THE MORKING TOST: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY .10 193, I a ' ' . ' ' ' I Bill for Relief of state Treasurer Lacy Debated t Was Strenpasly. Fought By Several and Referrtd to a Committee Another Railroad " Bill by Justice Other Matters TUB OLD REUSABLE a sustained the check Is forfeited. I An Important Rtrt Uerk Tlere were only a few bills that came up but several were of great importance. Ths hours from li until - were occupied by debate. The bill to appoint a prison DaroU rrm m!f. slon passed all readings. This bill was Intradural urn t . win H.iro inn nrrv. : ' - Ivldes that the governor and two out. I,ders appointed as a commission m- secmd more in the contest of before which cases may ,be -brought M.( Euckner for the seat of W""to Parole convicts. The parole Is grant , .;rifflth In the Carolina Senate took V Upon terms where the convict rets reterdajr when Senator Well- , won r0"'0 and. hia to report rr of i Ashe gave formal notice of; the -nwnlion at specified times. .nntet to the members of that! " MaJlc . v. The written notice was referred "A bill for the relief of sheriffs and -- committer on privileges and collectors. There wan some debate . t ;r.s. To a reporter of the ro?t on this bill. Senator Hicks said that - itnr Griffith reiterated his state- this measure made It possible for sher- to the effect that this contest is its not to collect taxes for several .tr him n concern and that he Tears on property and thereby Ret a - .miM hoM his place. jvote for re-election. Then that when! . ..tor Spence. of Moore county a mun purchased the land that they 1 a good -speech yesterday. It was were forced to pay tne taxes that the -.. n the bl!1 for the relief of State other man who owned the land owed. - -iMTfvr Lory came up. The talk Senator Hicks added an amendment!1' to settle with the state treasurer. - i.ri-f. very brief, but It was con- that reads: "Which shall not be col- To Prevent the manufacture, sale mm D. D., preached on the subject. The Royalty of Service. j At night Rev. C. II. Williamson, l the retiring pastor, preached his fare well sermon' from 2 Cor. 13: 11, 'Final- of good comfort be of one mind, live in peace; . and the God of love and peace shall be with you. "Rev. Williamson had successfully and ably led the church for two years Absolutely Puro THEREISNQSUZSTJTUTZ MAKE HOSPITAL OF PENITENTIARY (Continued from first page.) i!).l a forceful argument. In fact lected from purchasers without actual' or "hipment of liquor In Robeson coun- BRIBERY AT ELECTIONS ... . , . Dobson of Surry Proposes to ;.s.. Make it a Felony Mr. Dobson, Republican member of the House from Surry county, proposes to make bribery at elections a felony. and to that end has . introduced the :ra- three months. He is an earnest following bill: j.anl consecrated preacher. He is a A bill to be entitled an kct to make '."graduate of Shaw University. He en bribery at elections a felony. j Joys the respect and confidence '.of the The General Assembly of North Caro- ood People of Raleigh. Ha enters the Una do enact: Sunday school missionary work in Section 1. That any person who shall I North Carolina. The grand rally is at any time, -before or after an elec-: continued till next Sunday, when a tion, give or promise to give any '. final and ful1 report will be given." I . s -- . v money, property or reward to any elector In order to secure his vote shall be guilty of a felony, and upon con viction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or be Imprisoned in the penitentiary for not less one year nor more than five years, or both. Sec. 2. That section 54 of chapter S9 of the public laws of 1901 and all other RALEIGH AGENCY FOR ACID IRON MI.NERAL5" KING'S PINE TAP BALSAM FOP COCCUS. RALEIGH CITIZENS WIN PRIZES Relieves the tickle, heals the throat, "stop? that hack." PRICE, 25 CENTS. . had been very little argument notice of non-payment of taxes." til the Santor from Moore opened A H1 to allow Clay county to issue . ...i th?n it came. Senator Xpence bonds for the purpose of subscribing ;-.