THE MORNING POST. FRIDAY, MAX 7 194 J Carry Out tie aps Kourapat&in-Program Russian Optimism Attaches No Importance to thi Iso lation of Port Arthur. Outside of Military ' Circles Other Views Prevail St. Teterifcujr. Mar C-Tha military authorities bere profess to be little af fected by Its cutllr.r oft of Tort Ar thur. They do cot believe the Japanese will attempt to itona the placa, well wn-r. tha treturth of the work. - They say that the town la provisioned for a year and la ImprenW by sea er land. Try also aay that tha non resistence to the Japanese landing In accordance with the plana of Oeneral Kurepatkla. wba provided for such a contingency. Various estimates are ma2e of the strength of the garrison ft - Port Arthur. It Is believed that a large pirt cf It had been. withdrawn, but It la aid that General Stoesael still com manda more than 20.C00 troops, while XS.000 seamen from the fleet are avail able for ssslstlng m the defense. It Is not expected that anything will be . fc-ard from the beleaguered fortress henceforth until General Kuropatkln has accomplished his designs. Mean while patience should be exercised. Tfcis optimism Is rot shared outside of military quarters. It is recognized that the nearly landed Japanese army Is a serious menace to General Kuro patkln' right f ank, and makes It diffi cult for him to operate against General Kuro&Ts advance on Fens "Wans; Chen. No reliable news of fighting . there has yet been received. It Is rtated that large reinforcements have reached the Russian position. It Is al so maintained that the Japanese have ' halted on their march. . delaying their attack. classes are stunned by the scries of dis asters to the Russian army. The uni sersal depression is intensified by the fear that tie blunders of he campaign will prove Irretrievable. A little life may be sacrificed to a sudden attack of croup. If you don't have Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oft on hand for the emergency. Pardon Approved New Bern. N. C. May 6. Special. The pardoning- of Geo. W. Meredith by Governor Aycock yesterday has met the unanimous approval of the eastern section of North Carolina, particularly in New Bern, where the circumstances of the case are well known. Engineer Meredith resumed his run on the road today. special term of. the court, and Intima ting that if necessary to do so clothe the executive with sufficient power for the enforcement of the law, he will call a special session of the legislature. The pronouncement was directly called forth by the action of Judge W. S. An derson, of the first Judicial circuit, who rsfused to call a special term of his court to punish the men who lynched the neiro on Little River, in Baldwin county, several weeks ago. The recent lynching In Augusta county for assault had also a beating upon the announce ment made today by the governor. Jett Takes a Life Term Chicago, May 6. A dispatch to the Tribune from Louisville, Ky., says that Curtis Jett. who murdered J. B. Mar cum in the court house of Breathitt countr. has accepted a life sentence rather than face a new trial. Further Ritmt ea tha Program London. May 7. The St. Petersburg - correspondent of the Dally News says that General Sassulltch's urgent orders - are for the Russians to concentrate at - Feng Wang Cheng. Fresh troops have been ant to strengthen his rear. Re inforcements have also been sent to Feng Wang Cheng to Join hanfis with hint to retard the Japanese advance northward, but If the Japanese prove to be In overwhelming numbers the Rtrssians will not attempt to hold Feng Wang Cheng, but will continue to re trt northward. It la understood that tha Japanese ar making desperate efforts to over whelm Kumpatkln'e forces. Only a small occupying force will be left there for the moment, but wto divisions of the third Japanese army are preparing to land anJ replace the troops who are withdrawn to reinforce General KurokL Low Rates to Conventions Chicago. May 6. The railroads In the Western Passenger Association today agreed to make half rates from all points on account of the Republican national convention in Chicago arid the Democratic national convention at St Louis. On tickets sold to St. Louis via Chicago stopovers will be allowed at here, and on ttlckets sold via St. Louis to Chicago stopovers will L -rliowed at St. Louis. At the meeting nere next week of the central passenger associa tion It is almost certain that the east ern roads Mil also make half rates on account of both the Republican and Democratic conventions. Threi