f THE MORNING POST. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 20. 1904 II. 3 j A Model Latin City ( 5antiago in Chile Bearo a Strong Re f semblance to Ancient Rome t V .,. fvnloal fnrm . xnma ,,,1 - . .. - Letter From Valparaiso t.. far greater advantage t:v: a" v'A 1- 1. Santiago, man at me ;,,,i and commercial . it would appear ... as chief center of ; has in general :, to marked inno , t ien character, so that w takes one back into -010 than one sense. As vuirh the ohler and more ;:eot?. the glimpse of a r courts of patios, open a ls one to believe that of ihose unaccountable listory ot nations, ine : modern counterpart -.-.! city is to be found in , liam phases of the cul : : Italy had been carried r. I across the sea to a. Nothing could resem uf a 11 -man house more the old Chilean mansions is tempted at e.ery mo- 3 1,-vr.L- intii snmp nilflint t.. ,j .lil.i i""" " T.V" fri:uo:nly separated f r. .n the ,-: ;y by an iron grating. Very ' . 1 tVe" j0US vista is not disturbed w bs and i'.ower?, and te many r.dir.g in a ne to le rear are plainly vissible. The he old style have only one Aover a vast space, which :v.any cases to the greater Tia .J. The majority of the , the courts, from which :.iiy sret all their light and ; to the important role l iti-.t thus plays, it is gen ' the most picturesque part ail few may be found : cay with ilowers and the The number of so . e of the old ratrician ? H-.'Viite. The typical Chil- oories a house of such -.-ions is very numerous, at times, several gen- W'il as collateral kindred; ex: hr.- V. must have been much the same. In the desire on the part of the women to be observed, admired, and above all complimented; In the wish on the part of the men to admire, to compliment, and incidentally to impress; in the light chit-chat, the variety and anima tion of the , moving picture, there has been little chanje during three hun dred years. It is is natural that in a large city like Santiago de Chile promenading should have retained its popularity, for the city offers the people but a limited number of other amusements. The opera and theatre companies, om,r T me sevemn ; not always of a high order. The one Zr y ne loffes cou"t of their num- Spanish speaking company which oer. ine portions on everv nlat nrs ' nlavi a v. .v. ., not large. Sometimes it is difficult to not even worthy of a emmtrv villas. THE LETTER FROM HER SWEETHEART Posed by Miss Edith Blair, Prima Donna of "Ser geant Kitty" Since the days of the stone age . when it is generally acknowledged by j college professors that letter writing j which come only for a short engage- first became a habit, even if then a ment, are almost wholly Italian, and recognize a course, and more difficult to eat it. Many of the methods of preparation are of course wholly lo cal. It is unfortunately not consider ed bad form to allow one's plate to be carried out again untouched. Some of the dishes are apt to be combina Attractive events are therefore rare. In the English and German circles, which are smaller in San go than in Valparaiso, and -which hold aloof from each other as well as from the natives, the exciting event of the day appears to be afternoon tea or coffee. ww. umu wrapper in anotner. The Chileans themselves are beginning but of such consistency that both may to adopt some of these foreign cus cnange places, and what came on the tarns, and while their lengthy repasts inside 1:1 one course may be served j are being curtailed by some families on the outside a fe.v courses later, and a Frnrh tahio enwunt oo Trwv. j , . . . .v., ".v.v.t dim iuvu piay a larre rnc. ns well as the many kinds of fruit which Chile produces. A Hospitable People "When once one has been welcomed by 'a Chilean; his hospitality is al ways extremely delightful. He is glad to show you all the interesting sides of Chile's family-life, and proud to make you acquainted with all that i noteworthy in his county. Ot i. h Americans, he certainly appaa to oe the most loyal and patriotic. No cultured ChUean will hesitate to ex press his regret over Chile's continu- noon tea is now considered indispen sable by even the most consei ative natives. OiSGOVERY OF CAhOLINlUM (Phialdelphia Ledger.) There was once a tiir.c Wi.en nobody could hear of a great scientific discov ery without having a mental picture ous political snarl, with it? baneful OI a dreamy. hermit-like student who efu-cvt on