RIDING Re i Trinity rnu w w XV A n 9 i jer North Caro-j 'f-F iT: ture for warmer, in-; Z:r cloudiness. I .JJLjJl m JLL i JT a. Ji.. A 'iAi''D"KDAY. MABCH. 28, 1903 No. 98 f 1 pritcliard ' J.' Judicial: Appoini Its in T:craf'n. .cr.gr and two stcries in I o'clock. . The crossing at which the tv;-j b-ji.'Jinjjs will cover I men wejre killed is just over the Dur will probably be eighteen 'ham county line in Orange and is ccn- o ; errs before the plant Will r. Goon Supreme Bsnch cf District cf Columbia, position Is for Life and Large Salary. ni TKoqiu. PFirn i- . Mrch 27. Special. Ex- : Pritchard was ap- -. f tr- supreme court : Vhunbla this nfter I t K.sevrlt. The p : t f- and the salary Is Hf'i. - p-it i the date the ex--. ip an active political ti.rh. n that date :iw.-rd P. Bingham, of Ttt f the district, will t p t. stvceMM by Asso- ir.i.ry M. Clabaugh. . v.i'l crrr.to the va- V:. Piitoli.m! Is to fill. t Chif Justice Bineham ... .-.;: mti-:i. and in lens ,: - .-S-n nor IMtrhard's .! l-en announced at - U" Ii is a f-irt that Ser. r i . ';'! have received the . hU-f justice, but he . ;-! t Justl-re Clabauch. !ri:i t to the president to nJth the fact that the , .-ti ;h:p would le accept Jjise ci.-.b inch's Ions ;.: N iKh and his familiarity : t laws prompted the White House, and In a short time the Judicial appointments were announced. sidered one of the most dangerous in this section. An underground crossing should have "been made there Ions "FO- Tiinv Kr a i-,'.;rt Thf The accident of yesterday will proba- "vU'1'1- 1 1111 !i.t.. if j, i IJi.V 1 CJU.L Alt lJiO uuucigiuuuu 1 uc Jlsrch 2i.epe-sine made. c oarers are looking the I - mm Cr: On Whom Will Senator Pritchafd's riantle Pall? Federal. Patronage an tnci- th' v. ho sno!e a Sne horse trom Mr. A. H. Murraj- l23t liivht. Mr. Murray ! The resignation of Chlf Justir- lives a short distance eust of Sewn. It Dlngham and the appointment at en- i? believed that the ir? 'vastakenjx senator JTitchard heve been foreshad- early in the nichL T'n th'-et also en- J in me roat. Justice Bingham sret!f- tered Mr. Murray's reslficru.. but be natlcn will not bcome effoctive until yond helping 'himself to a square meal, April 20h as he desires to round out J did not molest anvthine. nM thirty years of service on the oli- tr.ct bench. Mr. Tritchard will take the oath of office that day. White the es-escnator will reslrn as state I chairman of the Tlpubllccn rommSt- ie and member of the national com jr.ittfe in order to divorce hlmseif ab solutely from the active field of poll tics, he will not give up his residence in North Carolina. Ills vacations will be spent In the state, and Marshall will continue to be his home. The supreme court of the district, of which ex-Senator Pritchard is made a LEVEE BREAKS The Mississippi Cuts a Route to the Gulf New New Orleans, March 27. The first crevasse on the line of the Mississippi riven in the slate of Louisiana occur red at Lucky, thirty-seven miles from v . . .1,- here, this morning. The break bean trlct and ranks next to the supreme w,tn a rU8h of water and was ioUy court of the United States. This court 2? feet wide, and in less than an hour haa the power to mandamus caWn-t over 100 feet wide cfScers and other hish federal disni Washington, March 27.- The Texas and Pacific railroad pass:e3 Dewey's inte.view in the Building a Sub-Wav Durham. N. March 27. Special. subway is beingr b'uilt connectingr th Duke factory and a large storage hows on the opposite side of the street. When completed all tobacco from this storag-e - will be moved to the factory in the underground passage. Heretofore tho company has been put to a great deal of inconvenience on account of the side tracks between the two build ings being filled with cars. dint to His Political Pe ; sitions Aspirants for theVHonors Not a Few DEWEY'S BREAK The Admiral Speaks of an Object Lesson io the Kaiser -Admiral Br Til OJI AS J. PEN cu Washington, March 27. Special Sen ator Pritchard will lay vdown the scep tre as leader of the Republican organ ization in North Carolina within the next tow weeks as the result of his el evation to the supreme court bench of the District of Columbia. With ab solute power the former senator ruled his party. When he abdicates to make way for his successor that power