, The Smooth Smoke J 7 I Lowers Arguing the Tillman Murder Case The Prisoners Counsel Lay 1. The Largest Selling Brand of Cigars in the World The Band Is the Smoker's Protection V OMcials in tlie Bar .k ReEardma the Far E&si Position of the GoYernmeni Explained-Russia's Excuse of a Lapsed Treaty De nounced as Scoirndrel ly Her Promise Not Binding W.nhH:nn. Oct. With two great ratlin n-p.ircntly about to engage in war -r a fiuestlon In which the Uni tl haven material Interest. tMi pvcrument occupies the remark rl r-l;kn of being without official m irU f from any of its several sources 1 1 formation concerning the sltua tlon that confronts Russia and Japan. For mr.y days the state department r.ot herd from the far east, and h it carre to It last from that quar ter of the world embraced nothing to thron tlht on political conditions. Th fhln-e minister, who Is also be in c k- t : in the dark by his govern ment. unt to the state department to day In search of nev, but Secretary liny V..1S unab!e to give him any. Like ?r. Hay. the Chinese minister is inxiru to know the nature and extent cf the rrn.!ltl"n-i which, according to rrt reports. Russia has demanded sh."u t complied with by China as prfllrr.nry to the evacuation of Man thuru hy the crar's forces. While bavin nothing .to confirm the press rrrt tht Russia has declared lap se! hr treaty with China providing fr th- evacuation of Manchuria Octo ber s. the officials here nre Inclined to iit it. This attitude on their part li. !,.:. how thoroughly impressed the cT'vrnnint Is with the idea that r.-U h.is r.o intention of keeping her solemn l!igatlons. .An i:iu.tration of the feeling that has b-er. r.rued here over Russia's policy was riven in the statement made tit. d.17 by an nfnclal of consequence, that If it v.re true, and he believed it was, that Ruia had repudiated her evacua tion treity with China under the ex- rm that the agreement had elapsed. with which Russia had entered Into a solemn treaty to withdraw her troop from Manchuria on a date now passed. In these circumstances, this govern ment . it is held, could not say to Rus sia. "You must leave Mancnuria In ac cordance to your assurances to us." i;u?la would respond by holding that she had not entered into a formal Agreement with the United States to evacuate Manchuria, and of course the government could not produce such a compact. me navy department has advices that a large Roscian fleet Is in the vi cinity of Tort Arthur, but does not know how many vessels compose It. Japaaea Forcaa ! Crtm London. Oct. 12. The British, foreign ofT.ce has confirmation of the report that Japan has occupied Ma-San-Pho, Corea.' In an Interview today Baron Hay ash!, the Japanese minister to Great Britain, discredited the report that Ja pan had sent an altlmatum to Russia. He said: "According to the treaty of alliance with England I should have been In formed immediately If any such action had been taken, so that the fact might be brought to the notice of the British government. Of course I have had certain information, but nothing of that character. "War between Japan and Russia would be of gTeat Injury to both , pow ers, but In the event of a crisis, being precipitated I hop Japan will have the active sympathy of her ally. Great Britain. England and Japan have been acting together now for some time, and understand each other per frctls. "Whether he opinion of the warlike 'element In Japan has any Influence in me direction of publv affairs I can not say. In any event, the emperor always lends his ear to the voice of public crlnion." belief that war will be avoided between Japan and Russia. The Japanese gov ernmeat released eteamera held for transports." H A man who Is familiar with the sit uation In the far east said, after read inr the dispatch: "I interpret this to mean that Rus sia has given Japan a free-hand in Co-1 rea, and In return Japan will not kick up any serious fuss over the, non-evacuation of Manchuria, all of which will hurt