr,r t v.., u" " . rtcn OI,e 01 inem m xurn- "e u C, ,:V :: .;:. ;. . y13- was ith a friend tonight and after 1 - - - All I Ul Tl .1 111 1 I ly injured and almost a score were hurt. The wreck was caused through a imsunuerstancir.g of orders. Passene n view of th .n.i....i . -1 Wr. muer Uso he male fo? 1 Tn " tMr in the -n.r, l the district. Ar-.1ZZ 1" the C2tl,re"- and somk- 1 r.g cars are wrecked. ward went aboard the White Rtnr liner Celtic, which will sail at 6:30 o'clock tomorrow morning. Authorities Conflict Greensboro, N. C, Dec. 3a Some time ago the town commissioners of Mount Airy refused to grant licen Elks1 Christmas Tree New Bern. N. C, Dec. 30. Special. The Elks lodge gave a Christmas tree to the children of this city Monday. Nearly 400 children's hearts were glad dened by appropriate presents. Mr. J. W. Dawson was an ideal Santa Claus. The Elks were assisted by Mrs. O. II. Guion, Misses Agnes Foy, Mary Guion, Annie Stevenson, May Oliver, Mary Roberts, Mary C. Daniels and Addie Claypoole. ON TUESDAY,. WEDNES AND THURSDAY Job Con Id n't Have Rto1 It If he had Itching Tiles. They're ter ribly annoying; but Bucklen's Arnica Salve will cure the worst case of piles on earth. It has cured thousands. For Injuries, Pains or Bodily Eruptions it's the best salve in the world. Price 25c. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists. ' Met ln$tant Death Indianapolis. Dec 3a Thrie trnif men were- instantly . killed at-Quinsy at o'clock this morning, in -front, of The train cmshec into MEN'S $3.50 ANDiV .O0 PAT. VI CI KID, PAT, COLT, AND VI CI KID AT ALL Gi&feNtEED PERRY & ROSE NTH ALU THe Up-to-date Shoe House, Trust Building . : - - v -