THE MORNING POST. FRIDAY. OCTOBER, 13. 1005 5 THE ENTRIES FOR THE RACES The List Is the Best One for Years GOOD RACING ENSURED All the Classes Filled Except the 2:18 TrotRules Require at, Least Five Entries for Each Race'ome Very Speedy Horses Among Them May Del Marseilles, EL W. Powell Greensboro, If. C. . . Wednttday October 18 2:85 Trot,, purse $200. , Conductor Corbitt, b. s., H. J. Jami son & Co.. Roanoke, Va. Molly Woodnut, b. m., G. W. Halght, White Plains, N. Y. Quick, ch. m.. G. W. Halght, White Plains, N.' Y. Clam, b. g.,B.' Gormly, Greensboro, N. C. . -y Billy Gormly, s. gr., B. Gormly, Greensboro, N. C; The General, b. s., Silas M. Wilcox, Greensboro, N. 0. Daisey Haines, b. m. R. K Holt, Burlington, N.- C. Nut Eler, s. g., Geo., F. Dyer, Roan oke, Va h Lady Harford, b. m., M. H. White, Hertford, N. C. Gen. Kuser, b. g., Wm. Nicholson, Baltimore, Md. ,iit 2:21 pace, purse?$250. 3T A SYRIAN ASSAULTED Magistrate Only Exacted Pay ment ot Costs husband- and seven children, four sons and three daughters, to mourn her loss. She has three sisters, Mrs. ex-Chief Justice Shepherd, Mrs. G. A. Spurrow and Mrs. George Crabtree, and one brother. Judge Brown. ieety, j., b, m., H. J. Jamison & Co., Roanoke, Va. - j Billy Jackson, b g., Geo. T. Penny, ; and beatin him' and was let ofC. by Greensboro, N. CM ' . j Magistrate R. G. Reid upon the pay- Stone Walker, k g,, eJw. Powell & ment of costs. Co., Greensboro, N. C. ; Olive . claims that the man owed him Buddie C , b. g., R. L. Holt, Burling- ' money and when he accosted him and ton, N. C. ' cursed him, the Syrian made a motion Maud Adams, b. m., Geo. F. Dyer, as if to draw a pistol. Only one wit- Roanoke, Va. ness out of five saw any movement Pharos, s. g Geo. F; Dyer, Roanoke, of this kind and the unarmed Syrian 7r .... . . . .tate res have been prepared tor j . a iVA "' 'publication by the clerk of the course, V. . j The affair occurred near Norris' Mr. C. G. Fox, of Philadelphia, and will ' Running, one-half mile' heats; purse store, corner of Wilmington and Mar tin found iirtTir" The lict ia an oTr0i. ioo. tm streets. Olive aDDroached the ' w w w w .a. w W Mil Jk.yiA 1 " vaienauia, D.m., W. Committee to Award, Patterson Cup Judge R. W. Winston, chairman, an nounces that the committee named to award the Patterson memorial cup, to be given in recognition of the work rr. n7. . - -m . rrW-oV-of that North Carolinian published in Henry Olive Cursed and Thrashed i thQ laat twelve months whlcn shows the "highest literary skill and excel lence," will meet in the supreme court library in Raleigh" Tuesday, October 17th, at 5:30 p. m. The committee is composed of the occupants of the chairs of history in the University of North Carolina and Trinity College Henry Olive, ex-policeman and driver I me cna're literature in . tne u fl : . . . University. Davidson and Wake For- of one of the city fire wagons, yester-j est colle&es day thrashed a Syrian, H. Diamond, H. Diamond on Wilmington Street then Paid Squire Reid $3.80. Olive's Side of the Affair The entries for the North Carolina lent one and ensures good racing next Roanoke, Va. week. All the classes have filled ' ex cept the 2:18 trot. It is the best list of entries for years. "According to the published conditions there must be five horses entered for each race, with at least three horses to start. In the 2:18 trot referred to. there are four entries, and the horses S. Jamison, Syrian, said something to hjm, a few I words passed, the foreigner was knock- Mr. Smooth, ich.'