THE MORNING MOT. SATURDAY, OCTOBER, 1 4 IQQ5 Weather Condiitons An area of high barometer is now central oVer North Carolina and its influence is causing clear, cool weather jeast of- the Mississippi river. The barometer is still low oil tne rsew England coast. An area of. low pres sure is central over Kansas,' and has caused a rise in temperature from the eastern slope of the Rocky Moun tains to the Mississippi river. The barometer Js rising on the north (Pacific coast accompanied by cooler weather. Frost occurred , in the At lantic coast states and in all the southern states east of the Mississippi river. The weather in this vicinity prill be. fair tonight and Saturday and .with the advance of the western low the wind will change to the south and , . j 1 1 1 t.lnn 1 xne wraperaiure wm aiumy use A. H. TKIESSEN, Section Director. Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 13. POSTSCRIPTS 1 Mr. J. C. Clifton of Dunn, was here yesterday and said Mr. C. F. Pope of Dunn had succeeded the late Sheriff Pearson as sheriff of Harnett county. A divorce .suit was instituted yester day by Fannie Keith. against Jeremiah Keith. Mr. J. H. Fleming is attorney for the plaintiff. Marriage licenses were issued to the following colored couples: Arthur , Dunn and Eunice Allen of FalJs; Jack son Willis and Gussie Taylor of Holly Springs; Junius Montague and Hellen Montague of LuL The bureau of information " will be open every" day from now until Tues day from 10 o'clock to 12, and from Tuesday wilL be open every day from 8 o'clock all day, in their rooms on the first floor of the Capital Club building." Police Justice Badger reprimanded three colored hackmen yesterday for leaving their carriages on the street. Henry Olive paid the costs for fast driving. He claimed that he was try ing to hold the horse back. Tom Mitchell paid $3.53 for disorderly con duct. Lieut. H. T. "Winston, who is visiting his father, Dr. G. T. "Winston, yester day received a, letter mailed to him from here three years, two months and eleven days ago. -The letter was sent to Panama, where Lieut. "Win Eton then was, and remained in the postoffice ,there over three years. By some chance it happened finally to be returned here. ' . 71. Diamond, the Syrian whom Henry Olive assaulted and beat ip on the - street Thursday andwas simply taxed ivith the costs by Magistrate R. G. Seid, has been exonerated from any Mame. It will be remembered that Diamond was hauled up befor.e the magistrate for affray, moved the case .'rom Squire Reid 'and deposited $50 for his appearance. Yesterday Magistrate Reid withdraw the warrant against PERSONALS Mn Fred Smathers of Asheville is In the city. ' Mr. J. "W. Lane of Lincolnton spent the day here. Mr. H. W, Benson was here yesterday from Mebane. Mr. M. C. "Winston of Selma was here yesterday. . "'. Mr. F. W. Hancock of Oxford is here on a business trip. Mr. R. J. "Walker of Charlotte is in the .city on business. Mr. F. D. Ross is a visitor in the :ity fro'm Charlotte. Dr. H. D. Abbott has returned from a. trip to Pamlico county. Mr. Carey J. Hunter has returned from a business trip to Kinston. Mr. C. R. Mann of Hyde is visiting his uncle, Superintendent J. S. Mann. Mr. J. "W. Lane of Lincolnton is in the city a guest at the Yarborough. MaJ. H. L. Grant went to Statesyille to spend Sunday with his daughter. Mr,. Calvin Swank of Baltimore will arrive today to visit Mr. ,G. N. Wal ters. Mr. Aug. "Wilson and wife of Coney Island are registered at the .Yarbor ough. Rev. Livingston Johnson returned from the "Wilmington and Cedar ;Creek Baptist associations. ' - ' . Insurance Commissioner J. R. Young returned from Kinston where he in vestigated a recent fire. . Messrs. H. B. Holland, John Farrell and ex-Representative J. P. Pearson or. Apex were here yesterday. , - Mr. R. G. Garland, business manager Of the Greensboro Daily News, was here yesterday on business. Mr. Daniel Stewart of Jacksonville, Fla., is stopping over here with rela tives on his way to New York. - Mr. "W. Wv Vass went to Richmond to see the game between the Univer sity of Virginia and the Indians. Mr. T. E. Griffith, who has been a student at King's Business College, left for Eggleston, Va.,' to take a position with the Norfolk and -. "Western Rail- road. President R. T. Vann of the Baptist University for "Women, returned yes terday from attendance upon the At lantic Baptist Association in session the past several days at Bew Bern. If troubled with a weak digestion try Chamberlain's Stomach jind Liver Tab lets. They will do you good. For sale by W. G. Thomas, Robert Simpson, Bobbltt-Wynne Drug Co. Save Time and Car Fare By telephoning your; DRUG STORE WANTS to CROWELUS, ALL PHONES MmnKer$ always onviwiJ nriwi WILL. CURB any case of KIDNEY or BLADDER that is not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. WAS GIVEN UP TO DIE. B. Spiegel, 1204 N. Virginia St., Evansville, Ind. , writes: ' ' For over fivt years I was troubled with kidney and bladder affections which caused me much pain and worry. I lost flesh and was al' run down, and a year ago had t abandon work entirely. I had three oi the best physicians who did me no good and I was practically given up to die. Foley's Kidney Cure was recommended and the first bottle gave me great relief, and after taking the second bottle I was entirely curecT." TWO SIZES, 50c AND $1.00. SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY BORBITT -WYNNE DRUG CO. Special Rates via. A. & N. C. Railroad Rates one first-class , fare plus 25 jcents for the round trip, 'which includes admission to the - fair grounds, have been authorized from all points on the A. & N. C. Raifcoad to Raleigh, N. C, and return, account North Carolina Iny dustrial Fair (colored), October 30th November 3d, 1905. Tickets to be sold October 29th to November 2d, inclusive, with final limit November 6th, 1905. NOTICE. North Carolina, Wake County. Tn the Superior Court. Johh W. Hinsdale vs. John E. Reyburn: Notice is hereby given that a civil action has been commenced in this court by John W. Hinsdale, plaintiff, against John E. Reyburn, defendant, by the issueing of a summons to the sheriffs of Wake and Dare counties, returnable to the superior court of Wake county at October term, which convenes on October 23, 1905, at the cowrt house in Wake county at Raleigh. The purpose of this action is to re cover $646.78, on account of professional services rendered by the plaintiff to the defendant in the suit of John A. Reyburn against B. C. Sawyer, and for money paid by the plaintiff to the use of the defendant and at his re adiest. Notice is likewise given that a war rant of attachment has been issued In said action directed to the sheriff of Dare county, returnable at the same time and place, the plaintiff having made affidavit and undertaking re quired by law. The defendant is re quired to appear and answer or de mur to the complaint which will be 1 We Are Anxious to Have You that we are interested in jour clothes wants. Wo may be able to help you with suggestions. We want to know you personally, Our smart clothes and furnishings are the best we can find in America. We are on record for that, and we can "Deliver the Goods" Come in. You need not buy. Just get acquainted n & filed within the first three days of the said term of court. A. M. RUSS. Clark Superior Court of "Wake County. T. B. WOMACK, Plaintiff's Attorney; Raleigh, N. OY, September 8. 