t. IV, v 4 TRINITY toi.i ur;; I cloudy, rain late ; in the afternoon j or at night. F 1 Temperature for the past 24 hours; Mm, 31; Max. (Y hi 0 Vol. XI. EALEIGH. N. C. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 27, 1903 POST 4 l ; 0. s rmltmn - . ' - : " " : " - . A FilibEster Mow Oe Author of the Fairbanks 68am Requtsted Wacate the Editorial Tripod Other Washing , ton Notts at Bbtli EMs of C&Sita! ,;. sum. Feb. il. Special. A flli- Tho question, as to who trill be the! rural delivery ngent over a newiy es- ! tabilshed route leading from Loulsburg ' has developed a lUely fight that al most equals the Charlotte contest, which waged sofercely for a time. Sev- - - iw 3T -1 II1UUC 111 1 III 1 - - . . . . . mm- r - . . t ne3 neaKer aca Jiescea.. dui was aD.e . n a furoA. shnmAfiii cnoitifi .- (iitoivinir a seen it an.i in - - . , rt.,no.. -1. T '"Y4 to count only 187. - v. ... i 1 11 j nia. row Jority In the district.-by showing that j married a plural wife in the state of with three exceptions in twenty years ! Utah, and since rvh plural or polyga the Democrats had carried it; that the Irnoue marriage the t Reed Smoot Republicans were hopelessly divided, has lived an J cohibitated with both his J so much so that Wagon tr was not j legal wife and his plural wife In the nominated, but ran upon ' nomination istrte of -Utahand elsewhere as occa-j tpper. In order to get the honest voe c.Terev!.' j cast In the district he nsseite.1 that it j The only record of the plural mar- j 'was not retespary for th majority to j r; -re,, 'ho petition says, is a secret re-? have thrown out 12.CCC vote?, and dis-iCt: (, Jr the, "exclusive custody and rornol of the :lrs presidency an d the '.Mr. DeArrrond c.-cuplsd ; he closing ; quorum ' of the .tweive 'apostles of the 13 chtirr;. of -.which, the s.i'l Reed A Rand to Build . : Public Scfeoollionsej j franchlsed ha?f of tfce.dm'rict. wnen Mr. iticnaruson. me .ueraocrai.c i i ...... ..4 vi -. n A ; itcrr, mu:nul.iw,u.ni,u iUf '"-nlne minutes of the hour bc-loralrer to point of no quorum. "The constitution Mn Fcely ,n denounrtn the RepuMi requires thep re?eijce of 'a'quorum io cans for their -contenplateJ a-iion in, .do business said he. . ! . ! unseating Butler. Ke characterized 'It Thereupon , Mr. notlfld the Republicans that from that rvr.,t is t-ne," and the Senate corcmlte tee Is urssl ;o ;c "inpe! the rhurch to; i r v"c thie secret ior the cor -i-iiera-; il-i of iii-;rt-nftte.-- - ".- f Vhen''?tnaor-elect Smoot w-:s honn dared I th Payne, the Republican leader, moved.'ajtime until the speoker announced U:e ja copy of this document he dec 1 SeC' 8 icnll of the Hou?e, and upon that mo--t House adjourned sine die .the .Demo-; emphatically: ' -a" " . Ulon the Democrats forced a" roll call. .; cfats would - be found doing: all that "It is an" infamous lie. I have it is threatened to tak th?' POBtmJltr. ircnsral r t " .'tlon the Democrats forced a rou call. .; cfats would - be found dolnsr all that "It is an" infamous lie. I have but ; w. jiununaj, a uemocrat. stood w. j (.va i v , u. . i . , . , - j ne can oi ine iiuu:e wu urucreu me i uics jjcj iiuitru iuciii io ao io pre- 'one vue. iiievtr cuiuxiriru a iiiuiu "v n,u oi ine . ,--.."-i'uuii more wno A . . . . - i vpnt rnnfilitlnn nf hir,co t v Jth rnly five dajs of tho -TT-IM for the place, and naturally , jiMion rrmalnlnr Kwv... the boinl tit' t !tr.ln.V "t'.C" . i . ! - . ".'uaiii '"iiit 10 ii i i i v ruiai ! iiiv 1 1 vii i iuhj inp oia ittnrj ;",r'7 iTnice seieciea lum-for ap $200,000 Available and to Be Loaned to the Varicus Counties -No Change in 'Pilotage ..laws Work of the S'ale Stnate Yesterday In the Senate "yesterSay-thirty adJl- 237 to 0. . vent consideration of business and to marriage, and I defy-these p3op e to Mr. Payne thne moved to di?pan e f now to