y. THE JOSHING POST THURSDAY, JULY id 1903 - is. I i ' - 1 1 , . j fp:" The . "Smoke c5 Prce." ' j ;; . : iff'-' 1 W,kWfeJv,J f I k :.-2s?? "7 The Cream ; Jf h- of the Islands jf "ikX"- 1 .1 Wnfffie same in quality 1 m The one cigar yon can aepcuu .. . c - . -.; jm : .. . PLEASURES ABOUND At FOREHEAD CITY Oe I ightfu I ly Situated arid Fi I led and Surrounded With Many Attractions Tto one dSar yon can depend upon tong tie same m fae&er you smoVe one or a thousand. Alys 5 and o good the dealer can't afford to cut the pr.ee. " " The Largest Selling Brand c Cigars in the World. Ths Ivii Is Ihs Smclsr's Protsctlaa. pi. American Cotton Man ufacturer's Association Chartered by the Secretary Tot State Home Office in Charlotte Unique Or ganizationA Ral-.-eigh Negro Asso ciation Chartered Thm American Cotton Manufactured Association (Incorporated) of Charlotte, was chartered yesterday by the pecre- t.iry of state. The capital Is $10,000. nnd the objects as ?et forth In the ar ticles of agreement tn which the char- ter is granted are to extend, encourage, Investigate nnd experiment in scientific 'methods of cotton and general textile manufacturing, gather and promulgate Information as to cotton manufactur ing and textile arts, promote the ?ocUl Intercourse of cotton manufacturers nnd establish libraries of works on tex tile subject! .... ..- . The capital stock Is to consist of 2.000 shares of the value of 13 each. There are to he active and associate members, the active members to con test exclusively of presidents, treasur ers, agents, managers or superlntend ehts'bf mills and the associate mem bership to be extended, to othervem- ployees, etc., in cotton milling and flmllar pursuits. The Incorporators are V. C. Heath,-Monroe; R. S. Itelnhardt, Lincolnton; E. VT. Thomas, Columbia, S. C; B. T7. Hunt, Klberton, Ga., and Thos. W. Swift of Elberton. Ca. The jOffice of. the association Is to be at No. .-TJouthv-Conege street, .Charlotte. . I ..charter was granted yesterday to the Southern Industrial and Mission ary Institute Company of 403 Fayette llle street. Raleigh. The company has for its purpose the improvement of the Industrial, educational, moral and re ligious conditions of the colored race. It has authority to conduct business In all Its branches nnd do ail things for the promotion of its literary, char itable and religious purposes. The incorporators are A. W. Pegues, J.'W. Love, C. N. Williams. J. D. Love, j5aao Alston, Robt. B. Jones, M. W. Iifown, L. T. Christmas and A. Moore. " MR, M'DONALD'S TRIAL Indictment in the Knights of Honor Matter of Three " " Years Ago The trial of Mr. Charles C. McDonald cn the charge of embezzlement. In that nearly three years ago he failed to x&ke returns as financial reporter of Dele City Lodge. No. 419, to the Su rrsrr.e Knights of Honor, was begun in tne superior court htre last after noon and will be continued today. Both witnesses examined yesterday said that Mr. McDonald had refunded the amount paid by them which he had not turned over to the supreme lodge. -Mr. McDonald Is represented by Messrs. Douglass A Slmms and Judge Thomas B. IVomack, while Solicitor Armistead Jones Is prosecuting. There are three Indictments against Mr. , McDonald, but all grow out of ,th3 . same thing. Two charge embez Element and one Is for false pretence. When the case was called charging Mr. McDonald with the embezzlement f assessments amounting to $500 paid by members of the Knights of Honor, 'Mr. -Douglass, attorney for "the ac hh J, ' moved a continuance because civil suits growing out of the same transaction are now pending before a .referee. Judge Peebles overruled the motion and the trlAl proceeded. Only two state's witnesses. Mayor "A. M. Powell and Mr. R. II. Bradley, were examined yesterday. Mayor Powell, who had been an omerln-the Knights of Honor, testl Htsd that the Oak City lodge had long sln.ee ceased to hold regular meetings. At the reQUIred time a few would get together and .hoi J the ctceisary ses sion to choose officers. He did not pay Mr. McDonald Wny money, but de ducted his assessments from Mr. Mc Donald's bill at Jones & Powell's. Mr. It. II. Bradley was examined at more length. He was a member of the order and was Insured for $2,000. as each member was. When Mr. Lambeth died he filled out the blank and took It to Mr. McDonald, the financial re porter, to have the money collected. Mr. McDonald then told hftn that the Oak City lodge had been suspended because he failed to send on the as sessments In time. As to when the lodge was suspended the books would show. Mr. Bradley said this book was given to him and then turned over to the attorney representing the members suing the supreme lodge. He did not know where the book was now. There were about thirty members of the Oak City lodge, but he did not know how many brought suit against the supreme lodge. The witness was the reporter of the local lodge, but his habit was to sign and place the seal on the blank reports and give them to Mr. McDonald to fill out and forward. Oak City lodge was suspended in June, 1900. and the suspension became known In June, 1901. He thought that he made twelve or thirteen payments af ter the suspension. On cross-examination by Mr. Doug lass the witness said that he was not present at the meeting of the Oak City lodge in January, 1901, but afterwards Mr. McDonald brought him a paper with hls (McDonald's) name as finan clal reporter and treasurer, that being the Only change in the officers. No bond was required of the officers. . Here Mr. Douglass read from the constitution of the supreme lodge that subordinate lodges shall require a bond. Mr. Bradley stated that suits were pending brought by members of the suspended lodge to either be reinstated without medical examination or be paid back their assessments with in terest. He said a representative of the supreme lodge came to Raleigh ana n was mougnt arranged to re instate the local members, but the su preme lodge did not adopt the report and said the members must be re examined by a physician. Mr. McDon ald had offered to pay for such ex amination, but few were willing at their age to try a medical examination again. In reply to a question Mr. 1 Bradley said he understood Mr. Mc- c&iriiiiiu ittiu lunieu uer io Air. J. xyi. Busbee,' attorney for .Mr. Bradley and others suing the supreme lodge, the money he collected from the time the lodge was suspended. Throughout the examination there were numerous objections and excep tions taken by .counsel for the ac cused. This morning Mr. N. B. Broughton will ba examined. Morehead City, N. C., July 15. Spe cial. Today tha world is flooded with scientific discoveries, inventions and a display of architectural beauty of both private and public buildings. Year3 of observation Justify " saying that none have surpassed, if equalled, the crand improvements of the Atlan tic Hotel at Morehead Citr. Its two thousand electric lights, both,, outside and inside, are surely beautiful, espe cially the numberless colored gems that light up the splendid ball room, which tho band fills with music's sweetest tones, while hundreds of fair damsels, whose cheeks glow with health and eyes sparkle with' beauty, with their gallant partners, nightly move gracefully m -tne aance. x ieei wanting in words to tell of the many refined eniovments at the Atlantic; their equal has not been met at any other summer resort. Look where you may on the water, the surrounding country, the green islands nursed by the ocean's tides, all are beautiful. No summer resort on the seacoast of America can boast of being more beautifully located. On both (the east and the west sand hills (covered by green shrubbery) shut out the ocean, hence a beautiful water avenue is and is much admired. Tapestry isiiormea ior many mnes, upon-wW ncA n thp wail nf tho rerention and hundreds of the finest boats are seen the vessels or tne umicu oiw . u 'y.. a5u iSl . . -i.-.