THE MORNING POST : TUESDAY. FEBRUARY lO I93 i nE MORNING POST J All If 2 It, , 1 1 r i imikii n.iiL.- it r "f-! oft li AiiLiA Fi kCLLUT SI. VI It.TlA fc. tiller. t i iiifi io 111 1 r.i One Tear Six Months f Throe Months One Month which thus takes the lead in this mat ter is placed at a disadvantage unless the others act along the same line. "Let the mill men of each State propose a plan, let the organized labor bodies propose their plan, the club women their?, and then let a fair nnrt Imrmrtial legislative rommiui-c trustees of the University, but simply and only names those whose terms have expired and whose places the Legislature Js to fill. It has now leaked out that the rea son the "class" element of the North HEMKY PAGE'S LOOK An Aaraae Critic. m of tk Frita cmln: Pamphlet To the Editor of The Post. Women, Why Suffer ? JBV.W . -T . .$3-C0 . 2.50 . 1-5 . .10 i frame a bill combining the best rea-; j developing- strong . opposition o get in it, it is at least a pleasant an tures of each plan. Let this commit-j p,,,, Roosevelt is because he said ticipation. The Charlotte Observer of tee harmonize the ideas or an con-j , .. tne 4th inst. gives notice that ftir. I do not believe in threshing over MOP.,Alieni. anH Itc Train nf old straw, but to those who see a nug- nti iiuii( Oftfce in the Pullen Building. Fayetteville Street. The Poet will publish brief letters on Fubjects of general interc. The writ er's nam must accompany the letter. . . rn oerned and frame a bill that will pass the Georgia Legislature, the Alabama Legislature, the South Carolina Legis lature or any other body of intelligent, humane men on earth. "There is a right solution to every Avil. And child labor In cotton mills . ii . i . i nitta vv evprv new I believe In large families. Henry A. Page has had printed a pam- thrust at the "homes" of these good phlet of 84 pages, under the title "Some Campaign Letters," the purport or which, as cited, "to preserve in some permanent shape so much of the mat ter as shall be needed to give a clear folk Is a little more than they will sub mit to. The Legislature ought to provide for a it understanding of the situation to some oae. e cannot aouoi mat 'uture historian who shall undertake . . . avmaj1 V i 11111 - mgf Tha t-MAt-nKni. V A m Crtll'PQ 1 i j. i . A. I v one. Let s apply ine pixipsi icmcu; i m j nv uicniuiia m--..-. - . lo write me msiory oi our nmro. in the three leading States of the 'are as cognizant of present conditions There is no doubt that Mr. Page has be noticed, r.ejected manuscript will South before the end of the year. and the necessity for a new codification conscientiously written his own im- t V-T.,,lV There is force in The Journal's prop- J pression, which did not impress in his not be returned. " others, and will meet the demands history. The Ana a law simpiy - ' - tw .! . ' . . . . ujciciuj. xl ue UHO.U) salient ieatnres or nis own oern;- Brlef letters of local news from any section of the State will be received. Merely personal controversies will not be tolerated. Address al! business letters and com- ositlon. that after the first of July. 1905. no child under tweiv years of age, shall be employed at labor, in mills or else where, might be passed by the Legis tnunlcatlons for publication to THE j lature3 ot these several States and all UZNr? POl:T- . - f THE ' are now in session, we believe, this The telegraprlc news service of itit, ... MORNING POST is absolutely full and winter. This would give time for all complete, and Is uneqinled by ary j concerned to prepare for the new sys ir.ornln newspaper routh or xe York. This rvice Is furnished us un der special arrangements with THE LA F VAN NEWS BUREAU terest of . public economy. Terrible Evils Permanent ly Banished by Paine's Celery CompcunJ fir. Clark Tell- of Hr Happy Uncut, Frm ufrrlns After Vallurea Nervous disorders and diseases are on the increase, and women are the tl STILL ANQTHERl P. ANO BARGAIN. There is no let-up to the bargain offerings. Of course the selling of the artistic Steiff is , our chief business and its owing to the p..e enal sale of this magnificent instrument that