THE MOBNiyG POST, ' 6 19 03 THE STOCK MARKET Prices Rose Erily on Early Dealings and Then Sag- to cd There Were Ad vances Later, but the Close Was Inactive Butter, eggs, cheese and sugar un changed. 1 u New York. July ?. Light buying or 4 n carried prices upward, but the i.iin did not exceed hlf a point ex- . i t In the case of J'nlted States steel. , einent8 L arg0 crops :h.u stock rose i on the purchase or. .M.nn. in tvi ..iO shares, and then fell back a frac tion on succeeding offering of thou sand hare blocks. Mocks rose miner easn y jof the son. The" crop outlook would fUn progressed on small buying. -J-j very satisfactory If It were not for Paul. Mlourt i-nci.ic :. jlhe boil weevil In Texas. A report re ceived from that State this morning BARBEE & GO.'S LETTER Barbee & Co., Raleigh X. C, Members of the New York Cotton Exchange: New York July 8. Cotton It Is rath er difficult to formulate a satisfactory plan to be pursued In cotton poera tions at the present time. Trices have declined to 9'.c. basis for new crop lositions ust as those most Interested in the welfare of them arket desired, and conditions surrounding the crop are such as to bring about daily 1m- are those made during seasoiu in which condi tions improve in June and July and not when the August condition is low er than that shown at the beginning Pacific and unnea; ci.aI (IatV wrre most in dc- t.Kinl among the wctlve leaders, and they gained a tolnt each. Other Im portant stoefcs advance! good frac tions, notably Pennsylvania, Baltimore a: Ohio. Norfolk .fc Western. New York Central. I'n'n Pacific, Atchison and Amalgam-ued. New Jersey Central Kulnel 2. Northwestern V'z. Tere Mnwuette wu bought on the declara tion of Its first dividend of 1 per cent. Prices pagced.oft alter buying orders l a.! been executed. United States Steel trcks lst their rise. There were tains or 1 In Lackawanna and a point in C. C. C. & t. Louis, Minneap olis. St. Taul & Sault Ste Marie. A few stock worked slowly upward to the earlier high level, but the gen eral list wn slugrrlsh and neglected. Leather prefered came Into prominence nnd Improved 12. Advances In New Jrsey Ontral of 3, Lackawanna 24 rrnd Twin City Rapid Transit 12 were features, Rope nnd Twine 6s rallied a point over iat nigh'. The closing was Inactive. rr York llttk Quotation Open. Chose. 12 fi 39 tl. 19 7 - A f.S'i 120 -i ?2'. f cs; 31 Furar l-ft7i Atchison . Do. pref. S2i Brooklyn Bapld Transit Baltimore and Ohio ..... Canadian Pacific t hesapeake and Ohio .... C FS. I. and F. Po. pref. C. 1. w Krie Brie 1st rref Hocking Valley Illinois Central 13C4 Lfoplsville and Nashville IIP! Manhattan V. 1374 Metropolitan 1 4 M. K. T. pref. 494 ouri Pacific 1023 Mexican Central 'i National Lead K'i Norfolk and Western C7 New York Central 12C V. Y. O. and U. .......... T, - 2T, was -probaly the most gloomy docu ment that we have seen from the cot ton belt this season. A man vith 1.200 acres of land said that he very much doubted his ability to raise a quarter of a bale to the acre. Of course this is a biased opinion and must be taken for what it Is worth. But on the other hand, there is no doubt but what this question is the most serious one that has ever. faced the cotton producer of America. The market today showed that shorts were getting under cover land looking for a reaction. We tnor- ouphly believe In the purchase of De cember and January, below 9Hc for a time. It may be that opportunities to make such purchases will be limlt- led, and again the bull pool may not be able to find a market for Its cotton without lowering quotations and this could easily bring January cotton down to 314c. jjut none the less, we would purchase on all breaks now, and if cotton can be obtained for 9Vs. so much the better. The very first unfa vorable turn In thew eather now will bring about a sharp advance in new crop months. We believe there Is big money to be made in the purchase of cotton the coming season, and have been waiting for Just such a break. HARDEE & CO. TJTi 15H v .4 S-t - s 1-44 111 122 1 j 43H Mlzbt VTas Her Trrr I would cough nearly