the government, but he has,buried himself in his laboratory, an unmistakable confidence in the fu- ,' among nasty fluids and disagreeable v A t, 'JLZkts- frffti. v x-: -o-' :;-: -v---". : v . : v .ji... ' - s ' v they depend largely upon their corre spondence from . hom-i or from other travelling theatrical . persons for in formation . of friends and of events that interest them. In the case of the young actress who is "on the road", and has a sweetheart in her tome city or town the condition is more aggravating. letter missed is often in her case a d.y spoiled. Miss Edith Blair, prima donna of "Sergeant Kitty," who posed for these pictures, has shown the feelings of a young actress who, because of un avoidable circumstances, has not writ ten to her sweetheart fvr several days. She receives a letter lrom him and Is half afraid to open it for fear that he has misconstrued her fa ilure to write and has ceased to love her. The pic tures show how she hesitates, then on opening learns that he does still love and understands the delay in her cor respondence and how she feels when she reads the lines that tell her that he thinks she is the only girl in the world for him and the climax of her joy when she finds that he will drop all business and travel several hun dred miles to see her and that she will meet him tomorrow at the next town to bo visited. Miss Blair's posing is, however, dis tinctly a matter of art, and is in no way personal. ture greatness of his country. Frcm what has been said of the ed- gaseous ordors. Such an impression 110 longer holds goods. An instance in ucation of the girl, it is clear that the ! point is the latest celebrity in the field power of the church over the women i f chemistry. Dr. Charges Baskerville, "Does He Still Love Me?" most laborious one, human beings of all ranks and color have looked upon letters as one of the greatest insti- j tutions of civilization. It is not until we miss a letter for which we had is very great. Among the men there is much- indifference, but mothers and daughters may be counted on, to ful fil pious duties as demanded by the Faith. At the morning service the churches are usually filled with wo men. Following an old tradition, thev who, at uie age of only 33, has) startled hi- brother scientists by an-' nouncing the existence of two hitherto unknown elements of matter contained . in thorium. , There is nothing of the secluded, un- ' sociable hermit about this professor all dress uniformally in a long black from North Carolina. Though hailed manto or shawl, which is folded ; by great chemists as the only Ameri- tightly over the head and about the throat and fastened at the back. "Within the church with its custom- can who has ever discovered a new , element, he is ready at a moment's no- j tice to go out on the foot ball field, JlrV Yin 1 f -Hp'-Vl t tVA cifrl-if e milt V V.1n 4- ekAr V o V Mn :" ::r.5 thi neucieus. an tne o. as well as uncles and v.-;:h thrir children. The ma of rotrs are therefore bel ,,r :;re rea.2ily turned into such, :o thr fmraon cu?tom of gith- Vr 0 :0 rof numerous kins-;,- i:.;oI or marriage. Chilean Cleanliness of the mo;t interesting phases - i.:a:;rana-?3 is the facility it s lo ier.d to youthful marriages. a son, for example, choose a ill :L:.i v xs'A appear necessary : 1 . - i the preparation of one -.a. and another seat at the a table. The dining room is Iv the real centre of famils jr or. so lar-re a scale. A better des ,:a:.o:i were tribe life. In the dining therefore, he tribe gathers and, ::r ,u.r.t y, in extraordinary numbers. A -::..r.-rer who has the great privilege through the barrier of which is raised notably against is or srringos, will at first .ribe bewildered in such a gath- .?. It raay be noted very soon, -w.tr. that this large body, far from : ? inn irmoaious, is well ordered a thcr luirhly organic in its make up. ; : e ha? been in the bosom of . loner, it is evident that :-:e is an unmistakable chieftain, ; the head of the family, un- ronf the various relatives gathere.1. He will occupy the of th- table, and his authority, --er. quietly shown, is yet in evi- omen in black is extremely mourn- punt the leather ball further than any ful, but out in the sunlight their ap- undergraduate in the university, pearance is very picturesque. During i Indeed, the youthful discoverer is the entire morning, while shopping, or J such a liver of the