3 Weather Conditions The eastern erea of high barometer has moved to the northeast and is now central off. the New England -coast, causing cooler weather throughout New England. The western high now dominates the entire west from the Mississippi river to the Pacific coa3t producing colder weather at all sta tions except those on the Pacific coast. Between these two highs is an area of Vow barometer extending from the Great Lakes to, the gulf, with the low est barometer at Meridian. This low Will move east" causing rain and warm er weather in this vicinity tonight ana Wednesday; which will be followed by cooler temperatures. Killing frost was reported at North Platte, Denver and Salt Lake City. No unseasonably low temperatures occurred in the cotton belt during the past twenty-four hours. Rains occurred in nearly all the south ern states and in the upper Mississippi valley. A. H. THIESSEN, ' Section Director. Raleigh, N. a, Oct. 10. POSTSCRIPTS Mr. John C. Drewery went to Selma to attend a session of the Masonic (temple building committee. Mr. John P. Hayes has purchasedrthe Watson photograph gallery and is re fitting and improving , it. Mr. Hayea announces his plans in The Post ad vertising columns. Sheriff M. W. Page has returned , from Morrisville, where he .has been confined to his home by an old wound in the foot. He cannot use his oot well yet. Minnie Young, a negro woman, be came insane yesterday at the house where she was rooking and had to be taken in custody by a deputy sheriff. shJLl W. W. Mills Lumber Company, bank- ncajt acuon, etc.- rupt, sold at auction yesterday in front If you have any signs of Kidney of the Carolina Trust Company the or Bladder trouble commence tak- office furniture and fixtures of Mr. ing FOLEY'JS KIDNEY CURE 3VIIlls'- , , , at once, asit will cure a slight dis- Police Justice Badgertried only ty, prevent cases yesterday. Henry Woods, ac- j xi i r . cused of assaulting another man inja fatal malady. It is pleasant to restaurant, was acquitted. The case take and benefits the whole system. against George Branch and Georgiana Wright was dismissed after the judge had made them man and wife. The Harbinger, the weekly- labor union organ in Raleigh, has changed hands. Mr. Patrick McGowari, former owner and editor, sold the paper to Mr. W. S. Sherman. The editor will be Mr. W. E. Faison. . Rev, C. L. Reid, pastor of the Ep worth Methodist church, is holding an Interesting and successful protracted meeting this week: Mr. Reid is giving his congregation some strong sermons and the meeting is doing good.f . In the . account of the year's work of the First Baptist church, " given in The Post yesterday, 1it should have wad nearly $500 raised by the Wo man's Missionary Society instead of nearly $50. Fayetteville Observer: A number of Fayetteville people drove out to the camp of the Raleigh and Southport force, 12 miles from here yesterday. The engineers are now engaged in sur veying with an idea of avoiding the 'Long Hill," which is 8 miles from Fayetteville. Marriage licenses were issued yester day to the following colored couples: George W. Branch and Georgiana Wright, both of Raleigh; Edward Red dick, Jr., and Annie Dunston, both of Raleigh; George William Harris and Maude Chamley, both of Raleigh. The Thircr Regiment band received Its handsome new uniforms yesterday. The band marched up Fayetteville jtreot in the new array and excited general admiration This is the full dress uniform and is furnished by the national government. The uniforms are said to cost $80 eachv 1 PERSONALS Rev. Samuel Hanff of Wilson is here. Mr. R. G. Hayes of Charlotte is in the city. , Mr. Will Avera of Johnston spent the day here. Mr. J D. Dawes of Elm City is here on business. ' Mr. John M. Rose of Durham was here' yesterday. Mr. Theo. Hassell . of Lexington is here on business. Maj. W. L. Mcphee of Franklinton epent the day here. " Mr. R. H; Battle has gone to Edge combe for a few days. Secretary of State J. Bryan Grimes returned from Grimesland. Mr. W. A. Stewart of Dunn is at tending the supreme court. Mr. J. W. Bailey went to Toungsville to attend the Central Baptist Associa . tion. - I Mr. W. E. Faison went to Garner to explain the work of -the J. O. U. A. M. .council there. Capt. C. M. Roberts of Gatesville, for many years the popular keeper of the . capitol, is in the city. , Mr. A. L. McDonald of Rockingham is spending a few days here. AH Rock Ingham is coming to the fair, he says - t - If troubled with a weak digestion try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. They will do you good. For sale by W. 5. .Thomas, Robert Simpson, Bobbltt-Wynne Drug Co. Save Time and Car Fare By telephoning your DRUG STORE WANTS to CROWELL'5, ALL PHONES Messangers always on hand Many people who arc neglecting symptoms of k i d n cy trouble, hoping "it will wear away," are drifting towards Bright's Disease, which is kidney trouble in one ox its worst forms. stops irregularities, strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues of the kid neys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kid neys strain out the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body, causing fdizziness. backache, stomach irregular i How to Find Out. You can easily determine if your kid neys are out of order by setting aside for Z4 hours a bottle of the urine passed upon arising. If upon examination it is cloudy or milky or has a brick-dust sediment or small particles float about in it, your kidneys are diseased, and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE should ba taken at once. C. D. Burhans Testifies After Four Years. 0. B. Bartons of Carlisle Center, N. Y writes: "About four years ago I wrote you stating that I had been entirely cured of a severe kidney troubleby taking less than two bottlesof Foley' Kidney Cure, It entirely stopped the brick dust sediment and pain and syKcwnw of kidney disease disappeared. I am glad to say that 1 have never had a return o? any of those symp toms during: the four years that have elapsed, and I am evidently cured to stay oared, and heartily recommend Foley's Kidney Cure to anj one suffering from kidney or bladder trouble." Two Sizas. SOo and ICO. SOLD AND RECOEHDED BY BOBBITT-WYNNE DRUG CO. Many Mothers of a Like Opinion Mrs. Piimer of Cordova, Iowa, says: "One of my children ' was subject to croup of a severe type, and the giving of Chamberlain's v Cough Remedy promptly, always -brought relief. Many mothers in the neighborhood think the same ( as I do about this remedy and want no other kind for their children." For sale by W. G. Thomas, Robert Simpson and Bobbitt-Wynne Drug Company. Notice Having qualified as adminietratrlx of the estate of Julian E. Johnston, de ceased, this is to give notice to all parties lhaving claims against said estate to present the same for settle ment. All persons owing the said es tate to present the same for payment on or before the 14th day of August, 1906, or this notice will be plead in the bar of their recovery," ' LULA PAGE JOHNSTON, Administratrix. BUSINESS ITEMS CALL Sorrell for wood. Raleigh phone 2268, Bell 21, Interstate 531. WANTED Position as stenographer by a young lady; no experience. Ad dress STENO., care Morning Post. LEARN TELEGRAPHY and rail road accounting. $50-to $100 a month salary assured our graduates under bond. Our six schools the largest in Are A Save Yon SB? w that we are interested in your clothes wants. We may be able to help you with suggestions. We want to know you personally, Our smart clothes and furnishings are the best we can find in America. We are on record for that, and we can "Deliver tKe Goods." Come in. You need not buy. Just get acquainted oZZZZ3 5 THE.' MORNING EfcST. America and endorsed by all railroads. Write for catalogue. Morse School of Telegraphy, Cincinnati, O., Buffalo, N. T., Atlanta, Ga., La Crosse, Wi.ss., Tex arkana, Tex., San Francisco, Cal. New Photograph Studio J. P. fiAYES, 131 1-2 Fayette vilte Street. Will be Open for Business Monday. Oct. 9th. Music, souveniers and special prices long thing up today. I will continue to conduct the one at 124 Fayetteville street. Agent for Edison and Victor . Phonographs and appertaining appliances. J. P. HAYES, 124 and 121 Fayetteville Street. Chas. W. Barrett, t 1 in JU D Raleigh, N. C. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 11TH siMsmfflypmm IN Electric We do all kinds and M at prices that beat them all on same class of York and material. RALEGH CO All Phones "ii"-! M I , V; 7 ing or condensing a word or line, Automatic Paper Release, Paper Feeding Guides Bi-Color Writing and every ofcher convenience not found in other makes. Can furnish all other makes of .Typewriters, slightly used many as good as new, at very GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. We RENT all makes at from $2 to $4 'per month. Shop thoroughly equipped for Repairing and Rebuilding. Parts for all Machines. "SUCCESS" Typewriter Supplies. Ev erything for the OFFICE. ' Good contract to agents In all unoccupied territor. v THE CAPITAL TYPEWRITER CO., 103 West Martin Street, Raleigh, N..C. Umderstaitcl 209 ayetteville Street. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER, Architects Are Invited To submit to the Board of Trustees designs for an auditorium to be erected on the grounds of St. Mary's School, Raleigh, N. C. A bonus of $100," in ad dition to the usual fees for such work, will be paid the architect whose design is accepted. The right to reject all plans is reserved. Designs must be sent in to the Sec retary, of the Board of Trustees before December 1st, 1905. On application to the Secretary all necessary particulars will be furnished. K. P. BATTLE, Jr., Sec. Board of Trustees St. Mary's School, Raleigh, N. C. ANNOUNCEMENT Norris & Rollins, Attorneys at Law; 303 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS. Having associated with me Mr. E. M. Rollins (who was educated at the Uni versity of North Carolina and obtained license at August term, 1904, supreme court) in the general practice of law, we are prepared to give prompt, faith ful and honest attention to matters en trusted to our care. HERBERT B. NORRIS. . Horses Have just received cars of extra good Mules and Horses. "We always have an extra fine supply on hand. Call and inspect our stock. J. M. PACE MULE CO., Will Taylor, Salesman. ! I Pure Corn "Whiskey $2.00 per gallon, delivered anywhere in North Carolina. Eight-year-old Rye I $3.00 per gallo?j, delivered. ' Send P. O. or Express order. HAPPY PATTY, South Boston. Va. 0 0 inng. carry all kinds of p J. Males TT TT T MOTION CO.. 14 West Hargett Street THE DENSMORE was the official TYPEWRITER of the "WORLD'S FAIR at St. ,Loui3. The DENSMORE has ; more actual conveniences than . any Typewriter on the market. The BALL BEARINGS at every point where there is a bearing, insures to the operator a mar velously light action. Some of the time-saving features are: Back Spacer Key, Two Shift Keys, Automatic Ribbon Reverse. Wheel Escapement giving both ordinary and speed action, Point ers most convenient, unique Paper - regulator, Justifler for expand- 9 U, 19 5 LIQUORS I am "how located at 800 East Mali, street, Richmond. Va.. and am frPar to furnish Liquors of all kinds for medicinal -as well as social purposes Mail orders solicited. Write tor prices and particulars. SAM T. SMITH. NEW PIPES. FOR SMOKERS- Merschaum, Briar, Composition And Laurel. Various Prices and Styles. HICKS' DRUGSTORE "ft Ufie NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF , AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS Offers practical industrial edu cation in Agriculture, Engineer ing, Industrial Chemistry, and the Textile Art. Tuition $3 a year. Board $8 a month. 