Killed by Tornado ; Dallas. Tex.. May 6. Dispatches from Claco. received this afternoon, stated that three persons were killed In a tor nado which swept over Shakleford county last night. The fatalities oc curred at Moran. where many houses were demolished. A cloudburst oc curred at Aledo. In Parker county. Se rious damage is reported. Vffcf r Information Is Deficient London. May 7. There Is little that can be a died to the official dispatches. There Is no authorltlv statement of the strength of the Japanese forces that hare landed In Manchuria. One who professes to b Informed places the number at more than sixty thousand. The of the commander of the In vading forca Is not given and the dis position of the troops Is. of course, not divulged. There Is r.o mention of the occupation of Klnchan except in Minis ter Grlseorn's dispatch. Tks Htar Guard London. May 7. A dispatch to the Times) from Tokio says: "The Rus sians axe cviiently Incapable of rally ing east of Fer.g Wang Cheng. They were completely broken In the fight last Sunday. London. Majr 7. A dispatch to the Standard from Tien Tsln says that Ad miral Axle?r has ordered the Tartar general and all the other officials at Ferg Tien te leave Immediately. London. May 7. The Toklo corres pondent of the Chronicle says that the laadlnr of the Japanese on the Llao tung peninsula has been so successful that the war ahipe escorting- the trans ports have rejoined the squadron Sl multaneocsly with the attack on Port Arthur the Japanese laid & cable be tween one of the islands and the main land as a protection to their landing place. London. May 7. A dispatch from Kcbe to The Express says that Dr. Anita McGee, the American woman doctor, who took a party of nurses to Japan, has been given charge of the military hospital at Matsuyama. The Pope on Elections Paris. May 6. Bishop Lacrolx of Ta rentalee has sent a circular letter to the clergy of his diocese, giving an account of an interview with the pope in which he discussed the question of the clergy participating In electoral conflicts. His Ho'.lness strongly depre cated priests encroaching upon the in dependence of electors by trying to In fluence their votes before an election or reproaching them for the manner in which they voted. He said that noth ing could be more laudable than for a priest himself to vote according to his conscience. Merchant a Bankrupt Chapel XML N. C May 6. Special. James Macrae. Esq- of the law firm of Macrae & Robinson, filed papers in In voluntary bankruptcy against J. T. Durham, a general merchandise estlb- llshment of this town, before Judge Boyd at Greensboro today. It is not known at this time what the assets and liabilities of the business amount to. 'A V 54 9. ..J -Ml- A HI" UUI Will M UHI IU4 'Mil, S a it. "a IRREGULARITY EXAGGERATION . SUPPRESSION etc CHATTANOOEAMEDICINEQl CHATTANOO OA.TENX. Price One Dollar THEM Vomcn have confHence in i Vine cf Cardui because c;il b t M flMdidMla' the world for the troubles peculiar to their sex. "women axe grateful to Vine of Cardui because it frees them ffJZ ordcrs-becacse it k I certain cure for bearing down pains, Ieucorrhoea, the distress of childbirth axaJ the dangers which lurk in the change of life. -L : . Vwcen love Vine of Cardui because ft brings children to barren homes. OF ; Vine of Cardui is a mild medicine so mild that a child can take it without My possible harm. But it ts a powerful tonic, freeing women from pain when all other rarfw fafl. It reroutes the menstrual function so naturally that there is no pain. Opiates and dristic medicines kill the pain temporarily by killing the nerves, but Vine of Cardui destroys the pain by building .up the nerves and preventing a return of the pain in an aggravated form. - Vice of Cardui so builds up women that it makes them fit for any duty. Over 1,500,000 women have been cured of female weaknsss and suffering and have been restored to J-ealth and the enjoyment of life by Vine of Cardui. Vill ycu take the same treatment and secure the same, relief? A trial of the treatment will show you what Vine of Cardui will do. Go to your druggist today and secure a $1.00 bottle of Vine of CariuL You can nave health. - ' Wine of Caxdni bs bten a blessing to my home. . I hare found that it is a great relief. . . a . ;. MBS. LIZZIE H. THOMPSON, 185 West. 88th St., New York Cijty, N. Y. I' JJi- U CAM5J! I 1 1 1 m WOMANS j RELIEF 1)1111 UMMll'Y limiiiiiMMijiir mi nil Jin m:i i:::v, IAIH llUAIiHl! I'1 .." X.IIMJ IIII'M I!!.! ! ,T i win ivm i; t him iw'im ii'v.i . ; Iht All!! ;'.!!' rCKATTANOCSA-r,LCC.,NL CC." CHATTANOOGA. Unn ! Pnce One Bclijr '! I -i Support for Parker JCew York, May 6. Hermann Ridder, the head of the German American Re form Club, said today that while the Democratic German-Americans were not prepared yet to come out in favor of any particular candidate they were ready to support a man of the type of Judge Parker. A COOL HEAD i PREVENTS PANIC A Theatre Fire and a Crowd With No Killed or In jured to Report Mr. W. W. Clark Here Mr. W. W. Clark arrived from New Convention Stood Pat Denver, CoL, May f The Republican state convention was harmonious and enthusiastic. Former Senator Wolcott presided.