THE mornikq post; OCTOBER 12 r : Tl : . RICHMOND HORSE SHOW Baltimore Horses Captured Four-in-Hand Prize List AH the Winners of the Four Prizes in Each Class Large At tendance Last Night Despite the Bad "Weather the secretary to present a resolution ol congratulation to the president of the United States for hie great achieve ment in bringing about peace between Pussia and Japan. Delegate Jennings of Florida, In sec onding the resolution, declared that "ihR south loves the president," and . that he could not remain seated while I the resolution was before the house. He said he could not too strongly em phasize the feeling of love ur.d respect the eouth has for President Roosevelt. The rules were suspended and ' the resolution was unanimously adopted by a rising vote, with a cheer that almost shook the building. MR. FIELDS KNOWS the Man Who Can Explain Insur ance Secrets Discovered New York, Oct. 11. That A. C. Fiolds, the Mutual Life Insurance Com pany's superintendent of supplies, Is the man who can explain in detail the relations existing between the in- the -first federal ' 'judges appointed by President Roosevelt after he succeeded to the presidencS' on the death of Mr. MeKinleyi tAt the- time of his appoint- j ment he was serving as one, of the j judges of the Indiana superior court to which he had been elected by popu lar vote. As United States circuit iudge he succeeded the late Judge "William A. "Woods and ranked his father, Judge John H. Baker, now re tired, but who . at the time was unl suranc companies of this state and iJed states '''district judge for the dis the legislature at Albany, is practically Important information in regard . to Mr. Fields' relations with the Mutual . as a legislative suDeVvisor reached the Secretary. Shaw was then introduced i!1iraro mrattM ,nflnv ana weicomeu wi uBa and no effort will be spared by the committee now to bring the superin- tend-supervlsor before the committee trict of Indiana. Richmond, Va., Oct. ll.-Special.-In splta of very inclement weather follow ing an all-day rain, the attendance upon the horse show tonight was far In excess of the opening night. - Again the boxes were filled with beautiful women from many states, brilliant gems flashing in the arc lights beneath ho less brilliant eyes. The Baltimore horses. Lord Balti more, Maryland, Virginia and West Virglna, C. W. "Watson, owner, took the blue ribbon tonight in the. four-in-hand class. Following Is a summary of the prize winners: moo 19 rvkmMnntinn saddle, and 1CLJ J V V harness horses First, Brilliant, Mrs. Allen Potts, Cobham; second. Deter mination, C W. Watson, Baltimore; third, Little Fritz, Miss Vera Morris. New York; fourth, Lake Side, Joseph Wlesenfeld, Baltimore. Class 34 Saddle horses First, Ger aldine, H. W. Sprattey. Elberon; sec ond, Radiant, Mrs. Allen Potts, Cob ham; third, Flenrette, Westchester farm; fourth. Rex, Miss Vera Morris, New York. Class 19 Four-ln-hand Blue went to Lord Baltimore, Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia; C. W. Watson, Bal , timore. Class 12 Horse and runabout First. Aileen, J. F. Carlisle, New York; sec ond, Dr. Reid, A. Randolph Howard, Fredericksburg; third, Lake Side, Jo seph Welsenfelfl. Baltimore; fourth, New Market. C. W. Watson, Baltimore. Class 2 Roadsters First, Fox in Lambert, Lady Brilliant, A. E. Saun ders, Jr., Richmond; second, Red Bird, Morning Glory, A. E. Saunders, Jr., Richmond; Witch Hazel, Queen, K. -Wood and Hall, Belle vue. Class 11 Ladies' pair First, Mozie, Sue Kearsey, p. W. Watson, Baltimore; second, Saint Sinner, Mrs. A. O. Van Hausen, New York; third, Watch Me, See Me Go, tiavid Dunlop, Petersburg. Class 18 Hunting tandem First, Nancy Lee, Matt, David Dunlop, Pe tersburg; . second, King. Dodo, Mate, Dunlop and Sydnor; third, Brilliant, Firelight. Mrs. Allen Pptts, Cobham; Deep Run, Mate, Grant and Beattie, Richmond. : ' of the national government . Speech of Secretary Shaw After acknowledging the applause that greeted his introduction Secretary Shaw spoke at length on the commerce of the country and 'what, it means, devoted himself particularly to a dem onstration of the need of a larger mer as a witness. Up to the present, how ever, the committee has not learned ; definitely where he -is. Members of the committee heard to day that Mr. Fields has for the last several years maintained a house in T";uu", ' :r ' ; 7th . h