THE M6RKINCJ POST. THtrcTBlXAX SEPTEMBER 22, IQ04 - Mrs. bur? y. 4 o'c n Society - i Mrs. D. C. Hill or tiroansDoro .-17 at the Yarborough. MlP Bookman of Wilmington vepterday to vlsit riends- Thomas Johns want to Louis-c-rday morning on a visit. j Bryan Grimes left yesterday ... r.-eenville to visit friends. a m r-.nfonian Club will meet with K. Andrews this atternoon at to: route York r mine Dorsey of Houston, Va i:- "Mrs. J. F. Ferrall on Hills- v - 1 1 . y. C. Wall of Rockingham -.rough yesterday en route to v rv S. Vaughn of South Car .. 1 through here yesterday en j Fittsbpro. a. sT. c. Miller of Baltimore is in - tho guest of Mrs. Johnson M'.-i avenue. ; - Ty ui?e McKnight left yesterday :"or Philadelphia and New ,. ton-days trip. i A. Elserton left for Norfolk rrang to be with her uuite sick. I Mr?. Walter H. Fisher of Los Cal., arrived in the city yes .pri"? and are at the Yarbor ough. Mi Ha Broughton was called to n-; en- vc-terday morning on account he i;i:'it;5ss of her little niece at that Envma and Hattie Poe John o have been visiting in the part of the state for a month , returned yesterday evening. .Miss Annie Cohen of Newark, N. J., vt'- h"5 been visiting relatives here ief: vest r day morning to visit her srther in Greensboro before return r.c Mrs A. F. Brown and children are b. k from a visit to her parents, Col. iM .Mrs W. J. Woodard, in Wilming r: M s? Emma Woodard. Mrs. Bow- of Franklin, Va., presided at the organ. TMiss Jane Elizabeth .Taylor, the bride, is well known and her popular ity needs no comment. As daughter of President Taylor she has held a position of recognized prominence In thij state and others. Mr. William Dabney Duke Is general manager of the Richmond, Fredericks burg & Potomac, also the Washington &. Southern Railroads and is prominent in Richmond both in business and social circles. A number of out ,of town guests were present for the wedding and an in formal reception was tendered the bridal party on Tuesday eveinng at the home of the bride's parents. Among the guests from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Duke. Miss Cora De Jannette Duke. Miss Lucy Benton Duke, Messrs. Thomas Taylor Duke, W. Poindexter Taylor, Frank Turner Nowell, Charles W. Culp, Edwin Ma son Pitcher, Rev. M. Ashby Jones, Chas. Ryland Burnett and Master Er nest Moseley of Richmond, "Va. Dr. Genye Braxton Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Duke. Miss Martha L. Cocke, Miss Leonora Cocke of Holllns, Va., Miss Jessie Brewer of Franklin, Va., Miss Henriette Dickinson of Richmond, Va., Mr. Charles Cooke. Miss Eliza bc th Briggs, Mr. Talcott Brewer of Raleigh; Mrs. Ericlc Roth of Wash ington, D. C; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. EJ. Taylor, Jr., of Wilmington, N. C. 1 Mention must be made of the pres ents as they were unusually numerous and beautiful. MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Mr. J. R. M'Crary of Lexington to Miss Mary Tatum of Stuart, Va. Lexington, N. C, Sept. 21. Special. Announcements were received here yes terday evening- as follows: Mr. and Mrs. John P. Tatum announce the marriage of their daughter Mary to Mr. John Raymond McCrary on Tuesday, September the twentieth Yhineteen hundred and four Stuart, Virginia. The news of this sudden wedding was a complete surprise to he many friends of Mr. McCrary at this place.. Except his immediate family, all here were in entire ignorance of his plans, and the foregoing announcement was the first news. The marriage took place yes terday at 11 o'clock at the bride's home in Stuart, Va., the ceremony being performed by Rev. J. F. Cares', of Dan ville, assisted by Dr. Will A. LamBeth, of Thomasville. N. C After the cere mony, Mr. and Mrs. McCrary went to Danville, whence they will leave today New Officers for the Old Mullet Railroad New Freight Warehouse at Goldsboro Being Fitted up for the Purpose At lantic Hotel to Re main Open for the Present Goldsboro, N. C, Sept. 21. Special The contract for fitting up the A. & N. C. Railroad offices in this city has been let to Messrs. Porter & Godwin and they assure Mr. Howland that the changes will be made by the 15th of