- - I A POSTSCRIPTS Examination Day This Notice is called to the" fact that this !ltVi Av for ti Ptamlnation for en- Marshal II. C. Dockery reiu.nra 'trance to the A. & M. College. . Appli- terday from Thomasville. . 'cants will present , themselves for ex- Mr. C. E. Joyner of Greets!.. is in ,natlon at lne COUnty superlntend- the city. ent's office at 10 o'clock this morning. Dr. tL D. Ferebee spent ye'-...aaj inilsboro. Mr. William Allen has returned from Illlliboro. .Mr. T. C. Bond of Windsor was here yesterday. Capt. W. II. Day went to Greensboro yesterday. Mr. A. D. Watts went to Statesvllle yesterday. 7 Mr. R. II. Patterson of Wilson spent yesterday here. Rev. W. C. Barrett returned to Dur ham yesterday. Mr. II. A. London returned to Pitts boro last afternoon." Mr. II. A. Page of Aberdeen returned home last afternoon. Mr. William Royall. Jr of Wake Forest Is .In the city. State Librarian M. O. Sherrill Is back from a visit to Hickory. Mr. W. O. Greer of Greensboro ar rived yesterday morning. Mr. H. A. Alexander of San Jose, fil.- l At the YarboroUKh. Mr. George B. Justice of Rutherfora BUSINESS ITEMS FOR SALE. Farm containing 2C5 acres, more or less. In high state of cul tivation, situated about two miles from the city of Raleigh. For further par ticulars address JOHN B. STRONACH. Ralfelii- N- C WANTED A position by a young lady to teach intermediate classes in private school or family. Address "Teacher," care the Morning Post. Car o 1 1 na Tr ust Com pany. CAPITAL STOCK, 100,000.0,0. TRUTiC LOANS. BANKl NG. SAF KDEPOSITS. Transacts a GLWKUAL BANKING and SAVINGS BANKING BUSI NESS; also acts as Financial Asent for the floating of Stocks and Bonds of MUNICIPAL. RAILROAD. COTTON MILLS and other corporations. . Acts es EXECUTOR. ADMIN ISTP. ATOR, GUARDIAN, TRUSTEE. AS SIGNEE. RECEIVER, BROKER. AGENT. Interest paid on Deposits in Saving s Department. "HOME SAVINGS" l'-xes, strens a nd convenient, furnished without cost to vou. '! ' - " OFFICERS. , W. TY Mills. President: Leo D. H eartt. Vice President ami General Man ager; Robert C. Strong. Trust Officer a nd General Counsel; William Haye9. Cashier. ' DIRKC TORS. James Webb J. D. Rlsgan. Char! es E. Hart. Alexander Webb. Julius Lewis. Leo D. Heartt. F. T. Ward. W . W. Mills. Allen J. Ruffln. W. C, Petty. P. R. Albriga. and Robert C. S trong. Offices In Carolina Tn"" Building ., Raleigh. N. C. A, Co Only Good Tr unks are Worth Buying, but a GOOD TRUNK does not nec- -. ' essarilv mean a High-priced Trunk, . t Pure Home Made Apple Brandy,. straight from the distiller. Bought specially for medicinal purposes, only a small quantity to be had. Guaran teed 2 years old. R. C. Batchelor, 12G East Martin St, Raleigh, N. C, Cpence old stand. FOR SALETwo choice building lots DURING Tfi ESE.fS S WARM DAYS, "Sft perspiration, dust, and etc. We guarantee satisfaction in every branch of the work. ,7 V: , ; T In 5x50. best residence portion of Greens- ,..S".iIf2e?i C,M.fi lnUo. N. C opposite the Cedars, two Rev Dr T V Ivey has gone to Mocks from street car line, a bargain. ?.e-.D.r: ' JSi- JJ200 cash. J. Stuart KuykendalL uriemai 10 uucuu uuu.i -. t- riiriTTiri Vnrri and Master Her- w vnu hi returned from a visit WANTED To purchase a Bicycle. . 1 22-inch frame. Address H. W., care Mr v -r Twrence. Jr.. and Dr. Morning Post, stating make, condition, Theo. Hill of Smlthfleld v.ere in the price and all particulars. city yesterday. Rev. J. D. Arnold of Lexington, del-1 Stockholder .Cretin: egate to the temperance convention,! June 19, 1903. left for home vesterday. I The annual meetlnjr of the stockhold Mr. George P. Pell, who attended tne ers of the North Carolina Railroad state temperance convention, returned Company will be held .in Greensboro Ho Alleghany yesterday. on Thursday, July 9th. 1903. Col. W. A. Henderson, general coun- D. h. M'LEAN. m1 of the Southern Railway, returned! Secretary and Treasurer. to Washington yesterday. Dr. Picot of Littleton spent yester day here attending a meeting of the WHEN asylum executive committee. FILLING PRESCRIPTIONS WE give our undivided attention to the matter in hand; that is the only safe way, and we are nothing if not safe. WE dispense only