-the platform was adopted and the-delegates by unanimous vote and the proceedings indicated a purpose on the part of the party leaders to sret together and stand pat on the harmony proposition until the presidential cam paign Is ended. The platform endorses the president and praises Oerernor Peabody highly for his course during the labor troubles. It approves the Panama program and favors continuance of the protective policy. The delegates were instructed to vote for Roosevelt at Chicago, first, last and all the time. Japan Sells Notes New York. May Kuhn. Loeb & Co. announce that the Kong Kong and Shans-hai banking: corporation and Parr's Bank, limited, of London, have purchased from the Japanese govern rnent 16,000,000 pounds sterling seven year C per cent, treasury notes, redeem able after three years at the option of the government and secured by an ex clusive flrtt Hen on the customs. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. hare agreed to join, and a simultaneous public Issue will be made shortly In London and New York. It is understood from outside sources that Kuhn, Loeb & Co. take half of the notes and will form a syndicate which will purchase them. fore them in examining the books and making: transcripts. And It is esti mated that it will require three ; or , Bern last night and will spend today four days to prepare the report iforj uere on professional business. It is the governor after the expert account-j understood that he will be of counsel ants finish up their work. It is said for John P. Cuyler, who files the see that the typewritten report ofjthe in- j ond complaint and petition for the ap vestigation as taken by the stehogra- pointment of a receiver for the Atlan pher will make about 500 pages. There tic and North Carolina Railroad, and is a probability that a large number his mission here at this time may be of witnesses examined by the commit-: connected with the j preparations for tee will be summoned to Raleigh to the hearing of the icomplalnt. May 21st, New York, May 6. During the . sec- testify m the hearing before Judge when' the A. and N. C. Company Is ond act of the play, "A Rose of fiy- Purnell, May 21st, when the A. and N. ; ordered to show cause why a receiver mouth," at Proctor's 125th street thea-. c j3 orjeretj to show cause why the should not be appointed. Mr. Clark tre tonight, and when the nouse was j receiver should not be appointed, and j expects to return home tomorrow. the probability is that the hearing will continue for something like two weeks. All Classes Stsassd by Dlitrtirs London. May 7. A dispatch to the Standard from Odessa says that all LAME AND DUMB A Wayne County Negro in a Pitiable Condition Goldsboro, N. C, May $. Special. On the train from Wilson this morning ar rived a negro who was in a very bad condition, lie could neither walk nor talk. lie tras taken off the train by the crew and placed In the waiting rooms. The case was called to the at tention of the police, who notified the chairman of the board of county com mlftstoner and the negro was taken to the county home. The negTb, whose name i Jordan Lee, left this county some yars ago to go to Florida. He was recognised by several who saw him. While In Florida he was para lrsed. It Is thought that he waa try ing to make his wsy back home, but how he managed to get here and how long he had been coming is unknown. The remains of Mrs. William Emery were taken to Cove this morning for Interment. She died In the Arlington Hotel, where she had rooms, yesterday morning. - LYNCHING AND LAW A Strong Statement by the Governor of Alabama Birmingham, Ala May Governor Cunningham, at Montgomery today, is sued a strong and forceful statement condematory of lynching, pointing out the Im potency of the executive depart ment of the administration of Justice when a elrcut Judge declines to call a Over 253.CS3 lease CuiHsitrt I ONE FULL QUART OF UUIHV F 0 mi ,- rwkx oar UMrirk NsirirpattuiWariav' M U .r W ktok7 f-iur( ui aWtT Th iT- A"-2V ai ka-k a- rrtfart IUwrULkkty la told uU.HbMi or iwiH aid vbitkn .ww mht r nu -vaaMr- 11 imp Old." It MpWMaorwvvWbvrsilMrC. W kacteloSM.SuSaa. ?" "W aak of tUa rixj will yrH reimwW f-?' 