United States trade , In north China." had it last begun to awaken to the danrfr of the whiskey monster, and , i united effort was . now U- rade to' drive the. traffic from the I f "nlMioMa of I'ruVt Rev. John S. Cox, of'-vVafc- writes, ror a years 1 sufrr;-,i Yellow Jaundice. I consults "rni - - - , r a, More Stress on Frovoca-. tion Than on the Self De fense Theory -Talking to End Today on them and attacked his house. They j threw rocks at the house, knocking ' some holes in the door. Later the house -was attacked while .Kimball was in; Durham. A score or more shots were j jlued Into the house, the : door mh' ; knocked down with rocks and laga.-vj (and finally one of the attacking 'p.trty j crawled upon the house and saturated . $ ; the roof with oil and set it on Crc...... ' T.nst nieht the house was again.-at-. Lexington, S. C. Oct. . 12. Argument as mni at . T .vn, iccked when old man .Kimball was ai In the trial of Jauygs H. Tillman was . TT-n-mchiner ; n ,v,ta . rnrt:fLV( home and he fired on the moonsmners. opened this morning with a iorty-ne. . ,kc ft :vvit 1 . . . .. tT'jin, t They had thrown a number 01 10c s minutes speech by SolVcltqr William J. . . - T- TrYnsin : f re-5! ' Thurmona for the state. He wm tol- " husf bs bfQ fj lowel'br Georse Bembert for the c!e- ,f a "je five or u men lost r.o trae fen,e. Wlufam?E.ot,. Jr.. then poe "gUVSi. -St fire t- t -kmi r Tio.f -n-c cnpni'- lie can recognize any if they come 10 E. L. Acbill of Lexington was speak- bouge He savs he reCognized tome Ing for the state when court adjourn- , the house, lie sas ne recugni. . TI ,.. 1 i of those who stormed him last mgiit. ed. He will conclude to morrow, it 13 , Tv-ir xne assaults on ine nuinc the sending of a .-coffin to Sam and :s of n 1 . idt. t. ... . i .1 I . craloI He prsaineu i "- -.7--- "'1 u:i La ariti--fUooni fioices nrf -Durham. ;melicinesf, but got no rk f i rrrx.Hl he another, tempo i . .. .1- flu'iv afternoon ? ,L w!'l Hkc niace November-3. mat. nau me in us grap u-r .election ,wid.,MKe . . - , .,tVMr" Tf vau wnt r. and ifrom no.v 0.1 Tirine for Liver and ICi.ln,. sii ota i nnitea nsu l - . iro-j ; lorces " - . , i looks as if tho-e in fav are hot goirvs l --. Jt. ,pcranca I began the use of Electric Uitt'" 1.4 Thj feel that I am now cured of th. ,:l5na' mber-3,'j tuat .nau me in us grap U r -, .. the anti-saloon ! years. it you want a rel:ab t V. ted fight.- It cine lor .uvtr ana Kidney, trc-v'", -or of whiskey stomach disorder or general 'rmuch .0: "a ft Eleotrlc Rltters. It's ibv all druggists.. .. -1 VM JjOJra El M fl J J VA X : ..yu ! 1 . ..... . 'N.'.FVT""K oT&ncttil that tho inorhi will be COll- eluded tomorrow and that Judge Gary i 11, the sending of a .offln to will charge the jury Wednesday morn- : Hopkins ftnd the - hJ"ln , r. n,i!!nMn general lawlessness In that part . . - .. ..... a . countv have been reported to asn- remam 10 epeaK ror ,tne Messrs. NelEOn and Crawford fcr the prisoner, Jlr. Bellinger closing, The audience was somewhat larger to.1ay, though the court room was not fiihed. The prisoner's wife end little daughter occupied seats. SolV?itor Thurmond, after explaining and impressing the jurors, made a clear presentation . of the circumstances of the killing. , "You must direct your minds to that episode," he said. "The question before you is: "Was the pris oner justified In firing the fatal shot? The mere allegation that a man has made threats, even if... true, doen not : .county' have" been reported BIOIC "" I. - 1J.1 I lngton ana some recognition una mcui taken. Before the matter is over with it Is thought there will be more than a few moonshiners in trouble. It is said that all this lawlessness could be stepped if the revenue officers would only do their d.uty. The entire matter will be investigated, so it Is said. AntirSaloon Campaign Durham,- C, Oct. 12. Special. The anti-saloon campaign opened here 3'esterday. afternoon with an address bv Hon. James Hw Southgate. The mm ISM Our line of Window