pi ti 'J ffNPAi, ugnt rain: j" ccli-r in afternoon. . - . - J Vol. XI RALEIGH; N. C.. TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1903. So. 40 - 3 Feeling the Need of a Vindication The President Lot kins: to Congress to Pull Him oat of His Trouble With the Indian r olaPostOMce ' 'TZtT S Br TiionAs j. rtsrr v. h.r.gton. Jan. 19. Special. Lash , . tiJC tongue of public opinion for .-. -.rNtrary Action m cloIruc the pjst , -. . at Indluno'.a. Mlsr., lre.amt .i.oit has lnunl it r.ecessnry "to the rev or 1 of the Administration eral opinion is that he represents the president and the postmaster general in the action that he has taken of th Hour, they are powerless' to ne cot pi I Kh rnythlng.J An the House-lfl-At prn cr.nslitutc-d, tho state3are pow orl?s and are rractlraily ivlth. repro ser.tiitinr., etejt in so far asyheprfring v;M jiiniuce results, anrt -bcs;5ing i little humi!Iat;nr."i '.f. ' : ' that he has assurances of support from nearly two-thirds of the Democrats in the, House. He has the tupport of a larpe. majority of the North Carolina delegation. It is said ! that the txro iiesara.; Kitchii will support - Champ OlaY'iz, but that the rest of the vote Attorney Oer.?ral It. D. Gilmer care will-go to Williams. hort to ay !ln response to notice 11 t stii ey for the cold brick outfit, con victed at fircensboro and sentenced o As was indicacci in this ' corre spondence " several weeks ago, the probabilities .res-that Assistant Dis tetn:i l-i the- state prison, would make i trlct: Attorney .Spears will not be re- a motion in the supreme, courj of the ; mored. The department of Justice Is iVhA i, .V. , , jH ! Cnlted S,atMI to advance both cases. noi tilsposed to ;. take: action in the tUUnn. a" lllL"Z'-Zn?r.&1'! iu9tice vernrdent -makes a. move Senator the t-tl'er is th" habeas cornusjcase dt- cllel by J u ..: Purnell. . Attorneys .ror the pold brick crowd failed t put In apprso ranee. ." " ' ' .: Inthe Fouth Dakota bond suit Fred B. Kenney, repwentintr ' Wheeler. A. rcsol rvarkcm man vaIm reduction bugaboo. "It's in cold storage. said the Indi anian laughingly, "but is In a" good ;atc of "preservation." The announcement that Senator Spco ner will deliver a speech in the Senate, probably tomorrow, rTefendlng the presi dent's action, created no little Interest loni-cni. ,-pooner ana iiumnn aiw.i s stipulation was also presented . Fhjned c:asn wnen souinem iucs:ions nre un- by counsel for both parties, in which, der consideration, and aa Senator Till- lt wa8 that only certain papers man sr he is loaded for the Crum should be nrlnte.l. ! Tho coTift announc- case. it is hardly poslble that he will : ed thnt the matter would be decide, Prijchard will, not. "Representative jJohii D. Bellamy has gpone'to'Ope'ron', accompanyini? the re mains .of Athe . l.ate; , Representative, To?igiie ',of that state. Mr. Bellamy was selected as a. member of the funeral Peckham .counsel for the state of Soutfi ' pariy by-pakr Henderson for the Dakota, submitted a motion in-regard . reason tlikt lie was associated with the w rnnuny uie recora oi ine case. a j dedensed aa a member of the commit tee on -irrigation and arid lands. .Mr.' Early Huffhes. an amateur fa vorite) before the loot lights in Ral- eigli, has embarked among the profes I sionnis anrl Is winnlncr n.iraum with ame to Keep out or the debate. Fena- r th record u nrint-ri J i, . " . . end Itropre,en;ative Crumpcker tor Mclurln aW tonlirht th.t h. a I ' 2 Op,ra Companv-, : ir-iUna IniroducM in the liou.e to- m t Rfrnld nf an investigion of f he ' trfm vrJ?rleV itS ' TV l atttrac"n th 4 relation llln.t for Information Indlanola aff,lr and he' is prepared to : ZZ HeTllI sevV davL Rational the laSt . week. r Mr Hughes : -...-tln the resignation f Minnie meft the president's champions when I M?J is young and ambitious, and is taking v .