THE STORKING POST, THURSDAY, 'JULY 9 1903 THE MORNING POST raliioh, n- r. ronLiaiiRD di t.hb KOItTII CAROL.IM A. KJnLllHWO CO RODEKT H. FOKHAN KAlfr CDicRirTio?! mick On s Year B!x Months . Thrf Months One Month .. .13 00 . 2.50 . 1-13 . .10 " Offloe In the Pullen Bulldlne. Fayetteville Street; The Pct will publish brief letters or subjects of central Interest. The writ er's name must accompany the letteT. "Anonymous communications will, not not be returned. Brief letters of local news from nny ectlon of the State will be thankfully received. JJcreJy personal controversies will not be tolerated. Adlre-s all business letters and com munications for publication to THE IfOItNI-N'Q P03T. The telegraphic news service of THE XXORN'ING TOST Is absolutely full and complete, and is uneroaled by any morning" newspaper south of New York. This service Is furnished us un der special arrangement with THE LAFFAN NEWS BUREAU cf the New York Sun, and is the same service that is used by The Sun Itself, which Is known to be superior to any rvlce in any newspaper In the United . 1 man's rollers at Trinity so graphically eatlon with Manila, and the felicitous brother that he study the census fs- 1 outlined by lion. James H. Southgate messages which passed . through the In the Post of a few Issues ago will wires under the ocean between Prest not only increase facilities but stlmu- dent Roosevelt and Governor Taft and late attendance upon all. Every influ-1 General Miles and the "Commander of ence that can tend to arouse Interest in the people will add to the attend ance upon our colleges. The experience of the past ten years, as stated by President Hobgood, fully' sustains this contention. And t here it will not be out of place to call attention to the fact that within this ten years there has been one female college established in the State to which 'State aid" has been given, and while the attendance upon that Institution has been about 400, the Increase of attendance altogether, as shown by President Hobgood, has been 1.000, leavinff COO "to go to other colleges, largely stimulated to do so the army in the Philippines," on our glorious Fourth, but we have failed so far to sen any congratulatory mes sages from any of our Filipino fellow citizens expressive of their happiness on the occasion or of exultation on the day we celebrate the adoption of the Declaration "which says something about the "consent of the governed." If President Roosevelt has received any such message he ought to let the rest of "us enjoy it. ures and remove to the Northern city or State tin which he can become the nniiticai haianrA flf nower. Here Is a I tine opening1 for the brother In black. P-pnlar Special Ageat T fb Cradntd From th Saatelam 1st idTrlUin K (New York Edftor and Publisher.) Steve W. Floyd, whose portrait o Hr.T-na fh.o. first rm -f is Derhaps the -. -. S.J V - ' ' " CT w most widely, known of the younger special agents in New York. Mr. Floyd is a southern irentleman and a good judge of advertising. 1 In hi3 early youth, journalism tres passed 'upon his mentality and he forthwith accumulated the position of copy boy on the daily of his native town. After servim? in this capacity Drop o f I Rootbeer J items big m tbla In refresWn B i Qualities. M Hires Rootb-er (Carbonated) la M; bom by tfie bottle or case, and B , ondrauEht at aoda loontaias. M v" AikforHht . jST V cBXtS K. HIRX8 CO., JUlvera, f. ' Buy from Pthe Maker ' AND SAVE Pope's Poem on Death . (New York Times.) celebration of X W J UUJ3 i.v- - T. VNrf Hrf V HO Cave ci 1113 illllCLy LUX A .--? for a brief period, he succeeded in in- reCeptlon to 12 of the cardinals in his noculatine the city editor wltn nis private library To each or-tnem ne The Washington Post observes with some evidence of humility: "A Missouri court has fined one man 500 for killing his brother, another wisdom of promoting him to the re- presented a richly bound pamphlet re- i noo fnr n-.ntHr.r- school teacher, nortorial staff. A short time thereafter viewing- the chief events of his ponun th. xu-oo T,tcrt to two years he succeeded in succeeding that same Lote and conies of aXatin poem he had . . . V M 1V1 v l-J iVllhVtlV .'-- . I no aouDt 37 tne innuences sei ai ;in the penitentiary for chicken-steal- city editor. Being of a, capricious dis- just composed. ing. This simply indicates the relative position, Mr. Floyd soon appointed an value on crime in Missouri." . by the campaign of education which established the State college. This, however, parenthetically. Unquestionably conditions are lm proving, and Improving rapidly favor able to Increased attendance upon our colleges and higher schools. campaign be prosecuted earnestly among the people and let them un derstand that facilities will be afforded to meet their demands. The field 13! other to succeed himself and assumed the nositfon of business manager of the paper. While acting as such, he made a business trip to New York city, and so favorablv impressed was he with Now there may have been just $500 worth of justification in the. killing of the brother and $1,000 worth in the Mlllnn " V. .. .,V. Kllf VI tTlO T'OSt Tt th nut nno lotn or scintilla, or speck the metropolis that he resigned his po of reason in stealing a chicken? I . . . , , A eA nit iJiupneior ui Lilt: biicci, auu vynyj. r I 1 j U rtn I u" vfiiv.c hi tinues to succeed. That s why ne is vcntions which have recently met ana Upoken of as a success.. It was on death, and a translation of it follows: LEO'S I. AST PRAYER. Leo, now sets thy sun; pale in Its dy ing ray; Black night succeeds the day. a v Black night for thee; ; wasted my frame; life's fiood sustains No more thy "shrunken veins. ! Death casts his fatal dart; roDea ror the grave thy bones Lie under the cold stones. But thy freed soul escapes her chains and longs in flight States. This service Is received nightly certainly white unto harvest when only by wire in the office of THE MORN-1 1,700 of our 6plendid young: woman ING POST directly from the New York hood out of several scores of thou Sun. and Includes special cables and domestic news and all commercial ana market reports. Kli WASIIISOTOK BtTRBlCi iball natldlac, 141? . U TT. XT, sands are attending college. Here is a field of activity which merits the most vigorous labors of every real pa trlotic man and woman of the State. xastioin orno; 340 ?( "t,. ew York. TvtsTrnrt office 617 U. Kxnrow It ebarre Areaey. Bl'd, Cbleat the kUrt TV. Ylod SeelaJ n.rlbrre to THE PT are re caeeted to nolo tko data an tba laael of Ikelr paper and aend In their reaewal before tbo expiration. Tble wlllpro TtDlmlMlDg of single laano. All pa per will e dlecoatinned w time paid ap explret a a a D ass TIIE WEATHER TODAY; Fair. 0 0 C Q Q THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1903. dAJOIt ALF.XiXBRR A. ERI DEAD M'PHKT- Ralelgh is again called upon, to mourn the death of one of It3 be9t as well as one of Its oldest citizens, MaJ. McPhecters, who rasped away to his final reward at his home in this city late yesterday afternoon. For a year or more his health has been failing, gradually, but perceptibly, o that the end was not unexpected. He had reached a ripe old age, the greater part of" which was spent here, and devoted to works of usefulness, public enterprise ard charity. Generous in deed as well as In sentiment, he exem plified In his dally walk the good works of the Christian citizen. He was ac tive until the recent rast. In all move ments looking to the material as well as social and religious upbuilding of the city. Truly a good man, a true friend, a generous, upright citizen, an earnest Christian has passed to-his re ward. The sympathies of the entire community go out to his venerable widow and" surviving children In this their hour of greatest sorow. Charity and Children states: "Prof. E. P. Hohpood of th- Oxford Seminary, tcld us not long ago that within the last ten years the number of North Carolina slrls In the different rema!e colleges has mown from TOO to 1,700. This means a trreat deal for me xuiure oi our good state. It is a The re-election of Mr. Clements, the faithful and efficient County Superln tendent of Education, by the county board, was but the fulfilment of pub He expectation and public duty. Pains taking, energetic, experienced in ' the duties as well as in what Is required of teachers, familiar with the condi tions of those dependent upon the pub lie schools, he has impressed himself upon the public as one of its most use ful and successful officials. The Post is pleased to see. In this re-election, an evidence that public school Inter ests are to be promoted and. enlarged A rumor reached The Post Monday night, in such a manner as .to be ac cepted as fact, that the board of educa tion had decided to reduce the salary of the County Superintendent. Upon enquiry we learn the board has taken no such action, and the publication of the report has called forth such uni versal expression of disapproval that we are sure the Intelligent and patri otic gentlemen of the board will not listen to-a proposition of that kind. Instead of reducing the salary of this important officer it should be Increased. M. Clements earns every cent of the sum paid him,- and more too. It is no light work that the County Super lntendent of Wake is called upon to perform, nor is it a position that "any body can fill." There are no doubt many able-bodied statesmen who have time to spare to sit around and tell exactly how the government ought to be run for one-half the cost, who would u Jump at the office of County Superin tendent of Education, or even the Bishopric of the Church, for one-half the sum paid now to the Superintend ent; but the result would soon be men tal and moral bankruptcy for the school children and the membership of the church were they to land. The school children of Wake are en titled to the best services the best practical, business judgment and ad ministrative capacity that can be sup pliedand such service is worth more than Is now paid the gentleman who is successfully filling the duties of the office. . We are gratified to learn, therefore, that the report as to a reduction of his salary was an error, and to believe that our present board will not entertain such a proposition. They have the schools, . and the chil 'are yet to meet in Raleigh we overlook- Mr. Floyd is a man of wonderful per- To reach the realms of light. Ano rr tv,o mnt imnnrtant' thnt of sonal magnetism. While he is not ti, Tha,,n nri Mamifactur- married, he is house-broke a combina tion or circumstances wnicn in pan ac- ers, wnicn meets toaay. count fn- hi nnm7i3ntv with th ad- We hope a very large crowd rep- vertisers and advertising agencies. He resentative and intelligent farmers as is also very energetic and moderately , n,n,fnpt,,r0ra 411 h'o rrnt. handsome. Indeed, he is. moderate In Tf lt CUJ --C.-.V. - -. VA Jf - " V w-w I The new crop Is just beginning to be I reflection u ' hls mental attaln- cut in some sections and scarcely 'laid 1I)ents. by" In others, but now is a propitious The Steve W. Floyd Special Agency, time for those Interested in the crop of which he is the Steve W. Floyd, was established in 1S35, has a branch office as grower or manufacturer, to counsel together of the future, hope to see a large attendance. take We in Chicago and represents the followin papers: Chattanooga, (Tenn.) Times. Macon (Ga.) Telegraph, Columbia (S. C.) State, Raleigh (N. C.) Post, Char lotte (N. C.) Observer, Norfolk (Va.) landmark, Norfolk (Va.) Ledger and Lincoln (Neb.) Commoner. That Is the goal she seeks; thither her journey fares; Grant, Lord, my anxious prayers. That with the citizens of Heaven, God's face and light May ever thrill. my sight; .-. " That I may see Thy face. Heaven's queen, whose mother love Has brought me home above. To Thee, saved through the tangles of a perilous way. I lift my grateful lay. - This was 'his last poetical composi tion. The aristocratic eff Piano Is the result of the finest quality of materials that money can buy, and the most skilled artisans to be had. ' In a . pure artistic sense it la acknowledged to bo The hlhost Development in Piano Constxtictlon! Ten, too, the fact that u make It and sell it direct from the factory assures you of a tremendous saving. Investigate ! STIFF, 66 Granby Street, NORFOLK. VA. The Durham Sun Of Tuesday said: "Some representative citizens have been talking about our union depot matter in Raleigh today. It is up to the Corporation Commission to do " health? Simply keeping the bowels, io, my inena. it is not up to me the stomach, the liver and kidneys Corporation Commission," but up toistrong and active. Burdock Blood Bit the neorjle of Durham themselves, in ters does it whose name an Injunction Is main tained by which a depot Is delayed. Insist on the withdrawal, by the citi zens, of the appeal wnicn .continues the injunction, and your depot will fol low. Try it. Working night and Dar The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. These pills change weakness into strength, iistlessness into energy, brain fag into mental power. They're What's the secret of happy, vigorous wonderful in building up the health. Only 25c per box. Sold by all druggists. The Pretty New Electric Sign, On Exchange Street, is at the saloon where you get nothing but the finest Wines, Liquors and the coldest, fresh BEER in the city. The physicians recommend our iquors for medicinal purposes. Look for the sign. R.. W. YOUNG. Rev. Dr. Van Dyke of Princeton, after much careful observation and ex perience, has reached the conclusion that energy should not be exhausted by incessant exercise. Does the learned Doctor, dream that candidates for the Presidency and Vice-Presidency ; may come from Princeton? Or is this an artful popu- ar appeal for the purpose of supplant ng his distinguished neighbor and co-aborer? established, greatly at heart, and know full well the value of an efficient su perintendent. We congratulate all interested In our public schools upon the unanlirious re election of Mr. Clements. . thrilling statement and oucht to riv . ... . I oren Ior wnose Deneni me scnoois are u-i jiue u cauraje ana gmixiuae. While the growth Is encouraging, the number Itself emphasizes the growing demand for such agitation as will not enly fill th& higher rchools and colleges we now have, but get even other col leges for the thousands of other girls vho ought -to have the advantages of such training. We have no doubt but that much the larger per cent of in crease In numbers has been within the pasi nve years, since the State has experienced an awakening upon the Importance of education. There are CC.003 yourig women at least in this State of higher school age. The con lesi is not now as to where the 1.7C0 or ;C0O shall go, but to arouse the pa rents of the other more thwi 40,000 to the necessity of tending their daughters to a college. So far we have had higher school facilities beyond the demand, or use made of them.- Now thij supply will be met by this Increas ing attendance. There Is room for more at ev?ry college . than we now have, but there are a great many more ijlrls than present facilities will accommo date If all who ought to attend should Co so. Such condition makes the" con tinuance of the Greensboro College a necessity and the addition of the Wo- Chlra Infautnm i xms nas long Deen regarded as one of the most dangerous and fatal dis eases, to which infants are subject. It can be cured, however, when properly treated. All that is necessary is to give Chamberlain's Cholic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil, as We were regaled, and correspondingly 'directed with each bottle, and a cure delighted, with the accounts of the ,s certain. For sale by W. G. Thomas, Tuesday was a red-letter-day In the alendar of old Loulsburg, when the majority of its citizens voted to issue bonds for the establishment of water works and sewerage. It is not only an evidence of good growth in population, making such improvements necessary, but evidence of ; substan tial growth in prosperity. Bless tho old town and all its people! May both always prosper. A convention of Newspaper Circula tors of the country was held In she ville this week. What Is really needed, however, is a convention of newspaper circulation calculators the gentlemen who file the af fldavys. "Twins today; more tomorrow!" was the startling telegram sent by a young married man to his wife's relatives. i Which moves the Montgomery Ad vertlser to confess that there may be occasions when "government by in junction" would seem to be necessary, Characteristic of tlae Old Roman (Kington Free Press.) Geri. Matt W. Ransom, the "Old Roman" of North Carolina history, spent last night in the city and regaled a number of his friends with reminis cences of bygone days. He delivered an address to the Confederate veterans at Greenville yesterday and ran over to spend last night in Kington. From one attending the reunion at Greenville yesterday the: following In teresting item was learned, which is characteristic of the "Old Roman": After General Ransom had finished his