r j In SoCIETYv THE MORNING POST, FRIDAY, BEPTEMBlBlt. 2$. IQOS Vtheesttti tflP .t0 thS tern 'part of B t,ttoIn(!!anapolls Mr- Flem Suggs of H the Southfirn .Pll, . 658 V1 HWfl- mo;J VV"ttU,vay company here n TpenfJn to Mlss Balley- They w r- Vprinc,nW T ? Slght'see among the lr . t Princlpal cities of tv.o ,v. - - v4u 111 I llll "J I 1 r ww .WORKING EN Miss Fannie Riggan left for Clayton .! Tht T"1 1turn . to. High' Point. hcre.sne win visit. . & ro uume. jHss Alma Campbell returned from 1 visit in Sanford. McCoiJen-Lee ,rt her way to Fuquay Springs New Bern. M. n s i . " viicy on nan- reet' Mr- Jame P- McCullen of Ml Nellie Murray went to Greens- ' of ' New Be?n SS Blrdie Virinia t, on a visit for a few days ! J j JL f Were married by Rev. f - - - y ' i-a Do?glass' Pastor of the Baptist tTabernariA ti, r.j,i . MIM Lena Lott of Winston-Salem ' by her b v Zr, T' ft aer a v.o M,Ss Annie G,e best mantLV Mot JeS! j 'mond, Va. The mniri nf Miss jnuarea vvuson returned to MI?i Aiin,, r i V "" v as M after visittnS Miss Rubv iT I Z?1:? Bern: Tho , j Kt..u i ucwiimigiy aiLired. in a neat j - a, v C11I1JJ 5U1C. ' The decorations were palms, ferns and evergreens suitable for the occa- The entire bridal party left on the' steamer Ocracoke for a tour to Phila delphia and other northern cities. ' . Dr. Ivey to the Epworth League The Epworth League of the Edenton Their Hard Struggle Made Easier-Interesting State ments by .a Young Lady in Boston and One in Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. A. B. Goodloe. returned to Soot !;:.' Neck after visiting Mrs. C. S. Allen. ;". ; . . . Mrs! Clarendy Utley returned to New HiH after visiting her eon Mr. B. J. Utloy. ; Mrs. Vann returned to Neuse and i . a, . a. . . . i roor riAi i - j i.ko ruiesi aner visiting Mrs. John uiomsi cnurch held an Inter- E. Kay. - . esting session last evening. Besides . i.tne league members many of their Mrs." W. T. Carrlngton and Miss friends were present to enjoy the ex-T- arl Carrlngton of Durham spent the cellent talk by Rev. T. N. Ivey, editor 5;: here. .( of the. Raleigh'., Christian- Advocate. r! ; ' j There was a short preliminary pro Mrs. George Gatling Is In the city ram. including scripture reading and visiting her aunt. Mrs. Parker, on exPlanation by Dr. B. F. Dixon, vocal ronton street. - ; ; ' . selections by Miss Nina' Green and Miss Mary Ray and a prayer by Rev. Miss Rose, daughter of Rev. W. TV. G- B- Starling. Dr. Ivey spoke of the Knse of Pittsboro, is the gust of Miss ot)ject of the league, which is a de j.. sie Bumpas. , partment of the church intended to ; i stimulate and promote the spiritual Mrs. O. B. Harris and Miss Gulley ; development and growth of the young returned from Youngsville, where they t People. The first Epworth League haJ been visiting. .j were organized 16 years ago, there ! are now 7,000, in the ' south Miss Kate Cheshire of Tarboro stop- i an3 the membership in America ped over here last night at the home nas reached 3:000,000. Dr. Ivey told of of Biihop Cheshire. he great convention he attended in Denver last summer and incidentals Pictured in his own graphic and in- .Mrs. Annie McGheachy of Robeson arrived yesterday to visit her I teresting way, the wonderful western! lrouDies tna ottiers county 5on, Dr. R. S. McGeachy. All women work; some in their homes, some in church, and some in the whirl of society. And in stores, mills and shops tens of thousands are on the never-ceasing- treadmill, earning1 their daily bread. All are subject to the same physical laws; all suffer alike from the same physical disturbance, and the nature of their duties, in many cases, quickly drifts them into the horrors of all kinds of female complaints, ovarian troubles, ulceration, falling" and dis placements of the womb, leucorrhcea, or perhaps irreg-ularity or suppression of "monthly periods," causing back ache, nervousness, irritability and lassitude. . Women who stand on their feet all day are more susceptible to these country he traverses. Misses Cope'and Entertain Miss Annie Green went to Durham n-ther, Mrs. M. F. Green, who died j tI5 " ' N" C- SeP- 28.