-x. the colored m,tm.i.i,r nt th,. .hww,k fnh P,.'sh P8tn mll,arilJ?ff himse.f advantage of , his opportunities. He " " " --. triTn trim flnartmAnta nri mftlrirtf origin of the Are Trail believed to be J a defective flue. j The Mt. Mitchell, hotel, a house of seventy rooms, was built in 1883 and was one of the- popular resort hotels in Western North Carolina. Minister Bowen Lands f Conduct -of ConsM s Aired ii ! . .. in tine Hotis JSS:Sic:A'h u""ed Bill Passed Provldinz for Kingston. Jamaica, with .Minister Bow en arid Mrs. Bowen on board, came into the harbor this morning: Mr.', Bowen left the ship at noon 'nd proceeded to Washington by rail at 5 "4 o'clock this afternoon,; II declined. to peak of con ditions in Venewiela; - ' 5 Presidential Appoiniments Washington, Jan. ' 19. The president Washington, aJn. lJ.-In the Iloupe toaay sent the following nominations today Mr. Knox of ; Massachusetts Expense of Diploma tic 5ervice Rever sal of Court-Martial Sentence - irpi town. Whlio this charrpt?n : . A t. r Wbsrk at V'fk -: the n.aTO is leading th movement Anothf-r delegation of North Caro ... th- House to Justify the preien'e lira Repub'.lcarw waltzed into th -. , -. v-. nil" limine nv4.i Lv; ui j vi; v ; .r.ii C. Fpooner, the star p?x former putting a crimp Into Vick's aspirations : tfcu R-pablican party, is expected to 'for reappointment as postmaster at .-liter a pcech defending the action -Wll?on. Ex-Senator Marion Butler rr.aie the first assault and poured into the president's ears an antl-VIck story. B(!n;trd?trat-on in clolng the r- !ii.ola r't office. The presidents " vit? ltnu?e explanation on the In .-,.v afT.Ir f.:l.el to satisfy the peo nnd row it is proposed to ta:e te ,v,ttrr up In Congres. v hore the Re ;MJcan leader will endeavor to . "-.r tho rr.li1nt" rcrtnil !' t:,. rrnt mill .,t mi.. Th.r i' fcJ- nator Prltch.-.rd. This H .,..! - '.nPi- a x-?enntor Butler's third virlt to the v,.l hive some surprise? to fprtng. At- f . ,. . ,w . antl-Vk-k campaign. He stated after- a . w. . e l - " ' ..... luj w tory m fa.t that the ex.senator ..-ssMlon of the entlrr subject, there Is that the Vlck case won't The resolution introduced In the FCitIed. in his opinion, for at least U.-u by Representative Crump.-.ckr wesk. ' i:aw: 4 The Ynost" "interesting ; Information f:eolved. that the postmasterc gen-, that the Tar Heels brought away is r .l be reviuetted to transmit to the tnt, positive Information that Vlck has of Ileprcrrratae.-, If not incon-i rnade reply to the detalle'l charges of :tvnt.wltn the public interest, a c. py party disloyalty preferred against him atl.corresponUer.ee and other doeu- by Senator Pritchnrd. Vick d?nles i -.ts in his possession or under hl$ without exception all of the charges tiualntances among members of Con gress. Mernbers of the etate delega- i t Ion took Mr. Webb to the eapitol and presented him to hl3 future colleague. He will bej one of the ybunjrest mem bers of the Fifty-eighth Congress. Mr. Webb received a (very cordial recep tion on all rides today. " ' Miss Annie Kltehln. who has been Then cfljne Zeb Vance Walser, J. B. i visiting here, has returned ti Scotland McNeill of Wilkes and R. H. McNeill, j Neck. private recretary to Senator Fritch- Arrivals: 3rd. Th" delegation went away In good humor and entertaining the be lief that Mr. Roosevelt Is gclng to t-r a conference this evening in thi :i-.j?e the leaders of th minority oe- j R. G r.trcl pertaining to the recent res-s-.ui.cn of the postmaster attln-lan-In the state of Mis.'isiJppi. and to - ... In a most emphatic manner. Ho de clares that he fcas always been regular In"- ifce pTty aJTidations. In purport of this , contBtlc.jh-.rt:lte3 numer- i lT'5'.!taiion nns ocu ar;iv. " ' - .v,vv. Glenn, of. Greens boro. R. I. Hurfipe of Rocky, Mount; H. A. White of Greensboro, Dr. R..H Iewls of Raleigh Mrs. J. S. Spencer ana Mr. JJ L. Spencer of Charlotte. The following confirmations of post masters were made in the Senate to day. W. M. H. liong at .Roxboro and William J. Flowere at Mount Olive. Appratsuce f 3U Work has energy, grit and talent, and will win out. While he has no pretentious part in the cast, he Is the understudy for two- of jthe prominent characters in "The Toreafior," aid during the New. York engagement had the good i fortune to assume both roles. He ac quitted ' himself most .. creditably, and hl3 work was such as to wjn high commendation ; from Mr. Wilson " an3 the management of the company. Mr. Jlughes was the recipient of congratu lations, and best wishes from a num ber of Cnrollnta-ns this week as the re sult of his success on the stage. African !arlJo In th U bUe Mouse Over a -thousand people visited the White House . yesterday, tourists be ing admitted for the fli-st time in seven months. While a group of about twen ty" people stood in the center of the east to the senate: Collector- of customs. Richard G. Bank, district of Norfolk. Va. Marshal. To;??as F. McGourin, north ern district of Flotilla." Fos-tmaster, John R. Waddy, Norfolk, Va. j; . - ;. . ; SPEECHES ABE ENDED caled U? the bili to remove the sen tence of court martial rrom. ttTC record of First IJeutenant Fruncis S. David son, formerly of the Ninth cavalry, who Mas dismissed" i:i :'1S75, -'and place him on the retired list.., Davidson Wiis I convicted of having gambled with..en j listed me,n in one of the western forts. Mr. Moon of Tennessee sought to filibuster, demanding a sec-ond, an a. broad red streak down to the Mexico, more thsn 1.C00 mile City of Jto th sou in. it ts said that aftr jfce arJ rived in the capital wher h ?wa ui represent this country tb atmcsy:ii J was posiUvely lurid." Mr. jflayU-ni also told of an American, cmjsul in? Mexico who. having no monjf an.fc' Wishiner a drink, sol.l thu Ail...... J . . t c i ivit Bag in the consulate for toi-Ut and got drunk on the inottcv ccnif' Mr. Adams of Pennsylvania rtald hi was glad the condition of, the -ensi:.Tr service wns nttrnciing rttr nf concurred with Mr?. KcCi-- .i.in ,i 'i Mr. Sl'iydcn in -thlr deyir''forjfor: . The :eomrnitte'e of t he -hol- 4... j,-,f the House passed t.he 1.H1 w'itn..?j vision. ' The House asraln wnt i'rto vn:'t ' l of the : whole-for ' cer.sjder-Miorljrf t'.t District of .-Columbia hipr-prl.riln yr.i . Have Had Jheir Say to i account of hi bill to establifh a terrl- jfj. v."as agreed to rrad U, v , lsl .f torlal government in Indian Terri- ;,h vt mhmte rule today oai'.'' to'ov I ionu gov LaVyCrS m the WllCOX Case i While the vote was being taken a row. leries. The explosion startled the members 'on the floor snd Mr. Sulsftr exclaimed, "I thought it was. a bomb," the House adJourne! I:' the Jury . Hertford,. N. C; Jan: 19. Special. Arugmenta in the Wilcox case was con- i eluded this afternoon. The closing ar gument was by'E. F. Aydlett1 for the defense. In It he combat ted the theory of rnurdeT arid argued, that Ella Crop sey committed suicide . because . her cousin,' Carrie . Cropsey of New York, had j won the affections of her sweet-j heart. James Wilcox. ,- Mif. Aydlett is ah impressive sneaker, and Ihls pathetic portrayal of the trage dv ah h& saw it mav have had. effect. Mr.' i' Aydlett said the nrosecutlon had I Ir- II,lt appealed to the .sympathy, -pasioh and j briefly, 4 - it nVi Trcair llat In t Washington, Jan. - l.--i;r Mr. McClellan of New York attacked room, iinienin in 3ir. rini i n vt!i- ; - - j . -i . ' . . I - rtrpiimirp or thp l nrv nnn v.-rrf lrravpr Senator McUiurin of MJs?lsippi naa eran usheh tell 61 the 7,000 pieces of .nt g,M:fc,.vn-H.n.m nMh inr the bill.:. H said the committee report Lieutenant Davidons case --was ex .'n. r.-ut. w :.:,Y rf1 plained by. Mr. -Knox of .-Massachusetts j-Texas. objected to th wr--ia'j-.5on it and Mr.' Sutxr of Nw.Xork. - The j J1 Hls -by ur.anm!ou con, f jw, I bill w3 pnsd without "dlrlsUwi.V a b511 rportd by Mr. '4mv. The House went into committee of j changing tiie timer, for l.oi,i.K ,-n.- the whoJe or the conul deration of the i in Virginia was read, Mr to)? rf dinlomatic and consular appropriation waaxtniuwu uvjt ro, it-in$ vtrj t : bill. The bill carries an appropriation of $1,929,025.60. or I75.SQ& less than the amount appropriated last year, and $216,230 less than the estimates of the , the satement that tli senator! fn n ' department. ; ' New York had Interfered in a i:i,ittr, explained the measure pertaining to tiie state of Texas, wblcii' was a pureJy local one. : j ( objections seemed" to bt ccrili.elllo ;5.ci bills from the Itepubliaii side K-i .von.: $ object, which brought from Mr..fiia.l'.ay I written the following letter to the post rrfuster general,' which shows that the cut glass in each-cf three chandelkrs. lt , f. fft rt l1pril whthp o.- ing it was always willing to favor an expatiate upon the four mantels, the j j,ct "i Ella ' -(Bropsey ' tru's' murdered. R- j incrian of salaries and to create new administration is governed nysptte in . for each hang come from J niernber h&t DO Witness has Phown she f offices in the diplomtic and consular lv'ur"' l" . tnc four corners-of the earth, and the i wa iciitjI -i . a new cpir.tr.i.t rruid. so tuat - p -vpU ; pr.t I town may be pr -.1 with the prvtlfgs of p-ost oi3a ire. Miss, convenient mail facilities; ' Washington. Jan. 17, 193. To Hon. IL C. Payne, Washington, D. C. Dear General: Your letter, of yester day Is received this morning, in refer ence to my request that the mail for IndianoIa,MIss., be forwarded tr Heath man, Miss ins;ead of to -. Greenville, Miss., until such time as the Indlanoia post ofiice shall be re-opened. If such time shall ever come. 1 thought 'this request so reasonable that there. could N no hesitancy in granting It, as with out any extra expense to the govern- in ;he cioFn? Argument of the prosecu i pointed as consmls n4;Hf.'nroltf.J11tlve session. listened to the riaClriTf Atf thneir Interview with the presi dent tremirrs of the delegation statM as a lact tt at some of the charge pre ferred by Senator Pritchard against . r t .sa Vic! remain unanswered. Thpv arrue . . i. . ... i ate, . n irJP.Hl.'M n.ii ir.ci.ra v j.iriii uiv u;.')i null nun iuti.-u u , . . i . tV"i f th Tpf.jni of tb.'ofJrlal vot rat . i. . w . v. .. . m said 7. . I . . - on pjf i wii.i" aii.i r uir gutriiinirni uwui tuiiiy nines uuiu i.i v .i i.. v i In X'l'..ron stands for itself and shows v ., ,vtthin V. ; . 1 11 J 1 1 1 t h 9 CK . v r . I 4. w. I'aiiuiio ivum iv liiuo I' V t . .1 l.ltlil ... . -..,.' mkL rOnclUJ.1'. elV that Vick "did not VOte frt-i- r-,nm nt thoyv Tn i-r"T- rlsnl.l f : : r cfcVe;. ;;; ci;; h. mr .n Matetrv ro at nv, o r,:.!r. Loud, this aftcmco.i. ar.d was also made that the president isjiieathman Is not In any mann.r S ft"' t?, Jfrt ... ...i nf,,rttflrd that e ex- irues5ing and has not decide,! whit I equipped to handle such large amount . f.imetn,"5 . ... - ........ - , ...... . j l : Tf n i np . irF!ii(ieii t k a.iiuuup pii i iirz -o mall - f,T. i t r - . ' - . i and this Is a restonsibility i service. thirteen low ottomans . which hugged i o-hjUh- should not be assured." H& ad- Mr.layden of Texas advocated re- the great bare . wall, attention was mort'yhwi tbpm of th danwr of hanr-' form in the consular service and cited railed to the dark footboard of mai-ble ingian innocent man. ' a number of Instances where incompe- running erftirely arouiid the room. This morning's session was occupied ' tent and dishonest rnen. had been ap- .'."That, " said Mr. I'endei, with an air of Importance," Is African marble. "You bet It Is," said h lusty looking traveler, as he slapped another on the back; and then. their-enjoyment of the joke filled the big room to .overflowing. Senator Tillman is busy getting up evidence with which to oppose the confirmation of Dr. Crura in the Sen- Speaking : of .this, 'the senator Mr. Depew denied thut the iD?ki-!g! of Port Arthur a port of entry uos i. ' local qeustion. Ii i The department of commerce and l?l bor bill, as amended by the House, wai' referred to the committee on cemmercif. r At 1:S5 p. m. th Senate, on notion 6f Mr. Cullom of Illinois, ent IntQ exe-, utlve session to consider the Culaan r clprocity treaty. The Senate. Ir exe of the traty and an order wa'i ' nuiJ-t- making it public The treaty -did "I have made up my mfnd to this, however, that you can't beat the tlon bv Solicitor-Ward. Mr. Ward had He related 1 several insuunoes or ml" the facts M'ell, in hand and presented conduct. ot- consul ln.rHc.rrpicfi naa them strorly;.: Hls,argument Vas sub- com-tTO..fci "set y&tWti.tTIt. Ak,icalhtoday with the statehooti staijtially the same as his colleagues ;nn American blush to hear the atories