TUB MORNING PORTt SUN OAT, DECEMBER IT, 1904 themurri."" Following these delicious re freshments were served. Among those present were Miss Lula Briggs, Miss Sudie Johnson, Mrs. Henry M. Wilson, Miss May Jones, Miss Mary Armistead Jones, Miss Frances Jones, Miss Belle Pescud, Miss Marga SSr BO If LAN; PEARCE (L CO iSSJ Ira vSociRTY I ? Mi?? Deo Sloeomb went to Concord Jjv-uerituy. A I .M Mary C. Calvert returned from -Halifax yesterday afternoon. m r The Book Club will meet with Mrs. H. I,. Gray Monday afternoon at 4 oVlork. M Mary Holland returned to Wake F"ivst yesterday after a visit to Miss jKtiiel Weathers. ? I Miss i:ii!uu- Phillips, who has been itl.o paest of Mr;-. H. II. I-acy. went to Chapel Hill yesterday. I Miss I.oula Moore of Fayetteville an rat home yesterday after attending tth-1 .Mo.ire-Stoekard marriage. - Mrs. N-nth-ton Payne Murphy of Sal 'ishnry returned home yesterday after a visit to Miss Miriam Seawell. I - - - i M v.---. P.. l. Harding and Miss Queenie M I"naliJ of Greensboro went home v. .- :t i lav a fu r a visit to Mrs. Hannah i - - ret femedes, Miss Marguerite Crow, Miss Susie Marshall, Miss Betsy j Montgomery, Mrs. Joe Graham, Mrs. Hubert Royster, Miss Warner of Wash ington, D. C. and Mrs. 3. C. Boyleston of Jacksonville, Fla. w The Royal Wedding Berlin. Dec. ; 10. The wedding of : Crown Prince Fredei-ick William and the Duches Ceicilia of Mecklenburgh jSchwerin has been definitely fixed for jthe latter half of May. Emperior lAVilliam intends to cruise in the Medi- : t . ....... -. . - i - . , icMMHirdH uunng tne spring ana re turn to Germany in time for the wedding:. U U U L-J VJ LJ U U VJ r LI U V- U 7 I .Mrs. II. I,. Gray and little son have . ;T' niint'il from a visit to Mrs. Gray's I : ":ts. .Imige and Mrs. J. C. MaeRae. -:.apel Hi'!. m .', .A'i-s Margaret Pierce of "Warsaw c:p, ... y -s tor-Jay here on her way home ii : - ' Ash-villo where she has been on i. : tded visit. 2 i Mr. a 1 1 1 Mrs. . W. Fuller, who have .be ii is;;iiig Mr. and Mrs. Thomas .Stay' s Fuller, left yesterday for their - -iln::.,- in X- w York City. m . . Mrs. Charles Pearsall and children, Xvnr li,- been visiting Mrs. Pearsall's -1: other. Mis. hryau. have left for New ,1 tli-ir future home. i V - - Ai'io Mann went to Selma yes ;t i -'lay where she has aceepted a posi--r a iriaiiauer of the exchange of the "-u; iu-rn fci-ll Telephone Company ;t! : . I . . a j Mrs. Preston Bridgers and Miss Mar-.' l'.ri'.lgers returned to their home .tin Wiiimnsuon after a visit to Mrs. 1 : ;:-' mother. Mrs. E. Burke Hay- i - :T J T:. I H. Hill chapter, Daughters of Co ;v ieracy. will meet at the home tf Mis iu-Ke Andrews tomorrow at 4 p. All members are requested to b-i -r a contribution for the bazaar. -j. i , 4 .Mrs. stonewall jacKson arrived yes-;. ' Jt- i '-ay from Charlotte to be with Mrs. 1. H. Hill Sr., who is quite sick at her h- in West Raleigh. Mrs. Hill's ' - li' i'tli iris bten failing for several i4 - :; -.-- s Janet and Margaret Fuller of . : M - York, who have been the guests Ic '-. and Mrs. Thomas Fuller, left y - r iay morning for Newport News, iv iv they will visit relatives. They !v -ennnanied bv Mr. and Mrs. T. i.-'. ! u .;er. who will make a brief visit n . ;;;.-a city. Prof. Sledd to Lecture -'. inj. Sledd of Wake Forest Col ::i ! - ture before the Tuesday Af ii club on "Hamlet" at the ses of the club with Mrs. T. N. Ivey, o a tarax street, luesaay, ueceraoer h; ... a i 4 o'clock. a D. of C. to Meet 'i i:-- Johnston Pettigrew Chapter, L. I ! ". u ill 'hold their regular monthly r - ire on next ednesdav at Viork, with Mrs. W. I. Royster. rs are to he elected and a full ' is -It sired. : LP:i. d. HEARTT. Pres. MT.S. FRANKLIN McNEIL-L. Sec. "Victorious Age" he Subject Tli- jit.