we have so many fine bargains to offar In slightly ued Pianos. We accept them in part pay on the Piano with the sweet tone. ' "Af400 Upright for only $25 O. tern. and. being operative in the sev oral States, would not subject those ! tloru in any one State to embarrassment or racy and that of his coadjutors is what imnressed n ennr! n-mnv voters and a Th. n.fmif Tnnmni rU tn Tomurk: 1 Dotent fartnr in the larere maiority chief sufferers. ingestion gives uui, "it ,a Tiiir-i- narr.n n-hn fa tiirninfir cast for Jndp-o r-inrir This maiority. there are pains In the head, the tongue white were a little farther south.hls me- given under such adverse conditions a! is coated, the muscles ache, there is $ tamorphosis would unquestionably be was created by Mr. Page and others, constipation, heart palpitation, gloomy charged up to President Roosevelt." j justifies the statement that the people fears oppress continually, and sleep is Oh no! The President Insists on dark .fully understood their purpose and broken and disturbed. South and the turning - vi tu.iunund.uuu ir, even in Mr. Page s own county. We quote ap-ain: "So the next tri colors in the white would be a positive disqualifica f the New York Pun. ard is the snme tho, fenr of 0i,1R help because of such service that Is ud by The Sun It soil. which Is known to be superior to ary Fervice In any n?wspnner in the United States. This service is received nl-rhtly by wire In the efflce of THK MORN tvn "POST rtiwllr from the New laws, as would be the case now should only one State mlopt such a measure. Referring to the statement that Mr. Rockf feller had pent telegrams to Sen- York Sun, and Includes special cabl?s ntor3 in Washington saying anti-trust and domestic rew and all commer-.iai and market reports. AMIINCITON m: Kit A fx legislation "must be stopped," the Bal timore Sun well says: "The American people are long-suf- The Kinston Free Press acknowl edges the recelnt of a basket of fine, juicy raddlshes, which grew "in the open" In Pitt county. What a veritable garden spot our eastern section is; to-be-sure! The only reliable remedy that medi cal science has given to humanity for the cure of nervousness, is Paine's Cel- eration will hear with amazement that ery compound, prescribed by eminent their fathers were driven to tne pou like so many sheep, cri"?'1' 1T physicians with the happiest results. In critical cases Paine's Celery Com- the party lash and fawning upon their pQUnd faa8 saved Hfe anJ restored nirtv hAca " Thia etiffma. UTlOn a . ... . .... . . j A full sized uprighthand some Empire design, Berl Walnut case, all modern im provements in excellent con dition, 910 cash, $7 a month. No interest on deferred payments.- STOOL AND SCARF FREE. INVESTIGATE. CHAS M. STIEFF I Si 5 -esKftlvlHr 6 4 I A f BRUSHES - ea r nirtv hn;s." Thi stiema upon a proud and independent an electorate ; as ever graced the State of North Car olinaan electorate which, under tne most adverse conditions, wrenched from negro rule the grandest civiliza- ' We have heard John D. Rockefeller tion on earth, and forever restored it called almost everything not good ef Jn trust to the Anglo-Saxon race as their inalienable herltaere for all time ceptafool. If he sent tone telegrams.or Simmons and results. I finally got so bad that an attorney to Congressmen in opposi- Overman to the United States Sen- was impossible to sleep at night. My an electorate which declared that husband again wanted fne to have a health when all other medicines failed. Mrs. F. A. Clark, of Moscow, Idaho, writes as follows about her success with Paine's Ceiery Compound: "While suffering terribly from ner vousness and nervous prostration, I was attended by several physicians, but their efforts brought no assuring j it ' A. W.