V . a Hi. jtiofcMKU POoT ; 1 ucouAi. iiikUAk UOj : V - . , 1 i i I i , i l POSTSCRIPTS the j - - - r m9m Hon. Cy. Watson arrived In the citjr eterday. Mr. J. T. Joyner returned to Ity yeater&ar. Mr. R- C. Strong returned to th city, yesterday afternoon. Prof. Vernon Howell of tho Unlversl . ty arrived In the city yenterd.iy. . Mr. T. L.- Eberhart left yesterday on buslnen trip to Radford. AV. Va. Dr. W. S. Bernard of the University acuity arrived In the city yesterday. Mr. Cha. Anderson returned yester day from a flylnir trip to Selma In th ntTt-t of hlirself. Mr. Mose A. Dledoe returned to the rlty yMerday from Fayettevllle nftcr an ubseivre of six weeks. Hev. J. T. Batman, who filled the pulpit at the Fayettevllle street Bap list churvh. returned, to Wake Forot yesterday. Fr Seal Two S-room dwellings. Halifax street. t room dwelling-. North Person street. 7 room dwelllnr. Fir wood avenue. room dwelliftr. corner rVrron and ilartin streets. room dwelling. East Lane street. 7 room dwelling. Po!k street. JIA LEIGH REAL ESTATE & TRUST COMPANY. BUSINESS ITEMS WANTED. Job office-material, price, etc. Box 237. Ralelsh. N. C I NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that lv.k rhn.fi n anrl .Anlander RailrOiVd V V M - t Company will arply the present Gen feral Assembly of Xortn carouna ior an amenameni to ii inanrr, nui'""s to mil Its rtjal to a point on near the Hoanoke river. Efi 1 WANTED, Man with $300 ?u IVtO can recurs legitimate Hifht manufac turing boilnes. No risk nor compe- j tttlon:s daily profit. For personal: Interview address J. W.. care Iot. CTrvnRUAPTlPK CV To ' Investigate the Underwood Typewriter j J and take the acency In ery town in j ! North Carolina not already i laced. B. i L. LIndsey. State Afent. Durham, i. W. Smith. A pent. nalfh. N. 7. . . j 1 ( PRINTED STATIONERY FOR 1903. I WE PAY FREIGHT and give you nice stuff. New line of samples" Just ready. Write us before placing your order for next year's supply. CAPITAL PRINTING CO.. Raltlfch. N. C. WANTED. Rv a vounsr man of ex perknoe. a position with pood lumber firm. Addrrss x. tr. B.. Box Klttrell, j WANTED- Position as stenogva-1 pner. jihvo nacr inree years expcii ence. Can give references. Adress Miss M., care Morning Post. We are in the market for the following N. C. Pine. 700,000 feet-lxlO 500,000 " 1x12 250,000 " 7-8x10 600,000 t " 7-8x12 to be delivered within three months. Also Shingles i and Laths for early delivery. JONES & POWELL, Raleigh, N. O. All Phones 41 and 11. B A R B E E C O - RALEIGK. V DURHAM. : .-: Vf - STOCKS,- - -,"'-- ;; COTTON, "" ' GAIN nnd . PROVISIONS. Direct Private Wire to New YorK and Chicago. CORSET WISDOH. Ask your dressmaker this -Question. Which is beiU fine sown m. ted over an old-style, ill-flttin . corset or medium-priced ron over a straight frant. flrst-class . corset. Yon know CJ vrr. W have only first-class corsets here-ROTAL WORCESTER. Wa li. NER'S RUST-PROOF. C. B. A LA SPIRITS. . V . 1 ".; - MHllltlHHtniMItt MUtn .Instahtaaeous'-quotatlons.- All transactions bona fide. Information coneerolDg tlie market c heerfully fornislied the public of RAleJgh ad sarroandins towns. Intewtate and Bell Phonos', No. 67. ALL " KINDS UDin. Make sofa pillows at home, entirely new idea: H to $13 weekly; mitirlals furnished. Xo ranv;sinr; steady work. Snd stamped addrees cl envelope. New Textile Manufac turin.c Company, Kric street. Chicago. V.'A NTFTD. By larjre banking corpora tion, first-class, enrprtlc husineia man. who can furnlfhj unquestionable references as to ability and integrity to take the nrmafcement of branch ofllce. Salary. 