THE MORNING POST, SUNDAY, AUGUST 30 1903' OHEPil OA L .'AMAL YS8 Xlcvcals That "Pe-ru-int is Calculated to Tone up the System, Restore the Func tions and Procure Health." SO SAYS PROF. L; J. MILLER, CHEMIST. "Coil 1 up the System. q Hon. Joseph H. Ridge way, Secretary of the American Anti-Treat Society, I writes th-s following letter from tho fOrand Central Ho'icl, St. Paul, Minn.: 4 It Is with great pleasure that I en dorse Peruna as an honest medi cine, competent to do all It cliira. I hare txsed It several times and know of nothing that cures so com pletely, and at the same time builds ' up the system. I hare rec ommended it to a number of my friends and always feel that I do them a service for I know how satisfactory the results invariably are. I only wish every family had a bottle it would save much sf cknes3 and doctor bills." J oseph II. IUdgeway. TmI Better Than tor Tire Tr.. Mr. James B. Taylor, Roberts, I nd., writes: "I am at the present time entirely well. I can eat anything I ever could. I took five bottles of Peruna, and feel better now than I have for five years. I have doctored with other doctors off and on for fifteen years, so I can recom- Joseph IUdgeway. Wind Blew Too Hard for the Yachts fo 4 - . First Time It Ever Happened , in the History of thCup. : A-Race Evsry. Day Now Until the Series Is Ended ace from Sheepshead Bay and elsewhere. It was stated that this is the only in stitution of the kind in the state. Some anticipated trouble when the managers .applied to the aldermen wr 'WUDfc' but none was o.eveiopeu. New York, Aug. 29. An easterly gale blew hard all last, night and' outside Sandy Hook there was a big sea run ning today. It was raining hard, too, nnd at times 'Thick tanks of fog rolled in so that the siren -of the book was screeching frequently. During the nieht the wind mile an hour. Mr. Tsplfn and Mr. II. WAKE FOREST Large Attendance at Opening ofthe Session Improve ments in the Village Wake Forest. N. C Aug. 29. Spe cial. The opening at Wake Forest has than . - w n0Ti n t t- -r 1 1 i f i r . blew at times 35 to w , " Z""l onr al- i XOV aDOUt OO Ui Liitrjn 5 mnes an nuui. u. isuin . ' 4l" 4-eady registered. It is probable mat M. McGildowney, who represents the be year.tnarx frnamrocK, aeciuoa ear:y mat i- !ever before Many old students are ba foolhardy -to attempt to race th j looked. for in the next few days. The two big- single-stickers under sucb new profeSsor of pedagogy. Dr. Darius conditions.- ! t.- v.i c ?T-rivrl and received a XX3.CL11IC11J, 11"" The regatta committee was at tne hearty welcome from all members of club house in this city before 7 o'clock J tne couege. in the morning and a message was re- The painful neWB was received here ceived from the Hook notifying them iwmin- that Mr. Claude Meadows of Durham, a 'member of the senior of the decision of the yachtsmen. The nmmlttpp at otipp called the race on mend your medicine JhW.jfor the day. and then sent out FOre;t Student, and a most excellent of the editors of the Wake Prof. L. J. MCIcr. lata Professor of Chemistry and Botany of the High Schofll Cf TpsllantI, Mich., writes from SSZ7 N. Clark Street, Chicago, 111., as follows: As scTcral of my friends have spoken to me of tho farorable remits obtained throtrh the ne of Teruna, especially In cases of catarrh, I examlned .lt most thoroughly tr If arn it? content. 'I found it composed of extracts of herb and barks of most valuable medicinal qualities rombised with other iosredienU, delicately balanced, calculated to tone rp the sTstra, restoro the functions and procure health. .. " ccrtsUer Peniasioa&of.tbe most Skillfully and scientifically 'prepMred ncJ.'ci-.cs. Kbfch tbspsbflccaa aso fTA safety and success." PROP. L. J. i'alllt:. ' ' ; stomach troubles. I take great pleasure In thanking you for your free adrica and Peruna," James B. Taylor. " X Enjoy my Meals as I Used to." Mr. J. W. Pritchard, Wolf Lake, Ind writes: 1 am pleased to say that I haTO been cured of catarrh of the stomach by Pe runa. I could hardly eat anything that agreed with me. Before I would gst half through my meal my stomach would fill with gas causing me much distress and unpleasant feelings for an hour or two after each meal. But, thanks to your Peruna, I am now com pletely cured, and can eat anything I want to without any of the distressing symptoms. I can now enjoy my meals aa I used to do, and it is all due to Dr. Uartman and his wonderful medicine, Peruna. 44 It has been one year since I waa cured, and I am all O. K. yet, so I know I am cured. J. W. Pritchard. Dyspepsia is a very common phase of summer catarrh. A remedy that win cure catarrh of one location will cure it anywhere. Peruna cures catarrh wher ever located. That it is a prompt and permanent cure for catajrh of the stomach the above letters testify. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from tho use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Ilartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to givo you his valuable ad vico gratis. ..,.. , ; , Address Dr. Ilartman, President of The Ilartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Thriving Young Town in a Healthful Region takeview, Moore County, Takes a Vigorous Starf. Celebration and Good Roads Congress to be Held on Sep tember 7th Iketiew, Moore county. N. C, Au. 13. Special. Ten year ago Moor county was practically unknown out Me the borders of the old North State. Today it is dotted with half a dozen beautiful New Kr.gland towns and vil lages which show thrift nnd enterprise on every hand, and by reason of the wonderful health-giving qualities of oaone from the long leaf pine and the dryness of the atmosphere by reason of its peculiar sand-hills, it Is today one of the be?t known for healthful ne?s of any part of the Unite! States. Recently, through the energy of two North Carolinian?. II. M. Ilolleman of Ronton, and Tercy I Cariner ot Cherry ville, Lakeview, a brand new town, .his been presented to Moore county. It Is located between Vas and Southern Pine, on the main line cf the Seaboard Air Une railroad. Already, without any hillside proclamation, great procrers has been made, nnd it Is proposed to invite all North Caro lina to be present on their opening day, Monday, September "th, with which will be combined a good road exhibition ar.d a basket picnic party. The Seaboard will sell special low rate, round trip tickets on September Ith for those who desire to attend. There is to be a great demonstration here on the above date. It is desig nated as opening day. and it will be celebrated by a good roads congress, including a content between two mam moth road machines who will under take competitive road-building. For this occasion the United States govern ment has designated 1 Ion. W. I Spoon of the a rrf cultural department to be present. The contest, will take plnce at a pint where all visitors can obtain a food view of the exhibition nnd pub- iic uemonsinujon or roi-l-maklnsr. One, Senator F. M. Simmons and State Treasurer II. R. Lacy of Raleigh. Hon. R. N. Page of Blscoe. congressman from the eighth district: Hon. W. L. Spoon of of the United States agricultural department; Hon. J. W. White, gene ral Industrial Hgent of the Seaboard Air I.lne railway, Portsmouth. Va.; Hon. 1). K. Mclver of Sanford; Hon. W. J. Adams of Carthage; Dr. M. E. Street of Glendon. president of the Moore countr good roads association, and Dr. Geo. T. Winston, president of the A. & M. College. Raleigh. Few people In .North Carolina realize the remarkable industrial development that is taking place in Moore county. There Is no doubt of its being the best known and most widely adver tised county inthc state. Reports-of the railroads show that 22,000 visitors ppent their winter season nl the va rious resorts of Mcnre covnty. A large majority of these were from Ne.v Eng land, and It is In that section where one will find Moore county is known, and favorably so. too, to almost every inhabitant. This section, as most North Cnrollnrans are aware, wan, until a few years ago. thought to be wate land, especially after the heavy growth of leng leaf pine was cut. A number of enterprising Yankees were Induced to locate in the vicinity of where Lakeview now stands, and their success In the culture of peaches, grrpes, watermelons, cantaloupe, truck and winter vegetables, has been won derful. One poor German who arrived here four years ago almost pennyles3 nnd with a large family of sickly (chil dren, hs. through the planting of let' tuce, succeeded in paying for a hun dred acres of land, built himself a comfortable house, put some money in the bank and seen the favorable effect of this dry, healthful climate upon his children. The success of the several resorts In -Moors county has been remarkable. Pinehurst. where Mr. Tufts has Invest ed nearly three minion dollar model New Fngland village, with every iroderr. convenience. Southern Pines has grown to be n place of considerable Importance. Plr.tb'.ufT Is another pro gressive winter resort, and Roseland. ask fast as nosslble to keep the excur slop, steamers and yachts from going down the bay. ; ' The scene at Sandy Hook was a dreary one. The wind howled in from the ocean and the seas dashed over the ptrip ot sand. .: The racing yachts were fifely anchored in the horseshoe and each rode out the storm beauti fully. The Shamrock III housed her , topmost ana naaiout two extra cauiea ( in addition to her moorings. The Re liance and Shamrock each had out two anchors, and so had the tender Sun beam, the houseboat Nirohada and the Cruiser. The Reliance's tug, Guiding Star, was moored alongside the dock ani on that tug and on the Cruiser everything was in readiness to go to the rescue of the yachts if needed. In the afternoon there was a meet ing of the challenge committees of the Royal Ulster Yacht Club and the New York Yacht Club, and it was agreed f. sail the race Monday, and if the ceiies should not end then to race every day until it is finished. After adjourn ment of the meeting this announce ment was made: "Through mutual agreement between the challenge committee of the Royal Ulster and New Yok Yacht clubs the r.rxt lace will be sailed August 31, and the" natch will "be -continued on con seoutive days (Sundays out) until three out' of five racf-s have been deter mined." This is the first tlrrie In the history of the .America's ci.p that-a" race has b?en postponed because the weather was too heavy for t&'e yachts. -It-would have been reckless to have attempted f race today,, and it isT very doubtful if the yachts could nave held their snars.