the' country the infamy of name cr produce the poly7nmous wife tional new bi!:s were intrwluccd, and l with further proceedings under the the proceeding. thry accuse-me -of possessing, or. of forty bills were pat-red, one oiily bc- "wnrrv l,vr; nnX!1 ".IT that HJ!"OU'ay uas noes 9S. Mr. Richardson demanded marks, sought to Interrupt DeArmond man with whom I have ever cohabi- Among the new bills introduced was ' .;ffri" C"'rjTr . r vMXf: tellers and the rpcaker 'sustained Mr. th a quesUon as. to the legality of tated except my legal wife.". - : one by' Senator Henderson relative to ,h r-u k- : -t!k 1 , - 1 i'ayne'a point or order that the demand ..vu...mi.w wUl ucv.im- "n r.a.-.d.o wv iW- ine noiams or extra terms or court. rv. . ..hi. may re necensarj-. j Timber la k has bei, here for a week LVfi .1 .,-.. . ... -.- . e.d. invelghins against the "impudence, dent Joseph : P. Smith, the president of This bill amends the reent In- : "Then I demand the ayes "and na' V assumption, -assurance . gal the 1 sense tlic Mormon church, M living in open to make more certain the payment of said Mr. Richardson. "That Is our con- of JnJu8tl.ee of the gentleman who is polygamy, and has a .'child. born to him the judges holding the ppeclal .terms. titutlon-U rlffht." " j itryms to ride trouzh thod over the by his plural wife as late as I59S. The Democratic side arose en mase . , . , . ... . , ... . . .. . his time, when he had onli- nine min- O-r in th. House the D-mo- Holloway is turnM down. Ju Ire "lirn i" :"P?,? . .i " . T,T utes, by frivolous -questions." ....... . . "Tiac.nns purned the; matter before . t--,.- . ,,-oo amount to i:s crt .annually returned proviuea me entire ..rigi-ul priiul ,IK1 Is Ittane.l ..;t. This (VOuM then bt iin lo u-.rd-ihun m jtablifhlng a kln.l'of n,... rh iln jloan fund for bu!:dm? j... .j,,,,, houses all over tli h'al.-. The fund Wo-.ild ! - ; 'present, and yt t. a s a io ivor f tr .:;ou t -.malnlr.g idle and u, Uu tre.isury. "t.r it is a l",;'a.J of r 4 up It 1. Th. 't."tf board ( iur jjf-rtmii announced that i h worVin- tn rr.-r,MCK tih r. ty with Colombia woiHd " mval. His efforts have- been stoutly ratifW at this session, and i resisted by P.epresentative E. W. Pou. k. gv.l his thrvat the presi-jwho declares that ho will appeal the . .. .... , Fpci ti ens? to the civil rcrviro commission if rr.Ti a orpo; atto.i receive doiatio::f .tn 1 i -lii Si-hool pari-ai '.j. i. . biil comes 'up for j. nate at 1 o t. :..v Thr dctnlld re- ... ; , . l He fn.it in t.s t, lti is !. ..'..rl7.o 1 ti i for p.;t : 'r.'.r 111. it r ocink the county the ex'tent of the several h In t ho r,-t nfr.M. iri. . . in th un?atinr of ?Jr. ninir ' T . 7:". ried zzz to 1. i t .i - . ' "a nas now carried tne fig..t -' s. hi that boay are such that ,;irt i s-.,,.,.. a :,!s!b:o totop the wh-e.s , t .htn of th rnra, de:ivcry ystem D IX Oten stood'the nest best cxamlnu- I the rolL Mr. Payne's motion was car- At the conclusion i of debate Butler was unseated-by a party vote. j Another. by Senator "Wellborn, p'o- jvides that railroad companies, may if ' V Titer Ami t in Spain's War Bills Madrid, Feb. 26. The minister sue Tree passes erans. ' ' The bill to revise to Confederate ve There wa no p St.lt t'ttl.JtflM . . and ,! navigation arm pnoiagre taws or tnc tktl to Ilolfoway. but the'cppolntmsnt i-..:!.r f.-mall bill? will fall by . . 'a m f Kji rAai I f v Ka li? approprlatl.ii bill.4 will be ' , nhlV- "nher republican. ! thuah. The situation tonight S- tlc?,5CfU ,Mr JJ Thomas of Louis- . extra session of the Sen- !,Urf. hilf hrr,: for Mvernl d,ys i:i .'ir. imi:oy.ay s inieresr. i.t thT may bo a chance in C. W. Jennings, a shiper in .Gre?ns l":o. X; i. toclay filed a comp.aint with th?.iiIr?tat,o .comn3rco. wmmlii. . - i i!.