1 1 Old- mmptm kM4iM.aa U, ZTL artak; ma rr saJ I VllplUtM. 1TI1I 11,1111 if l I . sfci an k for r vlU fmrnimM Ivmi TmH Jrtfcowjaa rMtp4 tf stl at4 (It mm metkmmw, risk lac a"" an aaaiaii . irrktris tato a lilaa.j tinil Ua tt 1 SS.M par fj yHaafcoaawlaSwjMtooliMlkmt 1 rrvT ail BU mrmmm . Onlvra rrrmm A rhu r-?7t. , y " MUa was, aaiior CaVM a-arta tr THE CASPFR C.n (ir,r ntdm. WIJST.f.aALKM.N.C 4TSC Rheumatic Pains Relieved - The prompt relief from the severe pains of sciatica and rheumatism which is afforded by Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Is alone worth many times Its cost. Mr. "WUlard C, Vail of Pough- keepsle, N. Y., writes: "I am troubled with rheumatism and neuralgia of the nerves and Chamberlain's Pain Balm gives relief quicker than any Hnament I have ever used." For sale by TV. G. Thomas, Bobt. Simpson, Bobbltt Wynne Drug Co. SPECIAL CAMPAIGN OFFER VTE VTllA SEND THE MORNING POST UNTIL AFTER THE NATION- AI CONVENTION IN JULY FOR SLOO. FOR $2.00 WE WILL. SEND IT UN TIL AFTER THE ELECTION IN NO VEMBER. ALL THE NEWS ON TIME, UNIVERSITY ATHLETICS Track Team and Ball Tossirs Off to Scene of Contests Chapel Hill. N. .C. May (. Special. The University track team left this morning for the University of Vir ginia, where tha team will compete Saturday with the team from that In stitution In annual track meet. " The following' entrlea will be made by Car olina: Relay, Newton, Berkeley, SIfford and Wlnbourne. One hundred yards and 220 yards race, Jacocks. One hundred and twenty yards hur dles, Wilson. Quarter mile race, Newton and Pitt- man. - Half mile race, SIfford and Perry. One mile rac. Reed. , . t High Jump, Newton and Wilson. Broad Jump, Berkeley. Pole vault, Crawford. I Shot put. Story. The base ball team .also left this morning for Washington City. Caro lina will- play Georgetown University Saturday, and the last game with Vir ginia Monday at Charlottesville. packed, fire started in the other hall of the theatre where scenery, etc., is stored. Policeman Teeven first saw the smoke. . He summoned other omcers and notified Manager Brunelle. The latter went to one of the boxes and stepping to the front addressed tne 1,700 people present. "Ladles and Gen tlemen," said the manager, speaking In a voice that penetrated every corner of the theatre but had no note of alarm In It, "There is a fire In the building next door. There is not the slightest cause for alarm, so every man, woman and child must keep his seat. You un derstand, you will all get out safely and quickly." At first no one in the theatre seemed to realize what was said. Nearly every body stared stupidly at the little man In the box. The actors paused and moved to the footlights. Then a wo man In the balcony screamed. A small boy In the gallery yelled "fire," and tense nerves began to give way. In the rear of the orchestra floor a rush for the door began. In the front of the house no one moved. At that Instant the big doors swung open and Police Captain McNally at the head of fifteen policemen appeared. They went into each aisle and had the whole house under command. The captain waved his stock and called: "Keep your seats. If anybody In this house starts a stam pede I'll knock his head off. The first man or woman that tries a rush for the door will be smashed with a club." There was no rush. They all moved out quickly but orderly. In six min utes after the policeman had seen the spiral of smoke the theatre was empty from gallery to orchestra, and the big crowd herded into the streets without a single person being burned, bruised or scratched. Discipline, ready wit and downright brutal action had prevented a panic wnich might easily have re sulted in a disaster more horrible even than the Iroquois fire in Chicago. Meantime the firemen arrived, the other half of the theatre building was burned out and the theatre itself damaged by smoke and water, but the loss was but $2,500. Flag Raising Tuesday A United States flag will be raised over the school house at the Caraleigh 'mills next Tuesday at 11 o'clock, and the public is Invited to attend the cere mony. The event will be under the auspices of Walnut Creek council of the J. O. U. A. it., and the speakers will be