THE afORNINCF POS V. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER, 3.0, I9OS1 CONFIDENCE IN TRADE 1. Certainty of Successful Sea son on the Farmers has diverted still more machinery from domestic business and there is increasing: evidence that the home trade is desirous of doing more than merely providing for immediate re quirements. Despite the large jobbing business that was secured in August , ON, "THE TRACK . Believed the New York Bank Swind ler Will Soon" Be Caught ' DOG EAT DOG Benson Blind Tigers in Competition J Told on One Another a steady volume is reported for tlfta September's Remarkable Record in Iron and Steel Industry No Anx ety Among Textile Manufactur es Pool to Remove Cotton New York, Sept. 29. R. G. Dun's tveekly review of trade tomorrow will say: Lower temperature stimulates retail trade-and fall openings are largely at tended, but the weather is not cold enough to menace late crops that are maturing most satisfactorily. Certainty Df a successful season on the farms contributes mre than any other sin gle factor to the confidence that is felt in all sections of the country. Manufacturing activity is fully main tained, the leading, authorities having contracts assuring little Idle machinery during the balance of the year, and it is probable that more business will be carried over into 1906 than at the opening of any previous year. Septem ber has made a remarkable record in iron and steel industry. At the start"! the output of pig iron was somewhat yelow the high water mark establish lished last May, and several lines of finished steel were inactive. In favor ed departments, notably structual and railway supplies, business was beyond there was improvement in the quiet lines. Sales of pig iron began to at tract attention and September closed tvith a tonnage- that will probably eclipse all monthly records. The o'nly cloud on the horizon is the upward tendency of quotations, capacity of plants is also being enlarged in a man ner that, threatens over-production when excessive prices check consump tion. Quiet conditions are customary at this season in the primary markets for textile fabrics, but the lull is much less marked than usual. Mills and factories have orders ond hand assur ing activity for some time to come, and there is no anxiety regarding the future. In the cotton goods division deliveries cannot be made with de sired promptness and buy era are in no position to dictate regarding quota tions. Some revival of' export demand New York, Sept. 29. The arrest of past month. Woolen mills are busil :u,lUB l" ' ,n 0L - , ' "A securities from the National City Bank engaged in shipping sample pieces and fv - , v,, Dunn, N. C, Sept. 29. Special. For the last few days there has been in tense interest at Benson concerning the liquor situation, and certain in- iti s too early to look for . puiicate f Iorf c",c dictments made during the last term orders. , " - l5r the ai?unt of the loan for whlch of Johnston superior court at Smith- Heavy receipts of cattle at Chicago ! Uf Pt iip as collat- flold last week. it seems that the and other western markets do not I wnriin l X U"W"1C ) blind tigers at Benson (and they are weaken the tone of hides, nackers i tl L orJ?s ?n,.the case be i.mmi" ! numerous there, if reports be true) be- maintalning full quotations because of , "I J L 1 7 5 . . . y Kno.T!came at variance on account of fierce the light holdings by tanners. ; 1 "f" ,:n ract t was saia competitionf and undertook to put each New England manufacturers of foot- "r"r A . A ur" other out of the business. Several war wear are still somewhat conservative ; hours regaramg me acceptance of additional spring orders, anticipating a still fur- The officials of the National City ia . . , ;in a day or two an attempt was made have ruled comparatively steady. rt ... . x, a -v , t, j to negotiate with them for the return " : .... : : w of the securItieg- They would be iess surprised at such a thing being at tempted shortly if the name of the bank had not become known. There remove a million bales of cotton from ' the market and its operation will be watched with interest. Commercial failures this week in the W39 a ronnrt rvn a.i. v, w,"lvu "lalM ""'""" this PVPtiln , " "- mat ncguiiaiiyus 206 last week. Failures 21, against 34 last week. in Canada The Obscene Post Card Washington, Sept.' 29. The federal government has begun an earnest crusade against the obscene , postal card. In an order issued todays Act ing Postmaster General Hitchcock di rects the attention of postmasters to the following section of the postal regu lations: "All matter which is manifestly ob scene, lewd or lascivious will, when deposited in a postoffice, be withdrawn from the mails and sent to the dead letter office." The acting postmaster genera.1 an nounces that under this rule every pos tal card bearing a picture or language that is obscene, indecent or improperly suggestive should be immediately withdrawn from the mails and for warded without delay to the first as sistant postmaster general. rants were issued upon voluntary oaths and information was furnished to So licitor Jones from which several in dictments and true bills resulted. This started the ball rolling, and feeling in creased with great rapidity. Those who furnished the information and made oath to the warrants were in turn indicted and warrants and in dictments followed each other until WE ARE FORCED TO MOVE FROM OUR PRESENT LOCATION IN JANUARY. ' - - I i ' - - 1 -' The Stock W Have to Be Soli quite a number of the citizens of the were i , , , . . . , . . alreadv imflpr wo,, v imuuuing some or mgn standing, the securities. This seemed to be borne haf Cme 17 I, . , out by a mysterious trip which Harry lJtE? 5ftJ'that Thornhill, one of the heads of the ! When "!? fight betweei the blind tigers We Have About $40,000 Worth of Goods to Be Sold Be, tween Now and January 1st. This Sale Will Be the First to Reduce Stock. The follow ing Goods are Olfered Pinkerton Agency, made to Jersey City this afternoon. At the National City Bank, however, Vice President Van derlip denied positively that any trace ; of the missinb securities had been found or that any word had come1 Ginner's Association Report Dallas, Tex., Sept. 29, The commit tee of the National Ginners'; Associa tion appointed to prepare the second cotton report of the season, was com piling the figures behind closed doors today - in the office of National Secretary N. T. Blackwell. It was in- was at its most violent state, when the Watts law und the special act for Johnston were being freely used against each other; the federal officers heard the noise and swooped down upon them and captured several of the blind tigers from thA hnirc ti.d- lor retailing wnnout federal license. also denied any knowledge of who the! The "situation' is' somewhat strained guilty party is. 1 ! uiere is consiaeraoie excitement, It was suggested today and believed I b,ut all have adopted the rule that by many that the man will be found to be a swindler of international repu tation who attempted a similar trans action some years ago. ,. Fr O m ' Fl o nday. Sent. To S atur d a y9 S ept. 2 5, 3 O. LEAVES OYSTER BAY TODAY All Business Will be Suspended Until President's Departure Oyster Bay, Sept. 29 silence is the best policy. - r - CAR LINE CASES Intorstate Commerce Commission Will Begin Hearing Oct. 18 Roosevelt leaves here at 10 o'clock to morrow morning. He will get an en thusiastic send-off. Tonight the town is bedecked with flags and bunting. Most of the population will turn out to wave good-bye, and several hun dred school children will wave flags; All will join in singing the hymn "God MP! With Vflll 411 -rtrrt w.nsv 1 f A 11 tDn1 - , . . meet itga-ilX. mi ri nTn P " e Kept 96Cret business in Oyster Bay will be sus- until next Monday at noon, when the pended until after the president leaves, government issues its report, which is The special train that will take the also taken from figures furnished by president to Long Island City will' be ginners over the south. Those present made up of a private car, which will at todays meeting were: President. J. be ormmiPH v fv A rn.-.i.. -rtTi , I J . jji cmuciu aim ilia j- , v-.- xaiiiiiv, it Illl H. iary i. x. blackwell of Dallas, C. M. Dollins of Greenville, Tex., Dr. D. C. Combes of Combes, Tex, HMW W li - n- ii m combination baggage and day coach, occupied by the secret service men and the '-executive' staff. The train will arrive ' at Long- Island City at 11 o'clock From . there the party wili be conveyed by boat to Jer sey City. At Jersey City the party win oe joined by Secretary .and Mrs Root. - ' .- yA . A train consisting o, four, cars will convey the party over the Perinsylva iiij. anroaa to Washington. The .train wm .run as a second, section, of the regular i:i4 p, m. train. It Ln srhed- uled to arrive in Washington5 sh Art iv Washington, Sept. 29. Special. The interstate commerce commission will i begin in this city a series- of hearings President j in the private car, line cases October 18th, and although the committees of both houses of congress have gone Into this identical discussion at consider able length, . the greatest interest is manifested in the -reopening of the matter next month. , It is more than probable that after the Washington series of hearings, which will probably cover a consider able period, the commission will jour ney to several private car line centers, several in the west and possibly one or two in the south, and continue their investigations on the spot.' .representatives Pou of the fourth district and Small of the first district spent the day here. ' William Watkins Grant iT appointed postmaster at Garysburg, Northamp ton county, and William T. Laney at Hope, Union county. 2,500 yards. 10c Percals - for the week, . mc. 3,000 yards 10c Canton Flannel at 7c. 800 yards 20c Black Dress Goods, for --. week, 14c. 2,000 yards 12c double fold Flannel ette at 8&C. ' 5,000 yards 1Q and 12c Outings, both ' light and dark, at 8c. 100 dozen 75c. $1.00 and $1.20 Napkins (fringed) at 40, 50 and 60c per dozen. 100 dozen LadieV $1.25 and $1.50 Wrappers (Mendel make) at S9e and U.19. 100 dozen Ladies' 15c Black Hose, onlj 10c pair. 75 dozen Gents' 15c Black Half Hose, only 10c pair. 100 dozen Men's Fleece-lined -Under- shirts, the 50 and . 75c ones, 44 and 59c. ' , , , i . 500 yards cheap Prints, all dark styles, to close, 3c yard. 2 lots Torchon Edging and Inser tion to go at and 8c. Tremendous Sacrifice on all Men's Hats, Big Cut on Every Trunk in Stock. The Price on Boys' Clothing is Nearly CUT IN TWO The entire stock of Crockery at cost. About 150 good Umbrellas, 60c and ?i.00 values, at 46 find -69c. One case Ladies,' 25c Vest and' Pants. only 21c. Three bargains in Cotton Towels, the price, 4, 8 and 10c. The entire stock of Tinware at cost, Three bargains In Handkerchiefs, tha .' price, 4, 8 and 10c. Big 'reduction in six grades of White Counterpanes. 1,000 yards 10c Teazled Staples for dress and waists, at Tc. LOCKED UP BY SHERIFF - '. Office of North Wilkesboro Journal rov He upon that hope lives will lives he that V- Closed by QrfyttOytfr Winston-Salem NJMemftSnA. I ciaLThe- office of the,. Journli week ly paper published at North Wilkes boro, was locked- up todav th sheriff of Wilkes county. A few months ago when he accepted, the secref a rV- shlp to Congressman; Blackburn John iwmucu, me puoiisner, leased his news paper outfit, subscription books, etn to Frank Greer, who has since that time been Issuing the paper. Crmh claims that Greer has not complied with the contract, and on this ground demanded the return of the bonk tw1 ordered the office closed, which was done. It is not known yet what will be the outcome of the affair. the paper-will be suspended temnornriiv ! or whether Crouch 'will set ro else to publish it or whether Greer will fight the case. CHARLOTTE DRUGGISTS FINED Remember we Have the Largest StocK in Raleigh. The Goods Above Offer ed are all New. Our Entire Fall Stock is complete m OLSEN GOT DECISION Clerks Have to Pay $450 Each for Retailing Whiskey Charlotte, N. C. SeDt. 29.Snniar In. the superior court this afternoon Judge Webb sentenced R. S. Gray, Jr., and Cleveland Palmer, clerks in the! j:?' v-unpanys store, to pay a Cr.WnfAlrf xrrhm c, t, Olsen Used Foul Tactics Asnevine, N. C, Sept. 29. Special. Prof. Charles Olsen, who two weeks ago butted victory out of Professor fine of $250 each and the costs, nmnnnt lng to $450 each, for violation of ih Watts law by retailing whiskey. They were also placed under a $200 bond each to appear at each term of su perior courts for show that thev wPr t,nt m,niv uno s nead, was awarded the decision