October. In an interview this morning with Mr. .Fred L. Merritt, private sec retary to Mr. Howland, this correspond ent was informed that when the pro posed changes .in the new warehouse have been made it will be admirably fitted for railroad offices. It will con tain seven large office rooms, each ar ranged especially for the official who is to occupy it. The .offices will be kept comfortable in winter by a modern heating plant that is to be installed and I will be so arranged as to , admit the greatest possible amount of ventilation in summer. The present spacious building will be divided by an eight foot hall running through the entire length of 200 feet. On either side of the hall will be the offices, one for President Howland and one for his secretary, Mr. Merritt; one for the treasurer, two for the traffic manager and two for the auditor. There will also be store rooms, lavatories and a vault. The building will be lighted -ter, returned with her on a on a wedding journey to Washington 'and other northern cities. After Sep j tember 30, they will come here and 'occupy th'- new home just finished by ; Mr. McCrary on Mam street. It is lone of tho handsomest houses in Lex- St. Luke'e Circle Pt. Luke's Circle of King's iht?T-i wii! mppt this :i ftprnoon at I . V. i . ...nil . i r Dnlan. o'clock with Mrs. W. G. Martin, s '". m didly furnished within. Mrs. McCrary is 19 years of age. and Rescue, Circle the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. a : - meeting of the Rescue Cir-jj0hn P. Tatum, prominent Virginia - iu be held this afternoon at 4:30 rfnnlf '"houerh voune. she has a reP- w ai- utation for beauty, and many other charming cualities. Mr. McCrary is well known In this state, as a young lawyer of unusual attainments., He is the senior partner of the prosperous firm of McCrary & Ruark, attorneys of this place. He graduated at Trinity College and is an eloquent speaker. He ' is now quite successful in the practice of his pro fession, and the future is bright for him and his youns bride. lock, at the residence of Mrs 'lark, on Halifax street. This eting will be of special importance full attendance is most earnestly lesired. A SURPRISE MARRIAGE by electricity and have water works connee'vhs. To make these improvements It wW be necessary to put down a new floor over the present rough one. The (jell ing and finishing will be done in North Carolina pine. The large doors to the warehouse as it now stands will be partially bricked up and the upper part of them converted into large double windows. To make the changes, Mr. Merritt said, will require some time and quite an outlay of money, but when they have been completed the A. & N. C. Railroad will have such offices as will enable It to conduct its business in a business-like way. When the reporter called this morn ing Mr. Howland and his secretary had their offices at one end of the freight building. The surroundings were not in keeping with those which a man worth millions like Mr. Howland Is accus tomed to occupy. They had a batch of papers to Investigate, and the young lady stenographer had a seat at a cheap looking table on the rough floor, but Mr. Howland is directing the move ments of the old mullet with as much ease as if he had been occupying an upholstered arm chair in an office build ing with more pretentious surround ings. Mr. Howland said that he would keep the "hotel at Morehead City open until the 15th of October. This movement is made at the request of a number of Goldsboro people who wish to get their children out of town during the epi demic of diphtheria. He also said that the fishing at the present time was bet ter than at any time during the season and there were between forty and fif ty guests from Georgia now at the At lantic. Mr. Merritt said he had given an order for $1,000 worth of furniture to a local furniture dealer to be used in the new offices. Misenheimer Was Too Quick for the Police Slayer of a Negro Got Out of the Way Pending an Ex change of Telegrams--A Fatal Quarrel at New ton Over a Dog Durham, N. C, Sept. 21. Special. One of the Misenheimer brothers, who killed a negro named Snow Wilson at Newton Sunday night, came here and narrowly escaped the hands of the po Babb .charged with the murder of a man warned Morelock between three and four years ago. At the conclusion of the hearing Babb was committed without bail to await the next criminal term of court. It is alleged that Babb killed Morelock in cold blood and that the motive was jealousy. The crime was committed at an illicit distillery which Babb and Morelock owned. !r. John A. Baird, Jr.. and Miss Lull Lewis of Roxboro Wed at Hairrton.Va F.nx'oro. X. r.t Sept. 21. Special. Mr. John A. R.ird. Jr., and Miss Lula L"-.vis of this ulace left here very ;i-tly yesterday afternoon in a car riage, and drove to woodsdale, seven r.i'es north of here, and there took the tr-dn northbound for Houston, Va., re they were married last, night at there this morning of F. H. McHaffee u u Cj'K K. Forger Arrested Greensboro, N. C, Sept. 21. Special. A telegram received today from Char lottesville. Va., announced the arrest .the vnttnr wViltf rh- marrhr took place at the home " Greensboro on the man wanted in charge of forging r opn! rector, Rev and it was a very pretty to several checks, some of which were The party was ac- ' cashed, as reported in this correspond rom Roxboro by Miss ' ence yesterday. McHaffee refuses to i ,. W. Cooke, S. M. come back without requisition papers. X.. r 1X1 Xewbold and Louis and I Mrs. Baird left Houston this ' o'"1- the north bound train for ; trip. They expect to return their home in Roxboro. !n l was formerly the proprie--.0 Dowdy Hotel and now owns profitable livery. Mrs. Hard Earnings Gone Salisbury, N. C, Sept. 21. Special. Unknown thieves, at an unknown mo ment, but during the past week, how ever, stole $1,000 in cash from the resi dence of Mr. George Mowery of' this place. The money represented the hard nc pnpUiar an(j accomplished ! earnings of Mr. Mowery for years and A '.uer of Mr. W. L. Lewis one Roxboro'? imminent tobacconists. DUKE-TAYLOR NUPTIALS ot euuing uremony in the Chapel of Wake Forest College Yesterday sorest, X. C. ' Spnt. 21 -Rno. -'I -rnc-i, on Wednesday morning oV 3ock in the college chapel, Ldzabeth Taylor, daughter n Dr. r ''.or Jri.!,. rr; F.tTc... ,- E. T tin; K. Taylor, president of Wake ' i'-e, and Mr. William Dab ' '-f Rhmond. Va. The cere reformed by Dr. C. E. iir.,i ,y jj)r. Genye Braxton f Uf-i!ins, Va. ! 'hn rarty entered the chapel ,;:',v-'ing order: ;--h Turner Nowell with Mr. ' r. Pitcher; Miss Ada Lee ''i'h Miss Jessie Powell; 'inland Bennett with Mr. ; Miss Harriette Dickin-- f'ora Duke; Miss Mary sifter of. the bride as r.'n-. The groom entered with his best man Lieut. : ' t Duke. The brids wr.s ! : her brother, Mr. Charles of Wilmington, N. C. n - s of white chiffon satin r -rlr. a shower boquet of r.iler. The maid of honor l ! f t over taffeta, a cream : lf r'n carried brides roses, iviids, gowned in violet worn black picture hats, vs and carried boquets of 5- ferns. Miss Jessie Brewer had been . kept secreted under the kitchen floor, where it was stored in a coffee pot. The plank on which the treasure rested was also taken away. Supt. Joyner to Speak Rtbuked With a Board Goldsboro, N. C, Sept. 21. Special There Is an unique character in this town who recently had a very harrow- lice. The officers missed him less than in experience, tiis name is -aui nam thirty minues, and he would have been! and he conducts a sort of a book store, captured but. for the fact that the first' He ls inclined to be very religious, telegram did not give any facts or de- j There ls a colored camp meeting going scription of the man wanted. on in the suburbs of the town. Mr. Frank Misenheimer was the one who Ham visited the meeting and went upon came here. He left Newton immediate- the sta&e and began to shake hands ly after the fight in which the negro with the sisters and brethren. His re was fatally hurt, and came here. He ardor made him go far enough had already purchased his ticket disgust several white men who were Durham to do some work in the Erwin ! on the scene- They eot together, and when Mr. Ham went to leave they sta tioned themselves along his route in companies of four. Each company ad- mill and