State Treasurer B. R. Lacy, Attorney Oeneral Gilmer. City School j SupL. E. P. Moses and ex-Mayor A." A. j Thompson, all of whom are members of the Junior Order. DIED IN SANITARIUM Result of a Shooting Affair on a Farm Goldsboro, N. Ct, May 6. Special. Wednesday afternoon of last week C. W. Smith, a farmer living in the south eastern section of this county, had some trouble with two of his tenants over a guano distributor. The tenants were C. H. Williams and his son, Luther. The fracas reached rather serious pro portions and both the old man Wil liams and his son were shot. The son was only slightly wounded, but the old man was wounded seriously in the leg. He was taken to a sanitarium in Wil son to have an operation performed and died there yesterday. When the fight took place the case came up before Jus tice D. J. Broadhurst In this city. He postponed the preliminary hearing un til the old man Williams would be able to attend the trial. Smith, who did the shooting, claims that he was acting In self defense and that the old man and his son were both advancing on him An investigation will be made at the trial and not until then will It be pos sible to forecast the result. BASE BALL GAMES National League At Pittsburg: R.H.E. Philadelphia . 0 2 0 7 0 0 0 3 315 15 4 Pittsburg1' . . . 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2- 7 10 5 Batteries: Frazer and Dooln; Miller, Camnitz and Smith. Umpire? Emslie. At Cincinnati: R.H.E. St., Louis .00 0 13000 04 , 6 1 Cincinnati-. . .'0 0200203 x T 9 0i Batteries: Nichols . and Byers; Ewing and Schlei. Umpire, O'Day,- The littleslx year eld .l uichvr 4 Florence McLean, colore !, v.h. ;'m on West Cabarrus stroot. pin n by a carriage, coiner o Mtki- 7.i Salisbury street?, yesterl.iy nt'-r Frank Law was driving ,t h carriage down Salisbury smo; , the child attempted to cro ;,;,!, dodging a dray, became oonfui a.j ran under the horses feet. a passed over her. Howerr. t!,- , did not appear to be seriously i;,; though badly i bruised. Fnmk Im ately stopped his horse Mini t;ik; 4 child and her mother In h!s i.f:v carried them .to Rex hoppit:il. STATEMENT j Federal Union Surety Company of Indianapolis, Indiana. Condition December 31, 1903, as Shown by Statement Flk i. Amount. of capital paid up in cash .. . .. ', j. Amount of ledger assets December 31st of previous year , . Income from policy-holders, $49,172.46; miscellaneous, $11,991.14; total Fidelity and Surety .. .. 1. . Disbursements to policy-holders, $1,396.77; miscellaneous. $35,138.31; total ... .. .. .. Fidelity and Surety .: . J2.7fW m .' , 4:t,i;: American League At Boston: . R.H.E. New Ycrk ...001010 0 0 02 8 2 Boston .... 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 0X 6 8 0 Batteries : Hughes .. and McGuire ; Tannehill and Farrell. Umplre3, Dwyer and Connolly. At Philadelphia: R.H.E. Washington .23000000 1 6 11 2 Philadelphia .0 5 0 01145 x 16 22 4 . Batteries: Patten, Mason and Drill; Henley and Schreck. Umpire, Carpen ter. At Cleveland: R.H.E. Detroit . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 7 1 Cleveland . . . 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 x 3 7 1 Batteries: Stovall and Wood; Dono hue and Bemls. Umpires, Sheridan and Kim?. At Chicago: R.H.E. St. Louis . . . 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 25 9 3 Chicago . . . 800000000 03 3 3 Batteries: Siever and Sugden; Flah erty and Sullivan. Umpire, O'Lough-lin. Premiums Written or Renewed During the Year. Fidelity and Surety .. . ' ' . Premiums in -Force at End Fidelity 'and Surety -v. . . . I . 1 -Yea:. C3.:.::.i f - ASSETS. Mortgage loans on real estate. Book value of bonds and stocks ........." Interest and rents due and ac crued .. .. .. .. Cash in Home Office and de posited in banks .. .. .. Premiums unpaid .. .. .. .. .. 12,600.00 230,505.47 1,936.08 45,717.93 10,496.66 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. Less assets, not admitted ..$301,256.04 .. 1,117.33 LIABILITIES. Unpaid policy c'alins Unearned premititns Commission shtfokerage ani other ehargedue .. All other liabilities as detail" ! in statement .. .. i Total liabilities as to policy holders .. J , $ Capital paid up in cash'.'. .. Surplus beyond all liabilities.. Wake Forest 9 ; Guilford College 3 ' ... , Wake Forest, N." C, May 6. Special Guilford College went down this after noon before Wake Forest by a score of nine to three. f Guilford scored only in the first, when a two bagger, a sin gle and home run netted them three runs. After that they failed to find Edwards except in scratch hits. Wake Forest made three in the sixth, five in the seventh and one in the eighth. Ed wards pitched an excellent game. Smith and Richardson for the home team did fine work at third and left. W. Lind say was the star player for Guilford. The score: R.H.B. waice JForest ..... , . . . 