THE MOKtf&G POST. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 281Q05 MORNING POST PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE N. C PUBLISHING CO. Raleigh. N. C. Office in the Pullen Building, Fayettoville Street. ROBERT M. PHILLIPS Editor Subscription Prico An Tflr ..w Six Months .. Three Months One Month . . ,$5.00 . 2.50 . 1.25 . .50 The Post will publish brief letters on ubjects of general interest, ;The writ er's name must accompany the letter. Annonymous communications will not be returned. Brief letters of local .news from any section of the state will be thankfully received. Merely personal controversies will not be tolerated. Address all business letters and com munications for publication to THE MORNING POST. The telegraphic news service of THE MORNING POST is absolutely full and complete, and is unequaled by any morning newspaper, pouth of New Tork. This service furnished us un der special arrangements with THE LAFFAN NE"U"S BUREAU. of the New Tork Sun, and is the same service that is used by the Sun itself, which is known to be superior t any ten-ice in any newspaper in the United States. This service' is received night ly by wire in the office of THE MORN ING POST directly from the New Tork Sun. and includes special cables and domestic news and all commercial and market reports. WASHINGTON BIT It E A IT: If Iratmll Building, 141TCJ. St. N. TV AGAINST THE ALDERMEN According to the decision of Judge Justice in the mandamus case yester day, the board of aldermen were wrong in refusing to call an election on the whiskey question in this city upon the petition presented. It has' been clear to our mind all along that the alder men did not have the power to amend the laws passed by the general assem bly, and in spite of the elasticity of the English language as it is often constructed, that they could not, in this case, give an entirely new mean ing to it. The decision of the court is a corn et p. vindication of City Attorney Snow, who advised the board of alder men against the course pursued. That he was right The Post has not enter tained the slightest doubht. The prop ositidn"was so plain that it seemed to us the average mind could easily grasp It. The law is in plain language, and it is simply a question of whether or .not it means what it says. We did not, and do not now, favor the calling of the election, but we do favor the execution of the provisions of law when the conditions are m?t. The conditions have been complied with' in this case, and it should be called however much we disagree with those who signed the petition for it. Th,e action of Judge Justice is in ac cordance with the law and common Qonoo anfl thrms-h his decision was j contrary to his own personal prefer ence in the matter, yet he did what the language of the statutes and the con ditions demanded. Advice to the Aged. Age brings Infirmities, such as slug. xcrlsh bowels, weaic Kidneys ana niaa- ler and TORPID LIVER. Titt'sfils Says the Washington Post: "Sena tor Foraker Intimates that there will lie trusted hands at the switch when the attempt is made to run the presi dent's railway rate measures over tho senate right of way." But even the most trusted hands are sometimes found asleep at the switch. icKiiuii St.. Wehtkrs OFFICE i?TJ. 8. Express DuiUiing. Chicasca In charge of the Steve "W. Floyd 'Spe cial Agency. Subscribers to The Post are request -pd to note the date on the label of their paper and send in their renewal before the expiration. This will pre vent missing of a single issue. All papers will be discontinued when the lime paid up expires. ; . THURSDAT, SEPTEMBER 28,' 1905. Another "appeal to Caesar" is In or !er just at this time. Congratulations to Mr. "W. B. Snow, tity attorney: He seems to have had all "underholt" on the law that time, Ml Comment on Mr. Dixon's play, the "Clansman," is not all favorable, but Jt ' all serves the purposefof advertising Ihe show. ' We now have high authority for our position that city boards of aldermen cannot amend -the acts' of the state legislature. It doesn't matter whether the new style hats, are on straight or not; no one would be able to detect it if they are on crooked. It is announced in a news Item as a fact that the Standard Oil Company is making money. "Who would have thought it possible? Ordinarily the distance to be traveled Is the same and the man who lives the fastest gets there first; he arrives so sudden that he gets little enjoyment ut of the sunset. Probably the reason that more mur derers are not caught in New Tork Is that the police seldom, have time to run one down before a. new one bobs. up for them to take aftfr. A REMARKABLE SUGGESTION