-Chandlei Factory Representative. Ol.vla -an 7 Llbrarr Six Idlu., &A&TKKN rricK. ferine and natient. It Is not only easy to deceive them at times, but it actual- jtj0n to anti-trust legislation as alleged at wrsTKRN orriCK t 1 "eems that occasionally they he Jg mQre of a foo, tnan anytninK else. 140 'an ft.. 1SW York ft rburr l btv W. A (rey. 51? I. . Knrw 1 lujrti SfMI l f-ukarrlbrr i THK lor r r rsl to Met Iho Ct n lb labot mf lU:rpprBd t'lilla ililr rn al klro lh rp:rlln. 1 kla will xre--trD mlans f m lan All a- pera -will ! dltutiuutJ vu llwir a.d np (iplrei to be deceived bv men who practice the arts of deception with skill and i tact. Rut if the 'Oil King has thrown ofT all disgulre nnd presented himself ns a dictator, as a man bigger than the President, as one who gives hia orders to legislators in open and fla grant defiance of the people, he has exceeded the limits of the people's pa tience. Not even the fact that he en dows universities and creates other useful Institutions would make him acceptable to the American people in his role of dictator of laws and stat utes. Universities are excellent insti tutions, but they would be purchased too dearly If the price paid were the transfer of the law-making power from While some gentlemen are preparing addresses to be delivered in various sections of the country specially the South this summer. Mr. Grover Cleve land goes to Florida to fish. Umph-humph! Keep your eye on the Perfesser. corporate power was not sovereign, bnt doctor, but I told him it was no use. the creature and servant of thepeople, He then went to our druggist who re and should obey the law of the land, commended Paine's Celery Compound, regardless of their corporate power Tne f,rst night I used the. Compound, and wealth, to which the people at- , j siept well and I continued to im tached no royalty. ' prove from day to day. I used in all How did they " "cringe," how e,nt bottIes- of raine's Celery Com "driven"? The answer is pin, recent DOUnd and am perfectly cured. Ican- not say enough in its favor." Vers visr Posit Ivoiy Cured ntg&zt Hooto. Faltingr Hr led 1l affection oi Hie Hair and S- alp p -aitivdy cureA uny "i-i my scientific treatment!., spclUlc pre pared for each case. Fuii information Oil or wiite, OH N 11. WOODBURY t. I.. 96 W. syl. New Vori. FULL LINE Hair Brushy. Nail Brushes, Tooth Brushes; Complexion Krash' Flesh 'Whisk Bruslns At Wni: E. G Opposite Yarbi All Phorcs. vaUnov ' '1'. .1 M. S. Calverl, Jl I Ui ill RALEIGH. X c. Crttirt rrporlOf fct rtb Csrotloa. I'rioe and fresh. The democracy of the com bine was not strong enough to influ and 1nt weak enough to spurn. 1 Their credentials bore the insignia of Mr. Bryan dechue3 an invitation to ! nil., -, thus nmved. th- m-n "knmAn.." iHnnar tr 1 A n .7 t Iao a Democratic " harmony dinner , 10 . rree and sovereign electorate or which Mr. Cleveland Is also invited. jstate rose against them, dnd the ballot will. NOT FADE , OUT, no matter simply signified "the survival of the nt- how often they are washed or exposed to the sun. A package of Diamond The weekly paper which Mr. Bryan publishes is only $1.00 per year. DIAMOND DYES We Are test," which I suggest as a his pamphlet, if acceptable. title for TSTi-ktaVilv ! A r for miihfp To the Editor of The Post: there was no heed or inducement for bribery or intimidation, as there was I20CEC955SC836C83 . the people's Congress to a trust mag- D & ' nate. How can any self-repecting O THE WEATHER TODAY: Senator oppose legislation for the regu- Is there not wisdom enough among no opposition by the Republican party 0 , lation of monopolies if Mr. Rockefeller the law makers of the state to enact except as to Judge Clark, and in this a Fair. D j has attempted to usurp the power of laws that prPVent vagabond fath- they could not and did not control y nnd l make Con"essmen hl" 'ers from forcing their children to work their usual negro contingency, their COCPOCJUCPSOC How can any . r.,to 0,mnnrt onlv hone beins to estrange and alien- . . Ill lUVlVt tVO VI V- - aaav-. .a.iuua.-wa.v a- them in idleness: and al?o permit chil- ate voters from the Democratic ranks, dren to work in factories or wherever with what corrorate influence they could induce to. their aid. The re- j van iiuii'jkiuiv viuiujinvni w r 4 UVCS tU5l II L Lit: iailU ULiXlil UlltLllUllO AVJ1 TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 10. 