r HE rrooaoiy erature for tr,S OA vo evrvers. Max. Min. 64. Vcl. XI HAXEIGH. N. C, TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1903 v jt v .w , ii a 1 '" " - - . . . , , ""' 'j ' "' " " 111 " " " ' i. r . : ; : ; - No. 94 . Coming Events Casts ts Shadow Before r--::rj on the Bench as a rort Judge Bingham's Ff signaticn Expectsd S;.n Secretary Wilson's Trip to the South the bar In his own state, but by a great many of the Wiling citizens of Wash ington. Mr. Pritchard was one of the vhen Mr. Coasworth reached this question the room was astir with eager curiosity. Mr. Burdick appeared a bit dazed by the production of the letter. Her fears of the examination probably had not been so great Question That was a letter that was sent to you by Mr. Pennell, Mrs. Bur dick? Answer "Why, as I look at it, itlooks like his. Question I call your attention to that most nonuhr r.itr.HA. f - i i "l language 10 wmcn WasMn-tnn 1 referred in the same letter. Hon. James Wilson, secretary of ag riculture will visit a number of south ern s-lates during April, and it is his desire to include North Carolina among the number. Texas. Florida, and South Carolina an? among the objective points, though as yet Mr. Wilson has not arranged his itinerary. He said today he hored to Include visits to points in North Oro'lna during his Southern trln. The err4rv of arri. Mnrch 23. Special. (culture is very much Interested in the " ri sat with the su- nftricultural developments south, and the District of Colum- ho ,s Kin to make the trip in order for the first time. In j to get a better understanding of the : situation there, but more esoeciallv to :l i expected that the. study and observe the results of expe- r from North Carolina riments in the .vulture of tea and su : Uns court, but today j gar and fines grades of tobacco in Tex - ih guest of Judge as. Alabama and other states in the I : : in an officii! rapac- South. The department has experi- h .rJ was summoned as inented In the culture of fine cigar to- pending in the br.cto for use in fillers, and the result a he made his appear- has been very successful. Mr. Wilson . iit room Judge Cla-jsald that as yet the department had i the hnr to invite him ;nc taken up experiments in the cul : :.y hi .-i le. Attorneys , ture of fine grades of cigar tobacco in wore a significant .North Carolina. It is a matter of -is,., indicating their be-J doubt In his mind whether or not there r. r Prin-hard was mak-'is any soil In the state adapted to the a court "growth of this high grade tobacco. Mr. Answer I t may have meant more to him than to me. This certainly has clipped my mind. Question At that time he recalled to your mind a little incident that had occurred two years previous. Do you recall now what that little Incident WilS. tn whinh ho rafare Vi o V ! you in the darkness?" Answer Well, I do, Mr. Coatsworthy. Question What did he mean when he used that language in that letter? Answer-Just that that it happened. Question What- Answer We were out walking and we came to the doorway, and I went Into the doorway with him. i a! -p.. i ranee In I- scn. to preside. t'i t: t'hkf Justice Bingham resignation In as a mem- -trt to the president dur- ACCIDENTS AT WELDON i Two Lightning Shocks and One Case of Drowning Weldon. N. C, March 23. During a heavy thunder storm Saturday a negro laborer was struck by lightning and was knocked from a log tral non which he was riding. He fell to the ground apparently dead, but soon revived af ter he was taken up by his companions. About the same time lightning struck a post In front of Mr. J. L. Shepherd's, manager of the lumber plant, and his cook was knocked down and was nn- j Wilson said that while he realized! mat mere was much Interest in the state in this subject he would not be able to send any experts to North wfk. with the under- Carolina this year to experiment In ! ,: li is not to be effective the culture of Sumatra tobacco. The ; : ,, 7'p. aidv,n th!!consdous for a few mtes ........ ..vc.i, i rci kc vuiiiifrciirui. vanej in ine culture 01 -ft:.' oirt. For reasons this tobacco has been completed, and i i-f Ji:-tice Bingham de- there the tobacco farmers are a vera g- p e his thirty years of ;ir.g f.V)ft net "profits per acre. Secretan1 r.M.rmK. n is tne almost . Wilson said agents would be sent to . r;r.i.Mt in W nshlnston that North Carolina next year by the de Pn'fhar.! will be rpolnt- paxtment to ascertain whether or not r of the court when Judge -there Is any soli adapted to the culture FREEDOM FDR MRS.WBRICK ' She Will Be Released From Her English Prison Next Year London, March 23. Mrs. Florence Maybrick, the American woman, who was convicted at Liverpool in 1889 of poisoning her husband.' James May brick, at AIgburt'8, by arsenic, and whose sentence of death was com muted to penal servatude for life, will be released in 1904. This announcement has come efrom the home office which authorizes herj old run tonightf however, reaching DELUGE IN DURHAM Bridges Under Water and Railroads Inconvenienced Durham, N. C, March 23. Special. Rain fell in torrents and almost con tinuously from Saturday until this morning. As a result the water courses in the county reached a higher point than for a year or more. It was reported early this morning that water was going over the railroad bridges across Neuse river, some twelve miles from Durham. The Oxford and Clarksville train which makes the round trip from here to Keysvllle dally left this morning by way of Greensboro and Richmond. It came back overihe Washlngtoon lawyers to use the fact of her release nexet. year as a reason for securing' the postponement of the trial of the lawsuits bearing on the prisoner's interest in -land in Ken tucky, Virginia and West Virginia until she is able to personally testify. Those, who are in a position to know say that! Home Secretary Akers-Douglas has here considerably off schedule time. While the water was above the bridge this morning it receded and left the bridge Intaot. The Durham and North ern train, from here to Henderson, transferred passengers at the bridge over Neuse. So far as can be learned none of the county bridges are gone. The county . " " I tuuiiLj- unuges are gune. ine cuuriiy shown great courtesy in connection bridtre flt n- & christian' mill is with the suits now pending In Amer-j sli)?ht,v nf ,wH ia n. ,Qrn. lea; that the decision to release Mrs. t Thig Js R Maybrick was entirely due to effortsin. mh9.MW oo,fl on this side of the Atlantic, and that for ,t n&t bemg &one, The water went called upon to act in the matter. Trae; BiH - Found in tfe Haywood Case Grand Jury Acted Promptly. Solicitor Jones Requests to Be Relieved of the Duty of Prosecuting. Court Delayed on Account of Swol len Streams Ernest Haywood is to be tried on the charge of murder in the . first degree rojr the killing of Ludlow Skinner. The grand jury of Wake county superior court yesterday found and returned a true bill for murder within an hour after retiring to the grand jury room. When the grand jury filed into the court room in a body ,as they are required when returning a bill in a capital case the profoundest stillness r-nfr'". Judge Clab.iueh may Ji. f Justtre and Mr. Pritch 1 :i his successor, or the ox - .y b appointed chief justice. .and growth of this high grade tobacco ifor cigar purposes. The apology for Sam Vlck's removal land the appointment of Dr. Person as Mt differ In the two post- postmaster at Wijson wIIKnot be given I tt i n nre than probable that out by the post office department, but It ;.'ch.trd will be allowed to will be issued from the White House h The endorsements in the form of an "official explana- , riven Mr. Fritchard itlon" from the -president. This was de - 'Uin are among the strong- elded upon today. If Fourth Assist- MV ever been filed at the ant Postmaster General Briatow gets Th president comment- up the record in the case tomorrow it fvt hlm!f. Not only was will be sht to the White House, and - ird . rt !- r?-l by his col- ; an "ofnclrtl explanation" from the prcs : - :h ?nate. by members of I lent will follow during the day. ill 3. urdicRWas the Star Witness Jack Battle, colored, attempted to go Into the river low grounds this morn ing in a row boat, the river being out in the bottom lands, and he was thrown into the water by the capsizing of his boat and was drowned. GUILFORD COLLEGE Distinguished Visitors at the Funeral of Miss Green Guilford College, N. C, March 23. Special. Owing to the death of Mrs. Maybrick" is now 40 years old. Her native place is Mobile, Ala; She was Miss Florence Elizabeth Chandler, a member of a well known and pros perous