I ,1 i : a r , 4 : i I- 'i ,5 ; I .-4 5 i':. THBM6'R5filfe POST. TUESDAY, OCTOBER, 10, 1Q05 DAMAGES IN BOTH CASES Durham Litigants Defeat City V. and Railroad Police Looking for Negro Who Used Knife On Street Car Conductor. Cocaine Fiend Attocked Health Officer News of the "Bull City Durham, N. C, Oct. 9. Special. Be tween 9 and 10 o'clock Saturday night the hung Jury, in the case of R. J. Brown against the City of Durham, who asked for damages in the sum of $10,000, came in with their verdict The plaintiff was allowed $2,500. To day notice of appeal was given. Brown claimed damages on account of falling into a bad hole on the side of the street. The Jury in the case of Carpenter against the Durham and Southern road, also agreed Saturday night. The plaintiff was allowed $462.50 for the three and one-half acres of "land taken by the road in approaching East Dur ham. There will be an appeal in this case also. Daniel J- Sully, at one time cotton king, was a passenger on the east bound train this morning. He was on his way to Raleigh. The police are looking for a negro by the name of Reuben Bradsher who used a knife on John McCown, con ductor on one of the street cars, yes terday afternoon. The conductor and negro got into a " dispute as to the fare, the negro claiming that it had been paid and the conductor, taking the opposite view. Finally when the conductor made a move to ' pit the negro off his car the negro used his knife, inflicting a bad wound on the fleshy part of the right leg. As a re sult of the wounds McCown is in ed and will not be able to retur nto his '.work for a week or more. T 11 1 , . ... ' I aii me ponce court tnis morning Walter Caudle, a young white man, was arraigned on the charge of being drunk and additional- charge of as saulting Dr. F. K. Cook, who is now acting in the capacity of -county and city, health officer.' He made no re sistance to the drunk charge and said that if he assaulted the physician that he knew nothing about it. Dr. Cook told the story of his connection with the matter, but did not want the mat ter pressed against the young man. Caudle was fined $5 and cost for the drunk. t Saturday afternoon Caudle went to the office of the health officer and asked for a prescription for cocaine. was refused and then showed a at the beginning of the term. They went to the White House in carriages, accompanied by the court officials and by Attorney General Moody and Sol icitor General Hoyt and were received in the blue room by the president. THE WABASH CONTROVERSY Mr. Ramsay Realizes that Gould Has Whipped Him Toledo, O., Oct. 9. Conditions have shaped themselves during the last twenty-four hours m the Ramsey Gould Wabash controversy so as to cause consternation as well as grief to Mr. Ramsey, who on the eve of the pending battle feels that everything is lost. Friends of Ramsey on the Inside are quoted as saying Ramsey is licked and that but a few hours await the fiaal result of his defeat. Up until noon today Mr. Ramsey appeared encour aged oyer the progress of his applica tion for the appointment of three dis interested examiner's at the meeting Tuesday, but when the hour of the afternoon session came a crushing blow was delivered. Mr. Ramsey's counsel, Judge Doyle, received a telegram from St. Louis stating that Judge Taylor had denied the injunction proceedings restraining the Missouri Pacific and Iron Mountain roads from being represented at the annual meeting. Judge Doyle immedi ately withdrew Mr. Ramsey's applica tion which was being stubbornly fought by Gould's attorney. The startling news was delivered to Mr. Ramsey, who greeted it with silence NOBODY WILL HAVE IT New York Republicans want a Candidate tor Mayor Senator Elburg and Page Have Both Declined Offers, But One of Them , May Yet Be "Drafted" and Com pelled to Run New York, Oct. 9. Following the declination of Charles E1. Hughes to run for mayor on the Republican ticket, Mr. ' Young ,who .was nominated for comptroller, has also declined to run. Mr. Young formally and operiely de clined the nomination for comptroller, and informally, privately and emphati cally told the members of the notifica tion committee that he would not run for mayor, either. " jthougrh it will be two weeks before he arrives at. San Francisco, officers nave begun arrangements to give him a record-breaking run. , "We hope to have Mr. Harriman s special run from San Francisco to Chi cago in fifty hours flat," said an offi cial of one of the Harriman lines. "That would beat the record six hours. His train will run over the Southern Pacific, Union Pacific and Northwest ern to Chicago. From here to New York it will go over the LaKe cnore. The best time between New York is sixteen hours by the Twentieth Century Limited, on June 18th last. We hope to arrange to have Mf. Harriman taken to New York in fifteen hours. , "If our plans carry, Mr. Harrimans train will run in sixty-five hours from San Francisco to .New York." i CAROLINAS' PROSPERITY The Washington correspondent of the Daily Review'of Biloxi, Miss., writes to his paper as follows: Your Washington correspondent has just concluded a visit to the principal manufacturing towns of the Carolfnas, and the evidences of prosperity existing at all points visited were simply as tounding, especially in cotton and lum ber manufactures. Every one was busy in his vocation, and every one seemed i a rvmranies. . stand ing firmly by the old constitution land marks. Asked yesterday if he thought the insurance bills which he was "watching" in congress were, constitu tional, he replied with repressed in dignation: "It I had , not thought so I should not have directed any effort entious'puDiic man oi tne o!j No meddling with : the constit. , " ft. him! He might be a ! little about the ten commandments l rode, but Webster hitwci. rirt have a higher reverend . u:i constitution of the United "States.- the AUCTION SALE OF OFFICE FURNITURE "irr, to have a surplus of spending money. By virtue of an order . IV uiL-ctfeu Tun inp- with 'rjot-t nt isinrh Carolina, curecteu tu u w.v nt Tfl WXllte itiiu Ulctv-n. uicii yvv- . ... jlol.i. - ... ni ..M . aimtlnn r TV,.-., RESULT OF CIVIL WAR each other in the production of cot ton goods and furniture, and all wore the smile indicative of prosperity and contentment. The towns visited included Greens boro, Durham, High Point, Charlotte, Gastonia and Dallas, North Carolina; Spartanburg, Greenville, Union, Colum bia and Charleston, South "Carolina, and at each are located several cotton mills and furniture factories, and all use large quantities of raw cotton and lumber from Mississippi. In fact, the majority of the cotton mills use Mis- ! sissippi cotton altogether, that state Was the South Benefited Thereby? Reply to T. N. Page Coming Richmond, Va., Oct. 9.-Capt Micajah , duci nff a staple adapted to the class Woods, commander of the John Bowie Strange Camp of Confederate Veterans of Charlottesville, and one of the best known attornevs of the Albemarle Senator Elsburg. who also was asked iX r..? 1:" Material. The red gum, poplar, oak. today to make the run for mayor, told ! TT n ; Wckory, persimmon and dogwood from Mr. Halpin that for manv familv rea- " "2 7. I T i the fiorests of Mississippi are unexcell announced that he will, on that occa sion, make an address which will be intended to be a refutation and denial of the ' statement . made by Thomas 1 sons ne could not do so. Mr. Elsburg's friends said tonight they could not ngure out what these family reasons r,., . . Nelson Page, the author, and others, .. . The . report was circulated tonight that the south was benefited by de- j abhshedome of jthem ten that Senator Page was to be drafted ,. .. . V . . years ago, had a very precan T,r T . a.. , irai aim me res-it ot tne civu war. mi. v. . -iiij-uruiitiiun irom me Jriamsey camp, ""- "' jxr. rage ana Air. tonight is anything but. encouraging, j Halpin had a long talk. At the clos-3 Mr. Gould and his party arrived this .1 of the confab Mr. Page said1 he had evening and took up quarters at the j not been asked to head the Republican Boody Hotel. Mr. Gould went direct ticket, but one of his friends who is to his room and evaded all attempts at 3 a Republican district leader told an interview. a reporter that not only had Mr. Pae-o j Captain Woods is particularly equip i ped for the handling of this subject, and his treatment of it will be of in terest not only to Virginians, but to the people of the entire south as well. STOREY COTTON CO. FRAUD been sounded, but that he had excused himself on the plea that he was not fitted to serve the-public in city hall. The belief was held tonight that either Senator Page or Senator Elsburg would be finally drafted and made to run? DECLINED THE HONOR He prescription from a Greensboro physi cian which called for forty gains. Still he was refused. Caudle then locked the door to one of the offices, this be- ma "in"; ui. uuk. was arranging a prescription in the second office, and went into where Dr. Cook was at work. He stated fhat the door was locked and that he had a 44-calibre gun in his pocket which would be used unless there was a consent on the part of the doctor to give him the drug. The doctor told him to open the door or there would be trouble. Dr. Cook then found the key on the' floor, the door was unlocked and Caudle driven from the office. As a result of the Stuart meetings Jhere was great interest among the irarious city churches yesterday. Quite X large number of members were re ceived into the churches during the -.wu scivices yesterday, in eight of tne cnurches more than two hundred new jaemDers were received. Most of tnese came as a result of the union meetings just' closed. Among those received were quite a number who had been identified With church work years ttgo Dut naa Jeft the church. From what can be learned there are yet some fifty or seventy-five riames in the hands of the ministers' but these were not present yesterday, in all there will be somewhere in the neigh- uuu,uou or tnree Hundred new mem bers of the varioti schurch as a re- V me great revival. AtKaf nr . ... xayiior, aDout 43 years of e, aiea at the Watts hospital last nignt Detween 6 and 7 o'clonk Tvnhnw fever was the cause of his death. The e mains were taken to Morrisville this "" mns Ior interment. The deceased I AT r a -nrifs J 11 - . -d.uu mree children. He ima wu orotner, who lives in Raleieh n1 on Viol 1. xi . . fe ia.u. uiuLrier at Apex. x.x t-eie oration of Yom Kippur all u L"f "eorew. places of business were ciosea today. The stores of the Jews -yiuu jate Saturday night and were opened this afternoon after 6 o clock. In the meantime there were S!,hW M athe neW Jewish Tabernacle fluring yesterday and today. Head of Get-Rich-Quick Concern Ar- rainged for Trial,-' Philadelphia, Oct. 9. Stanley Fran cis, alias' S. Foster, alias Arthur S. Foster-Francis, was today placed on trial oetore Judge Holland in the United States district court charged with having conspired to use- the mails to defraud in connection with "get rich quick" enterprises. The specific charges against Foster are that he was the principal in the Storey Cotton Company, which is al leged to have defrauded a large num ber; of persons throughout the coun try, and that he was also connected with the Provident Investment Bu reau. Indicted with Francis are Frank C. Marrin, alias Judge Frank lin Stone, Sophia Beck, F. Ewart Storey, Walter B. Riggs, Thomas H. vjuimana, i-atncK Kearns and A. h. ! oll5a,LIon- -Lms 13 undisputed. It is Howard, who are alleged to' have been I dealinS with questions vital to the in connected with the Storey Cotton ' tereBts of .millions of our fellow citi Company. With the exception nf I zens throughout the land. It nresent Kearns, who is under bail in Brook-'. an opportunity for public service sec- iyn, an justice. CURED AND THEN DIED ' Sad Termination of Dual Illness of Tarboro Lady kt Norfolk Norfolk, Va., Oct. 9. Special. Mrs. Elizabeth C. Daniel of Tarboro, N. C., i tories. The presidents of the railroads ' tapping the southern manufacturing section, however, came to their res cue, and placed them on a safe and prosperous footing. They obtained for them money with which to operate their plants, and made such sweeping reductions in freight rates on -raw ma terial from Mississippi and other points to the mills and factories, and on man ufactured products from the mills and factories to eastern and western mar- ; kets as enabled them to compete with 4Va . . j 1 t I riiod ot cw,w t,-u v,si 1 lavorea sections " terday and her remains wpre this .. " was tne unanimous opinion of It Was Empty and a "Paramount morning forwarded to her home f6r I Carna manufacturers that, while 'the r J cuaiUUUUl 1 SOUth IS eniovins- an shnnanra nf She iiatncL ui ' - .,, ..v. ,,i m.. . . : W Mills Company, Bahkrupt, I win sen ai yuu o.u.y.i uesnay, q tooef l"th lt It the Carolina Trust Company Building, in the City of r; eS'at U I m- the Mowing office furniture belonging to said estate; , 1 Hall's Large Combination ow. 1 No. 7 Remington Tabulating Typewriter. 1 No. 7 Remington Typewriter. - , 1 Typewriter Table. 1 Typewriter's Chair. . 1 Addressograph (used for addressing Circulars, Iffto. 1 Neostyle (used for copying circulars, letters etc.) 1 Letter Press and Table. 1 1 . Rocking Chair. 2 Bent-wood Chairs. 1 Vertical Filing Case. ; 1 Small Office table. 1 Pencil Sharpening Machine. 1 "Printamount" Cheek Protector . 2 Wire Waste Paper Bakets. 2 Wire Letter Trays'. , ; 1 Water Cooler and Bucket. 1 Large Smyrna BK': . 3 Small Rugs. j. ' 1 Wall Mirror, .1 Clothes Tree. - 1 Atlas. " 2 Square Top Tables. 1 Revolving Chair. . . 2 Flat Top Desks.1 5 Loose Leaf Ledgers. - ' Also 1 Womack on Corporations, anJ 1,000 handsome Advertising ca n. with eastern and western mills and fac- j dars which will require new printed matter on them, and 1,000 memoran. dum Lumber Advertising Books. .i . Term of sale: Cash, and the right is reserved to reject any or all hi' W. L. WATSON, TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY OF THE W. W. MILLS COMPANY. BANKRUPT. of goods produced by southern mills. The numerous furniture factories located at points referred to look to the state of Mississippi for their-raw ed for furniture and cotton mill bob- j bins. 1 The early cotton mills and furniture i factories of the Carolinas when first or fifteen precarious exist- lt nara to compete ence. They found Duty" Also Forbade New York, Oct. 9. Charles E. Hughes, counsel for the Insurance in vestigating committee today declined the Republican nomination for mavor of New York city. Mr. Hughes said: "In this dilemma I have simply to do my duty as I ' see it. "In my judgment, I have no right to accept the nomination. A paramount public duty forbids it. "It is not necessary to enlarge upon the importance of the insurance in vestigation. was 55 years of aere and ' a widow. She had been to Baltimore 1 for treatment and was rptnrnfnp home, having been relieved of the trouble for which she went to that city. Just before the time fnr tH train is enjoying- an abundance of prosperity today, there are still bright er prospects in view, and that section is destined to become the chief manu facturing center of the union, provid ed our statesmen pursue a policy of conservatism in the future. -tne southern captains of industrv of these are fugitives from j ond to none, and involves corelative responsibility. This work rm, William J, Bradley of Camden, wjio j a11 my energies. It is imperative that was appointed receiver of the Storey!1 continue it. You have frankly rec Cotton Company, in his report to the ' ognized that it must continue unem United States court, stated that during ' barrassed and with unimpaired effi- iour. years of its existence th c-iency. But it is entirely rk-nr the Morey Company obtained from the public $3,683,798, and ther is yet due its "customers" $2,926,578. The assets of the company are $49,84?. MARTIAL LAW AT MOSCOW Must Feed Eighteen Millions Famishing People of Lift Quarantine By End of Week 't' Ct- 9-lt'is belicved ere hat the quarantine in existence in Mis: Jissippi and Alabama against New O,. nl PGnsacQla m be ""ed' by October 15 providing the weather con tinues to be cold. The action of som of the quarantine guards towards pas angers has become unbearable and inhuman. Several persons in Missfs ippi were prevented from disembark ing in towns where the. fever existed Governor Vardaman has been asked to take a hand in the matter Ja dre has fi,ed complaint with the health authorities of this city tha? his daughter was slapped in the face by one of the guards. Moscow, Oct. 9. Martial law was proclaimed here today. Famine ia prevalent in one hundred districts of twenty-three provinces. It affects eighteen million persons, who will have to be fed until July, 1906. v Moscow, Oct. 9.-The city is full of troops, who are enforcing quiet The neighborhood of the rioting yesterday is cordoned by soldiers. The authorities say that nobody was killed in the fighting between the riot ers and the troops, but admit that seventy-five persons were wounded. The unofficial accounts of the affair state that from ten to a hundred per sons were killed. Owing to the strike of the bakers, it I was impossible to obtain anv frOBh ! bread today. The strike of the printers prevents the publication of the news papers. The street cars are not run ning the employes of the companies xiou using on strike. mat. this can not be if I accept the nomination. You know how desirous I have been that the investigation should not be colored by any suggestion of political motive. Whatever confidence it has inspired it as been due to ab solute independence of political con sideration. Were I with the best of in tentions to accept the nomination, it is my conviction that the work of the investigation would largely be discred ited; its motives would be impugned and its integrity assaHed. To many it would appear that its course would be shaped and its lines of inquiry would be chosen, developed or abandoned, as political ambition might prompt or po litical agencies demand.' a . - . i 1 n t OVt'i an'o V. , -. 3 1 t 1 10 leave nere for Tarhnm fnnr "v"tu wjf.j-ui tuueauoiiaeni ae ago, she was taken ill with another clarecl tnat southern manufacturing en- trouble and was carried to the hos- ierPrises woum be ruined should con- pital where she died of broncial j feiess unae"aKe by law to regulate pneumonia. transportation companies. They tde- mm. clared in positive terms that the rail- tr -' t-. . , roads are theIr best friends, and what Mumuny reua inreatenea j over policy is injurious to the railroads Somerset, Ky., Oct. 9. While return- is likewise injurious to southern mills ing from an all-day picnic and fishing ! and factories. The manufacturer excursion in the lower part of this ! pointed out that they could not afford mny, iuwara cniiders and Frank : to import raw t.owiand. two young men about twenty i sippi and other states should the eov- jc.o ciisctgeu m a quarrel over ; ernment go into the rate-makintr some petty matter, Rowland, Sr., joined in the talk and ness. They asserted that the only way the government ronirf - ra j auanced towards; Childers. who fired ' be on the tdiIpa h,aa . on the old man, a bullet striking him claim, would compel them to abandon m the centre of the forehead and kill- the manufacturing field. They do not ing him instantly. Frank Rowland ; deny having differences with railroads rushed into his house near' by and, from time to time, but Mv tw w seizinsr a. rifl fi-ol nt v,: , 1 . , , . " -"cJ , i.v. au mo laiuer s aic invanaoiy treated uul missing nim, filt Miss Ethel 1 their side fairly when 1 nreconto u . Childers. who hn imn r. vv. ;v " pxuper man- . - uiumci, iici iu me iiansportation inflicting a fatal wound. The two families,, are neighbors, and further killing is threatened, which may involve the entire county in a feud war. WHISKEY "TRANSPORTERS" Two of Them Arrested and Resort to Habeas Corpus Proceedings Charlotte, N. C, Oct. 9. Special. The first habeas -'-x--' i-' vvvuui5 j in Mecklenburg county for many years I were Degun in superior court here this morning by Messrs. Stewart and Mo- fresh Rae, local attornevs. Robert A. and Marion ' 4. 