-Special. rterday in Winston. j embers of Statesville's newly organized Euchre club were delightfully Mrs. P. B. Henderson and children j tera sf Charlotte, who have been at More- I Elhe Copeland at their home head City and stopped here to visit j ZlJT Bt' ' he first lady's Mr T N Ivey left yesterday for 1 P 6' a beautlful Pair of embroidery Me esteraay 101 j scissors, was n by Mrs.lc. V. Hen- ' jkel and Miss Altie Corpening, Miss tt- -o t ii .. ' j Corpening winning in the cut. Mr. Mrs. W. B Royal of Wake Forest ! Frank Cariton won the first gentle rnved yesterday from Wilmington ;man.8 prIze, a handsome card-case; where her son, Mr. Robert Royall. : is . Mr. A gteelf the second prize a convalescent after his illness of several tt ih . . uiunic isiaiuc, auu iuisa ixcii miuci jn won the consolation, a book. On this evening the Euchre club was organ-: ized with the following membersi Misses V. and Ellie Copeland, Sarah Cowles. Altic Corpening, Lois and vveeks. Master Jeffrey Stanback returned from Chase City where he has been rith his mother, Mrs. J. F. Stanback. Mrs. Stanback expects to come home j Marie Long, Elvie McElwee, Mr. and r.xt week. ' " j Mrs. R. L. Poston, Messrs. A, P. and ' IF. F. Steele, G. E. Hughey, D. J. The engagement is' announced of. Craig, L . W . MacKesson, J. "White Miss Lucille Armfield of High Point to w"aret General J. F. Armfleld, J. A. Mr. Frank Armfield of Monroe. The j sharpe, Miss Nell Anderson and her eVkllng will take place October 25th i g-Uest, Miss May Quickel of Lincoln ct the bride's home. ' I ton, and Mr. Frank Carlton. The two ' jlast were the only guests present out- There will be a very important meet- Side the members of the club. !ng of St. Mary's Guild in the Guild rooms of the Church of the Good Shepherd this afternoon at 5 o'clock. AIT me v.bers are urged to attend. ' I Organize Lady Maccabees There will be a meeting of the ladies at the Odd Fellows hall this eve ning at 7:45 for the purpose of organ izing a hive of Lady Maccabees auxil iary to the Knights of the iMaccabees. This is the largest beneficiary organi r.ation of women in the world. Thirteen Year Old Gilr Weds Richmond,. Va., Sept. 28. Special. A license to wed has been issued in the clerk's office of the corporation court of Manchester to Miss L. J. Jackson, thirteen years old, and Eddie T. Tuck, j at one end of the hall were the large CERMAN AT WASHINGTON Banquet Followed the Elerant Cotillion In the Elks Club Washington, N. CI Sept. 28. Special. The first gerraan of the winter's social season - was given by the young men of the city in the spacious hall of the Elks Clubs last evening. This was the swellest dance that has taken place in the history of Washington. The dance hall was beautifully and tastefully decorated, the color scheme be'ing carried out in blue and white, intermingled with pink and red roses, same being the colors of the Halcyon German Club of this city. On the wall an iron worker, thirty years old. The groom is a native of Kentucky letters H. C. '05, this also Deing cai riPd out in blue and white. Beginning Tuck and Miss Jackson live in Man chester. MorrU Watson Invitations have been issued reading as follows: , Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus B. Watson request the honor of your presence at the marriage ortheir daughter, Alice, to Mr. James Franklin Morris, on Tuesday, the tenth day of October, nineteen hundred and five, at ten o'clock, at 546 Trade Street, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Mulllcan-Jones Greensboro, N. C, Sept. 28. Special. II r. Luther C. Mullican and Miss Annie K. Jones were united in marriage last Tight at 9 o'clock at the residence of Mr. A. F. Brooks, 636 south Elm street, Hev. L. F. Johnson officiating. There They especially require an invigorat ing, sustaining medicine which will strengthen the female organism and enable them to bear easily the fatigues of the day, to sleep well at night, and to rise refreshed and cheerful. How distressing to see a woman struggling to earn a livelihood ,or per form her household duties when her back and head are aching; she is so tired she can hardly drag about or stand up, and every movement causes pain, the origin of which. is due to some derangement of the female or ganises. Miss F. Orser of 14 Warrenton Street, Boston, tells women how to avoid such suffering ; she writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham: " I suffered misery for several years with irregular menstruation. My back ached; I had oearing down pain3, and frequent head aches; I could not sleep and could hardly drag around. I consulted two physicians without relief, and as a last resort, I tried Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and to my surprise, every ache and pam left me. I gained ten pounds and am in perfect health. Miss Pearl Ackers of 327 North. Sum mer Street, Nashville, Tenn., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham : "I suffered with painful periods, severe backache, bearing-down pains, pains acrosi the abdomen; was very nervous and irrita ble, and my trouble grew worse every month. "My physician failed to help me and I decided to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I soon found it was doing me good. All my pains and aches disappeared, and I no longer fear my monthly periods." Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound is the unfailing cure for all these troubles. It strengthens the proper muscles, and displacement with all its horrors will no more crush you. Backache, dizziness, fainting, bear ing down pains", disordered stomach, moodiness, dislike of friends and society all symptoms of the one cause will be quickly dispelled, and it will make you strong and well. You can tell the story of your suf ferings to a woman,, and receive help ful advice free of cost. Address Mrs, Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. lydia E. Pinkham's Veteta&le Compound Snccsr.ds Where Others FaS.' The youthful bride-elect is a native of I promptly at 9:30 the happy couples North Carolina and is" a daughter of ; gaily tripped off the light fantastic Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jackson. Both Mr. ' until 12 o'clock, when a recess was called and all the guests lmmeaiaieiy repaired to the "Red Men's" hall where a delicious banquet was served by the young ladies. Returning at 1 o'clock dancing was continued until the wee small hours1 had passed away and a simply gorgeous evening had come to a close. Pretty and attractive tavors in the shape of sterling silver mono gram stick pins bearing the initials, H; C. '05, were presented to each guest. Music was furnished by the First Regi inent Band ' of . Richmond, Va. j tvio flnnnp wns erracefullv led by Mr. ? Frank Bowers with Miss Lucy Tayloe. Other couples were: H. P. Bridgeman with Miss Mary Weeks, Elizabeth City, Thos. Mallison with Miss Evelyn Weeks," Elizabeth City, Murray Short with Miss Ethel Bryant, Thos. H. Clark with Miss MeUlssa Morton, B. J. Bronson wits Miss Marcia Myers, S. F. Burbank, Jr., with Miss Lizzie Hill, Gilbert Bogart with Miss Mary Short, Claude Carrow with Miss Mary Short. Greenville, N. C, Wm. Ellison with nn,c utoHo Tntrhingrnouse, . r rans. Carrow, Evans Wharton with Miss An- ' nie P. Nicholson, Jno. W. Crone with ! Miss Mayme Springs, E. A. Daniel ! with Miss Bell Nash, Tarboro, Frank i Godwin, Williamston, with Miss? Blount; Joe Bidgood, Richmond, with Miss Margaret Bowers; Geo. Penning ton, Tarboro; with Miss Sue Clark, Tarboro; Edward Hardison, Winston, with Miss Mary Tayloe; Mr. Simpson with Miss May Rumley, Mr. Harrison, New York, with Miss Mamie Bryant, Tarboro; Geo. Capehart with Miss Helen Moore, Jesse Claypoole, New Bern, with Miss Octavia Hughes, New Bern; Allen Withers, New Bern, - with Miss Mary Clark, New York; M. A. Smith with Miss Sallie