southern family. When eigh teen yearsold she met and married in London James Maybrick, a man of pre vious fast life, who was still addicted) to stimulants and drugs. He was known to be an arsenic fiend. In 1889, after exposure on a race track, he be came sick and died. Mrs. Maybrick was arrested. Doctors testified that her husband's death was not due to arsenical .poisoning, and there was no evidence to show that Mrs. Maybrick had bought arsenic, though there was much to show that Mr. Maybrick per sonally used it. Yet shee was convicted. above the bridges in various parts of reigned throughout the court room. The xne county. rool was called and the foreman. Mr. in the city there was considerable r. p. stuart. handed two small, neatly aamae aone. ai- me .traction com- folded papers to the judge. He opened pany pane me aam to tne swimming and looked over them carefullv; Then pool was washed away and the pond handing them both to .the clerk he an- is gone. At several places inside the l nounced to the solicitor that a true bill .ii. ii f j a. i j j. ji i i cy minis me streets were irauiy i was found in the case of the stato washed. The new sewer and gas against Mollie Lassiter for larceny aitcnes gavs way ana Daa noies were The other bil was that of the stat i made at several places. POST OFFBE AT MT. OLIVE ROBBED against Ernest Haywood, and on it was endorsed the words :""A true bill." Mr. James H. Pou of counsel for the defense, approached the judge and ask ed a question in a low tone, to which the judge replied by a nod of the head. TVf T T3n rKon tit rl r it A rt 1 UOaSl Line Will DUy in riOr- counsel for the defense and a few wiua jjaooou ucmccil infill. it WU3 the first act in what is destined to be one of the most famous trials in the nnals of the state's criminal 'his tory. The bill recites, fn the usual stero- typed language in such' cases, that Haywood "feloniously, wilfully and of FARTHER SOUTH ida Southern Wilmington, N. C. March 23. Spe- clal. At the meeting of the Atlantic Coast Line board of directors in New York last week it was authorized that the Florida Southern Railroad be pur- Goldsboro, N. C, March 23. Special. The post office at Mt. Olive was bro ken into last night and robbed of a considerabel sum of money and stamps. Tia vrvlci1 anfe. toewthpr with the Miss Harriett Green of England, h surroundlng indicate, that the! work was done by -professionals. Two chased. This road extends as far as his malice aforethought, did kill and Punlta Gordo, which farther south murder one J. Ludlow Skinner,' etc. (than any road on the west coast of I Only four out of seven witnesses Florida. The purchase if the property summoned to go before the grand jury is significant, owing to the number of were examined. These were Messrs. tourists not els along that line. The M-gan xerreii - j. w. .riKe, vvm. tu ---3 " ' -' c 1 -r -V-.T . ' i.va.1". jonn Hi. wooaaru, or counsel ior here and that the people knew some thing ahout it. Hi3 chllrse on thfl questions of murder, arson, burglary.' rape, perjury, forgery. embezleraentJ' and disturbing religious worship wa clear and strong. Court met at 10 o'clock yesterday, morning. The list of jurors was called? and only about twenty out of thirty' six answered to their names. Solicitor' Jones explained to the court that th streams were swollen by the heuvyi ralnfalj of Sunday anj SttnJay nirh and that it was impossible for a nura-1 ter of the jurors to reach the city ua til the floods subside. Judjr Justle decided to take a recess until 2:S0 !a' the afternoon to give more tine for th' absent jurymen to reach the oltjv-7 ' When the court convened at 2:30 fev.' eral more jurymen had urrived'and thJ grand jury, was drawn, as follows- R. P. Stuart,, foreman ; - a. C. Weuth-1 erly, A. B. Olive. J. j. Moring. E Q. Bailey, W. Z. Pearce, J. y. joneilt M v. Martin, J. W. Womble, w. m. Hail W. C. Matthews, G. A. Scarbbro. TL ' h. iiutraio, c. T. rrazler. II. u. ThomaV IJ. P. AYllliamson, Jr., V. J. Lj nah aihi' J. W. Powell. The other Jurymen preent wfri:' Troy Pool. S. F. Allen. J. B. Rudd. T S. Sears. W. C. Jone., r. K. jon-s and Geo. XV. Duke. Mr. Franks, a swa mill man, ami Messrs. C. P.. and f:. l. . Hnrbed v era excused from jury duty. Thjs left rlx. absentees who were kept away by the swollen water courses. They will