nee THE MORNING POST: WEDNESDAY. JANUARY Zl I903 - : f I Senatorial Deadlock Shows No Sign 6t Breaking rhiciy-fifth Ballot " Reached Sih Overman Still In the Lead, and the Other Can didates Holding their Wanted Positions dlctlnff that this indicated that he would Inevitably be the winner. Both Ir. Overman and Mr. "Wat on express ed satisfaction with last night's ballot Ins: and express confidence of an Ulti mate victory. Capt. Alexander could hot be ieen. but a friend represents him as beln? p?rfectlr satisfied with .the situation. . . ; Humors of a dark horse are still cur- r Joint caucus of the Demo- 'ren j""ut ery hand among well i posted politician they are discredited, the House and Senate wash. Tne .jt of ,ajJt nlght.s bauol,nff t night and again a futile cf- was as follows: name a candidate Is 1 nirty-second ballot: it- maae o name n canuiaaiei; I Overman.. W atson.. . . the oft-told tale of marching !Cralge hill and down ajraln. Alexander ls. expectancy than here-7 Thlrtythlrd ballot: i rll hands hid agreed that: Overman.: .. .. .. . ..i.itlon would be made last j Watson.; .. vt matter of fact the shua-;; Cmlir.. -ived Itself Into the number off Alexander t t to 1 taken and while') Thirty fourth ballot: . was miJe to adjourn afteri Overman.. ., S3 i.nt and defeated. Interest In Watson.. 49 was Jl3tles. ' Craiff.. 34 - m 1"! as heretofore, and th?" Alexander 4 . Mwffn him and the next" Thirty-fifth ballot: . in.tld.ite. Vulson. remained' Overman .. .. Z2 h-rtoforc. t'rnlc. however, Watson .. .. 4" . votes In three ballots cast! Crole 31 friends ere last night pre Alexander 4 SI 45 31 S3 46 32 5 House Proceedings and Balloting For Senator Demscrats Yield to Repub iicans the Pleasure of Making Nominating f Speeches--A f Few Bills 't - j. ;;.! met yesterday morning at . .."K and prayer was offered by 1 . J. Wxvlson of Salisbury. i".tnt presented a petition from -:. ;'in county relative to a suae . -:v...ury. !'' . .-.v.-.ttee reports with favorable :-.-'- !ations were presented us reiu'.rlng pleadings to b? rtr .1 in proceedings la actions at T- , r..l chapter 703, laws of 1901. '.it;- t- Insurance contract. -rnd the charter of the United tvj.d Insurance cmrpany. T :i:--rrorate the Iiwnk of Kerners- 7,. ; r-r e the orjcanlratlon of the .:..i,.s.i!em routhbound Hallway r j ,ny. Mil! sad S:eltlc i: Mr. LxnijthtiMi a resolution re- .x--.ii to the eivclion of United States -.-t'T. i:y Alcx.m.Ivr of Tyrrell An act- to t.- t jr.rr.e In Tyrreil county. I.y M-rp.;-.'v An net to protect tim- r dfil-is. t Ity l.irk?r of Wayne An ret to es il'ii! th N' rth Camtttm Industrial Ity New tend "A :i act to appoint Jus : -. of th. 1 .- in iildweil county. t'y Newlaiid An a t relating : ln ' and m.uks 0,1 lor and timlKV. ; -durr and lxird. . ; :: r.lejnt An a t to protect the of live t. k on Scuppernoi.g r. t i'y IUour.t An act for the relief of v.i:ur ardar. a white school teacher. V.y WKSi" An act to ninend chapter Lins of l0i. , j ly H.irr.Hn An act to establish a ic ferry ot Hcrrmrd. !:. Ar.irr?on An act for the relief ' J. II. Charr.b-r. ! y Dousbton An aci to validate ire '(.tti of certain Justices ofjthe In Alleghany county. V-T Hamlin An act relatlnc to i the f holding courts In Madfon ' ty. i y Woodly An act to amend chap hs of 190L. relating to tn-? i-t.r.g of trees pending action to try An net to appoint Justices of the peace In Caldwell county, passed, en grossed and sent to the senate. An act relating to marks and brands on timber and lumber, passed and or dered engrossed. An act for the relief of J. H. Cham bers of Clay county, passed and order ed epgTossrd. An net reseallng chapter laws of 1901, relating to hunting, passed and sent to the Senate without engross ment. . - UHIX SntradureA By unanimous consent Mr. Whltaker of Guilford Introduced the following bills: An act to amend the charter of the Underwriters Insurance Company of Greensboro. An act to amend the charter of. the Southern Stock Mutual Insurance Company of Greensboro. An ai t to amend the charter of the Home Insurance Company of Greens boro. ' Mr. Guion asked to report . the bill for the protection of crops cultivated unuer a common fence. The same waSl placed on the cnlendar. passed and enrolled for ratification. message was received from the Senate relative to balloting for United State Senator; also transmitting a Mil to incorporate Oak Grove church in Robeson county. The House took a -.recess for fifteen minutes for the time to ballot for United States Senator. that the days of the Republican party are numbered reads it wrong. - The day is not far distant when the name of this man will be written among the most honorable of the great men of the state. "I honor the noble son of the moun tain. I honored the great Vance, who was born within thirty miles of my home In a log cabin among the moan tains of Buncombe. I have not called the name of my man because I ex pected j there would be a " mighty shaking. He is the "chieftain of the south, j He .is great in deed; In name, enshrined in the" hearts of his people. His name Is Jeter C. Pritchard. (Ap plause on the Republican side.) ' Mr. Murphy suggested that if there are no more obituaries he will move the previous question. Mr. Owen of Sampson in a' few words seconded the nomination of Pritchard. He eald it seemed that the Demo crats could not agree and he would suggest to them a man who would well and worthily represent the state, and in voting for whom they could lay aside partisanship. "That man Is the greatest living North Carolinian," said he. Thersls Wo leila The roll was. called and ia pursuance of the caucus agreement there, was no election, a large number of gentlemen being voted for. Those leading were as follows: J. C. Pritchard Is, L. S. Overman 9, C. B.-Watson 6. Iock Craig 2. J. S. Carr 2. G. H. Drown 3, F. D. Winston 4. S. B. Alexander 3. W. A. Hoke 4, J. A. Lockhart 5, J. Alvls Walker 4. Other gentlemen voted for, receiving one or more votes, were: Messrs. N. A. McLean. H. L. Cook, W. T. Craw ford. Jacob Battle. H. O. Chatham, J. T. Sawyer, C. B. Aycock. W. 11. Lucas. H. A. London. F. P. James, M. H. Justice. J. B. Perry. J. G. Hall, R. A. Doughton, J. T. Morehead.. M. D. W. Stevenson. W. M. Bond. E. J. Justice. A. C. Zolllcoffer, Charles M. Stedman, W. A- Dunn nr.d others. There was no election and after an nouncement of committee meetings the House adjourned until 10:30 this morning. I'y Ray An act to repeal chapter !is of 130!. l.r Sugg An act amending chapter hs of IW1. chartering the Kast- Insurance Company. net to elect commissioners "-. :i county. Passed and was er-1- . enT3e A3 iict restoring self-government in! r-i-?wjck county. Passed and wr.s rf rr l engrossed. ! i art authorising the city of Ash- to ue bonds, passed fthlrd a.'.lrg and was ordered engrossed. .v. net incorporating the Rank of " r"- rslUe. passed Its seversUread .tnd was ordered engrossed. .'- solution relative .to voting on 'U't of United States Senator at 12 '- k adopted. . Ar. act amending chapter CI. law relative to appropriation for Wk h!re In the Insurance department, discussed and action deferred un " M.v. ' ? A: act to preserve the charter of J Wlnton-Salem Southbound Rail " Company, passed final reading -d as sent to the Senate without TTosmcnt. An art amending chapter T.j laws. ""I 11. In reference to insurance con rned its readings ar.cj was " 1' l engrof sed. An art amending the Unlteil Mutual urcnee Company, parsed and was lrel engrosfed. An act to amend chapter SC. "public cf iS3. relating to the veriflca- '- of proceedings in the possession BALLOTl.Xi FOII SENATOR Tbt Tlrrabtrt Dlatrlbats Arsand rruiultfnoiidr The hoar having arrived for ballot ing for United Slates Senator, and the Democratic caucus having failed to nominate a candidate a ballot was taken hi which the terms of the fol lowing resolution were adhered to. "The caucus committee has agreed that the IVtnix-ratlc members of the general assembly shall. In oj-en session, vote for Democrats for United States Senator resident In the Judicial dis tricts in which the member voting re sides, ur.ttl the caucus elects a Sena tor, or until this plan Is changed. The candidates -may be' voted for by those residing In their respective districts, but by no others." When Speaker Gattls announced that nominations were In order Mr. Mur phy moved that nominating speeches he dispensed with. There was slight disapproval mani fest on the Republican side of the House and