11.SC0 per year; must invest from Sl.OOrt to S2.00 in stock of corporation. The Chicago Brokr tiK Company, La Salle street, Chlcajro. tn HAVE the best facilities and con nections to finance attractive busi ness propositions. The ChlcaRo Bro kerage Co., 162 La Salle street. Chi- caro. LADIES Make sofa pillowa at home; i entirely new Idea: $S to 115 weekly; materials furnished. No canvassing: steady work. Send stamped addressed envelope. - Xew Textile Mfg. Co.. Erie St., Chicago. of Vehicles constantly ready for use, night or day. Cottage for Sale. My., cottage on j North Bloodworth Street for sale. Only i requires $350 cash; balance can be car ried at. 6 per cent interest. GUY V. BARNES. WE PAY FREIGHT Special sam ples; price include freight paid to your station. Write at once. ' CAPITAL PRINTING CO.. Raleigh. N. a NOTICE Of meeting of the Board of - vunty Commissioners at the Court Ifnnw Wednesday. Feb. 11th. at 7:3') .."clock n. m. to confer with the re presentatives of Wake- county about the proposed road law. It Is hoped that the public will take interest in the matter and attend the meeting. A. J. Green. Chairman. DIFFERENT FROM OTHERS New triable "Rubber Goods. Either sex. Enclose stamp for list. King Co., Car bondale. Pa. AGENTS $30 to $00 weekly easily made. We prove this. Luminous name I late, numbers, slpns readable darkest nights. Samples free. Right Supply o.. Englewood. III. SEND FOR FREE BOOK Facts and Figures, explaining option reading, tO.PO marrlns. 1.000 bu.. 2 rents. Os- lorn Grain Co.. IT Chamber Commerce. Minneapolis. Minn. WANTED At " once. experienced traveling salesman for North Carolina. We want a salesman; none other ned apply. Box 514.. Chicago. PORTRAITS finished for agents, pro tographers, merchants. In crayon, pas tel, sepia; good work: prompt services. Write for prices. Hyde Art Co., 433 .Wells St.. Chicago. $20 AND UPWARDS Invested in dividend-paying securities bring large profit. Send for "MONEY MAKERS. Agents wanted. REALS & DEALS, Nassau St.. New York. FOR SALE AT .A BARGAIN A jrood Grocery Business in a prosperous North Carolina town. Owner going Into other business. Address Business, care Post. . A SHOEMAKER can hear of a good opening -by addressing (enclosing rtarrp) Box "6. Laurlnburg. N. C. - LADIES VjM Reward for any case of obstinate, abnormal suppression In pathology, from any cause, my monthly regulator fall to relieve. Mall, harm less, veg.. safe. sure. How long sup pressed. $1.1KH reward for any other remedy advertised that will relieve one Jn 20 treated. Dr. Jackson Ti. Co Crilly Bldg.. Chicago. IIL .Corporation. Paid-up capital $rO.CO0. .WANTED Male stenographer, prefer one having some experience In In surance office. Write at once; state salary wanted. Insurance, care Morn ing Poet. VAUGHN'S PATENT BILLING SYS TEM Best and safest: saves work of almost one man in shipping depart ment; saves Journalizing: makes error In transferring Impossible. It will pay you to write about it. Jobbers and manufacturers, its for rou. CAPITAL PRINTING CO., Raleigh. 