TtTE tUMSlBa POTsfc TUESDAY, FEBRUAHY O I904 : - ; ,. ' . . ..... . - ..... morning post PUBLISHED DAILY BY THB ti. C. PUBLISHING CO. flaleltf Hi N. C .ROBERT U. FUftUAft Editor Subscription Prices ts'oo fiae Year.. .....- c(t Uonthl.. ....t...i Three Months ; One Month Office In the Pttllsn Building, FaysttavUla street. The Post will publish brief letters on gubjects of general interest. The writ er's name must accompany the letter. Anonymoua communications will not fce n turned. Brief letters of local news from any eeUon of the 6tate will be thankfully received. ' " ... Merely personal controversies will pot ba tolerated. iJIJIa. m1 K.(nu, tttMI and eOTTl UurlcaUoni for publication to THB ttORNINQ POST. The telegraphic news service of THB MORmNO POST is absolutely full and complete, and is unequaled by any mornln neweoaper south of New York. This service is furnished us mader special arrangements with THB LATFAN NEWS BUREAU af the New York Sun, and is the same perries that is used by , the Sun itself, VWCB Known 10 oe superiw lu j ervice in any newspaper In the United Stales. This service is received nightly fcy wire In the office of THB MORN- JNO POST dirertly from the New York Aomestle news and all commercial and knarket reports. ' WASHINGTON Br iEAC: XXlmbkii Btiiidinar 1417 o. at. w. xr. . Xastkrv Offick: New YotlE WSSTBRK omoxt 517 U. S Express BuilJinr. ticago tn eharge of the Steve W. Floyd Spe tlsJ Agency. Subscribrs to The Post are requested , to net the date on the label of their paper and send In their renewal before the expiration. This will prevent miss lag of a single iu.- -All papers will fee discontinued when the time paid B expires. ;& d so set as 00 a act o.o THE WEATHER TODAY: Fair: cold wave. oooooooocaa o do TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 8. ' 1904.- Xnd now our Aberdeen friend. The Telegram, enters upon ,,Its. eleventh year of usefulness. "It is a sound, safe." conservative, public-spirited paper and deserves a liberal support. We wish It may have all that it really deserves. It is said that President Roosevelt Is anxious for Senator Fairbanks of In diana to be his running mate, and ex Secretary of War Root to be his party's candidate for Governor of New. York. He evidently appreciates the Impor tance of Indiana' and New York in his business this fall. Mr. William R. Hearst has had him self 1 organised Into a trust under the taws of New Jersey and taken over the control of his three papers published la New York city. Now If he will take over the Commoner with his Chicago, San Ftandsco and Los Angeles papers the combination will be as natural and logical as complete. That Is an important address direct ed to the farmers of the State by State Secretary T. B. Parker, published else where In the Post. If the time ever existed when it was to the Interest" of farmera to organize that time is now, j averted, . and believed that an out la view of present and prospective con- i break was fraught with so many cal- dltions with respect to their crops. We' cordially commend tha call of Mr. ' Par ker to tha farmera, . Those who are complimenting Roose velt for appo4hting a white postmaster at Indianola apparently overlook the fact that he twice offered it to the negro woman before giving it to a white man. The latter was appointed solsly because the negress wouldn't have . It. If the President' is entitled to any boouets for bis course In the premises they should be made of gourd blossom, suggests tha Montgomery Advertiser. While Mr. Cleveland Is not the first choice of our friend of the Robersoh vllle News, he says "If he is the only man who - can guide the Democracy safely into harbor trot him out." The party will at least go into the campaign under Mr. Cleveland .with more confidence than under any other man. And this counts for a vast deal in a -fight, such as we are going td have, and it is. not going to be child's Play by any toeana. " THE POST AND ITS WESTERN FRIENDS : Th failure rif the - Post . to reach promptly its ; patrons la the Western section of the State had become so frequent I" It " became necessary to carry the matter up to the department at .Washington. '. -It Was demonstrated that the' labor entailed upon the postai clerks was so heavy that with their 'earnest ; efforts . It waa often - im possible . to separate the pacx ayes for the various offices before the train bad reached and passed them. Our.. Mr. Whltaker, business manageT of the Post, under the safe and per-, suaslve conduct of Senator Overman called upon Postmaster General