Mr. Freeman of Henderson thought it would b i.i first rate order to allow rome few words to be spoken. Mr. Murphy withdrew his motion. - Prileusr4' n m PrfnUU Mr. Freeman of Henderson, a stal wart Republican with god address, a full, clenr voice that penetrated every part of the ha... nxu V: the only nomi nating rpceeh of the day. Ho said in ; part: The duty I am oboi't to uiscnarsre makes this the pnudvst day of my life, it la a pleasure to tne to place j before- this assembly the name of u man who stands above reproach, who stand out r.T one of the mighty tow ering sentinels of the south. There is no one here to cist A. fiic-r at the mention cf the nobl.v gentleman's nam-.-" 1 am bold In what I say be cause I N lleve I am-rlsht. 'Thre Is nu array of one hundred thousand of- the lvst men In the itate lchlnd tnis inn. The bus'r.e ntniple are with him. The very uhlstle of the loco motlvra as. they tress , tho mountain ranges of the western part of the state toot in his honor. The axman in the mountain forests, and lumber regions Is drawing better pay than formerly because of the principles this man represents. The factory spindles hum in. his honor. "There are epochs .In our history. Grand men come along to suit the needs cf the hour. That grand man (pointing to Vance's picture) was the man of the hour, the man for tho peo pie of North Carolina In his day. and , the day Is coming when this man will receive the proud but ta. The busi nss people turnlHg to this r.obie MINOR BILLS BEFORE COMMITTEE Propositions and Grievances Bills Reported in the Session The committee on propositions and grievances. Chairman Watts presiding, met in the attorney general's office yes terday afternoon to take up their calender of referred bills. A bill to prevent public drunkenness : in Madi son county was read. The bill was restricted to that one county and it was again referred to a sub-commlt-fee. I ; Several bills of minor Importance were held over as the memlers Intro ducing them were absent yesterday. Representatives Blount's bill making any prson hunting on land In his coun ty without a permit liable to a fine, with the exception of a tract of swamp land, known as the Great Dismal, was reported favorably. Section 2. chapter 20S of the laws of 1839 was incorrect, due to a clerical error of writing the word "private" instead of 'publtc" laws. This was corrected and report ed favorably. A; bill to establish a ferry over tho French Broad at Bernard. N. C, and empowering the French Broad Manu facturing Company to charge and col lect for same, was favorably reported. The bill to Incorporate Oak Grove M. E. church In Robeson county was reported favorably. This bill elimin ates whiskey from a four mile limit around, the religious building. This bill was also held to be incorporated in the omnibus bill. Representative Morphey's bill al lowing lumbermen to create a trade mark and giving It protection after wards, was found to be practically the same as the present lumber trade mark law. In order to shorten the sessions of the committee It was voted the chair man be allowed to refer bills to sub committees without a vote. Upon mo tion adjournment was taken until this afternoon. ' In-vSockety Mrs. S. M. Harrell of Tarboro re turned home yesterday after a visit to Mrs. BenJ. Kllgore. " . .. Mrs, T. J.; Parham and daughter, 'Miss Louis Parham, are visiting' rela tives at Gibson, N. C. Mrs. F. A. Macon" and children of Henderson returned,, homey esterday after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Lltchford. Mrs. W. L. Foteat and daughter, Miss Helen, of Wake Forest returned home yesterday after spending several days the guests of Mrs. Vann at the Bap tist University. Mrs. Jno. W. Graham returned to Hillsboro yesterday after visiting Mrs. A. B. Hawkins. .. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lee Harbin and Mrs. Ida- S. Steele of Lexington are In the city the guests of Mrs. Wade Rlg . gan. ' Mrs. S. H. Levertson is here from Clayton for a few days, j j Mrs. M. A. Dunn has as her guests Mrs. Dickson and daughter. Miss Elva, of Wake Forest. a . ' A subscription dance is' announced for Raney Library ball room tonight complimentary to members of the Gen eral Assembls'. Miss Eliza Busbee delightfully enter tained the Kentnlss -Book Club Mon day afternoon ot her home on Person street. Miss Mary Shipp read a most interesting paper on the court of Louis XV. Delicious refreshments were most charmingly served. Among the guests of the club were Miss Annie Wilson of Charlotte, Mrs. Joseph Graham, Mr3. Walter Montgomery and Miss Mary Taylor ot Wake oFrest. Miss Annie Wilson Is in the city from Charlotte the guest of Miss Mary Johnson on Hillsboro street. " . Dined With th Ciovernor Governor nnrt Mrs. Aycock informal ly entertained at dinner yete-J ' number of members of the Legisla ture and candidates for the Laired States Senate. Among them were Lieu-, tenant Governor Turner. Speaker m. Gattls. State Senator Woodarcl, and senatorial candidates Hon. Lee S. Overman of Rowan, Hon. C. ,B. Wat son of Forsyth. Hon. Locke Craig of Buncombe, and S. B. Alexander of Mecklenburg. ' Mr. W. P. Rope, the popular and successful architect of this city left yesterday neepmpanied by Mr. John Stronach for Keysville. Va., whercj he will be united in marriage this morn ing to Miss Pollock, daughter of Capt. W. D. Pollock. ; ' prosecute a vigorous caoiDaten for the bill. Sunday night In St. Paul church a union meeting of all the congrega tions of the city was -held under the auspices of tho anti-saloon league. Several speakers explained the provisions-of the bill and the common sen timent" of the large audience, express ed by a standing vote and afterwards by signatures to endorsements, was that the London bill should become a law and that all would work for its passage. A New Anti-trust Bill Washington, Jan. 20. -Another anti trust bill was introduced in the House today. Representative Patterson oi Tennessee is Its author. The measur purposes .to make, it, unlawful for twe or more corporations engaged in inter state or foreign Commerce to consoli date or combine, and further to" make it unlawful or. one corporation to ac quire by any means the capital stock, franchise,: business or control in whole or in part of any other corpora t'on. Great Fire Sale. We bought too many Garden Seeds last year: we have about 5 , 000 papers left on hand., We offer these Seeds at One Cent a Paper. .. POSTSCRIPTS Major W. A. Guthrie was here from Durham yesterday. - Mr. J. A. Tlmberlake was here from Armfield yesterday.". Mr. L. T. Hartsell of Concord Is a guest at the Tarborough. Mr. W. W. Mason of Durham was a Raleigh visitor yesterday. Mr. Jno. S. Ray of Shelby is in the city the guest of his daughter, Mrs. H. T. Hudson. Mr. R. S. Plunk of King's Mountain, is in the city looking in on the Gen eral Assembly. Messrs. W. L. Marshall and Fred J. Cope of Wadesboro was a Raleigh visitor yesterday. Mrs. C. M. Bernard and her bright little girl Glilam, are both quite ill at their home on Polk street. If ordered by mail add three cents per dozen for poor lge. Buy at once; if any,are left they go into the I IHii m February 1st. W. H. KZing Drug Co. 3 20I Fayetteville Street, RALEIGH, N. C. . o BARBEE ja C O., RALEIGH. '.'liiiilJtfdiWii&ii?. DURHAM. 1 ran Kd, Skin TronbUi, Cancer, ftlood Poison. (irealMt Blood HnrittT Free If your blood. Is Impure, thin, diseas ed, hot or full of humors. If you have blood poison, cancer, carbuncles, eat ing sores, scrofula, eczema, itchiiig, risings and lumps, shabby, pimply skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism, I or any blood or skin disease, take 60 tanlc Blood Balm (R 13. B.) according to directions. Soon all sores heal, aches and pairs stop. the blood is made pure nad rich, leaving the skin free from every eruption, and giving the rich glow of perfect health to the skin. At the same lime, B. B. B. improves the digestion, cures dyspepsia, strengthens weak kidneys. Just the medicine for old people, as it gives them new, vig orous blood. Druggists, Jl per large bottle, with directions for home cure. Sample free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co.. .Atlanta. Ga. Describe trouble and special free medical advice also sent in pealed letter. B. B. B." is especially advised for chronic, deep peated cases of impure blood and skin disease?, and cures after all else fail. RALEIGH COOPfiH BROS. l'mnrlf'tor Raleigh. N