One of the most remarkable sugges tion we have ever heard was made a few days ago by the Goldsboro Argus. In the course of a roast that paper was giving a show that appeared there the night before, the Argus said: This show (?) was booked for the Messenger Opera House by Klaw' & Erlanger of New York, who are sup posed to be reputable theatrical man agers and send out only first-class at tractions, consequently the managers of the Messenger Opera House are not directly responsible for the imposition upon the 'Goldsboro public of "Reuben in New York," which is absolutely'' a disgrace to any boards and should be suppressed by law in fact, the Argus has before suggested the enactment of a law prohibiting or indicting railroads for hauling such through the state, as th,e surest means of protecting an un sophisticated public from such repre hensible theatrical combinations. The management of the Messenger Opera House greatly regret that Klaw & Erlanger subjected them and the theater patrons of the city to such an imposition as "Reuben in New York Regrets, merely, are expressed that Klaw & Erlanger sent out a bum show; but the railroads should be Indicted for hauling the aggregation! There Is not a word of criticism for the man agement of the opera house, whose business and duty It is to see that pat-- rons of the house are not Imposed upon. There is no suggestion that it would be well for the opera house management to investigate the merits of so-called attractions, and see that all with whom contracts are made are worthy of the patronage of the people; but the railroads should be held re sponsible, they should investigate all the theatrical combinations on the road and ascertain whether or not they are "reprehensible" and refuse to haul any against which the people of any community might possibly have a kick. Let the schemers and the impostors go ahead and prepare to rob the people, let them make contracts with the local managers of play-houses, and then in dict "the railroad If it brings the show to town! "Mp, mp, ho, ho, har, har, wow!" have a specific effect on these organs, stimulating the bowels, causing them to perform their natural functions as in youth and x IMPARTING VIGOR . to the kidneys, bladder and LIVER. They arc adapted to old and young. a campaign got hot, as if our very national existence depended upon a single election and I wasn't lying either, for, I vow, I felt as if it did." "No better illustration has been given in many a day, says the Boston Travel er, of the ridiculous lengths to which campaign exaggerations will carry a man than the testimony given in tho New York Life investigation by Presi dent McCall, which evoked the ap plause of the audience. 'When they adopted ths free silver platform,' he said, 'I determined that I would do all in my power to defeat that candidate and that platform. I had a duty and a trust. If Bryan was to be elected president I felt that we might almost as well put up our shutters. I did what I did to defeat . free silver, not the Democratic party. I thank God I did it.' And then, when Mr. Hughes plied him further with regard to this contribution to 'the Republican cam 's paign fund Mr.. McCall remonstrated: 'I hate to have you characterize that money as a Republican campaign con tribution. It was given in behalf of the gold standard.' " There is good reason to doubt Mr. McCall's sincerity in regard to this transaction of 1904, but If he really believed that he rendered a great ser vice not only to his company but to his country by his act, he was aiding the development of a system of politi cal corruption that is far more danger ous to the permanent soundness of a state and of all the institutions wnicn depend not only for their prosperity but for their very .existence on the soundness of the state, than all the financial heresies that have ever been conceived by the erratic minds of men. Parties are useful, necessary even, to the proper operation of a govern ment like ours. But the permanence of that government does not, and, in the nature of things, cannot depend on the success of a given party in a given campaign. We are a nation of patriots. And while this party or that party may, with the best of intentions, tie up temporarily to this? or that eco nomic or political heresy and even rids to success at the polls ": upon it, the mistakes cannot be irretrievable so long as the hearts of the ; people are right and the popular will is honestly; ex pressed. Only the permanent triumph Of corruption among all classes of the people would be irretrievable and that, God helping us, shall never be. "A Doll House" was the name of a theatrical attraction which recently started out, but the name was too suggestive, at least the houses it drew were in keeping with it, and the con cern disbanded and went home. South Carolina's picturesaue sena tor, Mr. Tillman, recently said: "Any body can sign a petition, even a free nigger." He was not referring to the Raleigh saloon election petition. The Self-Made Man (Philadelphia Public Ledger.) Professor Butler of Chicago stated recently in an address to students that BATCH OF GOOD HUMOR It Is a pity that Opportunity does so much traveling Incog. Puck- Mrs. Muggins My husband never plays the races. He hs conscientious scruples. Mrs. Buggins Neither does mine. He has common sense. Philadelphia Rec ord. '' Judge It seems to me I've seen you before. Prisoner--You have, your honor. I used to give your daughter singing les sons. Judge Twenty years. New Yorker. Mixed. Dresser: Well, the season's over, and I suppose we'll have to dis card our Panamas now. I don't care much, for I'm rather sorry I bought mine. . Dumley I never would wear 'em. The old fashioned nightshirt's good enough for me. Philadelphia Press. A m?.n went into a chemist's shop and bought a bottle of some patent the "self-made" man's success was due j stuff, which was advertlsad thus; nnlv to unusual ability; that efficient NO MORE COUGHS. NO MORE COLDS. IS. 1?D. THE BOTTLE1. Three , days latsr he went to the North Carolina is doing her part in the matter of the organization of new life insurance companies. The new company at Fayettevllle starts off m an enthusiastic manner, and we wish It great success. Mr. Dixon says his purpose in put ting the Clansman on the stage Is to secure "reconciliation through knowl edge of the truth." You may rest as sured, however, that there will always be a man at the box office. The Washington Post suggests "that federal supervision of campaign funds might go a good way toward making federal supervision of insurance com panies unnecessary." The suggestion is suggestive, at any rate. It is suggested that Mr. Fairbanks ,1s looking for a larger house in Wash ington. There is a large White house up Pennsylvania avenue not far from the treasury building that we suspect is about the size and location wanted The campaign is warming up In Vir ginia. The Times-Dispatch concludes a long edltorialm the disqualification of Judge Lewis, the Republican candi date for governor, - in these words: "How can any Democrat think of vot ing lor such a man?" Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Sure enough campaign . CAMPAIGN EXAGGERATION "I'm an old man now," said a vet eran party worker recently, "and I've always voted the straight ticket. But came to the conclusion years ago that there never could be an election in which the victory of my man would 'save the country or in which the country would be sent to the eternal bow-wows by the victory of the other fellow. Still, I'm afraid I've been guilty of talking a great many times., when ABOUT THAT COAT You wear a coat. Why? To keep the cold out ? No ; to keep the warmth in. What of the body that has no warmth the thin, poor body that lacks the healthy flesh and fat it needs ? For such we say that Scott's Emulsion provides the right kind of a coat. Why ? Be cause Scott's Emulsion builds firm, solid flesh and sup plies just enough fat to fill nature's requirements no more. That ' means bodily warmth. ': We'll send yon a sample free upon request. SCOTT & BOWNE. o, Pearl Street, N York. SOUTHERN PRODUCTS FAIRS AT NORTHERN Good News From Alabama It affords us much pleasure as Deal ers and Painters of mahy years' ex perience, to say that we use Davis j 100 per cent Pure Paint , and find it the best mixed paint we have ever used for covering capacity. We recom mend it above all other High Grade paints. HOLM & OGREM, v Master Painters. Montgomery, Ala., May 21-04. ' Young Hardware Co., Agents. People can better be convinced of conditions, if they are brought into touch with the material results grow ing out -of them. The land and Indus trial department of the Southern Rail way, realizing this, has been exhibit ing for several weeks at fairs in the northern and western states a collec tion of products from the territory tra versed by its lines. These exhibits have attracted marked attention, and have been the means of informing thousands of people of the opportuni ties offered by the south to the farmer, stock-raiser, manufacturer, etc. Print ed matter descriptive of lands and business openings of all kinds along the Southern Railway has been dis tributed from these exhibits amons people earnestly seeking information concerning the resources of the south and the advantages offered. Among the various products