-u fr by Isnac $1. Mecklnr, slon. alleging that the Southern Rail - . ! :.t of the onpany thnt p:xbllrh- way Company Is dally Violating th? at nry time. :;-.ition of Roscoo Mitheli. ;hc r.;;zi'Kth City Carolink.n. The next business in ordr ,wns tha j reading of the journal. The Democrats 1 had intended to demand the comple ! reading of the journal, the speaker, an ticipating this, created a sinlle by dl re fu clerks of the president and the Senate, who had been in the hall, for, an hour, awaited patiently an opportunity to de liver their messages. t a f r th .1 J.l.jit-i.. aii'fdovonidi Tji;i-i oil i-.oi lo, tl rfadiri;? of th'. .. .i:m ,,s ih. pfi inc: r.ct of th-? Ks. SM03T -.THE-MORMON ,i. - f Cape Fear river and the ports of t il- of the Philippine and Cuban wars. The ion, T"d frothport wa Riven an- ; The Senate -km1" read lhe Journa!;',n i Charges Against th New ill." While this w.as proceeding1, . a benator trom U'ah Washington, Feb. 26. Charges were today formally filed with the Senate j total cost of these wars was 2,500,000, 000 pesetas (?J7$,590.0tO-. The accounts will shortly be presented to parlia ment. Treasui-y officials allege that st e of the officers misused large films. These statements have caused a i f.en.Hution. "Further developments are exp?ted." It is pof5sib!e that trials by court-martial of the. officers xharged v.ith the misuse will follow. business, and after eonsirable debate the bill was tabled. moro Ji.-'twrt" from tli s jcomndttees we:-e c:- de?k and ...th bUs xne most important m&uer. prouaoiy. i p.ncei on tnc n;- i;. that claimed the attention of the Sen-i The b!li;i report'' J in Tl: i : I' t Io onlf-r X t up to t!'- !-r!t'( " i p . i r w irt ate was not finally disposed of, vis. i' terdsy rts hr.vir-v ' oi l'i. t t o l. Senator Henderson, for the commit- enrolled were. rriiM.-d After the Battle d the reading- of worn statement, siened bv J. T.. Ti- Clmrlpston. VC. Vn.. FeK 2f?. Denutv me ouis ana resolutions introduced ljch. "nwsr.rint mnrown the journal consumed twenty minutes. that Reed Sm the recentlv eleete(I At the conclusion of the reading Mr. penator from ,Utahf , i9 a .polygamist. Pavne moved its nnnmvnl Viot Mr ot. .. . . :...r-r. Mitchell's tiffenso Is thnt "lon and short haul oJnnsp" of ti ..;w..i.... . ' . ' ' . 1 iney were presenrea in tne rorm or a r " 1 jwenarason aemanae r -:r.'T-i u i-aironnRw rootn ;cr irnernu:;i Interstate commerce act. . i .. r r i . .. i - ..ri . . . i . t . .w . . . - . -- ... i.. jiiiiiii. ii irwrini i'im-- 1.0:1 ruiiiinm Eiivx tnr.i mp rait or car- . . a . .-. -.-- ..-..- ,.r- tMe l!n.Mov:t artmlnl,. i.vi i.t- ,., . -v. . ?vrru-. k Wr saw mat we Fans and electo:.1 of Utah." The daeu- brought .ten of the Raleigh county - t, -,r, called to ,,ttr. bv the -h.,-,, - r ' VT- " nal n0t V"? I'tk. to ; read ,ment. which consists of 13 wunts. was here th's Trornlrrg and lodged tftem in .. .. .;,.nl,l nh.,h i. :w.kI ;k; "IZ. l.?e-..aaac"',a' ,f .n heU draw,, up by General W. VV ..,...... ..Atntt.-Mi . rt.it Mr. . . w QlrHl tho ' to read them. Mr, ot the law farm of Michener & .'. T V ' ;V-C . . " l pn pp ,ru,n V"r,rsiun wnen- mchardson in ivtel and they wera of this city. i ..- :.- usi'toi .i t.i- nurj:. a-, a ioi!cr nwtance. tne trans v itltout a fight. He win no. r.- rortation bolnc made under slmi:ar read the - nd he contend that he not only coalition. The compKMntnt says that , Bad u t. w snpnort ot in majoruy oi in? th, discrimination is in" violation of mom-., . - - " - - - - - -- - , ri The chairman of the North Carolfna tee, reported a bill, introduced by Senator White, to create the' State Lit jerary Fund, to be known as tb; State I Loan Fund in aid of building school 'houses, and asked that it be put upon its several readings and 'passed at once. nosso ,, . . T. , . .ii i ! Ry Senator Mtlitd" t'v r .n.vt)- vu 'v reading by Senators Beasi,jy and Hicks ! , .... ... , ,. , mob - Sixteen pttU.uas fro,,, Ht!o of I Ml.. the time being: and nifulc the special IVill nn. t'r.t.rl'.t i Ry Sonnto;- M.-l'.rydc (!jv i -.if st Petition signed by.tun ...t i. of Cob'-i ion county rro,u tf u- ti . . t r. iij . the county f .-.t from l,i -ni.., ton u Penibroke. i Dudley, jail on -chiryea of -vlolatina an injunc- order for tQdav (Frjday) at x 0-cack. k Dudley tion in order of the United States Th-g ,g a mQ8t lmportant bill and the ! court. S5x.ty-or.e are held by state au- . oplnIon of senators is that it eson county piotrtin .i..iiu't the t-e moval of the county n-t'. By Senator Prltch irrt--I'i titlort frntt J. W. Graham ag:i(nst r-.;t. no-, o, city limits fof Rnlt-lwh) s-o ,i to in-lud :the property of a ward. New (It. I lot r -'iirMt Xew bills continue to invrd the St-n . riv year lease on the paper a " ' Mitchell arrived In Washing- Conwratl0ft Commission.- Franklin Mc .! ... ; .ir.ii nnnouuecu iaai ne mwni v?i to t-l!t a FairlvHiiks rlr In V- ;". :. 'in.?. Ir'.r-iirily Mr. "Mitciiell came here to . ii'M nini iuu jii - liiimiita u. : . iiiia uij5esa an ia.K.e no action uioroiu.s ui xjecKiey uiiut-r .iiiiiiiita ui ought to paS without a dlsffentjng ?elln 1hstj;m to rVoi---. -an i ed taklne the oath wtfien th nv- Sn- nf thf hjitttp tVwlnpsrt.iv mnrnine. and . . , . . . . . . , . " . , " v : " . " : . : , as senator, tienaerson expiainea, tne t later. wh?n Mr. I'ayne renew- ale meets, but. by filing the document sixteen wounded are accounted for. .... ,in.n, .i,, ,v,v for - utilizing In a nis motion, ne exenamred sliaro now, it constitutes a cnanse asainst me dosho captured, nearly iou euns, w . . . .., : ti words with Mr. Richardson. Mr. his eligibility to hold his seat, which pistols and .a ton of ammunition. .&t present locked up in the state yestert'ay Pa-ne said he made the. motion as will have to be investigated at the, ' --- treatmrv (derived from the . sale of j Ry Senate W. lb- S.. It. H :,:-. bit v..t Uii ..v.w w. v...a . .-v.-.- vix.o.w. v. vv-v...... school laiws, etc. , some. ?60.000 pf it le- supplemental to .tct fnnMi.;atory oj cthT side to V-1ay proceedings, and all Hcally: , , r . 1 After examiivition "of witnesses . here m , h an1 the bah,ncin good the stock law of :if ou rc i .v. . -i Xell!. wrote a 'letter to' the comm s; on requ:Ung that the rcxlres sought be granted. , 11 Senator Simmons v. ill report the nom- ,n,-nc De mace. . I ana inai since tne anmis.ion or nan . cnarges nrougnt against unitea states Payne, added that if the ' previous ir,TO ine ion or states, ne, aitnougn commissioner iienaerson or w iiKes- nation of J. Ti. AlbrlghC as postmas- r.'i th- mretlng of the National Re- V;-'.lur'h3 saw Senator Fairbanks ter at Mount Airy. to. the Senate com- question were not . insisted . on there Rnd there having, a legal wife, boro for dirolection, of duty, i :d an interview with h!,n. After wit tee on post offlces Monday next. He would doubtless be other and many , ' . n . v . . ni... n n . . .-.n t'f'flllf.Qf tj 1 1 1 f't .rfert tl-irt 4-io rn 1 In -.- ' " 7"-" ' ' . Iloolvr Statesman nC was "ill mi: ivmi;iiuir: ly jiass ujiwn - --..vw ... - j.wv.., ... . :. the ard-nt in his support of the es?. The only charge against AI- ier IO protract tne uoiay mauguvptcd j - ir vnirh.!n. i not .li.niiu;intf- brleht is that he . was imnorted to j ik: jwami aaa usuai y ; i rcji lcnttal candl-Ja.iT in any caso. Mount Airy and is only a temporary beeu un lo h" co.rrect. and there was rr.my r-eop!" believe that he will be resident. Several petitions protesting j h r.?cc Hg iint Mr. Roosevelt. ngainst the appointment, are on fte. 'r. ?.litrhcll was elected a member Ka:n Marshall, who has been here work- th- committee on organization at fj-.g in his brother's behalf, saw Sen- . . . . i n n0 V. A. 1 ; , . 