THE koRNING FRIDAY, OCTOBER 636g . : Mrs. Thomas; second soprano, miss Burkhead, Miss Durham, Miss Green; second alto, Mrs. Albright, Miss Manny, Mrs. Jerman. COMMERCIAL: aa- ' , TWO MORE COMPANIES DR. J AMES 1'KEE IS PRES1 DENT AND Elected Bv the Wake U. N. C. Alumni Association Goldsboro Rifles and Rifle Guards, of Salisbury Will Be Here Maj. J. J. Bernard of the military committee yesterday heard from two more companies that will be here, to participate in the big parade on Roose velt Day. They are the uoiasDoro Rifles, Company D, Second Regiment, Capt. S. Cohen, and the Rowan Rine Guards of Salisbury, Company B, First Regiment, Capt. Max L. Barker. Major Bernard says that all mounted officers are expected to bring their sad dles with them. Secretary Pogue said last night that twelve car-loads of exhibits arrived "University Day" Fittingly Observ- yesterday, among them one car-load rrom tne aieven rumey oikjg uh-j cd Tempting Menu at Gierscbs o Manchester, va. w t. s a Secretary Pogue nas Deen aeiucu Cafe Association Will .Provide a during. the last -few days with postal cards and letters begging him to take BANQUET LAST NIGHT VE 'YEARS LD CLD FASH3GKED COPPER CSSlilLtJ "SB Scholarship for Some Wake Boy This Year ixeeuy welcome banner across F&y etteville street. He says it shall come down. From the way in which the decorat ing of the buildings along Fayetteville street is going on,- it looks as- if every house will have its bunting. It is to j FARM - t ' - r Exp re s C ha r ge s Fa i d A trial will convince you that these goods t no vcr: bcs lor icinal and other purposes. Stud us your orders r.rxl it, not per ly satisfactory, icturii at our expense and, irf'nr xvi'.l be ve- med tectlv sacisiactorv funded at once. All shipments are made m uiam cases. m by Postal or Express Motz:j Order. Write for price list of other liquors. WW T. W. Davis. THEATRES FAIR WEEK Attractions at Academy for four Nights "University Day" was observed yes arAir a-nA last nleht in this city by . Wake county Alumni Associatioa J. hopec . that will b no break . T Lt- il I I" LilU C"U" " f the of the university oi .worm ana, me special ieami Weather QsoHntion and banauet last , -u. ' , ' Washington, Oct. 12. Weather fore ngnt bx. cagt fQr prty. For North Carolina The meeting waj presided over by &nd Sonth CaroIina fair Friday, and Mr. C. M. Busbee in the absence pi Mr. Saturdav ; with slowly rising tempera- Thomas Johns, the president, who was ture; light tQ fresn winaSf becoming detained at his home oy sicKness. m easterly. election of officers resulted in tne se lection of Dr. James as yieai- R g Plummer arrived from dent and Mr. TV. J. Peele as secretary . ad ig at the home of Capt to serve for the next year. The association adopted a resolution to the effect that a scholarship be pro vided for some poor Wake county boy fnr th resent vear. There was also an informal discussion of the possibil ity for the moving of the advanced classes of the University JL-aw focnooi to llaleighi It was clearly the sense of the meeting that this should be done. The banquet was served in that ele gant style for which the Giersch cafe s j so well known. There were happy ind appropriate toast responses by Dr. tl. A. Royster, Mr. W. H. Pace, Mr. W. J Andrews, Mr. '.Herbert Jackson, .'rof. Z. V. Judd, Mr. J. T. McLean, Mr. Walter Grimes, Mr. F. H. Busbee, Mr. Josephus Daniels, Mr. C. B. Denson. Dr. J. Martin Fleming, Dr. James Mc Kee, Mr. W. J. Peele, Mr. G. I. Jones. The menu as served consisted as fol lows: . Blue Points Celevy Olives Chicken Patties, Green Peas Tenderloin of Beef, Mignon J u lien Potatoes - Asparagus , Sora on Toast Bar-Le-Duc ColTee Cigars Those who partook of the banquet were the following: Claude A. Abernathy, Sherwood J. Adams, Murray Allen, A. B. Andrews, .7i- Graham Andrews. Jno. H. An-. drews, S. A. Ashe, Jr., W. H. -Bagley, K. P. Battle, Jr., C. M. Busbee, F. H. Busbee, Perrin Busbee, P. H. Busbee, Walter Clark, Walter. Clark, Jr., Jo sephus Daniels, C. B- Denson, Dr. E. B. Ferebee, J. M. Fleming, Dr. J. Mar tin Fleming, R. L. Gray, M. R. Glenn, i 'J. Bryan Grimes, W. H. Grimes, Chas. U. Harris, Wm. Harris, Howard Hay wood, Dr. P. K. Hines, H. W. Jackson, C. E. Johnson, Jr., G. L. Jones, V. Judd, H. M. Jones, Col. Thos. Kenan, M. Ashby Lambert, E. P. Maynard, Dr. Jas. McKee, Dr. Geo. B. McNider, Van B. Moore, W. H. Pace, S. L. Pat terson, W. J. Peele, J. A. Robertson, Dr. H. A. Royster, Ham F. Smith, W. W. Vass, Judge P. D. Walker, J. W. Wilcox. To Mr. Perrin .Busbee is due a very large share of the credit for the suc cess of the banquet. ' Beginning