j young attorney- of this city, and Mr. ' k I VIUlHlU US II1IU-W 1 Consui -General Galvan cabled toaay , I to Consul Vliia ai oamiasu , gl. . . I tO COnSUI Vlllil til. tJa'"4" i , ' , .1 ; V . r- ! to .ship immediately to Santo Domingo jox-ji-jp- GOPltraSt ShOWIl ' r iMrl Cnnr. ,v5 ' f.-b irh are there OU IMIIti uunu uoi Close or a&pi" j .ST'rnm. w the TreasunTtatement PomniJiorn in chirmpd bv sr-ecla! steamer and , uiu . J I Nsw York the insurgents, has been governor of : the fiscai year, exhibits a striking q Puerto Plata under the present ov-trast to the statement issued a y by New York,' Oct. Sl-The municipal r.V.nalni for mayor, and Otter rlty and borough offices, practically closed . aftr a most spirited canrass & bo parties." fvr one hundred meetings & all part of the city were Sid tonight and th up was in a blaze of red fire, sky rockets and - Bothartles have' done a prodlg'ous -mount of work "and each side ex presses publicly the utmost confidence, Whether this expression of feeling is the reat one may be doubted. Mayor Low and his lieutenants have done A ,rfrk in the campaign, have pre- Rented the issues of good government. and the dangers oi a return i iam many to power in a most convincing manner but Tammany's campaign has been eo'ually spirited and the betting closed tonight at 10 to 9 In favor of McClellan, Tammany's candidate. A particular source of strength to the Republican fusion cause has be-en the determined itand of Hugh Mc Laughlin, the Brooklyn Democratic leader, against Tammany. Ever", since ' George B. McClellan was 'nominated for mayor by Tammany Mr. McLaugh lin haa'refused to aid the ticket in any way. Jn fact he has bolted it, and almost daily has issued a blast through the press against Tammany leader Murphy for his alleged high-handed methods and what Mr. McLaughlin terms his 'eiforts to capture the city and foist disreputable resorts, and gambling houses on the people of Brooklyn, heretofore free from that evil. Tonight McLaughlin issued a final statement assailing Murphy's leadership of Tammany Hall. The World says the poll of Brook lyn indicates a big drift to Low und a plurality in that borough of 27,977 for him. A poll of: typical districts in Manhattan shows no such drift away from Low and shows that he will more than hold his own in Manhattan com pared with his vote? of two years ago. The entire poll by the World gives the city to Low by over 23,000. The Herald canvass elects Low by 13,142 plurality. j . ought to reach the Dominican capital Washington. Oct; SI. Today's treas- Monday. -j 'ury statement, which shows .conditions General Carlos Morales, who !heaa.3jat the close Cf the first four monms w. ear a. T- : (in,,rr'-it ao-dln;r t-T.ai- ' rrn tKora iv a a rt KUrDiUS 1 " dent Vasquez. round numbers;of $18,500,000. Now this H , - j surplus is almost eliminated. j , :" a Lot uusr j The statement of October last showed Would not interest you if you're si3.50O.O0O. together with S5.000.0CO of civo fm or,Hrin!tfi fntrrf?st. making the total Tnnkine ior a guaiaiuccu - -w lamn-if- 'fight some time ago. In the scuffle i Mr." Murphy drew a pistol and fired, the ball taking effect ih Mr. Murphy's leg, inflicting a slight 'flesh wound: ; To Cnre a Cttd InOa Dcj Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AH druggists refund the money if it Sores. Burns or Pile-. Otto Dodd, - of surplus about one-inira ol ! Ponder, Mo., writes: -I suffered with 'entire fiscal year, which wasw. r, ,iv enrf. for a vear. but a box or , The surplus snovwi iaj Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me. Ifsj The wiping out of ,th Jind the best Salve on earth. 25c. at all ! plained by decreased receipts and druggists. DOLE TO BE JUDGE -4 j. He Will Be Succeeded as Governor by George R. Carter Washington, Oct. 31. The president today announced the appointment of San ford B. Dole, the present governor: of Hawaii, as United States district judge of that territory, to fill the va vancy caused by the death of. Judge Morris M. Estee. ; ! " - George It. Carter, secretary of the tei-ritory of Hawaii, has been appoint ed governor to succeed Dole. Both nominations -will be sent to the senate upon the assembling of congress, and there Is no question of confirmation so far as can now be seen. . ex-in creased expenditures. customs j, re ceipts have declined about $8,000,000 while there have been increases in) ex penses of about $5,000,000 for the navy, the same sum for civil and rnisceyane nnc sinri a. million for the army. Indi an expenditures fell off about a million. This shows roughly why the umerence in the amount of the surplus exists. The falling off of customs receipts In September and October was largely in the sugar and steel schedules. There is also a falling off in the importation of articles of luxury. I It is predicted that the showing now made will, result in congress insisting on greater economy. I fails to