-gf, A. G. Denton, 1 ed flat and when he arose he started Wilmington, N. C. 4 off jabbering something, whereupon The Phelps, I. T. Pope, Weldon, N. C Olive again rah up and struck him .Laird Branch, G.. E. Rannom, Wei- j several times. don, N. Ct Thursday October 19 2:18 trot, purse $300. Nut Eler, s. g., Geo. F. Dyer, Roan- Qon't Borrow Trouble It is a bad habit to borrow anything, but the worst thing you can possibly borrow is trouble. When sick, sore, heavy, weary and worn-out by the pains and poisons of dyspepsia, bil iousness, Brigrht's disease. and similar internal disorders, don't sit down and brood over your symptoms, but fly for nellef to Electric Bitters. Here you will find sure and permanent forgetful ness of all your troubles, and your body will not be burdened by a load of debt disease, j At all druggists. Price 50c. Guaranteed. y. The-Bntire-Family The tasteless and acceptable form of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic makes it adaptable to the youngest infant or delicate female,) while its superior strength in eliminating and tonic properties makes it equally as effective for the adult of robust constitution. J 7 DrivesOat Malaria and Builds Up the System Sold by all dealers for 27 years. Price 50 cents. ill will be allowed to race by the payment i eke, Va. of an additional, entrance fee. so as to j Bonaparte, .b. s., M. H. White, Hert comply with the conditions. An entry j ford, N. CV or two may possibly have miscarried, i Jim Bayard, b. g Wm. Nicholson, and if mailed prior to 11 o'clock last j Baltimore, Md. Tuesday night they will be eligible, j Tearoleon. b. s., Rhodes & Bannister, even though they may not come to ' Roanoke, Va. light utnil the end of this week. To show, for instance, the uncertain- 2:18 pace, purse $300.' Fleety J., b. m., H. J. Jamison & Co. ty of race entries, a letter was received 1 Roanoke, Va. by Secretary Pogue which had been j Minnie Thompson, b. m., H. J. Jami mailed at Greensboro last Tuesday, and ! on & Co., Roanoke, Va. contained only a lead-pencil scrawl in i Jack of Dinmouri g. g., G. W. Haight, the following words: "I will also enter . White Plains, N. T- 'Bettie Jones' in same classes. I wait three starts for the two horses." This is supposed to have been written by a horseman who filled out an entry blank md neglected to enclose it In the letter. A.s it is, Clerk Fox has been unable to put the horse "Bettie Jones" in the list, as there is nothing to go by as to the classes for 'which the entries are in- Sadie Temple, b. m., Jos. H. Hanna, Roanoke, Va. Stone Walker, s.- g., E, W. Powell & Co., Greensboro, N C. - Conroy, b. s.f M. H. White, Hertford, N. C. Mary Del, ch. m., Wm. Nicholson, Baltimore, Md. Running, three-fourths mile heats, tended whether for three trotting or , purse $100. . three pacing classes. The sender of the Calendula, b. m.f W. D. Jamison, letter will probably turn up next week, i Roanoke, Va. when he will be giVen the . chance of . Mr. Smooth, ch., g., A. G. Denton, correcting his error. This may give Wilmington, N. C. . two additional entries for each of the ' Yraird Branch, G.- E. Ransom, Wel three trotting classes, and thus fill the ; don, N. C. 2:18 trot, which, as heretofore staged,! The Phelps, J. T. Pope, Weldon, -lacks one -entry; of the5Te4ulU'num7'Na.r-' s: ber. - ' . . " Sylvan Dell, b. g., H. J. Jamison & There are six horses named for the Co., Roanoke, Va. 1:22 trot, as the entry list now stands; ! Marseilles, E. W. Powell & Co., six for the 2:17 pace; ten for the 2:35 trot; ;even for the 2:21 pace; four for the 2:18 trot, seven for the 2:13 pace; six for the 2:27 trot, and five for the 2:27 pace. There are also five, four ana I Greensboro, N. C. The Syrian set out immediately to find a policeman when an officer met him and took him before Magistrate Reid on the charge of engaging in an affray. Diamond says that the magis trate advised him to submit, but the foreigner protested that he had done nothing and vowed " that he would spend the last penny he had before he would pay ofte cent. He did not even know the name of the man who beat him, so he said. Diamond asked for time to get a lawyer. Magistrate Reid" told him that he would have to put up a $50 bond then. The Syrian pulled the money out of his pocket and deposited it with the magistrate. The trial ' was set for yesterday after noon. Diamond employed Messrs. Argo & Shaffer to defend him. He still protested that he did .not know who had struck him. WJien the matter came to trial Dia mond's lawyers moved his case from s 'Squire Reid and it was sent to Capt D. G. COnn and set for 10:30 this ! morning. The trial of Olive then pro ceeded. Olive swore that Diamond owed him some money; the witness dd not say what the debt amounted to or - what it was for- He met the Syrian yesterday and demanded payment Diamond talked back at him in a way he did not like, so Olive , applied a sunerlativelv vile oath to him. The Syrian Jumped back and reached be hind him as if for a gun, so Olive knocked, him down. When the Syrian got up he said: "I am going to make . vou nav for this." whereupon Olive replied: "If I have got'to pay for it I might as well give you a good one,' and he proceeded to chastise the man Duncan Mangum corroborated Olive in the assertion that the Syrian reach Special Rates via. A. & N. U. Railroad" Rates one first-class fare plus t& cents for the round tfrp, which includes admission to the fair grounds, havo been authorized from all points on the A. & N. C. Railroad to Raleigh, N. C- and return, account North Carolina In dustrial Fair (colored), October 30th- November 3d. 1905. Ticket to be sold October 29th to November 2d, Inclusive, with final limit November 6th, 1905. Hi HI 225 iSoutH Wilmington Street, ;i East End jof Market. HEADQUA TERS FOR EVERYTHING Builders' Supplies, Stoves, Cuttlery, Firearms Dhirymen Supplies, Ready Mixed Paints, Blacksmiths' Supplies, Contractors9 Supplies. Ask for what you want and you wilt get it. TUCKER Friday October 20 2:27 trot, purse $200. Conductor Corbitt, b. s., H. J. Jami- i i i r n AnnV. r tHa : onn Mr I'n . Ro.innlrp Vfl. S Molly Wcdnutbv in., G. W. Haight, ed behind him, when he s cursed rUT!lSr!! 'mttpiain, m v However, Edwin McKee, J. I. Johnson V1'1 wm wiUUU"r Motpr T r W TTiht wbn Jr., and two other witnesses who saw epeedy horses, uchas L"Mary . r, b,n.,.G. W. Haight, White & trie (jIlcotuuL xiiai c iiiiti.- csiauiisucu ' record of the Raleigh track (2:16) one yeaff ago. Other good ones are Minnie Thompson (2:174) and Sadie Temple (2:18), the Roanoke (Va;) horses that are great rivals. These horses have had sharp tilts this year at Roanoke, Lynchburg and other places, and are expected to race here for blood. Either one Is capable of breaking the trac'n record. Another Roanoke horse is ''Fleety J.," a green one, four years old, that has already obtained a mark of 2:21 and is said to be able to go consider ably below her mark if-hard pressed. The Virginia city of Roanoke, since j Tearoleon, b. s,, Rhodes & Bannis ter, Roanoke, Va.' A Nut Eler, s. g., Geo. F. Dyes, Roa noke, Va. Lady Harford, b. m., M. H. White, Hertford, N. C. 0 2:27 pace, purse $200. Butcher Boy, b. g., C. Ewins Greens boro, N. C. Billy Jackson; g. g., Geo. T. Penn, Greensboro, N. C. The General, b. a.', Silas M. Wilcox, Greensbdro, N. C. Pharos, s g., Geo. F. Dyer, Roanoke, Va. ' Mezie C, b. m., W. C. Dyer, Roa- the Syrian make any move towards his pocket or offer any resistance. Olive is a powerful man, weighing two hundred pounds, while the Syrian is much smaller. The Syrian did not go on the witness stand. Magistrate Reid said that he would let Olive off upon the payment of costs, which amounted to $3.80. The case against the Syrian will be de veloped at today's trial. MUTUAL INVESTMENT CO. the construction there in 1903 of the j noke, Va. , present excellent track and training i Running, - consolation, one-half mile quarters, has become a great rendez vous for horsemen. It is gratifying to know that the best horses which have been trained on that track will be seen here next week. In addition to. the running horses owned by the Jamisons New Enterprise for Salisbury Ashe- ville Co. Chances Name heats, purse $100. I The secretary of state issues a char Open to those horses that have ter to tne Mutual Investment Company started, and have not won either first of Salisbury, with Messrs. Charles B or second money. Borden, R. V. Brawley, Whitehead Some of the above horses nave pecu- Kluttz Col. John S. Henderson and liar names, but none more so than th as incoroorators: The capital of Roanoke father ana two sons tne , the stallion 'Tearoleon,'" owned oy fzati0n is for $100,000, of which amount same horsemen will oring a number oi , Messrs. Rhodes & Bannister or Koa- - K0 has Keen nald in. The company runners (colts of thoroughbred Ken tucky stock), which, if,, arrangements HOTEL, (Shy Wa give DOBBIN & FtR RAIL'S 6c!d Trading Stamp?, with every cash purchase. One stamp for every 10c jno, a. tucker; Greensboro. N. C, New and modern in eyery particular and a: model of neatness and comf ort. A share of your patronage will be appreciated. Luoisburg College Will Begin Its 49th Year Septem- ; ber 6th, 1905. iThe stately and commodious build ings are situated In a grove of splendid primeval oaks, comprising twelve acres, affording ample and . inviting grounds for out-door exercise, and sports. The number of boarding pupils Is limited to eighty. Thus ensuring to each careful individual training by a strong and well-equipped faculty. A special course is arranged for those wishing to prepare themselves to teach In the public schools. "The expenses of the school are as moderate as tho advantages and ao comodations offered will allow. For catalogue address, M. S. DAVIS, A. M President, Louisburg, N. C. RALEIGH Marble Works COCPER BROS., F.alelgh, N. C. noke, Va. Thisls not a case oi mis- wniconduct a general realty business ; spell," as some might suspect. The in Ventlncr. buyinff and selling. can be made, wm oe enterea ior spe- i Tyrolean Alps at the entrance to xne Thft wales Lumber Company at cial racos of five-eighths; of a mile -pike" at last year's St. Louis exposi- Asheville was granted amendments to dashes, which will prove to be some of ; tion, had reference .to the "valley of the tl ir orie-inal charter, and the name Tyrol in Switzerland and Austria; but 0f that concern was changed to that Tearoleon is a word, coined, from. the, of' the Acheville PanW Mills Com- the sire having oeen 1 1 litis. Write for Catalogue We pay the freight. the greatest drawing cards of the fair, The race entries follow: Tuesday October 17 2:22 trot, purse $25. Quick, ch. in., G. W. Haight, White Plains, N. T. - Molly Woodnut, b. m.,.Q. W. Haight, White Plains, N. Y. Tearoleon, b. s.. Rhodes & Bannister, Roanoke, Va. - The General, b. s., Silas M. Wilcox, Greensboro, N. C. Billy Dey, b. g., M. H. White, Hert ford, -N. C. Jim Bayard, b. g., Wm. Nicholson, Baltimore, Md. 2:17 pace, purse $25. Minnie Thompson, b. m., H. J. Jaml Jon & Co., Roanoke, Va. . Stone Walker, s. g., E. W. Powell & o., Greensboro, N. C. Maud Adams, b. m., Geo. F. Dyer, Roanoke, Va. Ph?"s, s. g.t Geo. Fi 'Dyer, Roan ke, ... Buddie C, b. g., R. L. Holt, Burling ton, N. C. Sadie Temple, b. m., Jos H. Hanna, Roanoke, Va. Running, one-half mile heats; purse noo. Sylvan Dell, b. g., H. J. Jamison & Co., Roanoke, Va. i Mr. Smooth, ch. g., A. . G. Denton, Wilmington, N. C. The Phelps, J. T. Popq, Weldon, N- C. Laird Branch, G. E. Ransom, Wel don, N. a animal's pedigree, the sire having Been Mr Edwin A. Wales is presi "Red Leo," and tne dam 'Tea Rose." dent and Miss Mary L. Wales is sec- The horse "Butcher Boy" was form erly driven in a butcher wagon in a Pennsylvania village until he developed speed. "Billy Qormly" is named after his owner. "Conductor Corbitt" was named after a well known conductor of West Virginia, running pn the Nor folk and Western Railroad. "Quick" la a very good name for a horse, but "Clam" is slow. The latter refers to a production of the coast, and to off set it there should be a horse- named "Tar," another; North Carolina" pro duction. Mary Del,; the mare that made the present track, record, "will again ap pear upon the track.; Her name is a compound of Maryland and Delaware. ATr. a n. Fox. the clerk of the course, is here to remain until the. 4 - . . 1.11.. races are over. He is geiuns out uio ag sne had llvea the allotted time of most attractive program and official man The keynote of her life had been score card ever seen at a southern . f . Maker, and her iruidiner rettiry and treasurer of the organiza tion. ' . . -- , - In Memoriam, Mary V. McLean Entered Into rest, on Tuesday, Octo ber 10th, at Maxton, North Carolina, Mary Virginia, wife of John Allen Mc Lean, in the forty-eighth year of her age. At twilight, "when fast falls the eventide," surrounded by her loved ones, the tears of heaven mingling with theirs, she fell asleep like "one who wraps his mantle around him -and lies down to pleasant dreaming,", and her triumphant spirit Vent out into the darkness, with ; lamp trimmed, and burning, to meet her Lord. She passed away in the noontide of life, but so full and complete it was that it seemed uud Get Ready for Autumn and Winter, The Great State Fair AND THE COMING Of the President. NEW SILKS AND1 VELVETS. CHIFFON VELrVETS--All pure silk, ao-inchea wide, $1.50 and $2.50 a yard. Chiffon, velvets are par excellence the leading material for handsome Costumes this fall and winter. Our range of Shades comprise the most desirable Plum, Olive, Hunter, Royal, Alice Blue, Navy, Garnet, Wine, etc, CLrlFTON FAILLE Messaline finished silks, .'inches wide, $1.50 a yard. This faille is used by the . ' leading dress makers in making their j latest model costumes in combination with cloth and velvet. OUTSIDE of these wonderful yet practical silks there a larger supply than we have ever had before of staplo Taffetas, Chiffon Taffetas, Chifton Bond Taffetas. v 30-inches wide up to 27 mcnes ana 30-mcnes m piaia and chamleou effects, and a great big range of fancy silks in modest as well as pronounced designs-a big table of plaid silks. obtoSra W 'Prolectei Oteselves j? . e nave By purchasing the most superb line of CLOTHING that 11 be your for. tune to see this fall. It embraces all the new wears and designv tailored by the best tailors in the land. The style ana nt is correct in every uowu. Mow Let race track. It will be issued every star, duty. She came here a young day as a Roosevelt souvenir of the bride, only nineteen years of age, and great North' Carolina state fair, of 1905. fQr twenj;ynine years has lived among Colonel Robert Houglr of Baltimore, us None knew her but to love her, who will be the starting Judge next and tne whole community feels deeply week, will not arrive In Raleigh until thlg great loss. Her hand haa (ever next Tuesday morning. He is a veteran ready to give help, and her heart of the turf. v . ' . ! sympathy. ' ,' ' - . 's j Mrs. McLean was the daughter of : Capt Jacob dialer left: for hi home Mr. Sylvester Brown -and Elizabeth in Virginia after Tjfltlnar Capt. T. yr. Brown. She was born in Washington. Davis. ' orth Carolina, She leaves a devoted We can do this by giving you the correct and up-to-date styles at extremely Tow price, when the clas3 of goods ana . workmanship is considered. No One. Eke m Po TM This is a broad assertion. Let us prove it. better than we. mi StetsoE lals TTts All the new fall shapes and colors. It's time to look them over. . Cress 7 MEeiaE CempaBy UP-TO-DATE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS,