STOCK MARKET ED LOWE THE MORNING POST. FRIDAY, OCTOBER, IOO5 , T ! - . . 1 1 - 1 " ' - OPEN But With Same Conspicnous Exceptions' 93 30 104 31 106 21 41 V 83 31 STOCKS SOLD HEAVILY An n-tA ' Va..Gar.ChemicftU.. ........ 31 do. pfd. ; 41H s.- ewrn union i.. . . ..V. . .Wisconsin Central. . . ', . . ,V . Money on call rfrtaeA a e V New York Spat Cotton j New York, OcU 12. Spot .cotton de clined 15 points. : Middling 10.10; New vrieana and glf , 10.35. 'New Orleans declined 3-16; Memphis . Futures in New Orleans: Open, High. Low. Close, October ... .vV 9.74' 9.74 9.63 9.67 December . . . 1 9:89 9.89 QM 0.7d January , . . . . 9.08 9.98 9.75 9.79 Futures here declined 16 to -31 noints early, then recovered 4 to 9 points of the loss, and closed steady, with prices j showing a net decline .for the day of 1 12 i( 15 points; vvth' estimated sales of 1 300,000 bales. ' s FISHED DP MAN'S HEAD Mystery ic N. Y. General Decline and Pressure Wide ly DistributedOffering Though Scanty in Excess of Demand. In Liverpool spot cotton "declined X . WHEAT: point. Middling W4 against 5.58 last December , year. Sales 10000 ales; imports 12,000. May . . . Futures closed guiet at a decline of 8 CORN: points. October-November 5.20; - No- December , vember-December 5.24; December-Jan- May . . Closing Fairly Active But Almost UT 5,:8: January-February 5.31. ' J oats: - i There was a decline early in the day. December -. T.ifa1ca-.fVt. At4.iA.. ' OWirT in tVi fanl V. 11. . -t. ir... o. 2 red 76 l-876 1-4; receipts 7,155 bushels; southern by sample 62S2; southern on grade 78 3-4(3:85. Corn Firmer; spot 58 l-258 3-450; 1 March 49 1-2: steamer . Kfiff?!5fi 5-8: southern yellow corn 5962. "i ' " - . '' ceipts 21,636 bushels. , v Rye Firm ; Nor- 2 -western 69 69 1-2 ; exports 7172, domestic; -receipts 4,558 4 bushels. , ' 2 " Hay Steady and unchanged. Grain Freights Quiet, unchanged. Butter Steady ; fancy imitation 19 j 20; fancy; creamery 22 1-2; fancy ladle: 1819; store packed 1516. ' Eggs Steady, 21. Cheese Steady; large 12 3-4: medium 12 7-8; small-12. v ' ;- ; Sugar-rSteady; coarse granulated 5.00; fine 5.00. , , - Chicago Produce Markets Open, High. Low. Close. Head Identified and Balance of Body Found Butchered rd Packed in Suit Case Story of a Fellow Lodger -Recited f An 86 87 45 44 86 87 45 44 r .28 29 31 15.C0 12.47 7.20 r 6.87 8.65 6.50 31 85 87 44 44 1 28 :3o 1575 .15.60 13.50, 12.47 7.20 6.87 8.95 6.52 - 7.17 6.87 8.82 6.50 owir to the fact that although frosts May occurred in Alabama, Mississippi, Ten- PORK: -" , j, Louisiana and Texas, it was not October. . ... New Tor. Oct. l2.-The rt-y .t'ST edTS '"Eg ' - sto-.ks opened a fraction lower than rious character, buVas the professional October. . v . . last night on a moderate volume of operators are .as sj rule bearish they January . . dealings, but St. Paul: and the Pacifies sold the raafket-dftwh. " and this caused SHORT RIBS: wpre ronRnlniAna rna " a m more r less general liquidation. Be- October ...... ere conspicuous exceptions. A num- Bide3j Uverpool snowed lesg strength January , . . . . Der or omer prominent stocks were also than had been expected. The receipts . higher. St. Paul opened up , and the at the ports were larger than a year j general list showed evidence of sup- as' The estimatd exports from Hous- ? . ma.. , . . , ton and Galveston were large. Fair New York rort Immediately after the opening, and warmer weather was nredicted for St Louis .Minnesota, bt. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Texas, and a local firm estimated the Toledo 87K feU ' " , crop, at 11.500.000 bales at' the minimum. Duluth . . '.....'81 Stocks were sold heavily, and the , To cap the climax, room onerators at- Detroit 87 marKeaecnned with some precipitancy tacked the market persistently, and the Milwaukee . . aner,xe jis naa risen to a good frac- .near leader is supposed to have a?ld , Minneapolis . . tion December Wheat Open. Clo?e , -91 6ii VZ New York, Oct. 12. The finding of a "-' v - ; man's head in East Eighteenth stree, IneTr C, early this morning resulted In the discovery of an unusually revolting murder, the victim of which Cwas Thomas F. Corcoran. Corcoran was killed probably last night" in the house ' 'Nd.;. 149 Third avenue. . -, After the; picking up of the head th i other portions of the body were found cut to pieces, in the Third avenue house. The arms - below the elbows and the legs below the knees had been packed in a suit case, and the torso and re maining portions of the arms and legs were hidden in a clothes hamper in a 8 85 room occupied by Frederick Bauer, an 6 50 Y301 opera1. or.' Bauer was arrested. The point at which the head w,as ! found is more than a quarter of a' mile 149 Third avenue. The 86 87 44 44 28 31 15.65 12.20 7.20 6.?7 questionable under the old adminis tration of the Equitable. His friends believe he will be able to show that, he was not responsible for all the Irregularities attributed to ' him and that he did not lead men or riper years and greater experience into the situations which discredited them be fore "the public. GARVIN FOR GOVERNOR A FINE SCHEME THIS Irish Idea of Growin Cheap ' Cotton for Irish Mills. Leilas, Tex., Oct. 12. Rev. if James Phelan, a Catholic priest of Kansas City, Mo., and Rev. John Phelan, in charge of the Catholic parish at Mar cus, la., after spending yesterday and last night in Dallas consulting with the priests here, departed today for San Antonio, Texas, with the object ' of closing up pending negotiations for the purchase of fifty-five thousand acres of land in Live Oak and San Datricio counties, Texas, on which to colonize Irish1 immigrants and engage them principally in the cultivation of cotton, the raw material to be shipped to Ire The Rhode Island Democrats Name State Ticket The Gubernatorial XTominee Once Carried the State and May Do So Again Platform Congratulate! Roosevelt on Tariff Position Providence, R. I., Oot, 12. The Dem ocrats held their annual state conven tion in infantry hall today agin call ing farmer Governor Lucius F. C. Gar vin of Cumberland' to head the ticket as the gubernatorial candidate. ri ;'iac$"ej yesterday's ' p'sng' The ' :f reety . from time-to time."" But later on pressure .was of general character there wa sa moderate rally, owing to and -widely distributed. Grefuorthern the fact that further frosts were pre- preierrea crcciinedi,: 3, Dijve & Rio aictea for the Carolinas, Georgia, Ala- 8G 81 91 87 81 87 83 81 away ; from head was wrapped in the Sunday sup- May Wheat ' " . . . A "v. piemem oi a vserxiiaii newspaper tiiiu a blue and white shirt. 'The' murder was discovered through a strry told by George Lanole, who had a room adjoining Bauer's and who rushed into a police station today, say ing that he had lain awake for hours New - York St. Louis Toledo . . Grande preferred, Chlcagb Great West- bama'and MississiDDi. Temperatures of em preferred "A, -Cotton ' Olf and'"31 to '2$ prevailed over a considerable- Detroit. . ... Pittsburg Coal preferred 5 to 2, Mln- area tot the ..important Memphis dis-'j Minneapolis . very large transactions. The general recovery was not complete, and trading fell into semi-stagnation. There were ?:ains by Chicago Terminal preferred f 4, the common, and Wisconsin Cen tral 1, and Lead preferred 1. Ameri can Snuff sold at a decline ,of 10 points; Bonds were irregular at noon. Interest in the maret today abated considerably after the rally, and busi ness fell off to "nominal pr6portions. Iowa Central preferred yielded 2, Wisconsin Central gained about as much, and the preferred 1. Offerings, while scanty, were in ex ;ess of the demand. Prices were shaded slightly.. Consolidated Gas improved 1, Colorado Southern preferred sagged 1, St. Joseph & Grand Island first pre ferred 1, and Reading ran off again to the lowest. The closing was fairly active, but al most lifeless. New York Stock and Bond Qun'atlonV Open. Close. Amalgamated Copper .. .. .. 84 - - 83 American Locomotive 59 Am. Car and Foundry...... 37 American Ice Sec - 27 American Smelting 127 American Sugar 139 American Tobacco 4s ....;.. 77 American Woolen .........; 36 Atlantic Coast Line ........ 161 Atyantic Coast Line 4s ......101 Atch., Top. and S. Fe...l.. 80 do. pfd. .............. . . . .. 104 , Baltimore and XDhlp.X.S. ... 112: 112 Brooklyn' Rapid Transit. . Canadian. Pacific Chesapeake and Ohio...... Chicago and Alton jpfdg. .. .. Chicago Great Western .... Chicago, M infl St. P. doloEado'. S$uihrn . . r do. lsfcpjd.: Y.4.A.i.?..... ; dq. 2d5 pfd." ,1. j . ,V . Corn Products L ?s . .V. . . Colorado Fuel and Iron.... Delaware and Hudson.... .. Denver and Rio Grande.... Distillers Securities Erie common substantial rally cannot be far off. Cotton Futures . . New York, Oct. 12. Cotton futures opened steady. ! Open. High. Low. Close. 9.67 9.67 9.50 9.55 October . . . . November . . . 9.77 9.77 9.60 December ... 9.87 9.88 9.69 January . 2 . . 9.98 9.98 9,79 March V . . . . . 10.11 10.12 9.93 May V. . H . . . 10.20 10.20 10.02 .Market steady. 9.65 9.77 9.87 10.00 10.10 60 37 27 127 139 77 ' 36 "161 " 101 ,v Coiton Receipts New York, Oct. 12. New Orleans 3, 756;: Galveston 14,702, Mobile 2,352, Sa- vannah 14,245, Charleston 1,328, Norfolk 4,867. Raleigh Cotton Market Receipts yesterday 73 bales. Prices yesterday 9 3-8 to 9 5-8 cents. Receipts last year this date 175 bales. Prices this date last year 9 7-8 to 10 cents. All cotton here yesterday was good cotton. New York Provision Market. New York St. Louis St neapolls, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie, trick; The exports took continued preferred, Tllinols Central, . Northern , large. Reports from , Savannah Indl Pacific, Baltimore & Ohio, Reading, cated a1 better demand for j export on a Delaware & Hudson, Canadian Pacific, higher basis of values and finally' some Atlantic Coast Line, Northwestern, ! of the professional element concluded Tennessee Coal, Colorado Fuel and , to cover. It is a professional market New York Iron, Smelting, Sugar, Railway Steel and will be governed in the immediate Spring and United States Rubber 1 to future very largely by weather condi 1. Chicago Terminal preferred, made tions. New Orleans and Liverpool sold an early rise to 2, and Locomotive to some extent, but there was more or and Steel Foundry also rose 1. i'less buying in the last hour by people When' the selling pressure subsided -who believe the-decline has' gone alto- prices were bid up again, Reading and; gether too far, and that a rally and a Amalgamated Copper rising to a frac tion above yesterday, the former on December Corn May Corn v 91 86 89 89 85 54 42 51 90 86 S9 S9 85 54 42- New York, Oct. 12. The Republicans have succeeded in getting a man to run listening to noise which he thought ! for mayor. He Is William Mills Ivans, i. Former State Senator James H. land for use in the mills of that coun- Thurston of this city was nominated try, which are now supplied at almost for lieutenant-governor; Frank E. Fit prohibitive prices from warehouses In , simmons of Lincoln, for secretary ol Liverpool. . j state; Thomas A. Carroll of this city, The'tract of land intended to be pur- tor attorney general; and Albert H. chased, was two years or more ago, Ointy of this city for general treas believed to have been sold to Japanese urer. ' investors for colonization, but with the j Swinging along with the Massachu result of the Russo-Japanese war was setts Democrats, the party loaders' abandoned by, the Japanese promoters, platform presented to the convention If the Irish colony to be established lauded President Roosevelt for his stands, others will, it is stated, be lo- . stand on the tariff question, whereupon cated in that" part of Texas. REP. NOMINEE FOR MAYOR Lawyer W. M. Ivans Consents to u Run in New York nroceeded from Bauer's room! He said that late hrst Eight he heard at least two men quarreling in the adjoining room. He heard a shot and the sound of some one falling to the floor. Then he went to sleep. , Early this morning he was awakened by 'strange noises in the room where the shot had been heard. Twice a man opened the door and -went out and Lanole, after laying awake, Hs- one delegate moved that the platform be - referred back to the committee, stating that the Democrats had enough heroes within their ranks without go ing over to the opponents' camp " t laud President Rooseyelt, whom he sala had accomplished no reforms and had only tried to arouse sentiment against race suicide and to ' change football tactics. .... After Mr. Palmer, the delegate from East Providence who offered the mo tion, had been properly squelched and city chamberlain under Mayor Grace, anil Hewitt, a.nd n kwvftr whn a rer.nsr- nized as the leading admiralty practl-j the motion withdrawn, the platform Hnnsr nt th Vltv TUr Tvnna ' was dft- was adopted. cided upon at a meeting held today at the Republican club of the committee to fill vacancies which was appointed at the Republican city convention on Friday. ' ' ' ! ". "We congratulate the president," cays the document, "that he has-recommended legislation for the control of the railroads and advocated In Demo cratic platforms. Again we - urge him to persist in the course he has laid out, Louis , 42 Naval Stores New York, Oct. 12. Stocks, rosin 24, S52 barrels; spirits turpentine 1,576 bar rels; tar 1,563 barrels. The market for spirits turpentine ruled easy with 72 asked for machine made barrels. Rosin was steady and unchanged at $4.00 for common to good strained. Tar was steady at 5.00 for oil barrels. Rye Firm Domestic 36; Japan nominal. wn hnu t,a finally thA riAHhftratlon and not to be turned therefrom by the J tened'for some time and decided that settled down to a choice between Frank j represeinauveS( 42 JU ,.v- r. v, Trara t j v mi, . muiAi whether or not. some or tne sounas ne neara wqre moss and Mr. ivans. the noises of bones being broken. This picked Ivans. suspicion caused him to notify the po- v Most of the members of the commit- lice. tee went to Mr. Ivans' office with Mr. Bauer was found entering his room Halpin, who, as chairman of the com- by the police, and said to them: "I mlttee, formally told Mr. Ivans he had APPEAL IN GATTIS vs. KILGO fomd my room like this when I awoke this morning." I He said that he had brought twv men to his room last night, one a sol dier. Bauer fell asleep while these men talked, he said, and when he awoke the soldier was gone, leaving the other hody as the police found it. The police iound that Bauer's socks, the right arm of his undershirt and the right arm of . an outer shirt were covered with blood. A badly nicked razor wai found on top o fa trunk in Bauer's room and a' revolver with one chamber empty -was also found In the rponu Bauer, who Is thirty nine years old. New York, Oct. 12 Rye Steady; No. 2 western 68 c. i. f. Buffalo. Argument Heard Yesterday by the Supreme Court The fourth - Appeal . to the supreme court In the noted damage suit of Gattis vs. Kilgo was argued before the is employed as an elevator man t tne court yesterday, six hours being con- Union Square Hotel, and when he want sumed in addition to the time required to work today he was sent home b for the reading of the records in the cause of extreme, nervousness. An ex case which have become very vol- animation of Corcoran's head snowed umenous. counsel wno addressed tne ; mat , ne uau ucch ouui m wo . The police make the allegation that it was a crime of degeneracy. Corcoran came here from Ireland court yesterday -on the case were ex Judge W. A. Graham of Oxford, open ing for Gattis, the appellant;, then ex Judge R. W. Winston of Durham, T. T TTIpIts nf "Henderson and ex-Gov- ernor Aycock of Goldsboro for Kilgo was a ticket chopper on the elevated and Duke, tne aerenaants. Ana won. ioi"uau' , Cyrus B. Watson of Winston-Salem ' " . closing for the appellant, Gattis. Chief a. PORTUGUESE TRAGEDY Justice Clark being interested in the case did not sit with the court. It is . . Barley Firm; new crop feeding 391-2 expected that it will be three or four . Because 01 Jealousy a Urav a ivlliS 40 c. 1. f. Buffalo; new malting (g weeks before ythe opinion in the case 56 c. i. f. Buffalo. 'comes down. Flour Quiet; but steady; sales 8,000 A number of the counsel connected' been chosen to run for mayor on the Republican ticket. I Mr. Ivans said that he had always been an opponent of Tammany and that he would be willing to lead a fight for clean and efficient city gov ernment. He regarded the nomination as an honor and would send a formal letter of acceptance in a few days. TWO MINUTES STOP Judge Pritcba'rd's Successful Inter cession for Lexington Asheville, N. C, Oct. 12. Special. The wishes of the people of Lexing ton to see President 1 Roosevelt upon Ihe occasion of the chief executive's visit to North Carolina next week are to be gratified. After futile efforts on the part of the people of Lexington to have that place included in the presidential stops The platform also states that Presi dent Roosevelt's promise of tariff re-' form Is also welcomed, and pledges the support of the Rhode Island Democrats to any course that he may follow to ward an honest reduction of the tariff. CONFEDERATE MONUMENT barrels'; receipts 36,257 barrels; exports 18,407 barrels; spring patents $4.50(3) 5.15;, clears $3.50(3.75; wide strigahts $4lo04.10; clears $3.503.75. 70 .71 Kye flour, js.b&.fcu. 170 v. 170 .1 56l- K6 79 79 21 21 179 If 9 28 j t& 62 . 62 . 42 12 45 219 33 42 , 48" T do. 2d pfd. General Electric Great Northern pfd Illinois Central International. Paper Co. Kansas City Southern nfd. Toulsville and Nashville;... Manhattan Elevated Metropolitan Sees. Co. Mexican Central Wliat Spot steady; sales ,80,000 bushels: No. 2 red winter 90 1-8. Fu tures closed l-43-8 lower; sales 1,200, 000 bushels; December -? 91 1-8; May . 90 7-8. '.;""; - ( ;f I Oats Steady on .spot sales 400,000, 000 bushels; -natural white, 30(32 lbs, 34(534.' -. : '':' ': - '1 i Corn On 'spot steady';' sales ,200,000 bushels; No. -2 mixed 61 1-2. Futures closed unchanged to 1-8 lower; sales 20,000 bushels; December 54 3-8; Jan uary 51 3-4; May 50 1-8. . Lard Steady; prime. western 7.65; re- fined continent 7,90; South American 8.50. Tallow, 4 1-4. Hogs Dressed, 7 5-8(8 1-4. porkS.teady at 16.0016.25 for mess. Butter Creamery firsts 21. Eggs Western' firsts21. Woman and Himself Providence, R. I., Oct.' 12. The con- witn tne case am not participate in , uuucu j"6 ,i-v" ..v. the argument before the court yester- caused the police to break in the door day. The full list of counsel in the of a tenement, at 249 Wickenden street cas foHows: - ! today. . Lying on the bed in the room Graham & Devin. Hon. C. B. Wat-; was John Rederick, a Portuguese son. A. A. Hick, Guthrie & Guthrie, Bra va, 28 years old, with a bullet hole Argo & Shaffer. S. M. Gattis and J. N. m the left breast, while on the floor Holding. For the defendants there are lay his common la wwife, Constance engaged Messrs. Winston & Fuller, Mirandis, aged 25, in an, attitude of Rovster & Hoheood. T. T. Hicks. Pou agony, with a bullet , hole behind her & Fuller, ex-Gov.- C. B. Aycock. Arm- left ear and another in tTie back of her and Douglas & necK. aoia nnu uu utau iui owt time. In tne' center oi tne noor, iy- several years ago and made his home : Judge pritchard was appealed to. and in this city witn a marnea sister, xae VPSterdav Judee Pritchard wrote to President Roosevelt requesting that he make a stop of two minutes at Lexington. Late this afternoon Judge Pritchard received a wire message from Secretary Loeb stating that Mr. Roosevelt had granted Judge Prltch ard's request and a stop of two min utes would be made at Lexington. SUITSlCOMPROMISED istead Jones & Son Sims. . , SPECIAL WIRE AT GROUND Metropolitan St. Railway... 125 125 Mo., Kan. and Tex. com,... do. pfd. Missouri Pacific ,v National Biscuit .. National Lead New York Central. . Y., Ontario & Western.. NTorfolkand Western .- !orth American ............ Northern Pacific Pacific Mail Steamship. Pennsylvania Railroad r-f Pittsburg Coal pfd.. 56 Pressed Steel Car 45 do. pfd. ....r. .. Republic Steel and Iron... J do. pfd. ....... Kock Island common........ do. pfd. -t. L. and S. L. 2d pfd..... Bloss-Shef field .' . 4 . 1. louthern Pacific Southern Railway do. pfd. Seaboard Air Line 4s Tennessee Coal and Iron. Texas Pacific Union Pacific united states Steel. 42 .13 . 45 220 33 42 .48 72 72 179 179 318 317 179 "1791- 22 22 52. 52 ; 151 151 j 165 165 80 80 2434 24 sugar on spot or near-by sold at about derson. Every facility win oe rur- 59U 5 s.e for en trifu e-al . test: rennea nished those desiring to use tnis wire. 67 quiet and unchanged; granulated 4.60 There will be typewriters in the booth 103 4.65. , - for the free use of correspondents p0fpeeRlo spot steady at, ,-8 3-4 for wishing to sena long aispatcnes. No. 7. Futures closed bareiy steady, - with prices unchanged to 5 points; i ba; lower and with sales of . 25.250 bags. mc uymsi nvuuai November 7.007.10; December 7.10(G) . The last issue of the Literary Digest j 7 15- January 7.207.25; March 7.35 contains a reference to the new Meth-I 745: May 7.55; July 7.657.70." ' odist Hymnal and gives .pictures of the i 'New York, Oct. 12. PotatoesRe- two musical editors, with, commen.ts, ceipts 9,892 barrels. No changes were one of whom was Prof. Karl, P. Har- nntPd In late Drices. . Long island, m nngton, proiessor ul xxi bulk, 180 pounds ing on its stomach, was the baby. The couple had been living together for about six years. A short time ago he learned that another Bra va was occupying his place Postal Telegraph Co. Will Have at the hearthstone and he was angry lover it.' He decided that he would Operator in Post Booth jgive the woman up and went to New The Postal Telegraph Company has York. He returned Friday and going run a special wire to the fair grounds to the house found the rival Brava followed. " Rederick ior tne convem-iace ui. uoyApci. " ! v,, faaevX irrand 1urv and will -be and others during the state fair, and left, but returnea agam yvy, w ' " ' TTo Bonding Companies Settle for Vio lating Texas Anti-Trust Law Austin, Tex., Oct. . 12. The suits of the State of Texas against the Ameri can Bonding Company, the Fidelity Deposit Company and the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, all of Baltimore, made for penalties aggregating more than $200,000, for al leged violations of the Texas and other trust laws of 1898, was compromised today and dismissed in the district court by the company's paying an ag state. This settlement was made under direction of the attorney general. - Private Citizen Ccf-itributes to Make It More Imposing Asheville. N. C, Oct. 12. Special. Philip S Henry, owner. of the palatial "Zealandia" -estate on the mountain crest, east of the city, has again shown in ma'terlal manner the interest he takes In Asheville and affairs of a pub lic and semi-public nature. Today Mr, Henry visited the Confed erate hall In the county court house and asked permission to add to the height of the Confederate monument that is bein erected on the court house green to the memory of the Six tieth North Carolina Regiment by the Asheville Daughters of the Confederacy and the friends of the veterans. Mr. Henry proposed to build amarble ped- estal under the marble design, thus raising the monument an additional six feet. He expressed a purpose of ex pending $20 on the work. The offer was gratefully accepted. The unveil- ng of the monument will occur No vember 8th. . " " General Ray Is in receipt of a letter from Governor Glenn in which the gov ernor accepts an invitation to be pres ent at the , unveiling exercises and. to deliver ; an address on the occasion.. Col. W. H. S. Burgwyn and State Aud-- ltor B. F. Dixon have accepted invita tions to be present at the unveiling. Defaulting Casbier Indicted Buffalo, Oct. 12. Frederick R Greene, cashier of thevfailed National Bank of Fredohia, was Indicted today . m TnwiTftif ioir tn tv. np.lrhbors who heard "i nrougnt to mai next, ivxain especially on ihuiw,y. .t. vu... ...- . --- . 