came on here without know Ing the negro was fatally hurt. Mondav mornine the nolice received. a telegram telling them to arrest Frank ministered a rebuke in the way of a or Babe" Misenheimer on the charge w slaps Avith a board. Mr. Ham has of murder. No description was given not visited the camp meeting since. and the police did not know who to look for or where he would probably be found. A telegram was sent back to Bucklen's Arnica Salve Has world-wide fame for marvellous Newton asking for further Information, cures. It surpasses any other .salve, and at 5 o'clock in the afternoon the potion, ointment or balm for Cuts, second telegram came telling them he ( corns. Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ul was a white man, a roller coverer and cergf Tetter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, worked in the Erwin mill. Sergeant Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions; in Aldridge of the police force was de- faijitie for Piles. Cure guaranteed, tailed to arrest the man. He went to Gnly 25c at all druggists. the mill ana was toia mat ine man wanted was there and that he was at work In the tower covering rollers. The officer and superintendent went to get him and then ascertained that he had left not more than thirty minutes be- fore that time. The officer followed ! him to his boarding house and learned food to there that he had been home, ana aner getting his coat had left. This was about thirty minutes before the officer arrived. Since that "time nothing has ben heard from him. It has since been ascertained that Misenheimer received a telegram tell ing of the negro's death and that he acted promptly in getting out of the way. The telegram said: "The negro is dead. Brother in jail. Come at once." Misenheimer told some of the employes of the mill that he did not want to be arrested here and carried back, and that he would go back and surrender. The fact that he left his work after all the trains were gone for the day and the further fact that he skipped out within thirty minutes, evl Clryton, N. C, Sept. 21. Special. An Important educational gathering will take place at Clayton Friday nighl :un- j denUy walking seema to indicate that aer me auspices, ui v.ieuu he was trying to escape rather than School, it being the first of a series of surrender monthly public meetings arranged for. Ag told ln the papers Tuesday morn- the 'year. ri thA wilsrm neern was killed in a The' public school officials of Johnston quarrel over a dog Three Misenheimer county will be present. brothers James, Dan and Frank got me important iemuie lc i into the trouble and the negro was will be an address by Hon. J. Y. Joyner, I gtruck Qver thg head with & heavy state superintendent, who is to make pIece Qf wood He died that night from his first visit to Clayton. The people of concussJon James was arested and the whole county feel an interest in his ; ocked up but Frank and Dan left the coming, ana win come to near mm present the educational issues of the day. Killed His Son-in-lavv Gcldsboro, N. C, Sept. 21. Special. town. Frank came here, but it is not known where Dan went. Epwarth League Conference Asheville, N. C, Sept. 21. Special. Th eAsheville district Epworth League- In consequence of the accidental killing confernce, embracing sixteen charges of Sam Derr "near Greenville Tuesday afternoon by his father-in-law, the pa rents of the young man in this city have received sympathy . from all their friends. The father, Mr. Charles Derr, accompanied by his son John, left this morning to bring back the remains this afternoon. The . young man was out squirrel hunting with his father-in-law. The old man saw the bushes shake and thought it was a squirrel. He fired his gun and on investigation he was horrified to find that he had killed his son-in-law. and four counties Buncombe. Hender son, Madison and Tancey is in session here for three days. The first session was held last night. The conference will be brought to a close with a con secration service tomorrow night. All the charges are represented save two. Babb Held for Murder Asheville, N. C, Sept. 21. Special, Solicitor Brown returned today from Madison county, where he went to be present at the preliminary hearing of The Versatile Banana (Public Ledge.