'N. C. ; i . . - . FORf .SALE. Farm containing 265 acres, more or less, in high state of cul tivation, situated about two miles from the city of Raleigh. For further par ticulars address , JOHN B. STRONACH. Raleigh.. N. C. Syphilis and results cured, at home. Write for blank. Guarantee plan. Lopez. Wichita Kans. J for ladies and gentlemen; Heavy hauling and excavations solicited. UPCHORCH & HOLDER. AoBoS trMachCo week: THIS EXCLUSIVE SHOWING IMPORTED J WANTED Hustlers to seel our new patented Fire Extigulsher. Sells at sight and gives satisfaction.' One sales. man has already made $9,000. this year. You can do as well. Write today to A. 100, Box 272. Raleigh. N. C. tf. Notice Notice Is hereby given that. the Gen eral Assembly of North Carolina will be asked to Incorporate The Carolina Savings, Provident and Life Assurance Company. Notice Is here given that applica tion will be made to the next general assembly of North Carolina for an act to Incorporate the Raleigh and Eastern North Carolina Railroad Company. Nolle Notice is hereby given that applica tion- will be made to the present ses sion of the General Assembly for the' passage of an act amending the char ter of the Carolina and Tennessee Southern Railway Comoanv. " - H. W. MILLER, Secretary. January 10. 1?03. i4- Burpee WANTED A bookkeeper- Apply to 31. G. care this office. .WELLINGTON TYPEWRITER from Canada; Just arrived: best, cheapest, most simple, visible writing machine on earth: rash or installments; In terstate 'phone 253. Address "agent, Raleigh, X. C W1 'E carry the largest stock of RUBBER. GOODS fn the city. Every article brand new. Rubber Gloves, atk Caps, Dusting Caps, Hot water Bags, rountam and Bulb Syringes, Atomizers FingeF Cots and everything in the rubber line. CR0WELL, M'LARTY&CO., Prufs'ala, Home Euildin;. : Sweet Peas New lot seed. Last .chance to plant for early flowers. Ii I C K ' S Drug. Stores. Of Necessity Look for the largest dealers to consume their enormous output and sell- to the dealer at a lower price than small factories can make them. We represent as directory factory agents several of the largest piano and organ factories in the world, and our nrices on first class instruments are the lowest offered in North Carolina. You will find here a large and varied stock to select from, no second hand j j . uuus uucreu as new ones. Everything as represented or money remnded. The Latest Styles ClotHing', , tSHoes, Hats CAN BE FOUND AT . . Whiting Bros, " . - .,-' New Goods received every day. - A large stock of-Underwear at popular prices. See their line of tailoring samples. . r ON TIME! You have" of ten ex11 Derienced the satis fied feeling which comesto one, when about to take a train and It is reported endure a tedious wait of 30 or more minutes. It is equally as provok ing to send your laundry out and have it come in a day late. Our motto and practice is always on time - Send our clothing to us and .we will - deliver it when promised. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, J. K. MARSHALL. "Prnrvrmf rr - -3 RIGHT BACK YOUR MONEY GOES If we fall to secure you a position after completing our bookkeeping and shorthand courses. Attend the school that can . and will help you. Wliat we can't do for you can't be done elsewhere. You know about us. Don't re main idle. Wake up and come to us. Get our proposition. We can help you. Address, . , - V KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE -330 rletteville Street.. .. .. .. .. .. iRalelgh, N. C. 75c to 5)3.00 yard - . NEW LINES - Silk Striped Albatross IN RESEDA, GRAY, LIGHT BLUE. GREAM. WHITE AND GREEN. 75c. YARD. ALBATROSS 1 Carolina Trust Company. CAPITAL STOCK, 100,660.00. 