strenuous life as marketing, the women wear no other would delight the heart of the present kind of outer garment. At no time of j occupant of the "White House. When the day is the manto considered bad ' he is seen striding buoyantly across taste, but for calls and outings, not- j the campus, it is hard to believe that ably in the afternoon, it is-discarded ' one who seems so to enjoy the broad. ; 1 to make room for the latest fashion. frp air of heaven can have labored ! In Spain, where all accounts would go to show that the long black shawl was the usual street garment of the women during several c&nturies pre ceding our own, there has generally been a great change, and the Parisan cloak and bonnet have crowded out for years ' over mysterious chemical substances amid stifling fumes and ghastly bluish flames. Star Player at Foot Ball It is not yet ten years since he was cavorting up and down the athletic the manto, so that it is seen in large "ds of the soutn. the captain and numbers only on the most solemn star player of the Lniversity of North ; Carolina loot Dan team. vmy icisl ; , v arte- - f -3 v. .v. church festivals. This hnvno amnne- ic a,, a , sorinsr he stood up before the most tnot tvi tv-. ni rt distinguished chemists of the 111 t V lliaJlLV IV ilUW 7111 L.V - w vprv well with .thp ton hat. now so World and showed them, to their per r,-nTo t-i-v, tv.n mAr 4r- , Q cnonieK fprt satisf action, that he had JiJ uiui 111 111c 11111 til k 1 1 1 uatiicii peninsula. In the Buenos Ayres, too, what no American before him had ever where European culture is freely Im- done. And, not content with finding r-rtPd and ovprdnnp. tho mantn is . one new element. Dr. Baskerville has rather a sign of necessary economy jto use the words of one of New York's t than adherence to time honored cus-' prominent chemists discovered two toms. In Peru and in Andalusia, the i of 'em at a cud. "It's All Right, He Still Loves Me. 0 jiew been anxiously waiting that we fu': appreciate. hov ever, the efficiency of done the mail service of the world. It is doubtful if there is any class shorter, light lace mantilla for the hair and shoulders only, is more com mon, but in Chile the greater conser rr 'Ra.skprville is the very soul of modernity. His labors in the labora tory ereat as they have been have vatism of the women has saved the : not interfered with his interest m me older type of shawl from the inroads ' affairs of the every-day world. He is of Parisian fashion. Santiago in the Afternoon Far different - from the morning in thorough touch with both the athle- I tic and social sides of college life. Very rarely does a dance or a reception oc- rttAQarl A C T the picture of the streets of Santiago QQr Qf chemistry and his beautiful in the afternoon. The upper class has ,f festivities would not st ev,ry turn, especially if there now laid aside the manto for the most ' ron?nlete without them. Ka-.y children, which is usually fashionable gowns. Quite punctually j is "not an uncommon sight to see '--e. l.nese large Chilean fam- at six o'clock (weather permitting) I whf) has had so much farne r. xt troubled by questions of carriages begin to appear on the Plaza j d his 8nouiders, in the midst ' The conversation is car- de Armas the chief square of Santia- ' f etj.nt, Hkrn;sfntr the y h" the men. with an oc- go, where there is a large circular h n(1 such a Diaver in the the matrons, who promenade, very beautifully arranged th statuS of Va- on the children, the ser- with trees, flowers and statutes in the 4 v,,,, th. south. He intricate progress of center. A short while passes and the . us to " - The children, in my ex- walk is fielled with hundreds of strol- e nreason why a little or only kept up a lers, moving steadily in two circles the other He see n r" chatter, while the young which revolve one with the other in m ;,. f-ontas said nothing. The opposite directions. Of these, usually or ahce a two.step - is quiet and reserved in the outer one consistes of men, the to Klc a " fi,pnt ln fl as wen. nc 10 c.iuxiijr jjiwuviv... word bv ; !: ; i th :ne, frequently leaving an Inner one almost wholly of women, "" : ! r- timidity, or even of un- chiefly young senoritas under the im- dvi.ity. ii,;r schooling is moder- mediate and watchful eye of some el- r ' v.