1003. The supplemental school fund has met a rather startling situation.. Last year we were given to under stand that a "four-montns -term wa- "stop the passage of Senator vote to laws to which Mr. Rockefeller, for. - -- v v ..a,.. . I r 'rj 'VCVU t llll out exposing himself to the suspicion that he is controlled hv th 'Oil Tlnrr i i. ,1 T or friends? support helpless and dependent parents fPonse. oe it said to me giory oi m- oia state, was waK ana lirpuieiu, y if there was 'any, 'cringing," it seems I w m t t a t . a. M j . a. a. iL. view Mr. Kockefeller has made the i ' r Tv" . " V " . . th "rHntrinsr" were terribly cringed. i iiiiui ru uc liaiucu ii ui iv ti i iki .... issue very plain for the members of the United States Senate. Thev must ;to 'lo FO within reasonable and proper limits, or De iorcea oy legal enactments spend their time in Idleness until i Ftand tnai a lour-monuis "-'j '- lhucu renaip. x ney must: tau-ht In "every school district in theint under his flag or under the flag , ,Ir Stare" and of the J100.COO appronrl-' f the If Y Senator voted , fctate. ana oi me . -u ,n accordaTlce wJth tne .on Kjn?-j,. al. j th I challenge the history of the state for a fairep- and more untramme'ed election, and for one having as little nted tne legislature ot wi tor which such sums as were necessary to supplement th general fund col It ctel - In the counties as should re quire assistance to make a four it out hs term, only J3.ono were needed. It now appears from the demand upon that fund that much more than 1100.000 will be required. Of course this is a surprise, because the general fund Is as large now as a year ago, and, under the scheme of consolida tion which has been put In operation it considered that even a less de mand would be made on the supple mental fund. Here Is a reference to this supple mental fund, and an explanation from the Pender County Chronicle, which Jam the report of a four-months term throughout the State last year very heavily. It ays: l.u " need of political trickery as the cam- gs- al- - naie-n of 1P02: and if it had. it would ileged behest he would forfeit all claim I while their dearest nnd truest friend . . ' i,tlfled bv the action or to the recpect of the p-ople. suffer for lack of the proceeds of the onnosition. if it could have de- "Hut it is hard to believe that so ' very work they are debarred by stat-. shrewd and experienced a man as Mr. ute from performing? Rockefeller would send to members of I Will The Post or some one wise Consrres telesn-aphic orders which must ! enough to do so illuminate the reform- Inevitabiy become public and tend to atory subject with some account of the veloped any strength. In conclusion, I will venture a proph ecy that when the next generation ar rives they will enjoy under their own vine and fig tree the very blessings defeat the very object he had In view. ' great good and useful men and women their fathers battled for and so man their inspiration In reformatories? ELI.CEEGEE THK FOOL' Pit AY Kit. Trust and the Prince of Darkness are in this re?pect like Providence, that thev move In a mysterious wav their wonrfers to perform. If Mr. Rockefel ler has actually come out in the open in the way described either he has lost his hend. which he has never done' . . , . i hitherto, or hi, n r 1 . Tne royal feast was done: the king . niT-i.w-w i.. rn-.rpTi some otrter ma neuver. stl!l undeveloperl ns fnr as the pvb'.'r. concerned. wh!ch represents Ms real purpose." who have graduated from or gotten , fully won. and the more so if ever The Supreme Court has adopted a ru!e that applicants for license to prac tice law hereafter must write legibly and socll reasonably well. This may be nil right, but great they read the Page pamphlet and see how the insidious encroachments upon the sovereignty of the people -were challenged and defeated by their "cringing" fathers. St. Paul complained of a thorn in ViJr. pItIa -v lUJ ,1.'