Myers. Dr. W. P. Exum, Durham, with Miss Bright; Thad Hussey, Tarboro, with Miss Plum Crawley; A. L. Hussey, Tarboro, with Miss Ethel Bert, Edenton; Jack Stem, New Bern, with Miss Barlow, Tarboro; G. H. Coke, Edenton, with Miss Mat tie Leary. Edenton; W. S. Wolf with Miss Margaret Scarboro, Tarboro. Stags: J. F. Tayloe, "Wm. Bragaw, W. M. TVilliams, Tarboro; D. T. Tull, Tarboro; B. T. Jackson, Robersonville; W. M. Springer, South Creek; Ben Higgs and Jack Gardner, Greenville; Mahler Cramer, Durham; Lyman Cot len, L. B. Cotten of Cottendale, N. C, and -T. M. Robinson. Chaperones: Mesdames J. B. Fowle. Olivia Blakely, Dr. D. T. Tayloe, Hu bert Bonner, D. H. Hill and W. B. Morton. Mules and orses Attacked by a Mob - and beaten, in a labor riot, until cov ered with sores, a Chicago street car conductor applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and was soon sound and well. "I use It in my family," writes G. J Welch of Tekonsha, Mich, "and find it perfect.". Simply great for cuts and burns. Only 25c at all druggists. Have just received cars of extra good Mules and Horses. "We always have an extra fine supply on hand. Call and inspect our stock. J. M. PACE MULE CO., ' Will Taylor, Salesman. HE 0L0 FOGY PAINTER believes old things are best and does not wish to keep, up with the times. Caicimo The Cold Water Kalsomine. It Is the only kalsomine that Is soluble in cold water; covers with one coat; will cover : even dark stains; is not affected by heat; will jell regard less of temperature; can not peel and will not rub off; is strongly glued. Six cents per pound. Send , or call for color card. Young Hardware Co vas a large attendance or irienas ana ... Sor)hia Wood. Eden Ma EVana were the attendants, me nr.-.w with Miss r, rT V, o tti Bryan with Miss popma vw, I:! ISL.5-Z- tZlon, Richard Bragaw with Miss Bess ride is an attractive daughter of Mr. 3. M. Jones of 702 west Lee street, and he groom has held a good position tvith J. W. Bloxton & Co. for several ; ears. The happy couple will live at 00 west Lee street. Marriages at High PoM High Point, N. C, Sept. 28. Special. Two marriages were' solemnized last night one at Jamestown and the other Willie Hargrove, Jas. E. Clark, Jr.. with Miss Maude Windley, H. M. Jen kins with Miss Rawls, Tarboro, David Hill with Miss Barlow, Tarboro, Hoyt Moore with Miss Qammie Short, W. C. Rose with Miss Lottie Blow, Green ville! Paul Tillery with Miss Ray Moore, F. S. Worthy with Miss, Irene Morton. Chas. Morton with Miss Nich olson, McKimmon Saunders with Miss Nell Skinner, Greenville, Jack Nlchoi- at Indianapolis-in which High Point son with Miss Mary .Battle , Rckv parties were interested At Jamestown, at the home of the Mount, Jos. Patrick with Miss Tillie AfArtrm 1st a. Huehes. Jr.. with Miss bride, Mr. W. B. Stout of the E. R. Julia Haughton, Walter Windley v, th Messick Grocery Company of this j Miss Claudia Simmons, J. J. Leary witn Place and Miss Rogers were united in Miss Mary Laughinghouse, marriage at 7 o'clock. The happy cou-V' Springs with Miss Mary Pfwell.Tar Vle left on the 7:30 o'clock train for an boro. Thos. Mariner with Miss Annie Louisburg College Will Begin Its 49th Year Septem ber 6th, 1905. The stately arid commodious build ings are situated in a grove of splendid primeval oaks, comprising twelve acres, affording ample and Inviting grounds for out-door exercise and sports. The number of boarding pupils js limited to eighty. Thus ensuring to each careful individual training tiy a strong and well-equipped faculty, A special course is arranged for those wishing to prepare themselves to teach in the public schools. The expenses of the school are as moderate as the advantages and ac comodations offered will allow. For catalogue address, M. S. DAVIS, A. M., President.' Louisburg. N. C. JNO, A. TUCKER. Greensboro, N. C.f New and modern in every particular and a model of neatness and comfort. A share of your patronage will be appreciated. Chas. W. B N. arrett, Raleigh, C. WHEN AT THE FAIR