Shades of various colors, patterns d designs cannot be excelled. . V. You can select from our stock ZrUlM-, -xrlll ItWrmrtnize with feiKKf-: V&tt 4.t.. Ainre . Our nncea nre Nsiw- v: ' VOUI ULiltl j.auuuj. ' I NTTA? -V "- regulated by the quality. , ' VSATHERS 5i UTLKYi 1 . i lla!eigh, N. c. 1 T.'V .4 ' 5t. riary's School-. Ral ;i -C Trust fbxeuse him for shooting another." He - address was delivered in me 01a opera especially laid .stress on the evidence house, and a lar?re crowa was out w that the dead man was not armed and hear him, tne aumtcnum ..oeing ve:t made no demonstration whatever to- filled. In his address Mr. boutngate ward hl3 assailant before or after the traced the whiskey : movement from shooting. i the earliest accounts, ana also traced George R. Rembert, a very young the rise and fall of the tempsrar.ee lawyer, in his peroration, related the movement. Ke showed how the state parable of the Good Samaritan and j ' pictured the prisoner as filling that role as colonel of the First South Carolina regiment in the "war. with Spain. William Elliott. Jr., with no pretense of declamation, delivered a speech for the etate that was. a. feature of the day's proceedings. It drew from Mr. Johnstone, who followed him for the defense, high praise, Elliott addressed himself closely . to. the testimony and his every senten.ee had .telling effect. The .strongest . terms harped upon by the defense as used against Tillman, Mr. Elliott said, were quotations from other Southit'wna newspapers. He said the severest' expression' employed was the comparison of Tillman with ex-Governor Franklln-J. Moses. That came from a paper that has always supported Sehjftftr Tillman. Yet the effort is made here to heap the respon sibility for alt attacks by the whole press of South Carolina upon Gon zales. The laws of the land from tme Immemorial protect the freedom of the press, DUt iney give to tmr cjuzen iiie largest remedies against abuse. What was to prevent Tillman from suing Gonzales for libel In the civil courts or tmttinc him behind the bars for 4 , 4 The sixty-second annual session begins September 17th. The Ea ;er Term begins January sth. ' ' . " St. Mary's School offers instruction In the following depart!i,T.t. The.Preparatory School. The College, The Art School, The Music Schtol, The Business School. . ' j - ' There are two hundred and t orty-eight students representing nl- Dioceses. Faculty of twehty-fl. ye. Much of the equipment is now; eight new pianos bought this y year. j . St. Mary s Kindergarten is 10 cateci.in tne center or ins city, an Miss Louise T. Busbee's charge . For cptalore address j REV. McNEEL.Y DuBOSE, B. D. Security The Investigate .the.- POLICIES most liberal Iiisuraiice policy-contracts ever offered te insurinj public. The best for the insured is the bast for the agon t. First-class Contracts for Men of 'Ability. : ;;GOTT ,B,: APPLEBY, 'JR., ' - j . Manager for North Carolina, Raleigh, X.C FrRC riicrtJiti Report Paris, Oct. 12. The rumor that Ja imti... trnnna hail rmi nl fr1 ?.Tn.5vAn Pho. Corea. caused excitement here. It criminal libel if h6 did not fearinm r .nfhHv. irr tigatlon of the truth? Thomas Jeffer ih,t th P-tWh Mvrnmit does not ! when abused in the public prints, j believe the report. France considers the danger of a conflict between her ally, Russia, and Japan exaggerated. simaCon Kgardd a erl London, Oct. 13. Although no defi nite development Is announced the se riousness of the Russo-Japanese sltua- j tion continues to be Insisted upon here and In the European capitals. The un easiness was reflected at the stock ex was none too exalted in his own con celt to Journey from Virginia to New York and challenge his accuser to .the h.ir nf iusti?e'"ki order to vindicate, his ! if - - good name. "The lawyers for the defense have flung into this, court on . Insimiation of my kinship- with the dead man." said Mr. Elliott. VI say now that I . acknowledge with-pride the . relation- ship. I am proud that, dying