I i I; ! ' i- hi THE M0Rlf5KQ POST. TUESDAY, QOTOBEQ IO. 1005 MORNING POST ' ' 1,1 - " - - - " r . PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE V. C. PUBLISHING CO. Raleigh, N. C. Office In the Pullen Building. Fayetteville Street. ROBERT M. PHILLIPS Editor Subscription Price One Tear . Six Months Three Months One Month 95.00 2.50 1.25 .50 The Post will publish brief letters on subjects of general interest. The writ er's hame must accompany the letter. Annonymous communications will not be tolerated. Brief letters of looal news from any lection of the state will be thankfully received. Merely personal controversies will not be returned. Address all business letters and com munications for publication to THE MORNING POST. The telegraphic news service of THE MORNING POST Is absolutely full and HOLD CUT THREE WEEKS All appearances indicate that right now is the crucial time for the cotton farmer of the south so far as this season's crop is concerned, and the outcome of this season's, crop will have much effect on the prices next ! season, in the nature of things. Every body is at sea, more or less, and there ia no way to arrive at any definite facts as to thesize of the crop. It's a genuine puzzle, with the odds in favor of the man who lays low and says' nothing and saws wood against the cold blasts of winter, for at least he may be reasonably sure that he Is losing nothing. It surely ia a puzzle. In the face of the big reduction in acreage and the generally expressed conviction that the crop would be" a short one comes the last report of the govern ment with its startling condition fig ures of 71.2, when some sixty-odd was confidently expected, even by the. most pronounced- bears. There those, of course, who say that this report does not mean much for the reason that in a number of sections JUST OWE WORD that word l It refers to Dr. Tutt's Liver Pills and MEANS HEALTH. Are yo constipated? Troubled with indiztrtloar Sick headache? VhtJgo? Bilious? Insomnia? ANY of these symptoms and many others Indicate inaction of the LIVER. THE CLANSMAN By Man-Up-a-Tree Now that all the hysteria consequent upon the production of the rather re in a roeasuio when the t of south ftaA tools e tti oodo m ttio atrMira MOtlOH. ShO 9X Of pOWf? tr. vAnmA tn of authority. I was not wlthaut ft tremendaua struff ale. but power prevailed, and tov twe- score years tha government and eu filu sFills Take No Substitute. i ivy a .T T are in .ocM. taueUl . htaM fflMW ' . . , 4 inva . if it have been altogether nertnenuaeit. a iair way to recuvw, - - . . . . . , mrria.i were getting safe for me, from my inero ia nu ,w.o, t mke a few calm, sense the progress has been iiT,t mrkS. without fear of dous. marvelous. The physical energies Tiain ct and torn limb from of this people were limb So now for a few disconnected equaled by any ether people, but neve? tv.o-v.. 1 approached by any other, a mitfnn. Is It was to perrorm to aesiro wan to iw that Asheville meeting, at prices even below ten cents. Nothing: will ever be are i accomplished if that sort of thine con tinues to any extent. complete, and is uneaualed by antf morning newspaper south of New j grinning was much earlier this season York. This service is furnished us un der special arrangements with" In the first place, necessary to teach southern people that intermarriage between whites and blacks is a racial crime? For, in the final analysis, that is the real motive of the play. Thirty years ago, at the north, a public lesson of this kind might have done some good in certain quarters. If any real good can result from it now, It has not yet been satis factorily pointed out. A bright young unmarried woman of Raleigh was in dignant that anybody should think that ,' she as a southern girl could learn any thing from a play like that. It has been said that the play is an answer to Uncle Tom's Cabin. If that is so, the answer comes when the ques-" tion is practically forgotten; the an- than usual. There may be something and in need of suDDlies and mav have in that, but then others point out how j found it impossible to get banker or in a BTeat manv WnHMoa v.a . ' ' ocvowax oiuiicntt Mismy inem aiong over tne was much later than usual. Then, j hard times. On the other hand, the as was to expected, there are still j banker and merchant may have the omers who n a i-o on ni v in any newspaper in tne unnea : i Va n.i . . . . . . : 111 me THE LAFFAN NEWS BUREAU. ' 3f the New York Sun. and is the same jervlce that is used by the Sun Itself. ivhich is known to be superior to any i Now, of course, many of these grow ers may have excellent reasons for sell- i swer comes forty years after the