-' It i? mora than like'y, too, if they had started thai some of the . Wo was buried vnim man, was ucou. lt LouiTburg today. His remains were accompanied from this place .by r. F. K. Cooke of the faculty. Mr. B W. Parham of the Phi Society, n W. Cooke of the Eu. His death has thrown a pall of sadness over our who:e community. At corning pray Pres ident Taylor spoke of the beautiful character of the young-man and ex pressed the deepest sympathy for. the bereaved family. Students returning to the college af ter the vacation find some Improve ments. The - elegant residence of Mr. W. C Powell is now complete, and oc cupied. 'Mr. Fred Dickson is - maklpg a beautiful addition to his house. The depot office has been remodeled v for beauty and convenience. The pastor. Rev. W. Lynch present at the opening, but left Yr1 to" fill' some appointments in rhi phia, which will occupy hinJ fr Sundays. u Rev. John E. sermon in the college chapel White preachy 2n flv, Blobbs Why do you suppose h rled a woman so much older tl h.. self ? . Slobbs Perhaps he didn't war.t to ... ma wv- . ... Kir.a hi , , tl:i.9.w.i. t- j - J' jealosy. I nniuri)'iiia iira'fQ. m. - I sr i outer ts w-c fnrrnAninerxzlcmct S l - a Sort fiancTanatrooa-Wk V , L- T . give jihi or YOUR Utr prgperf,. BOUGHT. SOLD -JES5 IN AIWCALTIm Town ana WMntnm Tfrnoeklands, businesses Lstock F m i k f s m anieSMZXimiMtrvyegiuviiui B2nfdr&usferprisej!. CRIPTION. PRICE , ETC. INCLOSING crahfD POD TtftflKUeT M HUMPHREY-Gm&W CO. GOLDSBORO. N. Carolina. ET.'AODS". 72 Main $t, NoroLK, Va. -d- i- THE NORTH CAROLINA Norma' and Gojlege COUPLE S$ unaer tne new management of Dr. S. H. IMalt, ai well as Niagara, under the management of Dr. O. W. Rug gie.. promises to afford relief to hun- are V or the machines has b.'en shipped from Jt,re1 r invnll. from the north who JVnnsylvania. the othr from the state ,n;ay xilt tbe5e places where they have f New York, and the battle for su- fi' -Hales lor IhM;- care. Under the able prTrary rmrr.lscs to be llve'.v from i innnr.jfeinent of the Tares. Jrkrm -" to Rnhh. Six jitror-g horses r luird fnr each maclUne. Thr win also be an old fashioned ai-erv county dinner. A long table ha bvH?a rpread and everybody Is In vited to bf present. A number of r.voA 5;-Mkrs havebn Invite.: to these axe United States prtn.-ri h.ts made ranid nrocxejm anrf now ranks Myh among the summer rt-orts of North Cerolina. Moore coun- AS ANDY TELLS IT A Convicted Murderer AtS tempts to Implicate Four Others Charlotte, N. C, August 29. Special Andy Miller, the negro who was yes-, terdav sentenced to thirty 5'ears at hard labor in the- state's prison for the murder of Robert McKane, has made a statement. In it he implicates Ed Griffin, Rufus Wallace, Nathan Springs and John Fewell, all of whom were witnesses for the state in the trial of Miller and whose testimony came so near sending Miller to the gallows. Miller denies emphatically that he struck the blow that killed McKane. He charges that Edward Griffin struck the fatal blow with an old chair post. Ed Griffin, Rufus Wallace, Will.Ivey, John Fewell and Arthur Caldwell were arrested this afternoon on the strength of Miller's etatemcnt. Crct Cclisi Prcvtala Pneumonia ty's reputation has spread throughout the land and every year additional thousands will visit her various hos- railors on the racing boats would have telries. been washed overboard and drowned Lakeview Is destined to rival all other places In Moore county, since it has been determined by the Southern Development Company of Boston to make of It a model winter resort, and the Seaboard Air Line Railway have designated It as a summer resort. Thus Its hotels and cottages will be opened for the reception of guests throughout the year. It is the most charmingly located of any resort In the famous plney woods region of Moore county. Crystal Lake is the largest body of water In Moore county. The boating Is excellent; and nt the opening of the winter season a number of gasoline launches, call and row boat, will glide back and forth, carrying the happy throng of pleasure-seekers. As con sumptives are absolutely prohibited from residing in Lakeview, the hotels will doubtless be exceedingly popular among North