drugs of KNOWN PURITY, holding that when human life is hanging In the balance it is a poor time to econo mize by using cheap materials and trusting to luck. If you have a prescription and cannot send it, phone us and .we will send for It. Hicks' Drug Store Dr. Strieker Coles of Philadelphia returned home 3esterday, after a visit to his brother, Mr. Henry Coles. Mr. William II. Harriss of Atlanta, " a former Raleigh boy, spent yesterday in the city and left for Goldsboro. Mr. Hiram Worth has returned to .High Point, after a visit to his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Worth. Mr. R. D. Cronly of Baltimore, pri vate secretary to the president of the Atlantic Coast Line, spent yesterday In the city. 4 Rev. A. R. Love of Hendersonville is attending the temperance convention and visiting his father, Mr. E. H. Love, . and other relatives. Mr. Louis McKee, son of Dr. James McKee, went to Richmond, Va yes terday to take a poslt'on with the Richmond Locomotive Works. State Treasurer B. R. Lacy will rpeak at Wendell next Sunday In the interest of Sunday schools. His sub ject will be "Sowing and Rea..ng." Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cates of Burling ton and Rev. N. s. Jones, also a Wake NO PIANO MADE county man, .miss uessie iioii oi uur llngton were attending the convention. CoL Benehan Cameron and Dr. V. E. Turner went to Greensboro last after noon to attend the meeting of tne stockholders of the North Carolina Railroad. Mr. J. W. White, a graduate " from the course in industrial chemistry at the A. & M. Collese at its last com mencement, has accepted a position in the dye houe of the Shamrock mills at Winston-Salem. Por the Price Oak City Steam Laundry. All Phones. J, IC. MARSHALL, Prop. R. H. BATTLE. President. ALEXANDER WEBB. VicePres lent. CHARLES ROOT. Secy and Treas. The North Carollria Home Insurance Company OF RALEIGH, N. C. 1 ' ESTABLISHED 1863. The Leading North Carolina Company. Over ,51,000,000.00 Lrossei Paid in North Carolina Insure roar property against Ore nn lishtninjr la this "old arid reliable company. It Is a home institution, seeking home patronage; it has been success Jul in business for more than thirty yesrs; it is safe, solid, reliable and worthy of confidence. Iu patronizing It you help to build cp North Carolina. Agent wanted In unoccupied territory.- Qood.iilen Wanted Salaries Guaranteed for One Man in Each County in North Carolina THES FOR EXAMPLE! Canvas-sovered Roller Tray Trunks ..,.. ..$5.50 to 512.51 Canvas-covered Box Tray Trunks .. S-50 to Canvas - covered Steamer - Trunks .. . 3.50 to 5.50 Automatic Skirt Tray and Wall Trunks 12-50 to 16.CD ci Leather Dress Suit. WW.v. " . Cases .. .. 5.00 to Sheepskin and Rubber v Clotty Suit ases 1.75 to Canvas-covered Suit Cases. 2.00 to Canvas Leather-bound Tel escopes ....,....; 2.00 to Canvafjcovered Telescopes 1.25 to Rusw Leather Cabin and rtfh Ttatra 2.50 tO Imitation Alligator Club Bags .. 1.50 to S.OC Packing Trunks, cloth and canvas covered .50 to 3.01 Tourist Trunk Straps, with locks, all lengths 50c. each 7-59 5.07 2.53 2.5") L63 6.C9 f NEW LAWNS! Dainty Patterns, the prettiest of this jf( I ETC 5eason's Showing, New White Linens for Waists and Dresses, 6&z. values for 50c. doc. values for 45c, 50c. values for 42c New Blouse Linens for Waists and Dresses, 15-25C New Striped and Dotted Linens, 50c. values 42c. 45-inch Black Silk Grenadines 62 i-2e to 75 c. yd 5Ii6e Value Specials ! TODAY IS TERTHAN THE BONINGBR Tf Vll nav los vm ova afmnln 1 ( r Diptheiia relieved in twenty minutes. - BllB Almost miraculous. Dr. Thomas' Dlec-I an instrument that Is not as good: it inc uu. At any druij store. you pay more you are paying for a name. Expensive advertising and .all the testimonials of great artists costs big: money, and some one has to pay for it the purchaser of those pianos. Send for catalogue, terms and prices of our pianos and save money. No man wanted who cannot furnish best references and prove his ability to work. Men will be -placefl on salaries and not on commission, i ?. & If yoti have a good mind and want to make in oneyir address at once J. D. boush all; Manager .rEtna. Life Ins. Co., Raleigh, N. C. of