1. . aiiu Mr. James Timberlake Dead Youngsville, N. C, .Oct. 9.-Spebial. Mr. James Timberlake, one of the best known merchants of this county, died at his home here this afternoon of pneumonia. He was between fifty and sixty years of age and leaves several grandchildren, one daughter who is a student at the Baptist University! She arrived from Raleigh this evening af ter her father had passed away. The funeral will take place this af ternoon from the Baptist church Mr. Timberlake was a prominent Baptist. Physically he was perhaps the largest man in the state. comnam'ps it was universally agreed among the mill men that the only thing needed in the way of legislation on this ques tion is a strengthening of the present law so as to eliminate rebates and dis criminations. . Poverty in Southern Spain FISHING VESSELS SEIZED U. S. Supreme Court Meets 1WUCU iU Canadian Waters and Caught By Revenue Cutter Erie, Pa., Oct. 9. Under th l?aVU0S the revenue cutter Morrell !as a.e to follow the fishing fleet cZ13I0? t0day to their nets in Canadian 'waters. Aboard th was Collector of Customs Charles i-each of Cleveland. He c?2SS tt .1 ns Valian,t-the laest craft n the fleet, and the arrest of her While this was beins- It,. n, eCaped- but not until the I"! rtJ?Jfth cft had been ob- mnrnr be seized in the ConnfV e VaUant Was toed to :viucn nlace she win th Cleveland. Leach informed The vTu7; omcials of the selzure- The aliant is valued at $4,000. Vanderbilts New Organist am. u.. Oct. !)ay.l, Gibraltar, Oct. 9. Immense poverty prevails throughout southern Spain, due to a disastrous harv rru. the complaint will be heard tomorrow. I tie are dying for want of water and The men were committed to the I food- Highway robberies are of dailv county jail Saturday by the mayor of , occurrence. The authorities of Gib m ueiauu 01 a S40O hnnrt raitar are taking r0-,,,; A . . . r.wouuuua 10 The third European . Christian En deavor convention will be held in Ge neva next year, July 28, August 1 Refreshing! (New York Evening Post ) In these days of loose construction it is refreshing to finri a Thummel, whose business he elegantly &0 lIlclL ut -watching legisla The Merchants Journal Official Organ North Carolina Retail Merchants Association. Association " of Wholesale Dealers Millers and Manufacturers of North and South Carolina NORMAN H. JOHNSON. EDITOR. It has the largest bona fide circulation of any merchants paper pub'ishel la the south. j ;, " " Every merchant should -oad it. Special features: Commercial La Points, Advertising Hints. Window Decorations and Cards, National Bulle" Association News, Fashion Notes, Made -Reports, Hints for the Clerk. Le?! lation. Trade Svils and Abuses. News Notes Concerning Commercial' Enter prises. Published in the interest of and for. the Merchants of the Jouth Semi-monthly subscriptions received prior to July 1st. $1.00 the year. A Bu!. ness Man's Journal. j . Sample Copy Sent on Request I lEPIIS JOURNAL P0BOS1G CO., lit RALEIGH. NORTH. CAROLINA. J. Cart Me w. rchantTailo. Greensboro, N. C. land, e lead tlis Stab ia .St via. Rlf O it all r xi and Price. NOW READY. pre- The charge aefllnst' thom u.4 w latPivhuiitho " -toir "trcni;- I! . . "JL m 01 : . : . iUVfc:u maaequate and "auotiunmg wnisKey. The mon it seems, who are father and son, were passing through Pineville en route to their home in Union county and were carry a quantity of whiskey. Thev were arrested, tried and bound over to court. No decision has yet been rendered. T. . , vu. a. -IE IS a 1 t -v-V.lL Lllrl 1 II T- 11 i.n . i -r .uurnvp er rrr. , . . VI iifinrfnn a 1 . w " w v- .vasmngton, Oct. .