THE MORNING POST, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER, 27. IQOS In Society, g Miss Esther Jerman went to Ridge fay. ' ' - :,Irs. F. S. Spruill of Louisburg spent tre day here. Mrs. J. S. "Wynne returned yesterday fio-.n New York. Mr. and 3Irs. Carey Cary spent the day here. Tompson of Mrs. J. R. Liles went to Newberry, p. c.V to visit her mother. Mr?. John G. "Williams returned from p 'visit in Norfolk and vicinity. Mr?. Rufus H. Horton fe critically ill at her home on West Jones street. Miss Vienna Betts went to Golds boro to visit her sister, Mrs. Hamilton. ITt-o A V" Pi 1 T0 i--r Ttranf TTT1- rarest after visiting Mrs. W. O. Al- Ur..' ...... Miss Lina Wiggins of Wilmington nrjved to visit Mrs. R. D. W. Con- 1 or. Mr?. J. W. Coffee and children ar rived from Lenoir to visit Mrs. C. M. Little. . Miss Catherine Williams returned to Linden after visiting Mrs. Franklin McNeill. ; Mrs. C. H. Belvln and her daughter. Mrs. Chas. Home of Clayton returned fre.Ti New Tork. Miss Elizabeth Jones of Elm City ar rived yesterday to attend the Wynne jonfs marriage today. Mrs. Alfred Williams and children ref.rned from Hiddenite where they ?pc:-.t the summer. a a a Mrs. Marriott of Rocky Mount and Mrs. I. M. Proctor. 's M. and Mrs. Geo. B. Crater and Mrs. : T. Asbury, Mrs. Crater's sister, have returned from New "York city. m m m . Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Beard of Ker r.rsville. arrived to visit Mr. and Mrs. r. W. Urchurch in Swift Creek. HERE AT HOME Gladly testify and Confidently Recommend Doan's Kidney Pills It is tesimony, like the following that has placed "the old Quaker Remedy so far above competitors. When peo ple right here at home raise their voice in praise there is no room left for doubt. Read the public statement of & Raleigh citizen: W. B. Johnson, merchant tailor of 11 S. Wilmington street, place of resi dence. South Swain street, says: "I ob tained the greatest reliei from back ache through the use of Doan's Kid ney Pills obtained from Bobbitt Wynne Drug Company's store. My soiv-in-low, Charles. Beal, also suffered from backache very badly andtDoan's Kidney Pills proved most effective in relieving it. We have also used Doan's Ointment in our family for a breaking out on the skin of the neck and two applications dried up the affliction. Everybody should know of these two remedies. You can .use; my name and welcome as one who highly endorses the claims made for them." For sale by all dealers. Price" 50 cents. ' Foster-Milburn .Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the take no other. name Doan's and W. C. T. U, State Convention The twenty-third annual convention of the North Carolina Woman's Chris tian Temperance Union will be held in the First Presbyterian church Octo ber 1, 2, 3 and 4th. The officers 6f the body are: : Presi dent, Miss Elizabeth March, Winston Salem; vice-president, Mrs. Mary E. Cartland.i Greensboro; honorary presi dent, Mrs. Mary C. Moody, Guilford College; corresponding secretary, Mis Notre ohnson, Summerfleld; recording secretary, Mrs. J. P. Fearlngton, Winston-Salem; treasurer, Mrs. Fi-ances E. rtnss. Greensboro; secretary Y. W. C. T. U., Mrs. W. H. Osborne, Greens boro. Special music by the 'following win be given during the sessions of the con vention: Choirs of tne , First Presbyterian and First Baptist churches. . , Vocalists, Mrs. Horace Dowell, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Martin, Mrs. Wad? Brown and Professod Jackson, Miss Ellen Durham and Miss Hughes. First Baptist Sunday school orches tra. The public is very cordially invited to beresent at any or all sessions. MRS. T. ADELAIDE GOODNO. Press Superintendent. . Marshals' Ball at Greensboro Greensboro. N. C, Sept. 23. Special. Arrangements are being completed by Chief Marshal R. D. Douglas for the ', j marshals' ball of the Central Carolina : ! Fair Association, to be held Thursday Mrs. Ludlow Skinner and her son, j night, of fair week, October 12th. Master John -Winder Skinner, has re- Messrs. Cobb & Fry, lessees of the inrned from nortji where they spent Guilfor-" "Vnbow. have offered the as the summer. , j sembly hall of the Benbow as a place .. ( for holding the ball, which will be the most notable social event of the fall. A great many, visiting jroung ladies and gentlemen are expected from all over the state and they will be hospitably-entertained. Rev. Ira Erwirf, pastor of Centenary M. E. church, officiated last evening at. a marriage which took; place in the church just a short time before the revival service. The principals were Mr. Thos. A. Branon and Miss Etta Allred, the popular organist of the church. The happy couple left this morning for Spartanburg, S. C, to spend some time before going to Columbia, where they, will probably locate. . Miss Jennie Madeline Higgs has re ined to her home at Virginia Beach frer attending the Iredell-Higgs mar- , ' ' a a Miss Pattie : Carroll has returned ; -m an extended visit in Atlanta and Aith her sister, Mrs. W. P. Whita- BOYLJN-PE4RCE CO. J. We aive Southern Trading Stamps. a A a. I JWYLAN-PEjIRCE CO. w ! We give Southern Trading Stamps, if; TheBest. , The Best. k ' vj r " lb ' . -'7R W And rji "r I Ml I lmi jail. II ill ,. n ' ' m 2.ILfil "''M''aa ' '"'m" ' 1 i i irl- iJaatSS ""Bi'l'JLL.. -iffiU'L. " '- ! '- i.lLL. ' '"'fj m W The maforitv of our Fall and Winter stocks W jfe are now ready and await your inspection. We -I". A mm 1ml 1 J T ' . a wuiu ue very sensational in ine exploitation oj i$ W this news, hut we prefer to tell it to you in a !P j- plain, straightforward way. It is simpler, better ; understood and much moie effective. i A visit mill nrnve interesting anri honolinistl " ' way.ak MaM J M. W M. M 0 Misses Ifa -and Mamie Boylan of ' Marsh ville and Misses Overton and ; T..y('!a Little of Carnisville. Ga., are fh- s-uest of Miss Ruby Williams. They ; ' "v.- for Charleston. W. Va., where i ( r--- -will enter school. - Th W. C. T. U. sfate convention rir-f-ts Sunday next. The dele'2:ate:4 ill .come in Saturday afternoon and rf-n!hg. Sunday afternoon there will 1 i r young people's rally meeting. Punday evening Rev. Dr. A. H. Moment i1 preach a temperance sermon. 'The rVnpram will be published later. a . Warriago This Evening This evening at nine o'clock in the ' It-Titon Street Methodist church Miss r-i.nnie- Carver Jones, daughter of Mr. nd Mrs. Alfred Jones, will be marri?d Mr. Robert Webb Wynne, son ' stockholder's Meeting The regular annual' meeting of the stockholders of Caraleigh Mills Com pany will be held at the mayor's office of Sin the city of Raleigh on Monday,' Oc- Mr. J. S. Wynne. A number of out-o-' nvn relatives and friends will attend. Perry-Clifton have been received here Invitations reading: ' Mr. William Thomas Clifton requests the honor of your presence the marriage of his sister Kate D?-vis to Mr. Bennett Boddie ' Perry hursday morning, the twelfth October nineteen hundred and v? at half after nine o'clock St. Paul's Episcopal church Louisburg, North Carolina. tober 16, at 12 o'clock. F. O .MORING, Secretary and Treasurer. 7m 4'f Lost Money on His Cotton Robard:Tay!or Friends In Raleigh have received in ations reading: Mr. and Mrs. James Arch Taylor invite you to be present at the marriage of their daughter Lena Louise, to Mr. Joseph Clifton Robards si Wednesday morning, October the .Seventh, nineteen hundred and five, at ten o'clock. St. Stephens Episcopal church, Oxford, North Carolina. The CosmoDClltan Concert'Ccmpany This splendid company of lady ar Hts who appear at library hall next 5 i.