- .1 the paying of the money and to the capital stock of the Hlawasseej U. H. Co. ty. For the relief of Jacob Williams. To provide for working the public roads of Cherokee county. To regulate elections in Littleton. . To protect fish a.nd birds in Burke. To Incorporate Siloh Institute. To pay Judge Geo. A. Jones for hold ing special term of court. To amend 'the law establishing wreck districts in Carteret county. To authorize a bond issue in the town Third Heading Bills A bill allowing the Toxoway Hotel i hi reason: I opposed to this bill. I think A bill authorizing the lown of Mur t a it w!l t a bad precedent. It is phy, Cherokee county to subscribe to vrry dmjrcrnus Lw for tho Demo- the capital stock of the same road. .ttc prty to establish at this time.' A bill to Incorporate .the Winston '.hv. in my campaign my opponent f5,ulrt Turnpike Company, Senator . r t iU ovt the district charging that Wellborn objected to this bill as he M -. l.iryhsd not paid the money .and said that the provisions of the charterjof Washington ? i 'i' l it and now you reek to make were absolutely deficient. "The rules - 1 republican accusations turn out were suspended and despite the objec t It Is dmsrrous for the state to tion the bP! was passed- Senator Well t any treasurer, either Demo- born asked that hla name be recorded - t -r Republican. as-voting against the bill . n.-tor Webb here queried the ; ik-r: "Is it cloar that this embex- . r.n.-nt ; In question happened under Company to, furnish wines and liquors , - .surr Lacy or under the former to Its guests. - This bill was from the ,',r:,,.,r?.- ?,f?se d ra" y a tha! to keep registration. - v i i ""n1 1 1- . ! iur wiiti oooy several aay? ago. ine piea. oi i r-in . recover It In the courts and the hotel men was that they had r-rt'il-1 not aV: that it be refunded by bought property and made it valuable .:. Legislature. an(j their northern guests would not .n l then Senator Mann rallied to the come where they could not beserved ;rrtof the. Mocre statesman. He with Hqours. :i that if this bill passed, however a bill to repeal chapter 607 of the '.vnt fr. I-acy Is. It would be a laws of 1901. making certain parts of rv d.tngrou prweilent. Chowan and Perquimans counties T Hiring the course of the debate Sen- stock law districts. or Wellborn. Republican, asked for , The bill amending chapter 3TS1 of . aj-e" and "no" vote on the b'.ll the Code making Saturday a half hol- :t it had Just pa'ed Its reading and fday for banks and banking instltu "itnir Henderson responded that you tlons passed its thlrtl reading. gt It. A bill sulking out th 3 word "private" Th general objection to. the bill drunkenness and substituting, "public" 'i...t!ly ended by Its being referred to drunkenness for the bill .regulating ine .h judiciary committee .or Investlga- briates In Madison county. This makes t drunkenness a" "punishable offense in ! 'resident pro tm Rrown called the that county. .-. -. ue to onler yetirday at 12 o'clock a bill to enable the commissioners t Rev. J. P. flood made the pray- Cf Cleveland county to issue bonds - r The reading of the journal was f0r the construction of roads and 1 off and stands approved. bridges.' - - F ri ltedi B.M I A" bill authorizing the commissioners bill to allow P. urrru vum, . A bill to incorporate me.. wn n . Lawndale, Clevennd county. A bill authoritlng the commissioners of Lenoir county to. levy a special tax. A bill to enlarse the limits of the town of Marion. -. , . . A bill authorizing the establishing of a graded school !n the tonw of Fre- Several Raleigh citizens' who con tested for thl on rrJ9!A nffunvl hv laws and clauses of laws in conflict the continental Tobacco Company have with this act be and the same are .been very successful. This company hereby rep?aled. UflVr i sons guessing nearest to the number W. H. King: Drug Company, Wholesale Druggists, Raleigh, N.' C. St flary'i" Schoal, Raleigh, N. C 4 Sec. 3. That this act shall be in force from and after Its ratification. PENETENTIARY INVES TIGATING COMMITTEES The Kn! of revenue stamps sold during the month of December, 1902. for the sale of cigars, and the , successful guessers were announced yesterday. The fol lowing Raleigh citizens 'received cash ! prizes Mr. J. G. Ball, $280. Mr. Ashby Lambert, $SH. Mr. John A. Duncan, "Jis. Mr. Alex Vurnakes, $15. The special committee apointed by Mr. Robert Simpson, $Z. the Legislature to Investigate the- Several other persons received boxes charges of cruelty to convicts near Ma- of cigars and tobacco. It was reported rion some time ago, left yesterday af- yesterday that a gentleman of Dur ternoon. They will be absent probably nam received a prtze of $1,000. The t7 remainder of the week. The com-, largest prize obtainable was $5,000 The sixty-first annual ecsslo n begins September lSih. Term begins January 2S. St. Mary's School offers inst ruction in the folIoTinr liepurtir.ents: The Preparatory School. The Co llege, The Art School, ThMuio School. The Business School. There are two hundred and f orty-eight . student? reprefer tin nine Dioceses. Faculty of twenty-five. 