-.i nfonfl nlflrtitsd i t lanld from nolnta in Vnr.i. "w have taKen posacsaiuu t r, - , -&i;ja.. 0. tho American-flag on : about twenty and South Carolina -to Raleigh. ar . wmcn are errn islands Off Borneo, understood to belong to ..Great Britain. , Berlin. July' 15. In: connection with th annual .Berlin art exniDinon em peror William has conferred the large gold medal on John S. Sageant and the small e-old medal on Edwin A. """'- noted American JKJ til VSJ. V uvii ; : painters. turn at one first class fare. cents .for the round trip. Tickf-t. L. Accidental Shooting . Trittn tsj. r... Jul v 15. Special. L. T.nncfnrfl -' a. drummer of Knoxville tot, ofMripntaiiv shot . himself through the head this- morning at Knapp's Mills, -N. C. .. His condiUon is serious.,-';:-..- -.' -t'-' reading rooms. The) papering in the pool room is exceedingly novel and represents coaching scenes. The ball room on the third floor has been con verted into the handsomest in the state. The pillars and supports are in ivory, while the delicate tint on the walls gradually fades away in the arched metallic ceiling into white. Mr. Davis, who supervised the work, made many friends in Raleigh. fjon. C. H. Mebane Spoke A letter from Hon. C. -H. Mebane re ceived in the office of the state super intendent of public instruction yester day was to the effect jthat he spoke at Trinity Tuesday to a large audience, the occasion being an educational ral ly. He is confident that an election on local taxation win . oe carried tnis falL ' - No Pity ftboTVii "For years fate was after me cpntln uously, writes F. A. Gull edge. Verbe na, Ala. "I .had a terrible. case , of piles causing 24 tumors, when,. all. failed Bucklen's Arnica Salve; cured me. Equally good for bums, and all aches and pains. Only 25 cents at all drug gists. - . , . . Nlllil VTmm Her Tmrror 1 would cough nearly all night long," writes Mrs. Charles Applegate of Alexandria, Ind., "and could hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so bad that If I walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood, but. when all other medicines failed, three $1 bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 53 pounds." IV m absolutely guaranteed to cure coughs, scolds. la grippe, bronchls and all throat and lung troubles. Price 50c and $1. Trial bottles free at all drag-gists. DURHAM MITHO; ; DISTS AND BAPTISTS To Be . Here . on. an. Excursion Today-Will, Be "'at. Pullen Park j.; The Main street Methodist and Sec ond Baptist Sunday schools of Dur ham will have an excursion to Pullen Park today, reaching here about 9.15 a. m. Large numbers of ' members of the two Methodist Sunday" schools will probably " visit the park and welcome the Durham excursionists." MANY COUNTIES APPLYING FOR LOANS Applications are coming In rapidly now from numerous counties for ap portionments from the loin fund 'for aiding in building public school houses. Forty-eight were received yesterday as follows: Gaston S; IredellS Robeson Richmond 1, Cabarrus 5, Yadkin L Johnston 1, Currituck 1, Wilkes E, Mecklenburg 6, Watauga 1, Columbus Vance 5. I THE CAPITAL CLUB , Extensivelmprovements Com- pieted-Mr. Davis Leaves .The Improvements at the Capital Club were corap!Ud yesterday and Mr. R B. Davis of New. ,York, who had charge of the work, left last eve ning for Rockford, 111. J. F. Douthltt of New York had the contract for decorating the walls at a cost of $1,900. The entire Interior has undergone a complete change. The dining room Is In antique Dutch style stopo tbo cots And feetila lun''' With King's Business College Mr. J. Edward Stubar arrived in. the city yesterday to accept a position in vlng's Business College. Mr. Stuber was for the past year principal of the commercial department of the East Florida Seminary, Gainesville, Fla., and for several years ! teacher in the Bryant and Straton Business College', Manchester. N. H. speeding along, "walking the waves litfe things of life," having ladies and gentlemen and children on board, whose enjoyment is unequaled. Some parsons often venture on the ocean where the waves are sometimers rude, and ladies sometimes get "sick of the sea," as old Neptune exacts of them a tribute for venturing on his domain. Here permit me to ask why go north, why go south, why yisit the mqun tains, when Morehead City offers such unsurpassed enjoyments? It is true that in this section of "be loved Carolina" we have no towering mountains u?on which "the sun lin gers last," yet we have unequaled a display