Vehicles constantly ready for use, night or day. . Fcr years .fate was after me contin uously." writes F. A. Gulledt;e. Verbe na. A Li. "I had a terrible case of piles .causing 21 tumors. When all failed Jlucklen!? ' Arnica Salve cured me. Equally sood for burns, and all aches and pains. Only 21 cents at all druggists. Hives are a terrible torment to little folks, and to some older ones. Easily cured. Doan's Ointment never falls. Instant relief, penr.inent cure. At any crur storo. SO cents. Darnell & Thomas, WANTED. Sadcfl morses 1,000 cords of Pine Wood tVkKa4 llatvs via . A. . Commencing June 6th, the Seaboard Air Line Railway will place on sale weok-end tickets to the following sum mer resorts. Tickets arc sold for all days, good returning the following Mon- aellVered at bOldSDOrO, N.C. Kound-trip tickets from Raleigh are Write to H. L. Grant & Son, From Raieigh to- Goldsboro, N. C, or H. L. Jackson spring, n. c. 3.50 Grant, Raleigh, N. C. Fortsmouth. Va. 4.C0 7 Ocean View. Va 4.S0 j KJia I'oini Lomiori, va 4.50 Cape Henry, Va 4.50 VlrginLi Beach. Va 4.75 For Curther Information apply to C. IL GATTIS. C P. & T. A Raleigh. N .C. IL S. LHARD. T. P. Raleigh. X. C. for ladies and gentlemen. Heavy hauling and excavations solicited. UPCHURCH & HOLDER. GARDEN SEEDS; Instead of saying "The early bird catches the worm." let us make the proverb, read "The early trucker gets the price." We have made a study of garden seeds, and we believe that we have the finest varieties of early seeds that are to be had anywhere.. We handle only reliable seeds, such that you can depend upon to grow and bear heavily. It's a good deal safer and surer to buy of us than to send away for your seeds. BOBBITT-WYNNE DPe eo., 233 Fayettevile and Market Streets, LADIES PATENT KID OXFORDS. LADIES' PATENT KID OXFORDS.. LADIES PATENT KID OXFORDS . . LADIES' KID OXFORDS, GRECIAN. ........ .. LADIES' PATENT VAMP SANDALS LADIES' KID SANDALS, BEADED.. .......... LADIES' PATENT VAMP SANDALS .......... ...... . . LADIES' ONE-STRAP TOILET ................... . .. . . . . $3.59 values for $3.01 Ls'.d0 " 2-25 . f-2.00 " 1.65 . 2.75 44 2.35 . 2.00 -."V" 1M . 1.50 " : : -''WS . 1.25 " 1.00 . 1.50 . " 1.23 A B PARASOLS AT COST- sach StMn Co o h ihg's We have increased this line of goods very largely and are showing them on the 2nd floor. 1 Rugs $1.00, 1.25, 2.00, 2.48 and 3 68 Portiers $2.25, 3.00, 3.75, 4.00 Curtain Poles and Fixtures 25 and 30c Trass Cottage Rods 25 Sash Curtain Poles 15c Window Shades 15, 25 and 40c . Cocoa Door Mats 50, 60 and 75c Full assortment, of Draperies Rep's, Cretonues, Silk-aline and Screines. Glass mad Ware and You Need Have No Fear aout any prescription that comes to U3. It will be filled exactly as . you specify. You are at liberty at any time to Inspect the ma terials and methods employed In our prescription work. There Is . nothln? to be covered up. We feel that il would he to our mu tual advantage If you would take the trouble to "Inform yourself fully regarding: our Prescription Department. We do good work work that wins the approbation of every physician who Investi gates It. Crowell, McLarty Co. t:3 Fayettevlllt street. EXAMPLES OF P er ... . . , Ol o t Thoj are hand clothes made ihat Are in bur store awaiting your inspection, tailored garments, ready-to-wear, and the only are in every particular the exclusive custom-tailor s handiwork. No Better Fabrics, No Better Linings, No Better Findings, No Better Workmanship can be had in apparel made-to-measure at double our price. 4 5 09 FA2YETTEVILIJe STREET. ROTO mm ry Crocke Not spape enough toj itemize this lino but you will find nearly any piece of staple ware you need. FORpHE L, AOIBS' White Shirt Waist 50, 75, Si. 00, 1.25 and 1.50 Muslin Gowns 50, 75, $1.00 and 1.50 Muslin Skirts 25, 50, 75 $1.00 and r.50 - Muslin Drawers 25. 50, 75, $1.00 Muslin Corset Co iverso, 25, 50 and 75c Gauze Vests, 25c an d 25c White Aprons Wrappeo, 5to75and $r.oo 1 Silk Wais.4.97 S$rs All children's, Infants and Misses Ox ford Ties Sandal and Colonial Ties havo a 9 14 iai 'Martm St. RALEIGH. N. C. ; : Agent for Butterick Patterns.

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