1905. BUSINESS ITEMS "WANTED Experienced shoe sales man for first-class patronage with a leading firm in Georgia; $20 per week salary to competent man. Address "Shoes," P. O. Box 135, Atlanta, Ga, FOR THE CONVENIENCE of visit ors Dughi's Restaurant will be open all day Sunday. $125 WILL BUY ONE of the biggest bargains ever offered in this city, con sisting of Hambletonian trotting and road mare (Bessie M) 6 years old, 15 hands high ; free, prompt roadster; can beat 2:25; has gone a trial in 2:174; positively safe and reliable under, any circumstances for ladies or most timid person to drive, and for a perfect fam ily mare she has no superior; she is lai-ge enough for any use; also falling- top buggy and harness, in first-class order; .will sell complete turn-out for $125, or will separate; also, 1 $100 will buy pair of heavy draught horses 6 and 7 years old, weighing 2,800 pounds; per fectly sound in every way; will suit farm, as they are used to all kinds of farm work; I bought them 18 months ago right off a farm; large enough for any heavy hauling; wiir sell separately for $50 apiece; will allow 10 days' trial; positively no horse deaters need apply. Residence 2818 Oxford St., Philadelphia; Bell telephone Poplar 1042 A. WANTED A first-class man to man age our business, to take charge Janu ary " 1st next. Rocky Mount Supply Co., Rocky Mount, N. C. WANTED AT ONCE An experi enced man to manage our Sewing machine Department, sales and collec tions. Good reference and bond re quired. Rocky Mount Supply Co., Rocky Mount, N. C. - WANTED A GOOD POSITION Over 4,000 positions secured for ap plicants in commercial, mechanical and technical lines within the past six months through us. National Emplby ment Association, Century Bldg., At lanta, Ga. LEARN TELEGRAPHY and : rail road accounting. $50 to $100 a month salary assured our graduates under bond. Our six schools the largest in America and endorsed by all railroads. Write for catalogue. Morse School of Telegraphy, Cincinnati, O., Buffalo, N. Y., Atlanta, Ga., La Crosse, Wiss., Tex arkana, Tex., San Francisco, Cal. Electric We do all kinds and tm mm at prices that beat them all on same class of . ', work and material. ' RALEIGH CONSTRUCTION CO All Phones Automatic Paper Release other convenience not found in other f J-t v"i . ;it.S ,1 'I Can furnish ; all other makes of Typewriters, slightly used many as good as new, at -very GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. We RENT all makes at from $2 to $4 per month. Shop thoroughly equipped for Repairing and Rebuilding. Parts for all Machines. "SUCCESS" Typewriter Suoplies. Ev erything for the OFFICE. Good contract to agents in all unoccupied territor. THE CAPITAL TYPEWRITER CO., f 103 West Martin Street. Raleigh. N. C. Understand ayetteville Street. ' : I Architects Are Invited To submit to . the Board 6f Trustees designs for an auditorium to be erected on the . grounds of St. Mary's School, Raleigh, N. C. A bonus of $100, in ad dition to. the usual fees for Buch work, will be paid the architect whose design is accepted. The right to reject all plans is reserved. Designs must be sent in to the Sec retary of the Board of Trustees before December 1st, 1905. On application to the Secretary all necessary particulars will be furnished. K. P. BATTLE, Jr., Sec. Board of Trustees St. Mary's School, Raleigh, N, C. Mules and Horses Have just received cars of extra good Mules and Horses. We always have an extra fine supply on hand. Call and Inspect our stock. J. M. PACE MULE CO., Will Taylor, Salesman. New Photograph Studio OF J. P. HAYES, 131 1-2 Fsyettevilte Street. Will be Open for Business Monday. Uct. 9th. Music, souveniers and special " prices long thing up today. I will continue to conduct the one at 124 Fayetteville street. Agent for Edison and, Victor Phonographs and appertaining appliances. . J. P. HAYES, 124 and 121 Fayetteville Street. 