Ay. where he lived during the ses chant marine. "The nations of the earth .,;.. r.. j. ,, PIOUS OL iniJ leglflttlUie. AIIU lUIA'I IIlcl- ; u 1 V, i thV TTitd hhe Mutual has maintained in Albany of which originates in the: Lnlteal .... ..... ' States and one-ninth finds American Hew $100,000 Investment Co Salisbury, N. C. Oct. 11. Special. With an authorized capital of $100,000 the Mutual Investment. Company has been organized here for the purpose of buying, holding and developing real j estate in and ground this city. Mr. j Whitehead Klutz, C. B. Jordan, Dr. IV V. Brawley and other leading Salis burians are behind the new corpora tion, w hich begins business with-bright prospects: The plan is a new one and contemplates a systematic saving on GATE CITY CO. COMING ? - - Greensboro Military Will At tend State Fair Convocation of Charlotte Meets En larging and Beautifying Methodist Female College Bad Weather In terrupts Central Carolina Fair Greensboro, N. C Oct. 11.,-Special, The Gate City Guards have decided to go to Raleigh on October 19th to form a part of President Roosevelt's guard upon the occasion of his visit to the ports for its consumption. With eighty or more countries selling ten billions worth of merchandise to each other, Americans sell to each other practi cally twenty-five billions worth of goods. The countries of the world conn; here for food, cotton, minerals, petro leum, raw material of all kinds and tho world comes t o get it in Its own ships. We have the largest and cheapest and best railway system in the world, and the government, is now enlarging ts bounty by spending hundreds of millions to dig a canal across the Isthmus of Panama," ... The secretary, then showed that the distance from "San Francisco to Liver pool around Cape Horn is the same as from San Francisco to New York by the same route. With the jfanama canal it will be the same distance from New York to Hong Kong as It is from mittee today that Fields was at one Liverpool to Hong Kong. The markets time a power in the Democratic party of the world are being developed, South in Westchester county. His place of America and South Africa are being residence is Dobb's Ferry, although opened up. The countries of Europe besides the Albany house, he has have their eyes on these places and places at the Thousand Islands, Nick are establishing banks and warehouses, and Asbury Park. His salary as su- They have already established fast perintendent of supplies is $10,000 a lines of steamers. The United States year. At on time Fields was chair- THE AMERICAN BANKERS' ASSOCIATION Continued from Page One.) same penalties and conditions as now prescribed for impairment of capital stock. i "Financiers differ as to the proper methods of assuring at all times a cur rency ample but not rebundant, elastic but not capable of utter manipulation 'Asset currency' . and 'emergency cur- rency' are terms not yet capable of Sxact definition. It has been said that 'fools often rush In where angels fear to -tread.' In considering this question let's not emulate the former nor arro gate to ourselves the wisdom of the latter, but, as conservative, patriotic business men, may we solve the ques tion aright, and, having once made up our minds, have the courage to en force our convictions. "In conclusion, gentlemen of the as sociation, I wish as the most appropri ate words to voice the sentiment which all of tou must feel of good will and wishes for the president of the United ' State, who, in the high office which he nils, with distinguished abilities, brings to bear upon questions of public mo ment a profound sense of patriotism and sincere desire for the nation's and the Individual's good. I am sure utter your thought in hoping for him continued health and strength and un measured success in his high endeav ors. "We congratulate him upon the hap' py and successful outcome of his long. wise and patient labors tp bring peace to our unhappy and warring neigh bors, and we express the hope that our country and our country's power and greatness may ever find its high est field of usefulness in promoting the arts and splendors of unbroken peace.' Reception it White House Fully five thousand people, the mem bers of the American Bankers' - Asso ciation and their families, crowded the Wliite House this afternoon1 at the re ception tendered by President Roose velt. The reception began at 