violation of the Watts law Th.,; m tne wrestling contest here tonight FAVORITISM CHARGED con- against R. S. Gray, Sr., were tinued. . Owing to the prominence of th parties this trial, which has consumed between himself and Professor Schoen feld. Schoenfeld agreed to throw Olsen twice Inside of one hour to win.the de- Members of Interstate Cijin- mission Emphatic in Denial four days, has been watched with great da.n6rous methods barred. cision, all strangle holds and" other President Stickney of Great Western n interest There is practically no chart e-a. the strike situation among the print ers here. All the papers appeared as usual today with the aid of non-union compositors. Other operators are ex pected to arrive tonight. on WW will feast. m Reception of Prince Louis Washington, Sept. 29. Bv rHrvwior, of the president the state and navy departments have beun tho nr.n.r,. tions of Plans for the reception In this u"ll UL -rnnce Jbouis of Batten- vurs. .iisiisn squaaron undr ty,a I . vv lummana or .Prince Louis will, accord- xg to present plans, arrive at Annapo- .. xwvcxuuer j., remaining- there uxilu iNovemner 7 or 8, when it will sail Ul i(ew orK, a: riving there Novem ber ana remaining in New York until xxovemDer n wnen it will sail for Gib raltar. During the time of the stay of the quaaron at Annapolis probably on November 2 or 3-the prince will go to Washington and be received by Presi dent Roosevelt. After the men had been on the mat twenty-five minutes Olsen secured a firm hold on Schoenfeld, got Schoen- ieia s nead between his legs and pressea one shoulder and possibly both shoulders to the mat. Referee J. H. Wood of this city gave Olsen the fall. Immediately there was a squab ble. Schoenfeld and his friends claim ed tnat it was not a fall. Olsen stated that he would not claim a fall and R. R. Charged that Commission Had Refused to Act in Cases of Several Roads Paying Rebates Washington, Sept. 29. Members cf the interstate commerce commission were emphatic in their denial of the charges of President Stickney of the NOTIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY b i i mm v WK Graham Crackers Wf) . 1 I Buffer Thin Biscuit 1 IKA 4 SocIal Tea Biscuil f X. P011 Snaps J Furnishing Room in Soldiers Home Dunn, N. C, Sept. 29.-Special.-Th9l i mcora cnapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy of this place will fur nish one room in th new dormitory of the Soldiers' Home at Raleigh." The room is to be named "Chicora" in honor of the sleeping Confederate soldiers buried at Chicora cemetery. The Daughters here are making elaborate arrangements to give an ehtT.fn ment on the evenine of cntur. u.. 81st, i or Hallowe'en for the benefit of uu3Uin& ine room in the' Soldiers' Home. The chapter here is active and in a- prosperous condition. Trinity College News Trinity College, Durham. N. C K-nt- 29. Special. Rev. George Stuart thu awaited his opponent on the mat. famous south Schoenfeld " - xiu ia T . -v, I -v-u,. YaLCiU jttaiiroaa Comnanv that o . ocxico ui meetings in tne -"a-- " uau agreea the bodv had rr-rA Parrish warehouse, on int to wrestle for the snort of th thc Doay aa proceeded against a Y. M. C. A., spoke in their hall to that Olsen fouled with finger holds and number nf common carriers, but for the men of Trinity College yesterday strangles and that he would not wres- some reason refused to take action in atiernoon at 4 o'clock. The hall was 116 a man wno fouled and used such lue cases or two or three others that Packed and the famous preacher de- metnods- He declined to return to the were known to be paying rebates in livered an address that was profound mat and the decision was given to vIolatIn of law. President Stickney impression. 