-rary department of the W-! ' ciub will meet Tuesday at 4 o in tho committee rooms of y Ub-ary. The study of the Vic-:-ge will be continued. There ; he papers on the political reform K; uilin-1, Charles Dickens and his r i the reform, and an open discus-' f .'y favorite of Dickens Nov- f. A Why I Prefer It." Ali mem- !' the !ub are invited. m m m The Tuscarora Club Tr Tu. irora Ciuh met yesterday af t' a at four o'clock with Mrs. B. W. ' The paper was read by Mrs. h 1. - on Thomas A. Becket. Fol !' - U:is was a guessing contest on - " -a history. Dainty refreshments s rvccl. -x ;-.-is were Mrs. Harold Hume, :t iiutler, Miss Julia Moment " ' ' --.s Manney, Miss Anderson, Miss i re and Miss Davis of Peace In.- A Birthday Party il fiarty of her little friends T-rtained by little Miss Cath--riuire Y'arborough at her home ay Hfternoon in West Raleigh, suitable for the little people f v indulged in and greatly en ! :i;ht refi hments were serv " -iini'ig room was tastily dec !H green and white, Roman h.s, chrysanthemums, ferns and hig used. n le ones ' present were: George James Goodwin. Thomas hxi.lwin. Alice Giersch, John a. Elizabeth Harden, Cather r len, Narcissa Riddiek, Anna The Kenntnics Book Club S-,io Root entertained the s p-Kik 'iub yesterday after-four- o'clo' k. Two papers were "' hy Mi?s Sudie Johnson on Japun," and the other by Y J..;ies on "The Festival of nv Blossom and the Chrvsan- i viz h if l SI? D StV ( iii ifo i ii ii) ii) ii) ii) StV sv ii St ii) si? Crabtree-Dick Greensboro, N. C, Dec. 10. Special. The following invitations have been I issued: "Mr. and Mrs. George Adams Dick request the honor of your pres- j ence at the marriage of their daugh- i ter, Elizabeth Leigh, to Mr. Thomas Crabtree on the evening of Tuesdry, the twentieth of December, at six o'clock, five hundred and three North i Elm street, Greensboro, North Caro- lina." recital at Baptist University The recital at the Baptist Univer sity tomorrow evening by Marie von Unschuld, court pianist to her majesty the Queen of Roumania, and president and director - of the University of Music of Washington, D. C., which had such an auspicious opening Octo ber last, will be a musical event. Miss Unschuld is conceded by the best critics to be a pianist of high attain ments. - Reserved seats are fifty cents and can be. -secured at King's drug store. The program is as follows: Beethoven "Sonate," op. 31, D minor. "On the Tempest of Shakespeare." Scarlotti "Vivace," E major. Chcppin "Scherzzo," E minor. Heiler Prelutes (a) "I'm" Genre Teniers" (vivacissimo) ; (.b) "Little Serenade;" (c) "The Bells;" (d) "The Question;" (e) "Pen Sketch." Poldini "Marche Mignonne de Yienr.c. Schubert "Du Bist Die Ruh. Paganini-List "Echo-Etude." Liadow "Musical Box." List "Rhapsodie," No. 13. a Marriage at Williamston Williamston, N.' C, Dec. 10. Special. Mr. and Mrs. George L. Whitley have issued cards for the marriage of their daughter, Mary Smallwood, to Mr. Clinton L. Monday of Newark, New Jersey, on Wednesday evening, Decem ber 2Sth, at half after eight o'clock. Miss Whitley is well known in Wil liamston, though living not in town. She is one of the most perfect types of young womanhood to be found, and her sweet personality adds greatly to her physical attractiveness. Mr. Monday is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mon day of Newark. N. J., among the most prominent residents of that city. The marriage will take place at their coun ii) il) Sf ii) ii if; ii) ii) ii) try place, "Oakhurst." Mr. and Mrs. Asa T. Crawford and Mrs. Crawford's sister, Miss Carrie A. Biggs, have returned from a trip to I Baltimore. j Mr. and Mrs. Dennis