-sday, October 3rd, occupy a unique r-f ' e on the concert stage. Miss Edna I) 4: flM ability. Misses Rowena and Edith Tyler, twin sisters, have made viJn d'.ets their special study for many f ars' and everywhere captivate their bi diences. It is a great opportunity 'l it the people of Raleigh have for evening of pure and heal'thful en joyment. This is the first of the course rf fine entertainments. Crason tickets, price $2. CO, may. be f '' 1 at W. H. King's drug stre. Re-s-rved ' seat tickets for the season Coldsboro, N. C. Sept. 26. Special. In some parts of Wayne county the farmers have a habit of selling all or part of their cotton crop during the spring and summer months for a certain price to be delivered' by the- f4 first of October. This year not a few took advantage or tne oner oi xu cents a pound and sold to the buyers on this market. One young farmer, Joe Massey frorn near Princeton, was in the city his morning with ten bales of cotton which he had spld dur ing the summer to local buyers for ten cents p. pound. He delivered up the ten bales and got his money, but in doing so he lost about twenty dollars, this being the difference be tween the prjee at which ; the staple is selling now and that for which he sold his last summer. He sold his v.-hen spot cotton was worth only eight cents, and he is not the only man in the country who did likewise. Freight Train Delayed " Goldsboro, N. C, Sept. 26. Special. A through freight on the Atlantic Coast Line ' was detained in this city last night from "about 6 o'clock In the evening until 12 o'clock at night. The engine pulling the train was one of the heavy' freight engines. While trying tn turn round on the Houtnern x an orothea Rether is a fine and dialect er jneer new to thlg part of the road etches as well as vocalist of splen-; ran englne off the end of a spur W id li 1 $ SI Tailor-made Suits FOR LADIES Suits that are literally fill ed with the most attractive style features, Richly Silk lihed Coats, stylish fall and winter weights; materials of Cheviots,' Serges. Cloths, Mixturesetc. This season's creations; good for now and winter wear ; fashionable skirt models; all leading col ors and shades and black. Prices from $15 to 45, Floor Coverings In this department the va riety is larger than ever be fore and the pattern pret tier. High Pile Velvet and Moquette Carpets; also Body Brussels and Tapestries with borders and stairs to match. Ingrain Carpets and Ghina Mattings of the best grades and patterns. While our stock of Art Squares and Rugs are all that can be de sired. A visit to this de partment will convince you that we have the largest and most up-to-date Floor Cover ing stock in the city. Prices the lowest, Fall Underwear This is the time to buy Fall and Winter Underwear while the stocks are com plete. Every wantable weight in Vests, Pants and Combination Suits for ladies, misses and children. Prices the lowest, quality consid ered. : Hid Gloves Imported especially for Boylan -Pearce Co. Our lead ers are the best gloves ob tainable for $1.00 and $1.50 pair. Glace and Suede Gloves, in black, white and all leading colors for dress wear, while for morning use we are showing manish makes of Mocha and Austral ian Kids in black and street colors. White Goods This stock has just been replenished with the most wantable merchandise Piques, Ducks and Linens for early fall wraps, suits and Waits; Mercerized Mad ras for waists and skirts; Nainsook, plain and check ed; Longcloth, Cambrics, Percales and Marseilles with a strong line of Laces and Embroideries to match. NecKwear Of all descriptions for wo man's use, from Linen Col lars to the most delicate Lace, pieces. Every shape and kind are in good form this season, and they are all here for your choosing. Prices from 10c up. Early Fall Cottons Percales, Ginghams, Che viots, Satines, Outings, Flan nelettes and prints; a most complete ' range. Patterns suitable to vour wants. STATE OF CONN ECTICUT, - . ,- ' ' ' i - - Office or me Insurance Commissioner ' " - Hartford. November 21, 1904. Hon. Morgan G. Bulkeley, president, Aetna Life Insurance Company, Hart : ford: .0 : ; ; C ' Dear Sir: You will find enclose herewith a copy of the reporV'of the ex amination of your company that was recently made by this department In compliance with the law providing for such examinations. The