3, and, while it had been announced that it would end at 4:30, the visitors were still in line at 5 p. m. -"-At the Arlington Hotel tonight Sec retary and Mrs. Shaw received until nearly midnight. The secretary and Mrs. Shaw were assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Metcalf, the former representing the only purely commercial department outside of the treasury. His presence In the receiving line was deemed emi nently proper. Others assisting in re ceiving were Miss Shaw, daughter of the socretary; William B. Ridgeley, i comptroller of the currency; Charles H. Treat, United States treasurer, and Mrs. Treat; Assistant Secretary and Mrs. Keep; Assistant Secretary and Mrs. Taylor, and Assistant Secretary Reynolds. The " Corcoran Gallery of . Art was thrown open to the -visitors from 8 to 11 p. m. "The Scuth Lovo the Presldanr Former Representative C. A. Pighley of New York was recognized at the for several years an establishment where entertainment .was afforded to legislators whose good will it was de sirable to retain. This matter will be inquired into when the inquiry Is resumed next week and iti s predicted today that if the facts are brought out it will b found that other insurance com panies contributed to the maintenance Of the house. The Mutual officers have told the investigating commit tee that Fields is too ill for them to ask him to appear before the investi gating committee and that the com mittee will have to subpoena him. Whether the house which Fields had was the one in which the legislators were entertained Was not stated to day. It was also brought to the attention of persons connected with the com- state fair. The trip is voium-.. the part of the share-holders who are the part Qf the members of Greens among the younger business and pro- . boroa military organization, who will fessional men in the community. ; tho nWT1 ft-rnenses. ' Prof. Chas. Leonhardt, the champion , , n w . Tannines has purchased Greaco-Roman wrestler of the world, Eixty'nine building lots In the north who is spending some time in Sails-. western part of the city from- the Caro- bury, states today tnat ne nas accept- ,. , Estate and Investment coin ed the challenge of Joe Maybelle of pany ' Canada for a contest at an early date, attendance at the regular meet- but that no place has been -decided . . tl rv.r.vnratlon of Charlotte to- - i . v. ior ino maccn. peoyje ui - r otfl, a tiHtaw's 'EmscoDai nmc upon Salisbury are. however, anxious to have the champions meet in this city. has neither banks or commission houses or warehouses within them, nor has it means of communicating with them except through old dilapidated ships sailing under foreign flags. "We have the most convenient form of money in the world. We speak ths language of commerce. Our farms pro- duce more than the farms of any other country. Our mines yield gold liter- man of the Democratic county com mittee inWestchester. That was some time back in the 90's, when the Demo cratic party was stronger In Westches ter than it is now. Mr. Fields, the committee has been told, was a heavy contributor to the Democratic cam paigns in Westchester. He was in strumental, it was said in electing Charles P. McClelland to the state ally by the car load, silver by the train senate in 1892 arid in 1903, and William load, and there is unloaded on the J Graney in 1899. Both McClelland shores of a single commonwealth more j and Graney are said to be friends of Iron ore than any other country pro- Fields, uces. Our forests increased one hun dred million feet of lumber for every day of the year. Our factories turn out more finished products than all the factories of Great Britain and Germany combined by more than three thousand millions every twelve months.. -. We transport this matchless product of farm and factory, forest and mine from the interior to the sea at one-third what similar services cost anywhere else be neath the skies. We carry it from points along the coast in better ves sels, on quicker time and at cheaper rates than others. But at our coast line we are brought to an abrupt halt. Here we are no longer Independent. Our foreign commerce is four times as large as forty years ago, but we carry in our ships only one-third as many gross tons as forty years ago. We Fields Is getting to be pretty well along in years how, and it Is said that his health, has been failing. - . . j. A