'XTlnity students rJ1BCI1- JJuring the time the men were on the mat there was some beautiful work. In its are taking a great interest in the Stuart meetings. Mr. G. C. Huntington, inter-state sec retary of the Y, M. C. A., was on the Park Wednesday. Mr. G. H. Smith, '04. scent twn -va . . . ... . - " xiere mis weeK with friends, intimated that Cleveland May be Selected . cue commission wn guilty of favoritism. Chairman ttq of the commission said concerning the lunges or president Sticknev It is not altogether new tnattan The charge, if made in nroner form' and addressed to this commission, will Washington, Sept. 29. The rub-cm TT -ar tion has been made here that rtrovor receive prompt attention an . on his way to Union theological Semi- Cleveland may be selected to head the dent Stickney offers any complaints nary. New York, where he is takhur American mission to the peace confer- supported by evidence we will nrr a. tuutBB. i -uxixj at iiauTie. ortier naTv.A i a.u investigation l " imuito 1UC1I' I w Prof. J. C. Ransmeler. who tano-ht I - oned are Gen. Horace Porter. .Tosnv behalf of the c . . ' o"v I t- 1,1- - i .. . . ' f" U r . - "CIC- verman nere ror two years durine- "oaie " resident Nicholas Murrav iary oseiy made the following tt the absence of Prof. Wannamaker. , BuHer of .Columbia University. Brip-a- ment: at Leipslc, Germany. Prof. RansmMor d,erGeneral William B. Crozier. tt. a I ' "I have the highest holds a traveling scholarship from KT' Capt A" M TaPan, U. S. N., re- sckney, and hold him one of mv bet liaLL vcx university., o,uu oU8aaier uenerai Georire b. ",w,U8 out ne is laboring imer la, iass i8 planning to organize juusd dUvocaie general, U. S. A. l a state most positively that d. moot court next .week. The class is uomg nne work and this is expected to add much to the interest. The first issue of the Archive for th year will appear about October 1. Got Off Cheap He may well think, he has got o roH T;h' after havin contracted constipation or indigestion, is still able to perfectly restore his. health. -Noth- Sfe ms"013, lUt Dr' Ki ew Life Pills. A quick, pleasant and cer- l?cn 2C5Ucreatf, adach cnstlPatIon, etc. 25c at ail duggists; guaran1;eed. Tree Fell on Him Statesvilles N. C. Sept. 29. Shahm Mr. Slgmund Gabriel of Sherrill's Ford' Catawba county, was the victim of a laiung tree Monday, and as a result he is suffering from a broken arm a broken leg and a dislocated shoulder Mr. Gabriel digged about a tree tha stood in an open field and saw. that the tree would fall on a pile of hay ,and while he was moving the hay a gust of wind uprooted the tree and it fell on him. He lay in the field in his broken condition for three hours before auyuuetame io nis relief, it was thought that Mr. Gabriel w along very well until WedneSiv about 9 o'clock, when there was a sud den change for the worse in hJ tion. Fire in Statesville J Statesvillp ivj" n ' ' a4- mt, ,a. t".. special. The kitchen of the St. Charles Hotel on Center street wasi partially destroyed by fire last night between 11 and 1' o clock, and a considerable fight was necessary to save the main building the sides and roof of which were charred In some places. It is difficult to approximate the loss. There was no insurance. As the building is a wooden structure and within the fire limits 'it cannot b repaired. San Taf t Leaves Frisco o complaint has rearhfl tha state commerce commission of the pay-' ment of a rebate on the rt railroad . that ?haV. not ' immediately M- avuwefl-uii with a view of ob taining sufficient:eyldence to warrant either a ; criminal prosecution or suit fod- Injunction. Mr. , Stickney, if cor rectly quoted. ;states that these roads still continue to give rebates just as they have been doing in the past. He knoWS his duty as, a citizen, and after thls statement does he-want to stand as being a party to violations of the law? Besides this he should recall his voluntary promise to the commission that any violation bf law coming in Francisco, Sept. : 29.srif,. knowledge wouldbe reported. The nA- mhv i. ' . . . ? " J raaroaas were so amrionc - ivy ccc iiiitl Taft and party left last .night by ?lV:a,-hat lne4 a ear ion,f be enforced, thaf ..aiiiiiig tropnies in the way "of "crioi ' "r e man was- appointed collected bv th curios by them to-make ronnrt nf rrr time ago a man was, appointed couectea by the party in th ' Z lu"maKe report of violations. countries they visited and the gifts nre- h."" ,T.lUbmit" his first report semen rr ha - - t-- sented to tha oa. : ' cv-iciary or war Tha was aiscnareed. I desire to say that the commission Invites the receipt cf .uuLiiauon which would lead thejn to see that every . person get. a square deal.' " -

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