cure. : E. W. Grove's ture is on each box. 25c, Broke Into His Houis S. Le Quinn cf .Cavendish, Vt., was robbed of his customary health by in vasion of Chronic Constipation. When Dr. King's New Life Pills broke into his house, his trouble was arrested and now he's entirely cured. They're guaranteed to cure, 25c at all druggists. UP FOR HAZING s . Three Annapolis Seniors May Be Tried by Court-martial Washington, Oct. 31. The navy de partment has been notified of the a-rrest ,of three midshipmen for hazing at the naval academy, and that they will be tried by, court martial if Capt. Brown eon, superintendent of the academy, finds enough evidence . against them to justify that course. Under the anti liazing law enacted by congress as a result of the West Point hazing agita tion, it is mandatory on the superin- CURRENTS MIXED UP - s Electrical Disturbances Tan gle the Wires Badly London, Oct. 31. A remarkable elec trical, disturbance, which is attributed to a magnetic phenomenon of terres trial origin, seriously interrupted tele graphic communication in the United Kingdom Saturday. It was confined entirely to the earth and, interfered mainly with the land lines. Communi cation, however, between America and Europe was fitful and at times was en tirely cut off. The cable wires were at times only able to carry four or five words a minute. This" condition of af fairs has never been equalled since the introduction of the telegraph. There was no visible sign of an electric: storm passing at the time. SACRIFICE DEMANDED Russians Wanted Revenge on Wang for Execution of a Bandit Pekin, Oct. 31. The occupation of DOWIE VS. DOWIE The Judge Insists That He Is the Father of the Prophet Chicago, Oct. 31. A dispatch to the Chronicle from Essex, Iowa, says: John Murray Dowie, crushed by the attack made upon him by his son, John Alexanders Dowie, says: "The state ment that I am not the father of John Alexander Dowie is the greatest myth ver uttered bv the mouth Of man. It is scandalous that my son should repu diate me after I have done so j much for him. He Is my son and was born in lawful wedlock. No one can deny it. The records may be had at the M , .... v. gieat regisici viiivjco, inutw oti-ccrv, tenaent or me muuary a " 7 iEdinburg, Scotland. I have always superintendent of the naval academy, . Christian life. to bring to tnal any cadet or imdsnip- , break'g"my heart to have this nan beleived to be guilty or this of- , co tense The penalty of convlcUon s dis- , Dqw. reSpected by the missal, and no cadet or shipman i wholebcommunity Uves nere in his littIe to aismissea can again ,cnmw,a v0tT,-n John Murray Dowie and John Alexan der toowie is so close that the father has often been taken for the son. The old man Is growing feeble and the re cent trouble has aged him greatly. AN EDITOR'S PRESENT It Was an Infernal Machine That Did not Go Off Boston, Oct. 31. An Infernal machine addressed to Peter ' Kureghian, the editor of Young Armenia, was inter cepted by the i landlady of the house where the editor lives, and has! been turned over to the police. The package containing the contriv ance was left at the house, the police say, by a man who, from his descrip tion is judged to be an Armenian, The woman was suspicions of the bundle and summoned a policeman, who, on opening the, package, found an ap pliance consisting of copper wires, a time clock and some carbons, con nected with a heap of steel filings and gunpowder. A dial on the clock showed that it was fixed to explode at 9 o'clock, two hours after it was left at the Kureghian house. The police believe the incident is an outcome of the assassination of Saga tel Sagouni in London this week. Kureghian's paper is the organ of the Old Huntshagist wing of the Armen ian revolutionary party. ! was the 4 urn the The Mukden by. Russian troop3 is, as ovrotori hrp. the execution, of Russian threat for the failure of the throne to order the execution of Wang, the Chinese official, who sentenced to fiotv. nntnrlnus bandit leader of rob bers who had been enlisted by T?naians in pastern Shiner King. Wia Wu Pu, or Chinese foreign office, understood that Russia's ultimatum in rptrard to this matter would not go in to effect until November 2, on which date the throne proposed to exile Wang and also to remove the district Tftotal of Antung. The Russians now have Wang in their clutches, and he is in danger of execution. Five regiments of troops have ar rived at Tashlhchiao, the New Chwang junction of the Siberian railway. They are probably on the way to Liao Tung. Up to October 8 the Japanese military authorities decided that the Russians had not fortified Manchuria against foreign invaders, but they admit now that since the occupation of Mukden, which was executed on the pretext hat the place was not fortified, there j has been an active augmentation of trbops and military display throughout Man churia. China has 20,000 troops at