POST. TUESDAY, OCTOBER, 3i 195 8 THE MORNIS v.- V le k t( ;c' ti o: b t5 i t ' t: Weather Conditions r Anarea of high pressure dominates the greater portion of the country, with its center over Kansas and Mis souri. An area of depression is comb ing in at the Canadian boundary o Montana, and it is also low off th Gulf coast and In the extreme south,- j west. In general clear and cool weath- J er prevails In the area of high- pres- . cure, except in the east and south where it is cloudy. The highest maxi ma were: 90 degrees at Phoenix; 92 degrees at Palestine, Taylor- and Los Angeles; and 94 degrees at San An tonio. Frost was reported a Huron. The following heavy precipitation has been reported during the past 24 hours: j 1.12 Inches at El Paso, 1.34 at Key "West, and 1.76 at Abilene. A thun derstorm occurred at Abilene. A. H. THIESSEN, Section Director. Raleigh, N. C, October 2. POSTSCRIPTS A dozen ' convicts were sent from the penitentiary to the state farm yester day. - Marriage license was issued yester day to Jos. II. Cooper arid Miss Sarah fWatkins, both ' of Raleigh. -J- Doctors John Mc"Keo, Eugene) Howell, Thomas Taylor and . Ernest Douglass left for Baltimore to complete their study of medicine. Mr. F. J. Haywood, Jr., of Char lotte, the newly appointed state bank examiner, was here yesterday and en tered upon the duties of his office. The funeral of Lillian ; Daisy, the little daughter of Roger Bt McCauley, a well known colored citizen, will -be held this afternoon at one o'clock from the residence, 1010 New Bern avenue. Yesterday Justice of the Peace R. G. Reid performed the marriage ceremony for Mr. J. H. Cooper and Miss. Sarah Watkins, both of this city.. The cere mony was at the home of the bride on South Fayetteville street.. The Good Samaritans and the Daughters of Samaria about thirty strong, left here yesterday over the S. A. L. in a special car for Charlotte to attend the state convention which will be in session there three days. About 300 are expected. James Davis and Frank Holmes, both colored, began playing near John ston street yesterday and wound up with a fight in which Holmes gave Davis a slight gash across the head . with a razor. The case will come u-p before Judge Badger today. , The auction sale of the goods in Madame Feezer's j military store, over the Mechanics Dime Savings Bank, drew a crowd of ladies yesterday. The goods sold very cheap. The sale will be continued this morriing, beginning at 10 o'clock. . Some of the most etioice articles remain to be sold. The visit of President Roosevelt here October 19th Is already having its effect upon Raleigh. Not only is much painting and house .cleaning In prog ress but a handsome magnolia tree in the grounds at the governor's mansion jwiil soon be in full bloom. Few people can recall a magnolia blooming in the fall, but this tree is now loaded with buds -and will be a pretty sight when the president comes. PERSONALS - Mr. William Crow returned to Dur ham. Mr. C. D. Loane of Plymouth is In the city. Mr. W. B. Pratt of Charlotte spent the day here. Mr. W. H. Michael of Greensboro was here yesterday. Mr. A. H. McLeod of Lumbertori was here yesterday. Judge R. B. Peebles was in the city passing through. . Mr. J. M. Adams returned to Wake Forest yesterday.' . Mr. Robert Lasslter of Henderson was in the city yesterday: Col. P. M. Pearsall of New Bern is In the city on legal business. ' Prof. Collier Cobb was here return ing to Chapel llill from- Lilesvllle. Messrs. W. W. Robards and Graham H.'