Payne, and other officers, and. after showing: the basis of our complaint, urged that the only remedy was an Increase of the mail olerK force on tha trains going west from Raleigh. The Postmaster General appreciated the situation and promised that the readers of the Post west of Raleigh should .no longer be . disappointed in receiving their favorite paper promptly on the morning of pub- ucat and assured Senator Overman Whltaker that the remedy " suggested should soon be applied. So on Wednesday postal clerks will run on trains 111 and 112, starting from Goldsborcv which will -enable them to handle the heavy bundles of the Post and Beparate deliver them to . t, !, e respective offices between Raleigh and Charlotte promptly- . r The Post, for itself and the ptablic involvedt appreciates this promptness i Payne and his subordinates; and wish Lu mane at7is.xiuwicujscmciit ou iu o-it- ator Overman for his kindly personal .... . .. j attention. Our friends throughout: the western section from Raleigh to Cherokee- may expect their paper promptly here after. BALTIMORE IN RUINS A calamity ; appalling . beyond des xaiptlon.has visited Baltimore. Within a, few .hours what -was the heart of a virile, happy, progressive life has been destroyed by the flre-flend, even extending Its work of destruction to the extremetles. All day yesterday the minds of our people were upfcn Baltimore, and news of the horror was sought with feelings far. beyond, curiosity. It was heartfelt sympathy for a people who, personally and commercially are very near to our people and their affliction at once be came our. sorrow and distress. Thus do our people feel, and pray, 'on ac count, of: the sore misfortune which has" overtaken the mou'nmental city. The loss is something Tearful. That of , the Chicago Are was stated to be aoout 190 millions of dollars. This at Baltimore will easily go above the ICO million mark, placing it In the class of great historic conflagrations. - There will be suffering along with we, monetary tosses. -j. nousanxls are made homeless, and, what is even more Immediately heartrending, will be out of employment or the means of earn ing their jdally bread. May a kind Providence help them! the Stricken community of itself will not be able to do so before some suffering Is under gone at least. In time there can be ho doubt but that the hand of generosity of the people, generally, ever open to the 'first appeal of calamity, will reach out and succor the needy. We only hope the suffering of the poor will be of the shortest duration. Quite every, disaster this year has been far beyond the ordinary in loss of property and of lives. Truly It has started out upon a car eer, of grave casualties as well as high crimes. May it soon surfeit of such. IT LOOKS LIKE WAR The news of yesterday Indicates war in fact between Russia and Japan. We . have earnestly hoped it would be amltious possibilities. Involving other nations, that the latter would use pressure enough to prevent it. . What has become of The Hague, which, at ; the instance of the Czar OIL FOR THE BODY . You cah't lose - an atom without feeling it. The body s like an engine, a watch, a rnachine; must be kept in good "order to run right." That's the reason Scott's Emulsion is so successful in all wasting diseases. It feeds, nourishes and strengthens when ordinary food won't. " w Doctors: say Scott's Emul sioh'is "the best nourishment for those who are not as well as they should be '-young or, old, We'll Btni you sample free upop rejuert. 5COTT & 730WXZ, 409 Pearl Street, New Yerk- was "established 1 & settle Just inch disputes? Was it rather a cunning de vice to throw other!; nations off their guard, to induce them to In. a. great measure, reduce thetf- war armaments. that Be might' be the better able to oarry out hi tnheritedesigns upon oth er sections of the globe? Kipling wa not far wrong when". he advised the nest i fof creation to beware ofithe bear who walks like a, man. .' . THE NORTHERN SECURITIES CASE The Washington Times says:', all over the United Spates und ruot of Europe are awaiting the action of the Supreme Court in the Xforthcrn Securl ties merger case.' This Interest lies in the fact that dozens of combinations already in force ahd,i number of others proposed depend upon whatever decis ion la rendered. : Some of the largest railroads in the country will be affect- ea oy tne decision, it 13 even aia max jinty in industrial and public utility en one of the largest railroad ' combina- jterprises Is given Tn the ability of the tlons In the