of Nature's grandeur. The ever restless ocean rolls, wave after wave dashing, upon the sandy shores, breaks Into millions of sparkling gems, and the wind sweeping over the mighty water, comes thousands of miles laden with health-giving properties. I say with Byron, "I love the ocean, in calm and storm." I konw of some at the, Atlantic who rise early . and are delighted by seeing the glorious sun cpming up apparently out of the east ern ocean, throwing aside his golden drapery, and commencing his walk across the heavens. At eve he is seen seemingly going to Vest surrounded by a naio- or jciouas, iringea wun purpie and gold. Here, too,1 at Morehead City, no towering buildings shut out the beauties of nature. The silver moon inoves across the sky under convoy of the twinkling stars, and no visitor can fail to see the beauty of the greats white-headed clouds as they float in their silent ' grandeur in the heavens, showing a beauty of nature nowhere etse to be seen. . ' r must cease my rambling, ana I win only add that the ' Atlantic manage ment under Mr. Earle Turner and his assistants shows plainly a superiority above that of 1 former, management. Guests receive proper attention and order prevails in all respects. sperlul Itaten ! Swbtard Air Lln $ 9.50--P1U3 $1.00 to Baltimore, Md., and - return, all rail or via Portsmouth and Bay ine, account of Annual Meeting; Grand Lodge B. P. O. Eiks, Baltimore, Md., J uly 21st 1 L3d. Tickets on: sale July 18th, 19th and 20th, with final limit July 23th. This ticket may be extend ed until July 31st by depositing same with special agent and de positing $1.00. v 18.80 Plus 25 , cents to -Detroit, Mich.. , and return on account of Inter national Convention Epworth League, Detroit, MichJ, July 16th 19th, 39C3. Tickets on sale July 14th and 15th, with final return - limit July 20th. This' ticket may be extended until August, 15th by f depositing ticket with special agent and Upon payment of fee of 50 cen?. f ; J . $ 8.S0 Plus 25 cents,; Raleigh to Ashe ville and return, account of the National -Dental Association and adjunct society,! Asheville, N. C, July 24th to 31st. Tickets sold July 22dr 23d, 26th and 27th, final limit Aug. 2d. 1 9.00 Plus 25 cents, from Raleigh to Charlottesville and return, account l, of the Virginia Summer School of Methods, Charlottesville, Va June 23d to Aug. - 9th. Tickets sold June 22d, 23d, 24th. 25th, July 13th, 14th 15th and 16th, With final 'mit August 3rd. $64.75 Raleigh to Los Angeles or San Francisco, Cal., on accovmt Of the National Encampment Grad Army -' of the Republic, August 17th-22d, 1903. Tickets will be on sale July 31st to August 13th, 1903, inclusive and bear a final limit until Octo ber 15th, 190. Week-end rates from Raleigh to all seashore resorts and mountain resorts &t, ..r ; June 30th, July 1st, 6th, 7th. m 1 20th, final limit August st. rl For further information apply to CJ. H. H. S. LEARD, T. P. A.. Raleigh, N. C. C. H. GATTIS, C. P. & T. . Ralesh. j WILMINGTON EXCURSION Wrightsvillo Beach! On Wednesday, July 22d tht c. board Air Line Railway will run a ' r. clal train from Raleigh to .vi!Jni,,' i - " ton, taking passengers from all J . - . ... tlons up to ana including nar Leaving Kaieign a:oo a. . I- - ' . . leaves Wilmington 7:ao p. i ' , 23rd. rcturr.irj n the m. The following schedule and low rounj trip rates v-ill be found very attractive. jueave itaieign :uu a. m., rare : f. Gary 9:20 a, m., $2.25; Apex 9 , J2.00. Moncure 10:15 a. m., ?i'.io; ford 10:45 a. m., $1.75; Aberdeen v.'-; a m., $1.75; Hamlet 12:50 p. n-i., ' Correspondingly low rates apj ly fr ,J Intermediate stations not named aVv Xsk your agent for a flyer giving particulars as to attractions, VL. SpecIal low rates at the fainr.us s.. shore Hotel, Wrightsville Eea. .!.. js, excursion' will be first class in cu'y detail and you cannot afford to v.v?