for n1arat:on or Trr rxprr:J Perlin. Oct. 12. A dirpach from Shanghai to the Frankfurter Zeitung states that news has reached there from Chefco to the effect that the Ja panese have occupied Ma-San-Pho, and lt will stnmp her, as guilty of one of nhai an. offlc,al declaration of war Is th. ir.f,t roundred!y acts ever com-1 n?i:ti hy n civilized nation." An! to5-110 relations between Japan and tM added: "It is as if a maril nave cached a crisis according nwl to riy a creditor a thousand . . the vlff here. The exact do!i,r on a certain day, and hiving ture ofwthe diplomatic exchanges be fallM to ny on that day. declarM that !n"'e the lwo governments that th. o!,!. . tion had lap?ed because the ' brouh' out the rwent tensity ap d t- nxf 1 for piyment had mJ - i1? to be unknwn at the legation of Th-r ! a idea among official or the cant- h"e or at the Ger- th srrv.rpnt who ftre chiefly con- "71" .J 'ons "l st- Petersburg and rerr.Mi., th Manchuria situation, that ?,,f,.t.h?Uh 19 u"derstowl hat th- i. n.o: for Its policy of "hmd JJ.t, Rrlta,n ls Tiv io JapaJi'a move fr in th Ilusslan-Japanese troub'e . ar- rriun l?rstoo! by the American P-r A.. ai,thorjty on the nubject. tf th president's advisers, pointed PL Petersburg. Oct. 12. Significance t:t tIiy ihnt Rus?l. had not entered! attached here to the fact that the liito v tcaty. agreement, compact jOfKcial Messenger and the Journal De v un .rstandln with the United ft. Petersburg print the Berlin Local to rnrur.t Manchuria and per- Anselger's dispatch relating to the mit t h " i-..r. i n v of that Ch f nso i.rri.'mnrimtnr . k t- t i . . . . . . - y- ' I --... v . 1 . ' . III? Ik 1 1 I 4 1111 Iflfa porlb!e coincident landing of Russian and Japanese troops In different parts of Ccrca. Several newspapers puolish rexle.vs of Japan's military and naval strength. The cancellation of the projected jvisit of the czar to Rome Is said to be change today when the new Japanese ; duty's sake. In the face , of his slayer five per cent bonds dropped 3 1-4 and j he said: 'Now finish me I declare the four per cent ltf. Russian securi-;as false the charge that he invaded the ties, however, were not affected. sanctity of the prisoner's home at any In addition to the disclaimers of the ! time.. The prisoner, in his testimony. Japanese minister, the London mana-J admits that he . got the drop on his ger of the Nippon steamship line, the man; he admits that Gonzales still London manager of the Yokohama I kept his hands in his pockets after the Specie bank and the Japanese consul j shot. Even the ruffian highwayman, minimize the rumors. The first points holding his victim at pistol p'nt, out that if Japan were mediating war j yields him the alternative of holding the Nippon line steamers, which are; up his hands .before blowing out his subsidized, would certainly be recalled brains." to transport troops. Nothing 'of the j Mr. Johnstone spoke for two hcurs kind had been done and the compan ;nnd twenty-five minutes. ?nd devoted was not Informed of anything abnor- ;an but one hour to a rehearsal of the Tna" 1 editorial attacks unon 'the prisoner. The Japanese consul says that ship-, His speech was eloquent and ull of ping is not affected and trade is nor-'ppicndjd nights of oratory, but com mal. On the other hand the newspap- raratively little of it was directed to ers of Berlin. Paris and elsewhere and ; the theory of self- defense. He c6n t.ieir correspondents, vemark upon the : tended that Gon2al(.s. mlnd wa3 various indications which they regard ; clouded by narcotics when he made lUtlHi fZ ?0n "-e8e s the. his dying declaration and strenuously Peter?h f rot, Cn f, criticised the state for not introducing Petersburg from Darmstadt without the etrt0 . iri ihr ihr m ow i - u& m m s-s mi - m a- .:.