1 u.oAlfitirn . . ...... rtit.-.lc .Kfmnv. Via ' 'i. "7 ,7; u3, ....v. .,u. rpcord of House, and 'Mr. Und uftvmAnn A resolution Was ill- n .f1 Avnm tfM nrwl otlior mfm- - . " ' ; , JT":. " ,Hrt " " ' .. . , . wood, Mr. Richardson's . lieute . .... r..... ucrs. ui toui: ir, ' ' ' was lustily shouting that !.2 . tte for rretldcnt In 14. J.r. tn the fight unless the charges arc 5f f ...... . vi'.s'il anl the Mrglnla. Maryiana -.jfctfrnt irrnort to warrant an un- -vl Tenn"sse delegates opposed its favorable report on confirmation. -ion was deferred I until to- nortllnatIon of 5avid Kirby Pope m-. h,n the me opposition.! Vr f h ,nt at charlotte r,,tf,.t it.lf. President s ne- fl by the Senate, but !!ir ! r- this I. not the name of the nP- i v. things the resolution denounces nznin oewr uir i ... .. j n-.i.l nn.t iftt nt:!n.- ,v ...nfi.A i.rva ndonted by soutnem "'" v - . .. I .'recent years. The date for the fa I term or tne -... ,.. ia ,-m,.,-,n1Pnt on foot amon . Wllkcsboro court collects wlth the cf the southern editors to hold A-hcville court.-and the dui 1111 nae i -t :umual meeting at Ashevllle, to be remedied, though 'this cannot be, i- done at this session or congress no reason to suppose it - was different today. He then moved the previous amid' a storm of protests from the Democrats that he was cutting, them off from an opportunity to- perfect the r- nant, .anted The previous question was ordered yea's 154. nays 12. The question then came on the ap proval of the journal. Mr. Richardson demanded a division, but before this could be ordered Mr. Payjne got' In with iFire; in Cincinnati " Consumes Two Millions bonds. The purpose is to' loan this 'money j. .By Sepntor Raid v. it: s. it. p.;.i-r'! out to the various tcouiity boards the relief of V". C. Itrowr. n ' -r. d of education (who, with the state board crate veteran; ponin!i inn!ri,t':. . of education, are made responsible for j Hy Senntor Hoy-s. v.. l Ci -To nt kuch loans) for the purpose of erecting thorlze ClcvrUnd ron.tv oMnni. Ion. public school houses wherever needed, ers to tie surpln-i In ,. i i o r..tj Opera House ank Many Busi- r ncss Places Burned--An Actor Saved by Using a Cuff and a leacl Pencil An Interest rate of four per cent, is' to be charged, which together wiU, ten per cent, of the principal borrow ed, is to be paid back into the Htute treasury annually, whch would treasury raided by i: i il inx, fnr ".'. purposes; i countk", - i I - .ir.d lo.nt committee. - By Senator Glenn F. 1!. V .'. t ;:it (Continued on S(xfh i'.vr. i Cincinnati, Feb. 26. This city was been playing at tho Pfke this week, is over., double that of 'the .Pike Stock ('ompanj.. , ' ,." The front 'stoiie walls of the Pikfi building and those -of the adjoining j structures, owned by Robert Clarke & Co., the Dtthume Bros, jewelry sto e and the Seasongood building withstood the heat and did not fall. The rear walls of thc?e . Ftructures, however, The Day Devoted. To: -Passing' Bills a demand for the yeas and nays. Again today visited by the most destructive j -which are of brick, gave LegiS'Qtion Carried on Under Difficulties Democrats In Congress Re taliate on the Republicans for Unseating a Rep- restntalive from Missouri the roll was called, resulting years 143, nays 61. . " ' Before the r?sult was announced Mr. Underwood changed his 'vote for ' the purpose of moving a reconsideration. This de did. when Mr. Payne made the I point that the motion was dilltory. Speaker Henderson (while Under wood was striving to be heard). The chair sustains the point or order. Mr. Underwood From that decision I appeal. Speaker Henderson And the chair declines to entertain the appeal, as .Kill tTt- f '"."' umaivi ..... Thus the Journal at 2:40 o'clock was finally approved. are ii iia uuiviji ii aouru -.nc me tuning nours. time soon after midnight in the I'ixe.j . The fire swept across the alley known building, in Fourth street," bewee:,'; as Baker street and burned the ia:g- .Vine and Walnut, and destroyed one- publishing house of the American Book half of a square in the territory bound- Cotr. party and other piop?rly along Ba- . ed by Vine, Fourth, Walnut and Ha- ker street, and did -great damage to her streets. The loss is now estimated the 'telephone, exchange building, so at more than two million dollars; but, that all phones in thee ity were cut as there are "inore than 400 diffeieni off for some time. . sufferers, it Is difficult to get closer As it i3 known that about twenty .figures. , 'Tscp!e sleep In the Pike building, tere The burning embers were carried for were -at first .reports that several live? miles, the Kentucky suburbs being cov- had been lot, but norw of these re- . ered with them. ports have been confirmed. There were, -The fire departments of Newport, however, ..-narrow e cap s ' N'g t Covington and other eKntucky to.-.ns. Watchmen'. ' John ' Asln and Garros, n way with Act to Incorporate th? Town of Williams, Yadkin Coun County Revenue Bill Passes Second Reading- No Let Up in New' Measures measure intrrdyVvd in 'thf F'-nnte by Senator rj -.iiJI. . 1 -. ra. mi l ""-i;l by that bo'iy. Dr. Al'vi '' r. i: j..'.i.,l can. elri tcd as ;mi t'l'V j. ti-Si-ut to ihe House from Tyt r !I c-1 i' .m amendment provMI-if; to. t ih p pln of Tyrrell .court v i mI-x i I to ot on the proportion. Mr. Watts of ir. urr-d-tl.r llcr.in to stand by Senator 5-'rj .!!' .11 i-.i.d pass "it as It ciii'.v Ii ' Senate. Senator Fpruill from Tyrn II ftrd ' Democrat. Mr. H'oir.t of V.'3i.hlnjcou also oppasd th :ttm-:i .r." a.J told .: -lo; In i ii'j ' Mr ,,eo i Mr widsworth of Vew York chair- promptly to the assistance of th.- end Harry 'Rlchardaon fftved sx !i-s ready crowded condition rof the caien .Of IwtwWn Jit.' y;-' 'rta'JS. and lt was nooa bpfore wl?tl18 bulIIin-' f rcin makes the end of the session : t e Testerday was a" busy day In the House. There was little talk Induljcd In by of the sorry o;j v.vi kn the members, but a flood of new bills town of- Colun.ll... ..I ,d 'n roc it -,r fntro-iiicPd. which, ulth- the al- house. In v.-hi. h i!.ir-!. ; "f kept Sturk away u : n ' u.' n olfl goous bo.rt-s, ll-tt't ' to. I-: ('. f'l by lire. ' -lie' l.fp-.-1 i-i"'"'-' W1 ' 1 vote down thr- an. i In -' r.t .ii..l n -t:i.lv the e re. tlon of .'i f rt hv.n-. opg way off, despite the fact nave p.anr, "" amendment in gross, and ask. a con- Iioue in tne comu... . - ference thereon. . ; . erulins of the fkial sevs'on of an ex- 4 At the word -unanimous," Mr. Rich piling Congress, we rge our?e.es ardgon and SCVeral other Democrats. de rive ,:ie constitutional limit for pay soon: expire.' ;.-.- a that will had the fire un- v av thro.h. he r.;o::e, I leic at wcr.i a i ai.irm ana re.-ruig tie o .per is of sur.'ounumz laen- were- airlf-ep; m 3 rea ioom. buildings and a general conflagraiio-i were rescued by having, the.r -dr-or There .3 yet much tvork to b? done. jr. Ai'x-nwf. was narrowly averted. Jo-eph Schaef- broken in. The revenue bill has passed the House been- a mer.-.b-r ' ' t er and John Keenan were serloulv in- The e-hi? of "Will" Jon? s. the wel! on its second reading and after to- that he U'. i r1ured hv falling walls, but thev both known Cincinnati' a'c'tor. jasf before the morrow' will be in the hands of the .sent any cour.ty d I O ' -y f ledged themselves in ' that a nuorum Is present at a ". - durinr the remainder of the fvs 'n b:1 to demand a roll call on all - ber. This action was taken In .::tin of the actioaof the Repub- in rfportlm: a resolution fnr the .-tinr vt ItciTesentative Butler and 1 .i , ...f w..-nnpr. The caucus r .i . . t' I to stand togpther In support of the de- mandei thai regular order. ."Did the 'will recover. Although there are re- roof of the Pike building iefl, was. Senate where in three days '. It ..can elected him. jj .y . Trr,rrflts a nni of a ouorum at ' .Mi..n hir tho ppniiest?" Eweetiv norts of ner?ons benr missine. it is thrilling and almost miraculous. Jore become law. provided no amennments u"ir' .h;-11 ' ' irui.KiiJii. reu. - 1 1 hi .1 v. .v. - . -" -...- .... - - v .i orntatlves to- all times for the transaction of busl- ase Speaker Henderson of Mr. Rich- not thought that any lives were lo t ii m a wa av. v v . m . a -. . . a. hi.ii a ... . . ioo n. recornea Tea ana amson. witnout repiyin me laucr ine names caucu. i -very-thin upon which the House -aj deflantly: "I demand 'the regular ..morning II. - .. . . A .W. .flr.. n.1 f of .idtfium- : " " ' "i Trfa'a tr-r-nr..- in tVi e.fivl hla lifp .TnniS WPnf tO thp Mltft . snail aa up i n. v.. - I ' .v., ... .... 7 . .. r oa,r.r, i.i.r.inr f-wtpd her V, r - : . ... i -m ki. tMi,. A,. nnuv ihem l.n inn- ahnnr "tn 1n ITnt IO CP! a va- ii6i." t-r-.-.. v ...r " - ' - ment. - propping me usncuiiunu viu ou-:ua ,f c uu..Ui..b. - ' '& .r7 . .... . .... w i,, hin in? in th,. tv and that h" siuam ui " " - . .. , tlni.on ThcrA will l-io rlnrnn rii-inrmi.. nianv OI liVUCl . . 1 V- ..... --- .0-v". ...... - tion to it, and there is no telling how county. , nPProp " ..... ! i. JL-. .!n.Hnn a rA nnrcnfl nt v.n- ilmo n fnr sovoral Vinui- ncarlv 111 i ndifl rind . it., ro'iit tnat no puoruiu iium: u;i r-uuu ... iii.n. h.ij v.. .- - - " : -i.x ... Ainntmi is, to a consiiiuiiuiia iiiitc. vi . n.c ine nre lanea iicret-ij. nam n-- v.. tlitr .-r-fr.. . - .. . vv .of Jl ii- hu t !- f ' r :i ;!' 1 t" iff tli on . -1 v.Mli 'nil ,. Hi i.t liU p o !,v tv-:ri!f' j Dropping the agricultural bill on his Pike building. r,COT f T1ind. -vrbich -led him to are appended by that body. The fin- "Tid an he f-tf ... t . . . , , . ... i . . i. nla 1 in olln-j-irl to S . tnis throw nis curt into ir.e - street i-vv a"'""''"" .,.. ..... ,.,.. .i.f- fj about l:?0 O'clock In the eel- and thus make his whereabout known, machinery act , . . ' T " , V. hrtll, ii, ,.,ld l,r um. George Joffe's grocery, in the saved his life. Jones went to- the PlKe' rora nu.uus v r iu.u. ' ,t Tvrr-U roun- r,tf or the ed The filibuster was promptly besrun in desk, the speaker said: VThe . gentle- was an explosion, supposed to have Use which he had left in a studio of ie Houe When the -pt-akrr announc- men from Pennsylvania." Thereupon been from liquors in storage, and the an artist friend on the fourth fioor. I that th journal wouW be read for i Mr. Olmsted said: .. . flames saon shot through the roof of After entering he was so tired that . t,s-i.-t- ftf Tfimo-- "Mr. SDeaker. as directed by the com- the six story stone front building, and he fell asleep. . When he awoke he was .(i tin. 1 inr :!:? In the us I n- I see was present. Fuffocating. He He went up to slstanee of Dr. .Mx.-ii'!r W:L3 1 ' I . " 7 ... . . V j O x Jl a 1 a . .... a- ,It . . . a( l- i -r 'i Vl-fl c sit-.-..i. mo:-c than one nun- - . ATr. Psxtip hlKncst cnaracter. x aemanu iiiMntuic The riKe ouiiding was aestroyec, in- tne rooi, ju ia.iKu(, "" ' - i u. vt. rntiom-lnf rcsoiu- . . . M If ' V 4 - 111. ftHoi-ied. with but to ... On this motion -lr. notes': . i.-Amindorl the yeas and na T.t solved, th.it we shall resi-t wj . . d.mand wfts mistatiK-d. Thl H honorable means at our commana . . . -m call, consuming the cnseAtlnic of contests Butter anj fl hnur siting of contestant vn". convinced that the Republican i '..i;rr In the IIo-:s have deterir.M hl to dl-.rfg.ird th Urge majority of . ots by which contestee was re . . . . , i n v Ha -. 