-11 1 j Sought some new sport to banish care . , V " c 11113 uli,un5Ul,fie'J i nui fo annctea. it so, ana he will locate it, we will proffer pro fessional advice gratis, or the Imnel- Direction book and 45 dyed samples free. DIAMOND DYES, Burlington, Vt. n v xirrlnu I re ii in ta:icr One was pale and sallow, and the other freah and rosy. Whence the dif ference? She who is blushing with health uses Dr. King's New Life Pills to maintain it. By gently arousing the lazy organs they compel good di gestion and head off constipation. Try them. Only 25c at all druggists. j j FOR the NEW YEA with a full stoc.K of BlanK BooK 3 andO 4 . II if - can save you monc sX.Qddy in these supplies. ZZ1 Get our prices. And to his jester cried: " Sir Fool. ! Knetl down and make for us a prayer." a. M. . J9 1 The rews from me extra iuni '-FcoUf suddow the box- sbo,,n anything but encouraging. Last year. ,vrit. n . ' the Legislature guessed at the amount i " " me oia necessary to give us all a four-months school and settled upon one hundred thousand dollars as sufficient. Appa rently It was enough as the sums asked for did not exceed seventy-five thousand. But this year It is evident that the one hundred thousand Is far too smalL Nearly all our counties are asking for two or three times as much a they did last year. Pender for ex ample asking for about six hundred r- ,!. incee i nwn Carolina Good Roads Convention county are plain. Last year many of our schools did not begin till after Christmas and so did not have time for more than three months. This year The jester doffed his cap and bells. And stood the mocking- court before; They could not see the b'tter smile Behind the painted grin he wore. He bowed his head and bent his knee Upon the monarch's silken stool. His p'eadlng voice arose: "O Lord, Be merciful to me. a fool! "No pits'. Lord, could change the heart From red with wrong to white as , woo! We are indebted to our friend. Mr. !The rod "",5t hcaI the sln: but Lord- n- ,, ..... i ac merit-Jim in in, a iuoi W F. Tomlinson. or the United States Department of 'Agriculture, for a copy "'This not by sruilt th eonward sweep of Bulletin No. 24 of the Department, I Ot truth and right. O Lord, we stay; being the proceedings in detail with 'T,s by our foI1Ies that so long ' IT- 1 1 .1 A 1 A 1 i graphic illustrations, of the North masters," the lawyers and statesmen who were "slants In those days" on the court. ling motive of the author may be in accordance with the divine injunction. "Let the dead bury the dead." So we will refrain and drop the curtain for ever. . H. Warrenton, Feb. 9, 190". "They tell me. professor, you have mastered all the modern tonsrues." . "Well, yes; all but my wife's, her mother's.' Pennsylvania Punch BowL ta For foni'icli Tr nTt" "I have taken a great many different medicines for stomach trouble and con stipation," says Mrs. S. Geiger of Dun kerton, Iowa, "but never had as goo results from any as from Charrber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets." For sale by Crowell, McLarty & Co., Bobbitt-Wynne Drug Co., North Side Drug Co., W. G. Thomas. State Agent3 For -Public cKool Boolls. We Have the lar: est stocK of School Eoolts ir the Stat and orders filled t by return mail. A 'mm Ail oraers Riven our -personal auenuo: A 1 ire d W i 3 3 i a ms & C FOH 0um oim i t caRS. An Old and Weli-Tried Remedy MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRU" . -BbesTinFcdforovirFIXTVyfAK-ibvMILLIOI r f vtuTHEHs for thcirCHILf ltN WHTLE T K Kj ' I a . vVirHPKKFECrsU'(-ES8. It SOOTHER H IILP. F41 the GUI's, ILI.A8 all PAI rJKKS VTSD COLIC. nd in Vhe be8t emeiy f TAHBHCEA 8o?d by Pri!irol8U in every pait c ;e world, B t-ure -td ask f-r IKS. WINSLOW'S S0UTHIMG SYRUI AND TAB NOOTKEKKIXD. Iwentj-llvc Ccnls a, Iittle. -. We hold the earth from heaven away. it Raleigh. February 12-13, 1902. We will remind the Raleigh corres pondent Of th Wlntrkn Snntlnsl V.o rmciicaiiy every wnwi openeu in -no- vember and so all wanted four months jthe Govcrnor do not name or recom as this would put the school out at'mcnd Persons to the legislature to be about the time the children would b.e' needed at home. For this reason or ome similar one many counties have asked for much larger sums than .for merly and the one hundred thousand Is cot enough to meet the demands." It might be Interesting to note the counties calling for this Increased sum nd see how many of them are among those which made a record last fall In consolidating their districts and thus ostaDiisrung oeiier scnoois. securing better teachers along with a- four- rnths term. But the present demands i- . , . . lurely as perplexing as unexpected. "These clumsy feet, still in the mire. Go crushing blossoms without end; These hard, well-meaning hands we thrust Among the heartstrings of a friend. JUST ONE WORD that word In discussing the chi!d-labor-ln-mills iroblem the Atlanta Journal concludes: "Now. Georgia. Alabama and South raroMn. the three leading5 mill states if the Pouth. have all been wrestling rlth this chlll-libor problem. One fprs to do anything without the other. !L Idea is held out that tho State It refers to Dr.Tutfs Liver Pills and MEARJS HEALTH. Are you constipated? Troubled with indigestion? Skfc headache? Virtlo? Bilious? Insomnia? ANY of thesa symptoms ftnd many others Indicutc inaction of tho t w vo "STo-lt. 0Tooca. CT3 "The ill-timed truth we might have kept Who knows how sharp it pierced and stung? The word we had not sense to say To.u have good reason to fear an at tack of pneumonia when you have a severe cold, accompanied by pains in the chest or in the back between the shoulders. Get a bottle of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy and use it as di rected and it will prevent the .threat ened attack. Anions the tens of thou sands who have used this Remedy this I lor colds and la grippe, we have yet to learn of a single case that has re sulted in pneumonia, which shows that this Remedy is a certain preventive of that dangerous disease. For sale by Crowell, McLarty & Co., Bobbitt Wynne Drug Co., North Side Drug Co., W. G. Thomas. J.Ro Ferrall&CoJ 222-Fayette vill 9 Slviel. JUST RECEIVED Georgia Cane Syrups. Old Faslron re tain Buckwheat, Prepared Buckwh!;: Pa: Cake Flour New Cured Va.' Hams. Old a. Hams. ALL PHONES 88. - - i lfa-fTAll (Richmond Times-Dispatch.) A bill has been introduced in the North Carolina Legislature to prohi bit the wearing of hats by ladies tr men in theatres and other places of wv,o u,v lt Ilrtu runs: .charged. Some of the Carolina IRON BEDS. The demand for IRON BEDS is ncreasinrr pvprv vnr Thw nm iv-, i this : ist. They are more sanitary than wood beds. 2nd, They can be ikm and made more attractive than wood bods. Pric es 5 ffTv H n Pt ar M ft-fl Take No Substitute. "Our failures no tenderness should a.k The chastening stripes must cleanse them all ; But for our blunders oh. in shame Refore the eyes of heaven we fall. "Earth bears no balsam for mistakes. Men crown the knaves and scourge the tool That did his will: but thou. O Lcrd. Be merciful to me. a fool!" The room was hushed; in silence rose think the Legislature Is wasting time III CiUClinCf fooling with any such bill. Of course - 3 the bill Is aiming particularly at the , women abd their wonderful headgear. A quicker way to effect the desired re form would be to sret Dame Fashion to mss a decree that hatless heads are just the thing in theatres. Th Kont' ern SCr U lilnr Out I' am (Commercial and Financial World.) Philadelphia. A very prominent rail road man and usually well informed. The king, and sought his garden cool, made a significant remark yesterday, Spring; And walked apart, and murmured lo: "Be merciful to me. a fool!" Edward Rowland Sill. ,' c Am XTr-Ii-altl y Cat ol ACT. Irm " (Durham "Herald. , We actually believe that a .man who had nevtr seen a railroad could sue ji morning stating: "Keep your eye onf Pennsylvania,' Southern Railway and; St. Louis & San Francisco. There Is a 'triple alliance brewing." ill If I UJJ ff "THE BERNSTEIN" IRON BED KET. WE HAVE SOLD SEVER V IS UNQUESTIONABLY THE BEST THRFF-Pirrr L T HOT'S! A Vn nnt.,i.n , lllill.b'I IhCh I'.l.i1 COMPLAINT HAVE WE EVER ! H EARD. CATAnTP h v tTt,i.. JTHltl21i YEAR.-', . Mr. Saphead (during the honeymoon) When did my little duckie .darling first discover that she loved me?- ' Bride (sweetly) When I found mvi. railroad company in thl3 county and self getting made every time anyone recover damages. 'called you a fool. New York Weekly. Royall & Borden Furniture 0 COR WILMINGTON AND IIARGETTSTS, I: