i i 8 THE MOBNINQ POS1. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEE, 4 t J- v . . ; . ; I i i.; : ' &.- ' in Sin: i r. f i r ;. ! " 3 ' i ii t -ii . ! I 1 ' i. ' 1 I ii , n A Weather Conditions This morning's map presents very nearly the same . conditions as existed yesterday morning, with the exception, ofa low central over upper- Michigan causing a rise in temperature ,in that ; . region. The pressure over the Atlantic coast and over the south has diminish-' yed and slightly higher temperatures!; , nans uocu dici icuucu ill liiusw iegiuns. j xne area- ot nign pressure over - ine t ffintrs.1 "nortlon !-nf th rramtrr iiftr i . Vompanled by generally cool and clear I weather. Cloudy and rainy conditions; - . m - :' 1 . t i . m prevail in xne east ana somn. unun- j derstorms' occurred ' at Pittsburg andj Philadelphia. Rain has fallen In most ' of the eastern and southern states, also In Oregon and "Washington. A. H. THIESSEN, Section Director. Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 3. r . - 1 : - . . . n7nffiKrirpv7 f " '; S l I it I I II i l vi i . Zfv r - i E 41 II II II I ' I E 1 4 I 1 b W I I II ' I I II I 1 tt Ml w ) I II 11 I i - . i POSTSCRIPTS City Tax Collector John S. .Jones new has the books in his hands an 1 is ready to receive the 1905 taxes. The meeting of the Industrial Club has been postponed from tonight until : tomorrow, Thursday, night, at 8 o'clock. . Mr. T. J. Jeffreys left yesterday for Winston-Salem where he will judge p-u'try at 'the fair. After the fair there he will judge at the Greensboro, . Raleigh and Columbia, S. C. fairs. Mr. T. B. Kldridge, formerly news editor of The Morning Post, went to Greensboro yesterday to enter on his duties as news editor of The Indus trial, News. Mr. W. P. Batchelqr, manager of tha Raleigh dispensary, left yesterday for Greensboro where he will be a witness in the trial of the revenue officers in the trlalof the revenue officers. Judge M. H. Justice left yesterday for his home in Rutherfordtoni He will hold the term of court at Hills boro next week for Judge "Ward and the civil term here two weeks hence. , Rev. Dr. M. M. Marshall returned . yesterday from Pittsboro, where he attended the funeral . of his mother, Mrs. Delaney Brewer, who passed . away at the extreme age of 84 years. Advices received in the city are to the effect that Hon. J. Y. Joyner, state superintendent of education, will sail from his European trip about October 20th. This Intimation means that that officer will arrive In the city on or about November 1st. . The county school board was in ses sion again yesterday and the treas urer's books were examined and ap proved. The board meets again Octo ber 13th to pass upon- the - petition from "White Oak, No. 2 district, for a special tax election. The Raleigh Investment Company is being organized by some of the young men here. It will be Incorporated this week and the stockholders will meet next Friday. , , j A very important meetine of the een- i eral committee of the asociated charN i ties will be held in the rear office, of me Carolina Trust building this morn ing, at 11 o'clock.' All members are ear nestly requested to be present prompt ly at the hour named. -The dispensary yesterday contrib uted $16,000 to the city and county as "the net earnings during the third quarter of this year. This is the largest profit of any quarter since the Institution has been in operation. Of' the $16,000 the city gets $6,400, the ' county schol fund $4,800 and the coun-; ty road fund $4,800. A successful meeting "was held by , Christian workers from the Tabernacle gospel wagon last night on East Davie street. Talks were made by Rev. Sylvester Betts and' Rev. J. W, Ham. Mr. Betts preached an able sermon ' from the text, ?'Be not deceived, God Is not mock." 1 The 200 persons pres ent paid the closest attention and be-, tween 30 and 50 held up their hands for prayer. .Witt' CURE, any case of KIDNEY . . PERSONALS Mr. J. H. West of 'Greensboro is in Raleigh. ;Mr.,R. S. McCall of Asheville is in the city. ; ; v Mr. J. C. Clifford of Dunn spent the flay here. Mr. P. H. Norcoss of Burlington is in the city. Mr. Robert Pipper went to Durham yesterday. - " " Mr. A. "W. HaywoodW Haw River is in the city. : Mr. H. C. Cooper of Roanoke Rapids Is in the city. v , Mr. John T. Pope of La Grange was here yesterday. Maj. II. A. London of Pittsboro tpent the day here. Mr. J. A. Patterson of New ..Bern .was here yesterday. Ex-Governor C. B. Aycock of Golds- jDoro was here yesterday. Messrs. L. B. Gibson and S. G. Dan Jels of Durham spent the day here. Dr. C. Alphonso Smith and Mr. N. W KValker of Chapel Hill are at the-Yar-borough. BLADDER DISEASE r tKstt is not beyondj the v of medicine No medicine can do jtnore, VAS GIVEH UP TO DIE. w ... B. Spiegel, 1204 N. ' Virginia St.. Evansville, Ind., writes: "For over fivs years I was troubled with kidney and bladder affections which caused me much pain and worrv. I fefot flsh skh rw,OB i run down, and a year ago had U auauuua worK eniireiy. i had three oi tho best physicians who did me no good and I was practically given tip to die. Foley's Kidney Cure was recommended anu me nrsi Dome gave me great relief, and after taking the second bottle I wa entirely cured. TWO SIZES, 50c AND $1.00. THE DENSMORE - was the ofTicial TYPEWRITER ,of the "WORLD'S FAIR at St. Louis. The DENSMORE has more actual conveniences' than - any Typewriter on the ' market. - The BALL BEARINGS at every point where there is a bearing, . insures to: the operator a mar veiously light action. Some of : the time-saving features . are: . Back , Spacer Key, Two Shift Keys, Automatic Ribbon Reverse, "Wheel Escapement giving both - ordinary and speed action. Point . ers most convenient, unique Paper regulator,, Justifler for expand- Automatic Paper Release, Paptfr Feeding. Guides Bi-Color Writing and every vuni tunvcmeuce uoi iouna ,in otner manes. v , Can furnish all other makes of Typewriters, slightly, used many as good as new, at very GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. We RENT all makes at from $2 to $4 perVmonth. Shop thoroughly equipped for Repairing, and Rebuilding. Parts for all Machines. "SUCCESS" Typewriter Supplies. Ev erything for the 'OFFICE.' -Good contract to agents in all unoccupied territor. . f THE CAPITAL TYPEWRITER, CO., ' " 103 West Martin Street, Raleigh, N. C. Tip1 . LIQUORS I am now located at 800 tjjjjjj street, Richmond. Va.. and am prepared furnish. Liquors ot - medicinal. s well as social purp--Mail orders solicited. Write tor ; prices and particulars. e,,,Trr-Ti ! . . SAM T. SMITxi. To our out-6f-Town Patrons, Write for Samples and Prices. 0 OM1IDGE INSTITUTE CcLee Freparatory. Law, BooiLeepJn. Sfcortioa. 5I3S.00 pays fey everjUlai for oe' year. HOtk sessica opeas September 4th. J!r'07l2 Ufer Priaeipals. Tie largest aad best eippad UHiai school for boy, i. the Sooth. Situcted over IOOO feet above the aea .evel. vlo.v of the saountolns. Excels la athletics. Fcr beautiful cataloae, address J. A. & M. H. HOLT, Principals (Near Greensboro) - V OAK RIDGE. N. C rw V i NEW PfPES, FOR SMOKERS- Merschaum, Briar, Composition and Iaiirel. ' Various Prices and Styles " ' ' HICKS' DRUGSTORE are J . . - Tho Npw Silk Silk Taffeta; Serge,1 Bonly $1.50 yard. : One yard .Trrioffnl Twill, v, .Wears-well, bea'm-if,, ; finished and exceedingly popular. 2U6.inch, the new flexible Taffetta, Black, only 1.35. 36-inch; high lustre, pertect mac ana strong, 75, 55 ar New colored Taffetta Silks, for .waists and suits, 19 inches wide, day and evening, shaded 75c, quality as a - leader soc. 26-incies chanereable Taffetta, day colorings, S1.00 quality as a leader 782. 36-inches. changeable Talfeta the new color combinations 90c. Plaid Silk for Waists A range of baiitiful plaid idias, 20 to 22 inches wide. New pss Goods Our celebratecl "ACC; ' Ladies Broadcloths, green, plant, navy, royal, red, grey, brown, tan, mode, pur! 56-in. all wool, rain proof suitings, new day shades Si.; 56 " Panama Cloths, " " " Momie Cloths, Scotch mixtures, .' .." Fine Imperial Serge , " 42 ". nch Chiviots, , . " Plaid Wool and Mohair Id .16-inches wool for waist. $1.00. ! 36-inches Mohair for waist and Misses suits, 50c. Full Lines of Black Bress Goods 36 to 5.0 inches wide, s'oc to $2.50 yard. j Newest Ideas in Dress Trimmincs Persian bands and edges, trimming velvets, buttons, dre ornaments; etc. Ready tHis week to shpw Indies Suits, Separate SRirts, Coats; Ulsters and Waists, See what we offeri Perfect fit with every sale Ready -ir-lusiiiess , r- - '. .... ., -1' I - 1 ; SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY BOBBITT-WTNNB DRUG CO. If troubled with a weak digestion try Chattiberldin's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. They wlll do you good. For sale by W. G, Thomas.; Robert Simpson, Bobbltt-Wynne Drug Co. Office and Yards Foot of Jenkins St. All-Phones 434 .-. .. . CAPITAL CITY FUEL CO M P AN Y WHOllASALE AND UETML DEALERS IN 7t . RALEIGH. N. C. Correspondence Solicited ' Steam Contracts Furnished from Yards or Mines Ta J BURKE, Manager COM nd r t5fe NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF , AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS Offers practical Industrial , edu cation In Agriculture, Engineer . Ing, industrial .Chemistry, and the ' Textile Art. Tuition $3 a year. Board $8 a month. 120 Scholar ships. Address - ' PRESIDENT WIN SI ON. West Raleigh, yen: si BUSINESS ITEMS FOR SALE Lake Lucerne and Grist Mill, better known pond. Best mill-rocks in the state. A mile from the Raleigh and Pamlico Railroad. Apply to A. Dughi. "WANTED a good woman who rn and is willing to teaclf a school in mill settlement. Good salary. Apply at once. John A. Noell. srrt -m. 'wvu.A J t 4.VUA boro, N. C. V Jn AM - 9 ft- Am.- W SI T71 a, v x licy riy p ast The Marlin 1 2 Gauge ound favorite. It is made for both black and atnoke t. heavy loads. 'Tt has one-tSiress The Marlin R-riX.u Tul iy u repearer, and handle very fast - -great w.t weather gun. It has Marlin accuracy, buoyancy and reliability. Everyth ing in Gun Ammunition CALL Sorrell for wood." Raih phone 2268, Bell 21, Interstate 531. LEARN TELEGRAPHS nnr! road accounting. salary assured our graduates under tondi Our six schools the largest in America and endorsed by all railroads. Write for catalosrue. Afnroo ai,.o Telegraphy, Cincinnati, O., Euffalo. N.J a., .nanict, ua., xja urofse, Wiss., Tex arkana, Tex., San Francisco Cal. WANTEJ-A. TOUNG MAN WHO has had some experience in the printing business and who wants an education to assHat in v, Print ng Co.'s -office, and also go to! V V AI"i'ie "me wiii be given for recitations. , Board and tuition will be given ag consideration for work done. Address J. A. & M. H. HOLT. U. M. C., Peters-WincHester Shells Standard goods always give satisfaction. To insure satisfaction always KHOTfjf fmd: Laded She,Is ITHACA-REMINGTON-PAR.' KER SHORT GUNS. Your for sport. , Hart-Ward Hardware Co., RALEIGH, N. C. ' - Send for Catalogues Lowest prices ' aJZlT FM GUn' Hammerless Double-Barrel, High Grade, Guaranteed, $18.00. 10. 12 and 1G s-ausre , "x -. . - "s"i, legmn or cnoKe. & FOR THE Finest- Flour, Virginia and North Carolina MEATS 1 And an Up-to-date, .. Complete stock of Heavy and Fancy Grocer J.R. Ferrall & Co 56 50 50 45 tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt 00 . So Plumbing, Hot Water Heaiiug, Steam Fitting. Sanitary Plumbing ;t A Specialty W A No. 13 West Hargett Street, RaleigH, N. C. I I ; : : i ..' 1 OXFORD SEMINARY, 1895 J147.50 ' Stockholder's Meeting The regular annual meeting of the piocKnoiaers 0r Caralelgh Mills Com pany will be held at the mayor's office n tne cny or Kalelgh on Monday, Oc tober 16, at 12 o'clock. F. O .MORING, Secretary and Treasurer SKILL XN PRESCRIPTIONS The accurate filling of prescriptions requires trained mind, hand and body We constantly improve .-our mind by -i- - "uoiii irora xong, experieriCe. -Our bodies are healthv in 1 ougn ngnt nvmg. Tou can bring your prescription -to us knowing that It will be the hands' of a man with a clear mind and a healthy body. Then too, it does not cost any more. CRO WELL'S, ,120 FATETTEVILLE STREET. - ' OaFORO, N, c. Model Buildings With New Equipment Sr' JIgi!' un Literary Tuition for school tul uanasomeiy Illustrated Catalogue. V P. HOBGOOD. PresldenL year, maaammmma ' - that we are interested in jour clothes wants. We may , - '-ip jou with suggestions. We want to Know you personally, : U; mart clothes and furnishings are the best wecan find nv America. We are on record for that and we can Delivejt- the Goods." Come in. You nWrl nV t.:. . . . " . -. "J- "usi get acquainted n h fettey ill e Street. iiOS Fay TOW, AN OUNCE Of Sflf lQ-pQof lv ir, TTT ' it -'... null ia vv orcji a JOUnd Of Talk- therefore it is unneraor'i '. large upon the merits of our fine line of mPTi'c pv,i.. nne is satisfaction wrapped in every stylish negligee shirt, fan Pique or colored vest, light WeIS . suues. Tho i . Phones ' ' , -j" ' " : mutate 576, BeU 1502 j Attention Given to 1 W U! El We do all kinds and carry all kinds of FPt ft selections. uur "P-to-date J 1111. LI OJ I All Phones . ""S3 ? same class of. aau raarerial. Sea Trip CO The Most Attractive Route . . V " 'ORK AND Morthtrn and Eastern Summer Resorts IS VIA THE Old . II 1 MSTROCTION 1 j4 West Hargett Street Dnmininn 1 inn And Rail Connection. ' H ' C KftlALt AND S3. express ntu.i.. I r it. - j V-Vdany, u leave Norfolk T CmIai ciasa! the ' South fiA.. sn Passena-A viBit Richmond om? and West to Virginia" la olnt Co,! to - en i and ; B. WALKER t J- BROWN. G. P P: m av-v rr h v- m mm ammv , INDUSTRIAL 5ave the Wrappers OLDHENRY Rooney's Malt TurKey Gin Valuable and useful r- enta.to be given fcr s'x: during December nt-V STRAUS, GUNST &CO., . Richmond, Y VVRSES ' COLL assical Dom 1 fr- . .1- To securo t -1-90'- -fourteenth lullla students, i1 to7Z teacher; 15; . Correspond" -tuitlpn for,,.:i V-ac teacher, . corresnor, ' r ir.tuitlpn ar' ';s' " York. N. T " a' rw-.A " 8tonoffraphers ! lnvled from th CHART ro ' laISWe . and ' ... , ARLES D. M'lVER, Pre r.ef . r

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