work began on the 19th day of April and' ended October 24th, 1904. The result of the ex amlantion is very gratifying to the department and fully confirms the state ment of the company as to Its financial condition. The figures show the sur plus of the company as the result of this 1 examination to be 53,047,248.49 more than was claimed in the statement filed with, this department. The larger surplus shown by the department's figures arises mainly from the fact that you have charged yourselves with a special reserve liability of more than $2,000,000 above that required by the statutes. The investigation makes it quite apparent that the( company is leading fairly with the policy holders and complying with all the requirements of the law. Respectfully yours, , . . THERON UPSON, ? Commissioner, CONTROL YOUR COOK And you will have a happy hoir". Huy a Gas And you will have no further trouble. Cooking done quickly and economically. For Light, use the NEW WELSBACH. A Big Light for little money. Standard Gas & Electric Co., 124 FAYETTEVILLE ST. PHONE 228. We do gas piping and electric wiring. No charge made for estimates. l RRDWARt H. MBBaasaBsaaasaaasaHMasaasaajajaJBaasaaaJHa)aaasaaHaaaaa nwiptliiiiis' xsJ ) 11 II LI w Si Li U LI si u llilf 0 jn li y l 225 vSoutH Wilmington vStreet, East End of Market. HEADQUARTERS FOR EVERYTHING Builders' Supplies, Stoves, Cuttlery, rearms, Dairymen Supplies, Ready Mixed Paints, Blacksmiths' Supplies, Contractors' Supplies, Ask fcr what you want and you will get it. "Why I Am a Policy-holder in the National Life Insurance Company. Montpelier, Vermont," BECAUSE : 1. It is OLD, STRONG, LIBERAL, UP-TO-DATE and PROGRESSIVE. 2. It is PURELY MUTUAL ALL ot its profits are POLICY-HOLDERS' PROFITS. 3. It is just, for it invests its assetts where it expects to do business. It has nearly $200,000 invested in North Carolina securities. "Why do I work for the National Life?" BECAUSE:. It is a GOOD COMPANY for agents; it is liberal with Its agents. Its contracts are the simplest, its applications the shortest and it policies th9 most liberal, easiest to explain and easiest to sell. Do you want one of these policies or do you want to sell a policy that is worth ONE HUNDRED CENTS ON THE DOLLAR? Call on or address SHEETS & GUTHRIE, General . Managers, Raleiah. N. C. noo INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES FOR SALE BY THE Mechanics& Investors Union Owing to unusual demand for money for the erection of dwellings the Company will place on sale at Stt.OO TWENTY-FIVE FULL PAID TEN YEAR COUPON CERTIFICATES,, $10 0.00. At this price it gives a net si per cent, investment, secured by Real Estate Mortgages. For particultrs, address, ' . GEORGE ALLEN, Raleigh. 33 r . Mm -i - H TRINITY COLLEGE Four Departments Collegiate, Graduate, Engineering and Law. Large library facilities. Well equipped laboratories in all de partments of science, Gymnasium furnished with beat apparatus. Expenses very moderate. Aid for worthy students. Young men wishing to study Law should investigate the superior advantages offered by the Department of Law in Trinity College For catalogue and furth information, address. D. W. NEWSOM, Registrar, DURHAM, N. C. track Tight on the ground. Instead of fho switch heiner turned for the Y it1 was turned for the spur track and the ! . rVTi a nlr new engineer, not being familiar withjglgn Mlal rVCU the yard, ran nis engine on tne grouna i befdre he knew it. It required the as sistance of a number of yard engines several, hours to get the locomotive on 1 the rails again. - We have them in all the new things just ahead of anything yet seen in the new ideas. The styles are separate and distinct from anything in tha Ral- S2 50. Rev. Samuel Hanff the city. . ; : of Wilson is in Co IPO IB SHOE STORE, RALEIGH, N. C. 'en lands, BusmseaL Golds: N. Carolina- L ETC. INCL ODEnllirTMODG . 3. OSING ifj Maw Sr. '- - .: - .. i

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