9 n 4 Guilford ........... . 3 7 8 Batteries: Edwards and King; John son and Doak. Umpire Roberts. Total admitted assets .. ..$300,138.71 j Total liabilities .. .. . tr No Business In North Carolina In 1903. Entered the ! State Febnmr-v, :i President, HUGH DOUGHERTY; Secretary, E. M. JOHNSON. Home Office, con Market and Pennsylvania Sts., Indianapolis, In-i. General Agent for service. Insurance Commissioner Raleigh, N. r. Business Manager for North Carolina, Managed from Home nflv' State of North Cam! In r Insurance Departrr r' Raleigh. Airl! H. V- I, James R. Young, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify ' above is a true and correct abstract of the statement j of the 'FedVrm r; v Surety Company, of Indianapolis, Ind., filed with this department. ' I the condition of said company on the 31st day of December. 1003. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and date above witter,. JAMES R. YOf0 . . ' ' Insurance Commi?. STATEMENT North German Fire Insurance Co of New York City. Condition December 31st. 1903, as Shown by Statement FUel. Capital paid up in cash........ i t : v ' Amount ledger assets Dec 31st previous year ....,.!.... Income from policy-holders, $304,573.54; miscellaneous.' ' $30.813.1 7: Prof.. Charles L. Norton, of the Mas- Clares that every skyscraper In Boston t is in danger of collapse, owing to cor rosion 01 me structural seteel. The water word Niagara means thunder FIVE ORPHANS Pathetic Scene at the Funeral of Mrs. Rose A one-horae hearse.' followed by a solitary carriage, moved slowly out to Oakwood cemetery yesterday. Not a single relative was present and only Supt. of Charities Stephenson and a few kind-hearted citizens were there to see the city's hired laborers lower the cheap pine coffin Into a grave dug in the charity plot. Yet the funeral of Mrs. Charlotte Rose, who lived at 622 North West street, means five little children without father or mother to care for tham. - Mrs. Rose formerly lived at Pikeville, thi3 state. Her husband died about a year ago and she brought her five small children here to try to make a living. Seven weeks ago she became ill and It Is now thought by those in a W-l !f!" " 2? . a sertous tlon to ludae best that it will r,. ! u,tu "ureaay nignt. IS SmT 8 M have yet.beenSr nme iia report 10 me governor. The - caring for the little ones. Thev havp expert accountants. It is understood, no relatives in Raleigh, or kinspeonle have at least another week's work bo-1 elsewhere able to support them. THE RECEIVERSHIP A. & N. C. Hering Promises to Be Lengthy total l. ,. Disbursements to policy-holders, $170,755.91; miscellaneous. $115. 973.46; total I Fire risks written or renewed during year, $25,934,343.00; in for '.' . ASSETS. ' Mortgage loans on raal es tate ..... $ 34,000.00 Boo-i value of bonds and 275,501.13 t... . stocks ...... Cash In home office and de-' posited In banks... ...... Agents' balances, represent ing business written subse quent to Oct. 1, 1903......... Interest and rents due ; and accrued ........ ,...t. ........ Certificates of deposit bear ing 2 per cent..;.. 25,993.28 62,857.85 3,242.17 32,000.00 LIABILITIES. Losses and claims unpal l. Unearned prerriurr.K Total liabilities Icy-holders ... as to 1 Total .. .. ............. ..$433,594.43 Less assets, not admitted. 16,518.13 Capital paid Surplus ..... Total admitted up in ca h Total liabilities assets.... . $417,078.30 NprST ii,;ritCTa0lIna ,n im' iu8t the state. .President Artnr.PH tmjo. c . , Tiorr,. -T T. ' oecrwy. HENRY 1 C. TLMM. Home Office, 2 Liberty . Street, New York Citv. N. Y. 2n!;f if"1 f! TVlCe' Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh. N Business Manager for North Carolina, J. T. DARGAN. Atlnntn . .. . . State of. North f'arolir i' : , Insurance' Depart" T Tama. x -v Raleiyh, March awZ i?- . 0Uf -, Insaranc' Commissioner, do hereby certify iuove ja a, true and mrrct a ..f . ... .. .. a T-..- . ui uie. siaienieni or tne .-NorTn the muu, aim omciai seal the day and Fire Insurant " ' 1 ol4lr",nu 01 lI" th 'AiltZ.- -i" 01 ew xorlc' flled wlh this "epartmer.t. r- day of December, 1903. date above wrlttv. JAMES R. YOl'N Insurance Con:rrJi

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