-hpn it is wholly in the derly lady. Occasionally greetings r' the Catholic priests, as it is pass from circle to circles, or a young it is extremely pious of these accomplishments. In Science for Love If he didn't want to, the discoverer of carolinium and berzelium would aiir: ? r.f . intellectual demands, 'h - other hand, acquires tion through a more lib and some independent an early maturity and 01 ial freedom which he man will leave his place and walk for never have to work in a laboratory or a few turns with acquaintances among anywhere else. He ccmes from a weal the fair sex of the inner ring. All thy and aristocratic Mississippi family, about there are benches filed with That he "went into" science is not due spectators, while the merry-go-round to any necessity. He loves it, and the coninues for sometime more than an j weaith of a R,oqkefeller would not be hour. Serveral times a week the enoueh to make him forsake it for a Chilean youth, like attractiveness of the Walk is enhanced life of ease Latin race, is acquainted by the music of a military band, for J The scientist Is the fourth Charles :ner of worldly things which there is a special stand. Baskerville In direct line. His little Anglo-Saxon bov is still - Aftpr seeminely countless revolu- v1P3HriBr the same name, he Dlay- r enirr ssed with his athletic ' tion, the elite get into their carriages, fully calla "Charles the Fifth." His it being near the hour of dinner, and gran(jather was a graduate of Prince- a of th- most interesting expsr-.in a short while the square appears ton and hls father was a prominent ' "i; h a straneer ran hone to auite deserted. This strange promen- Merrjpnis physician who perished in one is a great family din- ade, with more or less variety, may of tne terrible yellow fever epidemics in of thes e gatherings, be seen in almost every town on the that clty been duly presented to western coast of South America. It Not yet at tne prime Qf Hfe, and with w Chile --ad h or orne slightly familiar with appears to be tne cniei meaiia ui Si an aimost perfect physique, Dr. Charles f ?o that he is able to ing vent to the deeply rooted desire Baskerville has yet before him many and which has always cnaraciei ucu u c years in which to add laurels to those en daughters -Sei -, v.- rjr 'a, thr-' And nephews, his in- Spanish people, to see and be seen. If he has already won. tly be centered in the standing on the balcony or at tne win- think he wiU dQ it And scientific men h probably has no parallel dow becomes monotonous, a stroii on "vf-r. if vor hostpss ftS- the square is sure to offer some novel- the meal is thoroughly ' ties. may be only eight or Disastrous Wrecks Carelessness is responsible for many a railway wreck and the same causes 1; '10: Thp. nromenade is in reality a daily open air 'entertainment for all whether he moves m ;its still The popularity of are making human wrecks of sufferers fhe custom may be judged from the from Throat and Lung troubles. But fact that moThers and daughters with : since the advent of Dr King's New will irequentiy j j-iov. . . 0 K-n be spent at the ta- nee more r-r ; if, on the other hand, ? midst of a very special v reach fifteen, and in '-ore than twentj'. It is v uow large a part 01 . in nrrUnd Colds, even the worst cases can urgent pewwv- ----- - , tl , trt annear well in tne pud- M -- rno m oiipni iiu iuii uniEDortant Issue or lie eye. - . ,; with so much always bound, after about the ," be perfunctory. A -t. rather an occasion Kc-' p the whole family ,JTt j- - is - A Remarkable Mail Carrier (Cor. of Washington Star, Owinsville, Kentucky.) Robert L. Athy, who has just been appointedmail carrier between Camp ton and Spradlin, Wolfe county, has the most remarkable record of any man in this part of the country. His unusual record began at his birth, when he weighed only two and one half pounds. He grew up, however, to medium size. Athy has been a mail carrier in dif ferent sections of the mountains for nearly twelve years and in that time has made a great reputation as a hun ter, having killed several bears, a large number of wildcats and almost a thou sand squirrels, besides a number of rattlesnakes. Several time in his cancer Athy -has been compelled to leave his horse at the bank of some swollen stream and to place his mail sack in his teeth and swim across. In all his twelve years of service thO;mail has never once been delayed. bnce Athy narrowly escaped being killed by a landslide which swept down a moun tainside and completely obliterated the road just in front of Athy. Athy is also a preacher of the gospel. Each day at one or two points along the trail he finds a crowd awaiting him, and there he gives five or ten minute talks on the methods of getting in and staying in the straight and nar row path. Many have been converted by his teachings. Athy also acts as messenger boy for that entire moun tain district, and. when any one wants a bundle brought from the "store" he never hesitates to ask Athy to bring it for him. Athy states that he has been en gaged to be married twenty-eight times and has never been "in earnest" yet, Athy has educated himself and is well read for a citizen of that part of the mountains. He is always well dressed and polite, and is undoubtedly one of the most popular of Uncle Sam's mail c?.rr!ers. Athy is thirty-seven years old. He has ridden one horse all the time that he has been mail carrier, and it is estimated that they have covered near ly 12,000 miles together. PANAMAS AND STRAW HATS CLEANED ' " Am SLOCKED. ALSO SOFT WOOL HATS Mail Orders a Specialy. Th eMull City Tailors DURHAM, N. C. Expert Cleaning and Dyeing. Long Distance Phone 523. -60UGHT.JS0L& AWT MICA ITAe sae oClm farmtmmertsiand( pn nana ana aooam I A .L v ffl. Condii GIVE DES ON, PRICE STAMP FOR BOOKLET MODER H U ft? PrlfiY- GfE&OH CO. Goldsboro, r N.Cakolina-. VJ ETC., t t i i & NCL.OSITSO ODS. 272 Main Sit, Noxrou, Va. WHISKEY- STRAUS GUNST S CO. M 1 I SEND 12 blue wrappers with the label and we will S2nd a beautiful and nov el coin purse. ' Write name and address plainly. STRAUS, GUNST & CO., Richmond, Va. 1Ww hi WT MS ml- Father (who has been called upon in the city and asked for his daughter's hand) Louise do you 'know what a solemn thing it is to be married? Louise Oh, yes, pa; but it's a good deal more solemn being single. Judge. WHISKEY 5 YEARS OLD SMO OTH N0 MELLOW 4f FU LL QUARTS $3.13 5 YtMW OLD COPPER DISTILLED 4 FULL QUARTS $Z8-S EXPRESS CHARGES PAID BY US A trial will convince you that these goods are the very best for Medicinal ana otner purposes, oena us your orders and if not perfectly satisfactory return at our expense and money win De reiunaea at once. Shipments made m plain cases. Remit by Postal or Express Money Order. WRITE FOR PRICE LIST OF OTHER LIQUORS "He Says I am the Only Girl in the World to Him." of people who are more dependent upon letters than are travelling the atrical folk. They are here today and gone tomorrow, visiting in rapid suc- eating. ta- ine in fhe nub- be cured, and hopeless resignation is however, is ' to be aD'e mnm nn lons-er necessarv. Mrs. Lois Craie . . : T V i tl'Ora Tl f II. 1 K-JL LUU - . f 1 'artinants ' in these of Dorchester, Mass., is one of many ; urcss ui f -(i,0rinM. one might easily imagine one's self in the city of Madrid about the year 1600. The afternoon on the whose life was saved by Dr. King's New Discovery. This great remedy is guaranteed for all Throat and Lung Price, 50c, enil hours. The jlates J pictures . . ,.v. JaIoUa Heoaaa r nil nifririQtB , f xvnirn we nave sum ua ntu ujviv..... " j . OD w. Prado, of wmcnwe m vfiM in- in both , . . v..v;-:-s:-; :-w "s; " A.-- rr o AT e r CAPITAL STOCK 830,000 Learn Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tuch Typewriting, Penmanship and English. NOT IN A MONTH This can not b e done. " ' NOT FREE You can not get somi thing for nothing; but if merit appeals, we can convince you that KING'S If the BEST. Established and results of 20 years experience. , , Reference, every bank and leading business concern in Raleigh or Charlotte. Write today for our Col'ege Journal and offers we are now making'. - Address. KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, Raleigh. N. C, or Charlotte, N C PFN-N T TTTnTl LUlili 114 IS SUGGESTIVE OF ALL THAT IS I In "Old Line" Life Insurance. "Oh Joy! I am going to See Him To morrow." cession cities and towns where they have no acquaintances. ' in this way MOST APPROVED VARIETIES OF CONTRACTS WITH ANNUAL, OR DEFERRED, DIVIDENDS OurTen-year Tern PDlicie, costing, a aa 35, only $14.83 par $1, 000,00, reduced by. Annual Dividends of about 20 per cent., provide the cheapest absolute protection in existence. BEST COMPANY FOR THE INSURED, THEREFORE THE BEST FOR THE AGENT. Active Agents wanted. For information, write to R. B. RANEY, ? Qentral Agent for North Carolina. RALEIGH; N. C 1

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