Muk den who have been ordered to avert a rupture of peacef ul relations. m m M .a OUTLOOK IN IOWA ! - ; I i' Republicans Will Win by Greatly Reduced Majorities Des Moines,! Ia., Oct. 31. Official statements issued by the executive committees of the Republican and Dem ocratic state committees fall to make a definite forecast of next Tuesday's election. They content themselves by generalizing asjto the result, conceding ! that there will be a heavy falling on: j in the vote, the Republicans conceding that Governor Cummings' plurality will be reduced and the Democrats con ceding that Cummings will be elected by a reduced plurality. Republicans likewise admit the net loss of a number of legislators, but not sufficient to affect their overwhelming majority in both houses. - i Point or Annapolis. Already members of congress and others are appealing to the navy de partment in behalf of the three mid hipmen under arrest who are said to he .Earl W. Chaffee of Wisconsin, Jo seph D. Little of Ohio and John H. Laf land of Iowa. The attempt of vconfress "men to use influence in their behalf is regarded by the navy department as jl strange proceeding as the anti-haz-Ing law enacted by, congress will not permit the department to overlook any iolation of its provisions. . All the young men under arrest are members of the first or senior class, which will be graduated next. year. It Js unusual for first class men to engage In hazing, that practice being confined almost exclusively to the third or soph omore class. The present trouble, Is ' entirely apart from the recent allega tions that third class men were "run- ring" plebes, and comes as a great sur- prise to the navy department,-, which ' had reason to believe that hazing had f passed away as a naval Institution. ! BEATEN IN BATTLE Santo Domingo Insurgents .Defeated in First Conflict ' New York, Oct. 31. Senor Manuel Galvan, consul general of-;Sarito Do mingo in this city, received a cipher dispatch , today telling of the first ac tual battle ; which has been fought be tween government troops and rebels Eince the uprising started a week ago. The engagement took place yester 'nay morning at Sosua, about fifteen miles from Puerto Plata, and resulted Ih a victory for the government. Gen eral L. : EsPallat, Domlncan 'secret ta-y of war, commanded the army der him 900 men, who are now on their yesterday. GRABBED HIS MONEY . . ' 4 , New York Flimflam Men Work a Citizen of Bun- combe ; ' New York, Oct. 31. A man who said he was Wm. Robinson of Buncombe county, N. C, complained to the police of the east 20th street station tonight that he had been robbed of $175 by two ( rapid. --l 1-1 TT I ,1 L n ! st T'rt . . nimiiam men. jntr saiu iic ntiu ictcucu letters at his home calling attention to an investment scheme which promised big profits and came here to learn more about it. Two men met him at the foot of West 24th street When he reached town today and took him to the house at 246 West 21st street, where they said they had their office.. There, accoording to Robinson, the men drew revolvers, grabbed his money and got away. . ' Detectives went to the house and ar rested two men, who said they were Frank S. Wilson of 33 99th street and Edward Williams of Patersoh, N. J. Robinson identified them and they were locked us. . . SLIPPING IN THE LAKE . ! Railroad Tracks and Ware houses Undermined by Quicksand Cleveland, Ohio, Oct. 31. The front of the city for a distance of 1,000 jfeet at Davenport street is sliding intoj the lake at the rate of two inches an hour. The tracks of the Pennsylvania and the Lake Shore railroads are being carried away from their true positions at the same rate, and it is only byj the efforts of hundreds of men working constantly day and night that ( the tracks are held together for the opera tion of the railroads. As another re sult of the fast land slide the entire northern half of the great freight de pot the Pennsylvania has erected on the north side of Davenport street is ruined. The north wall of the build ing, a solid piece of masonry six hun dred feet long, one foot thick and fifty of sixty feet high, has sunk straight down into the ground, a distance of six feet, leaving the roof dangling in the air.. Quicksand Is the-cause of the movement of the ground that is cost ing the railways so much time and money. The sinking of the earth has been noticeable for the last week or two, but it has only been in the last few days that the slide has been: so rapid. In places the drop is ten to twelve feet from the former leveU "2 I - ' - i. ;. ' , ! tv. . - - f- - - . ; - ifii art I'-" - ": ' .,..-.am.. - IS' ml : - . .-. h r .' -' : ' : . 