de ing their crop, TO1 - , i vastating war tnat was largely Drougnt xiiojr may ue in aeui on by the agitation stirred up by the abolitionist's book. But the Clansman is not an answer to Uncle Tom's Cabin. It deals with southern conditions at a different time and with utterly different conditions. Uncle Tom's Cabin dealt with the negro Btates. This service is received nieht ly by wire in they office of THE MORN ING POST directly from th& New Tork Sun, and includes' special cables I by ana aomestlc news and all commercial ihd market reports. tTAOnilfOTOW BUR K A 17: Kimball BaUdtntr, 1417 n.Kf. w :2TMn8t' I tr. n v.. Nf Yorlt BuUdinn. Chi?3V In charge of the Steve W. Floyd Spe cial Agency. '-f"-". icxuac, uo mane me advances askeri fr.r Tv.o to pay any attention to this last one. banker may have been compelled to If one tries to-figure out the situation ! accommodate some bie dnn,itnr hence be short of ready money; the mercnant may actually need cash pull him through a tight place. to Subscribers to The Post are request ed to note the date, on the label of their paper and send in their renewal before the expiration. This will : pre vent missing of a single issue. All papers will be discontinued when the iaiu up expires. best reasons in the world for declining as a slave, with his physical condition from a professedly humanitarian stand point. The Clansman has to do with the free negro, his threatened domi nancy over the white man and his iridescent dream of social equality; how he was made the . dupe of the unscrupulous northern politician, .and hrtnf finnll,. tl, T : . . . a 1 . - V. " an mese gooa had to assert himself by means of the roMons mat may exist in Individual mystic Klan, by which he so scared the cases, It must be remembered that thi i&norant blacks that they were Incapa- is a great question of far-reaohir.tr o. i bIe of taklnS advantage of what power nnmt .ru Ti A . . was allowed them by the carpet-bag- nomicxpediency. It stretches out far ! gers of the north. Where, then, is the ucuu ine necessities of the day or j similarity or comparison? vne morrow, or the year even, and! ln one thing perhaps. The Clansman reaches far into the future. The cotton ; ,S evidently as much of an exaggera- farmr r.t -..v. ' i u" lts suDjecr ana siae as was .....j puuta, Aaiiiieu m a comparison of the reports of former years with the figures this year up to date, he is soon lost in the confusion of percentages and the apparent contradictions. As we said just now, it's a puzzle. That is, it's a puzzle to try to pre dict the size of this - year's cotton crop, but it's no puzzle for the cotton farmer to determine what to do Just at this time, when no one seems to know exactly where he is at. His best course is hinted at above lnv lvm- qwL: . notw w ierminei and constant purpose, can die- r period . , ' 'UUU1UI llle tinier ana tate the prlce Qf iail no cotion to town. There's lze. No obstacle presented ltsell tna was not surmounted, no difficulty ob truded itself that was not overcome. Chicago is a product of northern ge nius. Pittsburg is even a greater won der than Chicago. There was no senti ment to hamper the men Avho devel oped the great cities no sentiment In the civilization they created and typl- fled. J And in this terrific race for the dollar ; everything was subordinated to speed, j The goal, the goal, the goal, and noth ing but the. goal, was the thing, and the goal was wealth, and nothing but i wealth. , j Is It strange that such conditions : have been produced as are disclosed in the investigations of the great Insur ance companies of New York? . The public conscience has voted Itself aroused. Iet us hope it is. and yet ! there is room to fear that it is only sorry the skeleton was revealed. It Is sl rather tough old conscience, and is not going to fatlguie itself walking the floor of nights. It has the digestion of a cormorant and will not lose much sleep or much flesh worrying and re penting. If one will read that marvelous ora tion cited he will find little difficulty in reaching the conclusion that the present civilization of America vindi cates the philosophy of William, I Yan cey in that great effort. Rank Qitizoos Rational RALCIOH, W. C. Invites the Accounts of far mers, merchants, manufac turers and all business and professional men and offers them every reasonable facil ity for business. Resources $l,4oo,ooo - -i Safety Deposit Boxes for rent at $4 per annum JOSEPH G. BROWN, f President, f HENRY E.. LITCHFORD, Cashier, Graft in politics is bad. graft in life insurance Is worse, and the combina tion is intolerable. Washington Post. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1905. POSTERITY WON'T BE BOTHERED Mr. John P. Heap, discussing the mortality among negroes in Washing ton, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York in the National Magazine, gives, figures to show that, although the white population of those cities is al most twenty times as great as the col ored, the average percentatge of mor tality is 19 for the former race and 31 for the latter. , Mr. Heap gives as his explanation of this state of affairs that the negro as a rule sleeps where he can, eats what he can get and when he- can get It, that he Is not governed by any rules or laws of sanitation, that by reason of his poverty and in obedience to his Instincts he crowds into the cities and there lives in the most unhealthy ' sec tions and is given over to indulgences, licentiousness and crime, that instead of being encouraged to increase the size of his family, the tendency is con- a rule 1 In. whist that says: "When in doubt, play trumps." There should bW a. xuie in tne cotton game sayinsH v. , " "When in doubt. m JZS and merchants in the ' J v . VVkbVllt Daniel J. Sully of New York, the one de-j uncle Tom's Cabin of the life at its For instance, where is theihis- cotton for the world's toricai oasis for the last act of the Clansman? "It was almost a miracle. Burdock Blood Bitters cured me of a terrible breaking out all over the body. I am very grateful." Miss Julia Filbridee. West Corn well. Conn. supply. "That means much to the bank ers and merchants of the south, does it' And without a little helr frnm mo ments of difficulty, the farmers never not? can stflv iini ... man whn .. A J - "-i mi uy lengtn or time, Wl,i.uu Up iy i0 cents a i There Is w' years ago, who is In the it. city now ana win talk to the Wake county farmers today In the situation-as we see j Now let all pull together. As for the farmer trhn ciio wr Raleigh, thf, fl - . . . agrees with President Harvle Jordan ' Z .1 " P JUSt b6CaUSe of th snthom ine ,s afrafd the Prtce won't ero any sociatlon that the key of the situation i P Y h&S n backbone ana is in the farmer's hand. ' Det him hold ' L" bereckoned Ith- 'or we do out three weeks now. sava Mr. ' " : "iere are many farmers, in v f When did a mulatto lieu tenant-governor of South Carolina lock himself in his library with the daugh ter of the leader of the United States congress, attempt to force her consent to a marriage with him by a promise to pardon her lover, and when she attempted to escape choke ttier into in sensibility and eummon tw negro sol- "Want any typewriter surmlies?" asked the peddler, sticking his head in tne office door. ro, replied the young business man, aDsent-mindedly. , "I Just got her a box of bonbons onlv an hour or so ago." Philadelphia Press. THE gain in new building and industry in North Ca?o lina is greater than any period in the State's history. Tha North Carolina Home Insurance Company, of Raleigh, N, C. , should receive its proportion of this prosperity as com- pared with the percentage of new business given to it in periods of less industrial activity, Give it the insurant on the 'desirable new properties vou have to offer. It will help to build up our home State and continue the era of prosperity now enjoyed by our people. PUBLIC LAW Cause of Lockjaw Lockjaw, or tetanus, is caused by a and he will be in a position to dictate ' to the world any reasonable price fori the raw product. He declares that the ! prospects for high prices this season I are remarkably bright. There are not 1 so many bears in Wall street now as people think, he says, and there never was a time when the big men were so favorable to cotton ls now. j In this optimistic spirit writes Editor Clarence H. Poe of the PrnPTesva Farmer: this state at least, who backbone. are without THE DAILY INDUSTRIAL NEWS The Dally Industrial News of Greens boro at last loomed up in the fore ground on Sunday, and right laree It loomed, too, with twenty-four pages 1 duc"on of th Play. ana lots of news, full Associated Press I mak:' s 01e obiect ls t0 ovivt, L uisnes up its ; piuuiems cease to hae news to its readers In attractive style with neat, yet catchy headlines. The diers to carry her Into aW adjoining bacillus or germn which exists plenti room, there to guard her and prevent fully in street dirt. It is inactive so diij outcry, and when her father comes lonS as exposed to the air,, but when in to see him and Indignantly refuses carried beneath the skin, as in the to consider him for a son-in-law, hold wounds caused by percussion' caps or oLciiesman a prisoner, too, give Y rusty nails, and when the air is ex orders to his two soldiers' that if they eluded the germ is roused to Activity hear a shot fired in his room to kill and produces the moat vimi.nf the young lady immediately, then send known. These germs may be destroyed - ovii u penorm tne marriage anu a" aanger of lockjaw avoided by ceremony then and there. apDlvine . Chim thl 7,T,,1 T,,. y ,.e. entrance of f'yas soon as the injury is received. iiua xvictn in fill t hoiT i rHin ka m i a - - in .ro V. isa : r . . "it4oepuc ana causes uu-uay iigntv where in suca injuries to heal withoutmatura- wrlitor iSttry 0Cm SUth C-arollna. ,tlon and in one-third the time required written or smlmn win v. iwv. ,,.,t j. H a j-, ' ue iouhq: j u" treatment. It is for mta a dilemma is presented by the Dro- fey G. Thomas. tion of this nbv Ton ' . hhitf.w rv. " , ' '"""'s "ue nurn i ..-! jimc irug jo, it, uie aumor's sole ohieot i money., if this be S I9 Now on Sale Price. 91.5Q or 31.85 Postpaid. Send for price list of Reports. 051 State Agents for Public School Books. 4LFRED WILLIAMS & C n new paper seems tp have secured un usually fine advertising patronage. Ihstltate for WPlp-Vit rj T CUTIS? the play cannot be regarded as tearh- Women. ing any tesson and must he Conserva- j merely with other monev-m.r,, tory of . " -.0 i.iaiu- .-. "us ior popular favor and pettine- it t!iusic. Utt LI1 tner norn, that the au- For there is everything to Indicate that cotton is going higher. The sur plus from last year is much smaller mcxii was expected, and this year's The w shorter thaT h ZTlZ t-e- Industrial News is attractive As said before, it Cannot because unusuallv earlv nrvfmir, o?i and modern. The Post welcomes it stantly the other way, that although Parts of the south has made e-innin to the Journalistic field in North Cnm. the birth rate ls constantly being low- r?0?18 heavy up to this time, thus Una and, aside from its politics hones ered, yet because of his manner "ln aPPar now that the crop is it will livft ,,n to , . u oe seen to be two tkoti JL Vl , lined in. the opening editorial. rmnrlv V ' ... I n ... . ' " wllu"i w , quarters ana ms conse- ueve. win bound upward and th ouent tendency to crime and disease. Jho have bought and the men who ! the death rate ls getting hieher th . ..XI . W111 reap tneIr rewards. mortality among negro children. es- on u?0! that 'armers ' too late to avoid some typographical i the play brought down pecially in the larger cities, being Prices, and that they ought to perfect something horrible to contemplate. local organizations of the Southern In Washington for the year 1902 Mr "T AssocIation in every township in iu am in inia work. ' We have noticed something of late with much regret, and even alarm, for the cotton farmer. Althoue-h th cvor Heap says, there were 715 deaths among colored children under one year old, or at the rate of 458.3 per 1,000 colored population under one year old. What is true of the cities mentioned Is also true In a general way of .the southern cities, and the fact, regret table as it is from a humane stand point, ls but another bit of testimony in the ohain of evidence that is driving unpiasea and independent thinkers to realization that the days or the ne fro as a race to be reckoned with in Ihe United States are, 'if not actually numbered, still coming to a close so far as our postertty Is concerned, and TWO KINDS u. mere oe any real negro problem at all. it ls generally admitted that our posterity Is much more concerned with It than are we of this day and generation. -hole appearance and make-up, thor meant to teach some lesson, what bp: as said before, it cannot be to impress upon us the Impossibility 6uu miscegenation. Is U to teach a lesson to the abolitionist It does that, and to the queen's taste," but there are no abolitionists now ohw" ll ?LUSt be Prodced with the object of throwing some light upon We regret that Mr. Bruce Craven's I 1" ! Persons are pleased to call , article in Sunday's paper was received is the case. X IIT' J?" ,f thIs. . j .i"!. me time or y brought down nearer the errors mat might mislead a careless"1' inere has to be considerable reader. The following paragraphs 1 5uess,nS done to connect it with the were printed erroneously and are here object of to, nroVT , that ls the dvpn rnrrw. I ,, the Puction, it is certainly --.- aa ,nucn as possible, and the Best, Placed for Your Daughter College (catalogue FREE Address. Jas.Dinwiddie rresideat RALEIGH N. C. Institute for Toimt Women (U, Conserva tory of Music. Tha Best, Place for Your Daughter College 1 LALllr lBWSUasBrf catalogue t ! FIVE YEARS OLD fflL g'lli B fta"- 1. s ifS SO RALEIGH N. C. given correctly "This happened at a 'religious col lege and the one I believe to be by far the best In the state for religious - dlilj UlC whaonTuare that the averae citizen w no Wltnf!?SPa It rli k vi m never see the utive committee of the Southern Cotton lnfIuence; but like all others it ho witnesses point. It must be conceded that tw Growers' Association met in a.u rends too mnrt or, -..i.