DURHAM FOLKS COMING Here Today to Ask Pardon for W. R. Hurray Much Interest in the Case Some Oppose Pardon Meeting; Last Night to Complete Arrangements for Honoring the President f Durham, HT. C, Oct. 13. Special. urns vomnar ac s o'ciock tner was a meeting1 of th committee appointed to indue President Roosevelt to stop here and the citizen in general. The meeting1 was held in the oourt house. The object of the meeting was to make final arrangements to receive the president and his party rhen they reach here next Thursday afternoon from Raleigh. The matter Is now in the hands of a committee with instruc tions as to what to do and how to prepare for the president. It will be remembered that the origi nal program was for the president to ' stop five minutes in Durham. Ave in Greensboro and fifteen in Charlotte. The board of city aldermen and cham ber of commerce held .a Joint -session, the idea being to get a longer stop here than that planned. A commit tee was sent to "Washington, Messrs. W. A. Erwin and W. T. O'Brien going on this committee. - The result of this trip was to get a stop of fifteen, min utes for Durham. At the Joint meeting of the com mittee and citizens tonight the report of this committee was made. All ar rangements are now being made to re ceive the president. It is probable that a platform will be erected, a short distance from some point where the train can stop, and that the presi dent will make a talk to the crowd to gather here. There is no doubt but that a large crowd will gather to see and hear tlie president, but the crowd will not be as large as would other wise be the case on account of the large number of Durhamites who will go to Raleigh on Thursday, the "big ay," to attend the fair. They will see the president there and cannot get back in time to see him here. Regarding the Raleigh fair, Durham will send her usual large quota of those who gather in the state's capital an- liually. Durham will have the largest crowd of any town in the state. Thou sands will go down from here on each day of the fair. Much interest is felt in the annli- cation for pardone of W. R. Murray, who now stands convicted of man slaughter and under sentence of two years on the county rads, which will ' be heard by Governor Glenn tomorrow. The attorneys in thecase, several wit nesses and ciuite a number of citizens will go down on the morning train. . Murray was convicted of manslaughter for killing his uncle. J. S. Murray, in a street duel here last November. The trial resulted in conviction for man slaughter and Judge Peebles." who tried the case, gave the defendant two years on the roads. There was an appeal to the supreme court and the sentence of the lower court was sustained. Then appeal was made to Governor Glenn to respite the prisoner until he could hear the application for pardon. Thi was done and "W. R. Murray was re spited until October 17th next Thurs day. In the meantime Governor Glenn sat Saturday, October 14th, as the time when the application for pardon should be heard. It is on account, of this hear ing that quite a number will go down tomorrow, j This case has aroused more tsenuine sympathy in this section than any case ever tried in Durham. The facts of the killing, told In a few words, are as follows: J. s. Murray, the deceased, and his nephew, w. R. Murray, were In the same line of business. There had been more or less bad feeling for several years and one time the -deceased drew a. pistol on the defendant, but he was disarmed. This was" sev eral years ago. This continued until :he fatal morning last November. W. R. Murray, who is president of the w! R. Murray Company, was at his place of business when a telephone message told him that J. S. Murray was about to whip hs (W. R. Murray's) son, -Earl Murray. The boy is a frail, stripling of a young man and was at that time on his way to Trinity College, where he was a student. W. R. Murrav hur- ,,ca co ine scene of the trouble, unarm ed and went between his uncle and his son and another