1 M. "1 kM : i P ; i thin to all grown people who ask for same at the next few days. our store wu Have you Backache, Aching Pain oyer Hips, Sediment or Deposit in Urine, Irritation of the Bl; colored, or any other indication that mi BRIDAL .;60WER AFLOAT Seven Young Wwbs Bound for ! the Philippines San Francisco, Oct. 21. Seven brides of officers of the 22d infantry started today with their husbands on the trans port Sheridan for Manila. For the brides there came boxes, bouquets, even wagons of flowers. rThe stateroom of each ;was banked with blossoms, main ly chrysanthemums. The decks were converted into floral fields. Every wo man aboard had a corsage , boquet, a shower boquet and as many other bo quets as she could carry. f . ' ; The ship was a.. veritable marriage bower. Besides the brides the Sheri dan carried the entire 22d Infantry reg iment. Col. -Henry . Wygant command ing. The transport also bore pay for tne soldiers ana government employes j in the islands. ;ln all she had 52,000,000 in currency besides 1,400,000 pesos in silver. . ' . i deranged. KIDNEY Kidney or of medicin If you have, you should CURE at once as it will Bladder Disease that' is not dder, Urine highly your kidneys are take FOLEY'S cure any case of beyond the "reach FJo Free Bottle Given to 3V OhiisSresi? Regular Sises 5o aa.d S"3H - -immnm SOLD AHB HEC0MMEH0ED BY BOBBITT WYNNE DRUG COMPANY, RALEIGH' N. Q. Resigned Under Fire A Guaranteed Cnre for Pllas Itching, Blind, , Bleeding or Protrud injr Piles. Your druergist will refund money if PAZO; OINTMENT fails to cure you, in 6 to 14 days. 50c. HEADEN GETS TWENTY YEARS A Greensboro Lawyer Fined Twenty Dollars for Tot ing a Gun Farls Oct. 31. The Petit Journal and! Greensbo." TT. C. Opt. 21.Snfrlal. Lanterne states that M. Leplne, the! Judge Allen this morning imposed a prefect of .police, has resigned. This is sentence of twenty years on Will Head probably due to the rioting at the! en, the negro convicted in the superior labor exchange the 'other day, for j court yesterday afternoon of 'murder which Premier Combes' blamed the; in the second degree. Headen was cbn- prefeci in the chamber of deputies ;victed of killing another negro, Dotph : Causey, at a dance in this city, De- it I t f r , I NORTHERN LIGHTS Brilliant Display of Aurora Borealis Seen Saturday Morning New York, Oct. 31. The aurora borealis gave New, York a brilliant dis play between 2 -and 4 this morning,! and those who were out at the time in New York saw more northern lights than ever before In their lives.1 The disturbance did not tie up the tele graph lines entirely, but it made a lot of trouble. Sometimes the Instruments began to click of their own accord, then messages came through all right for a time, only to be interrupted by i a sputtering as though the receivexs and relays were not properly adju was : said by. electrical experts I that today's was the worst , since 1SS8. It was nearly noon before the telegraph instruments were ticking uninterrupted again. One brokerage house which has three direct wires to Chicago reported that between 9:30 and 10 they could operate their wires only ' about; one minute out of five. 1 1 H rAnc QKrAQ i .1 I I I H I I I I I 1 B 1 U Ef a illiVil A I VU Galore s j All New, Fashionable and UptbDate IX CAFUDINE ANOTHER! CRANK AT THE WHITE HOUSE : i i Washington, Oct. 31. Wm. E. pentz, 25 years old, is the latest crank to seek President Roosevelt. Today iLentz went to the White House and demand ed to see the president, stating that he was a stenographer and. wanted to secure the position of secretary to the president and to secure the interven- iTTMrVWTThuT (fr Wis f f? TTliTV TTTTTlf k f t LAS E I i J? E 1 N 1 Iff jTV I i- B 1 14 "V KltmmtZ I II ft i it 1 mi H I FOR; YOUNp MEN his THE NEW LIQUID CuresSourStomachaud I & DIGESTIO N ! Jilso Sick or Nmroous Headache, Brain fag and Exhaustion. V At Drugistt, in Bottles, u , IOc, 25c, 50c. rninri ith i.-nita. nth i tion of the president to stop negro m iiign foint several weeks ago, ; " - Lwas continued to next term. ' - stenographers. Incioentally he wished Mr. T. J. Murphy was fined $20 for i ine pres:.ieni xo suuEcuue tor a qook : carrying -concealed weapon and jude I he Wfts r:;i.ng. ' xnent was feuspehdad upon payment! of j Iientr Uves in Wash -i on, but he, the costs In tha-ico against him for recently returned from .the Pacific assault with a, deadly weapon. This i coast where; he was employed for a is Father and mother call them boys from 16 to 19 years, but; in the matter of Clothing jwe-know we must cater to Young Men, and we put all the care into supplying stylish suits for these fastidious chaps that has made us so popular with good dressers .of this community. I I Our sock of Boys' Trouser Suits is the finest a young mnjever chose from Materials are the newest fabrics. Coats made broad shouldered single or double-breasted styles, vest of proper height trousers quite j roomy- or reeu-' NOTH INQ IS TOO GOOD ' v. ; I . . iur me Avuiib incu vuu iuj uicm iuviico nei;. , e see that they get "snap py laai&a. i .- ....... - , j II N 1 Mi GE ONE, PRICK GLOTHIER R. i A. 3 , is the case in which Mr, Murphyj a J time. . 7