most likely be In court today. whose funeral was held last Thursday .ind hr remains Intorpoit in lh( Guilford cemetery. Guilford Col- suspicious looking characters went to lege, has been honored with the "- ve Saturday. They had each presence of Allen Jay of Richmond, a small bundle under his arm and Ind.. Mrs. Richard Henry Thomas of claimed to be selling chairs. They Baltimore, and Mrs. Schull . of Phila-irnade inquiry about a nig-ht policeman, delphla. Many North Carolinian?! the meaning of which can now be eas- were here for the funeral service ;1Iy understood. They were both fairly Thursday. Miss Sophia Fry of Loii-iv.fii dressed. Thev erot between $1500 don. companion of Miss Green, is a!so , --on tn Rtam Th. safe is supposed to have been blown large area of southern Florida- where early vegetables are grown It was also authorized that a short railroad, about 10 miles long, running ( between St. Petersburg and Punta Gordo, be purchased. The total length of track purchased is over 400 miles Room Packed With Ears Itching for Scandal. The Name of Pen nell Figuros in the Evidence . .!:rch 12. It was woman's .t. the crowd of the court (! up. The number of fe- -! th police succeeded In "-' :!:: court room was aston- '"' w-re of all sizes, ages. :i:ue and conditions 01 r : 1 arr.t purpose was tj 1 f '- ! " . n-i.lous. and thoe f-l -jrs were nt disip C. Miller. Burdick's . th' :lrt witnes.. He said ' t talked divorce to him r c- No papers were then Mr. Iturdkk. but Mr. MII- ' . tt r to her on the sub- "t-.t em plated divorce ac - !-iriiek was then in At- It wa not until Ian fall '"vi rally was begun, the rve.i on Mrs. Burdick Ti.a -n:p!.lnt named Mr. -: :jt. On the third Mrs. 5rved an answer :! i!nUli. An amended d January 23. A 1 v h :i was the answer '-! r:-j. ir.t due? r.nT was uue on tne r li. k was murdered on of February? ' -'. if I remember right. -' thit then wer about i U H Mrs. Burdick had t .-irr..-i.!.l complaint? at-tit thit. ' any answer to tha; l-lilnt s"red? : - N - 1-1 th t a number of re heM by Burdick '-'-r th- divorce suit .n -Ar .my of these conferen- ' ? ty anything about " ' e I ever he ard th -I. nn-1 I don't think " t wwilJ call directly ty thi. that he a?kfI d ii.dA ! or two r ' V',;M .ntve an Infer ' t th .uxM of ;t; but 1 than thr.t about If. t threats, and yet they were intimations that lei to that inferenc. Lizzie Romrnc. the Pennell servant,, proved to be a most calm and comely person, but her answer were so low as to appeal only to the stenographers. She said she did not hear Pennell leave his house the night of the murder and she note! nothing unusual the follow ing day. or the day that the Fennells rode away to their death. Had she heard the scandal about the Burdirks divorce? Yes. in the street, but she had never Inquired further about it. . Miss Romano evidently was such a careful and cautious servant that she would be valuable to any househoul. especially one in which a skeleton lurked. Mrs. Burdick was the next witness. Her clothes were black, except for a white collar. Mrs. Burdick Is far from beautiful, and when In giving her age to the clerk, she admitted that it was forty-two. there was a buzz in recol lection of the fact that Arthur R. Pen nell was only thirty-four. Mrs. Bur dick said that she was the mother of three children, ' Marion, aged 15, the amazing witness of last week: Carroll, aged 13 and Alice, aged 10. Mr. Coats worth came to her relations with Pen nell without delay. Q. When did you first make the ac quaintance of Mr. Pennell? A. I think It was four er five years ago; I don't know but six years ago; possibly six years ago at a small party. Q. Did yourself and husband ever go traveling r.nywhere with Mr. and Mrs. IVr?nell? Mrs. Burdick admitted that she went with the Pennells to New Haven to attend the Tile comemncement ex- qpedlngs.. An officer will be here from erci-es in 1S?S. They were gon two j New York for Ingram. ' who has been weeks, but Mr. Burdick stayed at indicted there for grand larceny. Orr. home, ife d.Id not care for such things. says he must have the reward before Mrs. Pennfll was anxious for her tofingram jS delivered, while Chief Irwin go. On the way they stopped at .New York. living at the Waldorf, and made a few side trips to Manhattan Beach nd similar places. She had then. known Pennell about a year. She declared that no unusual friendship sprung up between her and Mr. Pennell on tha: trip. Question Do you remember recelv Inc si utter from Mr. Pennell about the 17th of December, 1?C0. written j holding conferences with Sultan Ki to you at Buffalo from the Graduates) iarn, the dattos And the resident Amer club. New Haven, on their paper 1", ican officer in regard to the threatened which he said: "Yesterday I went to t b, tnere the convictIon of nai gateway, mat enirance on u.c '-three Moros. who were friends of the a very acceptable visitor at Guilford. She will remain with us a week longer. Governess Louise Ashborne was called away from college last Thurs day to the bedside of her aunt in Indiana. The graded schoool commencement 1 will take place next Thursday the 26th. A well prepared program will be ren dered, after which Gov. A-cock will address the audience In the college au The famous lecturer and humorist. Mr. T. S. Ford of New York city, will deliver one of his lectures in Memorial hall next Friday evening. After the lecture the Atheletlc association will have refreshments served. open with dynamite about 2 o'clock this ! inn mine Stamn! wprp sonttprprt nlnnrr the prosecution, said . last night e that the case will be tried as soon as it can be reached. The arraignment of Hay wood will take place in court this morning and if a motion for a" post pbnement is to be made it; will then be done. Unless such a course is pur The directors at the meeting decided I sued a special venire from which to to build about 40 miles of new track, 20 miles of which is to be built in Decatur rounty, Georgia, and the re maining 20 miles near Punta Gordo. The Florida Southern road has been operated in connection with the old I-'iar.t system, but was. not owned by that-road. The purchase of the Flori da Southern- and the building of 40 select a jury will be ordered, and it will be the last of the week before the case can be reached for trial. One of the attorneys for the defend- ! ant, when asked if it was the inten tion to try the case at this term gave the same answer given to similar ques tion 'ireretofore: T can't tell.". He said both sides were hard at work and CHARGES UNFOUNDED - Gentral Wod Sustained by the War Departmtnt , Washington, March 23. Secretary Root to-day took official action on thfl charges filed late Saturday, by Estes G. Rathbone against Brlgadlrr General Leonard Wood. " He made an endorsement on the pa pers, - saying that no answer to th charges was, required from General Wood and no action will be taken thereon; that it was known to the sec retary of war that the chargoe in every Urespect , were without JuPt foundation. Th secretary refers to the' pun takn by the military government In the poatofflce cases in which Rathbone was defendant, saying that General Wood at every step had the approval of the secretary of war, and exercised only such control as was necessary as mill tary governor. The endowment closes as follows: c " "There Is no foundation for tha charges." , the street for Quite a distance. The . u,iies ct liew track will increase the he supposed were ready for trial WANTS A REWARD An ex-Officer Refuses to Give Up HisPrisoner - Charlotte, N. C, March 23. Special. An interesting state of affairs has de veloped in connection with the arrest of Claude Ingrain, a negro, wanted In New York city for the larceny of a great quantity of jewelry from John Burke, a Tammany leader. Ingram was arrested by ex-Chief of Police Orr. He corresponded with the New York police authorities and Informed them that he would not deliver Ingram to a New York officer until he was reward ed for his trouble in apprehending the alleged thief. Today the New York authorities dropped the negotiations with Orr and wired the present Chief of Police Irwin, asking if Ingram would return without requisition pa pers. The chief saw Ingram and the negro expressed himself as perfectly willing to go without requisition pro- cnier or ponce 01 tnis city nas oeen rr.Weage about 450 miles. notified of the occurrence and Is on the lookout for the thieves. - Later today it is learned from pas sengers who came in on the noon train that the thieves intended to steal a horse and buggy from Mr. C. B. Hatch, but that they could not find the har ness. The lock