young man, Wal ter Markham. who was in the employ of. TV. R. Murray. He pushed them apart. Then the real trouble began J. S. Murray soon had out a pistol and oul.uk sxartea. w. R. ATnrr n' we negro and the negro was then arrest ed. At the trial in the mayor's court Greenhill swore that he had not pur chased whiskey from the negro. Both, swearing was done before Mayor lra liam and he had the man arrested on the charge of perjury. He gave bond in the sum of 515 pending the hearing, tfut when 'bound over today went to jail in default of bail. Two whiskey cases were tried before the mayor this morning and tooth de fendants were sent to court. James Chamberlain and Ed Green were charged with selling whiskey and gave bond for their appearance. Milton Peaks, colored, was also charged with selling whiskey, but his case was continued. UNIVERSITY ALUMNI Delightful Banquet by the Guilford . County Branch Greensboro, N. C, Oct. 13. There was an appropriate observance of Uni versity Day of the alumni of Guilford county here last night, a deflghtful banquet being given at Hotel Clefrer. The occasion was largely attended and the affair was elaborately planned and splendidly carried out. After the serv ing of an elegant menu and the pass ing of cigars to the banqueters. Mr. A. W. McAlister, the toastmaster, made a short talk and concluded by intro ducing the first speaker. Col. James T. Morehead, who responded to the toast, ine university of Former Davs.'- Other toasts were responded to as fol lows: "The UniverBitv Sin thA wot-" ay Ji.. l. Broadhurst; "University .training, by Rev. Dr. S. B. Turren tine; "A New University Type," by D. P. Stern; "The University Trustee," by Dr. W. T. Whttsett. president of Whitsett Institute; "The University Aian at the Bar," by A. B. Kimball; j.ue .uan on tne urn," by T. J. Gold of High Point; "The Alumni Associa tion, by Charles L. Van Noppen; "The Alumni as a Teacher," by W. H Swift. After the toasts and responses, a resolution, introduced by Dr. J. B. Brooks, was adopted congratulating President Venable and the faculty of the university, and the Institution upon the helpful and elevating influence It is having upon every phase of the life of the state, and pledging the sum of sixty dollars to be used as a scholar ship for any student of the literary de partment that the president may deem worthy. Pledges for this amount were taken in a few minutes and on motion the officers of the county association were unanimously re-elected as fol lows: President. Dr. Charles D. Mc Iver; vice-president, A. W. McAlister; secretary ana treasurer, V. C. McAdoo. - uuSc siiiiw nas signed an order naming Messrs. C. W. Sapn and W Allen as temporary receivers of the Greensboro Grocery Comuanv nrf th hearing is set for October 24th before juage ward In this city. This action grew out of a civil suit instituted some time ago -by the Scott-Sparger Com pany against J. M. Fisher, secretary and treasurer of the Greensboro Gro cery Cornpany, alleging fraud on Fish er's part In the transfer of a $4,000 con tract for cheese purchased from a New York firm. Mr. Ceasar Cone and family have re turned home after .a stay of several months in Europe. A team of Odd Fellows headed by Deputy Grand Master R. L. Woodward, will go to Asheboro tomorrow to in stitute a ne wlodge there tomorrow night. Mrs. Olivia M. Coble. 86 died yesterday afternoon at her home six miles southeast of the city, and the tunerai was held this afternoon at Ala mance Presbyterian church, near her late residence. Mrs. Coble had been sick for a long time. She is survived by eight children, five daughters and three sons, Mrs. C. H. Fields, Mrs Harris Hardin. Mrs. C. A. Kite, Misses Eleanor ahd Annie Coble, Messrs. J R-, D. H. and D. TV- Cdble. NEWS OF BDSr WILSON New Business Houses and Enlargement of Factories Pastor of Presbyterian Church to Preach Farewell Sermon Tomor row Approaching Marriage of a Daughter of Rocky Mount Wilson, N. C, Oct. 13. Special. Friends in Wilson have received invi tations