all night long," writes Mrs. Charles Applegate of Alexandria, Ind., "and could hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so bad that If I walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood, but. when all other medicines failed, three $1 bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 55 pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed to cure coughs, rolds, la grippe, bronchi.s 103and all throat and lung troubles. Price 51. Trial bottles free at all druggists. - !5Cc and 123; People's Gas Pennsylvania 12"H Heading 52 Beading 1st pref 70'i Fouthern Bailway 21 X 4 fias Pacific 20 T'nlon Tacllc S2 SOU S0"i St 2m 44's 61!a 524 .mi 53 204 S1TC ?6H 20 H l S4 24 4t r5 I-eather rref. :V. F. Stel Do. pref. Western Union .... AVabasri ........ ... Do. pref. Vr..-Car. Chem. Co. IIlltnir Stork Qntuilom Baltimore. July S. The market closed ery dull and steady. Mount Vernon Woodbury tncotror; afli opened tin rhanced. soli to and closed nt I'M. United Rail-lay incomes at 644 were i lower. ottot Open. High. Low. Close. . July. 11.45 11.43 11.33 -11.43 Aug. ..... 11. Dct. ...... I0--- Nov. . 9.5j Dec. . . . . . 9- Jan. ..... r- WIIE.VT: Open. IJIgh. Low. CWsse. . . H Sl4 "' t . . . . 76; 73 75 76 . . . . 7J 7S" 7S 11.43 10.3 9.C6 11.20 10.27 9.3" 9.50 11.39 10.47 9.79 9.65 9.CI Fept. . . . . 1"W' May. . . . . CORN: Fept Dec 514 ri ' May. . . OATS: rpt. . . Iec. May. . . PORK: Fept. . . , LARD: FVpt. Oct. . . RIBS: Fept. , Oct. . 51 52 1 51 5 Us 23 334 r 1 ' 33'4 51 50 50 34 34 25 51 CC- 31 23 25 15. !3 13.62 13.37 15 43 ,C3 7.93 8.30 8.20 8.17 S.M 8,70 S.37 8,05 7.92 8,50 8,27 8.10 7.97 80 8.20 Bptmbtr Wheat Open. Close. New York Sl 81 St. Louis .. .. .. .. 76 .... Minneapolis 73 ... I'uluth 7S .... Sptmber Cmm Open. Close. New York 5S 3S St. Louis.. 51 .... Baltlmr FrTtlen Ilarket Baltimore. July 8. Flour quiet, un changed: receipts 34.0S barrels; eip'orts lT.m barrels. Wheat firrner; spot S03-4S1; July 72-TiS; August 73 3-4fl79: Septcm br 79; steamer 2 red 73 1-471 1-2; re ceipts 19.373 bushels; exports 15.850 bushels: southern by sample 63JIS01-2; do., on grade 75 1-211S0 1-2. Corn firm; spot 57 5-Sf?3-4; July 57-l-tl-2: August 56 3-457; Beptember T51-4; steamer mixed 53 5-8JT3-4; re r"!pts 29.160 bushels; exports 74.S00 bushels; southern white corn C7O60; do,, yellow 57J153 1-2. Aota firm;, number t white 47; num ber 2 mixed 431-2: recelots 17,231. bush x; exports 210 bushels. UNION SUED A Richmond Firm Seeks Re lief Against a Boycott Richmond. July 8. A suit for 510.000 has been filed by the Sitterdlng-Car-r.eal-Davis Company, handlers of builders supplies, against the Brick layers Union of Richmond. Fritz Slt terdlng, head of the concern, is also president of the Virginia Passenger and Power Company, whose men are now pn strike for recognition of tha union and higher wages. It is alleged that members of the bricklayers union have declined to work for any builder using material furnished by the Sitter ding firm, and that in consequence the latter has lost heavily. A decision of the state supreme court holds every member of a union found guilty of such conduct personally re sponsible. It Is the Intention of th's and other firms to bring suit against every organization where, there Is any chance'of rrovlng a boycott. The bus ln6ss men of this city are incensed by the effort of the street car. men to ob tain their demands by use of the boy cott. The strike has proved a disastrous failure and the men now realize It. "PEONAGE" Negro The Story Told by a from Georgia Montgomery. July 8. In the trial of Fletcher Turner, charged with peon age, before Judge Thomas Jones of the United States court the sensation of the day was Olennle Helm's testimony. He testified that he and two other ne groes who had been working at Calcls, Shelby county, Ala., were on their way home to Columbus, Ga., and when they got to Good water, Coosa count v. they Were arrested by Policeman J. F. Dunbar for vagrancy. They were brought before the mayor and fined S3 und costs, or-four and a half months imprisonment, in Tallapoosa county, and