THE MORNING POST. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER, o , TtftXS 1 - . - - A DESTRUCTIVE HRE;i City Lost Barns, Vehicles, Feed and a Horse a jiv , ... . to i- great, normal col lege at Nashville, Tenn., and It is not yet settled "what disposition will be made of the remaining $1,000,000. It is well to state also that about all the Peabody fund now in the hands of State Superintendent Joyner, as shown in the statement aboye, is already, ap portioned to various districts, etc.5 . Swift Conflagration on the Munici pal Farm Destroys Property Worth $5,000 All Coverc J by Insurance A sudden, and disastrous fire occurred esterday afternoon shortly after two o'clock at the city's farm, just south of Raleigh, and the large bam and stables, the crib, a quantity of feed, numerous vehicles and: one horse were consumed by the flames. fThe loss is roughly estimated at $5.00). All the property was fully. Insured. The flames were discovered shortly liter the dinner hour. The -street cleaning force had fed the horses, hitcher wagons and returned to the city. Health Officer T. P. Sale, as usual, was at the farm when . the teams came in at noon and gave his Drders for the afternoon work. He eft about 1:30 and had hardly reach ed his home on Saunders street before a 'phone message announced that the building were afire. r Mr. R. B. Bunn lives in the' cottage on the farm and; looks after the place. He was at work a short distance from the house' when a laborer with him saw smoke rising in-great volume from the large building, a combination stable and barn with sheds on either side for vehicles. He rushed to the ipot and brought out two of the three lorses left there as quickly ; as he could. He went in for the third horse but before he could get out a whirl wind of smoke .engulfed them, the mimal was swept off his feef and'Mr. 3unn had to escape for his life. The vrse was burned to death. This building was 34x100 feet with 16 Joot sheds on the two sides., It con tained about 40 tons of stover and oats iu the loft. The vehicles destroyed ircliuled the new street sweeper, a . shreader, a corn harvester, a hay press, a mower, a one-horse wagon, a two-horse wagon, a buggy, a buck board and farm machinery and tools. The fire leaped to the crib, 18x40 feet, which contained between 75 and 100 barrels of corn, and it was burn- ?d Fortunately much of the crop on the farm has not been gathered, so the year's work was not swept away hi the devastation. The wind was not from the west and this saved the cot tage from sharing the same fate as the barn. How the fire originated is not known. There are two theories: one that 'it :,as due to spontaneous combustion Kince some pea vines had. just been placed in the loft, and the other theory is that some ,of the hands droppeda match or fire from a pipe or cigar ? hilo there at noon. The flames seem ftl to come first fr'Om the feed room 'at the southeast corner of the barn. The fire made a-1 great sraokje and many persons down town supposed that the Mills' factory was burning. Some ope turned in an alarm and the companies responded, but the farm is, beyond the corporate limits and they could do no good. The Rescue wagon ivent to the place, but, the men could nly watch the flames complete then Instructive work. In a small building near the farm a, quantity of powder and dynamite for the use of the Raleigh and Pamlico Sound Railroad is stored and it was feared at one time that this would ignite and a terrific explosion would follow. The building, however, esV ciiped. The city's loss is fully covered by insurance. This insurance was dis tributed as follows: Virginia Fire and Marine, --$3,000 on buildings and live stock (including in this is the building which was not burned); North Caro . line Home, $2,000, distributed as above. Besides thi3 Insurance there was $1.C00 on the corn crib with the Sun Insur ance Company of London, and $1,000 - ort the live stock with the North CaroT lina Home..- The total insurance is $7,000. ' High Point Notes High Point, N. C, Sept. 29. Special. The Ring Drug Company of this place will open a second store m the store room on South Main street va cated by the Cannon & Fetzer Com pany. The fixtures will be modern in all details and a complete stock of drugs and sundries will be carried. The best news to the people of High Point at present is to the effect that this city will most probably commence next week to have an all-night system of electric lights. Mr. H. Harris has contracted for a modern dwelling on North Main street. The house now on the lot will be moved to another lot of Mr. Harris' on East Washington street. Already the citizens are making ar rangements to entertain the president on his short stop here. Thousands of people will line the rairoads to get a glimpse of Teddy. It is expected that he will arrive here a few minutes be fore five in the afternoon the same day he is in Raleigh. JUDGE PURNELL'S RULE Holds Bankrupt Cannot Have Homestead in Another State . , . , , . Opinion in Case of D. A. Owens of New Bern North Carolina Bank rupt Wanted to Set Aside Home stead in Maryland Lands m ' ' -. --. o , . - w Vzo Pac k's Blscd. m siii i mm ma.