will bg transferred to other hands. With it will go the right to distribute the ted eral patronage In North Carolina. A position of much importance it is. Tonight Semitor Pritchard annonnc- Newark ed that, he would call a meeting of the It is likely that R. H. McNeill will be elected secretary of the committee. The federal office holders in North Carolina will be a busy lot from now until the date of the meeting of the state committee in Greensboro. Un til assured that they will notbe separ ated from their "pap" they will also be in a high state of excitement. Before going on the bench Senator Pritchard will settle several contests over post offices in North Carolina. One of these is the Hillsboro post office. A. J. Gordon is the lucky man who will receive the appointment. He was the most strongly endorsed among the can didates by the local Republican organi zation. It is possible that Mr.Pritch ard will take a hand in" the Mount AJry post office fight. As yet he has done nothing to indicate what he will do, but he has .the matter under consider ation. There are half a dozen other federal office contests irf the state as yet unsettled, which have been haunt ing Mr. Pritchard for months, and it i3 possible that he will leave at least several of them to plague his success or as chairman of the state executive ommittee. Abbott I here. Tomorrow Secretary Cortelyou of the tries. It parses on acts of Congress, the crevasse about two miles from the News, in vrhich he is reported to have Republican stace committee to be held Dr. H. H. tries admiralty and eouity cases, and river. A special train was rushed to said that the recent maneuvers of the "in Greensboro the week .of April Cth. ne wjn seo Important criminal cases, such as those the scene this morning with 25,000 sacks American fleet In the Carrlbean se.t Jeceral court will.be in session at that department of commerce about his ap involvinc; capital punishment, come fiiled with earth and several carloads ! was "an object lesson to the kaiser time, and the occasion is considered pointment. Commissioner Garfield told before it. Justice Pritchard wIU begin of lumber. Traffic on the road may be i mo,re than to any other person," and the most convenient to assemble the Senator Pritchard yesterday that JDn, his Judicial duties la criminal court suspended. No. 1. the customs being that nowly i The flood will appointed JuJei shall first sit in the crlndnal branch of the supreme court. There are poUc? magistrates and criminal courts which pass on the or- flnd its way to the gulf through Lake Salvador, Bayou Barataria, Little lake and other Btreams. Sugar Is cultivated in the throo n.irlhp and thrp Is a consid- dinary court business, and appeals eraWe devoted to truck fanrlng. mat tne emciency oi tne uewaaan navy t-oimnittee. At that time Mr. Pritch- Abbott was one of the most stronsrl had been greatly overestimated, ha ard lvill g.ive up-h.is dual positions as endorsed candidates whose name hai caused considerable discussion today in ciiairman of the state committee and come before him for appointment, and from thoe courts go to the supreme court of the district Justice Tritch.ird will hnv AfflrM In .r. t:;t. inere is reauy the dIstrlct court building. His pax r on age Is limited to the appointment Oyster beds are likely to suffer. Who will be Pritcharu's successor as - in the two positions. !--;-. 5 the same. .-.'! c f. a fare of Senator ; fnntrnent to his friends th.t there was absolutely i. t'- his selection for the : ! rh vt he had practically :rp"rt of the members of i it. As soon as It became : fr.nir.sr that Chief Justice - I '" ' Judge Cole and thousands of friends among the peopte - K. H .. .;ton. on behalf of of Washington. The Star this after-- L;. of the district, n0on said: Vi. rn. v General Knox's of- -u s well known that the president -'l the appointment of Mr. fcas always admired Senator Pritchard . .Mr. Hamilton mentioned ana has intended to give him a flrst- so.n as It became class appointment to the federal bench .? North Carolinian would nt the first favorable opportunity. He .i i t- fr the judgshlp all is by no mens a stranger to the local I ..r: t.v.iuts withwdrew. Mr. bar, and furthermore has several warm PRESIDENTIAL TIMBER one messenger. In the morning he win j begin