-"-: , . I The Only Complete Stolzk Ladies' and Gen tlemen's Fall Shoes Just Arrived without making his proposed visit to i Rome may-be connected with the' sit-l! i0"' th 27" OSOOOO0OC0OCe9C0O OC0C0C2eC3d30C00030aD C8CSC2e39O3O6C0t$J Iproved by Dr. J. w. Babcock, super- ; OO0O00SSO0eS9QSO0O000dC 0CCaCO 63 li uatlon in the far en at atno hl - Jesty's presence in Russia la necssarv ! ,ntendent of the state hospital, W ho j to a declaration of war. j took ".In "Ions hand. The anounromont ihnt nMMt Mr., Asbill commented, with force on Bh.' V- Wt U1U f ALL VISITORS TO THE GREAT MASONIC AND STATE FAIR ARE COR- i?ntneant Pfibl rit!nt tor;- ti American trade. What Russl.i h.i I .:nn trn to furnish' n??urancs thit ?' wmi'd evacuate Manchuria t. hr s. There was no contract le tu" it- I'nlted States and Rursia. howev- it was explalnetl. and then? f?r th" Washington ffOvernmn fit ... .. . . " - . . , .! u ri.- i no rubtantlal legal rlht to the Italian Socialistic press and - ...n I m.it iiussia crrry out th socialist deputies. Noel, vice admiral, has been appointed;" c ",at Tinian waited five UIALLY INVI FED. 1 HIS STORE is the HOME STORE FOR EVERYBODY' 1 1 it ji i liik nprnrn . nTroririnw r zrr oc i : - - - - - t - - 'V WllfaUiViJ. Bridge in the command of the British! 11 13 noticeable that the defenpe Jm- Chlna station Is also pointed out as;1""563 raher the : alleged provocation having peculiar Interest, owing to Ad miral Noel's official record and the re source and Judgment he displayed dur ing the troubles in Crete. cranc. That was regarded j a "r.!l nbiT.non on Russi-'s part. She slrn hr word of honor, ns It v.r hnt not entered Into a mutu.ii - 1 to r.srry out her pledge. The po f tfr r, ,f the I'nltrd States In the m.it r ,s Ui.Tcrcnt from that of China, ttraatnrtn; Xdrltrm New Tork. Oct. 12.-A private dis paVh received here today from Yoko hama contained the following: "The political outlook is much better. Opinions here seem to Incline to th Two From Death '.'Our little daughter had almost fatal attack of whooping cough and bron chitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Haviland. of Armonk. N. Y.. "but. when all oth er remedig failed, we saved her life with Dr. Hang's New Discovery. Our Niece, who had Consumption n an advanced stage, also used! this won derful medicine and to-day she Is per fectly well." Desperate throat and lunt diseases yield to Dr. King's New Dis covery ns no other medicine ion earth. Infallible for Coughs, and Colds. 50d. and ll.CO bottles guaranteed by all druggists. Trial bottle free. . received by Tillman than the re:f de fense theory, , the latter being argued secondarily. Hickory Votes Bonds ' Hickory, N. C, .' Oct. 12. Special Hickory today voteif'fi ninety thousond dollar bond issue for water w)f ks, sew erage and street improvements. The vote was 287 for arid 24 against. MOONSHINE OUTRAGES , ii i ii Their Last ;Visit to ,-OId Man Kimbair Mer; With: a,: ; Warm Rccieptiom ; 'Durham. - -N. . C., Oct. l Special. The moonshiners have been put dn the war path, aTain In, Lebanon township, this county,. some eleven mliesS from Durham. ' Last night, they visited the home of J. . A. "Kimball, which they have visited 6n several occasions. This time they contented themselves with throwing roeks at the house "and scar ing the wits out of the inmates. It is said that there are a,-large num ber oT moohshiner3 in that 'section' of the county, and what is worse, very little has been done" toward breaking up the" nefarious business: Some . time ago they accused Kimball of informing ,ihe Sniff o: utunm is in tlie Ml C3 Every man should now allow the question of Fall Clothes to occupy a corner in his mind. We are t!At Home" to all who call to buy or sje what's latest in Meu'3 Wear, l ! New Fall and Winter Beauties intSaits and Overcoats are here. These Suits' and Coats have selected from the best productions and made from thebest makers known. ' ' ' - There are many new kinks inj Fall styles. Prices are as reasonable as can be named for high garments. We are ready to show yiu whenever you are ready to look, but don't wait too long. 1 s A N Q E 1 lie One Glotlvier . 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