C. AIONUMENTS J IV URBLE -WOR mm IS Writ for catalogue W taj tLt freijbi STOCKS. COTTON, GRAIN and PROVISIONS. Direct Privates Wire to New YorK and CHicafjo. . lust.intaneous quotations. All trtnsactions bona fide. Information concerning the market cheerfully furuished the public oi Ua'.cua surrounding towns. ' ..j ; Interstate and Bell Phones, No. 67. ' . rvif 4 !Thos. H. Briggs & Sons I Iff! RALEIGH, N. C i! -1 i GOAL STOVES, : COOKSTOVES AND RANGES. IHUIHMIUmXMtntttitttt'""' 1 DOBBIN & FERRALL Great January ;lean up,y SALE Our SHo3 Department continues the great January Clean Up" sale of Men s Women s and Chljdrens Shoes at THE REGULAR i PRICES. i Off lr.X passed and ordered enrolled son of the mountains He who reads r rtincatlon. I tlie handwrltlnc; on the Vrr.ll to mean FIREMEN MADE MONEY Tournament Paid Indebted ness and Donate to the ! Day Nursery j At the call meeting of the white members of Knlelgh fire department . yesterday evening the following: busi ness v.-ns transncted: f The report of Mr. J. O., trensr urcr of the tournament fund tvns ex amined nnd nnproved, nftT donating 5100 to th? colored tournament and Inyinir all indebtedness nmountlng to ?1.5!l.7. there was r. balance of $S.3S which they donated to iirs. Y. H. Williamson for the Day Nursery. A. very commendable net thus balances up th- tournament fund. A vote of thanks was tendered Mr. J. G. Hrown, treasurer, and the potlclt- Inz commlttea especially, and all other committees. The chief wes also high ly prnlsed for the manenr in which he conducted the affair, and the 'errand success he achieved. The letter and check for $100 from V. "XV. Vass was accepted with thanKs and the amount was equally divided amonj the four companies, three white and one colored V ( The meeting then adjourned to Join the chief at Turner's cafe In an oyster! sapper. ! j mends In nalclgh have learned' of the critical Illness of Mr. Marshall Tar tin at his home in Middle Creek- tw-n-shlp. He has been ill for two weeks or ' more. - TEMPERANCE SENTIMENT Threa Towns in Which It Is Taking Definite Snaps . Henderson. N. C, Jan. 20. Special. An active campaign is being waged by tho friends of the WC T. U. asainst the liquor saloons of Hender son. The sentiment of nil temperance people Is In favor of abolishing the traffic, not only from 'the town, but from every community in the county. Some temperance friends say If forced from the town, immediately jut out side Its limits distilleries and saloons will be erected, to the detriment of those residlnc n?ar, subjecting them to drunken rows without police pro tection. They favor making it appli cable to the whole county. Scotland' N'eek. N. C. Jan. 20. Spe cial. The people hero are greatly in terested In ' the liquor question, and most of them favor the London bill before the legislature. Sunday night the congregation from the Methodist church went to the "Baptist church to wrship. and the Methodist pastor. Rev. T.'P. Bonner, preached a special ser mon on temperance and the liquor question. Rev. M. L. Kesler. pastor of the Baptist church, will preach a ser mon in the Methodist church on the same subject very soon. " Goldsboro. C, Jan. 0. Special. The nntl-saloon people of Coldsboro have endorsed the London bill now before the Legislature and will exert every effort within their power to havo It passed. They have held two meet ings recently." at which the blll was discussed and funds were raided to Wa started this "clean up" sale with about six huridred pairs, and still have a.qood range of sizes in many of the styles and can fit most every one. The customer who buys a pair of shoes from' tLi'c Ini riAlc 4b a bifTfTPsf shoe value we have ever offered. .,. L INEHAN G0 Extraordinary Offerings THIS WEK IN : '. :'fye ,nean the stylish' up-to-date kind with our guarantee. A Our Overcoats have that, style and -smart', appearance that is hard tqjfjnd else where: look is sufficient. A Grand Clearing Up of Holiday Goods. There will be bargains all the week. , - T, Pants for Sale We offer you; special bargains m medium pnea FanU . xnt cost cuts no iigure. Come in. r . 0ROS5 & UP-TO-DATE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, f.' 1

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