S. Biggs have as ! their guests Mr. and Mrs.. Raleigh Car ter, Mr. Charles Chase and Miss Nan , Bonner of Lancaster county, Virginia. Leach-Rick Rocky Mount, N. C, Dec. 10. Special. - Wednesday a beautiful marriage was solemnized in the Episcopal church at half past twelve o'clock when Miss Mary Ricks, one of Rocky Mount's most beautiful daughters, was wedded ' to Mr. John P. Leach, a popular young 'man of Littleton. Rev. R. B. Owens : performed the ceremony. j The ushers entered the church as fol St Sf s? SI? l? SvV li) ii) Sf ii) ii) ii) ii) SI? Si? Sf ii) SI?, ii) S? lows: Messrs. J. P. Pippin and George I Gilliam, Spots Burwell and R. E. Mor ris, and next the maid of honor, Miss Fannie Broddie of Wilson; then from out the north room came the groom and his best man, Mr. F. P. Spruill, and just before the bride entered on her father's arm Miss Pearl Taylor sang, "Oh, True Love." After the ctremony at the home of the bride's parents, a delightful repast was served. Later the bride and groom de parted for Norfolk and thence to Wash ington City via steamer. After spend- ing a week of pleasure at the capital city the happy couple will go to Little ton, which is to be their future home. Mr. John P. Leach is a nephew of Mrs. A. M. Parker and Mrs. B. A. Cape hart of Raleigh. N!arsh-Cov:ngon Ramseur, N. C, Dec. 10. Special. A very pretty home wedding occurred at the residence of - Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Covington on December 8 at 11:30 a. m., when their daughter, Miss Lucy Harri son, became the bride of Mr. James (Arthur Marsh of High Point. Beneath an evergreen arch stood the happy couple, while the Rev. T. A. Smoot of Fayetteville performed the marriage service. The best man was Mr. Joe Covington, the maid of honor Miss Blanche Covington. The attendants were Misses Minnie Townsend of Row land and Pearl Marsh of Trinity, Mes srs. E. C. Watkins of Ramseur and Henry Marby of Greensboro. Mrs. W. ; P. Covington was ribbon bearer. The bride wore a very becoming brown, silk traveling suit with hat to match and carried white chrysanthemums. The bridal presents were very numerous and beautiful. After the ceremony Mr. and 'Mrs. Marsh were driven to the South iern Railway at Liberty, where they Jtook the north bound train for a bridal j trip to Washington, D. C. The bride ' is a very popular and charming lady and is loved by a lare circle of friends. iThe groom is one of High Point's most successful and rising young business men. (Continued oil p.'ige 7.) Announces that the big store is ready with the greatest stock of holiday merchandise. This is an announcement of great importance to the throngs of people who are con templating purchasing for the holidays, either for home, for personal wear or presenta tion purposes. The immense slocks of sensible and serviceable articles for Christmas Gifts represent the carelul preparation of many months. Of course all the regular lines are complete and attractive. The sales of Women's Coats and Suits at re markably low prices, are exceedingly attractive. Fine Furs at one-fourth off regular. Ladies Trimmed Hats reduced one-third, and Infants' Caps and Children's Sailor Hats at half price, are a great drawing card for people looking for serviceable gilts at a small price. The sales of Fine Table Damask, Towels and Napkins, also the Mercerized and Silk Petticoats, Ladies, Misses and Children's Wool Sweaters and Silk Waists are worth special mention, while in Dress Goods we are offering special values in individ ual dress lengths, both foreign and domestic production, worth from $2 to $3.00, Holiday Umbrellas An unprecedented showing of fine Umbrellas for men, ladies and children. The line is