- rno aau . . as . r- ivnie - - isua-ii ai- pmis, create Ditterness between ana fixed eleven cents as the minimum msphere' resulting from the pious ' he whites a"3 blacks. That was evi price for which cotton should be sold lives ot too-busy to lend a s'rony both in Norfolk and 07 the farmer this .season, and ai- .helping hand to pull a Pilgrim f rom j lated that 'the Stef'V 13 thonirh that oi ... . i v. -m ... dl ine Whites in the nit an tha vv wuu ot ine association: oluus" aespono. j negroes in the the pit and the era 1 T Qrr . seems to have met thA o., I "It in fool! t ' ! cheerpri oi v.5 ..rnateiy - .tuva.i ui mo j vw. lam. ui uoctnnes nistsea according as the local organizations, still we have seen and cre3s. because a person who ca.n':7bite man or 'the. black, man was on a great deal of cotton marketed during I not distinguish between the form and tion rinff St&ge' Th6re Was a SItUa" the last few weeks, since the date of j the sPIrlt hould be barred from teach-; Richmond tgWV - ling not becaune of rffWfn. v.. ! other rnneMot: . .. umlttlng fhstitute for Tounr Women, Conserva tory of Music. 1Tb Best, Place for Your Daughter PEACE RALEIGH N. C. FREE Addreii, Mas. Dinwiddle rrideat College courses BUh Standard viaiogue FREE Addreit. Ja? Dinwiddle President Express Charges Pafd By U us your orders inrl tfrZl urP0ses. tfand return atVueSenSe mST,, tistory, at once. SffiSSfJjS??1-1 refunded "Memwaincu Jiemit by Postal 0r Express Monij Qrdey. ior price list of other Hquors. OF CHILDREN And In the light of figures like those quoted above, it looks as if our chil dren and our children's children" will not be seriously troubled with any ne gro problem. The Morning Post ls in receipt of the following wired information from Morehead City: "Somebody is away off their base about our Postmaster Morton ever vot ing the Democratic ticket. He never did, a full fledged Republican he has always been, while Willis, who wishes to .succeed him, has always been Democrat." " You pays your money and you takes your choice. a Children that grow too fast and those that seem hardly giuw at an, both need Scott's Emulsion. It gives that rich vital nourishment which is the secret of all healthy growth. It roundsout the long limbs, ana helps children to grow without using up all their strength in growing. Mothers ought to know more about the wonderful help which Scott's Emulsion would give their children. We'll send you a sample free upon retraet SCOTT BOWNE, 409 Pearl Street, New York cause of deficient mentality.' A new Wilmington-dally, The Inde pendent, a four-page evening paper, apears in our exchanges as a welcome addition. As its name indicates, the paper is without political affiliation. The initial number is will gotten up, with a good line of local news and good selections of general interest. Southern Educational Association theJiIle' If" C" Ct- 9-Special.-At the last meeting of the executive com- iiiiiuee oi tne Southern A Educational concerned by the ears is a mighty poor way to solvo x.,-. 6 y i'oor yivviem. As for the play itself and the ?' i.nave only one remark to make Vry verent one. As f h.V; ; Perro.rmance 1 could not bad taste by not falling in iove wiK Lynch instead of Ben Cameron? Yancey's Philosophy 50 Years Ago (Washington Post.) tion compa izations of the north and the civil- 6SW!dUon " was decided to hoin th th ,. -na e south to next meeting of .the association in the 5Z f neIther' ' to conjunction with the Association S s WaiteSo?f th' The capitollat ine nntont k -!., ttas typical of Excellent Trorm ' . ll1111 ine Patent office o. ana th,ver a,paS ..' "xauny the nrodnrr OUR STORE IS RECEIVING 7 V The Very Latest De signs in Furnit; 0 I I cc UP TO NOW Aren't you going to fix An extra room for i sthe Motto of ThiSto P a little for the Big Fair ? " ' visitor or boarders ? Think over this. 6 - r riAartno- I h ft nnctl...- uyieuon. malnUr u. . ""wn was railroad rates' (one fare) and .j thought. U , .f uthern , me Buuin nan o-,.: j . .. suiuea the past - i5 iaae as in the roitii the begi cal. the wealth-maW ti,- Is prj er and the shnnVon. op-work- I When a Kril fishes for admirers isla use bawfine? destinies r :..B"luca tn' ; the besinnlne. Th " I J-uuntry. 'rom I 11U1 III TI Goes Practi- ; and the shopkeenpr But, aa was inevitabl e, a day came i A' . - ... - a 4 V r.T7S T4t I W WUUfil U A "V Tbl :

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