12Q Scholar ships. Address PRESIDENT WINSTON. West Raleigh, FOR THE Finest Hour, Virginia and North Carolina MEATS And an Up-to-date, ' Complete stock of Heavy and Fancy Groceries j.R. Ferrall & Go AN OUNCE Of Satisfaction .is Worth a Pound of Talk therefore it is unnecessary to en large upon the merits of our fine line of men's furnishings. There is satisfaction wrapped in every stylish negligee shirt, fall tie, pique or colored vest, light weight underwear or shoes. The latest ivelties In fall ties and cravats is wit you will find in our up-to-date selections. 600 fllles Sea Trip The Most Attractive Route TO NEW YORK AND Northern and Eastern Summer Resorts IS VIA THE minion And Rail Connections f- Old Do Line Express steamships leave Norfolk. Va.,-daily., except Sunday, at 7-o6 r m.. for New Tork direct, affording op portunity for through passenePr. trr!L the South. Southeast and " w To visit Richmond. Old Point Comfort and Virginia Beach en roue H. B. WALKER. T p A J. J. BROWN. G. p. a., " j New Tork. N. T. Peop biWhere They Gan Get th Best Value for THeir Money : : We have provided for Fair week, for Home, Hotels, BoardinB' Houses, and Schools witH special prices o Blanketa, Comforts, Counterpanes, Sheets, Pillow and Bolster Cases, Towels, NapRina, Ta. ble DamasKs, Curtains.' etc. Close price on quantities , Rl ANKFTSNew A" Wo0' Blankets, sizes 10-4, 11-4 and 0LH'1 12-41 Prices 4.00, $5.00 and $5.50. NEW ALL COTTON BLANKETS T", al Gray' t2 -I - - x 10-4, 75 c to $1.50; 11-4, $1.25 to $2. 00v COMFORTS""Cott0n;F Comforts . Soft Cotton Filled imitation Down. ,$1.25 to $4.00. Soft Down Filled Comforts, $5.00 to $8.50. G0UNTE8PANES--Sing,e Bed size, 75c to $1.25, .. Full Size Crochet. $1-00 to 31. 75. : 1 .Full Size Marseilles, 2.00 to 5i00. SHEETS D PILtOW GASES--Ur1d'r pric? for v Fair Week. . Torn Ends, :SHr.u'nk and Nicly Hemmed. Harvard -Mills, 81x90, 65c; 72x90, 55c. j Belvidera, 81x90, 60c; Oakland, 63x90, 50c. Saxon Mills Cases, 42x36. 15c 45x36, 16c; 45x72, 35c, gQ..For Ladies, Misses, Children and Youths, flew Shots, New Styles, bpecial showing this week of Ladies' Suits, Celts, Skirts and Waists,' Silk and Wool Dress Goods and New Dress Trimmings. : RALEIGH, N. C. v Plumbing, Hot Water Heating, Steam Fitting. W A. No. i3.West Hargett Street, Raleigh, N. C. Phones 1 Interstate 576, Bell 1502 OAK RIDGE CoUei3?reiWTatory. Law. Boolkeepini. Shorthand. SI93.00 pay. nind"!cLyTfS nKd" Pe!ent rla1' The IiMt aBd bt .quipped iMini school for boy In the Sonth. Situated over lOOO feet obov, the :; J. A. a M. H. (Near Groebsboro) : THE NORTH STATE L AND NORMA .. . COURSES. . . Uterary. Commercial, dascical. Domestic Science. Scientific. Manual Train-, i ' Ms ;Pedagol cal.- Music ThSl Jnea?In t0 deee- Well-equipped Training School fcr . ofeS oZ& CU numJf ;fl-. Board. laundry, .-tuition. anS fees for nLiidntf For free-tuition students. $125. For Ser 21 W05 T -St;te" J1?0" Fourteth annual, session begihs Septenr should be mLe tTG bTara ln the dormitaries. all free -tuition application-, fng comveSnt Z JUly 15" spondence invited from those-desli fofmatSf addresi " and 8tephers. For catalogue and other !a mion. aaoress. CHARLES D. MIVKR. President. ' 1 Orionsboro. N. C. e troiiae!: and New Prices. Sanitary Plumbing A Specialty taffiSie! Co, Personal Attention Given to All Work INSTITUTE f HOLT. PrincinaK h rATt' t!1Tnw xr - I 9 i i , 24 Save the Wrappers On OCD HENRY Rooney'f Malt TurKey Gin Valuable and useful pres- r ents to be given for same f during December next. STRAUS, GUNST &CO., " Richmond, Va. m Tifmmii m mi i in i in ii ii CAROLINA INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE v

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