- m wmw m mm m -us w4 lift m i? or rem ' 1 ""-M " ' " ; I'm i i w--' Why are you so -pale?-. H sis M H . IU . Wfl M Bi::R4o ' Because you , It's an endless chain,. that's likely Xo break some 4 nd art)P y k., A,n(i,f n rir,n't pnrirh vhiir i Door blood, with woman s specific tonic, Wine ot Cardui.. , . ? ; Some of your symptonis are chronic dis charge, backache, dragging down pains, etc. Take Cardui and you will soon be well. Your sfrencnh will return. Your neres will -recover their strength. Your , blood will tinge - your cheeks -with the rosy bloom of health. kitjM im llsS S H II m m m m . m m W& JkTiS Evi SeXA Sold h7 Every in $1. Bottles. Rich Red BWod. lee! Bleed. ale weakness. . it iiaiies H Don't Hesitate, Argae, Heckon or Guess. Begin Using Cardui Today. We emolor a Btaff of ppc:alists in female tfisortfers, who will carefully consider. yor se Mi jire ya frcedvicc. uo not WRITE US FREELY: hesitate, but write us todav, giving a complete hUtbry of voiir troubles, anil we will end you plain instructions wbnt to tfe Ju jet well. All correspondince Vept perfot!v secret, sad reply scntyoa in flaln, sealed envelope. Address Ladies' Advisory Dept., THE CHATTAN&OOA MEDICINE CO., Chattenoofia, lean. GAINED 31 POUNDS. When 1 commenced using Wine of Cardui 1 was all run down, and weighed only QS pounds. I have been using it about six months and now am perfectly well and weigh 129 pounds." MRS. ELIZABETH MEDLiN, Marshville, N. C amount, the case will then go up on appeal by the defendant company. If the amount named by Judge Pritch ard should not be acceptable to the plaintiff, and attorneys except, then the order of the court setting aside the verdict will remain and the plain tiff will appeal to the higher courts. United States circuit court adjoarned this afternoon out of respect to the memory of the late Capt. Chas. Price. The western North Carolina Appla Fair closed this afternoon. The win ners of prizes will be announced later. The fair has been successful and the showing of fruit excellent. REPORT OF PEABODY FUND State Supt. Joyner Statement as to North Carolina Share The report of Hon. J. T. Joyner. state superintendent of public instruction, as to the Peabody fund coming into his . hands from October 1, 1904, to Septem ber 30, 1903, was sent to Dr. Samuel A. i Green, agent of the Peabody fund, Boston, Mass., yesterday. It shows tiiat there was on hand for pi'blic schools on October 1, $450 and checks for the following - purposes were re ceived during the year: For public schools ... .....$2,000.00 For colored normal schools.... 1,600,00 For Greensboro Normal and - Industrial College ..... . . . . . l.Woo For summer" training schools.. 2;000.00 Judge Thomas R. Purnell of the United States court, in an opinion de livered yesterday, made a ruling that a bankrupt is not entitled to a home stead in lands lying outside of .the state. The ruling is in the case of D. A. Owens, bankrupt, argued before the judge some' time ago by R. A. Nunn for the creditors and Ernest M Green for the bankrupt. - Owens became a bankrupt in New Bern and in the schedule of assets was a tract of land in Maryland and in this the bankrupt asked that he have . a homestead allotted. This the trustee in bankruptcy refused to do, and the counsel for the bankrupt appealed to the referee, who allowed the allot ment. It is this appeal that Judge Purnell passed on, deciding that there can be no homestead allotted in an other state, thereby sustaining the de cision of the trustee as against that of the referee. The following is a sig nificant concluding paragraph of the lengthy and able opinion of Judge. Pur nell: "The case at bar concerns real-estate lying within another jurisdiction, and while all of the property of the bank rupt is vested in the trustee (section 70, In re Engle, 105 F. R., S93), under the act of congress, to take charge of it or subject it to sale, 'reduce to money the property of the estate,' as required by section 47, sub-section 2, act of 1898,' it would be necessary for the trustees to commence ancillary proceedings in the jurisdiction where the property lies. As intimated, there is great doubt whether the bankrupt would be entitled to a homestead ex emption to property Vyin beyond the state without occupancy and having his domicile J n North Carolina under the bankrupt, not and his rasidence in North CaroHna vnd?r th? stote consti tution, it is dinicult to see how he can occupy this land in the state of Mary land, though it may be so. If the bankrupt hs the mind to return to Maryland, does-not combine with resi dence in this district, the intention of removing he has no domicile in this district or state and could not claim a North Carolina, homestead under the section of the 1 inkruptcy act invoked, the law of the domicile. If he does in tend tc remain he cannot 'occupy' the land In Maryland, and one of the es sential? under the law of his domicile is lacking. The land is not exempt under the constitution ,of North Caro lina. In the opinion of the court for the reasons stated this court has no jurisdiction to allot a' homestead ex emption in lands lying in Maryland, and under the laws of .North Carolina, eve nif the court had jurisdiction, the bankrupt is hot entitled to such ex emption. . "It is therefore considered and de creed that the referee be reversed and his order to the trustee overruled. The trustee in this case Was correct in his construction of, and the referee was mistaken as to the law." Total ..$7,050.00 This fund was disbursed as follovvs: For public, local tax schools.. $2,100. 00 Por colored n'ormal schools... 750.00 For summer schools .V. 1,167,19 Total dispursed....'.. $5,017.19 This leaves now on hand or public schools .. 350.00 Which is already promised to dis tricts that have lately voted a local Beerine at High Point High Point, N. C, Sept. 29. Special. Parties were up before the mayor yes terday for selling intoxicating drinks. The point was raised whether or not beerine is intoxicating. Young men testified that it was intoxicating, that they had drank a few bottles and felt the effects of the fluid, and they hoped it would be run out of the community. To "offset" their testimony other wit nesses were introduced for the defend ants who testified that they could drink a tiozen bottles at one sitting and not feel its effects to amount to any thing. The majority of these Xvere old rats at the drinking business, and their testimony was taker with a few grains of allowance. However, "the parties concerned were bound over to court. Special Rates to Richmond Horsa Shew, Oc tober 1 0 -1 4lh The Seaboard will sell tickets from Raleigh, Durham and intermediate points "to Richmond and return for one iirst class fare, plus 50 cents, including one admission to the Horse Show. Tick ets . will ,be sold October 9th to 14th in clusive, with final limit October 36th. ; For further information address, . C. II. GATTIS, Traveling Pass.enger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. XI. .A. MORSON. C. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. United States District Court Eastern District of North Carolina. In the matter of R.. F. Smith, Bank rupt. In Bankruptcy No. 165. NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS. To the creditors of 11. F. Smith of Benson, in the county of Johnson and district aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice is hereby give.n that on the 23rd day of September, A. D. 1905, he said R. F. Smith was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the fifirst meeting of his creditors will be held at my office in Smithfield, N. C, on the 9th day of October, A. D. 1S05, at 11 o'clock a. m., at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, ap point a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business- as may properly come before said meet ing. V. II. BOYDEN, Referee in Bankruptcy. Raleigh, N. C, Sept. 28, 1905. Are You Engaged? Engaged people should remember, that, after marriage, many quarrels can be avoided, by keeping their di gestions in good condition with Elec tric Bitters. S. A. Brown of Bennetts ville, S. C, says: "For years, my wife suffered intensely from dyspepsia, com plicated with a torpid liver, until sh lost her strength and vigor; and be came a mere wreck of her former self. Then she tried Electric Bitters, which helped her at once, and finally made her entirely well. She is now strong and healthy." All druggists sells and guarantees them at 50c a bottle. 1850 OXFORD SEMINARY, 1895 . .A OXFORD, N, C. Model Buildings With New Equipment Board, heat, lights, baths, with full Literary Tuition for school year, $147.50. Apply for handsomely, Illustrated Catalogue. s ' t ' ' F. P. HOBGOOD. President Cart la nd 9 M DRAUGHON'iS PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Raleigh, Knoxville, Columbia, Atlana. One of nature's remedies; cannot harm the weakest constitution never fails to cure summer complaints of young or old. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. VERDICT SET . ASIDE Judge Pritchard Regarded Damages Excessive in Thomson y. So. Ry Asheville, N. Cv Sept, 29. Special. At the conclusion of argument Ify coun tax ot oTema tV 1 . trf-iiiiiiii 1 i w 1 1 1 1 tn r c qt a- 1 n -r sa tne colored normal schools, and $832.81 for summer training schools. Thirty seven local tax schools have been aid ed with amounts ranging from $25.00 to $100.00. Most -of these local tax schools were in the rural districts. It is Of intfroaf 4- x. x. iu uute mai mere is ard on motion to set aside the $27,500 verdict recently rendered in favor of the plaintiff in the suit of Thomson Vs. Southern Railway Company, Judge Pritchard decided that the verdict was excessive and granted the prayer of the defendant company to set it a?ide Judge Pritchard has now under advise- no assurance that anv rw ,. x 1 1 IL XJ"W UIlur aavise- -fund will h o,fan?l Ahe Peab?dy ment the reduction of the amount of as been d,rn.; L" 13 year' aS ' " "amages, and if he should reduce th bCen to dv,to $1,000.0)0 of verdict, and the plaintiff agree tt the In corporated $300,000.00. Established 16 years. Strongly endorsed by busi ness men. No vacatiori. Enter any time. We also teach BY MAIL. Call or send for Catalogue. POSITION. May deposit money for tuition in bank until course - is com pleted and position is secured, or give notes and pay out of salary. In thor ougnness and reputation D. P. B. C. is to other business colleges what Har vard and Yale are to academies. SCHOLARSHIP FREE. To those who take Bookkeeifhg or Shorthand, we will give scholarship free4 in Pen manship, athematics. Business Spell ing, Business Letter WTriting, Punc tuation, etc., the literary branches that will earn for you BREAD AND BUTTER. Notice Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the stockholders of the LIl lington Naval Stores Company wHI be held in the office of the secretary of the company, Raleigh, North Carolina, on Saturday, September 23d, at 12 o'clockf noon, for the purpose of con sidering the question of increasing the capital stock and for the transaction of any other business necessary or de sirable. ; H. W. MILLER, - Secretary. September 13, 1905. eirchaet Tailor, Greensboro. N. C. lead the Sata ia Stis, Rit, Quality and Price. r As Good as the Best Terms Moderate Music, Art. College, Elocution Business. 11 ST. lARY'S SCHOOL, RALEIGH, If, C. The Episcopal School (for girls) of the Carolinas. ADVENT TERM OPENS SEPTEM- I For catalogue and other informa tion address, REV. M'NEELY DuBOSE, - B. S.. B. D., Rector. CAPITAL $100,000.00 SURPLUS and PROFITS i $80,000.00 DEPOSITS OVER ONE HALF MILLION DOLLARS GOEVSSVIERCIAL AND FARMERS BANK OF RALEIGH, N. C. Established 1892 Designated Depository of State and County funds. Accounts of Merchants, Corporations, Banks and Individuals solicited. The most liberal treatment consists ent with conservative banking " is offered to industrial and manufacturing enterprises. J. J. THOMAS. President A. A. THOMPSON, Vice President B. S. JERMAN, Cashier H. W. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier SAFE DEPOSITE BOXES FOR RENT AGENTS- WANTED Institute for Young Women Conserva tory of Music. THe Best. Place for Your Daughter KALKIGH B V N. C. College Courses High Standard Catalogue FREE Address. Jas.Dinwiddia President Institute for oimg . Vomen (Sir Conserva tory of Music. The Best, Place for Your Daughter WTVTS k fT& 1 RALEIGH J N.C. College Courses High Standard Catalogue FREE Address. Jas. Dinwiddle President institute for Younsr Cy Women Conserva tory of Music. Ihe Best Place for Your Daughter a T3 A T VTrrur C N.C. College Courses High Slaadarl Catalogue FREE Address. Jas Dinwiddia Presided PENN MAI WE j ..- .r f,t. nr'-'S "i'""!!P- ." IHLILMIU, lllIHI Insurance Compjany, c Philadelphia. AM OST POPULAR AND CONSERVATIVE, COMPANY m-Now in its fifty-eighth year of uniformly successful business. ViOST LIBERAL ANNUAL DIVIDENDS Most Approved Forms of Policies. Exceedingly Liberal Agents' Contracts rm,- ua -r x with f ull control of all well canvassed territory . The ab6ve facts, together with the influence of 5,000, or more, prominent NorS Carolina policy-hold in, cause Agents to find it unusually . ' , ,- EASY AND PRQFITAri f - : -E w . to write insurance for the PENN MUTUAL Experience is of advantage, but it is not absolutely r,..' Address promptly, R. B. R ANYaleiah ... 1 ... t. N.. C GENERA L AGENT FOR NORTH CAROLINA. "I ! i r.

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