Tuesday With A Son of Rest," Then "The Telephone Girl" "Belle of New York" and "El Capitin" kill LbcAiitY: vurms&ezi tar meritorious em i ar i i l GIVE BESqlfTION, PRICE ernnses. Gc STAMP FOR BOOKLET MgDR W-METHODS . H y i Pal RfeY- va B.SQN CO.L Goldsboro. Carolina-. XI- V 272 Main St., Nokfolk, Va. $80,060.06 DEPOSITS OVER MILLION DOLLARS OF RALEIGH N. G. EstablUHbd 1892 Designated Djepository of State and County f inds. Accounts of Merchants, Corporations, Banks and individuals solicited. The most liberal treatment consist ent with conservative banking is offered to industrial and manufacturing enterprises. T. T. THOMAS. President A A. THOMPSON, Vice President B. S. JERMAN, Cashier ' H. W. JACKSON, , Ass't Cashier SAFE DEPOSITE BOXES FOR RENT f SHAKESPEARE AND MUSIC Brilliant Lecture Recital Under Di rections of Mr Wade R. Brown One of the most brilliant and alto gether interesting musical events ever given in this city was the lecture re cital on Shakespeare and music given before the members of the Johnsonian Club and their guests, the members of the other women's clubs of the city, last night in the auditorium of the Olivia Raney Library by Mr. "Wade R. Brown, " assisted by a number of the best musicians of the city. In response to the invitations issued by the Johnsonian-Club through their president, Mrs. Cheshire, quite a large and cultured audience assembled for the recital, and every one was pleased beyond measure at the -splendid man ner in which the program was rendered. This was printed in detail in yester day's issue of The Post. . The lecture feature of the recital by Mr. Brown proved intensely Inter esting and profitable, , presenting' the musical side of Shakespeare's work3 and the musical attainments of the Shakespearean period in a better and clearer light than many dreamed that they attained andr revealing to; the -delightful audience new beauties of music conception and music history. In fact, Mr. Brown attained a degree of suc cess last night that surprised and de lighted his numerous admiring friends here. Not that they did not confident ly expect success in every detail, of the concert, but they so little dreamed that so much" that is delightful in music and in the history could be drawn out of the program as arranged even by suqh a master 'as they knew Mr. Brown to be. , The other participants in the pro gram, one and all, acquitted them selves admirably. They were Mrs. Henri Appy, Mrs. Wade B. Brown, Mrs. Horace ThWell, Mrs. ..Walter-Grimes, Mr. A. C. Jackson, vocalist; Miss Eliza beth B. Bartt,, pianist, and a chorus of twelve voices. First soprano, Mrs. Titinson, Mrs. Grimes, Miss Pittingr; first alto. Miss Brings, Mrs. Brown, While really no part of the state fair, yet folks always associate theatri cal attractions during that period in Raleigh with this great event. Hence it is of interest to know just what the Academy will offer next week and whether the attractions will be of un usual merit or not. The Academy management has answered both ques tions and as to the latter there is not the slightest room'to doubt but what the fair attracions his ime will sur pass all previous ones in quality and will be the best list ever seen in a city of North Carolina during the periodof one and each is also of just such a character that will .delight playgoers, being either merry musical comedy or jolly comic opera. Tuesday night will usher in the at tractions, which for four nights will mark a glorious whirl of tuneful music and excruciatingly funny comedy -at the academy, "A .Son of Rest," falls the inauguration. That the company will graciously acquit itself goes With out saying, for it is one of the largest and most expensive musical organiza tions on the road, and the scenery and other stage settings carried for the performance make it a stupendous pro duction. Over fifty pretty girls and quaint comedians will be presented on the stage, making a sparkling, gem in a setting of brightness and brilliancy. But little need be said about the Telephone Girl, which for the past two seasons has sung its way -to the hearts of large metropolitan audiences and which is booked for long runs in the larger cities this season. : However, it should be mentioned that this catchy, sparkling musical comedy has been given an entirely new scenic produc tion the present season and that many celebrities have been engaged for the production and will be. seen 'here.