here was large and the interest Tho'fliiv'a services included the Holy t 730 a. m.. morning WlUlllUlliV" - - . . . . m-ao New Asst. Sect'y of State i "i . - Washington, Oct. 11. Mr. Robert Ba- at 7.30 D. m. by-Rev. Henry T. con of TCp.w Vork todav took the oath -.i,- f ' winctnn.Salpm. At this - - - v. i n.u vi .i..w. of office and qualified as assistant sec- morning's service addresses were de- retary of state, and Mn Francis B. iivered by Hon. J. C. Buxton, Hon Loomis vacated that office. The cere- j g Henderson and Maj. W, A. Smith mony was simple, taking place in the Thft revocation closes tonight. office of the assistant secretary, the i instructions have been given to J. T. only persons being present being Mr. Hunt & c0-f contractors, to proceed Eacon, Mr. Loomis and Mr. Dean, chief -.Mt. thft Wnri, 0f flniShine: the front of of the department, who administered , jcjreensboro Female College, and a force the oath of office. ' of workmen will be put on the job at It happens that Secretary Root is absent from Washington for the day, so that Mr. Bacon, by -virtue of the fact that he outranks Mr. Adee and Mr. Pierce, the second and third as sistants, was obliged to begin his ser vice in the department as acting sec retary of state, an exceptional occur- i rence. Alphonso Opens Cortes Madrid, Oct. 11. King Alfonso in person today opened the cortes with the customary elaborate ceremonial. His his speech opening roU by go as tQ lnsure a large attend tne session, u enumerated tne .minis-.; ance tomorrow, trhich Is always the try s proposed legislation, ararmea mat ; . . , f th f. - i 1 T J11(tV once. The completion or me uuui8 will result in not only beautifying, but nridinir Revfiral dormitory rooms. It is probable that thfe contemplated east wine will be erected next summer, The rain last night was welcomed by everybody in this section, but today It has been so threatening that it has had the effect of interfering with the attendance on this the second day of the Central Carolina Fair. The crowd at the fair is not so large as it would have been if the weather had been favorable, but the fair au thorities are hoping that the clouds will SULLY AT GOLDSBORO Five Hundred Farmers Heard Him Goes to South Carolina Goldsboro, N. C, Oct. 11. Special. The five hundred farmers who assem bled in the opera house here this af ternoon had an opportunity to see and hear the great cotton king, D. J. Sully, through whose efforts the farmers realized 17 cents a pound for cotton tw years ago. He spoke Just fifteen minutes, but in that short time he delivered a con- have protected and encouraged every clse ani comprehensive elucidation of interest but our merchant marine, and the cotton situation. The address was every protected interest has flourished, a liberal education In cotton facts and We have every facility for internation- figures. The desire on the part of the al commerce except Internal merchants, farmers to hold cotton for higher internal bankers and an Internal mer- prices was considerably increased by chant marine. Shall we not have the sage advice of the speaker, who, these? I am not urging ship subsidies, with argument and conclusive evi I am speaking of results, not of meth- dence gathered from material sources, ods. If we will but take advantage showed such a course to be not only of our opportunities we will send these feasible, but highly practicable. His products of farm and factory under ev- audience was often enthusiastic. ery sky and into every port and make He left here tonight for South Caro- our . financial centers the clearing j una. houses of at least a fraction of the world's trade." ftT nfYrYurvrTvnc tja nnrtn The Business Outlook Following the 'reading of and action triif., Wpota Tnrraf Pisnron and committees of the association, Sheriff and MOVM On x-xv .auuup, Spenccr N. a, Oct. 11. Special 4 r w 1)ePttW Sheriff J. S. Dorsott,. 'Squire v.. w" 1 I W. D. Pethel and B. F. Vun Canon of xorn, spoive on xne business uui-1 caT,nay. ,1Q, n nna. .. , the good relations between Spain and the other powers must be taken ad vantage of for the purpose of conclud ing commercial treaties, and referred to Spain's participation in the negotia tions regarding the . Morocco contro versy. The King runner said the gov ernment would sumbit a bill making military . instruction compulsory. Alluding to a new navy as a neces sity, he said that Spain needed a squadron sufficiently powerful to in sure respect among' the powers. fll I! l 3 ? L In additioa to the cut prices on Trunka Crockery, Glassware, Boy s . lotniiKj and Men s Hats, we have put the knife deep into the price of Cambric and iNamsooK, rQgrnqg ! d Insertions. Also the whole stock of TvVin T ,nrAQ have been reducei X JM. V-. v w - , . an You will find very .interesting Runs. Table Jbinen arid lNapRins, i m i . . i ana rianKeis, prices on Com For U We have a $40,000.00 new, that will be sold February ist, 1906. stock of between goods, all now and M OUR MILLINERY DEPART is ready a take orders. 14 EAST MARTIN STREET. Trinity College Notes, Trinity College, Durham, i. C, Oct. 11. Special. The athletic association held an enthusiastic rally last night. Several speeches were made by num bers of faculty and student-body. Athletic interest reached a high pitch. The following were elected assistant managers of the baseball team: In the Y. M." C. A. hall tomorrow evening will be held a preliminary debate for the purpose of selecting two men to represent Trinity in the: debate with Vanderbilt. Eight men have en tered the contest. A tennis tournament Is in progress I this week. As a result of this con test players are to be selected for inter-collegiate games. The Guilford Cotillion Club gave a dellerhtful dance last night in the assembly hall of the Benbow, and to night the Merchants and Manufactu rers' Association's reception takes place in the elegant club rooms in the City National Bank building. The North State German Club srlves a dance to night In the assembly hall of the Ben i bow, and ' the marshals' ball will be held there tomorrow night. The contractors state that the lay ing of the vitrified brick in the re pavlhg of Elm street will be com menced within the next week. The contract calls for the work to be com pleted within sixty working days. Robert McAden, colored, is under bond for his apearance before Justice J. M. Wolfe to answer the charge of forgery, . the complainant being C. O. Forbis, a furniture dealer here, who alleges that McAden had raised some receipts wrhich he had given him for payments on an "account for furniture. Charles Mobley, an escaped peniten- men. This marks the end of the Norwegian-Swedish dispute. The troops detailed for duty n the western fron tier have been ordered to be sent home immediately, while the nayal reserve men are to be disbanded as speedily as possible and ho later than October 18th. The Swedish coast squadron left Gothenburg today for Karlskrona, whence the ships will depart for their different Stations. 1 DOUBLE RACES TODAY Too Wet Yesterday at the Central Carolina Fair Greensboro, N. C, Oct. 11 Special. A heavy track caused by last niffht'3 itiary convict, was captured yesterday rains prevented the races from being by Deputy Sheriff George F. Crutch- pulled off at the Central Carolina Fair field, and a guard will come up from i this afternoon, but .the management. FOREIGN NEWS BUDGET novel experience chasing Geo. Boger, colored, near thl3 place yesterday with bloodhounds. Boger was wanted for a number of irfpfl tirtT ff low 1 r , Qtio A a A "Should a stock market speculation LhQ officcr8 f6r several months. He was located yesterday in a colored set- Raleigh after him today. Mobley was serving a aentence of two years for housebreaking in Alamance county when he escaped in July, 1904, His sentence was nearly up when he got away. When he finishes it he .will be brought back to Greensboro to answer the charge of retailing. WOODWARD ACQUITTED Tokohoma, Oct. 11. The British squadron, under the command of Vice Admiral Sir Girard Noel, which left Kobe yesterday morning, arrived here! Man Who Went After Printers Not today and wras heartily welcomed. A An Emigration Agent Winston-Salem, N. C, Oct. 11. Spe cial. In the superior court this after- look." He- viewed the general situa tion with the eye of an optimist, but sounded a note of warning in these words: start from the present high level of prices in the face of the extraordinary demand for capital and money which crops and business alike are making," said he, "rthe result might easily be temporary disaster. Although there may be many favorable features to the outlook, it is no time for prudence to be cast to the winds and no time for speculative commitments which would yield disaster if temporary reverses came; no time for laxness in any of the forms of business prudence and conservatism." At the conclusion of Mr. Vanderllp'a address, Mr. William B. Ridgeley, comptroller of the currency, was intro duced. Very soon after Mr. Ridgeley had finished, the convention adjourned until tomorrow. 1" tlemcnt and the above named officers went in pursuit armed with shotguns and bloodhounds procured from the county convict camp. When the posse approached the . house where Boger was hiding the latter fled through the thick woods and the hounds were placed on his trail at once. The chase was interesting A from the start, but the hounds were soon beyond hearing distance. The officers followed tha trail for an hdur or more and were losing all hope when to their astonish ment they, found the two dogs tied to5. trees and the negro made good his escape, leaving, both the officers and the dogs in the woods. general holiday has been declared and festivities Avere held. In the afternoon Admiral Noel and his officers and 1,3 a noon W- L- Woodard of Roanoke, Va., dances at the cricket grounds ind-icted for acting as emigrant agent dances at the cricket grounds. without license, was acquitted. It is announced that the emperor TTo . ' ? V" u- has conferred the order of the Rising "I. WhVame hf? a fe.w Sun of the first class upon Sir Claude t?' in T f Pter" ft0- n.rnM ,hm take, the places of strikers at Roanoke. ister to Japan. i ?A7a! .1"dcted &nd placed Under a UU11U Ul has arranged for a double-header to morrow, the racing starting1 before din ner and lasting all day. The city is full of visitors and hun dreds of others will arrive on excurs ion trains tomorrow. ; Jap Tokio, Oct. 11. A dispatch frm Moji says that the British steamer Jeho . uuauuB u . ruUn o supreme court only thosft ninety miles east of the Shangtung .n ,. , It was held by the counsel of the defense that In accordance with a who make It a regular business of employing people on a per cent, basis could be classed &9 emigrant agents. Oceanic' Firemen Arrested JUDGE BAKER'S OFFENCE Charges Referred By Civil Service Board to Department of Justice Joseph G. Brown Honored The nominating committee of the bankers' association held a meeting at 4:30 this afternoon and the North Caro- 1 : JI 1 A- t f a . . una delegation nominated josepn u. Washington, Oct. 11. The charge of rown or itaieign as one or tne ten soiicitine- and accenting camnai en con members of the executive council trlbutions .in the campaign of. 1902 wnicn is to oe elected on Friday. As j nomination is' considered equivalent to lighthouse, northeast coast of China. Fifteen of the crew and passengers are missing, included two foreign en-" glneers. St. Petersburg, Oct. 11. A dispatch om im. , tne cap ai 01 uS8ian ; Liverpool, Oct. ll.-Upon the arrival Transcausia, states that the Tartars here today of th(5 staf u have taken possession of many vil- Bteamship Oceanic from New York lages, hoisted the Tartar flag over, thirty-three of her firemen were taken them and expelled the Russians. The lnto custody on complaint of her cap authonty of the latter seems to have tain f or refuslnff duty. The firem J over two hundred square miles. Colon, Oct. 11. The members of the canal commission sailed for home this afternoon. CarJps Bertonoini, one of the oldest officials of the old French Panama Company, who Is now chief New Orleans. Oct. 11. In of an important division of the canal, the appearance of frost In LouWr,9 demanded higher wages than those Charlotte News Notes Charlotte, N. C, Oct. 11. Special. Crowded houses greeted "The Clans man" both at matinee and night per formances here today. Every .ticket was sold within a short time after the opening of the box': office several days ago. - Charlotte is to have another hotel, the proprietors of the Dennv Car ha v- ins today signed a lease for the Cen tral Hotel annex, which will be con ducted on the European plan. Several thousand dollars will be spent in in ternal improvements. In the superior court this afternoon the case of Mrs. Sarah C. Wallace against the Seaboard Air Line Rail road for $50,000 for the death of her husband last March was taken up. Atlantic Baptist Association 1 New Bern, N.C, Oct. 11.