on the stable door was torn off and a bridle and saddle were left out on the ground. The thieves took ?200 In money and $200 in stamps and dropped $100 In stamps near the railroad depot. The safe was blown open by knocking off the dial and in As previously announced Solicitor Armistead Jones will not prosecute Haywood. It has been agreed that ELL0 MAN KNOCKED OUT Mr. Walter U. Daniel of Wilson, be appointed in his stead. The other law Lightning Struck the Wiro While He Was Talking yers for the prosecution, are Hon. John E. Woodard of Wilson, Hon. Donnell Gilliam of Tarboro and Hon. Herbert HI. Norris and Mr. It. C. Strong of this Reidsvllle, N. C., March 23. Special.i city. During a severe electrical storm Mr. Solicitor Armistead Jones, address Chas. Harris, the central operator at lnfr the court, asked, to be relieved of tne iiemsviae 1 eiepnone Company's the dutv of prosecuting. office, was knocked senseless by light- tt6 said- mug aiuKins vvjre over wnicn ne Thlg is the first case, in mv exneri- sertrng dynamite. The brick wall of Tvas lJU,Iins. lr- J- Oliver, the ence as solictor of this ludicial dls the building was badly damaged by the , manager of the exchange, was making tsict, that I have felt that It was im- explosion. . I tome cnanges on tne switcntoard and pr0per for me to prosecute for the canea to Mr. Harris to test a wire gtat- t f6ei the jrreat resnonsibilitv which he had just connected. There iri mnuin thi ctntAmmt CLOSE SCORE Lieutenant Colonelcy Vacant Duram, N. C, March 23. Special. Thursday the line of officers of the Third regiment will meet here to fill the. vacancy caused by the resignation and I have assumed that responsibility was no response and he called the sec uuu unu imru umes. At tnis juncture from what x be!Ieved tc- be a consclen- Mrs. Oliver, who was in the office. tious discharge of dutyl My wife is a noucea tnat ;ur. , warns nead was relative of the defendant, and Dr. E. uirown oacK. mere were no signs of Rurke Havwood. the father, and Dr. iJk . v o.vau.j v.c uctu iii m cuigiiu.vvti . . . - I- i t-i i t - , 1 " 7 . . . - . 1 111.tr a. ijijii l j 1 1 r 1 1 r-iOLri f 1 1 ni5 nnnn r. n n 1 1 A x or Lieutenant colonel xnomas .j. win- . . " - nuoeri naywooa, tne orotner 01 me ston. It Is learned that two officers wte was defendant .have been my family physi ..v. cans for more tnan a, quarter or a tiyes had the proper effect. century; besides, the most intimate In explaining the case of the severe personal and business relations - have shock our, are prominently mentioned for the po sition, and one of. these will be elect ed. They are Major J. J. Bernard of Raleigh, and Captain Robert P. Hack ney of this city. recently elected to the position of ma jor, being promoted from captain. A Bride Deserted Harris said he had a metal LYQteH for m.nnv vpsm. hotun th Major Bernard was : band over his head and Tiis 'mouth was j . t, i ' I Ut.it7JlUa.llL aiJU iil.YOCli 111. LHT llXM.iC agamst a metai receiver wniie he was of the law as the records of this court lr ff nversatfon with Mr. will attesL In view of these facts I Mitchell at Wentworth. He did do not feel. In justice to myself, that not remember anything about the j could properly represent the state in ojujiv. ivn. ivmcnen was not snocKed Is willing to surrender the prisoner without ceremony. The outcome Is ex pected to be interesting. A Matter for Diplomacy Manila. March 23. Governor Taft and Major General Davis will sail for Sulu Wednesday for the purpose of Charlotte, X. C March 23. Special. The local police are anxious to get hold of Julius Manus, who a week ago deserted his pretty bride of three weeks at a board house in this city, and left for parts unknown. His, bride was Miss Mary Mclnvaille of Hartsville, S. C. The question with her is wheth er she, is maid, wife or widow. Manus disappeared a week ago and nothing has been heard of or from him. It is hiiroxi hP has a iivine wife besides the formal presentation of handsome his last one. Charges of bigamy andisilk flaRS a"d Bibles to the two public desertion are lodged against him. leg campus, where more than two; years ago 1 drew yfu n the darkness, That place Is a shrtne to me." Answer I don't ; recall that Mr. Coatswurth. sultan, for raiding and burning the Chinese quarter In the town of Perang. The governor and General Davis expect J to be able to adjust the difficulty thtre. Dr. Kennedy Gets Off New York, March 23. The indictment of murder in the first degree against Dr. Samuel J. Kennedy was dismissed today. Dr. Kennedy was charged with the murder of Dome Reynolds In the Greensboro, X. C, March 23 Special. flrKnd HotPl. AuETUSt 16. lSUs. Kenn dV .' Pnhprt W TTndsin cpcrotQru rsf I i 1 J . - A . I n .1- ' - . . . . 