9 - - TRUSTS;"XOANS. BANKI NG, SAF EDEPOSITS. Transacts a GENERAL BANKING and SAVINGS BANKING BUSI NESS; also acts as Financial Agent for the floating of Stocks and Bonds of MUNICIPAL, RAILROAD, COTTON MILLS and other corporations. Acts as EXECUTORY ADMINISTR ATOR, GUARDIAN, TRUSTEE. ' AS SIGNEE. RECEIVER, BROKER. AGENT.. - Interest paid on Deposits In Saving s Department. - . "HOME SAVINGS" boxes, strong a nd convenient, furnished without cost to vou. ; " ' - '' ' ' : : ' OFFICERS. W. W. Mills, President; Leo D. Heartt, Vice President and General Man-agerr-Robert C. Strong, Trust Officer and General Counsel; William Hayes, Cashier. - - i -' i" V.i ' ! DIRECTORS. J axnes Webb, J. ID.' Rlggan, Charl es B. Hlart, Alexander Webb, ' Julius Lewis, Leo D. Heartt; Fi T. Ward. W. W. ' Mills, Allen J. Ruffln, W. C. Petty,. P . R. Albrigh? and Robert C.fStrongl Offices in Carolina Trust Building, Raleigh, N. C. ' ' . .... r Cm x CpUPON NOTICE Mechanics aiid 'Investors Union gives notice to the owners of the Full Paid j Coup6n Certificates, that the December Coupons will be naid on presentation . i at. the Commercial -and- Farmers Bank of Raleigh on and after Saturday, De j cember 20. 1902. j The Company also'glves notice that they will sell a limited number of these Six Per Cent $100 Coupon Certificates with 20 Semi Annual Coupons. ) dated f January 1. 1903, for a cash payment of $90.00. These Certificates will be re- oewnea on aeraana ac cost, wun vaiue or coupon to aate or redemption, or by the payment of J100 Cash at the end of ten years. ' . ". GEORGE ALLEN. Secretary. Raleigh. N. C. R. H. BATTLE. President. ALEXANDER WEBB. VicePresIdent.v . CHARLES ROOT. Sec. and Treas. The North Carolina Home Insurance Company r OF RALEIGH. N. C. ESTABLISHED 1863. The Leading ITorth Carolina Company. Over $1,000,000.00 Losses Paid in Korth Carolina Insure your property against fire and lightning in this "old and reliable company. m It is a home instltalion. seeking home patronage; it has been success- - . 'u "umu ir nuie 4iuu lumj ..cars, n is saie, fioiia. reliable and worthj of confidence. In patronizrog it you help to boild up North Carolina. A-ent vanted in unoccupied territory. , SOLID COLORS IN WHITE, LIGHT BLUE. CAN ART, .v t PINK. NILE GREEN. 0c. Yard. Cream and White Henrietfr;; 25c. and 50c. Yard. Cream Lansdowne $1.00 to J1.25. , . . CREAM IMPERIAL SERGE AND MOHAIR. 75c. yard.' CREAM CREPE CLOTH BROADCLOTHS. POc. to J1.23. CREAM MELROSE AND VOIL, 25c yard. . Tailormadi Suits at Cost. . Bi Sitatoiiacli Coo Fa-yotteville 2tnl Wilmixiton Sts. A L CELEBRATED TI ', l ..' . CI'-. - - - ' - --- ....... i 4 wee aisn. k azors ! r J The Finest HAMBURG . Concave RAZOR IN THE WORLD. No finer Razor cn be made at any prices Delivered anywhere in the United States for $2.00. T. H, Briggs & Sons, RALEIGH, N. C 1 0 Black and -White DARNELL & THOMAS. RALEIGH, N. C. j OFF 25 pr. cent. QFF : MiMng9 Pants, Shiirts 0 0 0 mmm Th& Two Greatest Lines of Dry Goods To d-ay are the Black Goods and White Goods Hats, Caps, Under- wear EE and Over Coats & BROUOti TON I - 209 Fayett eville Streei Our Stock is Unusually Large in these Lines and the ; , Goods are All New. . . r Our 50, 7.1. $1.00, H.25 Black Goods In dude all the new weaves as veil .11 the staple weaves, ,- , In Wh ite Goods We show, niriy exclusive patterns of Mercerized Walt goods at 3 1) and 5c a yard. ""This; stock is largrer than ever before. Our Business Has Increased ,- So "u. duH" ; Pst two yearR that we . have had to put in xwr.vr . lines of better goodg than heretofore and for this eprins we say. that no ntcU showB better goods than we do. 41 Elegant assortment of Embro!deriies and Insertions from 5 to Ma We will be pleased to show you the good and price them. & Cwt Mertiz street, RALEIGH, N. C, 1 1 -