1 1 n rt hour or inn fi- i... w- tlon of approval of the journal. It was the intention of the Repub licans to tak up the Bntbr-Wagoner elation e'! tod,y. ;:nd th? Democrats stat Ad that they hud no Lope or s,ving tnem- keop the pes- f - m .i.nj ui'i"- - " hut 'they declared -I In Mlnd I-rtlsanshI,, th,,r lntcnt.u o -H-nr.ee to It merits a..-4 .K.ter to Ihe end of rr rt tr oe-lre to leurn what tny arr. ... ..... k ..toititr cur ' ron. . .: . - i ir.it. oy way oi ."!" - -" (Vftcr (hc chnpUin had delivered his r.1m,,..tion of r-rs'.stent lrtlw" th-' 5Pnlr was about- to --.d of thA rlirbt of the ndncntr ?' aa Un journal in? th measure. Much of the session- yesterday was strong spee.-h In suntrt of Uk-frtven- to the nassacre of roll call bills on wnt. He tho'isM it !' '' ' the second reading calendar, more than fainis and Ju-ti e to h sixtv in that c'asa being disposed of. Tyrrell to It th-m vot. o Aft., tii;ia frora (ivtrnHilPaH lion. Mr. Kinif of I . i:a l. .it i i . ' .'-' vj .)., j . . . . .... . and a large number, passed final read- favor of the aineivlrn- nt. ins. Toward the close of the day's Dr. Rlddik 'of Fr .r.'r.l. i session Mr. Nisson of Forpyth Intro- glad to soe" th pc- ' vtv- Vork movcl a-call or tne conMucoiuwii . . CiUamg tne oiuce vi ijhucu om.cj . .of .eTv moMon-Mr Richard- ed In the contested election case of " Exprcss company, the Adams Express When he recovered the flames were , Hourc. - na anrt Wagoner vs. Butler from the Twelfth , company. White's restaurant (owned shooting throuKh the roof. He crawled s neces- district of Missouri." ' by Maynard and Kerr), George JoSfe's to the . edger .but . the' flremn in the tVAl Mr. Richardson I raise the ques- j h B Martin's restaurant, street did not notice him. He shouted on of consiaeration. pmphon's confectionery. Henry Straus' himself hoarse., lhcu ne tooic ins w.i $nci.& a bill" to ' Incorporate the ' town come around. to m Mr. Olmsted And on that I demand the of fleet of the 'Pike The- and wroteon.it: "I am on roof. Nearly of -Vihnir.gtoii in Yadkin county. It thinking at lat. th the yeas and nays. y " f.. rnn.nrt,v. -. the f.rst . floor, the dead from aras. Joive.. - t harrllv necessary lo say that this is ing for the P?op! ' Tiv n vot 1S2 tO 1M. the HdU8 VOted, . A tt . v. r- lVi : vv.-m-.-.-l nnd n l,.- v. it ni.i,.t Iti. I fnt l.iicm: "vi. ' - " - - j-"iKe opera nouse auuin'iium nc , un-.i. . .. . ;i ji.:ruic i..iiii v ....- wj..i.v ..n i-i- j ..- . to confer the resolution andIr.Olm-- rooms othcr offices on the sec- reporter picked it up. ond located the emptkm ' of the well-known Williams taxing the pee.e stcd was recognized for op.o hour. -, . ' f . ffl on T5.e feure c,f a' man standing outlined in v. hisky distillery from the operations want them to .hve - -Mr. Feely presented the vohte? tee s - . . . . ST.lTks." -Jones--crept along Vie of the Watts bill which has Jut be-! liquor qiu-Mio.i 1 r.ir SlOV III- kit. o th? ns- i ifj :;d f r r nf . j''"T-' '' i the 'ju'j'- ?i"o n"ixe la get an respecting latter have the probability of Butler's .honest jna- ild l " 'i" r rn-iu iiyof '.'? ) y ' f !.r- v. ' V. iP- r '! f" I y. 1 f .1' .-t '!( ! ir il r. til' r I ' ; tt . KM...I It." or i.i!'','i.i' ' : j .i.c th iiu, tt!-rcsr ot tne iraiiainK anu r-ome a iav.. . - i - . . arrangement with ; Mr. .OJfrwtfd. I the season, there wailed for the Aremen. who. plac- The only discussion , in the House ' at this and Dr. ; the limit of debate; zxxl tn c, av lrhT. Vji, " , . iftddr efs the ally from the yesterday was brief. It was-provoked i mention the luor '';.-; . responded: -f"0."1 t were stored in telephone, exchange - building. Jones by a bill to require the commissioner. Col, ;Ttfti ' l tXrr l .tre, ! Tl,e of the Henri- was c, cried do. ad - t. ken to a hos- of Tyrrell county ,er, - ctta Crossinan Co'nJiar?yt vhlch has pitai. , - i . i" -. - - -r- this -w-anton .utrir l.L.intf 11 Pll I ijiil. .... - - - - 1 I- XL 1 1 ' Z 1 i - .