-The fall ter i oCi. " ween osen organist .'if thA ennKAw.A j. .. , vn Buviejinj court Of .thn TT FUtes began today, but beyond mo t3 for the admission of attorneys iv.i'i'iyiKB, :-.? . ouauess transact- and master at rionr- itj An . v auuerDiit's new , ChUrCh at Btmore. The III rS;,8t' Wh,1S exted Novem! ULr . Will SUCCftOrl Tr r. . '.. Tk ousrt ImiriaiHati- . 'mr Curr will shortlv. wtra in r4er ihai Its membars m , "ctis is me pr9iaens of a .1. tHa United Stat . oz af but that he . UJWaiBr. marjiod ability, -1 r f -- o a.a : uu,y lTventy-one years is a performer of ROGUE FEELS HALTER DRAW - Pat Crowe Denounces and Threatens Pikerton Detectives Omaha, Neb., Oct..9.-Pat Crow n reached here today, is very bitter against the Pinkerton detective agency and today said if that agency "raps"' him during the .comine trial l,..,. , . " win uj. ma pals kill himself. water is being sold at unprecedented ' li ices. . New Home for Destiute Children Asheville, N. c, Oct. 9.-Special. The commissioners of Buncombe coun ty have purchased for the1 sum of $5 -000 a modern residence and ten acres of land in the suburb of Grace, just north of the city, where will be lo cated the "Children's Home," an in stitution for destitute children und-r the care and support of the county The home will be moved from its pres" ent location on Charlotte street to the new home November 1. Protect Your Boose , AINTING your house with "Lewis" pure White Lead is like sheath ing it m metalic lead. Perfect protection against decay. No other paint will give it, I Pinkerton "If that man Pinkerton raps against Sm ini"? my,trial ln maha F11 hav him killed so dead that he won't even kick. All I have to do is to say tie wid,i wlaL 1S wait in a- j .v, -vjiit: it lOnE' I ,t 1 , A Bonanza (Durham Daily Sun.) rp. z xux. ixons piay, "The Clansm.r,- i . . . Liiai is. construction . vx j t' is, it deals with rP. Sold by "all reputable paint and hardware deal ers. - - ,n lord m 1 9 O 6. ESiss 5SHa co. C ENNISS. fWann.. Raleigh, N.C " , 68th YEAR. ut:ation. TT . . . grade of work wuu T 111 resort. Over 2(in h. . vantages in 15 andard of cul tJI !lb? PPH-' last y I . -Mn., the job. rJt fci uuiant let hIm- now just let him rap me and there will be flowers planted on his-grave before I am nut under the sod." am. put events, and whpi-m is presented there will be differences of opinion. It is startling in some of its climaxes, and is mixed with muoh it is new and sensa 50 Hours Chicago to 'Frisco ' Chicago, Oct. 9.-T0 go from the Pa cific to the -Atlantic oceans quicker than anybody ever . made the . trip is - . xi. narriman. younerer irATiPratj. stirring sc ne to the Ider one f the south It is a vivid picture for nor h! ra J"infs, where it is so hard l61 SOUth' en she went through those periious times. f an exaggeration. and has a deep S scheme, whi . . ueeP lad - nin everywhere 4uun as to its propriety THURSDAY, nntimpp o" F. Wi .-Griif ley. Company Hieseni tne.tamous charactor Sherlock Holmes IN THR ifrh standard of rhn u. neaIth and social 5 puplls 1 CHARGES VERY Sw A" PU SL aStVe,0Pttent f 24th Annn L i. . allke n aJl publ -WSIUD Will ho.l. . T- -&i September 13th ijo- " n' 190- For catalogue dress. in 23 year. every pupil. public occasions. raise on the 'SIGN OF 1 HE FOUR " Mr. Sam. k - Ac , . . Production, 25 REV- J- RHODES. A. M., S'RESinTPTVTm iittleton. N. INVESTMENT'- utH I IHCATES lOG null SALE BY THE Comnlf" demand JEAR COUPorc5RVplepAai, "- ISU- dwellings r: Per cent. lnv.f ,UriFlCATES. lift A -FlVE PTTT.t. r.-T f ULL PAID TEN- 1 pnce3: $1, 75, 50 and 25. For particul by Re S A W. price it gives a net si -i . - -"ureas, t Mortgages. GEORGE AL,LEN.- Raleigh. V 7 Al- nixon has ruck a bonanza. r" I