talk to the surviving "Johnny Rebs" yesterday, an old soldier step ped up and, extending his hand, said: "Howdy do, General; I guess you don't know me." General ' Ransom grasped his hand and replied: "Why, how are you, Tom? That I do know you,' recognizing him, though he had not seen him since the war. The old veteran then recalled an In cident which happened at the first bat tle of Kinston in the early part of the rivil war, which ran like this: He, with six others, was being tried for desertion, and General Ransom, not believing them guilty, appeared be fore the court-martial in their behalf and gained their discharge. Afterward the men. made up a purse of $750 and offered it to the General, but he refused the purse and told them to send it to their wives. This generous act made a deep im pression on the men, and they never forgot it. General Ransom returned to his home In Halifax county this morning. Send StaniD for uartipulars. m """" am CROWX CHEMICAL. CO.. Bui 93. iULWAVFKK. WIS Positively Cured at Your Homo. I completely remove every spot and blemish irom tne tace or body, rendering the skin clear, smooth and l:e.-.;thv Consultation tree. Write for Rock. JOHN H. WOODBURY D. I aaiveat gad St., nw York. The aisy Seed Farm Columbian Beauty Seed Corn, the premium corn of the world. It too';; the premium at the World's Fair. The Corn is snow white, large srairt an J small Cob, weighs 60 POUNDS TO THE BUSHED. 3 TO 5 EARS TO TiltJ STALK; grows from 250 to 300 BUSHELS TO THE ACRE. It Is worth its weight in gold. The Seed from which this Corn was grown was brought he-v from Genoa. Italy, in 1890. by Col. Geo. giewers. The price of this 'valuatila Com Is. by mail, postage paid. HALF POUND 30c.. ONE POUND Wif , THREE POUNDS 51.00. ONE PECK $2.50. HALF BUSHEL ROO.1 ONE BUSHEL $7.00, TWO BUSHELS $12.00. Every ackage guaranteed to plve satisfaction or money cheeruflly refunded at once. I refer you to S. E,' Stew art, postmaster at this place, or to any reliable merchant. Order today $A U ready to. plant when the season comes. The best Is always the cheac-. Fpi a success. a. The Daisy Seed Farm, Da is 3 Forsyth County, N. C. an - x3 I--o . Cartland. rchant Tailor,1 Greensboro, N. C. Our line for this spring Is composed. of all the latest goods, both forefsa and domestic. We ehall be pleased to serve you, guaranteeing perfect satisfaction. opening of our Pacific cable communi- A FACT ABOUT THE "BLUES" What is known as the Blues Is seldom occasioned by actual exist ing external conditions, but in the great majority of cases by a disorder ed 1 -1, THIS IS A FACT which may be demonstra ted by trying a course of Robert Simpson. TfliffSU U Urli 12) lb QV n Thsy control and regulate the LIVER. The Colored Brother's Opportunity (Augusta Chronicle.) The Indianapolis News calls atten tion to the fact that in that city of 170.C0O inhabitants the 1,700 negroes form the political balance of power. This opens uj a fine opportunity for the effective and congenial disposition of bur surplus negroes. They are com plaining about having the ballot taken away from them in Southern States and thus losing their political rights nnd influence; but as a matter of fact the negro has no political influence in the South, whore the Democratic party is supreme. . . In a Northern city, however, where there Is a narrow marein of votes between the Republican and Demo cratic parties, there is a fine oppor- ! tunity for the negro to colonize and be- They bring hope and bouancy to the conie a P1It,cri1 pow-r. mind. They bring health and elastic- W nr! ,anxAIous to seethis . negro itv to th hXdv - question fitlly transported U the North, Ity to the body. both in its political arid it srtolal phases, and wt -ugsest to the colored TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. INVENTORY ' In order to reduce our Stock before taking INVENTORY JULY io, wo will make a liberal DISCOUNT FOR CASH on any piece of FURNITURE AND HOUSEFURNISHINGS in our store Our Stock is Complete and Fresh. If you want to buy NOW or intend to buy SOON this is opportunity. EITHER IN PRICE your NO DISCOUNT ON THIS MATTRESS ORQUALITY The Delivered Royal Elastic -Felt. Delightfully cbol in Sumtn C J er. Royal 1 & Borden Furn Cor . Wilmington and Hargett Sts,1 iture Co 1 r RALEIGHN,. C. -