1 A . .. was convicieu anu us m me iicm hi ; tne local Doaru, announces mai a civil house at Sing Sing for this rris And T ash. it it niduses voiir at the other end and only heard the hon0r, that I may retire from the pros- . SJ.lllllJ5 Bnuuug- tne ecution of the case, and that some oth- wires. j. , . 4 m .i 1 1 11U mult; f.iiiiciein. inciiiuti wi ins bar be requested by your honor te rep- Rw'Awnnnl Will C . resent the state in this case. uy. njruuotx if m oUBdN Judse Justice toldTSblidtor Jones he Wilmington, N1. C, March 23.Special. would grant his request but would not- Governor Charles B. Aycock will be a make the order until the defendant visitor In Wilmington. Wednesday, Haywood was brought into court to be April 22nd, and will deliver an address arraigned. Mr. Jones course was very that evening. The occasion Will hp lo-enorallv rommpnded hv mrrhart at the bar and the spectators in th,e court room. The Dar In Court . This term of court is presided over by Judge Michael Hoke Justice of Rutherfordton, the resident judge of Carolina Defeats tcelafayelto Ball Tessers Chapel Hill. N. C. March,. 23. Spe cial. In a slow but Interesting gajn Carolina defeated Lafayette here thls( evening by a score of 3 to 2. ; The. game couia naraiy De raster tnan is was. Both " teames played good ball and errors, were few. Lafayette scor- ed once each in the first and lxjth In- ; nings. Carolina dn tho first, founeh, and seventh. Holt and graham played good ball and Hart pitched an excp- tially good, game. For th visitors) Newberry pitched a very good garne, and Stleer batted well and Sielded well. ' Several plays, bordered on the senaa-l tlonal. Goo,d all round teftm work heldj the score edown. J Another good game ls expected to-morrow when the second of the series' with Lafayette will be played. Bat-! terles: Newberry and. Irwin; Hart anl Noble. - . s R. H..EV Lafayette.. 2 7 I Carolina 3 6 J "V grammar schools of the city by the lo cal councils of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics. Thfe gov ernor's acceptance of the invitation was hailed with delight by the juniors of this city. Civil Service Examination twenty-one 'service examination for positions as months, until a new tritl was ordered. On the new trial the jury disagreed and he was released on bail. the fourteenth judicial district. It Is Judge Justice's first appearance in Ral eigh as a judge and lie made an ex ceptionally favorable impression. His charge to the;grand Jury washable and interesting. He outlined the leading crimes and facetiously remarked that he did not deem it necessary to define the crime i of larceny before a Wake clerks and carriers in the Greensboro post office, will be held here on May county jury, as he supposed there had 2nd, j been a few cases for that offense tried Released From Contempt Washinaton. March 23 Tho snprenr court today ordered the "reloase on ha beas corpus of Attorneys David A.', Sachs and W. W. Watts ofo Loutavllle who were sentenced to sixty days eactit for contempt by Jud An l rson of th fAr.i .rturt at Tndianolls. b-caus'i. they failed to turn over property to w receiver appointed by th(; court, thelrf. Contention being that a reiver-ap pointed by a state court hid already; taken possession. . A Far. Filched Boom Madrid, March 23. A b'om for Pres Ident Francis of the St. Louis exposi tion for president of the I'nl'M State ; has been begun in a snwll way Ir Madrid. An 'American dentlsthere,' whom Francis saw in th course of ht visit to Madrid, says th !Mtr re'eal ed to him his ambition to be the Dem ocratic choice for the' office of pres ident in 1904. Gas Explosion Kills Six 3 ' Springfield. III.. March 23. A terriflo explosion of gas in the nu.. t i.. Athens Coal Company twenty miles north of .Springfield, this. morning, resulted in the tfeatn or tlx men and serious iniury. of another. .

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