-Andrews spent Sunday in Hender son. Mr. H. W. Davie of Goldsboro, as sistant auditor of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad, spent the day here. Mr. D. W. Goodwin of Merry Oaks left yesterday for California for his -health. Mr. G. V. Peyton of Greensboro, as Bistant superintendent of the Southern Railway, is in Raleigh. Cosmopolitan Concert Company The first attraction of the Star course rill be given this evening In library ball by the Cosmopolitan Concert Com any. This company Is composed of jliss Dorothea Rether, impersonator, Soloist and pianist, and the Misses Jtowena and Edythe Tyler, violinists. Miss Rether catches the audience at )nce and holds itr throughout by her harming personality, richness of voice )nd expression. She. has worthily , won (he - highest esteem in which . she is ield as a platform entertainer, show ing marvelous concentration of thought, culture and preparation for iier work. The Misses Tyler have made ft special study of violin since the age f eight years. Their interesting work In the performance of violin duets has not been surpassed. This is an-oppor- SKILL IN PRESCRIPTIONS The accurate filling of prescriptions Requires trained mind, hand and body. We constantly improve our mind by study. Our hands are adept from long experience. Our bodies are healthy thrpugh right living. You can bring your prescription to us knowing that It will be the bands of a man with a clear mind' and a healthy body.. Then, too it does not cost any more. .120 FAYETTEVILLE STREET. tunity for the people of city which they will appreciate. Course and single tickets on sale at W. II. King's drug store. Seats may be reserved today. Single tickets 50 cents, reserved seats 25 cents extra. A booti to travelers. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Cures dysentery, diarrhoea, seasickness, nau sea. Pleasant to take. Acts promptly. : E USINESS ITEMS RELIABLE MEN everywhere to dis tribute circulars, samples and advertis ing matter. Good pay. No canvass-1 ing. , Co-operative Advertising Co., 40 W. 2Sth St.; New York. FOR SALE Lake Lucerne and Grist Mill, better knoWn as Richardson's pond. Best mill-rocks in the state. A mile from the Raleigh and Pamlico Railroad. Apply to A. Dughi. WANTED a good woman who can and is willing to teach a school In mill settlement. Good salary. Apply at once, John A. Noell, Secretary. "WANTED Ten shares Auditorium stock. I want ten shares Auditorium stock. Will 'accept the lowest offer made by October 4th. Address Audi torium Stock, Box 532, Raleigh, N. C. ' LEARN TELEGRAPHY and rail road accounting. $50 to $100 a month salary assured our graduates under bond. Our six schools the largest in Americfo and endorsed by all railroads. Write for catalogue. Morse School of Telegraphy, Cincinnati, O., Buffalo, N. Y., Atlanta, Ga., La, Wiss., Tex arkana, Tex., San Francisco, Cal. WANTED A YOUNG MAN WHO has had some experience In the printing business and who wants an education to;: assist in the Oak' Ridge Printing-Co.'s office, and also go to school. Ample time will be given for recitations. Board and tuition will be given as consideration for work done. Address J. A. & M.' H. HOLT. WANTED A furnished room with bath, convenient to government build ing on Fayetteville street. Address G, care Morning Post. Reduced Rates via Seaboad Accorunt Norfolk V Horse Show The Seaboard announces account of the Norfolk Horse Show, October 17th 21st, they will sell round trip tickets from Raleigh and intermediate points, to Norfolk and return, including ad .mission to the Horse Show, for- one fare, .plus 50 cents (minimum rate in cluding admission fee $1.00). Tickets will be on sale October 16th to 21st, inclusive, . and bear final return limit of October 23rd. For furthejr information, address , C. H. GATTIS. T. P. A., H. A. MORSON, C. P. A., 1 Raleigh, N. C. IR Pure Corn Whiskey $2.00 per gallon, delivered anywhere In North Carolina. Eight-year-old Rye $3.00 per gallon, delivered. Send P. Q. or Express order. j HAPPY PATTY. South Boston, Ta. TUESDAY, OCT. 3, BROADHURST & CURRIE WILL PRESENT MASON AND MASON SUPPORTED BY A COMPANY OF sixty people: IN THE MUSICAL, COMEDY FRITZ and SNITZ Beautiful Costumes, Pretty Girls, - Catchy Music. Ill 11 We Are AniTfim lave Yob that we are oe awe to help you with know VOU Hfifsnnn 1 1 Tr we can find and we can Come . ---,: --.,.( . -..-yai t r..i.iV I "r' mm Wk. . u Automatic Paper Release, Paper Feeding Guides Bi-Color Writing and every other convenience not found in other makes. ; Can furnish all other makes of Typewriters, slightly used many as good as new, at very GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. We RENT all makes at from $2to $4 per month. Shop thoroughly equipped for Repairing and Rebuilding.- Parts for all Machines. "SUCCESS" Typewriter Supplies. Ev erything for the OFFICE. . Good contract to agents In all unoccupied territor. THE CAPITAL TYPEWRITER CO., r- 103 West Martin Street, Raleigh, N. C. -' 1 r OAK . JHDGE Colloid Preparc(3ry, law, BookLepln. Shorthand. SI93.0O pcya for everything for one year. llOth sessloa opens September 4th. Th!rfy-ona years nztder present principals. The largest and beit eccipped fitting school for boys tn the Sonth. Situated ovc: 1COO feet above the. mea level, tn view of the mountains. Excels in athletics. For beantif al cateloiae, address 1 J. A. a M. H. HOLT, Principals (Near Greensboro) Office and Yards Foot of Jenkins St. All Phones 434 CAPITAL C I T Y F U E L CO M PAN Y WllOLASALE AND COAL and RALEIGH, N. C. Correspondence Solicited Steam Contracts Furnished from Yards or Mines T, J. BURKE, Manager The Marlin BreechboltS Tl'SS . makes a great wet-weather gun. It has Marlin accuracy, Soyyd SSbihry! Everything in Gun Ammunition U. M. C. Peters-WincHester Shells Stendard goods always give satl9 faction. To insure satisfaction always ask for the best Cartridges and Loaded Shells, ITHACA-REMINGt6n-P R KER SHORT GUNS. Your for sport. - Hart-Ward Hardware Co., RALEIGH, N. C. Send for Catalogues Lowest prices SPECIAL Ithaca Fiolfl p.nn n. v--.., Guaranteed, $18.00 1021,an(?(,(,(,(,aqGuaranteed. $18.00. 10. 12 and ifi any weight, legnth-or choke. I850 OXFORD OXFORD. N. C. Model Btxildl, WitH New Equipment Board, heat, lights, baths, with full Llterarv T,,tu r.50. ai-o. ... "rary Tuition for aohnrt $147.50. UBderstaiidl interested in jour clothes wants. j J t.a.jf , Our smart clothes and furnishi in America. We are "Deliv iKA r in. You neei TT etteville Street, r THE DENSMORE was the official TYPEWRITER of the WORLD'S FAIR at St. Louis. The DENSMORE has more actual conveniences than any Tvpewriter on the market. The BALL. BEARINGS at every point where there "is a bearing, insures to the operator a rnar velously light action. . Some of the time-saving . features are: Back Spacer Key. Two Shift Keys, Automatic Ribbon Reverse, Wheel Escapement giving both nrHinnrv and sneed action. Point ers most convenient, unique Paper regulator, Justifier for expand- j -n-nr-A nr UnP. INSTITUTE OAK RIDGE, N. C. RETAIL DEALERS IN v When They. Fly Fast . . B 1 WOOD TKe Marlin 12 Gauge ITS0 js the all-around favorite. It is made for both black and smoke a 11. .eavy one-thir8? uwness iOUDie-T?ai-T rxtu n a. . r " O'Vl SEMINARY, i8o5 x , nauusomeiy illustrated Catalogue. jrow, We mav Suggestions. We want to mgs are the best on record for that 99 .1 I . "u" gel acquainted n n TOM LIQUORS I am now located ax , - street, Richmond, va.. for to furnish Liquors of medicinal as well as social Prposes Mail orders solicited. Write for prices and particulars. gi t. SMITH. Summer Colds and Headaches Cured quickly by HICKS' CAPUDINE. - Buy abottle now. At all drug stores. NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS Offers practical industrial edu cation in Agriculture, Engineer ing, Industrial Chemistry, and tho Textile Art. Tuition $3 a year. Board $8 a month. 