to the marriage of 'Mr; Robert Edmonds Dickinson of Norfolk to Miss Katharine Thorpe of Rocky Mount, un questionably one of the most attractive and most beautiful women In the state. She Is the cultured and highly accom plished daughter of that fine and suc cessful physician, Dr. Frank Thorpe, and Is endowed with all of those per sonal charms which made her hand some and queenly mother one of the most fascinating women this writer has ever seen. And the daughter has in herited her wealth of witchery, and Is today a lady of remarkable beauty and loveliness, and in any constellation would shine as a star of richest bril liancy. The happy event will take place in the Church of the Good Shep herd on Tuesday evening, the 24th of October, and will be a brilliant affair, for all connected therewith are social favorites and most deservedly popular in that community. ' j un bunday the Rev. James Thomas will preach his last sermon as pastor of the Presbyterian Church in this Place, and on the 18th will leave for Shelby, where he will take charge of the church in that place. Mr. Thomas is a fine preacher, elbquent and per suasive, and at times most thrilling and Impressive and dramatic, for he has many of the elements of genuine ora tory. And' with all of his rich mental endowments he is one of the most lov able gentlemen to be found, and th departure of his and his exquisitely re- nnea and most beautifullv nolishp.1 wife makes a void ia Wilson society that cannot be filled- We understand that the Wells-Trim- head Cigarette Company, makers rf th celebrated "Carolina Brights," will en large their plant and double their ca pacity, which is an evidence of irrowth and prosperity. .'"' Boykin & Co. will Prt fl,. ,.ti. stoij on the corner of Barnes and Goldsboro streets, and Mr. Selby An- lia.s uiao in course 0f erection three on what Is known as the Branch Cotton lot. These stores will be hand some additions to Wilson, and will im- iiiuun mat portion Of town. It will pay yoti to make a trial of the most success ful medicine known, for the relief of the ills and pains of womankind, viz: of WRITE US FREELY. SWSftfcffic lot til your sympfonu. We employ a staff of t peclaJists In female disorder, who will carcfally consider your case and give yon free fTlee. Do not besltaie, bat write as today, faint a complete history of your tronblee. and we will send yon plain Instructions WDt to do to ret Well. All COrreDoefeitce k(n ivrWtlv ni mmd reply sent yon In ajafa.j aeafed envelope. Address Ladles' Advl'aorr wept., TflK UIAl TA.1UOUA MEDICINE CO.. Ckattanoora. Tenn o ti n A Non-Inf oxkatmg Femalg Tdals- .?"' " - ' - This grand curative medicine is a pure, scientific extract of medicinal, vegetable ingredients, which have a special, soothing and healing effect upon women's delicate internal organs, Cardui will quickly relieve your headache, back ache, dragging down paiiis, .dizziness, etc., restore your natural menstrual functions, stop excessive drains, cure all womb diseases, strengthen your vitality, steady your nerves, and in every way put you upon a footing of perfect health. It is for sale in $ LOO . bottles at every diw storp witn lull directions tor trse on the wrapper. iry it. Notice Water Consumers. "Water rents are due and payable at the office of the Wake Water Company on or before the 15th of October. All delinquents will be cut off after the 15th. Respectfully, E. B. BAIN. Supt. TIICKE HOTEL JNO, A. TUCKER.. Greensboro. N. C our TRINITY DEBATERS e - Jerome and Cole to Represent C61- lefcein Vanderbilt Debate Trinity College, Durham, N. C Oct 13.-Special.-MessrS. W. G. Jerome and L. O. Cole will represent Trinity in the debate with Van drhiir This was decided last night conducted in the New and modern in every particular and a model of neatness and comfort. - A share of your patronage will be appreciated. Institute for Young Woiner Conserva tory of Music. THe Best Place for Your Daughter V N. C. College Courses Sigh Standard Catalogue FREE Address, Jas. Dinwiddi's President Instit!ts for to una Women (2), Conserva tory of Music. HT Best Place for Your daughter 1 PALEIGH I College Courses Sigh Standard Catalogue FREE Addrecs. Jas. Dinwiddie President Institute for Young Women b Conserva tory of Music Ihe Best Place for Your Daughter 1 RALEIGH I College Courses High Standard Catalogue FREE Address, Jas Dinwiddie . President COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS BANK OF L: RALEIGH,, N. C. R. R. MEN'S Y. M. C. A. closprl In r.rt Tile i 1 a . . 7, set tne weapon and there was a struggle that lasted for several minutes, as both of the men were of powerful build, m the mean time seevral shots were fired and EarJ Sn-n by' Wa9 twlc mounded. Finally, after the fourth shot J. S Mur ray daggered and the two men parted. J. R. Murray then had the pistol, the hammer of the gun, according to wit nesses being in the palm of Murray's nand. J. S. Murray staggered away and fell deaa. He had been rf J the breast. The state contended that Murray disarmed the deceased and then fired the fatal shot. The de fense contended that the pistol was .red by both men, or rather was fiTed in the struggle. There was a great raft of evidence and many of the wit nesses disagreed as to the facts of The fourth and fatal shot. , In the police court this morning Irwin Greenhill. a young white m. wis bound over to the superior court und? that ?1f r PerlUrT- U 19 chge1 that the false swearing waB done in onnecUon with a charge for selling whiskey. Greehhill was summoned be fore the mayor and questioned about his purchasing whlirtcey Illegally. He told of purchasing whiskey from a Cornerstone Ceremonies of Splendid Building at Spencer Spencer, N. C. Oct. is.Sn0M,i Extensive preparations are being made nere ior tne exercises of laying the corner-stone of the new building of the Spencer Young Men's Christian association which takes place Monday afternoon. October 16th. The occasion will be a most auspicious one In the history of Spencer and an unusually inKe anenaance is expected from this ana lajoining states. Towards the erection of the build ing the Southern Railway Company made a gift of $15,000 and a tiuoui i,&uu and a number of the of ficials of the road are expected to take par in, the ceremonies of the das-. Among those who are to be present are: Assistant General Mana ger R. A. Dugan, mechanical Super intendent A. Stewart. Fourth Vice President C. H. Ackert and General Master Mechanic J. Hainen of Wash ington. Messrs. H. O. Williams and C. J. Hicks of New York, representa tives of the international committee, will also be present and assist In th exercises of the event. , i tie ceremonies of the occasion will be under the auspices of the Masonic Grand Lodge of North Carolina, and a large number of representative "wmuwB or we fraternity will be present among whom will be Grand SlfV' S- Lldde" of crlotte and State Treasurer B. R. LaCy of Ral! Governor Glenn had signified his in tention of being present, but on ac- rwh6! f the sta"s at Kalelgh It is now exDerte y Probably he w,n not be aWSItteni cember, at the preliminary Y. M. C. A. hair The question discussed was' the snma one that will be debated with Vandor- bllt, viz.: "Resolved, That the principle of pro tective tariff should be maintained in the United States." The following were the speakers: Affirmative C. E. Phillips, Z. E Barn hard t, J. W. Hutchison, E. O Cole - Negative W. G. Jerome, H K Spence, C. R. Warren, C. J. Harrell. ' -ine judees. nftm- Everythinc so United Movements of Warships - Vlt-. wt. 13. The State ; Haiv.