;, i ....... - . . i - ::. .''.;. f - - . i ' ' - . ' ' . . , 1 . " .."".-'',..'' t. .I.'.."'.. .. . ........... -V . ( H. .... . j - , . , -. " , ; , ' ' .. .. ; . 4 : . . . - .' : ; -i . - . i - ' - - j , ' " " 1 ... r ..... .... 1 ... - - . '-..-!,, Last VoLXI RAXEIGH. N. C. SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1903. v - - - - No. 32 i r i ' : . . . " , . " ' lajcKhuni Says He Ha Retirement of Richardson! Regarded as Certain. 5kinner Visits the President--Cabinet . Sits on the In dianula Case ' . Not Opposed Fritciard, Kress, which carries with it the lead ershlp'of the party, are making other alignments in the vigorous contest that trill arise over that, office. The opposition to Mr. Richardson's leadership has been growing e'er since the prcrcnt session began, and Is now beginninr to crrstahse about Repre sentative John 5harpa .AVilllams of I Mississippi, although Representative .Champ Clark of. Missouri will also be itk candidate for the honor. With 'Rich ardson out of the race the most influ ential Democrats believe that Mr. WIl Uirr.s Touldea?i:r win. D!strr?t AttoiTiey Harry Skinner call- that h ! on lhe Presl;5nt th,s mornlnc and occanair 10 epeax in aavocacj- u. Senator Pritchard's cause, ilr. Skin ner was very much pleased with his Interview aU the White House and came away toundinjr the president's .w . - . , . pral3e. who. he naiil. entertains the rail that h's ffrst know4edffe o. hl3rhen re?ard for Senator Prltchard h: al??d candidacy was contained In p;rsonally and politically. It is Mr. i t"!mm published in the Washing-! Skinner's opinion that, whatever ac f i rot under a Raleigh r.aie line. J ticn the president takes in the Vick V.r. ntackburh said: f Vase. Senator Pritchard's prestige will "1 hive never written to any one not suffer as a result. H.-jt the renator'hlp. nor bae l Tollowine Mr. SkLntr's visit there v..-5hinston. Jan. 9. Special. Con-r-rr.an Llackhum.gave an emphatic r.!il today tothe story - i.ht endorsement at the hands of the ?r-:!-!:can caucus of the North Car ; ;:a If-lslatcre as the party nominee f-r fnlted States Senator. Mr. Black h-im f: BILLS IN COMMITTEE Many Matters of Importancs ' Under Consideration vemaB teads " ' - ' i '- -! . .. w .-Waslifngton, Jan. 9. The Senate com mittee on Interstate commerce today whom the case was referred, said that -topk; up Senator Klkins bill to enlarge he had not had time yet 16 take li.uiv.'th ?wfrs v the, interstate commerce but he expected to begitf consideration omtnision by providing for the en of the papers almost Immediately ent. of its orders, and also per Reference to the Indianola ca lea to niUtlng a modified form of pooling un some discussion of southern appoQt-;der the;" supervision of the Interstate mcnts.but no action was taken a to . commerce commission. The committee the general policy of the ndtnhiistrn-1 wnt ovr about haIf of the blll resolv tlon. The papers relaUng to vral je4 t6 consider the measure to a conclu appojntments were taken ca, and it-is ,1oh- . - ' , understood that some appointments t .The committee referred to a sub were taken no. and it ' is understood Committee , the House bill extending . ... . fm 91 n in hnnratha ncrlnil 'ftl1nTVA1 mat ome appo nimenis were -aextr- 'V Joint caucus to nominate a can minea upon, .out no inrormaiion con-."'. .. cernlng them was made public'. without unloading. Tn tha mominp RonrointHvK Mondv me Mouse commmee on navai ai iih lFiiy Votes Watson Second With 38 and Craig Third-.Oth-er Candidates-TEI-oquent Nominat ing Speeches It may require - several metings of , didate for United. States Senator. f The meeting last 'night was devoted irnmg ttepreseniauve aioopyi ""- " " largely' to nominating i aneeches and will go to the White House,' whr6 .he iairs, Dy a voie 01 nve 10 lour, toaay seconairi, TOeerhei ?n suonort of Vhl has an engagement with the president refused to authorize a favorable report .. 2ndS7 to discuss the southern situation. Mr. onthe bill to place Naval Constructor A ten mlnJ;es after 12 o'clock mid ... . . .w- ,11.. TtifmrsnA T Unhnn on io fotfrr! AI Xl mmUieS alter W O CIOCK, Mld- .uooay wi u Pieaa ine cause ot.inc iy -"r . ; night, the voting began and three bal lots were " taken p Adjournment was had at'l' o'clock until Monday night at 8 o'clock. ;''. The third 'ballot resulted: Overiman . . 50 vatson . . . '..... .3$ Craig... ; ;;.........;.. ....28 O&IT .'mr9'--w f lt Hoke .:.... 5 Alexander....... .... 8 This showed a gain of 7 for Overman the congressional halls at Washington. I name a man who combines all the Qualities of head and heart to nikc- a fine senator. He followed the f5vt'.m--K of Lee and Jackson and who was four times itehot in the terrible battles of that war. lie was not cr.ly great ud soldier, but v.s a hiv.ycr he has de- monstratod In an honorable degi'ee ihat the profession is gi-eat one. - He is one of the best in the Stated He has encouraged and strengthened many young m6n. He is great not only as a soldier and' lawyer, but as a Demo crat. In 1896 when the dark gloom hung over the State he chosen as the leader, though it was a forlorn hope, but as a true soldier he went in and made the fight. Is there a sense of gratitude in the Democratic party? I think there is, and he should receive the votes of this caucus for,the Senate. His heart beats in unison ' with the masses of the, people. He has all the qualities that go to make up a great representative of the people. NomlnatloQ mr. Orartusn Mr. Murphy of . Rowan 'placed the nam rtf TTnn- T.AO S flvermin rf ?nl- "Jack" -Hayes, as he Is so weU known ingjfor the extension of the financial f 7 rrr,a Usk,, tT , , 1 iny one to support me In the. Re- crm- other new., that the president H in Ralegh, where he resided tot system, of the. Lnlted States to the . over- the first' .ballot,-a. ain of 1 for and loved all over the State and well ; ;M!r2n caucu. The story la the ho dlny the VJck case in abeyance for number of years aa military aide to Islands. . , . Watson; a loss of 1 for Cralz, a loss of qualified to wear the tosa of Vance and v.-Ashinston Tost wan a great surprre uftar InestiSa:ton. and that tue. e Governors Carr and Russel,, is very The House committee on judiciary to- 2 Tor Carr. a loss of 4 for Hoke, while Ransom. He is n eloquent speaker ire and 1 am atl.1cd that It wa will be no final action until Senator!"! Fort Meade. S. D.; wher he ! day authorized a favorable report on Alesander votf dId n0t change In an able man and combines all necessa rrl.tlnatcd for ths p-ino'e of e.-r.b.ir- ' Pritchnrd J?3v?. t oc'tP, stationed. He Is eaid to be. at the the bill prepared by Attorney General lhg three bklIots. ry tralts of head heart and character rsln me. I have had nothing to do .abler to b heard. This authority also point of death Colonel Hayes who is lixyox and introduced by Representa-j - . . i.tBt6lltUi0peid to make a sterling representative ofthe fith the matter, whatever, and the . tu;ed ihat tfc p.cui one of the most popular ofrt.erj in th. t ye Llttlefield to expedite adjudica- 'people in the United States Senate. He s:Vv 1- a pure faLlflcatron. I have the wishes of the people of Wilson and nrmy. Is the ? comes of a family noted for its re- r-t orped F?natr Prttchard. and no that, while there is little hope for Boy- ! rv,ce n ?e 1 ?6 iSl0If,if SH Jlerk orSLa the Vol" jlltfoua devotion and is worthy in all" h- any such letter as wa- re-' kin. a white Republican with a ood I f rrI to in! the teiernm from Ital- , record will probably receive the ap-' ,. Vt I, .r. ... 0' 1 that 145 Dern3ci:tt V.era present jure .-hangs over my head-(Vance.) I r-t--.... w . ..vr-K . .it .. , wi-v v-i. u.u.mni, Ui. v House juuiuaijf tuiimimccs ujjwii ; .vr. n. rtn :i-a ai mpuuuum. delivery is practically at a standstill; subject of t .v.. r.4. ..1 ii because of the fact that the new ap- ocrats joined oulu have hal someth.ng to s y Dating the day i!r. Skinner called J proprlatlon is not yet available. There voting to favorably report the bill. - i me -uojeci earner naa r.e oeen aoe nt me cep-utmeni o; justice nd ur- J are something like 100 routes approved ; tr so. ea that tne salary of the assistant (lis-. in North Carolina which will not go white and s-lve his , unauallfled en- UsU; dorsement to Senator Pritchard's The : House committee on insular af- cause. fairs, today authorized a favorable re- The president has decided to appoint port On the bill to establish the" gold Colonel E. M. Hayes, of the, Thlr- standard in the Philippines and direct- teenth Infantry brigadier general to ed Chairman Cooper. to make an effort succeed General John A. Johnson, to' get the measure before the House upon the resignation of the latter, f Of early consideration, whlrh wllT. follow ns soon as th S?li- "Mr. Patterson of Tennesse offered a ate confirms his nomination. Co'cnel substitute, which was rejected, provid-i Senator Gillivfn moved that before -'present to you a man, yea, trust leis a ion The Dem-- Proceeding with thp vote that If a wm- epects a! man for Senator, ed wi h the Republi,a?s Ln ! 'nation l,.iut. tX UslZoUM to- ijove; wjom everybody in N ,,ki r kiit ! ftisht that an adjom-.u-nt be '.iad ;;n- , "na loves, the gallant ch Th nw of the priaMe retirement . trict "attorney Le Increarcd from 51,-j into operation until March 1. Reprs ?f Jn. D. Rlchftrdon. the minority ISO to J-.OO-J. The department is ;n- S sentative Tou has twelve such routes. !er In the Ioj?e. which was pab- ciir.ed to errant the ir.crease and will i Mr. Pou saw Superintendent Machen, ,'rhe-J la the . r.alelch Po-t thl mcrrt- prolwibly do so If a chance Is ma'e r t tt 1-rtrned In Washlniton thi It I dJ that the departrr. crenteJ much Inter-st v-:inT and rf. "I am still conI.1"rIni; the ?uV Mr. Richard sild odiy when rrvleed en the subject. "If I ' - :! 1 rteclde to Te all my time to : j o'fr I niw hod i M-rtrr It " til I.voh my rtlrrn??nt from pI- tlce will not take up Jud ennrrre against t)car fpen Fen-ntor Pritchr,rd so re.-iuet.. Friends of .cn"r Prit-hrd asert that he Is f.ot d:?poed to-ta!ce a 'hind In t. SMASHED THE TARGET w anu win i ir. t'ou saw aupenniencf ni juacnen, i ge U ma'e. I of the rural delivery service, ye.'ter-! ' , , r.ent of Ju--j'day. and he has promised to rend a'blg. 6lin" rfaCtlCC DrOUgMl 10 ?a Purr.ell's J speInl a?ent tojtalelch to establish ai ri " n i t !enr.' un ess ' route from the city to the neighbor- ; 3 UlOSe rrematUrely in all re a man I North Card- chieftain of til 8 o'c'ock kfonri.iy ni.viit. fDemocracy, Iee S." Overman. (Loud Mr. Doutrldge moved; to amend by and prolonged applause.) saying after three ballots ap adjourn ment b had. Senator Blow moved to lav the whole on the table. -Motion was lost. hood of Dr. Sewell's. It is not known i when the inspector will be abl to go to Raleigh, but Mr. Mache.n has prm- Fner !,?jt. ln! the senator dcs - Ised to sendhlm at an e?rly 'r. T!!-rh.r!'n friend In ton?r-- thr.t wl.t hi st.itn -nt ffnn to V- nte a t?ntrtlve rini lr.t ni '. The :: thsj- e !ne he I tlrallr di 'e-l to rrr from r"'I - ml t!.t h i'l r.or t r f '"-' ifr.:. fr ti !- !.r?-'p r.t , In V. e nt 1Iom.' r?n-al :i-.e rp.n rtr h-lt h? " i'l ril: that of h. fr5rJ tho o.;l have ;--ored him for the r-lrorlty nm- -it:i for speaker In the net Con- rat?. i San Francisco, Jan: 9. Extraordina ry accuracy in marksmanship has cut mike a irov- the Indication are that ! Repre-entatlre Claude Kltchln h.is ten LT1 lM . "fre"""; Kjvrs will cotf;Hue tmrr.oJested in Ms B rontes already approved, which the de-The.. 12-Inch guns were , to be brought oTI e. . v jpirtment rromleef. to ptit In.op-rntlon ,nto Pla"-'and -the target was a wood- Th rVtlnt wa In toUy and nt th vry earliest date po?IM V" en structure, pyramidal in shape, about rn::-t .v-r t!n- ront?drIr?r the In-! Tel'rrams hve bpr received from a twelve feet long at each bape line and n r a n-Ai t . i v.. a .rft. nnitn t- ahoiit f leht frpt hish. It was towed and r:t. statlnr that thev wl'l co ocean ward by a tug with a long tow : piaue.j to n ! i nTTnr one" in- rrn 11 re- anu unc uwii"!, ci. w.. . rr 0;!tTrT pp.1'1 1 C'TI t I" whlh t1 e r-,' pVn? I- involved. It ' ro T-.'T h" t VI C1'? w.-ii l'-.--'t!-.. K;t t,w pr'Trrn'IoT v thjit It . The lnslir'i ffin f h? 7tt r f- I.Tfii tf lu? Potrr r"' r-vn h"d 'Itt! In Attorney General Kno:c, to Judte HolieV ?ime Prentd Senator Hoey of Cleveland nominated Judge .TV. " HCjke. Among all th Mr. Travis 'thduffht it ntifair to fix j great name.s In North Carolina none ! beforehand a time to adjourn at a par- j shine brighter ; than that of Hoke. For ticular ballot. It miirht-be unfair to many years jnage Hoke has dispensed som of the candidate's. Justice from the.-Superior court bench. Senator Gilliam spoke again to his sJt may be argued, that he has not par proposition and urged that an hour or jtiicpated in the political -reforms we particular time be fixed for adjourn- !&ave lately, gone ; through. Te thought meat- The state wllU lose nothing "by .he could . best .-'conserve the interests of sleeping over; the question vif a nnmi-the State:'. by wearing the judicial or nation is. not'reatihed. at art early hour, 'mine uncontaminated : u'ith -. political Mr. Curtis suggested that the caaicus jwork, but he has been, in hearty sym-. get down to. business and not discuss 'pathy with every "reform that has been . the last thing to be done rirst. (Ap- inaugurated, always voting the Demo- cratic ticket. If elected he will tower Mr. Travis moved that when the rati- Jamong the ablest members of the hMf of th Anpnlachlan Park bill " ap hour was to be fired on. . Mi Kliza Sin iron came ovr ffm' When the target was about three Pnltfmor. where she Is stM-.T vine --miles from shore and under tow It ap- rp'i'fi and attended 4h TVhlt TToe-. peared to be about the size of a man's r'vnf!on with .Suitor Sjirm-ms. Xar!y all of the .etate delegation at tended the reception. sen- : .... . I A. J J ....lit L 4t, A CWAQ J ft- T - . . ; a . . - C . 1 j CUS aQJOUrn It aUJOUni UII'.U JJl. . jicoi junl nun jjiur.c.l'Jl 'Monday.' This was a substitute offer- brain and force of character he vouId ' ed for Senator Gilliam' motion 1o ad- be highly ; acceptable to all the people journ at 12 o'clock. The substitute , of the State, and all' wouldfeel proud " TM-ni of his ETpat arh pvpmptifi In thp Tnffpil nana. 11 was men mas. orpuidi ue- ,-J., ' . 4.. lotnt-. u,-. t,i, gan fired a l-lncn gun. ine snot; .QO ha nrit-'n in tpn min-Ura nbrn.-. tbo nvcrncvo ho ffrnf tV,.""ll"6 i- -- o--- - - t . , ' utes ana seconuing yt:cJIIt. n moving mars, carenii isegan aimw; Mr Watts amended by m-kln Nature's Contribution" to Sou S"hern Prosper!! v sources ot inaustnai luc Found Abovi Ground and Beneith tfis Surface. Immensity of the ProduclionofCoal P.a:tImore. Jan. Special.--i:xp!oi-tnirn of materials for Industry, above five. all W a a y4 tontl a e4roAltr 9 H ' - - .. , tewjiu '". &' "v"'"''' : speeches five minutes, senator uiiam the end of twenty or thirty jars. The the roar of the discharge ceased when j moved a substitute th it nominating panics, whether for the soft or hard variety, makes the opportunity for fu ture profit greater than It has been be laid upon the ground with very Ht In the past. The exploitation of the tie preliminftry grading. It Is a coun ctn.1 dfoorits Is In the hand of import- try In which the steam skidder can ni t mnrorm sn.1. ahout twentv-flve be used to the best advantage. advantage! possessed by the south In the target disappeared. The shot had this respect advantages which may be hit "the enmy" amidships and shatter enjoyed indefinitely. If lumbering . is ed It Into splinters. conducted Intelligently, are set forth : mm In the Manufacturers' Record by J. TV. f) i ni nilHIlrn Prentiss of Bangor. Me., as follows: ' iJflff jjUfill' K inwe yeiiow pine lanas ar pracu- i cally level. Ties for a logging road can Mills SENT TO JAIL Durham, N. C, Jan. 9. Special. A nsrrn Vm nAu-m.n n t in fail rhflrp. - . ... . ....V, W-U.... " ' ... -1 mm m - . .11 . n rAA . A fan ru 1 1 1 arw-vnetrnr tn tna hnrrtPM . . ... . . . ronrpi ns ao i:iiiv :u.uvi.wu iuho vk - . - - n.h Knminif ti hum nr .lira km.i c-oal output. Mining in the soft coaf of the tracUto be operated.. There is tle La. ten miies north of Durham. -said mines Is now very largely Py ma chines and it Is of the greatest Im speeches be limited to fifteen minutes and seconding speeches to five min utes. The substitute was los,t. .Tndsre Graham moved to .Jay the original motion on the table. The mo lion wa lost by a vote of 63 to 55. Mr. Abell's motion was th-jn adopted limiting: speeches to ten and five min utes. ' . . ' . The chairman announced that nomi nations wre In order, . - Gea. ?Theo . F. Davidson arose aad I "nominate Hon. no dense undergrowth to be cleared m, K.,ir, a noct ..vnnrH .."Mr, Chairman, away, and hence no danger from fire.' -Vp-h Thprp WPr two witnesses at Locke Craig for Senator (applause. I . . ,k.ii,i. i. Th onpratnr hns no mmintnin .tn, . . , , . i conceive - that '. tio err aver duty can ne 1ji taut u it cirjuiic uiui o dv, i". - me inai who swore iiiiii tucjf. oa.w ( r ,'. j. . . with th amandine demand which " climb nor snowstorms to combat. It is nmvTnnn the barn, carrvine -with i fmposed upon, this legislature man tne thr hat hn. it would have beeh im- 6. short operation, and does not tie htm an armful of hrush and. that soon 1 . . i . ..t.A im it lot nt mnrrnv fnr fl t-a . nr. aJv - . i - ai vi ' j ! L-rn.,M A Klrt- If 1. or, Indx to the ' PSSIUie lO Keep -up wie iviiuireutBiiu . . "'7 . mcjr 0o. x u , i ... i . . . r tnnntnt in vinina it rniroa rrnm iirrn. . i.- ..l M H kniMinn I WIlQ manual lauur iiuiie. iiaiRuiM- ... ...... .v. smunc na.a cuiuing uuhi iuc uuimiug. "l.i i- i . - t. !... v... hr until the fniiowine -T 1 1 1 v to trt a i3Ar.mnn Kit1v l HJIJ rcuuvtu l.' x. iiiiiuiiiuiit uiu ------ - xu n man vibKiij whole choosine of a representative to the United States Senate. When we come to discharge this duty we-step upon the plane of national politics. There is more involved than personal preference and local Questions The man we select should be one of high intelligence and s uhstantial progress of a country. Con r:cu;ty of fuel for the heller and of use ef jarcer capacity cars; the facill- log from the stump to the sawmill., business, ' -! f.-r the furnace, and miir Is the ties for handling the increased ton- In Louisiana the average is less than ! Bowman Is about twenty or twenty m , i t i. naee have been provided and, with S hours. , ; one years of age. A week ago he was i- ...... i lMuti.. . vesaels engaged with tne traffic on the "In the north most saw mills can. run off from his father's home on " ' ':- necessary to think of the vast , v nrtrntim .fifK, tons capacity run hotwn th 'nr'ne- thaw and rh account of some disagreement. .The- .... . , . - - - , m ' - . , . j -. wncUler - lUBJr ' IO - i Ul u vs. f-r'Ms of hardwoods topping the coal and on the OMan beyond that figure, first, fall freeze. In the south they n6xt his ther found that he had , braIn a man-whose patriotism is only r:-.a and all !rivers of V.'est Virginia, there have been found means for meet- run 200 days in the year, and many of slePt ln th barn, and securing his shot ? Hmlte'd Dy the frontier of the repub- iMt of o'l bere-th the rice fields Ing the needs of the country. them are now running nights, so great ea"' 'fn1f rJ?! m' J!-l!a A man of. sneh superb courage I-.l thito o tiit" Louisiana' "The United Stae Is now the largest has become the demand for long- ,eaf probable that after this he went to the calm-wisdom that he can throttle - Ta t-'fhi of l of ny-country in yellow pine. Then the bulk of the long " oC Jf- ta It being on an ad-, o greed and avarice that - -To r ton fields of thl Caro- the world, afid its tonnage Is 4 per leaf yellow pine in the gulf states lV J0?1" plant;"on' iZ S?elter hlm8elf would interfere : with the peace and - ard rJSS? of the veifofoal cent of the total of the world', mineral most advantageously situated: it is l.JSL $ t 1 happiness of our people. I believer the !n1 V1! th- -i.ffJL fuel supnlr. We occupy front place in within striking distance of tidewater: or srlnF striw' chaff' et7 .It..ls Gentleman I have named possesses all 'ir"" ,n ajoKini Ior inc luu,miuu;i . .v. " " ,' . u,. i v.i tnougnt mat Bowman earned tne k .aM( r v rJ ate deposits close to the wheat coal Is one particular IT I. x. In full sympathy with all institutions AT.ow lpfrtttTna to n4prnriR( . BUU till; iYbnmui.w - - - x". - wnetner xney te . ot me - imuu wi iuc oak towrs above scrub growth. j Gen. arr Nauio trencnJfd Senator London of Chatham present ed the name of Gen. Julian S. Carr. His name ; is. a- household word where patriotism" "is nurtured.' Throughout North Carolina, you can find no man who has done more to build up the state. He ahs always contributed largely toall campaigns, and If his as pirations have not been erallzed he has never sulked ln his tent ; but has kept up his loyal, patriotic course. He has-been honored as the official. 'head of; the TJnltedT Confederate' Veterans of the state, and when he dies no nobler epitaph could be inscribed "upon his tomtr tfrttT: "This was the old soldiers' friend." Let us honor " the "living aj well as reverence the dead. In' a few more years no Confederate soldier wilk be considered eligible. - I , plead with you to rally to ohe support of Jullar S. ! Carr of Durham. '.': J - . mn w vdt . tMv. v.. i. i L.....Mn.v.i . . . " o " " . v,i n.iMrv ntrn euaiincauons ior lunon milt in Aiaunnu, - -- . .. . ... .. .... , . urusn in mere ior me Duruose 01 kiiiu' arucuiar item, mere is W!m ranroaas leaning 10 an parts er . -M , 4t,A i,,,, - tr" became the hope ehe young Democ- v Md-k offlpfc The sneaker then av 1!n In th mtd9! nf the ildJnr "' " . . . " . , . i- v - i il. TT.u.j i. - j. w- " " - ""e..- feriar historv or Mr. (jraie rrom' nis flW of Tennessee and of the juxtapo- r c?nir n ,T1"' JUS.1 " f""1 l?! there being no floor. The straw caught v,; to hT removal avaav, - to the west and rapidly rising mere, ne .tn of coal,iron ore and fluxing weh abundance, and usually at so new . railroad building in the south and re. anj. hft n out. Being igiorant ! -.-tore In tie Uirmlngham district moderate ft c;ost to Its user. It is southwest Is greater than In all other and 8earedhe denied everything. rained In twenty-eight states of the parts of the country combined, and It I- th rord of th development union, so that at no point Is It distant Is in the south, particularly, Louisiana . r u -: thc rtSS tt?rt -from a inarket?--; . ....... and Texas, that the largest solid Speech On the GailOWS south la playing In the growth of Of the 250.CC0.000 tons of bituminous tracts of timber are to be had. This RIchmond Va., Jan. 9.-Ernest Davis, ?? rA..n t- .. ir. i..n f oai Tnfr.d in the country in 1902. near- 18 a thing of .great Importance, for .Ainr, ... v... u (h.M9htr racy of the west. As a campaigner his voice has rang , from one end of the state to the other, He is ln the morn ing of a mature life, possessed of a -a. . Viirett nntltiiton. a. woll- - . ... -i j - - j . f ..... . ... ... sirims uujiJiv. v - Mar.uMcturer's Kecord are articles ly a fourth came from the south, the mouer" t uperawna, jaiI at 7:55 dock this morning for stored mind and is in complete accord v r!ng pt!4!!y upon two great naU rroductlon of this section being ten the larger the tract, with reason, the the murder of Henry Stokes, " colored, 7 with the people thelr needs and d ...1 ... , . . 1 k . l Im 1tA Tlir WI WOrt Valuable. . -.. . ... rr-i. . . ji .N. I rro'jrces" Ol lue lOUlu. in : iimw . , . . .--. j I" awiuii iasu 111c iiio.ii a-: minus. - - . Mr. Alexander ?riiilntl Senator Pharr of Mecklenburg pre sented the name of Hon. S. B. Alex- r. r. K. Fawar4 of New York, an ft corresponding -Increase during twen- it is sare to predict a rapid increase rpeeeh on the scaffold in which he con "therlty on the subject, discusses ty years of another southern resource. In the value of yellow pine stumpage, fessed his erlme and said that he hoped hat he rerards as a paramount Indus- lumber, the value of Its product having particularly In .the small belt "of long his death would be a warning to the iry ef the country, the mlnlne and been J33.930.412 In 18S0 and J1W.1U.524 leaf yellow pine in southwestern Lou. young negroes to "cut out whiskey and : ander of Mecklenburg. The speaker sa-ilin? of bituminous coal, of which In 130. The southern value ln the for- Islana and southeastern Texas, for it women," and be rood eitlxeni.. Davis outlined the varied lines of service Mr. VAjn-Mn tons were mined ln 13C2. He rner years was about fifteen jer cent Is there some of the finest traets ef vir- stabbed Stokes to - death. He-died a Alexander has rendered the state. He is a farmer -,& business man and has 'Tii vast railroad systems" f the the latter year it was more than 33 found ln the United States. Nene of said his sins had been forgiven. -:rtry would not be possible were it per eent of the totaL that timber has ever been bexed f r "t fr the economic supply of coal. This Increase fcas -been due to the turpentine. The trees are for the. meet 1 'i thy have piled up vast fortunes passing of the sway of white pine from part tall, straight and free from de- .".-: it transportation. There is no the middle west t the yeiiow pine 01 iecis, ana 01 bdoui me same size aaa Fire at Richmond a thorough knowledge, of men . and measures.5 His" services In the army. legislative halls and : elsewhere shouldJ commend mm to you. - .TIrt.TVtH Nomlaatcd i aiieai(lDC tptoebM Jtfr. McNeHl of Scotland county sec onded the nomination of Gen.' Carr. He believed In gratitude but did not be lieve gratitude should be all, and de sired to supplement the remarks of Major London by saying that Gen. Carr is a business man and for that reason is, worthy of the honor. Mr. .Wlliams of. Union seconded the nomination.1 of H6n. : G. B. Watson. He is. the equal 'off" any in, ability and ex celled by none. The speaekr appealed for Mr. Watson by his war record, his political record and party service. His rpeoial services entitle him to reeog nitlon now. ' . ' - Mr. Mitchell of Bertie spoke for Hon. Locke Craig in a ringing speech. In cluding a touching reference, to Mr. Craig's early life and training," and his later political aggressiveness. . ' . Senatro White of Franklin seconded the nomination of Mr. Omercan. In doing so he proclaimed his utmosj, faith fn the man of his choide. His private life and public record is a virtue and runs through this life as s " golden thread. There Is no man, or faction in 6ur party that does not trust Lee Oven, man Implicitly. He is: worthy in every respect. ' -'"'." '' '".' ,'. '" ' ;' . ' Mr. Quickie, of Lincoln seconded the nomination, of Judge Hoke, In a eulogy of his private life and publie career. Mr. Daughtridge spoke in behalf of Hon. Locke Craig, and believed he would do as much as any man to con ' serve our farming interests. - Mr.'- Dockery, of Richmond spoke for Horn Lee S. Overman. '"We a r to "Richmond, Jan. 9. About! 3 o'clock ' S . v ... -.11 . . . . k - nia.nmrrf ha been SO afe. The CTUlf POrtS are Within ft fW'V. MAmlnarr i"trnr An' f thm -tTn I? A nrtiifMnnnf Allpe-hanv. f o-irre fo rovmn a that to roaL ranid that the prediction is made that miles, and for home trade there are: buildings of the Virginia-Carolina nominated Hon. C. B. Watson. We j send a man to the Senate who Is a bli, Th- tcnare Is bound to grow as the unless scientific methods of forestry the treeless states of the southwest themical Company,' just below tne city. , have arrived, at the stage in our polit- and who is decent. In Democracy th-re " rs go by and the very close alliance are adopted there will be very little-and the great agricultural states of . josj about 160,000; covered by ir.w-: les when the last , Republican ; from J v ' ' : U the producing 'and carrying com- yellow rln left In the lf states at , the Mississippi valley." ' ',' - JaAce. -.' jorth. Carolina Is to be removed fronj 'TConUued oft Second ge.) InJ: Lnt c eu nty- S'elll ter krret stlc ie or mlth the c Lrd t pills n th. la I rei egulu Inty It for cou t v jew r V p.10.- i ixew b depart i $lals 1 1 kit vesa I e will o we Xico It iery, b p a sti 1111 be battlei Cation. ilhily j Jan. p most kble ai L In be (clary know it exal lties, 1 i robe y, and of he for Jan begun to the , and useful cease. fence rtuch ation C, Jan as been it other In this sample: h this s have . s kaminal nger st well la here w the wa lght, i propert ' has 1 i of hi (nation ir some West oil on looked there b fuch Ion fund ths jle.' : -A j 'the pro this sec (ere Js o ftlon an lly. fo Is oil in en. NW