4naa nnt t-t7a1- cr-stPaHv n't 3 5-S for centrfueal ti mro of the Postal will be located no sounds of a row and prooamy snot , yi 6umf( v ... " "J .JJ , 96 test and 3 for-muscovados 89 test, in the Tnming Post booth In floral hall the woman and then himself last even T.oto xvr?Tf.c!flflv. sales 9.5G0 tons Java and will be in charge of Mr.., P. R. An- inc. 32 67 103 54 45 147 53 85 97 206 45 143 96 24 92 33 79 68 69 .68 35 99 89 85 34 131 37 ,54 46 148 53 85 97 205 46 143 57 45 96 24 ASM fifT-l mpflRure. 1.755!2.C0: en? ncCTM ni. owiof ' cmithf m fancv. twelve vears slko, when such an excep V8 Ottg, l.iU''l giiyvio, uw...v... ..-.- 79 69 69 68 35 99 s Two Long Termers ; Sheriff R. O. Riddick was here yes terday from Gates county for the pur Ipose of delivering to the penitentiary two negro convicts to serve twenty years each. for burglary. : Empty Honor for Hearst New York, Oct. 12. The municipal ownership city convention tonight nominated William R. Hearst for tions may shake the honor of the ju diciary of the state worse than the in vestigation of Justice Hooker. Full of Trag'c Mtanlng are these lines from J. H. Simmons, of Casey. Ia. Think what might have re suited from hts terrible cough If he had not take nthe medicine about which he writes: "I had a fearful cough that dis- turted my night's rest. I tried every thing, but nothing would relieve it, un til I took Dr. Icing's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which completely cured me." Instantly rfimleves and permanently cures ai rices , LiOiig isiaiui, i" x nig, njii, piwioovi - - - ,. j ?nftf?2'i2- Lone- Island versity of Maine and formerly profes- mayor, John Ford for comptroller ana , throat and nng diseases; prevents grip , i.iui!x,ii, uvf. j -NTfVi- j-n -pv,eiTa stokes, who married Rose , . . A on KrV7i' CaroHnT-He had charge of the Uni- Pato P J ranteed; 50o and ,1.00. Tria. bott.e iVX Ct 1 1 1 3 , J y oitj iv. v-w : Judge Asked to Resign - Washington, Oct. 12. Associate Jus tice Tucker of the territorial supreme court of Arizona has been requested to resign. , Several months ago charges I were preferred against Justice Tucker in volving his personal conduct as a mem ber of the territorial Judiciary. These charges were presented to the presi dent and referred by him to the depart ment of justice for Investigation. The request for the resignation was based upon the findings of that Investigation. restitute for 1 Young Women D Conserva tory of Music. The Best Place for Your Daughter I RALEIGH J V N. C. y College Courses Hlh SUndir J Catalogue FREE Address, Jas. Dinwiddle Pretldenl Institute tor Yornigl Women O Conserva tory of Music Tie Best Place for Your f JL JCk.JJ 1 1 RALEIGH I College Courses HUhSUndard Catalogue FREE Address, Jas.Dinwiddie President ter barrel. 1.50(2.00; sweets, southern tionai reputation csiauucu. average, per barrel, 1.001.50. j 85 34 131 "37 Baltimore Prbv'ss'on Marked - Baltimore, Oct. 12. Flour Firm, un changed; receipts 13,214 barrels; ex ports 137 barrels. Wheat Steady, spot - contract 84 84 1-4; spot No. 2 red western 85 l-4 85 1-2; October 8484- 1-2; the nomination, declared undying en mity to the . gas trust, the traction trust and the "Murphy contract trust." 86 1-4086 1-2; January 871-4; steamer , adelpHla. T7. 13o 11 damn ruui u , . ln.lfaw.Tfl thm WirnftR Stand Tomorrow at Lewis' pool room bul- ! 3 3 . it letins will be received from the Car-: New York. Oct. 12. It is practically lisle Indians vs. University of Virginia certain that James H. Hyde will ap football game at Richmond, and the pear before. the Armstrong insurance TTT,4v-rHv nf North Carolina vs. Uni- committee a sa witness.- He has been December versity of Pennsylvania game at Phil-: urged by his friends to do so and xaake a clean breast of everything free. institute for Young Women (& Conserva tory of Music. The Best. Place for'Your Daughter 1TXTS a nn I fit. Ill n. 1 RALEIQH i College Courses High Standard Catalogue FRT Address. Jas Dinwiddle President 1 850 OXFORD SEMINARY, 1895 OXFORD, N, C. Model Buildings With New Equipment school year, Board, heat, lights, baths, with full Literary Tuition for $147.50. Apply, for- handsomely illustrated Catalogue.' m. . . . . . ! . , F. P. HOBGOOD. President. s 1 :