work ab-v.it 10 and quit about 3 j p. m The court takes four monthsjjhe Commonor Promises to vacation in the summer. J It is no exaggeration to say that the Pr0dUCC Some Specimens appointment of the Tar Heel ex-sena-i r ; tor Is very, popular In Washington. Mr. Lincoln. Neb., March 27. In today's Pritchard' life here for the past eight Commoner William J. Bryan says: years has been such as to win hlni naval and diplomatic circles It was said this morning by a high authority that - the state department i would not be at all surprised if the " matter should be brought officially to the attention of this Irovernmpnt bv Emperor "William. In that event it Is dispenser of patronage in the State .' is . likely that the president would . call the question heard tonight. upon Admiral Dewey for an explana- ne man -may succeed to the posi tion. tion, or two or more may -be required How much further he would be em- to undertake the task. A dozen names powered to go, should the admiral ad- are beinsr mention in this connection mit the authenticity of the interview, and there are a score of receptive can . is not clear, inasmuch as the admira! didates who fire saying nothing, but, member of the Republican national that he was very strongly impressed committee from North Carolina. These with his candidacy. While he did not positions carry with them the leader- say what he would do, Mr. Garfield shiD of the nnrtv in the state. ; said the onfy objection that could be j holds his position for life by special act . of Congress. are willing".-. -"Thomns S. RoiiIr5 of A!ie-ii!e, Senator Pritch- offered to his selection was that of age i David J. Gilmer of Greensboro wh was recently appointed a second lieu tenant of the Philippine "scouts at th instance of Senator. Pritchard has been ordered to Fort M.cPherson, Ga., b the war department for temporary du ty for ten days. After that he will proceed to the Philippines for duty in the islands. At present Lieut. Gil mer is in North Carolina. Marriatre license was issued today THE SECOND Lift "The Commoner will, from tir e to time, present as presidential tin her j the names of real Democrats whose j ..utloned and whose fidelity to the 1,30 ft to Kft I 3 1 -i fmm MOnn-. Holton and E. Cr irl Duncan would -con- ard's i-o-i in law, Zeb . Vanve- Walser to Migs Annie L. Ferrall of Clinton, N, of Lexinrvon. W. P. .By num. Jr., of p- and Harrv W. HoDewell. of Mt. So- Green sboro and Goore K. Pritchard of .Mitchell are the mot prominently discussed in this connection. A. E. Ion, Va. Empress'' Arm Broken party cannot be made an issue in the campaign. "The Commoner has no choice be tween those who stand for Democratic principles; it simply draws the line be tween those who look to the rank and Prttchard's appoint- genial and that he will fulfill them to : r.i.1nt. A few mlutes the entire satls'action of the bar and -ry general went to the of the community." ioQded Nearo Makes a Hot Time With a Gun stitute the eligible list of candidate Berlin. March 27.r The empress wsts for both positions were it .not for the thrown from her horse While riding at foot that President Rooeeit has tie- Grunenwald today, and her risht arm creed in-a very public way that federal . was broken. '" ' '."- . fofice holders must not accept p-si- Later advices show that- the empress tions in the party organization that re- slightly fractured her forearm as the tj.uires them to distribute federal-pat- result of a fall from her horse, which r.u. r t, rnmnrntlnnn' fiwt. to nanv has rnirtorp.1 th stmpr rtrare ronage. .- in .Georgia tne .national com- ftumDien wnne -ne was nuiug ui im nid their candidacy; second, to -?cure Dollar. She will depart from this mltteeman was forced to resign because Grunenwald forest-this1 morning. - port April 10, carrying supp.ie3 and ne neia a reaerai oince. in otner suites Tne emrpe-?. wr.o wan acomyaiueu her third son, and sted to the hunting1 will also have on board a number ol teemen. lodge -after her fall and a surgeon was carpenters and engineers. The work Ex-Congressman E. S. Spencer telephoned for. with the re-ult that a lulu to Midway Isiands San Francisco, March 27. The first st-p3 in the "work preliminary to the laying of the cable between Honolulu J r j i i was most gratlfyl"- "-nds among the members of the dls- i " taa.cn. H told the visitors tl t supreme court. It believed that r Ineir Pn,rauiw "1US1- xllc v-ummwciiii uauie om a p'enslng dutj- to hltn to he will find his duties thoroughly con their election, and iniru, wno win ai- . i j nig isuyiics n.u' .. L- low the corporations to dominate their materials for the construction of the federal officers have had to retire as by Prince Adalbert, udmlnlstratlon. cable station on Midway island. She state chairmen and national commit- her suite, was as?is fvbody Bowsat His Com ind Aftsr Some Pro miscuous Shooting His Wild Career is Soon Ended N. '.. March 27. Special. in thJ county a' rrt h ex'-ltemnt yes--r. in.iit. hnlf full of corn . ! ..!.-! jthot gnu in ::nntz through th--n.ti.i: at everybody h-Ti.- K-i:ro. whufe tiam h.d t-:i working for u!, on tor wine months. st- t'i'k--r. a neighbor t - -i mi"k !pirJI and Invited !'ip him. n such i. -t usually furnishes a '". i lnty of t orn Jul-. ; ; ! t attend the work ! he sent tho negpi sr-attered in every direction, and be sl1oi the long d. stance from where the negro was standing, made it Im Isi.Ihe for him to do much damage. After Allen shot into the crowd he turned around and walked off rapidly Wfore th- smokt cleared away. The report of the shooting was soon spread throughout the neighborhood, which I rather thickly settled; and soon there were fifty men on horseback armed with all thf artillery that could be found. They put out after the negro and raptured him alout three miles from the sce.ie. While on his way through the plan- thelr election, and third, who will al i; j "A man who has had no chance to linhke a conspicuous record, but whose record is good so far as it is made, will be a much better candidate than one who has a conspicuous record on the wrong side of public questions. ' im .n..o in.t .t um.. .it u; '!with the Philippines. The British nu ooiiw . uum uc ..ullu.Uu0 , stcamerg Anglia and Colonia are at present in London being loaded with the cable. of erecting the buildings will be com menced Immediately upon her arrival. The line from Honolulu to Midway will be the second link of the cable which is to connect the United States it tfioro it vfrf not Brlous. "The party wants a candfdate for whom it needs not make an apology, whose Democracy is not in doubt." BEATEN BY BROWN . But Carolina Puts Up a Very Good Game Chapel HiH. N". C. March 27) Spe- THREE KILLED IN A COLLISION San Antonio, Tex., March 27. The Sunse limited on the Southern Pacific and a passenger train collided at La- 'coste. eighteen miles west of herp at cial.-In a strong and extremely inter- 9 45 0-clock last night Three pa8sen. oatlnp o-ump Brown University defeat-' uu.j . trt o;, , i Isaac Lewis the neirro shot a. ed Carolina hcre this evening by the findM of the dM(1 were buJrnpd. Blackburn, according to a letter receiv ed here today, is a candidate for the state chairmanship. A friend of Mr. Blackburn's said this was not true, but that he would like to be the na tional committeeman. Thomas Settle would nt be averse to leading the' par ty, but he is not considered strictly an organization man, and there is too much fear existing that' he would un dertake to build up a machine of his own to permit him to be elected. In the selection of his successor Senator Pritchard will be the Warwick. Tonight I asked him who would be state chairman. He said he had no i idea, that the state would decide the matter, is needless to say that Mr. Pritchard will figure in the selection of his successor. . With becoming mod esty he does not say so. The committee is composed almost physician was sent to the lodge in an automobile -which was drnen at the highest possible speed. ' , The empress fell heavily. Emperor William, who was near at hand, was among the first to rench her side. He assisted her to rise. Thj imperial par ty was galloping at tho moment when the empress horse shied and stumbled. NEW STEEL MERGER t The three dead Mexicans were rela- Trenton, March 27. The National Steel Company filed an amended cer tificate this morning changing the name the name of the company to the Carnegie oteel Company. The most important amendment to entirely of his friends-those whom he the certificate is that which practical has rewarded. There is no hope for ly shuts out stockholders from an ex the anti-Roosevelt men. The commit- ; amination of the company's books. The tee is already packed against them. I amendment provides that the regis- contested for five innings, neither side tvcs of General Geronimo Trevino of The successor of Senator Pritchard will her agent may refuse permission to (.coring, but in the sixth Brown and Monterey, Mexico, who was on his way ,,rQi Tfnnaa r.rin- i v stnrkhninVr to examine the books In the to San Antonio, accompanied by his rinai task will be that of sDieldine for ; excent as to the entries affecting the Carolina"" each scored 1 run. eighth, on account of ragged Pupiortf.j wife and son. The Trevinos were not the occupant of the White House in ! shares owned by such stockholder, un- Al:i got a little th rv.-d an ir, us i;:-il,lncatlon-. ... r-;.ult. and v.heu turn ! hi- h .- Mcrht wound. r.!. i'lul he ac- striking him. i. tr'iilde without v. .-f.t Kick to tha t .-. Ln.ko into the and secure! Mr. Butts. He a iloz belonrlnjr to Lewis, and a few stray shots struck Lewis and his wife, who were randlng in the yard at the time. A short distance further the ne gro held up a white man In the road i ml Ihrpitpuwl to shoot him. This man hd a shooting Iron with him "iwe me men irom jiron crow tnjurea. -ine aeaa men eie m a ecu.- order to land a Roosevelt delegation In t,n.i un nrond tn rtofAnrT hJmRlf. Th. the home plate. No other scoring was partment of the private car of General lh t Rnubiican national eonven- negro replaceii his gun on his shoulder done, and the final score was 4 to 1. j Trevino. The Pullman car in the rear tjon Should he faji his name will be j thereby are desired for legitimate pur and continued his journey until over- For the visitors. Lynch the big pitcher, telescoped the private car. crushing mud for all tlme Hig task will be a s anfl not for purpose hostile to He was sur- iiayen tne star game, anouing v.aru-iumn i .v.v. nard one, one mat win test nis Desi recovered until tney naa Deen ournea powers. There is only one vacancy in to a .crisp in the fire, which destroyed the committee, that caused by the the entire train, including the engine. death of the late Representative Jam?s The fire originated in the on in the tender. " satisfied that - such the information to examination be acquired taken by his pursuers. rounded and captured with but little Jina only three hits. For Carolina, resistance. If hhad attempted to use Holt. Donnelly, Oldham and Hart play hls gun there were more than 25 trig- cd the game, two of the plays being jeers that were only waiting a light somewhat sensational, pressure to seal his doom. He sur-, The Score: R. H. E. rendered and gave up his gun when he Erown 0 0000103 0 4 9 1 backward w the dark noies in the muzzles oi caroiina 0000010001 3 4 s.l ag.iint go many shot guns. He was securely; Batteries: Lynch and Clark; Hart uea un a pair oi piow lines ana car- nn(J Noble Uinpiref Worth. rled to trre residence of Esquire Joe B. (,Rpollna wJ11 play Brown in Greens- i arKs, wnere ne was given a snort prtr llmlnarv hearlne. He nretended - to nave otner witnesses ana tne case was put off until this morning. He w-as placed in a barn during the night. Members of the party who captured San Miguel Defeated M. Moody. Following is the list of members, the composition of which in dicates clearly that a thorough organ ization man will be named: B. Frank Mebane of Spray, J. H. Wil the interests of the corporation or its individual stockholders, and the deter mination of the register, agents shall t be final and conclusive, j Stock in the Carnegie Steel Company !is represented as follows. Charles M. Schwab, one share; Elbert H. Gary, one share; William E. Corey, one boro tomorrow. Railroad Men Will Mit .i work shop where Will Not Ge Hunting Durham, N. C, March 27. Special. the negro volunteered to stand guard it Is learned that the meeting of the 2 . . n round the barn all nlrht. Thl morn- Y,maA nffirialq brought about bv the t rk .'iid inaae nim ; " . . - 7 - ' j j t nal aheils lnfir n waB brouKht to th,s cty an5 peace committee appointed by the al--urse Mr. Butts placed In Jail to await the April term (Iemen wm hold a meeting In this city it th- n-rro levelled I 01 SUP'"W touri- threatened to i ing the railroad men win get togeiner , . p jd t Roosevelt de. and Cheyenne, Wyoming, March 27. D. C. Vfto.