-SpecIaL The Atlantic Baptist Association for this district convened this morning m the lecture room of the Middle Street Baptist church. The district com prises Carteret. Pamlico, Onslow and Craven counties. ' - Not much business was transacted, Many delegates arrived on the inocm- o louay ana tonight. The SHflT FOR A SOIIIRRFI Uiiui lull it uyuniii I II J Peculiar Death of Prominent Edgecombe Farmer W. T. Cherry Attempts to Detect Poaching Hunters on His Posted land and is Killed By One of-His Negro Tenants By Mistake Tarboro, N. C, Oct. 11. Sr. Mr. S. T. Cherry," one of the .'inosi prominent men in the county, was ac cidentally killed on his plantation neai Rocky Mount lato yesterday afte: non The circumstances which caused i death are singular. Mr. Cherry -Yi goneout into the woods and secreted himself for the purpose of finding rw whohe thought was -hunting un'ur.v fully on his land. , Penfpsey W' -i'-- r a tenant, was doing the hunting ;wl. seeingja small portion of Mr. C!t form moving behind the bmshc?, took it fori a squirrel and ?h 't. ing Mr."' Cherry instantly: , ' The horrible accident, is grcnti; plore.d and much" sympathy is ex; ed for all concerned. ry 3 Raising Fever Quarantine accompanies the barty at the reouest onj Tvricioer.i rf tvt, . .. " 1 ..ulw; upenea cor- election, sured. Mr. Brown's election is as- Onsa of the reading of the report of j ins, The Weather Washington, Oct. 11. For North Carolina and South Carolfna, fair and continued cool Thursday and Friday; light northwestermy winds, dlminish- of Chief Engineer Stevens and General respondence today with the health aui iiiuhlich oi. ixissiHBipm, J ennessee Ma 11. Mayor Ichipara of bama. Texas and Arbin. u-i..'" 7 made acralnst United States Circuit i Vnlrnhnmo o-qto o iimnor fnniirht t. , . . uwnS to , c ... iu'"6'"- ci. gciieiai ltnoiug or. quarantlnoo Judge Baker ot Indiana by Ithe civil the officers of the British and Araeri- October 15. "-"ies service commission, has been referred can warships now here. In offering . to the department of luatice bv th n tnast tn trtno- TT'ri-a.-a rr tva momp welcomed the American battleship Wis- iarisraat lreaty Ratified consin, the flagship of Rear Admiral Stockholm. Oct. 11 . . commlBslon today gave out an official Stirling, because as he Paid the United mlttee of the rtkstag acnointl Btatement oi ue case, m wnicn it was States, although not allied formally Bider the Karlstadt trPatV I "The statute of limitations is" with JaDan. was regarded as a friend imvislv ronnrf WViy unan- - - - , .-. fr-j, kv i.i lavor of if o they had signed for in. the articles and tatlon 1 th. l.L . ge upon being refused practically struck. ! to k n aOciatlon. They expect Mfes Alice at a Jap. Party Tokio, Oct. 11. Premier Karsua gave a dinner today in honor of E. H. Har riman. . ... Miss Alice Roosevelt was present at the garden party which County Inouye secretary of the home am Z ?iUSiy lhI5 resldence 'n. honor of X commission. In connection with the reference the said: the only defense which poeea 10 tne cnarre. , shown that his policy was peace and Judg FrancU X Baker was one of the open door. . .. catfbn Orders were Issued today home the troops and naval com- con- ratifi- Japs Seize German Steamers tI?i -The Japanese yes- Emurty and Hans Wagner th Hatter off nV T.,rn"aua calling aller v,., a. xney are 1 , nave peen carry in e contr- reserve band. J. F. Morrisett-Acquitted Norfolk, Va., Oct. 11. J. F. .M-r sett, formerly superintendent of Southern Mutual Aid Life In- ; Company here, was acquitted, tried :on the charge of erasing acid addresses of several thousa: 1 icy holders whom, it is allege i. induced to transfer their polices ' National Insurance Company, by he is now employed. Full of Tragic Meaning are these lines from J. H., Casey, la. Think what might ' -suited from his terrible cough If " " not take nthe medicine about yV-'- writes: "I had a fearful cough ' turted my night's rest.. I tri thing, but nothing would reli"v til I . took Dr. King's New I for Consumption, Coughs ar l' which completely cured me." It ' remleyes and permanently 1 ' throat and lung diseases; prev ;.! -and .pneumonia. At all '! '-" guaranteed; 50c and $1.00. TrJ'1 free. "1 Special Ralevia. A. & N. C. Rar. Rates one first-class far? r cents for the round trip, which '" admission to the fair grounrK been' authorized from all poln A. & N. C. Railroad to Ralei : and return, accounjt North Car -dustrlal falr (colored). Octo! "j NovemhPf M ior Tipfa to '; -1 October 29th to November 2d, i. with final limit November th, -sci-