East, which by means Catawba Wterpower Ca to enter ' Into stock controls another large system . and a number of smaler ones, will be a contract with the city of Charlotte for compelled to. give up this control If the street lighting at $54 , per light as decision is adverse to the Northern Se- 1 against $90 per light charged by the curities Company, in case any dissatis- 'company using and depending upon fled stockholder should tefce the matter power -afene for Its electricity: into court. The annual meeting of the - . , Northern Pacific Railroad, was held;77116 90 was not considered too high yesterday In New York, but no action : for. the power used, but the availabil was taken, the meeting. 'being adjourn- jity of the ever-flowing current, of the ea until. Marcn 15, oexo whicn date It is expected a decision, will be given." It is to be hopeA'that, now the Su preme Court is. tailed to pass upon the subject matter of the contention in- volved In this Northern Securities case It will take the . occasion to definitely determine every phage of the powers, tb send the current of activity" through limitations and privileges of the cor- ) out this city. Here is a ' field that Is porations in conducting the trah.porta- most Inviting to enterprising men of tion business, bf the country. It is due capital. ' the people who - patronize and depend upon, these con6rations and those who have their small rflnltnl Invito ther.- In as well as the' larger investors, to ! measure for government aid to the know upon what they must rely in the &ood roads movement is .rapidly de way of stability of rates and. safety of , Sloping In popuIarity.The trouble is, investment. j however, that this popular favor is In The gravamen of the offence charged !face of the expressed determination of against the Nortloern Securities Com- j th6 Republlam majority hpt to . pass pany is the "agreement" upon rates to be charged by, two separate companies between points reached by both. In order to prevent rate-cutting, by which business is unsettled and a large clas3 at non-competltlve points, ife "certain ly and necessarily discriminated against, an agreement was reached by which rates to competitive points should be maintained by each road. When such rates are fair of themselves it is contended by the owners of the fwn msirta. ' thrt pan Ho no rononnah'o or Just objection to ..such agreement. There Is no question from any source that when the same rates are: main - . tained by both companies without any j The sentiment; in favor pf Mr.sCleve- i land has been growing steadily during agreement to that effect the lar is not ; the quet years of his dignified retire violated; the agreement constituting : ment, and not in the summer but Jn the offense. But without this agree- i the spring of 1003 it found spontaneous ment secret rate cutting has been the ! and. emphatic .expression U Louis son the occasion .of the j dedication, ot rule and Impossible of avoidance, the Louisiana Purchase Eposltlon, in whereas, by the "community of inter-S which ceremony. President Roosevelt" est" plan the formal agreement to ob- ! and ex-President. Cleveland, were the x , l principal participants. serve the same rates, this demoralizing j Qn the flfst day Qf the Iedicatory ex, system, as well as injustice to patrons 5 ercises both Mr. Roosevelt and-Mr. at other points is avoided. For instanr!, th rat- fharppfl hn . , ' ' x, . freight over the Southern and the Fea- board from Raleigh to Charlotte are the same necessarny. This comes not - - - I - by any agreement -but because the shorter route prefers to charge the low- est rate the longer v is compelled to make and maintain its rates as fixed , ,. , , by the commission rather than , start a rate-cutting which would injure both roads, and demoralise business in Char lotte and Raleigh so far as their inter- change of traffic Is concerned.. By a lack of formal agrpementhe roads are not ( was overwhelming in volume and ear violating the laWi but should they en- ; nestness. The great audience rose to ter into an agreement to do the very' hing they are. ? now doing they! would violate the law, as contended In this suit now pending at Washington. Besides, Inter State ' Commerce laws and commlssipps, State and Fedtral, have been established with the avowed purpose and intent of destroying dis crimination, and the competition which i" the very genesis of -discrimination. A great "many complaints' of discrlmina- tion made nowadays. When sifted, are ! -' iouna to oe Dasea upon ,tne lack of dls- crimination In fact -in favor of com plainants and the observance of the I law to prevent Just what is really wanted. The logical consequence of the laws enacted to ' regulate ' the - corpora tions is the destruction of all "competi tion by preventing -rate-cutting, re bates, and lower -rates, to the farther than Is charged to intermediate points where the competition' Is not directly between rail and water or Immediately Reme3y for a number of years and affected thereby, v -. I . : - i e. n hesncy in saying that it is w . the best remedy for coughs, colds and FfOM the paragraph rwe copy above! croup 1 have ever used in my family, from our Washington 'cotemporary -it I have not words to express iny- confl can be seen that anxiety prevails j dence . ln this remedy.- Mrs. y J. A. ftmottg people whose money la Involved In Railroad properties, khd these, are not the few aa demagogues, In view of the coming campaign would make be lieve but hundreds of thoupands of clti en, hiafiy of whom have their tdl go in- . . , vested. We can't have pcvmmlirTi tr, nx-rates and nrtmV tuii the unjust discrimination : that' follows and aC the , sare r time declare, by' law ' that the onlj method-or rule by which such injustice may be avoided shall not be adored. Some' body 'must enforce unifoisnitv mnA tHW hnnont observance of fates, and the proper distribution of the traffic "to Insure safety and celerity of delivery arid "It will be difficult, in our judgment, to find any body more capable of adjusting and directing these matters than the owners of the: property themselves, subject to the laws preventing discrimination. ; The decision is naturally awaited; with very great Interest, its result may be as destructive of interests of the shipping publlo as of the financial interests of the stockholders. . An ilustration of , the enormous ad vantages of water power over steam' power for enlarging the use of electrlc- , Catawba is of orime Imnortance to Charlotte In this one instance and must be la still greater degree. In cluding the Neuse river a few miles i distant, there' are streams near Ral 'eigh which could and should be util ized in, this same direction a.nd made J -tea- The report Comes that the Brownlow an new . appropriations ,vm eesuiu Next winter will be the time to test the real strength of the measure in Con gress. " y " ' '.;' ' ' Mysterious Circumstlnca One was pale and sallow and v the other fresh and rosy. Whence the dif- 1 ..' . . ni. f t, ..lit ; health uses Dr. King's New Life Pill3 i to maintain it. By gently arousing the ! lazv orcans they J'omoel ?irood disestion . and head off constipation. -Try them. 9Xr at all AfitrtrlttoM-' t When and Where il Manifested Itself ! (Philadelphia Ledger.) Cleveland delivered notable addresses i lu J to .an audience of 60,000. The reception ! given to the president on .his introduc- 1 tion by President Francis was prolong- j ed, tumultuous and indicative of the Dubllc appreciation of his great office r Vila nmilnii. TTa ' . , . X , . , was cheered and applauded earnetly, cordially and generously. The president was followed by Mr. ' Cleveland, who was introduced to the I vast multitude by ex-Senator Carter .. ,..,i..,v. , ! zen in the world." It is doubtful whether any American citizen was ever greeted with more sincere applause or fervnr than ho tcac nrt tTinf Vra t an The demonstration of papular esteem 'L iCCl; Zu1 llrra: so. in its Pffot-ta tn Rhnw.hnn- v th ex-president. It was a splendid .trib ute from his countrymen to the char acter of one of themselves of which the greatest of" men might well have been proud. ' That night at the hotels, the, the functions of the Exposition.- or wherever men were gathered, the Cleveland reception took the first place in -the general talk about the imposing events day, and that night the moVemen to nominate the ex-presi- dent SWPnf St T.rwile Ifa faf Tha movement had its real inception in that city at that time. During the next Ave days it advanced over the entire country Clevelands return jcHirhey Was made by the cities, towns, villages and hamlets ert route the oc catlon for a general offering of respect and esteem. By night as -by day the people turned out to salute him at everystage cf the trip, 1 - A Mother's Recommendation have Used ' Chamberlain's ' Cough jioore, iMortn Stan Micl;.. Fcr pale by . G. Thomas and Kobt. Simpson. Paying Fair Prices for Good Tobacco ;. ."';' (Wilson Times.) . v : . The Farmers Warehouse .soIdTt'urs- (a.V two ra4s nf tethtXcM tr : f !fc iWl . . VCLSH & Davis for 11,158.47, the Dricas ransr- ngirom WXW. up to $46.00 per hundred. .These figures sound like old times rerencet tne wno 19 , PlUSmng . ""!mne!fCnHv row'-Iv nir fnvosfiti? I The American Tobacco Company and v ins ." : FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid Bvef derange the tyfeob - system ana produces - SICK HEADACHE, 1 . Z I V, t mflticm. NiiunvvsF-intinu rues .There Is no better remedy for these common diseases than DR. TUTT'S - LlVEH PILLS, as a trial wfll prove. Take No Substitute; ! Imperial andContlnental Tobacco Com- pany bought every pne ot- uu -baccoi which gives evidence that they want good tobacco and don't mind paying a fair price -, for it. V George Glover eold a load last Tues day that averaged $31.00 around for all erodes. - - Ir it a burn? Use Dr. Thomas' Eclec tric Oil. A cut? Use Dr. Thomas Eclectric OIL At your druggists. 'In America," said the traveler, "it Is considered wrong to. have more than one wife.1 nIt,is Votmereiy.-wrong.ranwered'.SeOUrSpri Lrlfie Of the Sultan, as he giancea apprenensivs ly at the harem, "it's foolish." Wash ington Star. "There Is no doubt," said the esti mable citizen, "that intoxication in jures the tstetn." "My dear sir," answered Colonel Still well Of Kentucky, "just think of the harm water has done to our financial system." Kansas City World. "They say her wedding beggared de scription." "Oh! more than that.'! "Indeed r "Yes. It beggared her father."--Ch!. cago Evening Post. HOTEL YORK NEW YORK. 7TH AVENUE, COR. S6Tlt STREET. JUST COMPLETED. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. 250 Rooms. European .Plan, ivlth- , out Bath, $1,50 to $2.50; with Bath $2.50 to $4.00.' . . ;' . . Just a stepxfrom Broadway and all the big shops, theaters, surface, and elevated cars. STOKES & WILLIAMS. Proprietors. Yoit::Wili MaKe in our Monthly Fools. Our November Pool, just closed, paid a very lsrge profit. New Pool how forming." Our ! plan Is indorsed by Investors' bankers, press and public. - Highest references. If your.want to secure a sure and regu lar income without interfering ' with your present employment or business, don't fail tb investigate our proposition. Safe as a bank. oMnthly distribution of profits. Write today for circular giving' full 'particulars. v ' MORTON & THOMAS. ....... f Fruit, Shade ,:- AND ' ' . Ornamental Trees Write for free Illustrated catalogue, also pamphlet on 'How. to Plant and Cultivate an Orchard.". Gives all nec essary information. We grow also "' Cut Flowers and supply same for Weddings and all social occasions. Floral Design a Spe cialty. We ship to all points. Order funeral designs by telegraph or tele phone. . ' J. Van Lindley Nursery Go. " Pomona, N. C. - Near Greensboro. Is We Have tKe eiiiiioi-pnco urniiure, too. In fact, we can suit and OYALL & :.' Corner Wilmijigto.n and WMB RMN I TO R E ... ' A WELL Pleased Gusto mer Blows , o 'u r Horn., Hats. Samples of Spring Clothing received. - KINSTON, D. BOUSHALL, Ins. Co., Raleigh, DEAR SIR: I have, been csrrying insurance In the Aetna for thirty yparj on the ten-year Renewable Term Plan. I have Just renewed the same fcr another term, It being th fourth time it has been renewed at the same nt I paid when I took out the policy. I am well pleased With the Aetna er.l recommend It to any one desiring Insurance In a reifable company., - . ' Very truly yours, W. E. SUTTON, For Rates, &c apply to j. a Manager Tucker Building, Raleigh, N. C. mmw n JU if Ilia I and C00K Stoves 2 sit $d3S Yours in Kitchen Experience, HART WARD HARDWARE CO., RjiI One of Specialties, t . teAMityM:lw$l lv V4(yi Jfp?!r?- tf?y-t'" I . dfd ur.T.- m a ,j k .jfi r-.iiv" x iri r---i i . ti - BORDEN1 Hare:tt Strests, 7 - "The ' Piano with the sweet tone' -N. L""-We hereby give not!C that our Business In Goldsboro and the. adjacent territory there- ,to from this date on win looked after by our Factory , Representative. MR. O. S. ED WARDS, who has succeeded MR. A. W, CHANDLER, who formally represented us In Fa!a r territory. ' In the future please address .all communications to II MR G. S. EDWARDS, Factory Representative, GOLDSBORO. N. C 9 Signed Chas M Stieff, Piano Manufacturer, ft ..'Ul.yiy f I m.1 1 I , ,". 'j -LJ m f lj I I.I ya!q.gTJ fl 9 C f DB STHlCfctAltfr'P rnonfMr rnpK lllli Eld rmetly,; f H t L "'v xafe nd ure Box Fl;r.r. Jt Mnan Sfrwi tftmp for 1'ftt leu itr ROWS CHEMICAL C O.. Cu 8S. t!i.'.vu Hu. N. C, March 12. 1903. Alanaqer iEtna Life N.- C. R.'V&BJY Housekeeper to Visit Our iStore to ILxain irae the Larrfost and Best Assortment Steel Ranges V? ' We Give GRE.HN Stamps 'FUfc - C ' RALEIGH N. C. a,