sold to Turner for an amount of money unknown to him. They were bound together with ropes when car ried to Daderllle. Turner carried them to his farm, about ten miles from Daderllle, w here they were put to Helm stated that he was whipped sometimes twice a day and generally every other day. He said that he was worked under guard In the day and locked up nt night. One time he es caped. Turner offered a reward for his capture. He was caught at Opelika nnd brought back to work. His father at Columbus, Ca., finally sent one Lee White to Turner with about $48 to. buy his llbertj-, which he did, although Turner only paid ntout one-third that amount. When White went to Turners farm he found him in a saw mill stark nak ed. The governmentyicontends that he was worked this way to prevent his escape. Spencer Trask & Ca BANKERS v7illiam & Pine Sts-, New Yoti Investment Securities. Members New York Stock Exchange, Branch Office, Albany, N. Y. WILMINGTON EXCURSION Wris'Htsvillo Beach ! On Wednesday, July 22d the Sea board Air Line Railway will run a spe cial train from Raleigh to Wilming ton, taking passengers from all sta tions up to and including Hamlet. Leaving Raleigh 0:09 a. m., returning leaves Wilmington 7:30 p. m.. on the 23rd. The following schedule and low round trip rales will be found very attractive Leave Raleigh 9:00 a. m., fare $2,25; Cary 9:20 a. m., $2.2.r; Apex 9:35 a. rn., 52.00. Moncure 10:15 a. m., $2.00; San ford 10:45. a. m., 51.75; Ab?rdeen 11:57 a. m., $1.73: Hnmlet 12:50 p. m., $1.50. Correspondingly low rates apply from intermediate stations not named above. Ask your agent for a flyer giving full particulars as to attractions, &c. Special low rales at the famous Sea shore Hotel, Wrightsville Beach. This excursion will be first class in every detail and you cannot afford to miss it. For further information address H. S. Leard, . T. P. A., or Christian & Weathers,-.Managers, Raleigh, N. C. Special Rafea via lanlbera Railway $93.30 Raleigh to Xos Angeles, San Francisco, orSati- Diego, Cal., and - return, account Christian Endeavor Convention. Tickets on sale July 1 to 10 inclusive, final return limit August 31, ' 1903. $ 1.50 Raleigh to Durham and return account Raleigh District Sunday School Institute, A. M. E. Church. Tickets on sale July S and 9, final return llmit"July 13, 1903. $10.50 Raleigh to Baltimore, Md., and return, account 'annual meeting B. P. O. Klks. Tickets on sale July 19 and 20, final return lim it of all rail tickets July 25, of rail and water tickets August 5, 1S03. Final limit of tickets may be extended by depositing ticket with special agent and upon paymenf of a fee of $1. $ 9.15 Raleigh to Ashevllle and return, account of meeting National Dental and Adjunct Societies. Tickets on sale July 22d and 23d, July 26 and 27, final return limit August 2, 1903." $64.75 Raleigh to San Francisco, Cal., and return, account national en campment Grand Army of the Republic. Tickets on sale July 31 to August 13 inclusive, final return limit October 15, 1903. . $30.60 Raleigh to Hot Springs, Ark.', and return, account Special Summer Excursion. Tickets on sale eyery Wednesday and. Sat urday up to and including Sep tember 30, 1903. Final limit 60 days from date of sale. $4.00 Raleigh to Fayettevile, -N. C. and return, account Grand Lodge Royal Knights :. of King David. Tickets on sale July 20, limited returning July 20, 1903. $9.00 Raleigh to Charlottesville, Va., and . return, account Virginia Summer School of Methods. Tickets on sale June 22, 23, 24, 25, July 13. 14, 15 and 16 final limit; all tickets sold from North and South Carolina points Oct. 31. $42.00 Raleigh to Denver, Col., and re turn, account Annual Convention Young People's Society of Chris tian Endeavor. Tickets on sale June 20 to July 9, with final limit August 31. Liberal stop-over privileges and divers routes west of the Mississippi river. $13.10 Raleigh to Atlanta, Ga., and re turn, account National Conven tion Baptist Young People's Union of America. Tickets on sale July 7, S, 9 and 10; final limit July 15, except by deposit ing this ticket with joint agent, Atlanta, and on payment of a fee of 50 cents an extension can be had until August 15. 1903. $18.20 Raleigh to Monteagle, Tcnn., and return account Woman's Congress W. C. T. 17., United Daughters Confederacy and Mu sical. Tickets on sale Aug. 3, 4, 5; final return limit Aug. 15, 19S3, $18.20 Raleigh to Monteagle. Tenn., and return account Monteagle Sunday School Institute. Tickets on sale Aug. 7th to 11th, Inclu sive; final return limit August 31, 1903. ' . $18.20 Raleigh to Monteagle, Tenn., and return account Monte3gle Bible School. " Tickets' on sale June 30th to July 2d, inclusive, also on July. 22, 23, 24; 'final re turn limit August 31, 1903. $19.03 Raleigh to Detroit, Mich., and return, account International Convention Epworth League. Tickets on sale July 14 and 15; final limit July 20, except an ex tension can be obtained to and Including August 15 by deposit ing ticket with joint agent, De troit, and on payment of a fee of 50 cents. $12.90. Raleigh to Knoxville, Tenn., and return account Summer School. Tickets on sale June 21, n. 23, 29. Ju!y 5. 6. 12. 20. final li.Mt 15 daa 'ron date of sale. Orlfcial purchasers may secure extension oZ Mmlt by depositing - tickets with Mr. Joseph Rich ardson, special agent, not later than 15 days rom &ate of pur chase, and cpon payment of fep of 60 cents. . -Raleigh to Wilmington, N.' C and return account State Grand Lodge I. O. of G. S. and Daugh ters of Samaria of North Caro llna. Tickets on sale July 12, 13, 14; final return limit July 20, 1903. Account Summer School for Teachers, $ 6. Raleigh, tyxf, llihy'.-i . to. Aug'; V the SoutheiV5iilway announces' a - rateof one farVrfclus 25 cents for the round trip. Tickets on sale June 30,. July 6, 7, 13 and: 20; final limit Aug. 1. For any. other information apply to' any ticket agent Southern Railway, or address T. E. GREEN. C. T.-A, . -. "--; RalfiUrh- N. C, Special ItaltV via Seaboard Air Llna $ 9.50 Plus $tbo to Baltimore, Md., and return, all rail or via Portsmouth and Bayline, account of Annual Meeting Grand Lodge B. P. O. Elks, Baltimore, Md., July 21st 23d. ;: Tickets on eale July 18th, 19th and 20th. With final limit ijhly 25th. .This ticket may be extend ed'until July 31st by depositing sante with special agent and .de positing $1.00. SlS.SO-FJus 25 cents to Detroit, Mich.. and return on account of Inter national , Convention Epworth League, Detroit, Mich., July 16th 19th, 19C2. Tickets on sale July 14th and 15th, with final return limit July 20th. This ticket may be extended until August 15th by depositing ticket with special agent .and upon payment of fee of 50 'cens. ; - ? S.S0 Pluses cents plus $2.00, Raleigh to Asheville and return account of thirteenth annual meeting Southern Educational Association, June 30th to July 3d, 1903. Tick ets sold June 27th to July 1st, final limit. July 10th1, but ticket may be extended. Until Oct. 10th by depos iting same with special agent and upon payment of fee of 50 cents. ; 8.S0 Plus 25 cents, Raleigh to Ashe ville and return, account of the National Denta! Association and adjunct society, Asheville, N. C, July 24th to 31st. Tickets sold July 22d, 23d, 26th and 27th, final limit Aug. 2d. I 9.00 Plus 25 cents, from Raleigh to Charlottesville and return, account of the Virginia Summer School of .Methods, Charlottesville, Va., June 22d to Aug. 9th. Tickets STATEMENT. . . - , W Standard Life and AccidenVln?3a- arance'GoVrv'::;- '.of Mlchlga-n.- - ' - . : . Condition December ' J 31st, 1902, as Shown by Statement Filed. Capital stock authorized $250,000.00. Subscribed, $250,000.00. Paid in cash . ........$ 250,000.00 Amount of net ledger as sets, December 31st of 1 previous .year ........... Income-from policy hold- ers, I $1,325,847.53; Miscel laneous $51,939.34; total.. Accidents, . $701,261.52; em- , ployers' liability, $547,- 7S3.05; health, $76,S02.96. . L325.847.53 Disbursements To policy- ' holders, .$595,887,69; Mis cellaneous, $599,24l'.94; to- tal 1,195,129.63 Accident, $344,183.60; em- ' ployers liability, $209, 271.02 ; health, $42,433.07 . . . BUSINESS IN FORCE AT END OF YEAR. STATEMENT Natinoal -Surety Co., t ; of Neir York. Condition December 31st, 1302, is Sho-rn , V by Statement Filad. j Capital stock authorized. $500,000; subscribed, $500,- 000; .paid in cash .,... Amount of net iedjrer as sets December 21st of I previous year Inccme from policy hold- . ! j ers, $760,S6S.59; mis"cella 1,148,257.39; neous, $5S,71.S0; total... Disbursements to , poacy holders. $217,634.35; 'mis cellaneous, $524,848.76; to- tal .. .. i .. . 1,377,786.87 595,837.69 Accident, .$92,815,600.00; em ployers' liability, not giv en; health, $4,763,400.00.. BUSINESS WRITTEN DURING YEAR. Accident, , .. $156,812,500.00; . . . emplQ3rers'. liability, not, ""given; ' "health,- $6,034,- KC0.0C0.CO 1. EIC.C12.SS SJ,62.S3 .. i ; 742.483.11 BUSINESS WRITTEN DURING THE J; . year. : .' Fidelity and surety . . -..8&.545,705.CO " - ASSETS. V - - I . Value of real estate, less ' amount of erucumbraiw Value of stocks and bonds United States, State,. etcC owned ... ... .. .. ..,. ., Loans on real estate (first lien on fee-simple) ... ,av iTnterest anr! rnts du and.. 97,615,000.00 accruea .. .. .. .. .. . . ic-asn in nome oiiice aim uc e I , posited in banks ... . .. Premiums unpaid .. .. fAU other assets, detailed -. in statement 1 000.00 .$162,846,500.00 ASSETS. Value of real estate (less amount of e ncum- brances) ..........$ 61,321.45 Value of stocks and bonds (United States, State, etc., owned) 745,005.00 Loans on real estate (first lien on fee-simple)... 441,803.63 Iinterest and rents due and accrued 14,962.26 Cash in home office and t 1S9.3S3.55 1,155,215.75 2.973.C0 6,600.00 " 216,431.91 71,239.17 . 79,133.43 Total .. Less assets ted.. not admlt- Premiums paid .. All other assets, in statement ... detailed Total ..........$ 1,549,598.11 Less assets not admitted.. 296.00 Total admitted assets.. $ 1,549,302.14 LIABILITIES. Unearned premiums ......$ Unpaid policy claims All other liabilities as de tailed in statement sold June 22d, 2Sd, 24th. 25th, July 13th; 14th 15th and 16th, with final "mit August 3rd. $64.75 Raleigh to, Los Angeles or San Francisco, Cal., on account of the . National Encampment Grad Army " of the Republic, August 17th-22d, 1903. Tickets w ill be on sale July 31st to August 13th, 1903, inclusive and bear a final limit until Octo ber 15th, 19' $42.00 To Denver, Colorado, and return on account of the Annual Convention- Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, Denver, Col., - Jnlv 9th-l3th. 1903. Tickets oh sale June 30th to July 9th, 1903, 'Total liabiiities as to pol with final return limit August 31. - jCy. holders" Wetik-end rates from Raleigh to all Capital stock paid up...,. seashore resorts and mountain resorts ; s lus bey0nd all liabili in rsortn uaronna ana v irgima. i-i.-ets sold to seashore resorts for all trains Saturdays and forenoon Sun days, ' good returning the following Mondays. For mountain resorts tick ets'1 sold Fridays and Saturdays, good returning the: following Tuesdays at greatly reduced rates.' Summer excursion tickets sold to all summer resorts, including Norfolk, Washington, Baltimore. New York, Providence and Boston and mountain resorts in North Caroina and Virginia, Total admitted assets.. LIABILITIES. Unearned premiums .. . Unpaid policy claims .... All other liabilities as de tailed in statement .. ... 1.670.99S.S3 57.271,63 1,613,727.15 374,673.16 18,444.84 115.036.2! Total liabilities policy holders as to deposited in banks 103,761.12 Capital stock paid up 182,371.25 Surplus beyond all liabili ties .. .. 373.43 592,357.10 330,574.02 59,984.62 $ ties 982,915.74 250,000.00 316,386.40 Total liabilities $ 1,549,302.14 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA IN 1902- Accident Risks written, $1,249,800.00; premiums received, .