-' With its bright music, just as bril liant comedy all presented by a bevy of charming girls in fetching cos tumes "The Belle of New York" will hold the boards Thursday night. No better performance and no more en joyable one will be seen on the Acad emy stage this season. Its popularity in Raleigh was manifested greatly on one occasion when a large and decided ly well pleased audience greeted the performance. Then it was a costly production, but next Thursday night's presentation will be in every way its equal. ' . ; (. - ; During the past year or . two the American stage has seen many comic opera productions, -but it has never had one that equalled in popularity or in merit, the latter, being respon sible for the former, this ' brilliant masterpiece of John Philip Sousa. It is an opera that stirs the blood with its martial airs one "minue and the very next soothes the mind with its dreamy, soft music. It requires an unusually large company to present it, but such is the' well known organiza tion that will be seen here next Fri day night. The scenes of the opera being laid in a mythical foreign land, necessarily has to have novel and gorgeous scenery, which is all new the present season. It will be recalled that this is the ' opera that added to the j lustre or uewoii Hopper. Saturday morning the sale of seats will commence for Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday nights and theatre goers should purchase their seats early in order to avoid scalpers. No person will be allowed to buy more than six tickets at one time. V TRINITY COLLEGE Four Departments Collegiate, Graduate, Engineering and Law. Large library facilities. Well equipped laboratories in all de partments of science. Gymnasium furnished with best apparatus. Expenses very moderate. Aid for worthy students. Young men wishing to study Law should investigate the superior advantages offered by the Department of Law in Trinity College' P For catalogue and furth Information, address, ! D. W. NEWSOM, Registrar, ,0 DURHAM, N. C. to When They Fly Fast The Marlin 12 Gauge is the all-around favorite. It is made for both black and smoke less powders and to take heavy loads. It has one-third less . narts than anv other repeater, and handles very fast. The Marlin Breechbolt that shuts out rain and water and keeps the shells dry makes it a great wefrweather gun. . It has Marlin accuracy, buoyancy and reliability. i Everpnpn Gun TO GUARD AGAINST OVERCHARGES j; . -' AND " DISAPPOINTMENT B U Y SHEET IRON STOVES, SELF FEEDING STOVES, Smoke Consuming Stoves AND Paint Your House with S.W.P U. Mi Ci, Peters-Winchester Sliells :':. -j. ' ,V:V - V--. -- - ' " ' Standard, goods always give satisfaction. ' To insure satisfaction always ask for the best Cartridges and Loaded Shells, ITHACA-REMINGTON-PAR- KER SHORT GUNS Your, for sport. ' , Hart-Wa rd Hardware Co., ,.. RALEIGH, N. ,C. Send for GJatalogues--Lowest prices ... - SPECIALr-Ithacs) Field Gxiii, Haramerless Double-Barrel, High Grade, Guaranteed, $18.00. 10, 12 and 16 gauge, any weight, legnth or choke. . ' Office and Yards Foot of Jenkins St. Ail Phones 43 CAPITAL iTY FUEL CO SViPANY WIIOLASALE AAV RETAIL DEALERS IN sllil. r RALEIGH, N.C. at pj . 1 RALEIGfl. C. .- i find RALEIGH, N. C. Correspondence Solicited Steam Contracts Furnished from Yards or Mines T. J. BURKE, Manager A Personal- Invitation Sunlit' D m Is extended to every reader of this advertisement to. call and view our Autumnal gath ering of watches, diamonds and personal jewelry, silver and cut class for household use and decoration, and the many other things, beautiful or useful, that are here in rich variety. There is something of in terest here for every one and we want every one to feel free to come and.look around and to ask to have this or that shown them without feeling that they must buy. H. MAHLER'S SONS, JEWELERS, RALEIGH. N. C. Notice Water Consumers Water rents are due and payable at the office of the Wake Watef Company on or before the 15th of October. All delinquents -will be cut off after the 15th.. JUapectfully, . . B. BAIN. Supt. - We have them in ail the hew things just ahead of anything yet seen in thre, new ideas. The styles are separate eigh market. and ' distinct from anything in the Ral SHOE STORS, RALEIGH, N. C NNCRPORATPnl No Vacation. Enter any Time... , Individual Instruction. It is a CONCEDED FACT known everywhere in" North rrftHr. ' " i. KING'S is THE SCHOOL the RiSht School. vw.d .-lZj??t J," Zlu'l r ."r WST- Motb graduates in positions in me siaie. cso get tne tHUSl. it la the cneanpt , .1 rf JOURNAL . AND FULlf tpSatton Wt,. Write -. today for our SPECIAL OFFERS, COLLEGE INFORMED, that and WORTHINESS- than all other- busine? King's Business College, RALEIGH, N C. or CHARLOTTE. N.C. 1 - ... )