$ . (For further Information al.lro. v. S, Leard, T. P. A., or Christian Weathers, Managers, Ilalelgh, r 4 in North Carolina and Virginia. Tick ets sold to seashore resorts for .all trains Saturdays and iorenoon Sun days, good .returning the following Mondays. For. mountain resorts tick ets sold Fridays, and Saturdays, good returning the following; Tuesdays at greatly reduced rates; : Summer excursion tickets sold, to ah summer resorts. Including Norfolk, Washington, Baltimore. New York, Providence and Boston and mountain resorts in forth Caroina, and. Virginia, for one and one-third, first, class fares for the rqund trip, , Tickets sold June 1st to Sept, 30th, final limit Oct. 31st and good for stop-overs and good on all trains, k - Summer School for Teachers, Raleigh, HOTELS AND RESORT: FOR HEALTH AND PI PAIDR . ' i B 1 GO TO QUO t ' Our last year's brilliant roccr.l ar.1 rnanv years' experience are guarantee for the seasons. Cleanliness Is a car dinal virtue at this popular health ar l pleasure resort, located two miles c;f: oil Shelby, N. C, on Seaboard Air Line and O. R. and C. railroads. Charming cuisine, reasonable rate uperb service, renovated rooms, In candescent electric lights. Elevation 1,000 feet In the riedmor.t section, and in sight of the mountain. Our 13 springs in close proximity to out foiur-story hotel and cottages, with 'jc doms, are' nature's "medicine ar;i health restorer, and thousands hav been benefitted. Our sulphur Fprlnn ve stood the test of more than half a century. Come to Cleveland. Address, LEE &'. MILLER. Shelby. N". C. Ball Game Today ; The Raleigh and B. B. ' B. teams played . the first of a I series of three games yesterday at the fair grounds for the city championship. Raleigh won, 11 to 8. The game today will be called at 4:30 and a fine contest is ex pected. r ; v Excursion from Norfolk Nearly 200 Raleigh negroes crowded around the union station last evening to welcome 100 colored , excursionists from Norfolk. The excursion-train of four cars came from Norfolk by. way of Clarksville and Durham and brought a very small crowd, j Will Lecture Tonght Mr. josephus Daniels; will address the summer school at the A. & M. College tonight at 8.30. The public Is Invited. A lawn party will be given on, Nash square Wednesday and Thursday of nftct week for the benefit of St. Luke's Home and th Capital Hose Company. TELEGRAPH TERSITIES Auerusta. Me.. July 15. Mrs; James G. Blaine died at the Blaine home stead here today. She was 76 years of age. Cumberland, Md. July 15. William H. Doerner was arrested here today on a warrant sworn out Dy uiarence Christie, auditor of the Baltimore and Ohio Railway, charging him with em bezzlement and stealing $17,341.31 of the company's funds. Doerner had been cashier for over ten years and was recently dismissed. Utica, N. T., July 15. Sadie Vale Concordia, the cow which holds, the world's record as a milk and butter producer, was sold at auction today to L. J. Fitzgerald or cortiana for $2,2C0. Liverpool, July 15. The Liverpool and Southport express -was wrecked today. Eight persons were1 killed and fifteen injured. - London, July. 15. The royal commis sion which was appointed to examine into the question of London street traffic has decided to send a sub-committee' to - the United' States in the fall, to study the American system of transportation. London, July 15. -The press associa tion circulates a report that some of j Tfl HOTELS AND RESORTS I TP in 1 : H L E MlMTIC 1 MOREHEAD CITY, -N, C. Repaired, Rcfittedknd Refurnished This famous resort, so long known as the SOUTH'S SUMMER CAPITAL has been thoroughly renovated and furnished with all modern conveniences. Bath rooms, St earn Laundry and Electric lights, i The the Atlantic coast to most desirable place bn spend the Summer. Kates most reasonable. For terms and particulars, address, THE ATLANTIC HOTEL, EARLE TURNER, Mgr. ' Morehead City, N. C. Tli B CARLSBAD OF NORTH! CAROLINA, t -T Offers you ideal resort for your vacation for healthr an(i pleasure. 20 Cottages, 2 Hotels at Foot of Mountain. Air is cool and bracing. Table well supplied. ' Rooms comfortable. For StfOMACH, LIVER and KIDNEY AILMENTS er used at springs or elsewhere. " i . ' vvlr'sy :..;- .. 1 If you cannot ero to Snrinsrs and ffet the water nf. fl MECUM IN RALEIGH. 25C a bottle or bv crate turn of containers. HENRY t htphs no. 1 : ' ' . . ' " 'V " ' 'r " Sole Agents for Raleigh. 0