$11990.87; Josses paid, $2,689.43; losses incurred, $689.43; amount at risk at end of year, $967,- 100.00. - Employers' liability Risks , written, not given, premiums received, $81.00; lor brie and one-third first class fares jgeg paid, none;. losses incurred, none i nnnrtlinr l I T 1SK i . ciiu Ul j'u.., w Clll 1U Ull. - - for the round trip. klst to Sept. 30th. final limit Oct. disr and good fr stop-overs, and good on all trains. ; given. Health Risks written, $110,500.00; nremiums received, $1,459.74; losses "Grand Fountain United Order True j padf $1,218.78; losses incurred, $1,218.78: Reformers, Washington, p.. C., Septem-1 am0unt at risk at end of year $87,- ber lst-8th, 1903. Tickets on saie au-;coo.OO. gust 30th, , September 1st and 2d with final limit September 10th; rate to be one first class fare plus 25 cents for the round trip. Meeting International Sunday School Association August 27th to 30th. Tick ets sold from all points in North Car olina, including Norfolk and Suffolk, based On tariff No. 1. Tickets sold August ""26th and 27th, and from points within a radius of 100 miles August 29th and 30th, final limit Sept. 1st. Summer School for Teachers. Raleigh, ets sold from points in Vorg and South Carolina to Raleigh and re turn at one r?.. Jnlv 1st to Auarust 1st. Tick- gin ia eigh ire. cents for the round trip. Tickets sola June 30th. July 1st, 6th, 7th, 13th and 20th, final limit August Jst. For further information apply to C. H. GATTI3, H. S. LEARD, T. P. A.. Raleigh, N. C. C. H. GATTIS, C. P. & T. A.,. Raleisrh. N. C. President, D. M. Ferry. Secretary, E. A. Leonard. Home, office, 119 Griswold St., De troit, Mich. General Agent , for service, W. H. Crawford, Salisbury, N. C. Business Manager for North Carolina, W H.' Crawford & Brb, Salisbury, N. C. - State of North Carolina, Insurance Department, Raleigh, July 1st, 1903. I, James R. Young, Insurance Com- sinia. North ndssioner, do hereby certify that the w w - F i above is a true and correct abstract " f " r;;1 of the statement o the Standard Life nrsr cms,s w. "1 I a Af THnrnr- Company of " ctlH.A iVVl .uv - Detroit, Mich., filed with this depart ment, showing the condition of said Company on the 31st day of December, 1902. Witness my hand and official , seal, the day and date above written. JAMES R. YOUNG. Insurance Commissioner. Total liabilities BUSINESS 568.154.2S 500,000.00 543,572.90 1,613,727.15 CAROLINA IN NORTH IN 1902. -:. Fidelity and Surety Risks "written, 1,862,250.00; premiums received 7,442,72; losses paid 1,453.87; losses incurred 1, 453.87; amount of risk at end of year 1,925,249.00. 1 .' ... President, Chas. A. Dean; secretary, Ballard McCall; Home Office, 3.46 Broad way, New York; General Agent for service, Victor H. Boyden, Raleigh, N. C; Business Manager for North Caro lina, managed from Home Office. State of North Carolina, Insurance De partment, Raleigh, July 1st, 1903, I, James R, Young, Insurance Com missioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the National Surety Company of New York City, filed with this depjirtmentt howing the condition of said company pn'the 3lst day of De cember, 1902. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and date above written. JAMES R. YOUNG. Insurance Commissioner. $500 Reward Washington, D. C, May 25th. 1903. Whereas, at or near Raleigh, in the state of North Carolina, on Tuesday, the 19th day of May, 1903, Southern Railway Company's mail train, known as No. 136, was derailed by the feloni ous placing of spike or other obstruc tion on the track by which said train was wrecked and many personal inju ries received by passenegrs and em ployees, and railway equipment greatly damaged; ' - Now, therefore, in consideration of the premises and th atthe enforcement of the laws may be aided In punishing said felony and for the protection of the public in the future, the Southern Railway Company hereby offers a re ward of C FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, to be paid for and upon the arrest and proper conviction of the party or par- ties who did this act. C. H. ACKERT, General Manager Southern Railway Company. L,AST YEAR TfaeP H TO .UN Wrote in "j B"11 OA JL.JLW H NORTH CAROLINA considerably Over E3 1 More 3 Insurance than any other Company doing business injhe Staet accordingUo sworreports to the Irur and the agents. : J R. B. RANEY, Cracril Ant fcr Morth Cr.:V4. - RALEIQH, N. C