CALL ON JOHN P. HAYES 124 1-2 Fayettevilte Street. See and hear the Edison and Victor Machines. I carry a large line of both kinds of records; also a line of horns and sup plies. Write or call on me for further par ticulars. You are always welcome. I also control two Photo Studios, where you .can get any style and price photosrranhs. STATE OF CONN ECT3 CUT, Office of the Insurance Commissioner, . ? Hartford, November 21, 1904. Hon. Morgan G. Bulkeley, president, Aetna Life Insurance Conjipany, Hart ; ford:: . . ; : r . ; - . Dear Sir: Tou will find enclosed herewith a copy of the report of the ex. animation of your company that was recently made by this department In compliance with the law providing for such examinations. The work began on the 19th day of April and ended October 24th, 1004. The result of the ex amiantlon h very gratifying to the department and fully confirms the state, ment of the company as to its financial condition. The figures show the sur plus of the company as the result of this examination to be $8,047,248.41 more than was ' claimed in the statement fild with thlf department. Tlu larger surplus shown by the department's figures arises mainly from th fact that you have charged yourselves with a special reserve liability ot more than $2,000,000 above that required by the statutes. The investigation makes it quite apparent thaj the. company is leading fairly with the policy holders and complying with all the requirements of the law. Respectfully yours, THERON UPSON, Commissioner, GONTBOL YOUR COOK "And you will have a happy hornA Buy a Gas Rangje And you will have no further trouble Cooking done quickly and economically. For .Light, use the NEW WELSBACH, A Big Light for little money. Standard Gas & Electric Co., 124 FAYETTE VILLE ST. PHONE 228. We do gas piping and electric wiring. No charge made for estimates. mm, $ Wlii you find better goods than THE GREAT S. W. PAINT '"" Gypsine for Walls JAP-A-LAC Builders Hardware .White Enamel Ware l m J O ff H I mm f) amm RALEIGH, N.C. . ip ur Thie Merchants Journal Official Organ North Carolina Re of Wholesale Dealers, Millers and Manu NORMAN H. J It has the largest bona fide circula in the south. Every merchant should oad it. S Points. Advertising Hints, Window De Association News, Fashion Notes, Mad lation, Vrade Fvils and Abuses. News prises. Published in the interest of an Semi-monthly subscriptions received pr ness Man's Journal. tail Merchants Association. Association facturers of North and Scuth Carolina. OHNSON. EDITOR, tlon of any merchants paper published peclal features: Commercial Law corations and Cards, National Bulletin, e Reports, Hints for the Clerk, Legls Notes Concerning Commercial Enter d for the Merchants of the South, lor to July 1st, $1.00 the year, A 3usl Sample Copy tSent on feciuest ih mm iii8i(iiii i. RALEIGH. NORTH. CAROLINA. $100 25 INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES , FOR SALE BY THE Mechan ics & In vest ors Union Owing to unusual demand for money for the erection of dwellings the Company will place on sale at SfC.OO TWENTY-FIVE FULL PAID TEN YEAR COUPON CERTIFICATES, $10 0.00. At this price it gives a net sb per cent, investment, secured by Real Estate Mortgages. For particultrs, address. GEORGE ALLEN, Raleigh. 4 TRSNfTY COLLEGE Four Departments Collegiate, Graduate! Engineering and Law. Large library facilities Well equipped laboratories in all de partments of science. Gymnasium furnished with best apparatus. Expenses very moderate. Aid for worthy students. Young men wishing to sttidy Law should investigate the superior advantages offered by the Department of Law in Trinity College f & For catalogue and furth Information, address, , D. W. NEWSOM, Registrar, DURHAM, N. C. II or YOVU IT. J rjr l W(f ' mmaform r i i GIVE DEBCMS?OW, PRIQE STAMP 'FGffc BOOKLET MOD N.Caaquna-, 'www v a e 'k a mm.-; tz rrjmi v wmw mm m 7V KUO iW'MVwivwvvujny I L ETC., I 87A Maw St.,

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