displayed were some fine specimens of apples, the su periority of which is shown by the fol lowing: : New York State Fair, ' Syracuse, N. Y. In recognition of the fact that the apples exhibited by Mr. J. E. Hall of Waynesville, N. C, and the Stuart Or chard Company, Stuart, Va., In the Southern Railway exhibit arrived too late to enter for award, we wish to express the opinion that these apples are the finest specimens exhibited at the New York State Fair, and had they been properly entered, .would have received the highest award. H. S. WILEY, ALBERT WOOD, Judge3. September 14, 1905 To appreciate the force of the above, it should be borne in mind that the region surrounding Syracuse is one of the 'oldest and most important apple producing sections in the United States. Senator Tillman said:" "That hell bound in Columbia who is editor of the State has told enough lies on me to build a railroad of crossties to helL" The New York Sun copied that and said: "Of course this is merely tropi cal luxurUac." Cow-Itch vine? manhood no longer can be a home pro duct. In the fierce competition of the present, education, presumably of the sort fforded by his university, is a j necessity. Thus miiht be reopened a j discussion so familiar that the details j chemist, complaining that his throat are ' not worth threshing out. There was stopped up and that he couia are variouslopinlons, and the advocates scarcely breathe. "I've drunk all that of each decline to compromise. Dis- patent cough mixture," he said, putants are unable to get upon a com- '"Drank it?" yelled the chemist, mon ground, for they have set up dif- j "Why, that's an India rubber solu ferent standards, and think in terms . tion to put on the soles of your boots!" the advocate of another belief may not , Titbits; be able to grasp. One may reach ms goal, thus vindicating his theory, and not be near the other goal, where his opponent already rests, serene in the consciousness of triumph. However, Professor Butler's elimina tion of the so-called "self-made" man must be attended with difficulties. The man is likely to remain and hold to his non-collegiate degree. The assertion that this man succeeds by reason of superior ability suggests no dissent. In countless array might be summoned examples sustaining it. His career does not seem to depend upon hi3 genesis or environments. He is created with that in him which carries him farther and faster than his fellows can go; and be cause, without external advantages, he goes farther and faster, he is classified as "self-made." The injustice of this is in the notion it causes that the person who develops into a central figure in any field of endeavor has depended upon a process known as "self -making," and has not been actuated and borne along by inborn qualities. The secret Is not mere Industry, although some who have reaped their reward in profit and praise really take such view. Edison is the incarnation of industry, but in this he is one of an unnumbered throng of toilers. He also is a genius. In this he stands alone, or at least notable in a small group. He could not have risen to the place he occupies by virtue of any teacher's instructions, nor could he have risen through the uplift of mere application, or there would be nothing strange or solitary in his status. The man who Is labeled "self-made," elate in possession of the title,' has been misjudged and misnamed. The title simply is that tagged to any Individual of mark, indicating to the critical ob server nothing more than that the in dividual essayed to do something, and, because blessed with peculiar adapta bility for the task, accomplished the end sought. With a different mental equipment he never would have thought of the plan, or his efforts would have been futile. He thought from an impulse as natural as that which caused him to breathe, and he wrought because the passion for labor was among his gifts, and a strong arm or cunning hand was ready to heed the mandate of his intelligence. Perhaps, however, to the end of time it will be termed "self-made," and Accept the characterization with a modest convic tion that he merits It. Reduced Rates via Seaboad Accorunt Norfolk Horse Show tl The Seaboard announces account of the Norfolk Horse Show, October 17th 21st, they will sell round trip tickets from Raleigh' and Intermediate points, to Norfolk and return, including ad mission to the Horse Show, for one fare, plus 50 cents (minimum rate in cluding admission fee $1.00). Tickets will be on sale October 16th to 21st, Inclusive, and bear final return limit of October 23rd. For further information, address C. H. GATTIS, T. P. A., H. A.-MORSON, C. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. Stop Corrupt Practice (Cedar Rapids Gazette.) Defenders of corruption in politics will be branded as corruptionlsts by the public, regardless of their station. It has been learned that sdme of the men who have great financial trusts, and who have professed great interest in the welfare of the country, are be low the level of the common thief and embezzler, and there is nothing now that will protect any man if his ras calities should be discovered. Having learned that a thief may be called a thief, the general public is not in clined to mince matters, and would go after a president of the United States as readily as they would go after the janitor of an office building. If there should be any further attempt to buy or steal the presidency and the j matter sh.mld be discovered, the origi nators of the plan would be likely tq have personal regrets. TABLOID PHILOSOPHY (Philadelphia Record.) Only a fool will give a receipt for a debt that is paid in promises. " i At any rate, procrastination never makes a fellow too previous. The actor should always be strong enough to take his own part. If we could only hock our troubles the pawnshops would be full.' Most of us want to get square with our enemies before we forgive them. It is possible for a man to keep his troubles to himself, unless drink is one of them. Wigg How does Mallette stand as a sculptor? Wigg I don't believe he cuts much ice. When a young fellow is keeping com pany he must expect to be known by the company he keeps. Muggins How did Bjones make out with his system of beating the races? Buggins Well, I believe he still ha-i the system left. Blobbe Why did you Are your offlco boy? Slobbe I caught him smoking Blobbe So you believe . where there is smoke there must be fire, eh' Special Rates via Southern Railway $3.15. Raleigh to Greensboro, N. C, and return account Central Car olina Fair. Tickets on sale October 9, 10, 11, 12, and morn ing trains 13, final limit October 16, 1905. Rate includes one ad mission to the fair. .. ' 54.10. Raleigh to Winston-Salem, X. C, and return account of For syth County Fair. Tickets on sale October 2nd to 4th, inclu sive, and for morning trains October 5th, final return limit October 7, 1905. Rate includes one admission to the fair. $5.30. Raleigh to Richmond. Va., and return account Richmond Horse Show. .. Tickets on sale October 9th to 14th, Inclusive, with final return limit October 16th, 1905. Rate includes one admission to the show. For full particulars call on any agent or address T. E. GREEN, C. T. A., ! Raleigh, N. C. if ' ' Sour Stomach When the quality of food taken ii too large or the quality too rich, spur stomach is likely to follow, and espe cially so If the digestion has been weakened by constipation. Eat low ly and not too freely of easily digested food. Masticate the food ' thoroughly. Let five hours elapse between .?jl?, and when you feel a fullness and weight in the region of the stomaoh after eating, take Chamberlain's Sto mach and Liver Tablets and the sour stomach may be avoided. For sale by W. G. Thomas, Robert Simpson and Bobbitt-Winne Drug Co. THE p 1 OF ITIZENS RALEIGH, 1ATI0NAL lu NORTH ANK CAROLINA! Our deposits for the first time MORE THAN A MILLION DOLLARS Our assets, $i,3 40,000 We are grateful to pur friends to whose favor we owe our constant growth t , JOSEPH G. BROWN, President. HENRY K LITCHFORD. Cashisr, PUBLIC loos Now on Sale Price $1.50 or $1.85 Postpaid; Send for price list of Reports. State Agents for Public School Books. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CCt R. H. BATTLE, President. ALEXANDER WEBB, -VlcePresident. ESTABLISHED 1868. CHARLES ROOT, Secretary. The Oldest Fire Insurance In North Carolina has made, all competition. ' a continuous record of success against STRONG AND RELIABLE Home Company seeking home patronage has for thirty-seven years of honorable service commendai it eelf to the insuring public. THE NORTH CAROLINA HOME INS, GO,, OF RALEIGH, N. C. 1 - .-J FIVE YEARS OLD SMOOTH AND MELLOW Express Charges Paid By U-s A trial will convince you that these goods arc t-hc ; very best for medicinal and other purposes, cciiu us your orders and if not perfectly satisfactory, return at our expense and money will be riivncled at once. Aitsmpmeais are maae m plain cases. r itemit uy costal or express money Order. -A W i H Write for price list of other liquoro OUR STORE IS RECEIVING The Very Latest Designs in Furn if u id it UP TO SSSOW" Is the otto of This Stc Aren't you going to fix up a little for the Big Pair ? . . - An extra room for visitor or boarders ? Think over this. J

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