Carolinians. Pleasure Fcekers, fishing and hunting parties are abrolutely protected from contact with rick people. Should any perchanc ar rive they will be, Immediately referred tn the sanitarium, located at other Moore county towns, where they are prepared to give consumptives proper attention. The progressive spirit is shared by every citizen of Lakeview, nnd other energetic people will be heartily welcome to locale here and be given vn equal opportunity along with the original locaters of Lakeview. The Lakeview hotel has been leased to Mr. and Mrs. J. P. White, who are well known among patrons of hotelp. Spe cial rates are accorded North Caro linians, and those who desire to remain a week or longer. "The general office of the Townslte Company is located on the second floor of the Hub building. Mr. Holleman has spent considerable time here dur ing the past few weeks arranging the numerous details of the celebration planned for the 7th. Good Judges esti mate that there will be six to eight thousand people present, and all are assured of a pleasant time. This will be the event of the season and everj North Carolinian, who pos sibly can, bhould avail himself of the opportunity to visit Lakeview and see what pluck and energy of two young North Carolinians (Messrs. Holleman and Gardner) can accomplish when backed by ample capital. A better op portunity will not again present itself. The railroads will give special ' rates j and a round trip excursion faro for' inis occasion win De only half the regular rate. It is expected a special train will be run from Raleigh "on the morning of the 7th to accommodate thofe who cannot go on regular trains from Raleigh and Intermediate sta tions. Passengers from south of Lake view can reach there In. plenty lktime for the exercises by coming on the regular paascntr tralxuk A Rare Piano Bargain We have lately sold a fine Shoninger piano and taken as part payment one of Ivers & Pond's ' finest styles, used less than twenty months, for which the owner paid five hundred dollars cash, i It has a. beautiful mahogany case, in fine condition, and in every way just the same as when it left" the factory. For price and terms call on or write ' DARNELL & THOMAS, Raleigh, N. C. Ten Years for Shuford Charlotte. N. C, Aug.' 29. Special. The Jury in the case of the State vs. Charles Shuford, charged with the murder of Mr. Alexander Auten, near Davidson, August 9th, at 3:50, this af ternoon returned a verdict of murder In the second degree. Judge Neal then sentenced Shufofd to ten years In the state prison at hard labor. rUnrartr Scientific. Pedaaoaical, Commercial, Domestic UliVl lA&y.f vvw--, , , xJ J Science, Manual Training, Music. Five courses leading to Diplomas. Advanced courses leading to Degrees. Well equipped Practice and Observation School. Faculty numbers 40. Board, laundry,' tuition and fees for use of text booksetc, $150 a year. For non-residents of the State $160, - ; " ; r.:' ..... ; ' Twelfth Annual Session Begins September 15, 1903. To secure board in the dormitories all free-tuition applications should be mack before July 15th. ". Correspondence invited from those desiring competent teachers and stenographers For catalogue and other information address CHARLES D. M'lVER, president,' - Greensboro, N. C. w E A good man in each town in North Carolina, on salary or highest commission to solicit insurance for the old reliable oiemgan. M utoal Life Ins. Co, Lowest premium rates and highest cash values. if you want to make BIG MONEY and LITTLE WORKwrite at once v Q WYN & HORTON, State Agents; North Wilkesboro, N. C. MAKE A BEE LINE For Here Tomorrow ! Excursion Called Off Asheville, N. C.t Axis. 29. Sneefai The. Baptist Sunday school ha fnunrt It necessary to abandon its trio to Toxaway, as the Southern deems it best to run no more excursion ovr the Asheville and Spartanburg branch except those already contracted for. It is on this line that so many acci dents have occurred. Turf Exchange Opened Asheville, N. C., Aur. 29.r-SpeciaL A turf exchange T?as onni1 "in AsHaI I Villa today, and bulletins were received THIS IS THE LAST WEEK OF OUR BI0 SALE 4 Be FirstDori't Be L,ast ! ' It will be six months fully before 'you will have another buying: opportunity- such as this Big Sale offers yo'J- We make the last week the bigrsest o f them all by offering you now the choice of all Flannel. Wool Crash. Serge Coats and Pants, as well as all separate trousers, at 331-3 per cent, less than regular price, and less than yo'J will be able to buy them again in 12 months. You're blind, indeed, to your opportunities if yoti lose this chance. Yotf re taking a risk if you delay a day. The sale ends Saturday night, Septe mber-Bth. FOR FALL Do you like to see how you will look In the new fall hat? If so, call and try on a few. The line f men are ready. As Usual best that c an be bought for the price. ' - - ' 5. BER . . .. ... . " ' . iSemi-Annual Glearance Sale