-iin stnte c-ame waraen. nas re- Saturday of next week. At that meet- ceived a letter from William Loeb, Jr., r,ii ivTarrh 57. Two comnanies. of n of Charlotte. H. S. Harkins of ' snare; inomas Murraj, une Macabebee scouts signally defeated the Ashville, E. C. Duncan of Beaufort, Z. 1 William W. Blackburn, one share; the main body of San Miguel's force to- V. Walser of Lexington, W. P. By-j United States Trust Company ,of New- York, in trust ror tne united states Steel Corporation, 29,995 shares... killed and eleven men wounded. n refused or mad ! ' ' attention. ncd the shells the t" where he had left :.i m the ne.a at Air. Work on .Big Mills Greensboro. N. C, Marh 27. Special. t . . ... , .1 V,l l . at least tnai i mc- uujci v. n.c iui jnffon some of the details, and will day. It is believed San Miguel was num of Greensboro, oeorge hi. buck killed Lieutenant Reese was seriously man of Washington, D. W. Patrick of wounded. The scouts lost three men Snow Hill, G. W. Hunt of Newport, Claudius uocitery 01 naieign, v. j.. O'Brien of Durham, A. J. Sutton of Elizabethtown, W. A. Bailey of Ad vance, E. S. Blackburn of Wilkesboro, Thomas S. Rollins of Marshall. Rollins Walser and Bymun is a good combination in which to pick the win ner. There is some talk of giving: the national committeeman t the east and.; the state chairman to the west. This M, i. thAn meet with the peace committee Now that the weather is again favor- pot Jater than tnree ;ays after the able, active operations have been re- ".,, nr ln esion. Those who . .... --me upon the,umea at tne new none wax toiion ofe n a it, to jrnow say that the l-l veryboJr bow-1 Mills. Car loads of material have been of the ,om? contr0versy is in sight. i-. ihit struck me. I delivered on the ground and a small - daring that the president does not in tend to do any hunting while on bis western tour either in Wyoming elsewhere. Bulgarian Cabinet Resigns Sofia, March 27. The entire cabinet has resigned owing to the inability to find any one who will accept the port folio of war unless the cabinet agreed to the army appropriations. It was the ministry's refusal to do this which . -aused the resignation t . hoot It is army of carpenters, brick layers and! , owd bow-lot her mechanics are busily engaged. DOuieS bent MOme run to f ' crow : while other 'The foundation of the spinning mill Will Send a Proxy Washington, March 27. As neither the president, the secretary of the navy nor the secretary of commerce win be plan provides that two men shall dia- l v.. looking after the east and the state chairman after the west. In case this plan is carried out it is difficult to forecase the selection of national com mitteeman. Carl Duncan would have f a good deal to say about the choice of !lAnnr,,Aa VioT-frifr rcdpf or. Vila HAiYiani ror a credit of ?l,600,O00 for the purchase of war material. An Editor's Sad End "XT f fMwsli OT Cfsn) 0 1 a a. l . iv. .Ii.. ' a i a, w : am "Diit Inn -rx-yn a Vt a rvS o n ffT . Ka4r, ,nir.w ,. ,nri that of the wuriim. -a4 , anie to accept tne invitation oi me city j maL nun w. .vt.-. ft " "o . rrk VinAtmm rtt V. a rr-- man killPM on m ttnnrl monti. ata a rhalrman ' HS u.iaer me . . . ... .. , . . i . . i- 1,1:,,, " the Southern road yesterday. William facturers' convention which will be ' fledged Republican,' is now a full this authority t!.- t.-leecr and v virg mill is wcj V:,U";... k'-., Ill" r A. Cooper and R. L. Rowland, were . held there April 15, Carroll D. Wright, J said, "and the most adriot man that .t..... ...... - Y,tr- l r-ill PAlin xi .k.. Thu tkt' rt in it-nri i, nnii nonirrn over .. - ' ' ... . l.,,-n. Vara f 4.in Uha 9 A m In t ar t Inn. held mere April la, arron v. v ngnt, : saia, au nw ..w commissioner of labor, w ill represent j can be chosen for the position. He the man. One Republican said tonight I Washington, March 27. Dudley B. Germain, telegraph editor of the Wash ington Times, died aj the Emergency hospital this morning at 5 , o clock. Death resulted Indirectly from an over dose of morphine taken with suicidal h bird shot, which; 300 feet In width. The spinning mill Is.ty jhas always done the scheming for us.'' Intent on Monday.

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