complete in every detail, and we are showing a great assortment of Natural, Pearl and Silver handles with Gloria or Silk cover. Prices range from 48c to 512.50. Carpets and Rugs The exhibit is the largest we have ever made for the Christmas holidays and represent a much greater variety of choice and desirable articles for Christmas gifts. Art Squares of Ingrain, Brussels, Velvet, Moquette and Wil ton. Rugs of all sizes and qualities. Brush Mats, Steel Mats, Hassocks, etc. Fine Furs 1-4 Reduced The phenomenal success of this sale a success un matched in fur history is due to the high. class of furs offered and the amazingly low prices. If you want a fine piece of fur, at a discount of twenty-five per cent reduc tion, this is your chance. But don't delay, for the stock is melting like snow before a summer's sun. Kid Gloves For Christmas presents. The Kid Gloves we handle are absolutely above fault. The colors are the most want ed, including black, tan, mode, red, gray, brown and white. All two clasp style. Every pair is perfect and will be guaranteed. Prices, per pair, $1.50 and $1.00. A special offering in Misses' Kid Gloves, the $1.00 kind for 79?. Christmas Handkerchiefs Our Christmas assortment of Handkerchiefs are now ready, and in connection with this event offer handker chief buying-opportunities that are bound to make this store, as heretofore, Christmas headquarters for fine handkerchiefs the wantable kind, for ladies, men and children. Prices range 2 i-2c to $2.50. Hosiery The wantable kind for Babies, Ladies and Children. A most complete showing of Children's and Misses' Hos iery, of the famous Black Cat and Shaw Knit manufac ture. While in Ladies' Hosiery we offer the best produc tion of Hermsdorf (EL Gordo Dye. kain Pep Yard. S1.00 to AN 9 i.$t$f BOYLAN, PEARCE (L CO S!5Q Millinery Department This department off ers some excep tional rare bargains in ready-to-wear hats, less 1-3 regular price. Infants' Caps and Children's Sailor Hats at half price. New show ings of Face Veils, Fancy Ribbons, Laces, Velvets, etc. Women's Tailor-made Suits A wonderful sale of Women's Suits, a sale such as you would expect at the end of the season rather than at height, values which must surprise you, all due to our de sire to clean up the stock now rather than February next. Special offerings at $12.50, $15, Ji8, $20 arid $25 a suit. Also great values in Separate Skirts. . Knit Goods Such as Skirts, Leggings, Shawls, Gloves, Fascina torsChildren's Sacques and Capes, Mittens, Bootees and all at the lowest prices. . Curtains and Portieres A selected stock for the holiday trade.. Many new and novel effects. Also a complete showing of Couch Cov ers, Tapestry, Cord, Fringes, Pillow Top, etc. Underwear Good, heavy, warm and comfortable kind for winter wear. Corset Covers, Combination Suits, Vests and Pants for ladies and children. Line starts as low as 25c each. Blankets and Comforts Woo Blankets in white, red, gray and fancy made of California wool. Prices from $4 up. Other Blankets as low as $i.75- Down Comfortables, covered with finest satme and silk. Prices $3.98 to $12.50. Cotton Comforts $1 to ?4. New Showing Ladies' Fancy Neckwear, 10c to $2 00 Ladies' Belts and Girdles, 25c to 1 50 Ladies' Shopping Bags, 50c to 7 5 Ladies' Purses, 25c to 1 00 Lace Collars, 75c to 5 00 Lace Berthas, $3 00 to 5 00 Ladies' Corsets, 50c to 2 50 Silk Petticoats, Ladies' Cloaks, ; 1 ; "TT" SV PEARCE&COj i 4 00 to Children's Cloaks. 5 o S. ii) Hi il) ii) Sf . . . W Sf w Sf st st lt ii) ii) ii) ii) to Sl ii i) .AV ii) il) ii) ii) ii) i) il) ii iii At Sf it) S0. SI? ii) ii) $l ii) ii) .il) il) ii) ii) ii) ii) ii) ii 1

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