'Much of the equliwent is now eight new pianos bought this y year. St. Mary's Kindergarten isjo cnted In the center of th- city under Miss Louise T. Busbee's chargo . For catalogue address REV. T. D. BRrVrrON, D. D. mittee consisted of Senators Warren and Pharr, and Representatives Blount, For the relief of Evie Newman. ' Newhind and Geo. i. Morton. chair To enable Elizabeth City to issue man. Mr. Thos. B. Heartt of this city bonds. accompanied them and will take the To change boundary Hne of Xorth proceedings of the investigation. A and South Clinton townships 1n Samp- committee also left for Dover In Jones son county. . To protect fish in Watauga county I H. A bill authoring the commissioners n.itor Ilrtlton A ibilcomb to s-ril books without 11- t !-.e in any part of the state. A bill being a Joint reoluton to In ."tisate the number of employes of th lgll.ittire. s- nator Limb-.V bill to appoint W. Troy and John Pmlth Justices of the i in the rountv of Cimberland. .-v .ir Raiipnffn-A bill for the mont. bjiliirg and maintaining of public r...! In ITonderson county. . . Kill tn nlare tax. r..rtje W. Lawrence and other sol !:ts on the third class pension roll. yt-y A Kll nllrtwlnr Ben . Stokes. Pitt scanty. i.i'iman to peauie in mij i i. v,. iMte without license. s-nator Bellamy- A bill prove n? th t all festixals In the county of l:nmswck must ! a tax. To authorize a special tax in Hay wood county. To amend laws compelling butchers T. 1.. . J . t T ) iiivurpuniw ine ioitb 01 wauen boro. ' To amend the charter of the town of Jacksonville. v To authorize the commissioners of Haywood to levy a special tax. To authorize the town of Waynesville to issue bonds for water works and lirhts. The House adjourned at 1:43 until 10 o'clock Tuesday. county, to Inspect the convict camp Xo. 4. This committee consisted f Dr. I. CI. Bullock, chairman. Representa tives Bull.-ird, Thomas and Crocker, and Senators Richardson and Aaron. This committee will return Wednesday. This cash pri2e offer of $142,500 was the largest ever offered by any concern in the United States. It will be re peated next November. The number of revenue stamps sold for cigars during the month of De cember alone amounted to five hun dred million seven hundred thousand and twenty-six. The prizes were con tested for In all parts of the world. Institute FOR Within 20 years the South h?.s in creased Its railwfly mileage 162 per cent., and its exports 95 per cent. Colored Pastor Retires Special exercises were held at Blount Street Baptist church, colored. Sunday. A member of the church said j-ester-day: . . "The services were quite "a success, both from a spiritual and financial point. At 11 o'clock President C. F. Meserve of Shaw University delivered a most able address on 'The Mission of the Church. "In the afternoon Rev. T. N. Ivey,! Rev. Dr. T. S. McElrov. D. D.. of Richmond, preached at the Presbytc- rian church Sunday morning and eye?i- ing. Dr. McElroy is the secretary of t the Southern Presbrtetian Ministerial Relief Fund. He Is now trying to raise a million dollars fund for the bene fit of the aed ministers, their wives and orphan children and is meeting with much success. t Young Women Thorough instruction in all departments of Female Education. 1 I 13 MUSIC. Using the Leschet izky System. Send for catalogue. JAS. DINWIDDIE.M.A,, Principal. RALEIGH, N. C. Old Graybeard It's a pity to kep such a pretty bird in a cagC. Mrs. De Style isn't it a shame! How perfectly exquisitely lovely it would look on a hat! New York Weekly. I IP. Durham Rig ht-of-Way Suit Before Judge Purneif Argument In Progress all Yesterday Conclusion To-day The Con tenions of Counsel The Durham right-of-way suit cits of Jackson . county to levy a special of Durham and Seaboard Air Line and Norfolk and Western Railroad Com- A bill rrovidlrig for the working of roads In Smlthfleld township. A bill to incorporate the town ol panles vs. the North Carolina Railroad and Southern Railway Companies, in volving Peabo'v street is now being hpard before Judsre Purnell In the Unl- A bill amending the charter of the ted state3 COurt here, it having come town of Red Springs. up Cn an order removing it-from the A bill to protect certain birds In Lin- suporior court of Durham county. Tre coin county. ' ." argument by counsel was in progress that if ihey didn't acquire the right of way bs deed it did by the lease of the North Carolina Railroad in 1895. but ihej' the city of Durham claims that the North Carolina Railroad Company didn't own the right of way in 1S95 and could not ltase' it and that the South ern Railway contended in the litigation growing out of the lease In 189-j was not a new .contract, ' but an extension and modification of the lease of 1S71 and i that, the lease of 1ST1 being' burdened with the dedication of the strip of land In dispute, the burden continued under the law "ease. CONTENTION OF DEFENDA The contentions . of tho defendants the Southern Railway Company and North Carolina Railroad Company-are bricflr stated: - That by the record in the former Parlor far rTlee The Seaboard Air Line Railway has inaugurated Parlor Car service tri weekly between Washington and Ham- i j let on trains Nos. 27 and 66, which i pass liiieign, soutnoounu, at 6:&5 p. m. : nortnbound 11:50 a. m. Parlor Car operated south on Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays; north Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays. Seats In this car are 25 cents to Southern Pine3, 50 cents to Hamlet, P.O cents to Henderson, 75 cents to Richmond, and $1.00 to TTashington, D. C. The buffet in this car is well equip ped and excellent meals will be serves nt moderate - rices. C. H. GATTIS, C P. & T. A., Raleigh, N. C. H. S. LEARD. T. P. A.. Raleish, N. C. Under, Turner's Cafe. G or Ham (&L TwiC. I IS t I C fte. stttiriiAXs ant;r.y "nrr LH U I C O rb-Effly re:ininbmir; r II 1 1 le and inire: BotFBKE. Srn1 Mamp for jj-tlcnlnr. mmmm"mm' CROWN CHEMICAL. CO., Cas OS. XlLHitFl k, U Dr. Joseph Graham, PHYSICIAN, Office in the Carolina Trust Building. . : : : Bell Phone -Interstate Phone .A RALEIGH . ifi kikitini, Viunti rn lanced .. . j i ,v,,ki u r 'case between the town of Durham and ,nator Relttmy proMdcs a tax v enclosetI land In C.ain coun- t da wIU !e consumed In concluding the North Carolina Railroad and the f n be paid for each festival ttat r n nnr,. . 1 Richmond and Danville Railroad it had tles-Hs-de. Ts'rrell ana uare. the nearlng. A bill authorizing the leryl.nff oi a finerlal tax for the support" of the fJoor mornine bv judee and to pay the Indebtedness caused the plantifrs. Mr. F. H. In Samp'on county . h'l at night. .-nator Gilliam A bill allowing the r-r-.oval of a case from the court of - junvr vi hi i " v v . ......... - , n .e lks or because incapacitated for h11" ... A bill to s ..ty before J!'tw ters of Greensboro the cu- of is- fpoke .enatr Justlce-A 111 pro.Idlnf for bon fpr. the buSing 'of good took a i rx and penalty on raurouus. - .... ll mlliwnrt t" V iri Oil! 19 US I'Hiunf. i .- Thergument was opened yesterday 1 been adjudged that the Richmond and . ... , 'Danville Railroad had dedicated a orning oy juage u. w. inswn iui - lowed as counsel for the defendants, j Dusbee fol- Part of'the right of way, during Its lease nria esuue, lasiinj? uimi jsui, A bill to submit to the qualified 'vo- Then Mr j. g Manning of Durham for the plaintiff. When- court took a recess at 6 o'clock. Col. W. A. the I the town of Durham as a street, and it was equally as clearlj' adjudged that (the-North Carolina - Railroad had not 'dedicated any part of its right of way, Henderson, general counsel ior me ... . ftor Knfmh ini thP rail . dint l 11(1. i T WTk- - vll lldr rf ' TY 111 flllS lnal l lA(lii-a ... . . . i l. r- c mrt ac um - ouuintriii rrrwirt rrtmnanv haa an unaismiiea i r 1 BA V T I rC fl II" I BV lJi W V.WW . - 1 " . ... - - cause the reading cierK sorrow came up midst of an argument ior tno aeiena- the hands of the state treisure wfre read and the presldent called ants, rh six months as a guarantee or M "referred to P. & G.--or Thls mrrnlng Col. Henderson will ...n-dlscrtmlnatioc against aroim weanlnr, propositions and grievances. conciude his argument. Then .Mr. J. -.iner. If at me ena ui messaaefrom the Houe -rawfnrd Rlres will follow with an ar I UMO FerralL Suit 'epartment. 0 u p Ul fl Our Suit Department this week is tak- COOPER BROS, Proprietor v Raleigh. N C. for Ladies Tailor-made If at the end of the. .six there is no chargw from the rp.T.tion comrrdssion of discrimlna a-.i. then they simply renew r.ihs to its right of way; that these judg ments constituted an estoppel against tthe plaintiff ;that the deed to tne j Oxford and Clarksville Railroad -by j ' the North Carolina Railroad was not a ' came in on time and wa read for gument for the plaintiffs. Capt. W. H. voluntary conveyance, but given after L. i r T" .m.Vir 1 1 a special oraers ! Suits made to order by the best man-tail- MONUMENTS jor-making for the trade, Prices for special Bl jorder suits $15, $18, $20, $25, $30, $35 and upwards. Separate Skirts, made to order, $,6.50. $7.50, $8.50, $9.00, $10.00, $12.56 and upwards. Give your order this week. Wrlta for catalo .We. pay th fr the, Ihe enlightenment of the Senate. Adjourned until u roaaj-. ". 1 r . A fmm the'rvitem. MAI'S lilt kltUH I -. ..-y . ... . .- - - TMI9 DON E. TOU ARC Wttt Of R'HEOMHTISMo. AND ANT OTH CR O.SIA.feAU.IO T D. dm h. dou,.H Mother oi" t" "" ootDSBoae. N. CU Aur. . 1 - T w tn itav clAtlca, and also chrooio rur of moiculsr rbumstJm. At tline lS??;r4 eekB at a time I could N-In tf rr mur on southern U- , t nra te1 me. wrthoutpenranent c t work. My uffrrlnr was ot!fF.b47jred r?mtdiea without p.roMnt relief, however. -Tried a Wit S3 the work. nd I bare hadax- benLt. Finally I trll " KniS,Artcllr r th all rheumatic should ne - Eaten ACipa,- for It u by tx the remeay. a. prepaid xprr. or from your nv,. ..t . - Baltimore, fid., U. 5. A. J Day. counsel for the Seaboard Air Line the beginning of proceedings to con will also speak for the plaintiffs and demn, and because the amount of corn- argument for the defendants will be ; pensation had been a&reed upon be- Charles Price of Sails made by Capt. bun. Briefly stated the arfrument presented by Judge Winston and followed up by Mr. Mannln? In their speeches for the plaintiffs city of Durhanv-was that the city Is entitled to Peabody street as a street because she Is In possession of it, and has been for many years. since about 1S73; has spent severa; thousand dollars in grading, lighting; and draining it; that the Southern Railway assert their title under- a deed from the North Carolina Railroad Company to the. Oxford and Clarks ville Railroad Company, , made in March. IfflO, when It purchased all rights of the Oxford and Clarksville, ut the counsel for the city of Durham Claim that this deed Is ineffective to convey title because the North Caro lina Railroad Company only-held it as a right-of-way so long as it used it for Its own purposes and no longer, and when it sold It the sale , was an express voluntary declaration that the company no longer needed it lor its own purposes, and in law was an aban donment of the ttreet. and that the Oxford and Clark3ville obtained noth ing by Its deed. " Counsel for Durham also set up that ithe Southern Railway Company claims CROSS LINEHAN A DEEP CUT IN tween the North Carolina Railroad the Oxford and Clarksville Railroad and even If the deed was null the right of way would belong to the North Caro lina Railroad, borne by the lease to the Southern Railway; that in no as pect of the case could the deed Oxford and Clarksville be treated as an aban donment; that only the owner of the fee could derive any benefit or title from an abandonment, even if there had been one. That the town of Dur ham claimed no title in its pleadings except by dedication, and asserted no title by naked possession, nor could it assert such title in an action to remove a cloud from the title, the broaden be ing upon it to establish its title before it could be entitled to relief. As to the lease it was claimed that ; the language of the lease of 1893 itself j stated that the lease of 1ST1 should j terminate in Dec. 31. 1895. and it could j not be deemed an extension of the lease j of 1871. But evert If it was an exten-I . , ii sion this could not extend a dication the new blocks for spring. Come and see them made of an estate lasting until 1901. into an dedication lasting until 1904. It was contended that an estoppel could only be good as between parties to the original action, and that the pleadings in he suit, concerning the lease, were only evidences, subject to explanation, end that the lease wust snaiil". for. Itself. o WE MEAN THE STYLISH,; UP-TO-DATE KIND. OVERCOATS We have a few desirable ones. If they fit you get a bargain. SPRING HATS Dunlap's soft. Stetson's soft and stiff. These arc' & LINEHAN CO UP-IX)-bATff CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS.' " I ' ' Y ' , . ' ! '- V . r