-.) New uses are being found for the ba nanathat valuable plant which will produce forty-four times much human an acre of land as can be ob tained from an equal area in the shape of potatoes. ; One of the latest novelties Is "bana na coffee," which Is made by drying the fruit and subjecting it to a, process of roasting, after granulating it. It tastes a good deal like real coffee, and like many preparations of the kind evolved from cereals is recommended as devoid of harmfulness commonly at tributed to the true coffee bean. Another product put up by the same concern is "banana figs." The fruit Is cut into slices and put through a pro cess which is yet a secret, though su gar is employed incidentally the re sult being a decidedly toothsome deli cacy, not much like figs, but equally far away from the ordinary banana. It ls soiificlently palatable to deserve popularity. Yet another novelty in the same line ls "banana raisins," as they are call ed, which are appetizing bits of the fruit prepared, by a different process, with sugar. They are put up In boxes and sold as a sweet meat. In countries where the banana grows it is highly valued as a vegetable for cooking, being fried In slices or other wise prepared: but in the LTnited States (save in Florida) its availability for culinary purposes is practically un known. Of all fruits it is the most nu tricious, containing as It does 27 per cent of otaich. Many people consider the fruit indigestible, but the probabil ity is that it has this reputation be cause people swallow it in chunks in stead of chewing it properly, as they would any other food. :S jij :JQ(0) and the World smokes with you. Smoke a substitute and you smoke alone. Largest Seller m tifae World. The 3 and is the Smoker9 s Protection. 5 Cents Take a Kodak With you to the World's Fair. They are admitted free of charge. Wo can fill your orders for Eastman Kodak Co.'s goods "jy return mall. If interested write for catalogue. W. B. SORRELL, Chapel Hill. N. C THE VESTAL GRAHAM, N. C. Now open for business; hot and cold baths free to guests. Table supplied with the best our market affords. Management liberal. j. m, Mccracken Proprietor Mr. E. C. Williams is now engaged with the Betts Medicine Company and ready to serve his customers with head ache and neuralgia cure. BOOKS AT HALF PRICE ... ALL KINDS OF .. . School and College TextBook Bought, Sold and Exchanged, TYPEWRITERS STATIONERY AND BLANK BOOKS, Largest Stocks and Lowest Prices. We rent Typewriters at $1.00 to $4.00 per month and give you back your money off the price of the machine you purchase. Southern Book Exchange M, M. SMITH RALEIGH, N. C. IT IvIWIM EL Y is no object to you then buy some other kind. If you wish paint that , will cover most, looK better and wear longest then hnv S. W. P. Thomas H. Briggs & Sons, RaleigH, N. C. BUCK'S STOVES AND RANGES. aleigh of Today Illustrated. Is a booklet in the course of preparation at the present time, which will contain a general up-to- -date description of the city, ; Its History, Development And Advantages- Also containing brief sketches of the city's indus tries business houses and institutions. The publication, indorsed by the Chamber of Commerce will be the best work of its Kind ever issued, advertising the city and its institutions. PENK I TOA IS SUGGESTIVE OF ALL THAT IS I In "Old MOST APPROVED Muggins "I understand your son has finished his college course. Did he graduate with honors?" Bugglns "Honors! Gee. you ought to see his batting average!"- Philadelphia Rec ord. . . Line" Life Insurance. - VARIETIES OF CONTRACTS WITH ANNUAL, OR DEFERRED, DIVIDENDS Our Ten-year Term Policies, costing, a'j ag3 35, only $14.80 -par.?!,-000,00, reduced by. Annual -Dividends of about 20 p-r cent., provide tha cheapest absolute protection in existence. BEST COMPANY FOR THE INSURED, THEREFORE THE BEST FOR THE AGENT. Active Agents wanted. For information, write to ; B.. B, RANEY, - - peneral Ant for North Carolina. r RALEIGF- N. GV

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