-.. . t . Ile i . ana a"er much deliberation an nounced li(ssre . ' u"ui anu oie as me Buvcessim contestants. The athletic association of Trinity College held a called meeting Tuesday evening for the purpose of electing of ficers to fill positions left vacant at the icguiar meeting. Mr W G Jerome of Pittsboro was elected' vice president of the association. Mr H A. Page, Jr., of Aberdeen was elected JnSiSt,aTnt a!er of the baseball team seo J?1'' -7' Bagby f Hlh Potot. second assistant manager. At a nre vious meeting Mr. T. G. Stem of Stem, w. C. was electer president of the as socia ion; Mr. H. G. Foard of W,l- MrnSC0n,RSe7eiary treaser, and Mr. C. B. Arthur of Morehead City manager of the baseball team. Mr W tain of the baseball team for the next season by the team of last year MrS61'6 ma by Dr- Cranford! Mr. W. W. Card, director of S' Paul Webb of the law school. A num ber of new members were received. nr- Dre(J Peacock of Hlh t; member of the board of tn,eI ' t Is some tIme at the Park. mrZ-" Historical so " vi uij irtu lar mcafmir 1 xnuety. evening. The following . cers wre plffo ' iwi -i'c coneee year- -"assett: vice presi- --v, r. . trover; secretary and treasurer. W. A. Bryan; curator of the museum, B. s. Wimble. An inter! esting paper was read by Mr. W. S. Lockhart on "Observations of a Traveler Through North Carolina in 177. A number of interesting dona tions were made to the museum. When They Fly Fast The Marlin 12"Gaug-e RoEPEATING . , wugu SHOTGUN lJJ Jlade for both black and smoke- a ana io taKC neaw IoaHc r u . . . parts than 9nv nt-n., " uuc-mira less j w j ..wjr awn icuaDHity. un Ammunition U. M. C, Peters-WincHester SHells Standard goods alwavs Hvo eticrooti ... ' . . f " io insure satisfaction always HartWard Hardware Go., RALEIGH, N. C. Send for Catalogues Lowest prices oAAiWUlaca FieJd Gunj Hammerless Double-Barrel Hih Guaranteed. J18.00. 10. 12 and 16 gauge.any weight, legnth. or choke! CAPITAL $100,006.00 SURPLUS and PROFITS $80,000.00 DEPOSITS OVER. ONE. HALF MILLION DOLLARS Established 18Q2 Designated Depository of State and County funds. Accounts of Merchants, Corporations, Banks and Individuals solicited. The most liberal treatment consist ent with conservative banking is offered to industrial ' and manufacturing enterprises. J. J. THOMAS. President A. A. THOMPSON, Vice President B. S. JERMAN, Cashier H. W. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier SAFE DEP0SITE BOXES FOR RENT Grade, The MerchLants Jourrial Official Organ North Carolina Reioii m...u.-.. . 1 of Wholesale Dealers. Mnw, an Mann association. ' J" "irera or worth and South nrmm- Tf . , xnumaw H. JOHNSON. EDITOR It has the lareest bona fide r!rpni,i - In the south. "A mercnants paper published Every merchant should -?art it ? , , .v Points. Advertising Hints. Window' nl:.' - "Ur'8: . Commercial Law Association News, Fashion Not.' , 7"V'"M uams' National Bulletin. lation. Vrade Evils and Abuses News Vnt A ' " fr the Clerk' SlB. prises. blIrted Itheln?t!?rNll! Commercial Snter- Semi-monthly subscriptions r.rei v.fl M V. fi13 the, South. ness Man's .Tniii uai. Association .00 the year. A Bus!- Monarch over sprains, stfngs. Thomas' Electric store. pain. Burns, cuts, Instant relief. Dr. Oil. At any drug Greensboro Board of Health Greensboro. N. C. Oct. lS.-SpeciaL created a city board of health rfv! salary was fixed at hvM v, , "arris lars per yea,? at thlee hundred dol- Sample Copy Sent on Request RALEIGH. NORTH. CAROLINA. PUBLISHING CO.. IK TRINITY COLLEGE riT0 f SCience- Gmnaium furnished with best apparatus senses very moderate. Aid for worthy students! aWaratua- Young men wisHing to study Law should investigate tne fPior- advantages offered by the Department of Law in Trinity College For catalogue! and furth Information, address. ; D. W.' NEWSOM, Registrar, DURHAM, N. C. J: TO GUARD AGAINST OVERCHARGES AND v :. DISAPPOINTMENT B U Y SHEET IRON STOVES, SELF FEEDING STOVES, Smoke Consuming Stoves -: 'AND. : Paint Your House with S.W.P PUBLIC LAWS Now on Sale Price $1.50 or $1.85 Postpaid. Send for price list of Reports. 1 9 05 All Phones 43 Uttice and Yards Foot of Jenkins St. CAZ C,TY FUEL COMPANY r till A AIL DEjiL F.DK TIS COM State Agents for Public School Books. Corr ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO lULEIGtt, N. C. espondence Solicited Steam CnntmMo c....:.i . - 1 - -rv , unnsnea trom Yards or Mines T. J. BURKE, Manager

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