120 Scholar ships. Address 1 PRESIDENT WINSTON, West Raleish, MB ' turn FOR THE Pinesf Flour, Virginia and North Carolina MJEATS And an Up-to-date, Complete stock of Heavy and Fancy l&s J.R. Ferrall & Co AN OUNCE Of Satisfaction is Worth a) Pound of Talk therefore it Is unnecessary to en-i large upon the merits of our fine1 line of men's furnishings. There Is satisfaction wrapped In every stylish negligee shirt, fall tie! pique or colored vest, light weight underwear or shoes. The latest xfcvelties in fall ties and cravats is wVt you will find in our up-to-date selections. fliles Sea Trip The Most Attractive Route TO NEW YORK and Northsrn and Eastern Summer Resorts IS VIA THE ominion Line ' And Rail Connections Express, steamships leav ' Ja. daily, except nS at ? T' m., for New Tork direct affn, P' portunity for thrown 's P" the South. Sni,-..Lipass.eners from visit Richmond. Old Point West " to Virginia Bpsph aJ.0mt Comfort and tll route H. B. WALKER. T P a J. J. BROWN. O. P. a.. liew Xork. jar. t . , Vim Grocer Old D 1 pur out-of'Town Patrons, Write 'for Samples and Prices. are The New Silk ' Silk Taffeta Sprge, Black, .:j ,.,;fi, flo Tm'nprinl Twil : W1V1C VViUl IIUV . . ; finished and. exesedingly popular. r.. j Rflofr if ta Extra i36.inch, the new flexible Taffett a, Black 36-inch, high lustre, penecc $I.OO. ' 1 1 wide, day - and evening shades. 75c, quality as a leader lisoc. 2 6-incies changeable Taffetta, day colorings, $1.00, quality, as a ieaaer ?oz. ,30 the new color combinations 90c. Plaid Siltls for Waists A range of bautif ui plaid $1.00 and $1.25. New Dress Goods Our celebrated 'ACC Ladies Broadcloths, green, egg plant, navy; royal, red, grey, brown, tan, mode, pur 56-in. all wrool, rain proof suitings, new day shades $1.50 U it' t .T flfUr. 'it it . (t 5 Kf ,jt ctiiciiiia AivJiiio, 50 " " " Momie Cloths, 50 " " l Scotch mixtures, 45 " " " Fine Imperial Serge 42 " " " French Chiviots. Plaid Wool and 36-inches wool for waist, $1. 00. ' j 36-inches Mohair for waist and Misses suits, 50c. ! Full Lines of Black Bress Goods 36 to 50 inches wide, 50c to $2.50 yari.l r 1 - Newest Ideas in Dress Trim mi ng Persian bands and edges, trimming velvets, buttons, dress ornaments, etc. " Ready this week to show Ladies Suits, Separate Skirts. Coats, Ulsters and 1 Waists. See what we offer. Perfect fit .with, every sale Plumbing, Hot Water Heatyig,' Steam Fitting. W. A. Stoafeel No. 13 West Harnett Street, RaleigH, N. C. Phones . - Personal Interstate 576, Bell 1502 Attention Given to AH Work ; .Electric -WHM We do. all kinds and carry all kinds of a1 at prices that bsat them all on same class of worn ana ALE All Phones THE "NTOPTTT J tffiWtft - r : . 1, WHISKSYI.' ? . - VidWir:.y.ii -in mum in uiitJUj STATE PpL ; Al INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE Library. Commercial. Cla W ' "V! Th ' ' ?&.?V ' nCSc Manual Three Courses leadin t "V ' cal uslc. ; . i v TrtexTV acUlty nus M SreBoariI'eqUlPPea; Trairfin School non SLMb0fk'tc-; 0 aear r "dlaUndry- tuIUo an5 fees for ber oien? 0 free-tumon students, $12?. ! ine lma(ie bre July is he"nriItarles- all free. tuition applica-.ic'' f?"?et invited from' those ----won. aaaresa. Co Business V only Si-so yard. Onoyar5 . Wears well, beautifnlin DiacK anu JOi 05 ancl 1. - j .. . .'.'..! - 110 uiau6cawlc j-ctiieta, Idias, 20 to 22 inches wide, iioo it (t tt 1 1 it it ' tt ' it it it t 75 So Mohair Sanitary Plumbing A Specialty material. r : t i 4 West Harnett Street I Save f : Wrappers On OL .: HENRY A - Rooney'a Malt TurKoy Gin Valuable and useful rres ents to be given for t.ur.t during December next, j STRAUS, GUNST &CO., Richmond, Va. nn !iT Jfor catalogue and oth A-MARL.ES I. M'TVPP tM.Mf nt. t e a a t B B a IT E( t w H 'ai Si ur an pi; ca tir tn Greensboro, 7

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