genator Quay has served no; Ice in He freouently admonished the- jurors, f that are tojd Mut the, antic of. some j g;nator Cu,ora ln charce of the and once sridr- "If you aco.uit James of our official representatives, said . . . o'clock he wtir lAl Wilcox vou may . as .well bum down Mr. Slayden. He specified the conduct rr f,,?7 your temple of justice, your jail, and of the consul at SaJtlilo, who made a i lst hat the .8Utb004 blU. aU f your law boi.ks. Ail future perpetra- I practice of exhibiting soiled garments consioerea. , , '.. tors of ,dch atrocious crimes would from a Hotel window In a prominent j Thedoors were re-opened t - o clo.c r v, xttu n fmn 'and Mr. Foraker resumed his remark but that hoth he and Pcst- ... . ... . . . . . Ha mHtl itn ;.eote.x tne nuunn ."crn... . - -j-- - - - - : gTO quef?tion has made that certain e commftte- jor any cause, r.. ..,v .... .... attainable. I think. I don't hands -of this country." Tie town i taxed to-accomodate visi tors lust, as this time. ' As the conclu sion of the trial draws night the greater grows the attendance. of a normal school. He wa also party to another disgraceful affair, Mr. Slayden said, ln which he assaulted the editor of a newspaper. "The country," continued Mr. Slay den, "still remembcr the special en voy tent to Mexico by a Democratic in favor of the orhnlbu statehrxJ MX At the conclusion of Mr. F:rnkr' speech Mr. Burnham of New Ila;.i. shire gave notice that h would frpttV4 on the statehood bill tomnrrow.;,j j At 4:10 the Senate-' again, went lnt .... ,1 I " i executive session. 'n 1 tx-o n r rumpackr propose, to take It up in o tr.e party. '"J all my powder " before I get the ,e Hcu- it the end of a week, when tnlned. ( he president will cons ner that j J1 Headman has two ' right aim. but when the Crum matter , wiU becom, rrtvil-gej. . not act w.tnout some Justifies j1;" 'cmes up I think well be ready for it. :;e?rc5enti:.- .-Hanson, the renl-r "' m,m!tM, interview Thursday of this week that he could ' I am not going to say now just what '-:r.ccrr.t r. , ?he committee, confer .i; During the ten rrdnutes Interview t InJJanola in- have got. The committee will not :-s n..Af MrTviurln aitu Repre-en- which nucran1 the Messrs. McNe.ll ., I take? un the nomination until the 22d. h.id with the president the action of i h!ifflll rS IS Ilr 11 president. He got drunk at EI Paso f The Senate at 5:25 adjourred if l !.u ,n-i li.:rne itanr - iMri-rr the day. They have the epubllcan state f-rf'l on d an of cation. First of a. 1 Oreei. tooro In excluding negro shown that His'Batti for Life Kept Up Four Days Columbia, S. C.,:!jan. 19. Editor N. ne j G. jGonzales, who was shot by Lieuten- ii.. i ,i nn ..i.i;. iv.'ine nresident nns convention at tV, "Z . rK' w. the ncrro vote, and the Crum nt Governor Tillman, died at 1p. m. ? hl Ktnrlr In tOaa luunrii in ticrir . ikii.iiik iiiat. iiic until , - stock in today after battling almost four days efTcrt wl:l te mace by the minor! T, gates was brought up. The vlyltors ! toul not lte hani at Heathman. j trade. Now we have no objection to 'for' his life. Mrs.. Gonzales was with .- ftRi..d the resolution rs io re-. endcavorel to show tne president inai , rj.. I-T,,- nf :est the ores-dent to fumlsh CongresT tie senator ate3 wisely. They con- nioved a n?rson. r.;t ail th documents and pipera in tended that the ne.iroes had no right earrv their mail to Heathman and uost -.. possession, which relate to the In-' Jn the convention as they represented ( it there, and have directed their cor- their business to them. But that ain't crowd?, which have been about the Mnw-i the resolution rs to re- endeavorel to show the president that , Tk r t,io vc. . ,m. I that if he will onlv take his neeroes to her husband. when death came. " . I A -1. ' i s I understand, to some part of the country where tne pen ne, ouireun was posiw an- people have no hesitancy in trusting nounclng the.death of Gonzales the :iarx!a rest office. A further noit .no.fc.: that they j,a(1 disfran via be made to amend the resolution chis an(J through r.o fault of SRena fjuestlng thr rotmater general lo tor prltchanl. For the past - few resrx-mrif-m tn sri.ireff them nt Kenth- the kind of place we believe In putting muietin noarcis almost constantly Elnce roan, so the post-office-at Heathman the black man in in South Carolina and this tragedy, increased 'rapidly and. all will have this mall to handle. The we have been dealing with them long phases and details of the tragedy were r.te whv the mall for Indlanola was montna the president nasi Istened to lonly mall for Indlanola that will not - enough to know the best way to treat discussed. In his cell, where he has t to Greenville, a distance or twenty- intervl-ws from North Carolina ; be handled at Heathman . will be that . them. I been ; confined since the shooting, Lieu- fi.e mile, ir.ftead or to neainman.i ..uh is on.v fevr miles removed. -W will Xso csk." Mr. Williams r-.l. "whv the president himself haa i-.rr.e l brtaker In falllrs to cn- fve that statute whl:h Imposes a fi..e Republicans. What he will do no one dares guess. His views today change tomorrow. At the same time the belief prevails that Vick's case has rrnall amount that may be addressed to "No: the Charleston people have not ;.tenant Governor Tillman heard the Indlanola by soms persons who have relented in objecting to Crum and will ! news with visible emotion. Sorrow w;as not been acquainted with the sltua-, make a hard fight against his confirm- ; generally expressed, tlon. In which small amount may hnp- . ation." It was evident last night, that the hen (iamiJvto some extent, as the Pn ia irs rm-. crj iiajivnani wi- wiextinaer .ei. uui crieis naa arrtvea. ir. cjonzaies, as ne hinll rf IV. mnn' ' r.r("n r.nl !.ir-iHvim.n on persons wno in- v, ' J , Ur. ?Ha, Mv(iln irfTe wiiii f-ovemment ofSclals In itatlons with i respondence of some humble person not1 Injured by the explosion on the battle- 'became more nervous, was subject to DAKOTA DIVORCES Unfavorable Decision in tht Supreme Court Washington, Jan. 19 Dakota di vorces came up in the supreme court of the United States today, and' the validity of one was denied in the case of Annie Andrews against Kate H. An drews. ; The former was the divorced wife of Charles S. Andrews. "who procured his divorce m -South Dakota after a resi dence there as required by . the state statutes. Eelng a resident of Massa chusetts, he returned there, remarried and subsequently died. , The first Wife, the one he had divorced, claimed the rijrht to administer the' estate. . The San Juan. The Massachusetts Is nom at San Jpan. Sick men In hospital at! that pl".ce. Cable Dunlsp for Inform?: tlqn. Tacke died at 3 p. m. Saturday.! Schert died Sunday, 7 a. ni. The officials here are 'awaiting th report of the board of inquiry lnt the causes leading up to the accident, and on its conclusions will depend whether or not a court-martial will be necessary. -J refrrene toVs nartr loyalty that have i ,n ,hc ,et responsible for existing rhlp .Massachusetts, is a Durham boy. : mitms and gradually "grew worse. He . supreme court of " Massachusetts us tl.e rejtrein, . ...o ? 1- I e.nrfftlonu. from i mtscarrlarre of which A nres rlisn.itrh aova his inluries are Jit- . j -t Unlnerl . thin claim, on the arround -th renditions, from mlscarrlaje of which A rrc3 dispatch says his injuries are ti : d t lo srround. and as earlv such person may greatly suffer. While fatal. The following is the record of 3 o'clock-this, morning hope was I have not exnress authority to do so.- the vminff man on the navv retrister. : ..-., . , , - - w--- w - - Tiri- t t r-i 1 n ninn nnon ' - 1 no u r nBrni r- HI ask why the president did not en- The Senate, committee on judiciary ; j take fhe I!berty in behalf of the "Alexander Newton Dossett enlisted w the , of . - km-irinp it r aMorp.i hi- mom n joniiior r'irn- -1 . - 11... , - - ;rr i.ie inTr v. v ..... ........... . - . . -;j,u;u. iu 4i:viyeu inai si uurnaHi, iui iuui jc-au no h-u he arbfarlly cjosea ine inoaanoja mons uui prouj.nH ior .. v...... whatever extra expanse th ifcfcarge f their duty. It Is our de mna o vc tc ! f xrts. Above nil we n m-i' Judi..lp BllJ ft oJT.ce. . ..uii)4ng the le government j landsman for training, July 20, 10G1. mail for Tn-lRorn in Orange county, N. C. July 17. The reo' would llKC to ri anomer circuit juQep.iii m why the president assumed this Fourth d!s:rlct. which corr prises . din nola ; from Greenville to .Hetthman ' 1877. Residence. Durham, N. C. Next urwarranteri ar.rhorltv." - Carolina, the irgintas ana aiar, iana. : wJ1 paid by lne ppie of indlanoia. of kin, Newton Dos9ett (father). 1003 ::epresonifi!tlve Crumpacker. when -Senator Simmons made a stnte of the If thlB proposition meets j-our approval. Pettlgrew street, Durham N. C." n to-.:;h:" disposed to throw facts, orer-ntinrr ire piei o. Juo. : j Wn 8Ubmit it to the lndianoia peop.e t. uh lisht on his rcpolution. "My ob- Ooff and Sin.or.ton for the creation jfor ratircatlen. , ' jTt in mtrodu-Irr the resolution Is to the extra julgsnip. iNO qpporuion wi-f , j Faithfullv. etc.. vet at tb-i fu-'t" in the cse, was h.s expresse! t' the paeaaje. or t.,e nu:. ommcr.t. "The people want thctn ar.l but Senator McComaeof Maryland said st."M :v. ivm. t Is oulte an ar- he t!eslr"d to further invcstlcate th: A. J. M'LAURIN. Nrtb rM natters at VUmiea mr-cous2 for tiie prerldent to close provlsioni rf the metis -re. and askeil The frlenos or the Appa;nrnian pari: t - pot i?i?e hi a town the .'lie of In- that cii.n te tcrerrccr ror a noos. it s are oegmn.n.j 10 express irs luti. . '." "t.,v.,.it vo wr. friti.. r..iftet wtm cTunted.' The Fourth dis- there T.iil be r.o action on the bjil in a ivttlttrde th? people are i-p:kn. - tbi 'net. hr,vo three rir-I Indeed. ; u may oe saia mai.me prcv HT. MITCHELL v HOTEL BURNED ,m. - rt s.r ir hA be.n" t.lrt Is the only one. with a single x-tthe House at this session of congrsps r-.t In t.tled to kn.vr it. I brieve when the run vs ix. There Is little doubt th. peels for favorable action are dlscour: r-cts arv- lv-...-?ht out it will be shown the Mil -Allr-rss. T aging. The friends of the meas :r3 hp hnt the won1-, cf Indlanola assembled - It:tervrtUic In this connection is the not given up hope. Representative ! miss m::r demanded th? refigna- stn';t r.iard todsy thr.t Judee .- Drownlow has Introduced a nwlut cn of M- Cn and that after s2e .Tfinton will resign rem the bench l:z calling for consideration of the bi I .9 ve it "1 rM-nj roentetl it bv nvn.lr. wher his ten years of ser- the House Friday the 23d. This reu mvu' " ' v.c. .Ill lave expired, and he will be'Iutlon has been referred to the comn, , YZ?, Can Did vo.,tAlk lo Postmaster General" perr.it ted tc draw: fvUsry on the re- tee on rules .or wn en LPmrr xn-er- V ' " v attemntine PVi - - "- - - - 'Asheville. N. C, Jan. 13. Special. The Mt. Mitchell Hotel at Black Mountain was destroyed by fire early yesterday morning. The prevalence of high winds during the blase for a time threatened the destruction of the vil lage. There were but few guests resi dent at the hotel, all of whom escaped Inlurvand saved their effects.- Mrs." Tiyne about vcir resolution before In- tl vd list. traducing ttr Mr. Crumoacker was' TT.e opliion Is growing that the ..y ked. Hit rtpi- Indicated that he had. palach'.m rark hill will be shelved bv for he sail pol.vi blank that he would tae IlouMican leaders ln the Houe. r.n dI-u.A4 that question. Likewise . Represents ive Pou Is one of those who Mr m.-mJ TTIa wnt. !ikM thi I r .1 . Mr. POU S&IU tOdaV : licated that he had. for he said po;nt "I don't Ulieve the oark bill wi.l several weeks yet before he is able to H.vnk th&t h would not dlscuw that pa tr the simple irason that the leave the hospital. y -....i q-fitlon. likewise Mr. Crump arkr House has rrade .the speaker in auo- ' John Sharpe Williams of Mllslppj .i.-it-. . -,,Kr Af thA riWntion Is virtually assured of election a the committee upon this bill will da-. ia iave tne noiei yaro, was overcome cide the fate of the park project. . by the fierce heat and was painfully Senator Pritchard is improving, .but burnad. She fell to the ground, but the wound which resulted from the was immediately rescued and given operation is slow in healing., It wl I be', medical attention. ...... . j, n n . .1 . . j ne nre was aiscuvereu ai o tiw , js-hen volumes of: smoke issuing "from the roof attracted attention. Thsre formalin. One-flfietlv of a grain was Injected into the. veins in the hope of stopping blood poisoning. At 7 a. m. all of the patient's rela tives who were hot at the hospital were tained this claim, on the ground -tht Andrews had no domicile In South Da kota, but obtained only a residence, and therefore secured the divorce by fraud. The supreme court of the Unit ed States decided that there Is nothing in the constitution of the United States that deprives a sovereign state of pro tecting Its interests ' and statutes, and that a domicile being a necessary ele- Governor Jeiks Inaugurated Montgomery. Ala., Jan. 19. William Dorsey Jelks was inaugurated rovern of Alabama today. In his inagurai Governor Jelks congratulated th peo ple on the new constitution of the statt and said that one of its richest Mcr ings was the fact that It orovlded f-jf. fewer elections, and thertby reduced po litical discord. summoned, wis wire, two nrotners anar thB South Dakota divorce is in ai sister, besides members of his edito- j valli jn Massachusetts in accordance ! rial staff on the State, responded. Coal Dealers Indicted Chicago, Jan. .19. A true bill was re-, turned this morning against forty- five coal- operators and retailers, charging, conspiracy to do an Illegal act injurious to 'public trade. The in dictments are against both corpora tions and individuals doing business in Illinois and Indiana. Bail wa fixed at tl.Z'tK : , - , the states of that state. : Justice Whits delivered the opinion. Justices Brewer, Peckham and Shlraa dissenting. SEVEN DEAD ': Higginsons Report on the Massachusetts Accident Washington, Jan. 19 The secretary of the navy this morning received a cable message from Rear Admiral Hiinrinsonr.-dated' San Juan. Jan. 18. ;.t-. m i .i ,e k khi t- nirer Consress. Information cornea t0di r.oiti - ioaik.tn.-c oi oinc or:e ctr.. iae jen ivwriiu-u-.M w . 4 was no "possible chance for saving the r: In an hour and a half the ?.? bcmel tfttthe ground. ' The The Pope Approves Rome. Jan. ID. The pone has evinced ' giving the following details regarding much interest in President Roosevelt'a the recent explosion in the eight inch attitude toward 'the negro race, in the turret n the battleship Massachusetts, matter of appointment of members of . "Seven dead altogether Robert Rult. the race to public positions. Speaking , F. H. Loesser, S. F. Malinowski, K. J. of the mattet today, his holiness said: Flatt, Andrew. Hecdrickson,' Albert This sneaks well for America. 'They Stephen Tacke, Walter W. W. Schert; have a head strong enough to overlook two living James Garfield . Patterson race ' prejudices," Mr. H. O. Hyatt of Kinston r.-as a kiitor in Raleigh .yesterday. and Alexander N. Dossett of Durham, N. C. Patterson's recovery probable; BIRTHDAY OF LEE ; Patriotic Societies at WI IlllllglWII VIVI K'W j Anniversary Wilmington. N. C. Jan. 13 -Fporia!.--Today the ninety-sixth anniversary of the blrthdav of Lee was .celebrated In Wilmington with the customary pyWi-i, observance. ' The exersises were held ur.Jr the direction of Cape Fear Camp of Veterans, Sons of Veterans, and Cniud Daughters of the Confederacy. ' ; , The ' celebriition consisted of b'; parade through the streets, e-rcl at the Academy of -Music, and a lu. ( V afterwards at the City Hall' to n. h, wer invited all veterar.s and nu'n.b' of the ml'itary organliatlon tint to x part in the parade. 1 The feature of the day was the ;jni nual oration delivered -by C.n. Mt?( W. Ransom. The . dlstinrolshet CVu federate leader made a spHch.chr.c terlstlc of the man. Ills eloquence e..d words of deep sentiment kept his la-ra audince In frequent applause. In the parade Cape Fe.r Camp of Veterans. Cape Fesr Chaprer, Daui;ht- ers of the Confederacy. George ViM'. Rftrii of Vererans. Wiimintton . . n,.,l.4un Vkl !'-' Jjlgnr imanirr. - Dossett's recovery doubtful. The dead Band 'serves. Boys' Brigade. Second Re-TineU Isand and Chief Marshal James t. i were burid with mlKtajr. goners. t j Metts and his slice. ) 1 ;