4 9 ' - carry all, kinds of w irtrsg. & 14 West Harg'ett Street THE DENSMORE was the official TYPEWRITER of the WORLD'S FAIR at St. Louis. The DENSMORE haa more actual conveniences than any Typewriter on the market. The BALL BEARINGS at every point where there is a bearing, insures to the, operator a mar velously light action. Some of the time-saving features are: Back Spacer Key. Two Shift Keys, Automatic Ribbon Reverse. Wheel Escapement -giving both ordinary and speed action, Point ers most convenient, unique Paper regulator, Justifier for expand ing Or ocmflPTicinr' o wnril at li-na Paper Feeding Guides Bi-Color Writing and every makes UGHTOW ANNOUNCEMENT Norris & Rollins, Attorneys at Law, 303 Fayetteville St., Raleigh,, N. C. PRACTICE IN ALL ' COURTS. Having associated with me Mr. E. M. Rollins (who was educated at the Uni versity of North Carolina and obtained license at August term, ,1904, supreme court) In the general practice of law, we are prepared to give prompt, faith ful and honest attention to matters en trusted to our care. HERBERT E. NORRIS. e NEW PIPE5. FOR SMOKERS- Merschaum, Briar. Composition And Laurel. Various Prices and Styles. HICKS' DRUGSTORE 1 Chas. W. Barrett, Raleigh, N. C. iilSli Pure. Com Whiskey $2.00 per gallon, delivered anywhere in North Carolina. Eight-year-old Rye $3.W per gallo.'j. delivered. " Send P. O. or Exprj-ss order. HAPPY PATTY, South Boston, Va. FOR THE Finest Flour, Virginia and North Carolina MEATS And an Up-to-date, Complete stock of Heavy and Fancy J.R. Ferrall & Co AN OUNCE Of Satisfaction : is Worth a Pound of Talk therefore It Is unnecessary to en large upon the merits of our fine line of men's furnishings. There is satisfaction wrapped in every stylish negligee shirt, fall tie, pique or colored vest, light weight underwear or shoes. The latest ivelties in fall ties and cravats is wVt you will find in our up-to-date selections. Fliles Sea Trip The Most Attractive Route TO NEW YORK AND Northern and "Eastern - Summer Resorts IS VIA THE ominion Line And Rail Connections Express steamships leave Norfolk Va., daily, except. Sunday, at 7:00 p' m., for-New York direct, affording op portunity, for through passengers from tlie South, Southwest and "West to visit Richmond, Old Point Comfort and Virginia Beach en route. II. B. WALKER. T. P. A J. J. BROWN, G. P. A., New York, N. r. ill 1 '''''' 600 Old D reopie ouj wncrc 5, gQ Best Value for Their Money : : : , A. We have provided for Fair week,:f0p Home, Hotels, Boarding Houses, and Schools witli special prices on Blankets, Comforts, Counterpanes, Sheets, PiUow and Bolster Cases, Towels, Napkins! Ta. hie Damasks, Curtains, etc. Close prices on quantities ' BLANK ETS - - N e w AN Wo1 B,ankets' sizes 10-4, 11-4 and 12-4. Prices $4.00, $5.00 and $5.50, NEW ALL COTTON BLANKETS- ' - v , ; 10-4, 75c to $1,50; 11-4, $1.25 to $2.00. COMFORTS""06-0" Fi,,ed Comforts 75c to $1.00. ; ' Soft Cotton Filled, imitation Down. $1.25 to $4.00. . JSoft Down Filled Comforts, $5.00 to $8,50. . GOUNTEBPANES"Sing,e Bed Size 75cta$U5- Full Size Crochet. $1,00 to $1.75, -v! Full Size Marseilles, 2.00 to 5.00. SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES--Under'price sale . - V" ' Fair Week. Torn Ends, Shrunk and Nicely Hemmed, Harvard Mills, 81x90, 65c; 72x90, 55c. , i Belvidere, 81x90,. 60c; Oakland, 63x90, 50c. Saxon Mills Cases,'42x36. 15c; 45x36, 16c; 45x72, 35c, 5HQJ For Ladies, Misses, Children and Youths. New Shoes, New Styles, and New Prices. Special showing this week of, Ladies' Suits. Goats, Skirts and Waists, Silk and Wool Dress Goods and New Dress Trimmings. Al B, StrooacSi RALEIGH, N. C. Plumbing, Hot Water Heating, Steam Fitting. w A. StonMd Co No. 13 West Hargett Street, Raleigh, N. C. Phones Interstate 576, Bell 1502 Y; QAK . RliiGE Th.rv.-" "Ij yeor'. ""'I" session opens SeDtaili 4jh sea level, to vf w f tul LJ:th- ltaaed lOOO feel above fha f catalogue, address J. A. a M. H. wensporol INVESTMENT FOR SALE WHISKEY 1 Mechari Company wm place 0e- ' erection of dwellings YEAR CWUPONCEftoA,;!1,1 LL PAID THN Per cent, investment- VnZ- t' 0'- At thi3 vrlce it gives a net For particultrs. addre by Real E8tate Mortgages. GEORGE ALLEN, Raleigh. tronac Co 9 Sanitary Plumbing A Specialty Personal Attention Given to All Work INSTITUTE HOLT. Prinirtcio OAK DTrwr-u- Save the Wrappers j Rooney'sMalt I TurRey Gin Valuable and useful pr l ra ents to be given for s:-.::.- J aunngr December next. f STRAUS, GUNST &CO., Richmond, y a. CERTIFICATES BY THE 1( excels In athletics. Fofrl boauUfal i $100 ICS & Invest rfzl Tninn